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Archive for category Serial Killers Nawaz Sharif

$418m corruption by Nawaz during his stints as PM: 2012 Book



$418m corruption by Nawaz during his stints as PM: 2012 Book




Raymond Baker

















PMs of $418 million during his twice stints as Prime Minister of the country, according to a book entitled Capitalism’s Achilles Heel by Raymond W Baker.
The book is a dossier on the corruption of most dominated political families in the history including Nawaz Sharif and how they accumulated their properties, factories and enormous wealth.
According to the book, at least $160 million were pocketed by Nawaz Sharif during his first stint as the Prime Minister in the 1990, from a contract to build a highway from Lahore, his home town, to Islamabad, the nation’s capital.
At least $140 million in unsecured loans from Pakistan’s state banks. More than $60 million generated from government rebates on sugar exported by mills controlled by Mr. Sharif and his business associates.
At least $58 million skimmed from prices paid for imported wheat from the United States and Canada. In the wheat deal, Mr. Sharif’s government paid prices far above market value to a private company owned by a close associate of his in Washington, the records show. Falsely in?ated invoices for the wheat generated tens of millions of dollars in cash.
The book review went on to state that “The extent and magnitude of this corruption is so staggering that it has put the very integrity of the country at stake.”
Under Sharif, unpaid bank loans and massive tax evasion remained the favorite ways to get rich.
Upon his loss of power the usurping government published a list of 322 of the largest loan defaulters, representing almost $3 billion out of $4 billion owed to banks. Sharif and his family were tagged for $60 million.
Like Bhutto, offshore companies have been linked to Sharif, three in the British Virgin Islands by the names of Nescoll, Nielson, and Shamrock and another in the Channel Islands known as Chandron Jersey Pvt. Ltd. Some of these entities allegedly were used to facilitate purchase of four rather grand flats on Park Lane in London, at various times occupied by Sharif family members.
In 1999 Musharraf had Sharif probed, tried, convicted, and sentenced to life in prison, but then in 2000 exiled him to Saudi Arabia. Twenty-two containers of carpets and furniture followed, and, of course, his foreign accounts remained mostly intact. Ensconced in a glittering palace in Jeddah, he is described as looking “corpulent” amidst “opulent” surroundings.L-N leader Nawaz Sharif made financial gain

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Perception by Ayaz Fakir















Ayaz Fakir

Editor’s Note:
Pakistan’s Enemies may mis-read the Army’s bystander attitude towards Nawaz Sharif’s Tsunami of money laundering,transferring assets stolen from Pakistan to S.Arabia, UAE, UK, US, and EU.
The perception about the Army seems to have undergone a sea change in the last six months. From  revered saviours as they were seen by a huge majority, they are increasingly being viewed as “neutrals” as the state they are sworn to defend is being brought to its knees by just a few hundred people. And if things keep going the way they are, “neutral” will be the least offensive epithet to be slapped on the Army by the people of this country.
What if India attacks Pakistan today, and our Army adopts a position of neutrality? What should the Army be called then?? For what is happening today is unobstructed plunder of national wealth of a scale so frightening that the “enemy” will have done us in without the need to fire a single shot. And this corruption is surely reflected in our national debt whose figures cannot be denied, and which has put a lien on our sovereignty. How can the Army, the ultimate guardian of our state look impassively on, as the very foundations of the state are being eroded? What should the people, who sustain the Army, call such neutrality?
This is a strange scenario where the people who are destroying the country are hiding behind the Constitution, and where the Army which can bring about an end to this horror is also citing the same Constitution for its inaction and passivity.
Indeed, this was the very aim of this mangled Constitution i.e to give immunity to the robber barons of the land, while counting on the pusillanimity of those who lead its Army. This was the perfect legal recipe for the success of an operation designed to take down the state.
In states with a slightly higher quotient of patriotism, it is clearly understood that when it is a choice between the state and the constitution, it is for the state that a patriot stands. 
This is what Ataturk did not need being schooled about in 1919, while the German Generals of the Second World War needed to be schooled in a lot earlier than 20 July 1944.
When every solution for the salvaging of the state lies exhausted, and the last solution is the only one that remains, not resorting to this solution does not make one a “constitutionalist”, it makes one a deserter at a time when he was most needed by his country.


Indeed, this was the very aim of this mangled Constitution i.e to give immunity to the robber barons of the land, while counting on the pusillanimity of those who lead its Army. This was the perfect legal recipe for the success of an operation designed to take down the state.
In states with a slightly higher quotient of patriotism, it is clearly understood that when it is a choice between the state and the constitution, it is for the state that a patriot stands. 
This is what Ataturk did not need being schooled about in 1919, while the German Generals of the Second World War needed to be schooled in a lot earlier than 20 July 1944.
When every solution for the salvaging of the state lies exhausted, and the last solution is the only one that remains, not resorting to this solution does not make one a “constitutionalist”, it makes one a deserter at a time when he was most needed by his country.

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PM Pakistan Nawaz Sharif and the cabinet Division, finally had decided and gave final approval to Close PIA prior June 2014. This decision was taken In the cabinet meeting held to night at late hours and was chaired by PM and in presence of MD PIAC and some other PIA officials. Three option were under discussions, one Totally close PIA, two, re-structuring of PIA, three Handing Over PIA to Private Sectors.










PIA-1 Head Quarter shall be established at Islamabad and PIA Head Office Karachi shall function as PIA-2 Head quarters till June-2014. MD PIA and other PIA officials are ordered and were yet given last opportunity till June 2014 to apart and establish initially Whole PIA in 02 Parts; PIA-1 and PIA-2. After complete privatization PIA-1 will be restored for private sector and initially selected business communities are being given 26% assets of PIA to Command and Control PIA-1 (The Operational area only) with help and support of Air blue, Air Indus, Shaheen and Royal Airport Services.


The competent and Aviation experts exists in PIA and from all the departments working only in operational areas and in shifts only will be merged in PIA-1 and the excess and free manpower working in Day Operations, shall be excluded from existing PIA strength and shall be merged in PIA-2.


Lists of that employees excess, useless are already maintained by 3rd Party team attached with PIA few months ago. Only 30 Pilots will be taken for PIA-1. The Ratio of Manpower of PIA-1 will be as under: 30% Daily wages and Contract services oriented employees from PG-I to PG-VIII, 30% Permanent and Service oriented employees from existing strength from PG-I to PG-VIII having aviation and field expertise, particularly at ramp side. 35% for Engineering, IT, communication, Flight Safety experts having Engineering and technical qualifications, Aviation Licenses, Approvals. 5% shall be from Corporate, Finance, Human Resources and for Management positions. Shall be normal Graduates of areas of particular fields with vast Experience and reputation related to aviation.


The Skilled Operation Officers and staff and Management selection of employees will be as under and shall be taken as per aircraft manufacturer approved specifications and for various 22 type aircraft in PIA, of which 18 are operational and rest 4 are under checks ABCD or routine repairs in Line-1 or Line-2.


Statistics provided in PM cabinet meeting conducted in PM House, shown that Including Daily wedges and contract employees today PIA is holding 22,000 Employees for 22 Aircraft.PIA one will be political and trade union free private Sector PIA and only Aviation trained and field experts will be merged who had good reputation and service record. In case of shorten such strength, retired or near retired reputed employees will be called on 3 to 5 years contract or those who are retiring but have recorded expertise shall be taken enhance their services up to age of 65 years.

To overcome the issues it is decided that all those staff and officers working in office strengths at airports or head office since years or even at out stations but politically and against merit were promoted or selected shall be merged in PIA-2 which later will be closed after June 2014. All trade unions and Officers, other associations representatives are those who are out of duty, exampled also shall be merged in PIA-2. It will be later decided if these free and excess employees shall be given Golden Shake hand or not.


The strength of manpower of PIA-1 will be as under: One CEO (Aviation Experts From Business community), Only One Director (Aviation and Marketing experts), 03 General Managers (From Operational areas and Marketing Areas (Having Field and trade experience, and had worked from roots to top), 01 corporate Managers for each Operational areas had only Ramp expertise and gone through all field areas in service carrier from root), and Marketing areas, gone through fields and has acquired recorded revenue. and 3rd General Manager shall be IT experts . All IT or communication or reservation related functionaries whether at Airports, in Head Offices, in Marketing offices or any where, he will be responsible, manage and control. Accordingly all IT strength whether in Operation, Marketing, Engineering, other area will be under his supervision and control for fruitful results.




The excess and free manpower against the 22 Aircraft’s in PIA, The all Officers and staff working in Day Pattern, All new inductions in PIA after year 1998 and inducted after resizing of PIA in 1998 on Suggestions of SABRE Consultants  and the all those Officers and staff, Daily wedges or Contractual or permanent employees,  and all those who were pre-designated or transferred from their parent departments to other with or without backdate seniority and who were rapidly promoted from year 2000 to 2013 without merit and any linguistic, religious creed, political, establishment or bureaucratic influences, any in-house / out house management, trade unions, officers associations support or influences, and those Officers/Staff facing disciplinary and misconduct charges will be filled in PIA-2.


The cases of all type of beneficiary of unmerited/out of turn, from 1998 to 2013, had already been investigated along with those all departmental or HR officials who had supported them are also enlisted by third party investigators confidentially and 3 months ago for real accountability, to get Govt. decide, whether after removal or termination of these all type of over-the-rule and merit beneficiaries shall be compensated, for Golden shake hand or other schemes in consideration or not and whether PIA losses shall be recovered from them for these foul activities, actions, decisions PIA reached to bankruptcy.


The rest excess employees if on merit parameters, sequence and series shall be offered Golden hand shake schemes, also shall be facilitated and supported to adjust in other Private Airlines like Air Blue, air Indus etc, provided they have 15 years or more aviation and ramp or field experience, aviation trainings, on-job trainings, PTC or CAA certifications, Licenses, Approvals and good reputation as well with service record during PIA Services.


Finally in Month of June-2014 all PIA-2 with excess employees will be out of PIA strength and identity and PIA-1 will continue as NATIONAL FLAG CARRIER as PIA (Pvt).


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Serial Killers Nawaz Sharif,Shahbaz Sharif, Rana Sana Ulla,Abid Sher Ali :Executioner Shahid Rana Sanulla’s Guard









PTI Worker Dies, 11 Injured In Faisalabad Clashes

2014-12-08 15:38:24


FAISALABAD (Dunya News) – At least one PTI workers died and 11 people including two police officers injured in clashes that erupted between workers of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) at Novelty Bridge area on Saturday.

imgresPML-N workers opened fired critically injuring one of PTI workers, 25 year old Asghar Ali, who was shifted to Allied Hospital where he died succumbed to the injuries. According to the doctors the dead worker bore a bullet to the chest.

Unarmed police officers opened water cannons in order to disperse the protesters while only a few police guards bearing guns opened aerial firing to scatter the miscreants away.

A police constable bore injuries to the head and has been shifted to the hospital for medical assistance.

Not too many of PML-N workers are present at the sight of incident but are using arms against the protesters.

Here it is important to mention that the clashes are occurring in the constituencies of PML-N senior leaders Rana Sanaullah and Abid Sher Ali.

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