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Pakistan Army’s Successful Operation in FATA Video & War against Terrorism & Rehabilitation of FATA By Sajjad Shaukat








War against Terrorism & Rehabilitation of FATA

                                                                By Sajjad Shaukat


On June 10, this year, while showing the progress of the military operation Zarb-e-Azb, Chief of Army Staff, Gen. Raheel Sharif said, “Terrorists have been cleared from their strongholds in North Waziristan Agency and Khyber Agency, and fight now is moving into last few pockets close to Afghan border.” He laid emphasis on “continuation of the operations till elimination of the last expected and probable terrorists groups and sanctuaries.”









Since June 15, 2014, the jets of Pakistan Air Force have bombed militants’ hideouts in North Waziristan Agency, and killed thousands of insurgents including foreign militants, while Pakistan Army has killed several terrorists through ground offensive and many of them surrendered before the Army. Thus, these forces destroyed their strongholds, demolishing tunnels and factories producing IED (Explosives), while drying the sources of their funds and sinking their public support. Pakistan’s Armed Forces have broken the backbone of the militants and their network.


However, the operation Zarb-e-Azb in tribal areas is nearing its completion, witnessing huge successes of Pakistan Army which has offered commendable sacrifices and cleared the area off terrorists.


Except some occasional blow, the faces of tribal people are gleaming with resolve, determination and commitment to weed out terrorists from their homeland.









Undoubtedly, the ferocious fighting by the sons of soil to liberate people of families of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) from the terrorists, resulted in one of the biggest internal displacement in the history of Pakistan. It has caused huge socio-politico-economic and security implications for the brave people of tribal areas. These people faced the hardships of displacement, and their plight was aired by various media segments. Opinion makers felt the pain and strived to sensitize the government and public regarding their socio-economic responsibilities to look after their basic human needs.







Since the military operations of 2008, there has been frequent dislocation of populations from seven agencies of FATA. Some persons were fleeing due to the threats and attacks by the terrorists, but most of them left the areas for their own safety, prior to military operations to free FATA and Pakistan from the militants. They made their temporary homes in camps, made for the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), with host families, or in hired accommodation in places like Tank, DI Khan, Bannu and Peshawar. Many of them have since long returned home following stabilization of their areas, but residual caseloads remained in 2014, and the number increased. The latest wave of dislocation from North Waziristan Agency brought the total FATA-displaced-population up to around 2 million people. This is a massive dislocation of persons for any country to handle. Assisting them during displacement has required substantial funding and initiatives to ensure their shelter and other needs, which have been fulfilled.


As stability and peace is restored in FATA, Pakistan Army is working with the government and other stakeholders to facilitate the return of the IDPs, and the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the affected regions. Gen. Raheel Sharif has repeatedly stated that the top priority is the early and dignified return of the IDPs, and he has instructed all concerned officials to prepare for their phased return.


In this regard, the Pakistan Government has issued directions to the related ministries and departments to finalize the plans regarding funds, the returns of the IDPs, reconstruction and rehabilitation of FATA.


While, it is not enough for the rehabilitation of the massive populations of the tribal areas, which require huge funds, as now, it is the turn of the tribal people to celebrate their return to their areas. But, destroyed villages, shattered houses and ruined markets can not be welcoming sites. Where they will dwell and from where they will draw the livelihood for their families? Who is responsible for their rehabilitation? Have any efforts been made to raise funds? These are some of the questions haunting the minds of everyone. Time is ticking fast; Government of Pakistan, people and international community have to rise to the challenge before it is too late. It is every ones responsibility to contribute towards their quickest possible rehabilitation, so that they consider themselves part of the society. Any negligence at this stage would not only generate despondency among the tribal people of FATA, but would leave space for the militancy to re-surface.


Although, Pak Army has ever conducted a large-scale reconstruction and rehabilitation programme in FATA, yet it is not easy to resettle 2 million people. It requires detailed and insightful planning, political will, extensive and complex coordination and logistics, and substantial funding to support the initiatives to help families rebuild their homes, restock their livestock, plant crops, restart their livelihoods and to mend the fragile economy of this extremely disadvantaged region.


War against terrorism will remain incomplete, unless all segments of society and politicians try to win the hearts and minds of the tribal people by keeping in minds various requirements and steps which are essential for the rehabilitation of FATA.


Firstly, the vision of a peaceful, prosperous and developed FATA is necessary to foil future plans of the terrorists.


Secondly, whole nation, particularly the political leadership should come forward to provide financial resources for rehabilitation.


Thirdly, education for everyone and grass root level involvement of the people in socio-political activities may be ensured/planned.


Fourthly, efforts at all levels may be undertaken to re-construct physical structures, maintain law and order, activate economy and inculcate cohesion to ensure sustainable rehabilitation of people of FATA.


Fifthly, instead of portraying negative aspects of rehabilitation, media should come forward to arrange shows for fund-raising and proposing viable solutions for the issues prevailing in FATA.

Nevertheless, rehabilitation of FATA is still a bigger challenge. Therefore, just like the unity, shown by the whole nation during war against terrorism by supporting the Zarb-e-Azb, needs to display the same unity through practical assistance in rehabilitation of the tribal areas. Let us celebrate the forthcoming 14th August 2015 with national commitment to endeavour for rehabilitation of FATA people. 


Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations


Email: [email protected]


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Robin Cooke’s view of TTP

Robin Cooke’s view of TTP

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Flashpoints of Terrorism in Pakistan

Flashpoints of Terrorism in Pakistan


Sabena Siddiqui


Strategic Thinker & Defence Analyst on Pakistan & Global Affairs,

Distinguished Opinion Leader,

Pakistan Think Tank




Terrorism in Pakistan has multi -ethnic , multicultural and
multi-lingual patterns .



Punjabis are the largest ethnic group 44.15%, Pashtuns 15.42%, Sindhis
14.1%, Seraikis 10.53 %, Muhajirs 7.57% ,Baluchis 3.57 % and Others
8 million Muhajirs arrived from India in 1947 and 1.7 million Afghan
refugees came later making this one of the largest refugee populations
in the world .

English is the official language, Urdu national and Punjabi , Sindhi
Pashto and Baluchi are regional languages .

Pakistan has 95% Muslim population ,75% Sunni and 25% Shia , the
second largest Shia population in the world after Iran .
1.85% are Hindus and 1.6% are Christians , Pakistani society is
largely hierarchial.
Such diversity results in conflicts created by four types of terrorist
groups : language based , sectarian ,race based and religious .

Muhajirs from India settled in Karachi did not want the shifting of
capital from Karachi to Islamabad which resulted in a loss of
bureaucratic power ,jobs , housing and transport .
Consequently they have been blamed for demanding a separate state ,
province or complete control of city government in Karachi and
Hyderabad .

Grievances between Shias and Sunnis date back to the early period of
Islam , Deobandis allege that Shias use abusive la nguage against some
of the Prophet pbuh s companions and wish that the Shias be declared
non Muslim .

They are considered Muslims everywhere including Saudi Arabia ,even
the Darululoom Deoband, the Deoband founding madrassa considers Shias
as Muslim.

Their Fatwa says that if a person prefers Hazrat Ali but does not
believe the other Shia beliefs then he is not Kafir .

Balochistan is less economically developed and has less civil and
military representation , they allege lack of provincial autonomy and
lesser resources from the federal government.
They have minimum population and maximum area and resources are
distributed according to population .
Some groups propose secession from Pakistan, Baluchis are 3.57% of the
total Pakistani population .

Religious militancy in Pakistan is varied , they demand enforcement of
Sharia like that by the Afghan Taliban .
There is nothing in the laws of Pakistan which contradicts Islamic law
and most Pakistanis prefer a modern life than be fundamentalist .
There are numerous absolute interpretations of Islam .

Terrorism here today is the result of five factors both internal and external .

1. General Zia conducted a coup d etat and ended Bhuttos government in 1977 .

Al Zulfiqar came into being after Bhutto s execution and committed
terrorist crimes like hijacking .
Zia also formed the MQM , a language based party of refugees from
India to break the strength of Bhutto s PPP .
MQM s inception and evolution brought about violence , this single
factor alone was responsible for 90% of the terrorism in urban Sindh
and 40% in the country .

2. General Zia enforced some new Islamic laws to legitimize his dictatorship .
One of these was the Zakat and Usher Ordinance 1980 .
Meanwhile , the Iranian revolution took place and influenced the
Pakistani Shia community to demand exemption from this new tax based
on Sunni law .
As Shias became more forceful , Zia helped form the Sipah e Sahaba ,
an anti Shia Deobandi organisation . It got funded by both Iraq and
Saudi Arabia and formed splinter groups like the Lashkar e Jhangvi .
30% of terrorism is caused by these sectarian groups so about 70% of
terrorism in Pakistan is sectarian or language based .

3. The Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979 and the US and the Saudis
invested 6 billion dollars to train the fighters to overthrow the
Soviets .Madrassas proliferated to produce the requisite fighters and
Kalashnikovs were handed to them .Zia was in a strong position against
the Peoples Party and Shias .

4. The Soviets were defeated in 1989 and the US neglected the fighters
it helped train and the fighters felt over confident after defeating
tge Soviet Union and ultimately challenged the US .

5. The US invaded Afghanistan in 2001 with Pakistani assistance and
this created Arab Mujahideen and Taliban enemies for Pakistan .
Drone attacks on Pakistani territory further created a backlash
against Pakistan .

India established four consulates and an embassy in tiny Afghanistan
and started creating problems in Balochistan province of Pakistan .
Weapons used by TTP against Pakistan army in Swat were all US made
which US says were stolen in Afghanistan .
The US also got worried about the building of Gwadar port by China in
Pakistans Baluchistan province , it felt this might decrease US
importance in the region .


These were the main triggers of terrorism, the provincial capitals
were particularly volatile as those were the government power base
.Terrorists felt they wreaked more destruction there , got more media
coverage , more targets and more hiding places .
Other main areas of conflict were places like Dera Bugti ,Kohlu and
Sibi with gas fields and grudges against the federal government .
Southern Punjab. , Jhang and Faisalabad also were the focus of
terrorist activity due to sectarian conflict .
Swat ,D.I Khan and South and North Waziristan had some local conflict .

Karachi became a case study for terrorism with perceptible levels in
1990 attaining a
peak in 1995 with 616 incidents .

Karachi has a higher terrorism percentage than what is due to it in
population 10% and area 3530 square km 0.44%.
Terrorism in Karachi is more frequent because of its demographic
composition and being metropolitan and a provincial capital .
Terrorism here has more symbolic and theatrical value .
Karachi is also unique in being the only source of conflict in Sindh
because of its socioeconomic conditions and demographic changes .
It had a population of 400000 in 1947 which was 18,00,00,000 in 2009.
Population increased because it was the first national capital , only
seaport ,first international airport ,industrial base ,financial hub
and home to millions of migrants from India ,Afghanistan and Pathans
from KP and Punjabis from Punjab .

Karachi has very unusual demographics , capital of Sindh yet only 7.22
%Sindhis .Ninety three percent population comprises of immigrants
48.52% Muhajir , 13.94% Punjabi,Pashto 11.42%, Balochi 4.34%, Saraiki
2.11 % and others 12.44%.
Karachi is the largest Pashtun city in the country ,more Baluchis in
Karachi than in Baluchistan and it is the sixth largest Punjabi town .
The politics of Sindh province has many conflicts : Sindhi v Muhajir ,
Muhajir v Punjabi, Muhajir v Muhajir and Muhajir v Pathan .
Also most of the MQM are Shias and most Pathans Deobandi .

It is also a very young population .In 1987 , 36% of the population
was between age 14 and 30. 71% of them were literate while overall
Karachi literacy is 55% and overall Pakistan figure is 26.17%.
22% were graduates and the amenities were not sufficient for the
rising population .
Housing conflicts turn into ethnic rivalry and transport problem
accentuates it .

The first ethnic vi olence was Muhajir v Pathan in 1987 when a Muhajir
college girl was killed in an accident by a Pathan van driver .
Weapons were cheap and widely available , a pistol could be bought for
3000 rupees $40 dollars and a Kalashnikov for 16 thousand rupees $188
dollars .
The MQM split into two factions amid intense violence in 1993 and 1994 .

Main target types were private citizens, private property and
businesses as they are soft targets with no defense or deterrence .
They are in large numbers , and once attacked , more likely to compel
government to give in to terrorist demands .

Data also shows that police are the the target in 10% incidents in
Pakistan and rest of the world , they come in as the first line of
response and so they are targeted .
Military , civil administration and educational institutions , music
and barber shops closely follow as targets , these are attempts to
destabilise the state .

Another dimension of analysis is the efficacy of weapons employed as
per casualties , suicide attacks killed and wounded 42 people per
attack , explosives 9.4 , firearms 4.3 and projectiles 7.3 .
From 1987 to 1990 explosives were mostly used , from 1991 till 1997
firearms were more frequent and from 1998 till 2007 explosives were
more common .

Explosives are difficult to obtain and require more organisation so it
is deduced that usually a foreign hand is behind it . Explosives are
also mostly used to destabilise the government .
Suicide attacks are most damaging and they started in 1995
infrequently till 2001 , after this they spiralled and there were 56
attacks in 2007. Throughout the world there were 188 suicide attacks
from 1980 till 2001 but Pakistan had 56 in a single year .
Usually the strategic goal is to reclaim homeland but in Pakistan ,
there is no foreign occupation .

Suicide attacks took place also as a reaction to the government
operation on the Red Mosque in Islamabad in July 2007. 8 attacks
before the operation and 48 afterwards , most probably the foreign
jihadis brought the technique .Arab clerics preached in favour of
suicide attacks while the underworld provided funding and bombers were
found locally .

Terrorism in Pakistan is an extreme reaction to political and economic
grievances and ethnic / religious issues , vested interests provide
backup .

The US led invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq brought changes in
terrorism patterns in Pakistan .There was an increase in suicide
attacks against government institutions .
Attacks now are more frequent in KP and Baluchistan ,sectarian and
language based incident decreased but ethnic incidents increased as
militants multiplied .
This definite geographic shift in terrorism is post US invasion of
Afghanistan , the area of conflict is now the west of Pakistan .
The possibility remains that sponsorship of this terrorism post 9/11
may be from India ,the US or Iran , the implications may be policy
related .

These ethnic ,political and religious conflicts are endemic to
Pakistan and despite them life went on as normal unless internal or
external parties used them to further their own interests .
The conflicts resulted from socioeconomic grievances ,issues of
provincial autonomy and demographic changes ,these conflicts turned
unto sectarian, ethno-linguistic, ethni-secessionist and religious
motives for terrorism .

Places such as Baluchistan , South Punjab ,Waziristan and Karachi were
badly affected .

Communism and Capitalism have also played their part since Pakistan
came into being, geo-strategic politics of this region has brought
about many battles between the two.

India feels encircled and intimidated by Chinese presence near its
waters,Gwadar is also an alternative to Dubai and Iran’s new port
Therefore , US, India and Iran find Gwadar a threat and terrorism in
Baluchistan is closely linked to this factor .




Kalashnikov culture developed in Pakistan as a direct consequence of
the Afghan war , US bought Chinese weapons to supply the Mujahideen
and half of these got sold in the local market .

Terrorism is cyclical in essence , todays events are a harbinger for
what transpires tomorrow.

The cycles are reflective of the immediate past as terrorists prepare, plan and the government is caught unawares .
The basis for terrorism remains and terrorists return with a new agenda .


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Revelation of Indian State Sponsored Black OPS Terrorism in Pakistan By RAW Chief. Why is US Mum? Pakistan Media(GEO, Dunya,Waqt) Silent?


Tue, 2013-07-16 07:54 — editor
By Zaheerul Hassan

A former Indian investigator Satish Verma of Home Minister has disclosed that a member of the secret service team had accused that Indian governments staged terror attack on Lok Sabha and the 26/11 carnage in Mumbai. Notably, over 300 people were killed and injured during the attacks. As usually India stayed ISI responsible for these attacks. However, the alleged responsible for attacks Ajmal Kasab and Afzal Guru were apprehended and hanged till death.

Attacks on Mumbai and Parliament pushed two South Asian nuclear countries into the brink of war and put the regional peace at stake. It further strained already deteriorated relationship between two nations. The talks on Confidential Building Measures (CBM) which were started in the previous regime of Nawaz Sharif in 2004 were suspended as result of stated two attacks. Exchange of cultural groups was terminated while cancelling the visa of Pakistani actors who were on visit to India. At that time, Bal Thackeray (late), India’s Hindu terrorist too has advised his government to attack Pakistan without warning. He also stated that he is proud of extremist Hindus if at all they have launched Mumbai attacks. His statements are the true reflection of the exact mentality of extremist thoughts. Earlier reports are that US had asked Islamabad to allow New Delhi to attack some selected targets in Pakistan and later should not retaliate.

Moreover at that time, the major media group of Pakistan aired the documentary about Ajmal Kasab and tried to prove the involvement of Pakistani non state actors in Mumbai attacks but now after the statement of Satish Verma the same electronic channel yet to air half of that time which it spent in establishing Pakistan’s connection in Mumbai attack.

Anyhow, the Indian involvement in the case of Mumbai and Parliament was established when in the fake encounter case of Ishrat Jahan, a key government official, R V S Mani submitted an affidavit in the court revealing that a member of CBI and SIC investigation team Satish Verma told him that the terrorists attacks on Parliament in Delhi and Mumbai terror attacks were pre-planned. He further explained that the objectives of attacks were strengthening of counter-terror legislation (sic). Actually, the fake encounter was also planned by the RAW to support anti-Muslim Mr. Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat state.

The Gujarat Police had claimed that Ishrat and the three others were Lashkar-e-Toiba members and had come to Gujarat to assassinate Chief Minister Narendra Modi.

Ishrat’s family, however, has been maintaining that Ishrat was a college student who was struggling to run her family after her father’s death.

In fact the conspiracy behind Mumbai attack unveiled due to the controversy between RAW, Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) and CBI. Notably, Anti Terrorist Squad was headed by Hemant Karkare, who was killed by RAW elements during the Mumbai attacks. It is worth mentioning here that Karkare, was the one who exposed the involvement of a notorious RAW’s official Lt Col Prohit’s involvement in blasting of Samjohta Express in 2007. In this connection Karkara’s wife has already filed a case against RAW in the Civil Court.

Apart from above narrated details there are many other facts which are enough to confirm Satesh Verm statement that “India is behind Mumbai and Parliament attacks’. For example, on February, 2009 Bangladeshi Foreign Minster Mr. Hassan admitted that Mumbai Drama was planned on their land.

According to Press Trust of India’s report of 17 February 2009, BJP leader L. K Advani demanded a judicial inquiry into the Mumbai terror attack, since it could not have taken place without local support. The ruling Congress instead accepting the opposition’s demand, had tried to hide the actual facts and failure of Indian intelligence agencies.

Former Interior Minister of Pakistan Rehman Malik also stated in a Press Conference in Islamabad that terrorist attack in Mumbai has planned in a number of countries, including India, Austria, Spain, Italy, Russia and US.

Moreover, in those days, a “Blue Water” Naval exercise was planned and conducted in Indian maritime with the theme of countering terrorist attack via sea route on Mumbai. Thus, attacking terrorists on Taj Mehal hotel without coming into the eyes of deployed and alert Naval Forces during exercise was next to impossible. It only proves the inability of Indian naval forces present in the sea. Furthermore, it is not possible for an untrained person to move from Thatta to Mumbai with the help of GPS on ordinary boats all the way in an open sea.

Earlier, Pakistan has also handed over a dossier to New Delhi to seek answers of 30 questions that have cropped up during the investigations for further probe into the attack. In this regard Islamabad has adopted a constructive, proactive, well-coordinated and coherent regional approach to deal with the Mumbai Issue. The diplomatic corps and world’s leadership expressed satisfaction over Pakistan action but on the other hand India never proceeded further except carrying out media warfare. Whereas, the responsibility displayed by Pakistan government demanded reciprocal actions from India too.

The terrorism can be controlled if all regional countries religiously and seriously interested in rectifying the real causes behind. India being a larger country should take steps to stop state terrorism against minorities and Kashmiris. But Satish disclosure once again made it clear that New Delhi is not serious in cooperating with Pakistan.

Therefore, it would be the duty of world community to pressurize India to stop fomenting terrorism in regional countries. The world should condemn India for attacking her economical capital and parliaments just to malign Pakistan. She must be pressed to hand over Col Purohit to Pakistan so that justice be granted to the victims of Samjhauta Express. The United Nations Organisation should also ask so-called secular state to ban Hindu extremists groups that are operating against over 200 million Muslims, Christians and Sikhs. Several training camps are being maintained all along the western border and these are being used as launching pads for terrorist activities in Pakistan.

Probably Indian leadership has planned Mumbai drama and started proxy war to gain regional hegemony. The first proxy militia – Mukti Bahini in East Pakistan – was created and used by India in 1971 to invade Pakistani territory. And again she is operating in Balochistan funding BLA and TTP in FATA. RAW supported by Hindu Taliban is deceiving her government, national and international community from actual root cause of the problem i.e. communal violence and terrorism against minorities.

Thus, Satish Verma revelation of Indian involvement on Mumbai and parliament attacks is to malign Pakistan and ISI and nothing more than a cocktail story and blame game. Unfolding of this issue slowly and gradually is continuously causing embarrassment and giving shock to New Delhi on diplomatic and international fronts. However, international community should now raise voice for the families of Afzal Guru, Ajmal Kasab, wife of Karkare, and victims of Samjohta Express.

– Asian Tribune –

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