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The Sharifs and Zardaris have ruled and looted Pakistan for decades, and plundered its treasury by Anjum Saher

The Sharifs and Zardaris have ruled and looted Pakistan for decades, and plundered its treasury


Anjum Saher





This article is an eye opener for the sleeping masses of Pakistan.

The Sharifs and Zardari’s who ruled this country for decades, plundered its treasury

and now have Pak army and the Judiciary are their next target.

The group headed by the convict Zardari and the absconder N Sharif consist of a bunch of traitors.

They attacked the supreme court of Pakistan in the past. The attack was organized

by Shehbaz Sharif, creating a  dark page in the History of Pakistan Judiciary authored by Sharif family.

They took out a procession against the supreme court , during which a child was killed.

 The protest was against the Supreme Court historical decision, disqualifying N Sharif for life.

 Recall,”  Mujhe Kiyun Nikaala.”

  • Following his father’s footstep, his daughter Maryam (Calibri Font queen) recently led an attackon NAB, damaging the building and trying to threaten the judges.
  • The  threatening  phone call to Justice Abdul Qayum by Shehbaz sharif, asking for severe punishment to shaheed Benazir Bhutto
  • The attack on Supreme court  judges ( by Talal Choudhry on the behest of his Paymasters), comparing the judges  to the Idols in the  
  • The THREAT  to Pakistan Army by Zardari, “Hum Aapki eent se eent baja daingay.”
  • Both Sharif and Zardari and their cohorts are leading a movement  to defame the Judiciary and the Pak army.
  • The masses of Pakistan should be reminded of the atrocities being committed by these two groups and their associates,
  • Achakzai, Fazlur Rehman and others. 
  • Backstabbing Pakistan—
  • Mir Jaffer uz Bengal , Mir Sadiq uz Deccan, 
  • Mir Ayyaz Sadiq uz Lahore
  • Nang-e-Millat Nang-e-Deen Nang-e-Watan.
  •  Indian – Israeli Agents and Traitors attacking our Armed Forces — – Traitors Onslaught









































Muslims of the Subcontinent have still not forgotten the treachery committed by MIR SADIQ OF DECCAN & MIR JAFFAR OF BENGAL which paved the way for the rule of East India Company over Indian Subcontinent and similar act of treachery committed by MIR SADIQ of DECCAN which led to the fall of ruler of Hyderabad Deccan.

Unfortunately, another shameless traitor MIR SADIQ alias MIR AYAZ SADIQ has surfaced from the land of Lahore on the behest of yet another certified convicted criminal NAWAZ SHARIF the most corrupt person who ruthlessly plundered Pakistan and fled to London , declared as Proclaimed Offender by High Court Islamabad . Now this known Indian Agent who operates under instructions of RAW along with his group of Crooks, Corrupts , Criminals are trying their best to pave the way to make Pakistan subservient to an Indian hegemony destabilizing Pakistan and its Armed Forces with their treacherous movesIt is earnestly requested to all that it is incumbent upon all loyal Pakistanis to raise their voice against all such enemy sympathizers.   operating under cover of being Pakistani got to be treated as Enemy Agents responsible for harming the national interest be brought to justice as soon as possible. 

The Narrative of National Dacoits Movement (PDM) comprising of those who ruthlessly plundered the country and Baqiat of those who openly opposed creation of Pakistan and generations old agents of Hindus is deliberately designed to harm the interest of Pakistan and its Armed Forces , facilitating, and strengthening the Indian, Israeli stance to isolate Pakistan in the world. Thus, our Armed Forces are the prime target of these anti-state elements to weaken Pakistan.


  • Ai Khuda In Haram Khors  Aur Indian Agents Ko Is Mulk Sa Naist o Nabood Kar Da. They Have Plundered Our country.
  • Haram Khors Have Brought Pakistan on its Knees
  • Ai Mera Allah – Un Haram Khoron Ko Tabah Kar Da Jis Na Hamara Mulk Ko Loota Ha.


Those who agree as detailed above, are requested to kindly circulate in their circle of Family & Friends to apprise them as well of nefarious designs of Plunderers & Anti State elements in Pakistan.

Editor’s Note-This article was filled with emotions and the pain Pakistanis are feeling. We are indebted to the author who freely expressed his emotion. Pakistanis are emotional by and large. We had to edit this article heavily, as it was written in a free form. 

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The lockdown and after



 November 05, 2016


The lockdown and after


Image result for Lockdown






At a stage when Pakistan is fast approaching insolvency, events shaped by Imran Khan convinced the Supreme Court of Pakistan to admit petitions on Panama Papers which were unfortunately dubbed as frivolous earlier by the Registrar. The recent proceedings of the apex court indicate a prevalence of sense of urgency within the bench. As the administrative head of the Supreme Court, it will be interesting to see as to what action the Chief Justice will take to dispel any notion of partisanship of the Registry of the apex court that was created by the Registrar’s gross illegality of returning the petition on Panama Leaks.

With the two organs of the state i.e. the Parliament and the Executive already tainted, Pakistan’s approach to Rule of Law as the next alternative now depends a lot on how the Supreme Court conducts itself in the discharge of its constitutional obligation. This is an extraordinary situation and the apex may have to resolve the issues in terms of the principle, ‘welfare of the people is the supreme law’. The Supreme Court is on trial and dialogues inside the courtroom indicate that the honourable judges are conscious of this fact. The precedent set up in Yousaf Raza Gilani’s case in the recent past of disqualifying a Prime Minister is extremely relevant in the case of Panama Leaks, wherein Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is being attributed in misdeclaration of assets and if such misdeclaration is established, the apex court will have no choice but to disqualify him keeping in view the principle of consistency or equality.

PTI’s petition is precise and specific. Nowhere does it ask for an inquiry commission whose recommendations will be subject to action by the government at its own speed and convenience. The fate of commissions in the past provides a peep into what lies ahead. Therefore, cognisant of this futility, the PTI legal team must refocus its arguments to its prayers. Any action broader than this could put this exercise into a trap of delaying the matters indefinitely.

In its response to an earlier request by the government, the Supreme Court showed its inability to proceed under the Inquiries Act. A commission can only recommend and not punish.

In case the PTI lawyers accept the suggestion of a commission, it would amount to abandoning or at least postponing the basic relief being claimed in its petition. If this happens, the entire case will be doomed by procedural delays of the Commission. Rather, PTI should continue to demand the resignation of the prime minister and his entire official team (paid from public exchequer), busy in defending him. 

The reluctance of state institutions to act on Panama Leaks has now been exposed in the Supreme Court. NAB, FBR and FIA hid behind flimsy excuses. In the recent Public Accounts Committee deliberations, heads of SECP, NAB and State Bank did not make an appearance. Chairman FBR though present, shirked from responsibility. The Registrar of the Supreme Court, a deputationist who does not belong to the legal fraternity, violated judicial precedents under the nose of Chief Justice of Pakistan and his fellow judges. In pursuance to PROTECTION OF ECONOMIC REFORMS ACT 1992: ACT No. XII OF 1992, the State Bank issued many circulars relating to offshore businesses and refused to investigate.

The most powerful anti-corruption institution is NAB. Through the powers vested in it, it can force all other institutions to act in unison. By law it has the power to arrest and investigate public office holders of Pakistan except those with constitutional immunity. According to Section 4 of NAO, the applicability extends to all public servants and citizens. Once placed in juxtaposition with Section 9, a combined reading leads to the irresistible conclusion that none are excluded. When Admiral Fasih Bokhari was Chairman NAB, his office investigated two sitting prime ministers and filed references against them in the Accountability Courts in OGRA and RPP cases. Logically, Panama papers will have to be investigated by NAB and accountability courts that function under the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Others will have to assist NAB.

This is what PTI has prayed for. If the prayer is accepted, the Supreme Court will have to make Chairman NAB and others accountable. Only then will the investigations proceed effectively.

Now back to political questions.

Principally, Imran Khan’s call for transparency and accountability is no different from the stances taken by PPPP. What sets them apart is the methodology. But Imran Khan’s agenda is much beyond Panama. He is seeking accountability and transparency in all matters of the state; a proceeding under law on Model Town Massacre and apprehension of all high offices involved in the planted leaks to Dawn. All three issues reflect the aspirations of the people and the interests of the state. Supreme Court’s admission of the PTI petition in public interest is only one aspect of the recent agitation. The other two issues have yet to be addressed.

In the past week, the world witnessed workers being beaten, teargassed, arrested without warrants and put in preventive detentions. There were also two avoidable deaths. Live coverage of events by the media made numbers inconsequential. The State, with blatant abuse of power, displayed and employed all munitions of violence and obliged a lockdown all over Punjab and Islamabad. In addition, there were also counter narratives flashed by the government.

First, news was spread that PTI protesters would be armed and supported by militant outfits mentioned in Dawn Leaks. This brought the few liberal and leftist activists into the open against PTI. They steamed out in Pakistan, London and New York. The purpose of this narrative was to reinforce perceptions created by Dawn Leaks and depict PTI as a proxy of the defence establishment and link it to militant outfits.

The ploy failed. No militants were seen. Rather a group of rightist parties with criminal records, supported by the government were allowed to rally despite the imposition of Section 144. By submitting to Supreme Court, Imran Khan deflated this narrative. He exercised his democratic right. This should dispel all propaganda of the party being a toy of military establishment and militant outfits.

Secondly, the trigger happy PML-N media team unsuccessfully created a perception that its crackdown was supported by the military. This was done to divert attention from the planted Dawn story.

The ploy failed due to an ISPR release and social media.

Thirdly, the government launched an advert campaign on media highlighting its achievements. In the past, the PPPP government had been prevented to do so by the Supreme Court when its Prime Minister was under charges. The Supreme Court must stop this.

So apart from the Panama Papers, the focus has to shift to the Model Town Massacre and Dawn Leaks. In addition, the government has to account for its excessive use of force and suppression of the fundamental rights of its citizens. PTI and all its allies including PAT and PMLQ have to forge a collective framework and strategy to carry forward these cases in the logical direction. Justice will only come if the pressure is relentless.


 The Nation: Islamabad Lockdown & After

The writer is a political economist and a television anchorperson. He can be contacted at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter


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Depoliticise this mess soon By Shaheen Sehbai








Depoliticise this mess soon

February 01, 2016


DUBAI: The operation in Karachi and Zarb-e-Azb are fast being pushed into the political arena similar to the battles gladiators fight to the last.

Otherwise the Rangers DG Major General Bilal Akbar would not have to say: “They would criticise Rangers, if according to them, the operation is going fast. And if they find the operation getting slow, they would accuse the Rangers of having a ‘setting’.

“Our setting is only with our mission. Our setting is only with the nation. Our setting is only with our motherland,” he had to clarify on Sunday. There can be no doubt about his mission and his goals but why this situation has arrived is the big question the Rangers, and their think tanks, will have to ponder and answer.

After arrest of Uzair Baloch and starting with the arrest of Dr Asim Hussain, the Rangers have issued numerous statements and reports and its leaders have made public appearances. Plainly speaking they had to go public to lobby and explain their mission. Again why was it needed?

The simple answer to all these questions is that Rangers are working in a highly complex situation where conflicts of interests and contradictions are countless and the entire structure is infested with untenable centres of power and influence and twisted realities.

The first is that a government, which should have been the main vehicle of carrying out this operation, aided by the Rangers, has positioned itself against the operation, fearing its own wings may get burned. So the momentum and fury, as well as its effectiveness, has been cut short dragging the pace.

Secondly, while operations were in full swing against collaborators, abettors and helpers of terrorists inside the political parties, these parties were allowed to operate and contest elections and use their political muscle to pressurise the Rangers. Who allows rivals to gain and display support in the middle of the battle.

This situation was not taken into account by the think tanks of the Rangers and the army authorities. A temporary stop, a moratorium, on politics was a must to provide the necessary space and cover to take out the dirty fish, both political and apolitical. That was not done before the operations were launched.

The key issue was that if cleansing inside the political parties had to be done, a neutral, objective, non-political and strong administrative cover must have been provided first. That was not done.

So now there is a visible mess and this situation has to be resolved sooner than later because the operation has to go on. Any reversal or slow-down will encourage terrorists and their supporters to hit back with a vengeance. No one can afford it.

Even now the federal government, the army leadership, the security agencies and the Sindh government must sit down and find a workable solution. The worst-case scenario could be that the army may be left with no option but to steamroll everyone to achieve the logical results of the operation, as stated repeatedly by Army Chief Gen Raheel in the early days of Zarb-e-Azb. That may not be liked by many.

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Once Again Samaa News Expo Rana Sanaullah Lie… by zemtv




FAISALABAD: An opposition party worker was shot dead in Pakistan on Monday as hundreds of protesters clashed with riot police armed with water cannon and batons in the central city of Faisalabad.

The Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf (Pakistan Movement for Justice or PTI) party led by Imran Khan had vowed to paralyse the city as part of its efforts to topple the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, whom it accuses of poll-rigging.

The death has the potential to spark further violence and reinvigorate Khan’s movement, which had lost steam since his workers and followers of a populist cleric stormed the state broadcasting station in the capital in September.

TV footage showed PTI workers clashing with supporters of Sharif as well as with riot police, who baton-charged them as parts of Faisalabad came to a standstill.

Nabeela Ghazanfar, a spokeswoman for police in Punjab province, told AFP: “One protester has been killed and five others injured including two policemen.

“The Punjab police chief has issued strict orders not to let anybody take the law into their hands.”

A doctor in a Faisalabad hospital confirmed the death from bullet wounds and said five wounded were being treated.

A government spokesperson said authorities were searching for the shooter, though Khan blamed supporters of Sharif’s party for the attacks and lashed out at police.

“Peaceful protest is our right and it’s the duty of the state to provide security but the government tried to provoke our protesters,” the cricketer turned politician told reporters outside his home in Islamabad.

“Our workers were being shot at in the presence of the police,” he continued, adding he would travel personally to Faisalabad to lodge murder charges.

Political violence is relatively uncommon in Pakistan’s peaceful and prosperous Punjab province, though it has been on the rise this year.

In June police clashed with followers of populist Tahir-ul Qadri in the eastern city of Lahore, leaving 14 dead.

Followers of Khan and Qadri also clashed with police in late August after they joined hands to protest in the capital in an attempt to force Sharif’s ousting.

Three demonstrators were killed and hundreds injured on both sides when the protesters tried to storm the prime minister’s residence.

Both groups allege that Sharif rigged the 2013 general election that saw him sweep to power.

On Sept.1 the opposition groups briefly occupied the state broadcaster.

Since then the movement has lost some momentum but Khan has warned that he and his supporters will paralyse the country on December 18 if their demands are not met.

Agence France-Presse

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