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Nawaz Sharif Web of Lies: Coating Lies to Protect Previous Lies ad Infinitum


PM Nawaz Panama Sharif


Web of Lies






Ask Nawaz Sharif, Pervaiz Rasheed or Rana Sanaullah, how many times in the political arena have they spoken the truth, and you will probably be met with stony silence. The reason of-course is quite simple. Speaking the truth or acknowledging it, never came naturally to them or for that matter, the majority of PML-N’s leadership. While the PML-N is quite capable of stooping to the lowest possible depths in order to recruit like-minded liars into their party, perhaps in the future they should invite party applications exclusively for a category of people who seem to thrive in the PML-N – Compulsive liars.


Web of Lies

What is the definition of a compulsive liar? To simplify things, let us go with the most common definition. “A compulsive liar is someone who lies with ease and finds comfort in it. The person may even continue to lie when presented with the truth in cold, hard facts. Getting a compulsive liar to admit he or she lied can be nearly impossible”. PML-N has many people who fall under this category, starting with Nawaz Sharif, the man who continued to claim publicly time and time again that he had never made a deal with Musharraf, which took him from the confines of Adiala Jail to the hospitality of the Saudis in Jeddah. Nobody believed him to begin with, given his previous track record, and once again Sharif was exposed when the signed agreement between the Sharif family and Musharraf’s government was released to the public

Sharif being one of the world’s most gifted compulsive liars, when confronted with the document in an interview, acknowledged the document was correct, however questioned the amount of years he had actually agreed to stay outside of Pakistan. The fact that yet another one of his lies was exposed did not make a difference to him, in fact he proceeded to outdo himself recently when, after repeatedly begging the army chief to intervene and negotiate with the PTI in August 2014, he came onto the floor of the national assembly and violated the sanctity of the house and the office of the Prime Minister, when he lied to the nation yet again by claiming he had not asked the army to intervene in breaking the deadlock. This particular lie was quickly exposed, when the ISPR swiftly moved to dispel this notion and released a statement confirming that it had indeed been asked by Sharif to meet with the PTI and break the deadlock in Islamabad.

Given this track record, it is no surprise that Nawaz Sharif has surrounded himself with people who share his lack of morals and integrity. People like Pervaiz Rasheed and Rana Sanaullah, appear on national television daily, and blatantly lie to the country. When a PTI rally is attacked by PML-N goons, Rasheed and Sanaullah appear on TV, claiming no such event occurred. When video footage is released showing the act in progress, and the PML-N affiliated culprits, these same people continue to deny the event, and instead of accepting responsibility, they attempt to cast suspicions on the footage itself.

This is a shameful reality of Nawaz Sharif and his henchmen, who have used every possible avenue and opportunity to hide facts, obstruct the course of justice, and continue to deny facts and figures, even when confronted with factual evidence. From refusing to accept their role in the rigging of the 2013 general elections, to the cold-blooded murders of innocent civilians in Lahore, Islamabad and Faisalabad, or the millions spent on buying the loyalties of media houses and journalists. The list is endless.

Characters like Khawaja Saad Rafique, caught on camera manipulating the elections in his own constituency, were rewarded for stealing the election through the Ministry of Railways. Interestingly however, Saad Rafique has not managed to enjoy his stolen victory these days, as his constituency is at the top of the list of constituencies the PTI is bent on auditing. If that was not enough, Iqrar Ul Hassan and the ARY team recently exposed a major scam at the Ministry of Railways, causing Saad Rafique sleepless nights.

To add a little bit of color or craziness, depending on which side of the bench you are sitting on, PML-N recently also activated the likes of Marvi Memon, another Pervaiz Rasheed protégé who seems to be well on course for replacing Rasheed as the PML-N’s most naturally gifted liar within its ranks. Memon, who also seems to enjoy spending tax payer funds at the PTV offices in Islamabad attempting to combat PTI’s social media team, is best known for her loyalty to her-then “Uncle” Pervez Musharraf, and the PML-Q. Clearly however, once that honeymoon was over, she came to the understanding that she belonged in the PML-N, a party that was filled with people with “distinguished” pasts such as herself


Nawaz Sharif in Hall of Fame of Panama Papers



Indeed, the majority of the people who left the PML-N high and dry in 1999 and 2000, were all accepted back into the ranks by the Sharif brothers, and today hold important positions within the party. This despite the fact, that the Sharif’s are on record in the news and print media, swearing that they will never accept the people who were part of Musharraf’s regime, or those who had left the party after the Sharif’s were thrown out of power, back into the PML-N.

The lesson therefore is quite clear – if you are looking for a party that has an abundance of compulsive liars, party-hoppers, thugs and criminals, then you do not need to look any further than PML-N.


Nawaz Sharif Has Lost Pakistani Nation’s Trust Forever




Lies Liars and Nawaz SharifSuch is the reality of the PML-N, that it becomes painfully obvious why PTI Chairman Imran Khan and the PTI leadership do not trust Nawaz Sharif and his party. The characters within the PML-N, each have a past and track record of lying, dodging the law and resorting to violence and threats when confronted with factual evidence of their wrong doings. In such an environment, expecting them to stick to their word is equivalent to expecting it to snow in Karachi! To say the chances are slim, would be an understatement.

What then is the next option? Plan C is in motion, sending a clear message that the PTI will not back down from its constitutional right, and will display its incredible street power in a peaceful protest across Pakistan. We have already witnessed the incredible resilience and passion of PTI workers and supporters across Pakistan and overseas, and this wave of support will continue to grow and remain focused on the goals of the Azadi March which originated from Lahore on August 14th.

However, the PTI leadership must continue to tread cautiously while dealing with the PML-N, given the history of lies and deceit that are part and parcel of PML-N, and its leadership which is full of shady characters, most of whom would have been disqualified from ever holding any public office, if we had an election commission with any backbone and integrity. Sadly, the ECP much like the Judiciary is living in its own version of Pakistan, where apparently everything is working perfectly as long as Constitution Avenue remains clear for their motorcades, and their pay cheques continue to flow into their bank accounts.




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The Apathy in Pakistan to Support Reform



The Apathy in Pakistan to Support Reform

I am appalled.

 I am appalled at the apathy of Pakistani society in not supporting for once what is clearly ( in my lifetime at least ) the most serious and deep rooted attempt at reform.

 I am appalled at the pretentiousness of many otherwise perfectly logical and sane people, for not supporting this serious attempt to get rid of this terrible putrid sewerage system of so called democracy, so cunningly labeled by these sick self-serving so called politicians to safeguard their golden geese.

 These politicians who have destroyed all semblance of good order and governance, simply because of this label of so called democracy. Look at these names who have been in political power in one form or shape or the other, be it a civilian or military administration.

 Look at this horrible horrible roll call of political deviants. Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif, Ishaq Dar, Saad Rafique, Asif Zardari, Khurshid Shah, Fazlur Rehman, Asfandyar Wali. An endless list of self serving, corrupt to the core, people.

 While some may criticize IK and TUQ for resorting to “undemocratic” methods. Here’s something to ponder. What choice do IK and TUQ and and people like us have.  

 We can’t boot the Nawaz Sharifs and Asif Zardaris out through the electoral process because they have “bought” the entire process.

 We can’t take them to court, because they have “bought” the entire judicial system.

 We can’t hold them for any form of major administrative impropriety, terrible misgovernance, gross and blatant use of authority in public sector leadership appointments, misuse of public funds, open corruption, brazen conflict of interest, just because they have “bought” the entire administrative structure.

 So IK and TUQ and people who want reform had and have no option but to resort to what they have done. Because, while theoretically we have a parliament and an elected government and there is due process for acquiring power, the system has been hijacked and held hostage by these “professional crooks” masquerading as political leaders.

 Look at Khurshid Shah thundering in parliament, earlier today and look at the sickening amount of ill gotten wealth he has acquired through corruption since 1991 when he was first elected as am MNA. Can anyone justify this terrible and blatant hypocrisy and criminality.

 While some may not like IK’s arrogance ( I do) or TUQ’s Canadian citizen ship ( irrelevant) or their perceived lack of political acumen. BUT If these two can set in motion the wheels of change for a better, prosperous Pakistan with strong institutions, especially the Police and the Judiciary, an electoral process which does not hand over power to a bunch of professional crooks with just 10 to 15 % of the registered vote, a system of political accountability which does not allow people in power to blatantly and brazenly misuse authority and public trust and public funds, and a country where no one Faith is imposed on another, I am all for it.

 And for those professional politicians with IK ( not many with TUQ) who think that they will benefit once again from the ‘IK” bandwagon, as they have done on other bandwagons in the past…I think they are in for a surprise

Author’s Contact: [email protected]>

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Nawaz Sharif is a little bit slow in his intellectual capacities. Even, at the UN, he kept Sartaj Aziz next to explain to him the proceeding of the General Assembly. This dim witted but corrupt to the core industrial wadera is back in the spotlight.

His main addiction is sex.

Shahbaz Sharif shares this trait of Sexual addiction with Nawaz Sharif.








Shehbaz Sharif porn business – The fruits of his government, keep it up
Hamza Shahbaz is habitual sexual animal. He, his Father Shahbaz Sharif and His uncle Nawaz Sharif are famous for short marriages with innocent girls and then leaving them after full filling their desires : Victim Ayesha Malik 


What do you say about this latest scandal of PML-N Leadership?

Family Profession of PMLN Leaders – Sexual Animals


Hamza Shahbaz is habitual sexual animal. He his Father Shahbaz Sharif and His uncle Nawaz 


A Pakistani Readers Comments

M Ahmed's avatar

M Ahmed· 25 weeks ago

Brothers, I will tell you the truth about the Nawaz shreef and his family. 
I live in London and I know in and out about shreefs. I know this family from 1965, they are the one who Introduced Money laundering (which is the process of concealing the source of money obtained by illegal means). Shreef are the one Taught Zardari how to looting Pakistani people’s money. Please note I personally not against with them I am telling you the truth. They are the most corrupt and dishonest family. Shreefs are the ones responsible the people dying with hunger in Pakistan furthermore they don’t know how to respect the relations as Shabaz forcefully got the wife one of his highly designation police officer and keeping her in London. Please please people of Pakistan awake up and get rid from these fake, fraud leaders like Nawaz, shabaz and Zardari



Shahbaz’s public liason’s have produced 5 known marriages, but very well hidden are the sexual forays in the underground high class sex prostitutes of Lahore and Islamabad.

He “hits” on any good looking woman, who comes within range. He crudely and directly offers to bed them down. 

Along with shopping for watches done in a stealth mode, this google eyed puppet of United State will “take his Matha at the White House. He will ask his god, Obama to keep all his blessings flowing his way. After that he will meet his half-brother Man Mohan Singh to hand over keys to Pakistan’s Nuclear secrets. Unfortunately for him, that will be tainted information, because, even though Gen.Kayani walks around in a nicotine induced stupor; he would never feed Nawaz a.k.a Waja, the truth about the program.

From his school days in Aitchison College  & Government College Lahore, where he got admitted, not on merit but, Abbajee’s Sifarish, he has been known for slow thinking, lack of intelligence, but masterful cunning to cover his weakneses.


He is a stealth attacker. His prey (usually who oppose him within his perceived enemies within his PML(N) or in Pakistan’s establishment will never his his fingerprint in his conspiratorial attack.

He is cunning and his Cheshire Cat smile hides his chicanery 

He is a Master of Deception and will let an opponent sell his own mother.


He is what in Management Sciences is called a Control Freak or a Boss from Hell.

Nawaz Sharif has not named an Army Chief, because he is searching for a weak willed sycophant among the ranks of Pakistan Army Generals

He will bargain with the Devil and Sell his soul, if it Serves his Lust for Power.


Gen. Musharraf;s biggest mistake in life is NOT to hang this whole tubbur of Kashmiri ghadaars.  He was too soft on them, while they plotted his overthrow for years, along with their half brother Man Mohan Singh.

along with his platoon of Kashmiri biradari “naurattans or sycophants. with Kashmiri names like Dar, Butt,Sultan etc.

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PM Sharif among billionaire lawmakers

History of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif So Called Poltical Leader of Pakistan


In the early eighties, after that Nawaz Sharif had completed his education his father Mian Muhammad Sharif started him in the business. However, this proved a disaster. As a second option Mian Muhammad Sharif set him up with Pakistani actor Saeed Khan Rangeela to get him into acting (something which Nawaz Sharif wanted).

A few days later Saeed Khan Rangeela sent his regrets to Mian Muhammad Sharif saying that his son was too dumb for acting and movie industry. Mian Muhammad Sharif then a cricket coaches to train his son for cricket, but his physical fitness was too low for the sport. It is rumored that by mid-day on his first day at training Nawaz Sharif threw the bat down and left the stadium saying, “This is too tough for me.”  As a last resort he paid General Ghulam Jilani Khan a considerable sum of monies to introduce Nawaz Sharif to General Zia-ul-Haq recommending him for a political post, who in turn made Nawaz Sharif the Finance Minister of Punjab. This was the day when the street thugs of Mohni Road had stepped on to becoming the national thugs of Pakistan.

The day Nawaz Sharif had become Finance Minister, the entire family’s earnings were few million rupees and had only one refinery. From there they went on to: Ittefaq Sugar Mills was set up in 1982, Brothers steel in 1983, Brother’s Textile Mills in 1986, Brothers Sugar Mills Ltd in 1986, Ittefaq Textile units in 2-3 in 1987, Khalid Siraj Textile Mills in 1988, Ramzan Buksh Textiles in 1987, Farooq Barkat (pvt) Ltd in 1985. By the time of Zia ul Haq’s fateful plane crash, Mian Muhammad Sharif’s family was earning a net profit of US$ 3 million, up from a few million rupees. By the end of the decade their net assets were worth more than 6 billion rupees, according to their own admission, nearly US$ 350 million at the time. But this turned out to be small-change when Nawaz Sharif became the Prime Minister.

When Nawaz Sharif became prime minister, the group took a decision to secure project loans from the foreign banks and only working capital were taken from the nationalized commercial banks. The project financing from foreign banks was ostensibly secured against the foreign currency deposits, a number of which were held in benamee accounts, as repeatedly claimed by Interior Minister Naseer Ullah Babar at his press conferences. In 1992 Salman Taseer released an account of Nawaz Sharif’s corruption stating that the family had taken loans of up to 12 billion rupees, which were never paid back. On March 2, 1994, Khalid Siraj, a cousin of Nawaz Sharif claimed that the assets of the seven brothers were valued at Rs 21 billion.

These were the accounts of profits and companies which were openly known to public. However, the family kept their side business going all the while ” the gambling dens and heroin control in Lahore ” and along with their industry the side business also mushroomed.

During the Afghan-Soviet War Nawaz Sharif’s cousin Sohail Zia Butt started working under the drug baron Mirza Iqbal Beg, then Pakistan’s second biggest drug lord after Ayub Afridi. Mian Muhammad Sharif and his sons had a permanent share in his gambling and heroin business. In 1990 Suhail Butt won a seat on the Islami Jamhoori Ittehad ticket in the Punjab Assembly. It was through Sohail Butt’s association that Nawaz Sharif became a close associate of Mirza Iqbal Beg. It was through him that Nawaz Sharif became benami owner of many of the privatized government entities, such as Muslim Commercial Bank. Sohail Zia Butt other than getting involved in the drug business made billions in the co-operative societies’ collapse, mainly through the National Industrial Credit and Finance Corporation. It was Nawaz Sharif’s share in his cousin’s drug business which he used to buy off the generals thereby delaying the inevitable dismissal of his government.

In 1995 when Mirza Iqbal Beg was imprisoned, Sohail Zia Butt took over his drug empire. It is at this time that he became one of the biggest drug and crime bosses in Pakistan and was nicknamed the “King of Hera Mandi” and at one time all six underworld gangs of Lahore were working under him.

By 1995 family’s declared annual profits from industrial units had increased 1500% from US$ 30 million to staggering US$ 400 million.

This is the short version of how in mere 15 years small street thugs running gambling dens became leaders of a country running narcotics, underworld and smuggling empires, untouched by everyone.








Hamid Mir
Kamran Khan
Ansar Abbasi
Javed Choudhry
Najam Sethi
Talat Hussain
Nusrat Jawaid
Mushtaq Minhas
Irfan Siddique
          And other such Zameer Froshan who are on paid role of Nawaz Sharif have gone absolutely  Deaf & Dumb, rather have totally lost their power to think and write on such an important national issue where the wealth of the sitting Prime Minister of Pakistan rise manifold then declared a year earlier, despite the fact that whatever declared is far far less from the wealth he looted & plundered from this poor country where around 45% of its population lives under poverty line.
All this ill gotten wealth has been taken out of this country when this fraud was in power.
The declared wealth of this fraud is 1.8 billion.
Where as, only his Raiwind Palace is spread over 27000 kanals . The price of open land  in that particular area is Rs. 2300000/ Kanal, leave aside the cost of 85000 sqf of constructed & built up areas. 
The calculation is very simple vis a vis valve of his over all declaration. However, no mention of properties owned by our holy cow in UK, SPAIN, USA,UAE, Turkey and investments all around the world including Saudia Arabia.It would not be out of place to mention that before 1979 ( Zia ul Haq Era) Sharifs had only one steel factory under the title of Ittafaq Foundry, and used to live some where near Gowalmandi Lahore in a makan  opening directly on the road.
All what they have today is a Loot Ka Mal and belongs to the people of Pakistan, which this fraud family from Lahore will have to return sooner or later.
What a shame oh such selfish so called journalists who remain quiet on the subject knowing each and every detail of this looted mal.





Iftikhar A. Khan and Kalbe Ali






















ISLAMABAD: The ownership of the Raiwind palace spread over thousands of acres is a mystery because it has never been mentioned in the statements of assets and liabilities of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and other members of his family in politics.


Even latest declarations submitted by Nawaz Sharif, his brother Shahbaz Sharif, son-in-law Captain Mohammad Safdar and nephew Hamza Shahbaz to the Election Commission of Pakistan are silent on the ownership title of the huge property.


But Information Minister Pervez Rasheed told Dawn that the property was in the name of Shamim Sharif, mother of the Sharif brothers.
The statements of assets show that the Sharif brothers have much in common. Both live in houses not owned by them. Nawaz Sharif lives in a house owned by his mother while Shahbaz Sharif resides in a house owned by his spouse Nusrat.


Both use Land Cruisers gifted to them by unspecified persons. Both have multiple foreign and local currency accounts, own huge agricultural land and have investments in industrial units like sugar, textile and paper mills.


The most visible dissimilarity is the rapid growth in the value of assets owned by the elder brother and continuous decline in the value of assets possessed by the younger brother. Another dissimilarity is that Shahbaz Sharif has two properties in the United Kingdom, but Nawaz Sharif has no assets abroad.


Till the time of elections in May last year, Shahbaz was richer than Nawaz — though none of them a billionaire — but things are different now. According to the recent declaration, the value of Nawaz Sharif’s wealth has registered a six-fold increase in just 12 months to make him a billionaire for the first time.


According to statements of assets and liabilities, the net worth of Nawaz Sharif’s assets was Rs261.6 million in 2012 and of Shahbaz Sharif Rs336.9m.


In 2011, the assets of the Sharif brothers were worthRs166m and Rs393m, indicating an increase ofRs95.6m and decrease of Rs56.5m, respectively.


In 2013, the value of assets of Nawaz Sharif ballooned to Rs1.82bn while that of Shahbaz Sharif slipped further to Rs142m.


Incidentally, Shahbaz Sharif has more stakes abroad than in the country.


He owns properties and bank account worthRs138.28m in the UK. He has three loans worth117.10m in Pakistani rupees in British banks.
The younger brother has not disclosed the value of five properties with net area of around 676 kanal in Lahore – all gifted by his mother.
He has Rs51.96m cash in hand and Rs7.27m in his sole bank account in the country. (Editor’s Note: Out of 180 Million Pakistani Civilians & Military, how many can boast such amount as CASH IN HAND)


Mrs Nusrat, the first wife of Mr Shahbaz, had assets worth Rs273.46m on June 30 last year. It wasRs224.56m a year earlier. She has Rs14.34m cash in hand and Rs1.95m in her five bank accounts.
The assets of Mrs Tehmina, the second wife of Shahbaz Sharif, are worth Rs9.83m. They wereRs7.64m last year.


She has five bank accounts – two in Pound Sterling, one in dollar and two in Pak rupees, but the money in these accounts is only Rs23,770. She has cash in hand and prize bonds worth Rs750,000 and two cars.
Kalsoom Nawaz, the wife of Nawaz Sharif, has net wealth of Rs235.85m, which is much less than that ofMrs Nusrat Shahbaz.


Mrs Kalsoom Nawaz has land and a house in Changa Gali, Abbottabad, worth Rs63.75m, a bungalow on Mall Road in Murree worth Rs100m, 88 kanal of land in Sheikhupura worth Rs70m, jewellery of Rs1.5m and shares in family businesses.


She has Rs67,555 cash in hand and Rs55,765 in banks.
Hamza Shahbaz is wealthier than his father with net assets of Rs250.46m. He has two wives. The wealth of his first wife is Rs2.45m and that of the second isRs9.88m.


Capt Safdar’s wealth is worth Rs14.23m. He owns a car which his wife Marium received as a gift from the UAE 




Nawaz Sharif’s Chamcha No1,Ishaq Dar’s Son Car

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