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Posts Tagged Mustafa Kamal


                                              RETURN OF THE NATIVE


Mustafa Kamal, the ex-Nazim of Karachi, has staged a come back on March 3, 2016, to Karachi, after a sojourn of three and a half years. His return to the political scene at this juncture has created quite a stir in social and political circles of Karachi in particular  and of Pakistan in general. Actually it would have been better if he returned before the local bodies elections recently held in Sindh province.


Mustafa Kamal is well-known for his honesty, sincerity, devotion and capability to deliver. Whatever good work and development we see in Karachi is the result of his planning and hard work.

















According to the up-coming news its heartening to know that he has returned to his native place with a great will to re-start his work from where he had left, hopefully with better planning and devotion. It goes without saying that MQM, with its deeds, has earned only a bad name for itself as well as for the country. To put it in a nut-shell, it was a dire need of the time to launch an organization to fight peacefully for genuine rights of the Urdu speaking Muhajirs. But what they have given is a tarnished image of Muhajirs, causing great humiliation and shame to them and in fact to the whole country.


Perhaps our own misdeeds invited scourge from God. The period of scourge now seems to be over and its time for remorse and re-examination of our conduct followed by reform and reconstruction. An opportunity has presented itself which demands making an assessment of the situation and responding accordingly.


I make an earnest appeal to all who stand for justice and fair play to join hands and extend their full support to Mustafa Kamal and his associates, in any way they can, to make this mission a real success. Let everyone of us, irrespective of his/her faith, ethnicity and provincial affinity, give full moral support and co-operation to this move.


Let the new party, to be announced shortly in future, not be against MQM (Muttahida Qaumi Movement) or its chief and let it not aim to break it up. It may continue to function and have its own way. If the new party has good and sincere workers, the people will surely support it. It is important, however, that only sincere and patriotic persons are welcome to join the party, and those found otherwise in future, should be expelled.


Let this forthcoming organization be a platform for all of us to work together to revive peace, prosperity and welfare in Sindh province and to the whole country. Let us (with the help of God Almighty) bring back the identity of Karachi as a city of lights and a portal for employment and opportunity for the people coming from all parts of the country. If we are sincere in our objective and efforts God Almighty will be with us and we will get divine help to achieve our goal.

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Kamal’s Allegations by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

Mustafa Kamal’s Miracle in Karachi,Pakistan














March 6th, 2016


Kamal’s Allegations


Mustafa Kamal’s press conference of March 3rd was no less than a bomb shell dropped by him to decimate the MQM Chief Altaf Bhai and the party itself too in the process. The most damaging allegation was that of the MQM receiving funds from the Indian RAW for the last twenty years!  According to him the PPP government Interior minister Mr. Rehman Malik was also in know of such funding by the RAW of the MQM. If it is true then would it not be presumable that the other higher ups in the then PPP hierarchy would have been also privy to such information?! And … and … If yes, then why did they not take any action on such a subversive activity?!   The mere thought of such a horrendous  possibility is enough to send a chill down the spine of an ordinary Pakistani whose confidence is shaken beyond repairs in the politicians and the political parties who can for their own interests risk the very survival and the integrity of the country itself!!  


The allegations have evoked mixed reaction from various political parties, PTI asking for a probe by a judicial commission while the ruling party advocating to disregard it for lack of any documentary evidence.  One also wonders why is the MQM contented with the thought that the Kamal Press Conference balloon would be deflated soon and they are not suing him for libel and defamation in a court of law?  Or, does the MQM fear that more beans shall be spilled, which is bound to happen, when the respondents would try to prove the allegations made by them?!


Oh God Almighty please save Pakistan.










Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000
Tel: (051) 5158033
E.mail: [email protected]

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Mustafa Kamal tears apart MQM chief, forms new political party

KARACHI: Launching a scathing attack on Mutahidda Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain and his ‘evil’ policies, Syed Mustafa Kamal, former Karachi mayor and ex-MQM leader, has announced to form a new political party aimed at mustering support of all patriotic forces to work for the country.

Addressing a crowded press conference in Karachi, Kamal said, “We [party workers] took enmities for Altaf Hussain, but Mr. Hussain doesn’t care about a single worker or any Urdu-speaking person.”

Flanked alongside senior former party leader Anis Qaimkhani, he said MQM stayed in power despite worst performance from 2008 to 2013 just because of party’s organizational structure and modus operandi.

He said MQM joined the government on directions of Mr. Altaf Hussain in 2008-13. During those five years, we left the government and rejoined it for four times.

In 2013 elections, the Urdu-speaking people of Karachi gave 7 to 8 lakh votes to PTI. He said it was in 30 years that people gave votes to any other party.

Regarding his party, he said we wanted devolvement of powers to the provinces. He said the current local government structure is a total fraud. “I am talking about a real devolved local government system. Every developed country has a proper LG system, but we have none.”

Regarding his surprising arrival to Karachi, he said: “We came here on our own, rented a house through a friend to address press conference. There is no one behind us.”

Backing of ‘establishment’

Responding to a query by journalists, Kamal said what kind of establishment it is that could not let other leaders sit alongside us. “We are just two people here.”

Anis Qaimkhani said he has come to Pakistan to face cases.

“I will not run away and face all cases legally.” Only two people could have been such bold in speaking this truth, he said while referring to himself and Kamal.

‘One man show in MQM’

“In MQM, only one person rules the roost,” said Kamal.

“Why should we sacrifice?.. Is it only for making properties for Altaf Hussain in US, Canada and London out of Fitra collection, land grabbing and hides collection.”

“I am telling all these facts to make people and workers mend their ways,” said Kamal.

“People like me assumed that MQM would come to sanity and focus on serving people after people voted PTI a heavy mandate. But instead of mending their own ways, MQM chief Altaf Hussain vented his anger on PTI women who gathered to protest election rigging on Clifton’s Do Talwaar area.”

He claimed that directions came from the MQM chief to gag protest by women and children of PTI in Karachi. He added the workers opposed the instructions.

Kamal said people sacrificed their lives for Altaf Hussain, but their sacrifices were never acknowledged. “What is the agenda… what have you gotten?”

MQM chief made Saulat Mirza, Ajmal Pahari a… by arynews

‘RAW agents’

“We were a cultured community, but now we are labelled as RAW agents.” He added: I know Altaf’s workers of Indian set-up, South African set-up are working, and I was literally terrified by the impending outcome.

He said Altaf Hussain never accepted his mistakes, nor he would. In reaction of refusal by the workers, MQM head on May 19, 2013 let workers to smash Rabita Committee members.

He said Rabita Committee now gets abused in minutes and seconds [by the party workers]. We often tried, he said, to portray Altaf Hussain like a God before the public.

Kamal alleged that the party chief often came to address workers when he was intoxicated.

He said Karachi’s situations never deteriorated in a day – it took a long time just because of bad policies of the party.

The MQM chief brought goons on Nine Zero to abuse senior party leaders against massive votes gained by the PTI.

“It’s around after three years parting ways with the MQM that we are interacting with media.”

He said he was a Senator in 2013 when he left MQM. We neither had any petrol pump, wedding hall or a piece of land.”

He said it’s been a history of MQM that only a person who is kicked out leaves the party.

In 2013 elections, JUI, PML-Q, ANP were all wiped out from Karachi except MQM.’

“Why have we returned to Pakistan?” explains Kamal

Just 24 hours ago, me and Anis Bhai were spending a luxurious life with our families. Allah has been so kind to us.

He said everyone knew the MQM links with Indian spy agency RAW.

“Regarding Imran Farooq murder case, the Scotland Yard grilled all MQM officials concerned”. He said Altaf was interviewed by the police for three consecutive days.

He said MQM leaders were asked to come in London by the party chief. Tariq Mir and Muhammad Anwar briefed the leaders on Scotland Yard investigation. Rehman Malik was also present in the meeting, he added.

He said today Altaf Hussain is insisting that he is a patriotic leader of Pakistan. But a local party worker doesn’t know the reality.

‘Altaf Hussain, despite “gobbling up” two generations of supporters, should be brave enough to tell people the truth.’

He said Pakistani establishment is now conceiving every citizen as a RAW agent. “We have returned just to press Altaf Hussain to speak truth to people.”

“The Almighty Allah will ask every one in the hereafter about your deeds.” I have made these remarks to convince my God and repent whatever I did, he said. “We have succeeded today.”

Kamal underlined that, “We could have gathered people to rebel against the party chief. But it’s not our aim.”

He said several die-hard party workers were arrested by the Rangers during raid on March 11, 2015.

MQM chief slammed for disowning workers

Kamal asked, “Was Saulat Mirza a born criminal?”

He said who forced Mirza to murder former MD KESC Shahid Hamid. He questioned who made Ajmal Pahari a criminal.

Has any moment Altaf Hussain thought about the future of boys who sacrificed their lives for the party. All these, he said, young boys were made criminals after joining the party.

The former mayor asked why MQM workers laid their lives for party chief. He appealed civil society, establishment and anchorpersons not to hate Urdu-speaking people just because of actions of a few individuals.

Former mayor shares his future plan

The former mayor of Karachi said: We [Anis Qaimkhani and me] are now forming an organisation, which has no name right now.

Mustafa Kamal announces to form new party by arynews
He showed a flag of Pakistan and said “it’s a flag of my organisation/party”. He explained that he didn’t want to stain Pakistan flag by adding more colours to the national flag for sake of a political party.



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