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UNPO, Balochistan & Imperial Agenda By Sajjad Shaukat

                                          UNPO, Balochistan & Imperial Agenda


Sajjad Shaukat








In July, 2013, the report of the Abbottabad Commission was published, which had also recorded the statement of the ex-DG ISI, Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha who indicated that the CIA had infiltrated in many foreign Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Pakistan including Save the Children, and due to lack of cooperation by other civil agencies and police, it was not possible for the ISI to track activities of all these NGOs.

However, these non-state entities which are called NGOs are non-profit groups, organized at local, regional and international level to address issues concerning human well being and goodness of people, and have, no doubt, brought about social change in the less developed countries.

NGOs are independent in their outlook, but are faced with the constraints of operating under sovereign compulsions and constitutional obligations of host countries to plan and execute their activities.

Overtly, the vision, mission and operating principle of the NGOs is to provide humanitarian services towards surmounting poverty, eradicating endemic diseases and providing relief to the victims of natural and manmade calamities and other tormented ordeals of the masses. But covertly, some foreign and even domestic institutions manipulate the NGOs to further the imperial agenda of some vested interests, especially western powers which take advantage of these non-sovereign entities so as to promote their political influence by financing them and dictating their malevolent stratagem, which is contravention to the accepted norms and value systems of the host country.

In fact, it is a new face of imperialism which can take the shape of aiding and abetting regional interest groups to revolt against the legitimate governments and develop suitable platforms to endorse their schema.

In these terms, the unique idea of creating Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) was implemented at the Peace Palace in Hague in 1991. The humanitarian purpose behind was that since UNPO members were not adequately represented in the UNO, hence, it was created with a noble mission: to help minorities, marginalized communities and sub-nationalities to find a platform from where they could raise their voice in order to maintain their identity and to avoid total exclusion. Initially, UNPO was entirely formed by its 15 members, but now it includes over 40 members. Although the membership is given to those who pledge to remain nonviolent, working for human rights, democracy, self determination, environmental protection and promotion of tolerance, yet some of the sponsors exploit UNPO for the endorsement of their vested interests.

It has been noted that a few members of UNPO in EU and USA are involved in instigating Pakistani nationals to participate in anti-state activities, support insurgency and promote dissents. Reportedly, UNPO is extensively involved in sustaining Baloch Sub-Nationalities (BSNs) and is promoting separatist agenda by expressing allegiance with the separatists. UNPO members participate in every anti-Pakistan activity and protest demonstration organized by Baloch separatists abroad, thereby damaging the image of Pakistan while sowing the seeds of separatism.

Nevertheless, about the deteriorating situation of Balochistan, everyone knows the foreign-backed separatist groups like the BLA, BLF and their affiliated outfits including another group, Jundollah (God’s soldiers) which have been fighting for secession of the province get logistic support from American CIA and Indian RAW—these miscreants kidnapped and killed many innocent people and the security personnel in the province through subversive acts including sectarian violence. Therefore, they are responsible for dumped bodies and extrajudicial killings and the missing persons in the province. On a number of occasions, these militant outfits claimed responsibility for their subversive acts.

While, a Gallup survey of the UK official body, DFID, conducted on July 20, 2012, disclosed that the vast majority of the Baloch people oppose the idea of an independent Balochistan. This survey has proved that some external entities have been conducting subversive activities in the province by supporting the minority elements, and are inciting the other Bloch persons for independence of Balochistan.

As a result of the elections 2013, the government led by a nationalist leader Chief Minister Balochistan Dr Abdul Malik Baloch has been established. Being progressive and moderate man, he ensured that socio-economic justice would meet with success, while playing a key role in empowering Baloch leaders to manage the affairs of their province and also to participate in Pakistan’s decision-making process. And on December 7, 2013; local bodies elections were largely held in a peaceful manner in Balochistan.

Observing the intentions of the hostile powers which have eyes on mineral resources of Balochistan and its significance due to geo-strategic location, during his trip to Beijing, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang signed eight agreements on July 5, 2013 in various fields. The most important one envisages the establishment of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) between deep Gwadar seaport of Balochistan and the historic Silk Road city in western regions-Xinjiang of China—connecting to Gilgit-Baltistan through Khunjerab Pass.

Nonetheless, UNPO is not in consultative status with Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), a UN body to bring any good for the poor of the less developed nations. Therefore, it is quite evident that western imperialism is behind such organizations to advance their covert designs. 

No doubt, like some other NGOs, UNPO is violating its own basic charter by advancing imperial agenda and evil designs of the external elements by damaging Pakistan’s interests. The Baloch dissidents are rebels and any organization which promotes the interests of rebels against a sovereign state is illegitimate and illegal.

Now, the right hour has come that our domestic media must expose international conspiracy against Balochistan by condemning the activities of anti-Pakistan countries and UNPO by exposing its nexus with BSNs.

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations

Email: [email protected]




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Revelation of Indian State Sponsored Black OPS Terrorism in Pakistan By RAW Chief. Why is US Mum? Pakistan Media(GEO, Dunya,Waqt) Silent?


Tue, 2013-07-16 07:54 — editor
By Zaheerul Hassan

A former Indian investigator Satish Verma of Home Minister has disclosed that a member of the secret service team had accused that Indian governments staged terror attack on Lok Sabha and the 26/11 carnage in Mumbai. Notably, over 300 people were killed and injured during the attacks. As usually India stayed ISI responsible for these attacks. However, the alleged responsible for attacks Ajmal Kasab and Afzal Guru were apprehended and hanged till death.

Attacks on Mumbai and Parliament pushed two South Asian nuclear countries into the brink of war and put the regional peace at stake. It further strained already deteriorated relationship between two nations. The talks on Confidential Building Measures (CBM) which were started in the previous regime of Nawaz Sharif in 2004 were suspended as result of stated two attacks. Exchange of cultural groups was terminated while cancelling the visa of Pakistani actors who were on visit to India. At that time, Bal Thackeray (late), India’s Hindu terrorist too has advised his government to attack Pakistan without warning. He also stated that he is proud of extremist Hindus if at all they have launched Mumbai attacks. His statements are the true reflection of the exact mentality of extremist thoughts. Earlier reports are that US had asked Islamabad to allow New Delhi to attack some selected targets in Pakistan and later should not retaliate.

Moreover at that time, the major media group of Pakistan aired the documentary about Ajmal Kasab and tried to prove the involvement of Pakistani non state actors in Mumbai attacks but now after the statement of Satish Verma the same electronic channel yet to air half of that time which it spent in establishing Pakistan’s connection in Mumbai attack.

Anyhow, the Indian involvement in the case of Mumbai and Parliament was established when in the fake encounter case of Ishrat Jahan, a key government official, R V S Mani submitted an affidavit in the court revealing that a member of CBI and SIC investigation team Satish Verma told him that the terrorists attacks on Parliament in Delhi and Mumbai terror attacks were pre-planned. He further explained that the objectives of attacks were strengthening of counter-terror legislation (sic). Actually, the fake encounter was also planned by the RAW to support anti-Muslim Mr. Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat state.

The Gujarat Police had claimed that Ishrat and the three others were Lashkar-e-Toiba members and had come to Gujarat to assassinate Chief Minister Narendra Modi.

Ishrat’s family, however, has been maintaining that Ishrat was a college student who was struggling to run her family after her father’s death.

In fact the conspiracy behind Mumbai attack unveiled due to the controversy between RAW, Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) and CBI. Notably, Anti Terrorist Squad was headed by Hemant Karkare, who was killed by RAW elements during the Mumbai attacks. It is worth mentioning here that Karkare, was the one who exposed the involvement of a notorious RAW’s official Lt Col Prohit’s involvement in blasting of Samjohta Express in 2007. In this connection Karkara’s wife has already filed a case against RAW in the Civil Court.

Apart from above narrated details there are many other facts which are enough to confirm Satesh Verm statement that “India is behind Mumbai and Parliament attacks’. For example, on February, 2009 Bangladeshi Foreign Minster Mr. Hassan admitted that Mumbai Drama was planned on their land.

According to Press Trust of India’s report of 17 February 2009, BJP leader L. K Advani demanded a judicial inquiry into the Mumbai terror attack, since it could not have taken place without local support. The ruling Congress instead accepting the opposition’s demand, had tried to hide the actual facts and failure of Indian intelligence agencies.

Former Interior Minister of Pakistan Rehman Malik also stated in a Press Conference in Islamabad that terrorist attack in Mumbai has planned in a number of countries, including India, Austria, Spain, Italy, Russia and US.

Moreover, in those days, a “Blue Water” Naval exercise was planned and conducted in Indian maritime with the theme of countering terrorist attack via sea route on Mumbai. Thus, attacking terrorists on Taj Mehal hotel without coming into the eyes of deployed and alert Naval Forces during exercise was next to impossible. It only proves the inability of Indian naval forces present in the sea. Furthermore, it is not possible for an untrained person to move from Thatta to Mumbai with the help of GPS on ordinary boats all the way in an open sea.

Earlier, Pakistan has also handed over a dossier to New Delhi to seek answers of 30 questions that have cropped up during the investigations for further probe into the attack. In this regard Islamabad has adopted a constructive, proactive, well-coordinated and coherent regional approach to deal with the Mumbai Issue. The diplomatic corps and world’s leadership expressed satisfaction over Pakistan action but on the other hand India never proceeded further except carrying out media warfare. Whereas, the responsibility displayed by Pakistan government demanded reciprocal actions from India too.

The terrorism can be controlled if all regional countries religiously and seriously interested in rectifying the real causes behind. India being a larger country should take steps to stop state terrorism against minorities and Kashmiris. But Satish disclosure once again made it clear that New Delhi is not serious in cooperating with Pakistan.

Therefore, it would be the duty of world community to pressurize India to stop fomenting terrorism in regional countries. The world should condemn India for attacking her economical capital and parliaments just to malign Pakistan. She must be pressed to hand over Col Purohit to Pakistan so that justice be granted to the victims of Samjhauta Express. The United Nations Organisation should also ask so-called secular state to ban Hindu extremists groups that are operating against over 200 million Muslims, Christians and Sikhs. Several training camps are being maintained all along the western border and these are being used as launching pads for terrorist activities in Pakistan.

Probably Indian leadership has planned Mumbai drama and started proxy war to gain regional hegemony. The first proxy militia – Mukti Bahini in East Pakistan – was created and used by India in 1971 to invade Pakistani territory. And again she is operating in Balochistan funding BLA and TTP in FATA. RAW supported by Hindu Taliban is deceiving her government, national and international community from actual root cause of the problem i.e. communal violence and terrorism against minorities.

Thus, Satish Verma revelation of Indian involvement on Mumbai and parliament attacks is to malign Pakistan and ISI and nothing more than a cocktail story and blame game. Unfolding of this issue slowly and gradually is continuously causing embarrassment and giving shock to New Delhi on diplomatic and international fronts. However, international community should now raise voice for the families of Afzal Guru, Ajmal Kasab, wife of Karkare, and victims of Samjohta Express.

– Asian Tribune –

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Brig.(Retd) Asif Haroon Raja : Daunting challenges faced by security forces

Daunting challenges faced by security forces

Asif Haroon Raja

Pakistan faces formidable array of challenges, both at external and internal fronts. Internal threats are as daunting and menacing as the external threat. So much so that for the first time in Pakistan’s history, it cannot be discerned with certainty which of the two threats is more dangerous? The Army Chief Gen Kayani has however plainly graded internal threat to the security and integrity of Pakistan more hazardous. He said so because war on terror fought inside Pakistan among us has claimed more human lives than the fatalities incurred in all the wars and conflicts with India. Our sensitive and highly defended installations that could not be struck by our arch enemy during the war are being attacked daringly by home-grown non-actors. Few thousand militants merged in the sea of 180 million people prowl behind every bush and corner or stand among a crowd unnoticed and throw a bomb or blow themselves up whenever opportunity comes their way. 

For a guerrilla to operate successfully, he should have terrain suited for guerrilla war, should be adept in living off the land and techniques of fighting surreptitiously. He cannot operate for long without local support, safe sanctuaries, funds, armaments and sophisticated communication system. He should have safe exit routes to go across the border whenever cornered. Mountainous terrain of FATA and interior Balochistan, both attached with Afghanistan are suited for irregular warfare and hence favor TTP and BLA respectively thereby enabling them to wage an asymmetrical war for last so many years despite being hounded and badly bruised. Members of the two banned outfits are tribesmen and proficient in guerrilla war. Al-Qaeda allied with TTP gained experience during the eight-year Afghan Jihad against the Soviets and later against the Americans once they were ditched.

The war was first confined to FATA and some parts of interior Balochistan inhabited by Bugtis, Marris and Mengals. Hence it didn’t much bother the ruling elite and it kept following the dictates of the US to do more. When the war spilled into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa settled areas and then to major cities and incidents of terrorism kept increasing, it then alarmed the rulers. But by then the situation had become very complex because flames of terrorism had spread all over the country.

Intrusion of TTP militants into urban centres became possible because of the marrying up of urban-based Jihadi groups that had been bannimages-2


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