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Posts Tagged Nawaz Sharif Kargil Bhagora

Faisal Raza Abidi Reveals the Corruption of PML-N Elite Junta


نوازشریف کی کرپشن کے کارنامے سنئیے اور خود حساب لگا لیں کہ قوم کی مجرمانہ خاموشی نے پاکستان کو نوازشریف کی شکل میں تباہی کے کس دہانے پر لاکھٹرا کیا ہے – ایڈمن

Posted by Syed Faisal Raza Abidi on Thursday, February 11, 2016

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MAY 19, 2014

By Raza Ruman

Islamabad, May 19 (Pak Destiny) Federal Information Minister Pervaiz Rasheed has hinted that he will go to any extent in supporting and saving the Jang/Geo group come what may.

Perviaz Rashid has warned the Cable Operators of blocking any TV channel (Geo) or disturbing its number.
He did not condemn the Karachi Press Club incident in which Geo group reporters stopped the Cable Operators from holding a press conference.
On the issue of ISI chief bashing, Pervaiz Rasheed has not yet given comments being a law minister too sought from the PEMRA.
Earlier,he had made it clear “we are with the people of dalil (Geo group) not with the people of galail (ISI, army)”.
Let’s see if Mr Rasheed manages to save Geo from shutting down after the latest blasphemy episode involving its host Shiasta Lodhi. But one thing is clear Pervaiz Rasheed is making all out efforts to save the media group whom Imran Khan has labelled “PML-N media cell”. – Pak Destiny

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Disaster and incompetence

Disaster and incompetence

Dr AQ Khan
Monday, March 31, 2014

Random thoughts

The last few weeks have been taken up by news of the tragic events in Thar where many young children and large numbers of cattle died due to drought and serious shortage of food and water. Thousands of people travelled on foot with their cattle to find ‘greener pastures’. 

While this tragedy was building up, the rulers of Sindh were busy spending billions on the ‘Sindh Festival’ to even notice. When footage of infants dying of starvation in their mothers’ laps started surfacing, the rulers laid the blame for their deaths on disease rather than from the effects of drought. 

Did not Hazrat Umar (RA) categorically state that if even a dog died of starvation or thirst on the banks of the Euphrates, he, Umar, would be held responsible to Allah for it on the Day of Reckoning? In Thar, hundreds of children died of starvation, but the rulers are least bothered. Surely there will be severe and painful punishment for such callousness.

Many of you might have read the story of a not very religious person who picked up a wounded and starving dog and took it home where he fed and looked after it. After the man died, his neighbour, a self-proclaimed ‘pious’ person, saw him in a dream looking quite happy and content. Upon enquiry he was informed that the Almighty was so pleased with his kindness to the sick dog that he had given him a place in Paradise immediately.

True or fictitious, the Almighty is the most beneficent, the most merciful and all knowing. In Thar, hundreds of infants died of starvation, yet our rulers are under the illusion that they will not be held responsible. It is a blessing from the Almighty that we have so many kind-hearted people and philanthropists in our country who always jump in to help calamity-hit people. 

In this case too, food and other aid in kind was rushed to Thar by the MQM, Edhi, the army, Jamaat-e-Islami.
 Commodore Ilyas, that he should drill wells in the area for the supply of clean drinking water. Some friends and I had arranged for the boring of two wells (costing $20,000) in the desert surrounding Timbuktu where we had earlier helped Abdul Rahman build a simple, eight-bedroom guesthouse. This guesthouse provided boarding and lodging for tourists and jobs and financial support for about 25 families. 

At a later visit we were happy to see hundreds of people and thousands of head of cattle benefitting from the wells. When the Malaysian Ambassador at Dakar, Zainul Abedur, visited Timbuktu, stayed at the guesthouse and was shown the wells, he was so impressed that he paid for two more wells to be dug. These four wells are now supplying adequate water and sparing people from having to walk many kilometres every day to obtain water from other sources. In that area, water is found at a depth of around 400 meters.

The agreement with the boring company was that, should they need to go deeper, they would bear the extra cost, but should they not need to go that deep, they would refund the portion not used. Alhamdulillah, what a practical demonstration in honesty and fair play!

If Riaz Hussain Sahib manages to get a sufficiently large number of wells dug in the Thar area, the residents will have a permanent supply of water for household purposes, cattle and limited use for irrigation for crops and vegetables. What a blessing that would be! It is supposed that here too the average depth of such wells would be no more than about 400 meters.

Now danger bells are ringing in Cholistan. However, contrary to the lethargic attitude of the Sindh rulers, Mian Shahbaz Sharif immediately dashed to Cholistan to personally supervise relief work. He is always quick to respond to emergencies. We can only hope that a serious crisis will not develop there.

Another matter of significant importance is the federal government’s total incompetence in appointing heads to 19 important state organisations. Nine months in the saddle and still such simple yet important decisions have not been taken. The other day Fahad Hasan Fahad, an additional secretary in the PM Secretariat, was trying to convince noted anchorperson, Kamran Khan, that there were legitimate reasons for not doing so. 

There was no such hesitation in filling Cabinet posts, competent or otherwise, while it was not possible to find 19 people from a population of 190 million, many of whom are highly educated and competent (but, alas, not stooges). When setting up the Kahuta Plant, it took me only a few weeks to put together an exemplary team that proved its competence by delivering a nuclear arsenal in seven years and ballistic long range missiles in three years. We also initiated and completed the rehabilitation of the Peoples’ Steel Mill in two years and planned and executed the construction of the state-of-the-art GIK Institute in three years. 

It would have been possible for me to select competent people to fill these vacant posts within four weeks. The additional secretary seems to be looking for geniuses from outer space. It is rather unfortunate that the PM, who has been in the chair twice before, is not showing any maturity. His two previous governments did not do well – full of financial scandals and maladministration – and both times he was sent home. This time, too, he has surrounded himself with inexperienced and incompetent sycophants. 

The same game as before is on now. Supreme Court orders are finding space in dustbins and the courts have been left with no powers. Their orders to appoint a chief election commissioner, chairman of the Higher Education Commission, chairman of the Pakistan Steel Mills, chairman PIA, etc are all being ignored. Repeated orders for holding local bodies elections have been totally ignored and rejected. Nonetheless, there are claims of good and transparent governance. 

Mark my words; this government will leave us under heavy foreign debt, inflation, further absence of law and order (even Islamabad faces the law of the jungle these days), corruption, etc. This practice of ‘ruling by turn’ is going to be the death of Pakistan. There is no viable opposition. Only here can ‘do mubari’ (second-rate, incompetent) corrupt people rule, plunder and destroy. Unless a revolution takes place soon, nothing will change – there is no hope for the common man.

Email: [email protected]


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Masters and Slaves

PAKISTAN TODAY            Sunday April 6, 2014
Masters and Slaves
Humayun Gauhar
First the sad news: my precious champion dog Manelo died on Thursday. R.I.P. Manelo. You ruled the roost for many years. He was the most beautiful and intelligent German Shepherd I have ever known, a great friend and companion, devoted and more loyal than human beings can be. His sons and daughters are all over Pakistan: two with President Musharraf, one with Air Marshal Asghar Khan, one with Imran Khan, one with Sania and Ghalib Nishtar and one with Dr. Zeba and her husband Aamir Matin and tens of others all over.
The good news is that I was in London for my daughter Fazila’s marriage to an Irani boy named Armand. I performed their ‘Nikah’ at my daughter’s request: “Abu, if you can do Atiqa Auntie’s Nikah why not mine?” This is the reason why I have been absent for three weeks. It gave both you and me some respite though.
Pakistan is on the radar in London only for bad news and we oblige by providing it by the bucketful. The only Pakistani news that concerned them during the time I was there was what they see as two possible flashpoints: the injustice being meted out to former President General Pervez Musharraf and the talks with the Taliban that they are convinced will lead to disaster.
While in London, the thought came to me: “What kind of a country are we?” We cling to a system in which the oppressed regularly elect their oppressors to go on oppressing them in perpetuity. And we love it. Indeed many would die for it. We turn villains into heroes and heroes into villains, patriots into traitors and traitors into patriots, place crowns on the heads of traitors and villains and then rejoice in the majesty of law and democracy. The more our rulers of choice abuse and degrade us, the more we love them. The more they loot our money and plunder our national resources, the more they flout the law under the guise of following the law, the more they empathize with terrorists and appease our enemies, the more they degrade our military, the more we love them. Those who do us any good we abuse and revile. In this country, treason has become patriotism, religious terrorism Islam. I wondered which mother’s breast we have drunk milk from, what father’s blood flows through our veins?
The answer came to me that because our forefathers were slaves of local and foreign rulers, we their progeny are slaves too of the mental and emotional kind. We are trapped in the syndrome of the classic master-slave relationship to those who are richer and more powerful. Beggars and weaklings can only have one station in life: slavery. But there is no law of God that poverty should lead to slavery: if we develop even a modicum of self-awareness and self-esteem, what Iqbal called ‘Khudi’, the poor become masters of their destiny and not bend to anyone. “Bend to the outsider and lose your mind and body, your heart and soul”, said Iqbal. “Don’t sell your self-esteem, make your name in poverty”, which doesn’t mean extol poverty but strive for self-reliance. The rumour is that we just sold our self-esteem for the umpteenth time for $1.5 billion to fight yet another proxy, this time between people who call themselves Muslims. In our case ‘Khudi’ is a pipedream to beat all pipedreams. Some think it’s already too late. I don’t. It’s never too late. An earthquake comes suddenly, without warning.
Good sense is entirely absent. Nawaz Sharif has painted himself into a corner and the court trying Musharraf for treason showed him the way out by letting him go abroad. Instead, he balked, trying to save face by passing the buck to the judiciary. If you must try Musharraf for treason, then start the case all over again from the beginning, from Kargil. You have all the files and documents. You have the witnesses. Start with Kargil, Nawaz Sharif’s actions on October 12, 1999 that led to army intervention onwards and involve all aiders and abettors. Let it hit the fan.
Musharraf’s brief statement in the trial court is worth repeating. I don’t have the recording yet, but he told me what he said last Thursday night. I didn’t have the time to transcribe it, because much of it is in Urdu and needs translating. I will try and give it to you next week. However, here is what I recall, which is why I am not putting it in inverted commas.
Musharraf told the court that whatever I did, I did for the country and its people. I am sad that I am being called a traitor. I made Pakistan a respected country during my tenure.
I honour this court and prosecution. I strongly believe in the rule of law. I don’t have ego problems. I have appeared in courts high and low 16 times in this year in Karachi, Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
I am being called a traitor. I have been chief of the army staff for nine years and I have served the Pakistan army for 44 years. I have given my country my youth. I have fought two wars. Is this ‘treason’?
I am not a traitor. For me traitors are those who loot public money and empty the treasury. I was with our soldiers in Siachen and Kargil. Our enemies have said that Kargil was a successful operation. Is this treachery? Where is the justice of the democratic Islamic Republic of Pakistan? You judges are the custodians of justice.
Our government gave prosperity to the masses during our eight years. The country made significant progress in different fields, in the socio economy generally, in industry, information technology, defence, education, water management and much more. Is this the fruit of loyalty to the country? If not, what is treason? To me a person who sells the country’s secrets is a traitor. Traitor is the person who lays down arms before enemy.
I say on oath before this court on my old and ailing mother and children that I have not taken a single paisa of the country and during my era no one dared offer me a single rupee. In 2008, when we left power, there were $17 billion in reserves, of which $13 billion were Pakistan’s own reserves. Now only three billion dollars are there in the State Bank. Where has the rest of the money vanished?
Sadiq and Ameen (sagacious, truthful and trustworthy) members were present in the assemblies at that time and now as well but only I am standing before the court. Where is the justice of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan? I have given something to the country but not taken anything.
We inherited foreign exchange reserves of $300 million and increased them to 17 billion. For the first time in our history we reduced our foreign debt from $40 billion to 37 billion. The dollar remained stable at Rs 60. We got out of the clutches of the IMF. Is this treason?
I gave prosperity to the masses because it was my duty. Now the masses are demanding elimination of poverty, increase in income, education and health facilities. What is treason, I ask?
Our government strengthened the defence of the country when many internal and external threats were present. The Al-Khalid tank, JF-17 thunder fighter jets were introduced in my time. Many other steps were taken to strengthen our defence, including the testing of all missiles. It is our pride that all appointments in the higher judiciary were made on merit in my era.
I can challenge that our eight years witnessed more development than ever before or after. There was great progress in Balochistan, like Gwadar Port, highways, canals and the establishment of nine universities.
To me there is another category of traitors: those who create hurdles in the way of socio-economic progress, like the situation created in 2007. We were going towards the sky but steps taken by some personalities blocked the way of progress. Now we are going below ground.
I consulted the then prime minister and other stakeholders before taking any step and never abrogated the constitution. This is basically what Musharraf said.
By the way, it is totally untrue that Musharraf didn’t allow Nawaz and Shahbaz Sharif to come to Pakistan to bury their father, and they know it. I know what Musharraf did and I will tell you about it soon.


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Heart warming news for the nation, the corrupt government of Pakistan, which came to power through fraudulent means, in the light of hue & cry made by one particular media group (ARY) and public in general has forced these scoundrels to shamelessly reduce previously selected price of 19.5 $ for the purchase of LNG for Pakistan from their own newly established company in Yemen through their front man Ex- Motasib e Ala Mr. Saif ur Rehman, downwards to 16.5 $.


The interesting point worth mentioning, that India buys same product from Yemen in 12 .5 $ (including all Kickbacks, Commissions, Cuts etc, etc) and Japan buys at 12.0 $. Now one can imagine easily as to what is going to happen in days to come, and how this gang of corrupt is going to rob mercilessly 180 million down trodden people of Pakistan in the name of sham democracy.


Knowledgeable people in the subject believe that including all Kickbacks, Commissions  & Cuts the purchase price for LNG delivered in Pakistan should be not more than 11.5 $, because Pakistan happens to be located nearest, then all other purchasers of LNG from Yemen.


Thus in a way, still these cruel vultures  of Lahore, the so called democrats are planning to rob this poor nation by 4 $ per unit in purchase price only, which as worked out would amount to 400 million dollars per year (depending upon the units agreed to be purchased per year). On top of every thing the tenure of the purchase agreement between the newly established company  and Government of Pakistan would be for 15 years, having an inbuilt clause, that if the agreement is terminated before the designated period of time than the Government of Pakistan would have to pay a huge amount in lieu of damages.


This deal would certainly leave the Sheikhs of Yemen to learn a lot from these Thugs from Pakistan, who also some time back purchased 49% shares in the largest steel mill of New Zealand out of money looted from Pakistan.  This is how the thug mafia loot this country, turning it to be bankrupt. So Sad


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