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Timings and Reasons Behind The Rise of Pashtun Tahafuz Movement Ishaal Zehra

Timings and Reasons Behind The Rise of Pashtun Tahafuz Movement

Ishaal Zehra




The politicians, in general, welcomed the decision of apex committee to hold talks with Manzoor Pashteen, the face of Pashtoon Tahafuz Movement, despite all his unparliamentary language as this is how democracy and life works. The jirga was founded under the supervision of KP Governor Zafar Iqbal Jhagra and had the support of the military leadership which presumes that some of the demands of the Pakhtun Tahaffuz Movement are genuine and they need to be addressed within the framework of the constitution of Pakistan.

In contrast, one of the PTM leader Mohsin Dawar tweeted that the time is not right for the negotiations. The tweet further said that “PTM participated in a Jirga called by Pukhtoon elders for negotiations. The PTM has asked for some time before it responds to the Jirga. During this time, PTM will consult with its ‘supporters’ and also deliberate upon the fact that who exactly PTM should negotiate with, However, PTM believes that the current atmosphere is not ideal for negotiations…”

This statement from PTM raises many suspicions on the adherence and veracity of the whole movement. The jirga was called by the Pashtun elders, meaning by their own people. The foregoing raises an automatic question as to who are these supporters with whom the PTM leadership has to seek advice from. Making it all murkier was a social media video from PTM’s Lahore jalsa which showed the jalsa mediators not allowing the Pakistan national flag inside the jalsa premises and raising anti-state & anti institutions slogans instead. This show of anti-nationalism has taken away many liberal supporters from this movement while Manzoor was held accountable publically on this act of betrayal on his count. Negotiations are a must in any political struggle. And their avoiding of this opportunity actually brings to light their hidden intentions.

Initially, Manzoor Pashteen and PTM demanded the immediate arrest of former SSP Rao in the murder case of a Pashtun youth, Naqeebullah Mehsud, in Karachi. But with the passage of time, PTM gained momentum and their demands increased. Removal of landmines, information about missing individuals and reconciliation was demanded in their Lahore rally. What raised the alarm bells in minds was PTM’s demand to seek an international guarantee if the state of Pakistan decides to negotiate with them, and signs an agreement.

There is an enormous war of words going on in the social media between Pashteen’s friends and those who are sceptical about his real intentions and his ever-increasing demands. Some pictures of Pashteen have been shared from the year 2016 where he is seen holding the Pashtunistan flag. These pictures were published in “Pashtun Times” which is a news site hosted in the United States.

Eagle-eyeing the supporters of PTM, there are doubts that movement has embarked upon an agenda which is more than Pashtun rights and welfare. Peshawar Corps Commander Lt Gen Nazir Butt expressed deep reservations that the anti-state slogans being chanted by PTM are being exploited by those foreign powers which were unhappy with the return of peace and stability in the region. Pakistan’s high echelons though realize that there are some genuine grievances of the local Pashtun population and it is important to engage their leadership, however, the strategic community also continue to see the NDS and RAW attempting to use these grievances for larger regional agenda. And these suspicions are supported by solid reasons.

The diplomat reported Qari Saifullah – an Afghan militant, in an exclusive interview, affirming that some local Afghan government officials turn a blind eye to the militants by, for example, not hindering their crossing into Pakistan. At least one other source, however, claimed that local Afghan officials do more and support such TTP groups with money and weapons also. The fact that Ustad Fateh of TTP was residing in the remote Chawgam area of Afghanistan’s Kunar district, who was later killed in a drone strike had staged cross-border incursions at least every month or so, in particular into the Pakistani tribal agency of Bajaur, adds weight to Saifullah’s claim. Linkage of Qari Fateh has also been established to the suicide bomber, who on February 3 blew himself up in the Swat valley of Pakistan, claiming the lives of at least 11 Pakistani Army soldiers, as reported by Reuters.

Franz Marty says that though Pakistani belief about RAW (Indian intelligence agency), and the Afghan intelligence agency, NDS nurturing the TTP group and others, could not gain much traction or international attention, still allegations of involvement of intelligence services should be treated with suspicion, especially in this part of the world which is rife with conspiracy theories.






























The twitter trend shows that a huge chunk of foreign support Pashtun Movement is enjoying comes mainly from the Afghan and Indian diaspora or sponsored interest groups sitting abroad. Most of whom are engaged in a psychological war, fueling the info net with cropped information and videos from old times, deliberating them to Pashtuns. Recent was the Afghan Cultural Attaché in Washington’s embassy. Mr Majeed Qarar was seen exhibiting selective outrage against violations of human rights. He is neither concerned about the horrendous crimes against humanity being committed in Afghanistan by the Afghan National Army and allies nor is he bothered with Indian brutality in Indian Occupied Kashmir. Although his words are not taken seriously in the journalists’ world where he is regarded as a racist psychopath who has little respect for the dignity of his title. However, this episode has compelled the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs to draft a composite social media usage policy for its staff.

This all is coming at a time when Pakistan army has buried Taliban in the mountains away from Pakistan and is working fervently with their proposed border management system. With the fencing all over the Pak-Afghan border, the Taliban’s threat of coming back into Pakistan from Afghanistan will be dealt with once and for all. The process will be difficult and hard but once done, a mechanism will be evolved to facilitate trade between Pak-Afghan border, believes the corps commander Lt Gen Nazir Ahmad Butt. He added that the government is determined to address the genuine problems of tribesmen and ensure that they get livelihood sources at their doorsteps. And the majority of Pashtuns believe in what he said.


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Report: New York Terror Attack, Israel Wants Nuclear War or Clash of Civilizations By Sajjad Shaukat

Report: New York Terror Attack, Israel Wants Nuclear War or Clash of Civilizations


Sajjad Shaukat












Report: New York Terror Attack, Israel Wants Nuclear War or Clash of Civilizations



At least eight people were killed and 11 injured on Tuesday (October 31, 2017) when the driver
of a pickup truck hit people on a cycle path in Lower Manhattan, New York City near the World
Trade Centre. The vehicle then hit a school bus, injuring two adults and two children on board.
According to the US media reports, “It was a terror attack…Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, a 29-
year-old man, reported to be an Uzbek immigrant, was shot and injured by police as he left the
vehicle. The driver emerged holding two handguns and made a statement consistent with a terror
attack…shouting “Allahu akbar,” Arabic for “God is great,” before he was shot in the abdomen
by a police officer…he later underwent surgery for gunshot wounds. A paintball gun and a pellet
gun were recovered from the scene…He lived in New Jersey. Saipov was charged with federal
terrorism offenses in connection with the Tuesday’s attack. Investigators found ISIS-related
images and videos on Saipov’s cellphone…handwritten notes in Arabic near the truck that
indicated allegiance to the Islamic State [Also known as Daesh, ISIS and ISIL]…But
investigators had not uncovered evidence of any direct or enabling ties between Mr. Saipov and
ISIS and were treating the episode as a case of an “inspired” attacker…Police records show he
was arrested in Missouri last year over a traffic fine. Almost immediately, as investigators began
to look into Mr. Saipov’s history, it became clear that he had been on the radar of federal
authorities. Three officials said he had come to the federal authorities’ attention as a result of an
unrelated investigation.”





















CNN disclosed that it “obtained photographs of a Home Depot truck parked outside of New
York terror suspect Sayfullo Saipov’s home in Paterson, New Jersey. Neighbor Carlos Batista
said he was taking photographs of a car he was selling and inadvertently took a photo of the
rental truck in the background…the photo was taken at 6:09 p.m. ET on Oct. 22…. he’d seen the
same type of truck used in the terror attack around the neighborhood for the last couple of
weeks…A law enforcement official told CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz that Saipov rented a truck
similar to the one used in the attack several times over the course of the last several weeks in
order to be familiar with operating it. There is no indication the Home Depot truck in the photo is
the same truck used in the attack…New York terror suspect Sayfullo Saipov appeared in federal
court in a wheelchair and was charged with providing material support to ISIS and violence and
destruction of motor vehicles, a source at the U.S. Attorney’s Office told CNN.”
However, these conflicting reports show that like previous terror attacks in the US and Europe,
the New York terror attack is also a false flag operation, conducted by Israeli secret agency
Mossad in connivance with some CIA operatives and the ISIS terrorists. It may also be
individual act of Saipov who has been inspired by the extremist agenda of ISIS. Even then,
responsibility goes to the agents of these intelligence agencies, who have, already, been
radicalizing the Muslims and Christians by dividing them on religious lines in order to obtain the
illegitimate interests of Israel. While, contradictory and anti-Muslim statements of the Pro-Israeli
President Donald Trump about the terror assault have further verified this collaboration.
Showing immediate reaction, the US President Trump tweeted, “In NYC, looks like another
attack by a very sick and deranged person. Law enforcement is following this closely.

We must not allow ISIS to return, or enter, our country after defeating them in the Middle East and
elsewhere. Enough! The United States will be immediately implementing much tougher Extreme
Vetting Procedures. The safety of our citizens comes first!” He did not elaborate further.
Regarding the New York terror attack, on November 2, 2017, President Trump again tweeted on
immigration, calling for an end to “chain migration…lets people bring their whole family with
them, who can be truly evil.”

President Trump first introduced the screening process during the election campaign on a pledge
to indefinitely ban the Muslims from entering the United States—his campaign aides later tried
to finesse as a broader policy aimed at implementing “extreme vetting” for immigrants from
certain countries. As president, he introduced a ban on arrivals to the US from a number of
mainly-Muslim countries. Surprisingly, Uzbekistan was one of them though US courts have
repeatedly blocked them from going into effect. While, America’s Western partners, especially European countries had strongly condemned Trump’s travel ban on the Muslim countries, as discriminatory and violations of human rights, and in a recent statement, the American Civil Liberties Union civil rights group said that the term “extreme vetting” was a “euphemism for discriminating against Muslims.”
Nevertheless, various acts of terrorism in the world show that without taking cognizance of the
related-developments, the general masses of a country and even some educated persons start
blaming all the Muslims and the ISIS. Therefore, the New York terror attack cannot be seen in
isolation, as it is part of various related-developments of the recent past and the present ones in
the world. In these terms, we need in-depth analysis to know that some state actors like Israel
are leading the world to nuclear war or clash of civilizations.



If we note related-developments in the world, especially in the Middle East and South Asia, we
observe that the ISIL, including its linked terror organizations and similar other outfits are being
supported by the US, Israel and India who are the real masters of these militant group. Some
European countries like the Great Britain are also following America in this respect. In other
word, particularly, Israel is fulfilling her evil designs.

Undoubtedly, if the double game of President Bush (The Senior) and George W. Bush franchised
Al-Qaeda on global level, President Obama’s dual policy franchised both Al-Qaeda and ISIS as
part of the anti-Muslim campaign and left no stone unturned in advancing the agenda of the
Zionists, Israeli lobbies and the neoconservatives in the pretext of the fake global war on terror.
Secretly, President Obama authorized CIA to create ISIS. His perennial covert support to the
Israeli atrocities on the Palestinians, silence over the supply (Smuggling) of oil by ISIS to some
European countries whose governments have also not taken action against those companies
which were exporting oil from the ISIS-controlled regions of Iraq, CIA-assisted Al-Qaeda (Al-
Nusra Front), ISIS militants and rebel groups who are fighting to oust Syrian President Assad’s
government to obtain the aims of a greater Israel are part of the double game.

Training and supply of arms by CIA and Mossad to these terrorist outfits and medical treatment of their
militants in Israeli hospitals, including arrests of some CIA and Mossad agents in Syria and Iraq have also verified these connections. As part of the dual strategy, America and its Western
partners have been waging a war against the ISIS.
But, CIA and Mossad openly assist this terrorist group and its linked terror outfits in accordance
with the covert aims of their countries. 

In this connection, Russian TV channel, Russia Today (RT) reported on September 24, 2017

“The Russian Ministry of Defense has released aerial images which they say show US Army
special forces equipment north of the town of Deir er-Zor, where ISIS militants are deployed. US
Army special units provide free passage for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) through the
battle formations of Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) terrorists…Despite that the US strongholds being
organized at them…This could mean that the US military staff feel absolutely safe in the area
which is held by the terrorists…All of the images were taken from September 8 to 12.

The photos show several Cougar infantry mobility vehicles and Hummer armored vehicles of the US
Army Special Forces, according the Russian MoD data…In this case, securing IS assistance for
an unopposed advance of US backed SDF forces could enable the SDF, widely seen as a US
proxy, to seize strategically important (and oil rich) territory in Deir ez-Zor that otherwise would
soon be retaken by rapidly advancing Syrian Army. If so this once again will raise questions as
to what the true purpose of US forces-purportedly in Syria to fight IS-actually is. Earlier in
September, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov accused the
SDF of collusion with ISIS terrorists.SDF militants work to the same objectives as IS terrorists.
According to Global Research Canada (Centre for Research on Globalization), “In other words,
ISIS, al-Nusra, and so-called SDF forces are virtually the same thing–US recruited, armed,
funded and directed cutthroat killers, waging naked aggression against Syria and its people…The
Pentagon’s so-called Operation Inherent Resolve so far is silent on Russia’s damning
evidence…Separately, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem accused Washington of
working with its terrorist assets in Syria, including al-Nusra, to undermine Astana peace
talks…Russia’s Defense Ministry…saying its intelligence revealed US forces together with al-
Nusra terrorists tried halting the successful advance of government forces east of Deir
Ezzor…Russian airpower smashed their offensive. Sergey Lavrov condemned the US-led
coalition for refusing to combat al-Nusra, calling it absolutely unacceptable…According to
Russia’s Defense Ministry, nearly 90% of Syrian territory held by ISIS is now liberated. Moscow
will respond appropriately to any US efforts to impede the campaign to free Syria entirely from
control by terrorists.”
In case of Asia and particularly South Asia, well-entrenched in Afghanistan and some Gulf
states, intelligence agencies such as CIA, Indian RAW, Mossad and MI6 are assisting various
terror outfits, including Al-Qaeda and particularly ISIL in order to achieve the covert goals of the
US-led countries against Pakistan, Syria, Iraq China, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Somalia, Yemen etc.
and even Afghanistan which are being destabilized by various forms of terrorism-related assaults
which have continued in one way or the other.
In this context, a news item was published by all the leading dailies of Pakistan on October 8,
2017 regarding the statement of Afghanistan’s Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai who,
while dismissing criticism of Russian ties with the Taliban and echoing Russian claims of

American support to the ISIS terrorists, told Voice of America (VOC) that “the United States has
links with terrorist ‘Islamic State’, also known as Daesh…Daesh a tool of US…After it [the US]
dropped the [mother of all] bomb on Afghanistan, it did not eliminate Daesh…the terrorist group
has been supplied weapons by the United States forces…The US Army helicopters and army
bases are being used to provide assistance to ISIS terrorists…I do not differentiate at all between
Daesh and America…Reports of American assistance to the terrorists are coming from all over
the country.” (It also includes Karzai’s revelations to VOC of April 20, 2017 and Newsweek’s
report of the same day).

When in September 2015, Russian-led coalition of Iran, Iraq, the Syrian army-the National
Defense Forces (NDF) and Lebanon-based Hezbollah started breaking the backbone of the ISIS
terrorists, Al-Qaeda’s Al-Nusra Front and the rebels in Syria and Iraq. Israeli Mossad which was
already having clandestine contact with the ISIS directed this outfit to plan the November 13
terror attacks in Paris in connivance with the French home-grown militants. Similarly, when
Russian-led forces began retaking many cities from the control of these insurgents, on the other
side, agents of Mossad who were in collaboration with the CIA sympathizers and the ISIL
militants arranged various sorts of terror attacks in Europe and the US.

Through all these false flag terror operations, the US and Israel wanted to obtain their covert
aims against Russia and the Muslims. Mossad had also provided the US President Donald Trump
with an opportunity to manipulate various terror assaults of Europe and America to win the US
presidential election and to reunite America and Europe, as a rift was created between America
and its Western allies, especially Europe on a number of issues, including NATO. And, President
Trump had left no stone unturned in implementing anti-Muslim policies, while speaking openly
against the Muslims and Syrian immigrants. Trump had started exaggerating the threat of
Islamophobia, while, some incidents were not linked to ISIS, but were the result of self-
radicalization of the individuals.

Regarding the shooting at the gay night club in Orlando (Florida) which killed at least 49
individuals on June 12, 2016, The Washington Post in an article, under the caption, “Trump’s
reckless, dangerous Islamophobia helps the Islamic State”, wrote on June 13, 2016, “Trump’s
standards, his comments about the Orlando shooting have been reckless and self-serving. They
are also dangerous for the country…the strongest remaining force that propels the Islamic State
is the Islamophobia of Trump and his European counterparts, argue senior intelligence strategists
for the U.S.-led coalition. Inflammatory, xenophobic statements about Muslims reinforce the
jihadists’ claims that they are Muslim knights fighting against an intolerant West. Trump
unwittingly gives them precisely the role they dream about.”

In this regard, Khaled A. Beydoun opined on the Aljazeera multimedia network on March 13,
2016, “The world brand Trump is becoming synonymous with expansion of racism and
incitement of Islamophobia…I think Islam hate us, said Donald Trump, 24 hours before the
Republican presidential debate in Miami…is a call to his voting base, to further galvanise them
around a disdain for Islam that not only heightens hateful fervour at his rallies, but incites
violence on American blocks and pushes bigots to the ballot box…the statement is rooted in the
very ignorance and hate which made him the darling of bigots and surged him up the polls…Islamophobia…the suspicion and fear of Islam and its 1.7 billion adherent-is political ideology for Trump.”
Nevertheless, the incident of shooting at the gay club in Orlando not only exposed that false flag
operation, but also endorsed other false flag terror-attacks in the US and Europe.

In this connection, in an interview with Brazilian TV on June 14, 2016, the ex-wife of the Orlando
shooter Omar Mateen Sitora Yusufiy revealed that American FBI pressurized him to keep quiet
about his homosexuality. While, Mateen had been dubbed as an Islamic terrorist by the
American politicians, senior officials and commentators, following reports that he had pledged
allegiance to the ISIS, but FBI wanted to downplay the personal and self-hating nature of the

And President Obama stated on June 12, 2016, “Federal authorities had made no definitive
judgment on the killer’s motivation, and whether he was inspired by or directed by Islamic State
or other terrorist groups.” Obama clarified by explaining “Orlando shooting was the result of
Mateen’s personal resentment in relation to the gay club.”

Similarly, the teenager Ali David Sonboly who killed 9 people in Munich had no connection
with the ISIS. Police investigation revealed that he was “a mentally troubled person” and police
also discovered extremist material, linked to the attack by Andres Behring Brevik, the white
supremacist who murdered 77 persons in Norway in 2011. Likewise, the shooting in the French
city of Nice was also a false flag terror-act, as CIA-Mossad arranged it with the help of ISIS
which used homegrown terrorists of France.
It is mentionable that 59 people were killed and more than 500 others injured on October 1, this
year, when a gunman-an American national, Stephen Paddock opened fire on concertgoers from
the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. Next day , through its
Amaq propaganda agency, ISIL, claimed responsibility for the incident, disclosing that, “the Las
Vegas attacker is a soldier of the Islamic State in response to calls to target coalition
countries—converted to Islam several months ago”—but provided no evidence to support the
assertion.” Senior US homeland security officials said that there was no evidence Paddock had
links to international or domestic terror groups or ISIS.
On social media, many individuals have pointed out that if Paddock had been a Muslim, If he
had shouted “Allahu akbar” before he opened fire on all those concertgoers in Las Vegas, the
term “terrorist” would have been used almost immediately to describe him, as a link to Islamist
terrorism would be assumed even without evidence.
It is of particular attention that since the fundamentalist party BJP led by the Indian Prime
Minister Narindra Modi came to power in India, it has been implementing anti-Muslim and anti-
Pakistan agenda. Encouraged by the BJP, assaults on Muslims, Christians and other minorities
by the Hindu extremist parties might be cited as instance. India which has strategic partnership
with Israel has perennially been manipulating the double game of the US-led West regarding
world phenomena of terrorism in connection with Pakistan and Afghanistan, while exploiting
their anti-Muslim approach to obtain Indo-Israeli- US clandestine designs.

In wake of Modi’s aggressive diplomacy, India has continued shelling in Pakistani side of
Kashmir which remains a nuclear flashpoint between both the neighbouring countries.
Both Tel Aviv and New Delhi have been equating the ‘wars of liberation’ in Palestine and
Kashmir with terrorism. Their main purpose is to divert the attention of the West from their own
atrocities, while employing delaying tactics in the solution of these issues.
It is noteworthy that India, the US and puppet rulers of Afghanistan have always blamed
Pakistan for cross-border terrorism in Afghanistan to divert attention from the acts of sabotage,
which they have been arranging in Pakistan. While, Pakistan’s security forces have eliminated
terrorism, but, recent blasts in the Balochistan province and other regions of Pakistan show that
the US-led India, Afghanistan and Israel who are supporting militant groups have, again, started
acts of terrorism to destabilize Pakistan and to damage the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
In this respect, in his speech on August 21, 2017, while announcing the US new strategy
regarding Afghanistan as part of the policy in South Asia, American President Donald Trump,
particularly, singled out Pakistan for criticism. As regards Pakistan’s regional rival India, Trump
added, “We appreciate India’s important contributions to stability in Afghanistan…We want
them to help us more with Afghanistan.”
Shifting blame game towards, Islamabad and Moscow, US top military officials have been
making these courtiers scapegoats of their failures in Afghanistan. Main purpose behind is also
to pacify their public, as the US-led NATO countries have failed in their fight against the Taliban
who are waging a war of liberation against the occupying forces. Meanwhile, Trump also
decided to increase troops in Afghanistan. But, other NATO states have refused to send more
troops in Afghanistan. Especially, Israel also wants to divert attention of American and its allies
from the internal crises which their people are facing due to the prolonged war in Afghanistan
and phony war on terror.
Besides these developments, some other ones have also frustrated Indians and especially Israelis.
In this context, defeat of the ISIS terrorists, other similar groups in Syria and Iraq by the
Russian-led countries, Pakistan’s decision to join Russia-China alliance, Turkey’s alliance with
Russia, Syria and Iraq to fight against ISIL in Syria and Iraq, failure of the CIA plan-B for
partition of Syria, European countries’ disagreement with Trump regarding abandonment of
nuclear deal with Iran and failure of the NATO-like alliance by the US-backed Saudi
Arabia—the Sunni-countries against Iran and Yemen might be cited as instance. Another
disappointed development for Israel is that controversial referendum which was held on
September 25, 2017 for an independent Kurdistan, with approximately 93 percent in favour of
independence failed, as Moscow and some Western countries opposed this move. Otherwise, it
was Tel Aviv who backed it to heightened tensions in Iraq and among its neighbouring countries,
including other Islamic countries.
Meanwhile, Western countries have been pressing Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to agree for
the two-state solution of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. A majority of the intellectuals and
analysts of the West have also been emphasizing upon the settlement of this issue. Even, non-

Zionist Jews have started favouring the two-state solution of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute.
However, it has also depressed Tel Aviv who seems determined to keep its illegitimate control
on the Palestinian territories.
It is noteworthy that by setting aside the war-like diplomacy of the President Trump, North
Korea has continued testing intercontinental ballistic missiles, which appears to have the range to
hit American cities and Europe.
Notably, in a speech to the United Nations, President Trump has threatened to “totally destroy”
North Korea with “fire and fury” if it doesn’t back off from its nuclear aims. On the other side,
North Korean President Kim has said that his nation needs nuclear weapons to stop the United
States from asphyxiating its economy and overturning its government. Analysts have warned
about nuclear war between the two countries.
It is worth-mentioning that differences have arisen among the European countries in relation to
the refugees and the asylum-seekers. Austria’s erection of a fence along its border with Italy has
been met with disapproval by Italy and Germany. Some other developments such as criticism of
the controversial Turkish-EU refugee deal by a number of human rights groups, Britain’s
decision to leave the European Union (EU), after the referendum (Brexit), prospects of Scotland
and some other countries for separation from the EU, and the divide between the elite class
which run multinational companies with the direct or indirect control of the Jews and the general
masses who are suffering from multiple problems in wake of differences on the refugee crisis,
Greece’s weak economy, violent protests and strikes against the labour laws in France in 2016 in
favour of the employers at the cost of the employs etc.—the chances of European Union’s
disintegration which will give a greater blow to the US-Europe alliance against Russia and “Stop
NATO protests” in Europe are quite opposite to the Israeli secret interests.
Owing to the irresponsible approach of the Western leaders, far right-wing parties and “Stop
Islam” movement in the West, particularly in Europe are becoming popular by largely attracting
their people. Amid a migrant crisis, sluggish economic growth and growing disillusionment with
the European Union, right-wing parties in a growing number of European countries have made
electoral gains. The right-wing parties range across a wide policy spectrum, from populist and
nationalist to far-right neofascist.
White supremacists and Neo-Nazis who support President Trump are on rise in some Western
countries and especially in the US, while Trump and Mossad are also backing them in wake of
racism led by Trump.
As a matter of fact, irresponsible attitude of some Indian, Israeli, American and Western
politicians has introduced dangerous socio-religious dimension in their societies by equating the
“war on terror” with “war on Islam” and acts of ISIS and Al-Qaeda with all the Muslims. Their
media have also been contributing to heighten the currents of world politics on similar lines. It is
because of these developments that a greater resentment is being found among the Muslims who
think that the US in connivance with the Indo-Israeli lobbies is sponsoring state terrorism,
directly or indirectly from Kashmir to Palestine and from Afghanistan to Somalia.

In fact, fault cannot be laid on the general masses, a majority of whom are swayed by emotions,
stereotypes and prejudices created by the political leaders who keep on manipulating any crisis
for their own self-interests with the sole aim of getting their sympathies to increase their vote
bank. There are equal strong pressures from religious and nationalist forces in wake of global
war on terror which is dividing the world on religious lines.
Machiavelli advises the rulers to have a lion-like image outwardly, and act upon the traits of goat
inwardly. He also suggests them foreign adventures and the use of terror to obtain their goals. In
his sense, a good ruler should be a good opportunist and hypocrite. While echoing Machiavelli,
Morgenthau points out that sometimes, rulers act upon immoral activities like deceit, fraud,
falsehood and even murder to fulfill their selfish aims.

Indicating dual policy, Morgenthau, and Palmer and Perkins opine, “Just as power became the
instrument of ambitious nationalism and state’s leaders, it has now become the tool of ideologies.
The true nature of the policy is concealed by ideological justifications and rationalization.”
Although in the present world of social media and Internet, such a sinister politics has been
replaced by modern trends such as fair-dealings, reconciliation and economic development, yet
by following the old strategies US-led India and Israel have been playing a dangerous game by
assisting the militant groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS which conducted various terrorism-related
attacks in the US, Europe and other Western countries, including Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Indonesia, Philippines etc., and some African countries. Thus, they
massacred thousands of persons which also include Christians.
Nonetheless, Mossad, RAW and some agents of CIA, who are in collaboration, have helped in
conduction of the New York terror attack. Mossad might alone be involved in this terror assault,
as Israel will prefer a nuclear war between Russia and the US-led West or between North Korea
and America to avoid the two-state settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Atomic war could
also erupt between Pakistan and India, as New Delhi also avoids solution of the Kashmir issue.
While fanatic leaders are in power in the US, India and Israel, their connivance may culminate
into ‘clash of civilizations’, particularly between the Muslim and the Christians worlds.
It is the right hour that loyalist Americans, non-Zionist Jews and peace-loving citizens of every
other religious community should play their positive role for global peace by stopping the
division of the international community on religious and cultural lines.

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants,
Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations
Email: [email protected]

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Racial profiling of Pashtuns by Brig. (Retd) Asif Haroon Raja

Racial profiling of Pashtuns

Asif Haroon Raja

Ali Wazir has posted a video clip on social media showing Punjab Police manhandling some persons. He has craftily given a twist to the story by projecting the Pashtuns living in Punjab as the victims. I am sure, he must have been handsomely rewarded by RAW or NDS for this villainous act which has raised the tempers of the Pashtun community. Imran Khan added fuel to fire by giving a color to anti-terrorism drive in Punjab as racial profiling of the Pashtuns. Opposition leader Khurshid Shah sprinkled more oil on the hurt feelings of Pashtuns. The Pashtun nationalists took to twitter to vent their anger. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Assembly has passed a resolution demanding an immediate halt to anti-Pashtun campaign in Punjab and has warned of dire consequences if it is not stopped. Asfand Wali threatened to oust Punjabis from KP. Pamphlets are in circulation. Within no time, Afghan social media posted series of fake videos to paint Pashtuns as victims of Punjab vandalism. Altaf Hussain sitting in London also sung the same song. Liberal and progays Marvi Sarmad tweeted in favor of Pashtuns. The speed with which all of them have ganged up for a fake cause is quite intriguing. None bothered to see that the clip going viral on social media relates to a 15 years old incident in Baluchistan province and not Punjab, in which suspected Afghans were rounded up by the police. The clip seems to be cleverly doctored. Notorious Jibran Nasir is the main instigator behind racial profiling memo.




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Coming weeks are likely to witness the shrill exchange of hot words and accusations between the KP and Punjab governments, duly aggravated by social media, which is already working on someone else’s agenda. The purpose behind exacerbating ethnic feelings is to drive a wedge between the Punjabis and Pashtuns. The two communities have been at peace and enjoying most cordial relations in all the provinces and never picked up arms against each other. Pashtuns settled in Punjab do not wish to return to KP.  

The juvenile reaction of nationalist Pashtuns is a consequence of the nationwide operation Raddul Fasaad that was launched in the wake of a new wave of terrorism unleashed from the soil of Afghanistan in which targets were struck in all the four provinces and almost 200 people were killed. It was gathered that the handlers and facilitators in each incident were from inside Pakistan. The whole trail has been unearthed after arresting the accomplices. The security forces have no political axe to grind and go after terrorists only who have no religion or ethnic identity.    

The main objective of the operation is to destroy leftover hideouts/camps of terrorists both sides of the Durand Line, get hold of handlers, facilitators, carriers and financiers of terrorists, demolish sleeping cells and terrorists network in urban centres, choke funds and supplies by  further improving border management, and expedite implementation of 20 points of National Action Plan (NAP). This operation in which all the three services are taking part under a coordinated plan had been necessitated in the wake of dangerous agenda of enemies of Pakistan to destabilize, denuclearize and balkanize Pakistan. For the achievement of their sinister goals, they have been making all out efforts through paid proxies and propaganda war to make Pakistan insecure and to make CPEC less attractive for outsiders.

India has all along been resorting to subversive activities in Pakistan to breed misgivings, disenchantment and hatred between smaller provinces and Punjab on the basis of socio-politico-economic grievances, stir up provincialism by encouraging fissiparous tendencies, stoke ethnicity and sectarianism, widen religious divides and sharpen political polarization and befriend 5th columnists and disgruntled elements. India helped by its moles in Pakistan has been playing its role in making power centres fight with each other and in spoiling civil-military relations.

The purpose behind subversion is to keep Pakistan perpetually politically unstable, economically weak and internationally isolated and discredited. A segment of Pakistani media, NGOs, and pseudo-intellectuals on the payroll of foreign powers have been instrumental in sensationalizing weak points and undermining strengths.

Former NWFP was already in the grip of Pakhtun nationalism at the time of partition and Pakhtunistan stunt championed by Khan Brothers (associated with Indian Congress) and had the support of Kabul. The movement has still not died down since the likes of Asfandyar Wali and Mahmood Achakzai, helped by India and Afghanistan, carry forward this agenda. Billboards of ‘Greater Pakhtunistan’ were on display in KP during the last PPP rule. 

After successfully stoking Bengali nationalism and building hatred against West Pakistan in general and Punjab and Army in particular, India accomplished its mission of separating East Pakistan from the body of Pakistan in 1971.

RAW was next mandated to achieve similar results in Sindh and Baluchistan. Sindhi and Baloch nationalism were fueled in the two provinces to intensify hatred against Punjab and the Federation. RAW’s efforts gave birth to Sindhu Desh movement of Sindhi nationalists led by late GM Sayed in Sindh. Baloch insurgency led by Marris and Mengals in Baluchistan in the 1970s was a follow up of earlier rebellious tendencies of some Baloch Sardars and of Samad Achakzai in Baluchistan. Under the name of Baloch nationalism, settlers were targeted and forced to migrate. The Baloch insurgency was fully supported by KGB, RAW, and KHAD.

Having succeeded in subverting the Sindhis, RAW stimulated anti-Sindhi sentiments among the Urdu-speaking settlers in urban Sindh and pitted new Sindhis against old Sindhis, again on the basis of socio-economic grievances. Altaf Hussain established APSMO in 1978 and created MQM in 1984. RAW handed him the blueprint plan of Mujibur Rahman led Awami League, how to go about separating urban Sindh from rest of Pakistan and creating a new state for the Mohajirs. Altaf was glamorized and popularized among the Urdu speaking community as their hero. Besides blaming the Sindhis, Altaf and his disciples blamed the establishment and agencies for the woes of Mohajirs. This line was adopted to project the Mohajirs as victims and to hide fascist and terrorist activities of the MQM aimed at controlling Karachi and Hyderabad through terrorism. A stage came when the MQM militants indulged in bloody duels against the Sindhis and settlers from other ethnic communities in Karachi in the late 1980s. Three operations were launched in the 1990s to control MQM militancy.

After 9/11, FATA was created as a new conflict zone by RAW and its allied agencies to fan terrorism in Pakistan. TTP was created with an ostensible aim of demolishing the existing governing structure and replacing it with Sharia-based system and establishment of Islamic Emirate. The real aim was however to stoke chaos, pin down a sizeable portion of Army in the northwest, and destabilize the country. Despite launching several large size military operations such as Rah-e-Raast, Rah-e-Nijat and Zarb-e-Azb, and recapturing the entire space captured by the TTP and its affiliates, terrorism couldn’t be rooted out.

The reason is that Afghanistan that had been converted into a strategic launching pad for cross-border terrorism in Pakistan in 2002 is still fully operative. All the planners, executors and coordinators of covert war sit under one roof at Sehra Neward Intelligence Centre north of Kabul and their objectives against Pakistan remain unchanged. The other reason is the Pakistani power wielders providing protection and funds to the terrorists and the natural alignment of the religious right with the TTP and other so-called religiously motivated militant groups.

Former Army chief Gen Raheel was right in stating that terrorism cannot be rooted out unless financiers, handlers, and facilitators are taken to task and the nexus of financial terrorism, corruption and terrorism is broken. The military prong which achieved over 80% progress couldn’t achieve conclusive results because of the bases in Afghanistan and backing of terrorists by foreign patrons and local supporters.     

Baluchistan that was peaceful from 1979 to 2003, was made restive in 2004 and this time Bugtis were made to join the Marris and Mengals as well other Baloch nationalists to wage province-wide insurgency backed by RAW, NDS, CIA, MI-6, Mossad. Socio-economic deprivations were once again drummed up and Nawab Akbar Bugti was made into a hero to promote Baloch nationalism. Punjab was held responsible for the backwardness of the province. Mega development projects were objected to and the Army, FC and intelligence agencies demonized on the made-up allegations that they were responsible for the Baloch missing persons and mutilated bodies. Sectarianism was fanned by targeting Hazara community in Baluchistan.

In September 2001, Altaf residing in London since 1992, gave an undertaking to Tony Blair of MQM’s full support in the war on terror. From 2008 onward, the re-strengthened MQM undertook planned destabilization of Karachi, the economic hub of Pakistan, so as to further bleed Pakistan’s economy. A spate of target killings, kidnappings for ransom and extortion was unleashed and the daily score of target killers was 10-12. Altaf kept raising alarm bells about the threat of Taliban and Pashtun settlers to the peace of Karachi, which in actuality had been ruined by the Sindh ruling coalition of PPP, MQM, and ANP. Sindh had begun to die an economic death.

Karachi was stabilized after a targeted and intelligence based operation was launched by the Rangers equipped with police powers under Article 147 of the Constitution in September 2013. However, MQM which was mainly responsible for lawlessness made a hue and cry that the operation was not even-handed and was Mohajir focused. When the Rangers started nabbing the ones involved in financial terrorism and went after some in interior Sindh, the ruling PPP started creating impediments in the way of Rangers.

The RAW sponsored MQM in Karachi has got divided into four factions – MQM London, MQM Pakistan under Farooq Sattar, Pakistan Sar Zamin Party under Mustafa Kamal and MQM Haqiqi under Afaq. Its militant structure has been broken and Altaf is debarred from making speeches on phone to instigate violence. Altaf is now the most hated man in Pakistan and a red warrant for his arrest by Interpol has been issued. Ironically, he is now trying to portray himself as a friend of Pashtuns and is openly espousing the agenda of enemies to break Pakistan into pieces. He is equating Indian atrocities against Kashmiris in occupied Kashmir with Rangers operation in Karachi against Mohajirs. Like Mujib, he is threatening the government to stop operation Raddul Fasaad or else face annihilation of Army.  He is exhorting his followers to get ready for the final battle against the Army and is seeking another Gen Arora like General in India.   

PPP, MQM, and PTI demanded an operation in Punjab arguing that it was also prone to crime and terrorism. They quoted the presence of Punjabi Taliban, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), Sipah Sahaba and Chotu gang in South Punjab. This demand was put in with an eye on elections in 2018, hoping that action against Punjabi militants will dilute the vote bank of PML-N in Punjab.

Punjab government expressed reluctance on the plea that law and order situation in Punjab was under control and developments works were proceeding smoothly.  It was owing to persistent demand of other provinces and the terror attack in Lahore on February 13th that it was decided to include Punjab in the ambit of operation Raddul Fasaad as well.

Some Inferences

As a result of RAW’s subversion, Pakistan had to face Sindhu Desh movement and MRD movement in interior Sindh, Mohajir movement in urban Sindh, Baloch separatist movement in Baluchistan, low-keyed Saraiki movement in southern Punjab, TTP insurgency in the northwest, and Balwaristan movement in Gilgit-Baltistan, each aspiring for a separate state outside the concept of Pakistan. Effective measures taken by the incumbent government, security forces and law enforcement agencies has taken the wind out of the sails of all the movements/insurgencies. 

Till 9/11, India was the support base for all the rebel groups/political parties in Pakistan. After the occupation of Afghanistan by the US in November 2001, Afghanistan has become the operational base. RAW has also been making use of Iranian territory for carrying out sabotage and subversion in Baluchistan and Karachi. Rajgarh and Ramgarh in Rajasthan continue to be used for dispatching supplies to the terrorists in Sindh, interior Baluchistan, and southern Punjab.

The proxies undertaking terrorism in Pakistan are the TTP, its breakaway faction Jamaat-al- Ahrar (JA), Lashkar-e-Islam, LeJ, Al-Alami, IMU and TTA based at Kunar, Nuristan and Nangarhar since 2009. RAW and NDS have outsourced terrorism and have circulated a menu-like price list to all these groups. Rupees 4 million is spent on a single suicide mission.

In Baluchistan, major proxies are BLA, BRA, BLF that used to operate from interior Baluchistan but now mostly operate from Spin Boldak and Lashkargah in Afghanistan. Their leaders espousing separatist agenda are housed by Britain, America, and Switzerland. A red warrant has been issued against Brahamdagh Bugti. Large numbers of Baloch fighters have voluntarily forsaken militancy and joined the mainstream thereby taking the steam out of the separatist movement. 

In Baluchistan, major proxies are BLA, BRA, BLF that used to operate from interior Baluchistan but now mostly operate from Spin Boldak and Lashkargah in Afghanistan. Their leaders espousing separatist agenda are housed by Britain, America, and Switzerland. A red warrant has been issued against Brahamdagh Bugti. Large numbers of Baloch fighters have voluntarily forsaken militancy and joined the mainstream thereby taking the steam out of the separatist movement. 

Baluchistan has weak border management and 95% of its territory is in control of ill-trained and corruption-prone Levies that are controlled by Sardars. Owing to over a dozen crossing points, it is more vulnerable to infiltration and requires concrete steps to prevent cross-border movement.  

Foreign agencies have been fishing in the camps of 3 million Afghan refugees residing in KP and Baluchistan since 1979 to find handlers and facilitators as well as saboteurs. They take full advantage of the porous western border with negligible border control mechanism. Apart from the socio-economic burden, unregistered among them have become a security hazard and has forced the government to expedite their return and also to verify them. Vested groups are however making hue and cry and making it into a political issue. Arrest and interrogation of suspected Afghan refugees are being mixed up with Pakhtun racialism.     

Daesh joined up with JA and TTP and has made Nangarhar as its base camp for fighting Afghan Taliban as well as striking targets and making inroads in Pakistan. Indian National Security Adviser Ajit Doval, supervising the whole covert war against Pakistan had facilitated Daesh marriage with JA-TTP in 2015.

All bases of TTP and its affiliates have been busted in the northwest and so have the Farari camps in interior Baluchistan. Since the start of 2015, all acts of terror emanate from Afghanistan right under the nose of NATO and CIA.

Afghan unity government which is a puppet in the hands of Washington and Delhi has adopted a hostile posture against Pakistan. It is averse to border management since it will prevent cross-border terrorism and also expose its oft-repeated claim that instability in Afghanistan is owing to terrorism springing from Pakistan. It has taken no step to dismantle safe havens of TTP and JA, and to close down Pakistan specific India consulates filled with RAW officers, or to rein in NDS.

For the first time, Pakistan has changed its defensive posture to offensive defence and has struck JA and TTP terror camps across the western border with precision. Western border has been closed. Pakistan has handed over a list of 76 most wanted terrorists belonging to these banned groups to Kabul for their extradition.

 An equally aggressive posture has been adopted along the LoC in Kashmir, which India has intentionally kept on the boil to distract the attention of the world from its atrocities in occupied Kashmir, which is slipping out of its hands. Gen Qamar Bajwa has given a loud message that he means business.    

Safety of the CPEC and Gwadar seaport has been ensured by deploying a division size force, while the Marine Force of Navy has been mandated to guard the coastline, exclusive economic zone and the sea lanes in the Arabian Sea.   

Frustrated by the failure of multiple covert efforts including pitting Deobandis against Barelivis, the enemies of Pakistan have devised a new plan to trigger Pashtun-Punjabi ethnic war to fail Operation Raddul Fasaad.

Punjab government will have to ensure evenhandedness in the ongoing operation in Punjab to allay the fears that Pashtuns are being racially profiled. At the same time, leaders of smaller provinces should also behave responsibly and avoid pouring scorn on Punjab for petty political gains.

Ongoing efforts to denigrate and topple the elected federal and Punjab governments will serve the interests of enemies only and will do no service to the country. What is needed is unity of federating units and a joint strategy to eliminate the scourge of extremism and terrorism.

There is a direct linkage between the terrorists and terror financing. This financing has a direct linkage with Mega Corruption lorded over by the politicians, particularly in Sindh who are raping the economic hub of the country like parasites. The police, the bureaucracy, and the judiciary in Sindh are playing the role of facilitators. Their thorough politicization has blunted the system of accountability.

No effort is in hand to reform the police, bureaucracy and criminal justice system. Till these flaws are doctored, NAP implemented in real earnest, the operational base of Afghanistan neutralized, and the border is effectively guarded, the military prong at its own will not be able to root out terrorism.

Lastly, law enforcement agencies will have to further polish the systems of investigation, intelligence gathering and sharing mechanism and rapid response system to achieve tangible results.     

The writer is a retired Brigadier, a war veteran, a defence analyst, a columnist, an author of five books, Vice Chairman Thinkers Forum Pakistan, and is the Director of Measac Research Centre. Email: [email protected]  


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A Hellfire From Heaven Won’t Smash The Taliban

A Hellfire From Heaven Won’t Smash The Taliban
By Pepe Escobar
June 02, 2016 
So Taliban supremo Mullah Mansour’s white Toyota Corolla was rattling across the Balochistan desert just after it had crossed the Iranian border when a Hellfire missile fired from a US drone incinerated it into a charred / twisted wreck.
That’s the official narrative. The Pentagon said Mansour was on Obama’s kill list because he had become «an obstacle to peace and reconciliation».
There’s way more to it, of course. Mansour was a savvy businessman who was extensively traveling to Dubai – the Taliban’s historic clearing house where all sorts of dodgy deals are made. He was also in close connection with Jundullah – a.k.a. the hardcore Sunni anti-Tehran militia very much active in Sistan-Balochistan province in Iran.
This time Mansour was in Sistan-Balochistan on a medical visit – allegedly to eschew hospitals in Pakistan heavily monitored by the ISI [Inter-Services Intelligence]. Yet arguably Pakistan intel knew about it – so US intel also may have known about it and thus were able to track him.
But then there’s the real ace in the hole: the New Opium War.
The usual suspects in the Beltway insist that the Taliban profit handsomely from overseeing the opium trade out of Afghanistan –and now operate as a multi-billion-dollar drug cartel. That’s nonsense.
Bets can be made that Mansour’s kill will not reduce Afghanistan’s opium production – which has been steadily on the rise for years now. Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada, Mansour’s former number two, has been designated as the new leader.
The fact is, poppy production in Afghanistan remains at the highest levels in provinces that are – in thesis – controlled by Kabul. More opium was produced last year – also in thesis the last year of NATO’s Enduring Freedom operation – than in any other year since the UN started tracking it way back in 2002. In 2016 Afghanistan will produce more opium – thus heroin – than the entire global consumption.
An inkling of what’s really going on in the New Opium War is provided by a recent book (in Italian) by Enrico Piovesana. He tells of shady military operations conducted by NATO in which massive quantities of opium have been sequestered by helicopter – never to be seen again.
So we’re back to the same old CIA opium rat line, which translates into control of the Afghan opium market in collusion with local police, military high brass in Kabul and the Karzai family, of former President a.k.a. «mayor of Kabul» Hamid Karzai. Doing business with narco traffickers has also handily provided liquidity – as in dirty money – to Western big banks. None of this has anything to do with the Taliban, which actually brought down opium production to near zero in 2001, before 9/11 and the American bombing/occupation of Afghanistan.
Those shadowy Af-Pak players
The first US drone strike ever in Baluchestan (another Obama «first») remains something of a mystery. A credible working hypothesis is that this was a covert US-Pakistani co-op. The hit allegedly came via the Pentagon, not the CIA. Mansour’s Corolla was something like 40 km inside Baluchestan after it had crossed the border – in an area where US drones would have been quite vulnerable to upgraded (in 2011) Pakistani air defenses.
A plausible – but unconfirmed – scenario would see RQ-170 Sentinels tracking Mansour’s Toyota, with the coordinates then fed to Reaper drones flying out of Kandahar airfield. Assuming the drones began tracking the Toyota at the Iran-Pakistan border, they would have been in action over Baluchestan air space for hours on end, undisturbed.
But then there are the incongruities. Pakistani sources mention that the Toyota – as in any real drone hit – was not totally smashed, but was still on its wheels. And a mysterious passport (Mullah Mansour’s) also showed up on the scene, unscathed.
As for the original HUMINT that led to Mansour’s trail, the notion that Washington had scored it stretches credulity. It would be more like a very well placed/rewarded asset somewhere – be it a military in Kabul or a disgruntled ISI operative.
What was Mansour really up to? He was quite savvy in playing for time. He clearly saw through the US «strategy» – which boiled down to encouraging Afghan president Ashraf Ghani to convince Islamabad to get the Taliban to the negotiating table.
Mansour though knew the Taliban could always advance militarily without negotiations; that’s why he duly announced the 2016 spring offensive – an annual Taliban ritual. At the same time he was very careful not to antagonize Islamabad so Taliban safe havens in Pakistan would not be compromised.
As far as what Islamabad is up to, that’s way hazier. Islamabad’s man in the Taliban succession was actually Sirajuddin Haqqani. After the death of his notorious father, Haqqani leads the homonymous network – which is very cozy with the ISI, arguably closer than the traditional Kandahar/Quetta Shura, a.k.a. the historic Afghan Taliban.
The new Taliban supremo will now have a handy window of opportunity to consolidate power. By early 2017 there will be a new US president, a new Pakistani army chief but the same Afghan so-called National Unity Government still disunited. The Taliban know what they want; be part of the government in Kabul, and get their cut in case the fractious Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline will ever be built. The more things change in Afghanistan, the more they hark back to two decades ago, during the second Clinton administration.
Meanwhile, former CIA asset, former pal of Osama bin Laden and still one of the US’s Public Enemies, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, defined by Washington as a «global terrorist» and the leader of the Hezbi Islami organization, is about to close a deal with Kabul.
Hezbi Islami is the second largest «insurgency» in Afghanistan. Most of the top brass have defected to the Taliban. Hekmatyar lives in exile somewhere in Pakistan; the ISI, of course, knows all about it. So if Ghani in Kabul can’t bag the Taliban, at least he bags a currently much smaller fish, Hekmatyar. Does it help? Not really. It will fall eventually to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) – as in Russia-China joint leadership – to solve the Taliban riddle. Certainly not to Operation Enduring Freedom Forever – no matter the size of their kill list

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CIA: For Whose Protection? By Sajjad Shaukat


                                                       CIA: For Whose Protection?

                                                               By Sajjad Shaukat

No doubt, every country has a superior intelligence agency to protect the national interest of the state. It keeps a vigilant eye on the internal and external threats. Even by playing a double game, it thwarts the anti-state subversion through various means.


Quite contrarily, from the very beginning, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been protecting the interests of the Zionist Jews and Israel at the cost of the Islamic World and even patriot Americans.


The doctrine of the CIA is based on roguish tactics which are employed in the target countries through its invisible warriors and paid agents—NGOs. The agency is also in collaboration with the Israeli secret agency Mossad and Indian RAW. Besides the western countries, CIA agents are present in all the Islamic countries and have been implementing various tactics of psychological warfare which includes vile propaganda, disinformation, political dissent, arrangement of military rebellions, overthrow of regimes, incitement of uprising, creation of ethnic divisions, sectarian violence (And division), assassination of political leaders and renowned persons—criminal elements to foment subversion to weaken the Muslim states in consonance with the Israel-led American policies. However, application of these designs varies from country to country.








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In this regard, military coup against Indonesian President Sukarno and afterwards his assassination might be cited as instance. When the US former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger had threatened to occupy the oil installations of Saudi Arabia, in response, Saudi King Shah Faisal also warned to stop oil supply to America. As a result, King Faisal was killed by his own nephew who was clandestinely supported by the CIA.


From the very beginning, the CIA kept eye on the nuclear programme of Pakistan, which was taken as a threat to both Israel and India. In this context, in an interview to a private TV channel on April 4, 2010, the former deputy chief of the US mission in Islamabad Gerald Feuerstein revealed, “He was a witness to the meeting between former premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger in Lahore in August 1976…Kissinger came with a carrot and stick…since US elections were near and the Democrats were set to win them and wanted a tougher non-proliferation approach and might make Pakistan an example…Bhutto rejected the warning to disband Pakistan’s nuclear programme.”


Afterwards, Bhutto’s government was toppled in 1977 by a CIA-backed coup of Chief of Army Staff Gen. Zia-ul-Haq who hanged him through the court, which is considered a judicial murder in Pakistan. Besides Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, her daughter and the ex-prime minister Benazir Bhutto was also martyred by CIA operatives through Al Qaeda and Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan.


After the September 11 tragedy in the US, almost all the Muslim countries joined the Bush’s fake global war on terror, and they became the target of the CIA covert wars. In this respect, in words, President Bush repeatedly said that his ‘different war’, is not against the Muslim countries. But, in practice, only Islamic countries were targeted in the pretext of terrorism or Al Qaeda which, itself, was created by the CIA, and became a scapegoat of American secret activities to obtain the goals of Zionists and Israel.


Being the only nuclear power in the Muslim World, Pakistan has been coping with the CIA roguish tricks. In 2009, Pakistan’s media had pointed out the US notorious private security firm—Blackwater in the country with a new name as Xe Services. As part of the US espionage network, hundreds of the CIA agents and those of the Blackwater entered Pakistan under the guise of diplomats. They started conducting anti-Pakistan activities by their affiliated militants including their Pakistani agents. Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Agency (ISI) castigated the anti-Pakistan activities of the Blackwater and CIA. It compelled America to roll back the network of Blackwater and reduce the number of diplomats.


It is notable that in connivance with the Zionist-controlled media, CIA launched a propaganda campaign that Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda were behind the 9/11 catastrophe. Despite Bin Laden’s denial, Afghanistan was occupied by the US and NATO, as propaganda was so strong that even, America’s western allies were impressed.


Similarly, before the invasion of Iraq in 2003, a deliberate disinformation campaign was launched by the CIA all over the world that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destructions (WMDs). In that respect, a self-fabricated report was prepared. Afterwards, Iraq was attacked and occupied by the Anglo-American forces, but no WMDs were found.


John Stockwell, ex-CIA Station Chief in Angola in 1976, who also worked for the director of the CIA under George Bush (Senior) and spent 13 years in the agency, confirmed the US Central Intelligence Agency’s expanding operations in a report. Stockwell’s report indicated that since the 2006 US-led Ethiopian invasion of Somalia, “the CIA maintains a growing security complex in the country, located right behind Mogadishu’s Aden Adde International Airport. The complex contains over a dozen buildings as well as several metal hangars, which house CIA aircraft.” Another report by United Press International claims, “The CIA complex contains a prison for the suspected militants who are routinely interrogated and tortured by the members of a Mogadishu-based CIA team.”


As regards the CIA role to exploit the Iranian election protests in 2009, its programme involved playing the media as well as having secret agents on the ground in Iran. In this connection, in May 2007, ABC News reported that the CIA had received secret presidential (Bush) approval to mount a covert “black” operation to destabilize Iranian government.


Starting from Iran, protests and armed clashes inspired by the CIA resulted into revolt in Tunisia, expanding uprising and demonstrations to Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria, Yemen, Lebanon, Bahrain, Syria and Libya.


On March 31, 2011, the Guardian revealed that the President Obama had signed a secret order authorizing covert help to arm Libyan rebels. On May 20, 2011, The Guardian indicated, “US President Obama placed Washington on the side of popular uprisings not only in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya but also in Syria and Bahrain—a longtime American ally.” It wrote, “President unveils shift in US policy towards Arab countries—tells Syria’s Assad to get out of way.”

On March 2, 2011, Yemen’s President Saleh, describing the role of CIA and Israeli Mossad, disclosed, “I am going to reveal a secret…there is an operations room in Tel Aviv run by the White House with the aim of destabilizing the Arab world.” Saleh also said, “Opposition figures meet regularly with the US ambassador in Sanaa.”


Nevertheless, in line with the Obama’s strategy, CIA agents succeeded in ousting Tunisian President Ben Ali, Egyptian Mubarak (a close ally of the US) and Libyan President Col. Gaddafi, toppling the elected government in Egypt as part of the policy of the regime change in accordance with the Israeli agenda.


It is mentionable that Iran’s peaceful nuclear programme for energy purposes was taken as a threat to Tel Aviv. Hence, Tehran’s atomic move was exaggerated by the CIA and Zionist agents. Although Iranian nuclear issue has been settled in the recent past through a deal with the US, yet Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu calls it American historical blunder. In fact, Tehran’s support to Hezbollah which also defeated Israel in 2006 and Iranian-Syrian joint stand for Palestinian cause irritate Israel.


While, America claims itself champion of human rights. Both Bush and Obama are responsible for the illegitimate killing of innocent persons in Pakistan and some African countries by allowing the CIA-operated drone attacks. Since 9/11, the US-led troops, supported by CIA have carried out indiscriminate mass round-ups in catching up suspected Muslim men and women in Afghanistan and Iraq including some Arab countries without evidence. Israeli Mossad has helped the CIA officials in arresting the Muslim men, having beard and ladies, wearing scarves.


Notably, in March, 2013, an investigative report by the British Guardian/BBC pointed out that acting under the direction of the top US officials; the CIA utilized a global network of secret prisons, foreign intelligence agents and torture centers in various Islamic countries including Belgium etc. where torture was conducted directly by American intelligence operatives. The report which also mentioned Bagram and Guantanamo, links US high officials to atrocities carried out in Iraq—unleashed a deadly sectarian militia which terrorized the Sunni community and germinated a civil war, and claimed tens of thousands of lives. And Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison was another example of CIA terrorism.


In this regard, besides encouragement of Israeli brutal tactics on the Palestinians, CIA conducted Shia-Sunni violence in Iraq and Pakistan. Now, terror-attacks on sectarian lines could also be noted in Saudi Arabia and Yemen. While, CIA which also formed ISIS (Daesh) is also utilizing its militants in creating and manipulating Shia-Sunni divide among the Islamic countries as noted in case of Yemen, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria.


President Obama’s dual policy franchised both Al-Qaeda and ISIS to advance the agenda of the Zionists, Israeli lobbies and the neoconservatives. Covertly, Obama authorized CIA to create ISIS. Some recent developments such as CIA-assistance to Al-Qaeda (Al-Nusra Front) and ISIS terrorists in fighting against the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and against the Iraqi regime, and smuggling of oil by the ISIS (Kurd-controlled regions) to the European countries, America’s frustration over Russian successful airstrikes on the ISIS strongholds in the northern Syria, its coalition with Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hezbollah in support of President Assad has clearly exposed the covert aims of the US phony global war on terror. Therefore, CIA and Mossad used ISIS terrorists to conduct the November 13 terror attacks in Paris. These agencies were also behind the shooting in San Bernardino, California on December 2, which left 14 people dead.


Thus, by re-producing anti-Muslim phenomena of the 9/11 tragedy like the propaganda of the so-called threat of Islamophobia, persecution of the Muslims in the US and other western countries etc., CIA has succeeded in its designs. The US has got the assistance of its western allies (NATO) against Russia. It has also deviated from its previous stand that Assad will remain in power and future of Syria will be decided by its people. Some unexpected developments like Turkey-Russian tension, increase of Russian military in Syria, dispatch of American Special Forces in Syria, participation of the UK, movements of France’s troops and naval units near the Syrian border, similar move by German troops in the Syria-Iraq battlefield, Turkey’s deployment of larger military units close to the Syrian border (And inside Iraq), acceleration of their airstrikes on ISIS etc. show that instead of a broader coalition (Including Russia), the west has chosen the US-led anti-ISIS alliance either to oust Assad or to kill him like the Libyan President Col. Gaddafi, after throwing the country into endless anarchy. Another scenario is that proxy war may prolong in Syria. But, US-led alliance will try to occupy the Syrian oil installations.


It is of particular attention that in June 12, 2015 The Washington Post wrote, “Key lawmakers have moved to slash funding of a secret CIA operation to train and arm rebels in Syria…as 20 percent of the classified funds flowing into a CIA program that U.S. officials said has become one the agency’s largest covert operations, with a budget approaching $1 billion a year…the measure has provoked concern among CIA and White House officials, who warned that pulling money out of the CIA effort could weaken U.S.-backed insurgents. The White House declined to comment…U.S. officials said the CIA has trained and equipped nearly 10,000 fighters sent into Syria over the past several years.”


At present, in the US where the presidential election-campaign has started, ordinary Americans are focusing on internal problems such as financial crisis, cost of war etc. which are the result of prolonged war on terror. Patriot Americans are openly criticizing the Zionist-protected policies of the US, putting questions that they are paying taxes to the CIA and military establishment (Their huge budgets) which are fighting useless proxy wars in the world for the sake of Israel.


However, in wake of the present drastic scenario, some analysts warn of global war between the US-led alliance and the Russia-led coalition, while some are predicting about world war 111 or nuclear war, and some are talking about “Clash of Civilizations” in the sense of Huntington.


Nonetheless, such a dangerous situation will destroy the entire world or is likely to throw it in an era of civil war, enveloping Israel itself. Question remains that for whose protection CIA has been waging secret battles.


Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations


Email: [email protected]


p style=”text-align: center;”>Courtesy Veterans Today

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