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LETTER TO EDITOR : Over-Reacting






















6th September 2018



Though the Defence & Shuhada Day celebrations at various stations of Pakistan were really praiseworthy yet, our media at places overreacted in projecting the events of the 65 war.  For example; while praising the bravery of the Pak soldiers they were reported to have laid themselves in front of the Indian tanks with mines on the chests in the battle of  Chawinda !!  Well, nothing of the sorts happened or can ever happen.  The Commanding Officer of the men doing so would be Court Martialled. If someone can get that close to an advancing tank then why can’t he just jump on it to lob a hand grenade inside it which will not only kill everyone in it but also explode the tank main gun ammunition which would destroy the tank instantly?   Then, I don’t know why our media men are shy of using words and expressions not easily digestible to our clergy while reporting facts. The Indian General Chaudhry attacking Lahore had boasted of having a “Chota Peg” (small whisky) in Lahore Gymkhana club on the evening of 6th September, but our media for the fear of mentioning word Sharab distorted it to his having boasted of having a Nashta there next morning!!  What bl— nashta and for what? The illiterate media men should know that one celebrates one’s victory with a toast by clinking glasses and not with some  Nashta!  And again for the information of media, the toast is not that of bread but of a drink and that too a hard drink!  And of course, there were no angles in the skies over Sargodha or Lahore in white robes and green turbans fighting alongside the Pakistani soldiers killing Hindoo kafirs. I didn’t see any and I personally checked it up from late  Sq Ldr M.M. Alam who also didn’t see any angel up there.   

It is good to motivate the nation religiously to fight the enemies of Pakistan but let such motivation be realistic rather than fictional and fairy taled.


Col. Syed Riaz Jafri (Retd)

Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000

E.mail: [email protected]

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Saudi Iran Conflict and Pakistan by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)










January 9th, 2016


Saudi Iran Conflict and Pakistan


The Saudi Iran conflict has placed Pakistan in a very trying situation as to what to do and what not to do. On the one hand the KSA is like an ever benevolent brother whereas on the other Iran a very helpful and trusted more than a neighbour.  Pakistan has as such to play an extremely cautious balancing act between the two.  However, what should have been essentially viewed as a political conflict by Pakistan, our Allamas and Maulanas in their josh e khitabat on our TV talk shows are unwittingly turning it into a sectarian foray. This is, to say the least, a highly dangerous and ill-omened indulgence on their part for the unity of the nation. 


May I, therefore, request the electronic media through the columns of your august daily not to invite the clergy and clerics on their TV talk shows on this sensitive matter and instead solicit the views of the seasoned politicians and statesmen, the scholars of international and foreign relations and ambassadors, military strategists and the national security experts and the like of them to discuss the problem in depth and suggest steps to be taken by Pakistan on this issue. The matter must also be discussed in the parliament – preferably by the joint session of both houses – to develop a national consensus on the course  of action to be adopted by Pakistan in resolving this unfortunate conflict between the two very important nations of the Muslim world.


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000
Tel: (051) 5158033
E.mail: [email protected]

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Indians mocked at Islamic sharia punishment for rapists: Delhi Gang Rape case in detail : What punishment should be? Hanging till Death?

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones at neighbors. India should learn the lesson that status of women in the sub-continent is still second class. They should join hands with Pakistan to implement the laws in both penal codes against this devastating crimes against women. Indian news media and politicians were pointing fingers at breakdown of  law and order in Pakistan, when Mukhtaran Mai was gang raped.  Mukhtaran Mai, now 40, was gang raped in June 2002 on the orders of a village council as punishment after her younger brother was accused of having illicit relations with a woman from a rival clan. But, Indians forgot their own belief in karma.  Now, they are victims of their own venomous anti-Pakistan propaganda. Hypocritically, Indians have censored the word Rape, by writing R*pe. If Pakistani media and press uses terms to mitigate the pain of heinous attacks on women and calling it criminal assault. Zia-ul-Haq’s punishment of rapist were considered as cruel and unusual punishment and Indian propaganda machine with Zionist media demonized the people of Pakistan as living in dark ages. Now the chickens are coming to roast. This just the beginning, all of India’s subversions in Pakistan will play out in India, including the secession of India’s states like Karnataka, Telangana, Occupied Kashmir, Manipur/Bodoland. and Khalistan.  Stay tuned for more to come.

Delhi R*pe Gang Case:

Once again Delhi people are thriller by a Gang R*pe, which held in Delhi on Sunday 15 December, 2012. A 23-Year old medical student was R*ped repeatedly by six men in a moving Bus on Sunday Evening. After the R*pe crew of the bus beat her brutally with an iron road. A male friend who also traveling with her was also beaten by accuses and then threw out both of the bus. The victim has been admitted to SafdarjungHospital, is struggling for her life after having suffered multiple injuries. Her condition is very critical and admitted in ICU ward.

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According to the police, the victim is a medical student from Dehradoon, who is doing her internship in Delhi. Her friend an Engineer both boarded a private bus with tinted glass window from Munirka, south Delhi to Palam around 9.45 Pm. Her friend told police that the men on bus harassing her, which he confronted them. After that all incident happen, he was hit by the iron road several times on his head and the women dragged to driver’s cabin, where she was R*ped and later both victim threw out the bus. Police filed the case against the rapist and send both victim’s to AIIMS, from where main victim refer to Safdarjung Hospital due to her critical condition.

After the incident, police comes on action and took less than 24 hours to track down the main accused in this Gang R*pe. The police studied CCTV footage from the highway cameras to identify the bus. By the help of CCTV footage police found the bus and the iron rod which was used in incident. The Bus belongs to a private Tour & Travels from Noida, Sec-62. Police arrested the four main accused of this horrible gang R*pe. Peoples are in angered, doing protest for the punishment for accused. Bollywood world to Politics world all show ashamed on this incident. Everyone is demanding justice.


DELHI, Posted on Dec 24, 2012 at 07:36am IST


New Delhi: Several mediapersons were injured in New Delhi on Sunday in the clash at the India Gate between police and protesters demanding strict action against rapists. A photo journalist clicking photographs got a head injury when a large stone hit his head. The stones that were being hurled by protesters at police, were in turn, hurled back.

The tear gas shells hurled by police were picked up and thrown back at the police. Some news channel camerapersons and reporters also got injured in the melee.

As many as six mediapersons were admitted to Ram Manohar Lohia hospital, sources said adding that many of them were discharged after first aid. Police has claimed that hooligan elements had mingled among the protesters and resorted to stone pelting.


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