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1965 War: Refocus on the Victory Day

 1965 War: Refocus on the Victory Day


Sajjad Shaukat


September 20 is celebrated by every Pakistani as the Victory Day, as on this very day; Pakistan won the 1965 war which India imposed on the latter on September 6, 1965.


In 2015, BJP-led government of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had celebrated the golden jubilee of that war, which New Delhi had never celebrated in the past. In order to propagate that the 1965 war was won by them, Indian celebrations began on August 28, 2015, and went on until 22 September-the day India and Pakistan agreed to an UN-sponsored ceasefire. The Indian Army and the Indian Air Force organised tableaux, exhibitions, processions, public lectures and film shows. Modi-led entities launched campaigns on print and electronic media besides other social events, depicting the war to have been a “one-sided” affair.  Ignoring reality, India celebrated false victory of that war. On the other side, Pakistan was quite justified in relation to its golden jubilee celebrations of the Indo-Pak war of 1965, because it defeated India.


It is notable that in his book, titled “The Duels of the Himalayan Eagle: The First Indo-Pak Air War”, Ex-Indian Air Marshal Bharat Kumar admitted Indian defeat in the war of 1965. 


However, on the 6th of September in 1965, India crossed the international border, on the western front marking an official beginning of the war. An attempt to cross the BRB canal was made over the bridge in the village of Barki, Lahore. 



Pakistan’s Armed Forces rose to the occasion in wake of Indian sudden attack, and in Lahore, they held the bridges over the canal or blew up those it could not hold. Indian Regiment had also crossed the BRB canal and captured the town of Batapore (Jallo Mur). The same day, a counteroffensive, consisting of an armoured division and infantry division forced the Indian 15th Division to withdraw to its starting point. In this regard, the huge credit goes to the all men of Pak Army, who were deployed in the Lahore areas of Wahgah, Burki etc. Among them, Major Raja Aziz Bhatti played a huge role in the outcome of the Lahore battles and was martyred. 


As regards Sialkot, the 1965 war witnessed some of the largest tank battles since World War II, and was fought at Chawinda in Sialkot sector—The Battle of Chawinda resulted into a victory of Pakistan whose armoured forces destroyed 120 tanks of India.

MM Alam


Regarding aerial warfare between Pakistan Air Force (PAF) and Indian Air Force (IAF), the latter emerged as victorious in the Indo-Pak war of I965. Pakistan Air Force gained a lot of credibility among Pakistan military and international war writers for a successful defence of Lahore and other important areas of Pakistan and heavy retaliation to India. During that war, PAF had destroyed 100 Indian aircraft on the ground and in the air, while damaged more than 10—not counting the undermined losses inflicted by PAF’s night bombing.


The then Squadron Leader M. M. Alam rewrote the history of air warfare on 7th September by setting new records, while defending Pakistan’s Airspace against the aggressors, and shot down five Indian aircraft in less than sixty seconds at Sargodha. He can genuinely be branded as a “hunter of the hunters”. 

The role of the Pakistan Navy in the Indo-Pak war of 1965 is also appreciable. Securing Pakistan’s coasts, it played a vital role in defeating India. The Operation Dwarka marked was launched by Pakistan on September 7, 196. The Indian town of Dwarka was chosen to be a target of the attack. The Pakistani operation was successful and its warships harboured in Bombay, making the Indian Navy unable to sortie. In this context, Ghazi, the only submarine was deployed to attack heavy ships of the Indian Navy, aiding Operation Dwarka. 


Besides, the Pakistan Army launched a number of successful covert operations to infiltrate and sabotage Indian airbases and military installations. On September 7, 1965, the Special Services Group (SSG) commandos were parachuted into enemy territory. According to Chief of Army Staff General Muhammad Musa, about 135 commandos were airdropped at three Indian airfields. The commando mission affected some planned Indian operations.


Despite Indian surprise invasion in 1965, while showing courage, and by sacrificing their lives, the Pakistani forces’ counterattack not only recaptured the territories from India, but also took Khem Karan from Indian forces including various regions of Rajasthan, Sindh, and Chumb sector in Kashmir.


Notably, during the war, the whole nation showed solidarity with Pakistan’s Armed Forces and the air of the country was full of anthems and patriotic songs, especially in Noor Jehan’s voice which prompted every soldier to fight harder. There were a lot of national heroes like Brigadier Ahsan Rashid, Major Raja Aziz Bhatti, SQN LDR M. M. Alam, SQN LDR Sarfaraz Ahmed Rafiqui etc., most recognized, many unsung, we remember them always and particularly on September 20, marking the Victory Day. 


It is noteworthy that unlike Indian false claim of victory by the Modi government, Pakistan won that war. In fact, when Indians were at the edge of loss, some of their officials went to the USA and requested for a ceasefire, because they did not want further loss. 


India’s Prime Minister Shastri suffered a fatal heart attack soon after the declaration of the ceasefire through Tashkent Declaration.


It is worth mentioning that the “Official History of the 1965 War”, drafted by the Ministry of Defence of India 1992 realised Indian miscalculations. According to it, on 22 September when the Security Council Security was pressing for a ceasefire, the Indian Prime Minister asked commanding Gen. Chaudhuri, if India could possibly win the war, were he to delay accepting the ceasefire. The general replied that most of India’s frontline ammunition had been used up and the Indian Army had suffered considerable tank losses. 


Air Chief Marshal (R) P.C. Lal who was the Vice Chief of Air Staff during the conflict points to the lack of coordination between the IAF and the Indian army.


These statements and ground realities prove that there is no doubt that Pakistan won the war of 1965 by defeating India.


Undoubtedly, despite the qualitative and numerical superiority of India, it was due to the spirit of sacrificing their own lives, motivated by Pak Army’s Motto–Iman, Taqwa, Jihad and Fi Sabilillah that Pakistan’s Armed Forces fought bravely and courageously. In this context, in his historical address, the then President of Pakistan, Field Marshal Ayub Khan gave reference of Kalama-e-Tayyaba. 


Now, this very day has come at a time when Pakistan is facing Indian aggressive designs. In this regard, Indian extremist Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government ended the special status of the Jammu and Kashmir on August 5, 2019, while scrapping articles 35A and 370 of the Constitution in a malicious attempt to turn Muslim majority into a minority in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK). Indian forces have continued lockdown and curfew in the IOK and also martyred many people by accelerated firing at the stone-pelting Kashmiris who are protesting against Indian illegal actions. 


Pakistan’s forces, especially, Pak Army and Rangers have been responding to India’s unprovoked firing at the Line of Control (LoC) boldly inside Pakistani side of Kashmir.


Tensions further increased on August 16, this year when Indian Defence Rajnath Singh threatened Pakistan with nuclear war. In response, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan also gave a similar reply.


Besides, Premier Khan and Chief of the Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa repeatedly said that Pakistan’s Armed Forces are fully ready to meet any prospective aggression or invasion by India. For this purpose, the country’s Armed Forces are on high alert.


On August 7, 2019, unity was witnessed by the ruling party PTI, the opposition parties-PPI, PML-N and the religious parties when the joint session of the parliament unanimously passed resolution in condemnation of “India’s unilateral and illegal move to scrap Kashmir’s special status”, as enshrined in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions—“deployment of additional troops and atrocities in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir”.


Nonetheless, while celebrating the Victory Day of the 1965 war, Pakistanis pay tribute to every Shaheed and Ghazi whom they salute to symbolize country’s love for those men in uniform, as they would live alive due to their deeds.


Nevertheless, the Victory Day is celebrated every year as Pakistan’s courageous Armed Forces and the entire nation stood united in 1965 for the defense of the homeland against India which had threatened the territorial integrity of the beloved country through all-out war. By imbibing the spirit of 1965 war, the entire nation must stand with Pakistan’s Armed Forces which are ready to respond to India’s any prospective misadventure or invasion.



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The spirit of ‘65 War’

The spirit of ‘65 War’
September 06, 2014
Colonel Syed Shahid Abbas
Pakistan Army, Air Force and Navy 3 Powers
To quote from a 22 September 1965 war dispatch of a Times Magazine correspondent Mr Louis Karrar, “Who can defeat a nation which knows to play hide and seek with death?…….Playing with fire to these men – from the Jawan to the General Officer Commanding – was like children playing with marbles in the streets. I asked the GOC, how is it that despite small number you are overpowering the Indians? He looked at me, smiled and said: “if courage, bravery and patriotism was purchasable commodities, then India could have got them along with foreign aid”.

It was midnight 5/6 September 1965 when our unforgiving neighbor not comfortable with the cessation of this new found Muslim state ventured to mow it down under the spell of its formidable quantitative superiority. Taking cover of the pitch dark night it intruded into our sacred land like a serpent in paradise. Lahore, the historic city and then the capital of West Pakistan was only 14.2 miles (22.72 km) from the border. Pakistan’s vital GT road and rail arteries were hardly within 40 minutes tank ride from Indian jump off point. Quantitatively speaking Pakistan with less than one third of the Indian force who had the advantage of time and place of their choosing was no match. In case of a breakthrough the Indian assault could prove disastrous for Pakistan’s communication network. Hence, threatening its defensive posture in totality. India mounted thirteen major attacks on Lahore, Kasur and 15 major attacks on Sialkot front. Despite the odds, Pakistani forces held their ground due to unparalleled gallantry, tenacity and strength of indomitable motivation they drew from the relentless support of dauntless and united people of Pakistan. The Indians had moved in three miles deep, in the first few hours of their attack before they came up against our defences. During the rest of 17 days, they could not advance as many inches. The initial nine hours resistance offered to an Indian brigade size force at Hudiara drain by just a handful of Pakistan Army Jawans under Major Shafqat Baloch was the most crucial of the battles. It is remembered to this day as the most glorious chapters of our national history. The metamorphosis of this 6th September, 1965 action generated a patriotic upsurge in the whole nation and converted them into an indestructible edifice of national solidarity.
The battle of Sialkot, or the battle of Chowinda as it has come to be known, remains the subject of discussion in professional quarters even to this day. Our men knocked out four tanks for each of their own and this index, which has been corroborated by neutral observers, speaks volumes for the skill and guts of our tanks men. The contribution of Pakistan Artillery in breaking the back of India’s offensive on Sialkot and on other fronts is yet another inspiring story. On Lahore and Sialkot fronts Pakistan was fighting purely a defensive battle. In Kasur Sector, Pakistani troops not only contained one of India’s major thrusts to hit Lahore from the flank but they also went for a limited offensive action to prevent further enemy build-up. In a swift action they occupied Khem Karan thereby putting an end to whatever mischief enemy was brewing.
Pakistan Army also made a small push into Indian territory at Sulemanki. This action, again, was ordered to forestall Indian design to capture Sulemanki Headworks. In this area Pakistan occupied 40 square miles of Indian territory. In Rajasthan we captured over 1200 square miles of Indian land, from where India made desperate and futile bids to push us out.
In Kashmir, Pakistan’s action to break up India’s offensive build up in Chhamb area was a perfectly planned text-book attack, which staggered the Indians who ran for their lives, leaving everything they had in their well-prepared defensive positions? In artillery alone, they left enough pieces for Pakistan Army to raise two field regiments. Pakistani troops occupied over 350 square miles of territory in Akhnur Sector and 16 square miles in Kotli Sector.
Behind the Armed Forces stood the people of Pakistan, dauntless and united. No visitor to Lahore during those fateful days could detect the slightest indication that a deadly struggle was raging right outside the suburbs of this stout-hearted city. As the armed forces took the enemy along the borders, the people in their own way plunged themselves into war effort, collectively and individually. On all roads leading to the battle-fronts, people thronged on both sides, all hours of the day, offering snacks, cold drinks, tea and cigarettes, to the troops on the move.  In the world of art and literature, the 17-days war brought about a real revolution. It transformed the artists – writers, composers, poets, painters and the broadcast and newspaper media into front line fighters on the intangible, yet vital front of art. Poetry rode high on the wings of patriotism. The exploits of the soldiers were versified into ballads and set to stirring music. This was the inspiring spectacle of a whole nation in arms – people standing side by side with the Armed Forces to face the challenge from across the border, courageously and dynamically.
Pakistan’s small but dedicated air force kept the Indians on the defensive by its relentless pressure, and maintained complete mastery of the sky throughout the 17-days war. The PAF launched deep penetration bombing missions on Indian airbases. It also provided effective close support to the Army on various fronts from Chamb to Rajisthan. Suffice to say that by September 23, when hostilities came to an end, India had lost 110 aircraft, besides 19 damaged. On its part PAF came out of war nearly unscathed losing only 16 aircraft.  The Pakistan Navy dominated the seas and kept our sea lanes open and safe for ships coming to Pakistani ports. It is a measure of its prowess that Indian Navy with its aircraft carrier and cruisers, never once showed up outside the safety of its bases. A swift and spectacular raid on Dwarka on September 7 was one of its brilliant demonstrations of daring action.
To quote from a 22 September 1965 war dispatch of a Times Magazine correspondent Mr Louis Karrar, “Who can defeat a nation which knows to play hide and seek with death?…….Playing with fire to these men – from the Jawan to the General Officer Commanding – was like children playing with marbles in the streets. I asked the GOC, how is it that despite small number you are overpowering the Indians? He looked at me, smiled and said: “if courage, bravery and patriotism was purchasable commodities, then India could have got them along with foreign aid”.

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Propaganda against the Army and ISI was part of the US agenda

Gen Beg warns of Egypt-like change in Pakistan

Propaganda against the Army and ISI was part of the US agenda

Proposes three-point formula to normalise situation

April 22, 2014    ASHRAF MUMTAZ

  LAHORE  – Former Army chief Gen Mirza Aslam Beg on Monday proposed a three-point formula to normalise the tense civil-military relations, warning the government of an Egypt-like change in case urgent steps were not taken in accordance with his suggestions.

He proposed a three-point formula to normalise the situation

1. high treason case against Gen Pervez Musharraf should be dropped and he should be allowed to go abroad;

 2.Pemra should ensure that no TV channel telecasts programmes that undermine the prestige of the army; and

 3. ministers or other leaders should be barred from speaking against the people who defend the country even at the cost of their lives. 

Talking to The Nation, he said the civil setup would face no threat and the situation would normalise within no time if the government acted in the light of his suggestions. Otherwise, he said, a military general would take over, just like Gen El-Sisi did in Egypt, and the United States would support the change for its own interests.

Gen Beg was of the firm view that the Constitution would not be able to block a military intervention if the rulers did not give the army its due respect. “ZulifikarAli Bhutto had said the 1973 Constitution would bury martial laws, but it was the martial law that buried Bhutto”.

Critical of the flawed decision-making process of the present government, Gen Beg said the rulers did not properly calculate the likely negative fallout of their policies. According to him, the government takes decisions first and thinks later. As a result, its damage control measures don’t yield results. 

Gen Beg said the army was like a family and Gen Musharraf was its former head. The way he was insulted created unrest in the rank and file which forced Gen Raheel Sharif to issue a statement that army will defend its honour and dignity. Compared to the anger of the soldiers, Gen Raheel’s statement was ‘very soft’ however, he claimed.

He said it was after Gen Raheel’s statement all government functionaries had gone on defensive and they were offering explanations that they did not want to insult the army. Such people should have been careful before issuing derogatory statements, said Gen Beg.

The army, he said, would not tolerate the way Gen Musharraf was being singled out for trial. Similarly, he said, the former president-COAS could not be held responsible for ‘high treason’ as what he was accused of having done did not fall in this category. A treason charge on a former army chief was just not tolerable.

Making a strong plea for permission to Gen Musharraf to go out of Pakistan, Gen Beg said if a man like Hussain Haqqani could be allowed to leave the country despite a very serious charge against him, why the former president-COAS couldn’t be given a similar treatment.

Explaining his argument that the US would support a general in power in Pakistan at a time when it was leaving Afghanistan after 13 years’ stay in Afghanistan, Gen Beg said the US always felt more comfortable in dealing with one man rather than an elected parliament.

He said when the US interest called for a change in Pakistan because of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, it got Zulfikar Ali Bhutto eliminated and brought Gen Zia to the fore. Likewise, the US supported Gen Musharraf when its interests in Afghanistan so demanded.

According to Gen Beg, had a political government been in power in Pakistan in 2001, the US would not have got the kind of ‘facilities’ in Pakistan that Gen Musharraf had allowed them. Replying to a question, the former COAS said the US had deep penetration in all departments of Pakistan and it could bring about a political change at any time of its choice.

“I don’t say that Gen Raheel Sharif is going to become Gen El-Sisi (by overthrowing the political government), but a lot can happen”. 

He alleged that the propaganda against the army and ISI was part of the US agenda as it was the most effective way of creating tensions between the civil and military leadership. “The higher the tension, the easier the change”, Gen Beg said.




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F Z Khan, Islamabad :Pakistan’s ‘Nuclear & Missile Club’ expands

Pakistan’s ‘Nuclear Club’ expands
 Letter to Editor
nasarA new short range ballistic missile Hatf-IX (NASR) has recently been added in Pakistan’s nuke club. NASR with a range of 60 km, have a quick response system, can carry four missiles, have high accuracy and ensures deterrence in evolving scenario. It was part of short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile (SRBMs) and its medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) is expected to be completed in three cycles by July of this year. A short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) is a ballistic missile with a range of about 1,000 km or less. It should be noted that Nasr is a modern missile, developed considering the evolving threats to ballistic missiles. Shaheen-IA is developed keeping the same threat in mind, and so will be the future ballistic missiles of Pakistan.
 NASR is a significant addition as it is designed to defeat all eminent anti-tactical missile defense systems. Small range Nuclear Warheads are not meant to wipe out cities. Instead their role is to wipe out enemy bases or a strategic point which is too hard to be conquered. This 60 km range battle field missile is meant to be used with Tactical Nukes – not Strategic – to stop advancing armor division’s entering into the country. Many strategic planners in New Delhi have long been of the opinion that there exist loopholes in the Pakistani deterrence at shorter ranges which can be exploited in the Indian Cold Start Doctrine to capture Pakistani territory. Therefore missile is considered to be more deadly then longer range missiles because as it lower the nuclear threshold (for tactical nukes). The Americans had at one point deployed similar short range battlefield nukes in East-Europe against the Soviets – to underscore the will to go all out nuclear against a larger invading force. It is called an effective deterrence.
The NASR is more likely to be utilized as a means of targeting static Indian military infrastructure close to the border with conventional warheads – a more accurate substitute to an MBRL. Shireen Mazari has termed NASR as counter to India’s limited war doctrine. We are signaling our acquisition of tactical missile capability and miniaturization technology. This will allow our already developed cruise missiles – the Hatf-VIII [Ra’ad] which is an air-launched cruise missile [ALCM] and Hatf-VII [Babur], which is a ground-launched cruise missile [GLCM] – to be miniaturized for sea-launched submarine capability in order to move on to a second-strike capability. This would help stabilize the nuclear deterrence and its credibility.” Missiles development does not mean offense but they serve as a deterrent when our hostile state is in race to increase its missile capability. Napoleon Bonaparte once said that “He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat”. Hence to defeat the fear, state has to take steps to fortify its defense. Scientists, military and nation should be congratulated for such developments which ensure state security.
F Z Khan, Islamabad 
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Pakistan’s Missile Program

Courtesy: http://blogs.transparent.com/urdu/pakistans-missile-program/

Posted on 05. Mar, 2013 by  

Motivated by ongoing hostilities with India, Pakistan embarked upon an intense ballistic missile development program in the early 1980′s. Overcoming technical naivete  substantial disadvantages in infrastructure and human capital relative to India, the imposition of U.S. and Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) sanctions, and the uncertainties of democratization, Pakistan gained a sophisticated missile arsenal in only 30 years.


The perceived strategic necessity of displaying the ability to execute a nuclear strike deep within India has sustained Pakistan’s interest in medium- and long-range missiles. The Congressional Research Service and other assessments continue to report ongoing Pakistani missile collaborations with China and North Korea. Pakistan also remains a non-signatory to the MTCR, but the last U.S. missile sanction laws against Pakistani entities were waived in 2003. Recent missile developments, such as the April 2011 test-firing of the short-range nuclear capable Hatf-9/NASR missile, indicate potential Pakistani interest in building a tactical nuclear capability. Pakistan considers its nuclear weapons to be national “crown jewels” and likely holds missile delivery systems in a similar regard. Barring substantial changes in South Asian geopolitics, a change in attitude seems unlikely.

Barring unprecedented industrial growth and a substantially enhanced defense-industrial base, Pakistan will likely continue its strategy of developing advanced missile systems with foreign assistance rather than pursuing the more expensive and less feasible option of pure indigenous development. Continued state patronage, fueled by competition with India, the high prestige accorded to Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, and the symbolic value of diversifying missile delivery systems will likely sustain continued missile development in Pakistan.

Here are the missiles currently held by Pakistan:

Battlefield range ballistic missiles (BRBM):

  • Hatf-I/IA
  • Abdali-I
  • Nasr (Hatf-IX)

Short range ballistic missiles (SRBM):

  • Ghaznavi
  • Abdali-II

Medium range ballistic missiles (MRBM):

  • Ghauri I
  • Shaheen I
  • Ghauri II
  • Shaheen II

Intermediate range ballistic missiles (IRBM):

  • Ghauri-III
  • Shaheen-III (missile is under development)

Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM):

Taimur 7,000 km, a proposed ICBM which is believed to be under development

Cruise missiles:

  • Babur (Hatf VII) – ground-launched cruise missile (submarine-launched version under development)
  • Hatf-VIII (Ra’ad) – Air-launched Cruise Missile developed exclusively for launch from Aerial Platforms.








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The Fanatical Mulla Burqa of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan

This is the picture of Mullah Burqa! remember him?

Surrounded by TTP Khawarij in Lal masjid and instigating fitnah which continues to this day. This Mullah should have been hanged but instead he is now in the Supreme Court and the CJ is giving him full protocol to wage his judicial war against Pak army. CJ says, there is no proof that there were terrorists inside Lal masjid….

It is clear that CJ does not want to see.

Army went into Lal masjid for a hostage rescue operation as there were reports that women and children have been kept hostage by these TTP Khawarij. Those reports later turned out to be false and only part of propaganda but the military operation was directly to save women and children against these snakes who were hiding in numbers inside the Lal masjid. There were few women and children belonging to the family of Mullah Burqa who were indeed rescued. rest is all propaganda and lies that army killed thousands of women and children inside. These Khawarij are the dogs of hell and the biggest liars and munafiqeen. Anyone who trust their word is also destined for disaster.

Rasul Allah (sm) has blessed the army which fights the Khawarij. Remember this and do not disobey Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).

All those who are defending Lal masjid Khawarij, should answer one simple question. What were these battalions of TTP Khawarij doing in Lal majid?? Attacking people, police and Rangers and killing dozens of people in a single day?? why is that, it is OK for Lal masjid to keep hundreds of Kalashnikov, gas masks, rocket propelled grenades and machine guns??? Under what law or shariat ??? Why did they bring these weapons into Islamabad?

If Allah has written zillat and khawari for you, then go ahead and support these snakes. All those blessed with vision, baseerat and wisdom know that this was a fitnah and Rasul Allah (sm) has blessed the army which destroys the fitnah of Khawarij. If any one is more wise than Rasul Allah (sm) (naoozubillah), then he should open his mouth else the believers would stay silent and support the army against Kharaij.
Those who know us know that our duty is the speak the truth, not to please the people but to please Allah (swt) and Rasul Allah (sm). We are not seeking fans on our page but are giving azaan for the dignity of Ummat e Rasul (sm). InshAllah, we will do our duty. If you do not trust us, leave this page. This page is for those who love Allah and Rasul Allah (sm), love Medina e Sani and love the blessed Pak army of Ghazwa e Hind and anti Khawarij war. We offer no apologies, we have no regrets and we stand by what we say. Allahu Akbar!

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