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Posts Tagged Gen.Raheel Sharif

ARCHIVE ARTICLE: Gen.Raheel Sharif is reluctant to act on the ‘National Security Breach’ by the Sharifs By Dr. Shahid Qureshi

Raheel Sharif is reluctant to act on the ‘National Security Breach’ by the Sharifs


Dr. Shahid Qureshi

I am wondering why Raheel Sharif is reluctant to act on the ‘National Security Breach’ by the Sharifs, currently occupying the Prime Minister House of Pakistan. I have said it before, Sharifs and Zardaris are criminals and would never have hesitated for a single moment to crucify you, had there been any breach within the ‘armed forces or security institutions’. So don’t worry about your post-retirement image as you will not be judged with ‘good guy or bad guy’ image. You will be judged whether you acted at the right time or not.
I am sorry to say on the issue of Dawn News Group planted story against Pakistan’s national interests and your indecisive approach is not helping the country. Those who are responsible for this national security breach should have been arrested under the Army Act and put on trial without a moment’s delay. The rest of the criminal mafia would have been running for shelters but your indecisive approach is fueling their confidence that they can get away with it. I would never trust Nisar Ali Khan or Shabaz Sharif let alone you are entertaining filthy Ishaq Dar at your House. I would have checked my crockery and all metallic objects.
You must understand that you are not dealing with law abiding politicians but corrupt criminals in disguise of dodgy democracy. People are wondering if you got the hard balls to deal with them or you are just looking in crystal ball about the day of retirement? You are under oath and responsibility to protect the national interests of Pakistan even one minute before you move on.
Nawaz Sharif is an Indian asset and continues to play Modi’s games. There are countless occasions when Nawaz Sharif damaged the interests of the state of Pakistan at national and international stages. He and his cronies have humiliated the armed forces of Pakistan and ISI countless times to please the Indians. The whole Sharif empire is built on ‘stolen metals’ bought from gypsies and stolen railways tracks. They have come a long way to the highest office in past 40 years while you were moving from one cantonment to another with your bags, kids and baggage.
You got only one RAW agent, Indian Navy officer Kubushan Jadav code name ‘Monkey’. Indian Prime Minister Modi is responding to Pakistan via Nawaz Sharif ‘you got my Monkey but I have Zoo in Raiwind and Islamabad’ with monkeys, donkeys and foxes. I am sure you know that all assets are at work now?
Nawaz – Modi both are testing Pakistan Army as part of sinister agenda. Nawaz Sharif and Narender Modi are two sides of the same coin as both want to stretch the armed forces of Pakistan to its limits. Obviously, India is not alone as media reports suggest the US is behind this latest escalation at Line of Control and inside Indian Occupied Kashmir.
I wrote sometimes ago that wealth and assets of Pakistani elite and politicians have become a security threat. Panama Leaks and offshore assets of Nawaz Sharif are the last straw on the camel’s back. The corrupt mafias of Pakistan and India who supported Nawaz Sharif and Narender Modi also have an interest in creating a distraction and hype in both countries.
The fact of the matter is that Indians have the highest numbers with Swiss accounts and some of those account holders are backing Modi regime too. Panama Leaks are growing beyond the borders of Pakistan.
Keep Karachi and Pakistan bleeding is the sinister plan against Pakistan launched by the Indians with the full support of its friends and assets in ruling politicians from Nawaz Sharif, Asfand Yar Wali, Mahmood Khan Achakzai, Altaf Hussain, Farooq Sattar and Asif Zardari. The constant obstructions and hurdles created by the political leadership of MQM-A, PPP Zardari Group, PML-N Ishaq Dar Group are putting lives and limbs at risk of security services, police and soldiers, who are fighting foreign-backed agents and terrorists in Pakistan especially Karachi. All the three parties in power have proved links and interests with foreign agencies and countries. Crimes of MQM-A are heinous and there is no excuse for any politician to ignore the pains and grief they have caused to the families of journalists, religious scholars, students, police, army, and Rangers personnel.
The state terrorism inflicted in Islamabad and Rawalpindi on 28th October 2016 by Punjab Police, a mercenary force of Sharifs, has provided images and videos to the Indians to respond and undermine current Kashmir uprising against Indian Occupation. Nawaz Sharif and his brother have provided ‘shelling and beating of common people images and videos’ to the Indian occupying forces in Held Kashmir to justify their illegal actions. Punjab Police is shelling even when there is no one there like its a funny business. This is how assets work. Any doubt?
The fact of the matter is that if Israelis and Indians are hands in glove in supporting terrorism in Pakistan and conspiring to disintegrate by using all ‘assets’ why Pakistani politicians and military establishment are in denial to accept that Nawaz-Modi marriage is toxic or their multi-billion dollar businesses abroad are more important than 200 million Pakistanis?
(Dr Shahid Qureshi is a senior analyst with BBC and editor of The London Post. He writes on security, terrorism and foreign policy. He also appears as an analyst on Al-Jazeera, Press TV, MBC, Kazak TV (Kazakhstan), Turkish TV, LBC Radio London. He was also international election observer for Kazakhstan 2015, March 2016 and Pakistan 2002. He has written a famous book “War on Terror and Siege of Pakistan” published in 2009. He is a PhD in Political Psychology and also studied Law at a British University)

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Thank You, Raheel Sharif By Aneela W Khan

Thank You, Raheel Sharif


Aneela W Khan





Image result for General Raheel Sharif Pakistan's National Hero






















It’s time for a change of guards in Pakistan. The most powerful office in the country is awaiting its new occupant, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, the COAS nominate. 

General Raheel Sharif, unarguably the most popular, most loved, Chief of Army Staff in the history of Pakistan, completes his glorious term on 29 November. 

It seems that the popularity of General Raheel Sharif has sent a wave of insecurity among the civilian ranks. The armed forces have been facing a defamation campaign that has emerged from the wraps slowly during the past three years. With the recent stunt of the infamous Dawn Leaks, the smear campaign has been revealed for everybody to see.

People close to the Prime Minister seem to have instigated this campaign and brought it to its current state. This conclusion is easy to arrive at once we realize that the twice ejected PM Nawaz Sharif has a history of confrontations with the esteemed institutions of Pakistan, especially with military heads. He tried to force retirement on more than one military chiefs during his previous two terms.

General Raheel Sharif was appointed by Nawaz Sharif himself after General Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani completed his term in 2013. A son to Major Muhammed Sharif, Gen Raheel is a soldier in blood and spirit, brother to Major Shabbir Sharif Shaheed, who was awarded Nishan-i-Haider – Pakistan’s highest military honor – for giving his life in the war of 1971. 

As Chief of army staff, General Raheel continued his family’s legacy of serving the country to the best of his capacities. He initiated the National Action Plan under which terrorism and corruption were to be eradicated from the country. Operation Zarb-i-Azb was also initiated by Gen Raheel to eradicate terror networks based in the tribal belt of Pakistan where terrorists from across the Afghan border have easily entered Pakistan ever since the War on Terror began in 2001 and carried out terrorist activities inside Pakistan with the help of local mercenaries. 

General Raheel Sharif also initiated a clean-up operation in the economic hub of Pakistan, Karachi, which was badly affected by some political parties’ backed lawlessness, terror attacks, gang wars, and drug lords. Most of them were dismantled and Karachi is almost back to her old peaceful self. 

Since the day General Raheel Sharif emerged as a strong and popular Army chief, the civilian leadership have untiringly attacked him and the institution with the most inappropriate insults. People sitting on key government posts take pride in smearing the armed forces of their own country. 

The recent infamous incident of the so-called ‘leaked’ news story appearing on the front page of Dawn, a popular English newspaper of Pakistan, has created an uproar in Pakistan and a pleasant excitement in certain quarters. Indian media loved it. Pak Army, despite their huge and genuine efforts to put things in order, has gone to the back foot. General Raheel Sharif and his team’s hard work of years to build Pakistan’s image went down the drain because of one planted and crafted story that was aimed to label military brass as facilitators of terrorism. 

On this horrendous security breach, Pakistan’s Minister of Information Affairs became PM Nawaz’s sacrificial goat and was sacked after the military leadership was livid over the con.

The most horrifying part of this ‘leak’ was the impression that things discussed in such highly sensitive meetings are not safe. Such people who wanted to damage the Army have somewhat done it, while the government, with their ever-changing statements, have strengthened the notion of complicity in this scandal. 

According to the Federal Interior Minister, the writer of the scoop called the sacked Information Minister for a comment on the story, as is the custom in journalism. This automatically means some people in the civilian government were in the loop before the story was published. The question is, why didn’t the minister deny or stop the story from going public? Or was there somebody more powerful who wanted the story to be published? 

This story meant harm. The enemy’s narrative made international headlines. Keeping PM Nawaz’s skirmishes with other state institutions and controlling nature in mind, this move had ulterior motives towards the end of General Raheel Sharif’s shining career. This conspiracy was aimed at putting the armed forces on the defensive and to tell the future military command to read between the lines. 

Incidentally, Former PM India, IK Gujral, writes in his book that Nawaz Sharif passed on secret information to India while he was Pakistan’s PM. Nobody from Nawaz Camp has ever denied this highly incriminating statement. 

In light of all the events occurring in these crucial times for Pakistan, is the security of the country in safe hands with the current political leadership? That is the big question for every Pakistani today.

Aneela Tweets at: @AneelaWKhan




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Operation Cleanup









April 21st, 2016


Operation Cleanup


Bravo  Gen. Raheel Sharif for not only dismissing the corrupt generals, brigadiers, colonels and majors but also recovering the ill gotten wealth from them.  Sir, we have a large army and there could be quite a few more such corrupts around, especially among those who have had the opportunity of serving in or with the civil departments.  May I suggest that an Operation Cleanup be launched wherein all serving and retired military officers of the three services be asked to make confessional statements of any corruption done by them. Those who make honest confession and reimburse the ill gotten monies to the exchequer be treated leniently and only dismissed from the service.  But those officers who indulged in corruption and did not make the confessional statement, and are detected later, be court martialled and sentenced to imprisonment along with confiscation of their  moveable and immoveable properties.


May be the Provincial and the Federal governments also follow suite and we have a pure and Pak Pakistan. 


Sir, you will do this hapless nation a great Messianic favour. 


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000
E.mail: [email protected]

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The Indefatigable Raheel











p style=”text-align: center;”>Ghazwa -I-Hind is his Destiny





February 25th, 2016


The Indefatigable Raheel



It was indeed comforting and reassuring to see the indefatigable Gen. Raheel in Fort Abbas attending a briefing of the army carrying out exercises in that area  the very next day of his being with the troops fighting the extremists in the forward most areas of North Waziristan. As a true defender of Pakistan if he is fighting the terrorists in FATA on the one hand, he is on the other hand not oblivious of his responsibilities also to defend other areas of Pakistan such as the soft underbelly of Pakistan – the Cholistan front, where at places India is only 8 miles away from the GT Road to Karachi.  Well done, Sir, the veterans like me are proud of you as a soldier as well as a commander and wish you Godspeed in your all undertakings.  May Allah (swt) be with you always to protect you and guide you, ameen.


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)  

Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000
Tel: (051) 5158033
E.mail: [email protected]


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Depoliticise this mess soon By Shaheen Sehbai








Depoliticise this mess soon

February 01, 2016


DUBAI: The operation in Karachi and Zarb-e-Azb are fast being pushed into the political arena similar to the battles gladiators fight to the last.

Otherwise the Rangers DG Major General Bilal Akbar would not have to say: “They would criticise Rangers, if according to them, the operation is going fast. And if they find the operation getting slow, they would accuse the Rangers of having a ‘setting’.

“Our setting is only with our mission. Our setting is only with the nation. Our setting is only with our motherland,” he had to clarify on Sunday. There can be no doubt about his mission and his goals but why this situation has arrived is the big question the Rangers, and their think tanks, will have to ponder and answer.

After arrest of Uzair Baloch and starting with the arrest of Dr Asim Hussain, the Rangers have issued numerous statements and reports and its leaders have made public appearances. Plainly speaking they had to go public to lobby and explain their mission. Again why was it needed?

The simple answer to all these questions is that Rangers are working in a highly complex situation where conflicts of interests and contradictions are countless and the entire structure is infested with untenable centres of power and influence and twisted realities.

The first is that a government, which should have been the main vehicle of carrying out this operation, aided by the Rangers, has positioned itself against the operation, fearing its own wings may get burned. So the momentum and fury, as well as its effectiveness, has been cut short dragging the pace.

Secondly, while operations were in full swing against collaborators, abettors and helpers of terrorists inside the political parties, these parties were allowed to operate and contest elections and use their political muscle to pressurise the Rangers. Who allows rivals to gain and display support in the middle of the battle.

This situation was not taken into account by the think tanks of the Rangers and the army authorities. A temporary stop, a moratorium, on politics was a must to provide the necessary space and cover to take out the dirty fish, both political and apolitical. That was not done before the operations were launched.

The key issue was that if cleansing inside the political parties had to be done, a neutral, objective, non-political and strong administrative cover must have been provided first. That was not done.

So now there is a visible mess and this situation has to be resolved sooner than later because the operation has to go on. Any reversal or slow-down will encourage terrorists and their supporters to hit back with a vengeance. No one can afford it.

Even now the federal government, the army leadership, the security agencies and the Sindh government must sit down and find a workable solution. The worst-case scenario could be that the army may be left with no option but to steamroll everyone to achieve the logical results of the operation, as stated repeatedly by Army Chief Gen Raheel in the early days of Zarb-e-Azb. That may not be liked by many.

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