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The emergence of ISIS Threat in South Asia By Sajjad Shaukat

The emergence of ISIS Threat in South Asia

By Sajjad Shaukat




With the support of some state actors and after its defeat by the Russian-led coalition of Iran, Iraq and Lebanon-based Hezbollah in Syria and Iraq, the Islamic State group (Also known as Daesh, ISIS and ISIL) is rapidly spreading its tentacles in South Asia.


It is also due to the dual policy of the US-led some Western powers, Israel and India that ISIS which is most dangerous terrorist group than Al-Qaeda has accelerated terrorism-related attacks in the US, Europe, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Yemen, Iran, Iraq etc. and some African countries where besides Muslims, the outfit also targeted the Christians. Now, its tentacles have reached other regions of Asia, especially South Asia.  Hence, the emergence of ISIS threat in South Asia needs attention.


In this context, the Daily Mail Online reported on February 22, 2015, “The terrifying rise of ISIS…tentacles now reach from Algeria to Afghanistan”.


According to online sources, “On January 26, 2015, Abu Muhammed al-Adnani chief spokesperson of the ISIS released an audio statement in which he declared the establishment of Wilayat Khorasan, a branch of the group encompassing Afghanistan, Pakistan and other nearby lands. Since then, Wilayat Khorasan has pursued a campaign of expansion and consolidation in the region, with most of its activity centring in eastern and southeastern Afghanistan.”


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Some other online sources disclosed, “ISI activities in Afghanistan are known as IS’s Khorasan Province (ISKP) or an Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISKP).”


These sources revealed, “ISKP’s control of territory in Nangrahar reached its peak in summer 2015 when it became the dominant insurgent group in eight of the province’s 22 districts…Since then, the Taliban have fought to take back territory…ISKP then dug in through 2016 in all its remaining districts, that is, Achin, Kot and Nazyan in the south-eastern districts…as well as Deh Bala in the south-west…ISIL-KP maintained a presence in southern Nangarhar Province despite increased military operations carried out by the United States of America and the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces. SIL-KP continued its attacks against the civilian population and military and foreign military targets, and unverified local sources claimed that ISIL-KP reinforcements and recruitment continued…IS Khorasan gained its new strength through forging alliances with local sectarian pro-al-Qaeda or Taliban militant groups like Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al Alami (LeJ-A), Lashkar-e Islam (LeI), or disgruntled Taliban factions like Jundallah and Jamaat ul Ahrar (JuA), which have been active in the region for many years. It has also reportedly recruited operatives from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU). The success of this strategy is manifest in the geographical distribution of the recent attacks, which suggests a logistical penetration and influence that extends from Kabul and Jalalabad in Afghanistan to Quetta and Peshawar in neighbouring Pakistan.”


It is mentionable that the militants attacked the Holey Artisan Bakery (Restaurant) in the diplomatic district of Dhaka-capital of Bangladesh on July 2, 2016, and killed at least 20 hostages and two police officers. It included nine Italians, seven Japanese and one American. The ISIS claimed responsibility for the terror attack on the restaurant. Top officials of Bangladesh Government claimed the existence of ISIS in the country. ISIS has also accepted responsibility for several past attacks in Bangladesh.


Taking cognizance of various terrorism-related assaults in Afghanistan and Pakistan by the ISIL, as its terrorists also entered Pakistan from Afghanistan, Pakistan has, repeatedly, been expressing concerns over the growing unrest and violence in Afghanistan, reiterating support for a dialogue-based settlement of the Afghan issue. Islamabad is supportive of an Afghan dialogue, recognizing Taliban as a legitimate party in the conflict. Similar stance has been adopted by Russia, China, Iran and even the Central Asian Republics.


While Pakistan has expressed concerns over the emergence of ISIS in Afghanistan from where it has rapidly been spreading its terror-network in other South Asian countries. Islamabad’s worry is also shared by all the countries of the region. The dreaded terror outfit is being projected by the US, India, and some Western countries as a counterweight to Taliban. Therefore, the story of ISIS in Afghanistan is viewed carefully by the regional countries. Russia has repeatedly aired concerns about the possibility of tacit US approval or her inability to control the ISIS. Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai and few other Afghan leaders have also aired such apprehensions.


In this connection, a news item was published by all the leading dailies of Pakistan on October 8, 2017 regarding the statement of Afghanistan’s former Afghan President Karzai who, while dismissing criticism of Moscow’s ties with the Taliban and echoing Russian claims of American support to the ISIS terrorists, told Voice of America (VOC) that the United States has links with terrorist ‘Islamic State’, also known as Daesh…Daesh a tool of US…After it [the US] dropped the [mother of all] bomb on Afghanistan, it did not eliminate Daesh…the terrorist group has been supplied weapons by the United States forces…The US Army helicopters and army bases are being used to provide assistance to ISIS terrorists…I do not differentiate at all between Daesh and America…Reports of American assistance to the terrorists are coming from all over the country.” (It also includes Karzai’s revelations to VOC of April 20, 2017, and Newsweek’s report of the same day). 


Particularly, based in Afghanistan, secret agencies such as American CIA, Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad are in collusion, and are using the ISIS in destabilizing Pakistan and Afghanistan as part of the double game of their countries.  India and Israel want to prolong the stay of the US-led NATO troops in Afghanistan which has become the centre of their covert activities against Pakistan, Russia, China, and Iran. American President Trump is also doing the same in connivance with New Delhi and Tel Aviv. Now, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is the special target of these foreign intelligence agencies.


It is notable that Afghanistan-based Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and ISIS which are being backed by RAW, CIA and Mossad have claimed responsibility for several terror assaults inside Pakistan and Afghanistan, including the recent ones.


While, Pakistan has repeatedly pointed out ISIS’s involvement in anti-Pakistan violence and terrorism, and Islamabad has also shared credible information about the presence of ex-TTP militants inside Afghanistan, many of whom have switched sides to join ISIS. Therefore, Islamabad expects Afghanistan and the US-led forces (NATO) in Afghanistan to check the activities and projection of the ISKP activities.


Notably, ISIS has suffered heavily on accounts of its confrontation with the Afghan Taliban. Taliban have successfully undone ISIS influence from most of its controlled and contested areas. ISIS has lost most of its leadership in these fights and has been virtually squeezed to a few pockets of Nangarhar province. Taliban have been successful in checking ISKP’s (ISIS) ideological outreach by projecting the linkage of the brutal organization with extra-regional elements and thus discrediting them in the eyes of common Afghans. Most Afghans consider ISKP’s display of cruelties and inhuman behaviour against Afghan culture and do not buy group’s ideas of violence.


Meanwhile, Pakistan has successfully purged FATA and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa of militants through successful military operations Zarb-e-Azb and Radd-ul-Fasad. Lately, the country is focusing on improving border management and fencing project to address the cross-border movement of the terrorists. Pakistan is making concerted efforts to address extremism in all its forms. Recent steps by the country, including the nationwide agreed upon ‘Paigham-e-Pakistan’ (Message of Pakistan), are efforts to address the menace of terrorism and extremism on the ideological front.


In the same context, in the recent past, Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa in Munich Security Conference was a polite reminder to the US-led international community, especially the Western powers of their past practices in the region.


We can conclude that reality of ISKP is well known to the regional powers. People like the ex-President Hamid Karzai and countries like Russia have been quite vocal in expressing their concerns about who supports ISKP? For ISKP in Afghanistan, the onus rests on the American- led NATO forces as well as on the Afghan National Unity Government (NUG) who need to carry out a reality check. America, India, and Israel should also abandon their double game with Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, China and Russia in order to cope with the emergence of ISIS threat in South Asia.


Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is the author of the book: the US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations


Email: [email protected]

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Report: New York Terror Attack, Israel Wants Nuclear War or Clash of Civilizations By Sajjad Shaukat

Report: New York Terror Attack, Israel Wants Nuclear War or Clash of Civilizations


Sajjad Shaukat












Report: New York Terror Attack, Israel Wants Nuclear War or Clash of Civilizations



At least eight people were killed and 11 injured on Tuesday (October 31, 2017) when the driver
of a pickup truck hit people on a cycle path in Lower Manhattan, New York City near the World
Trade Centre. The vehicle then hit a school bus, injuring two adults and two children on board.
According to the US media reports, “It was a terror attack…Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, a 29-
year-old man, reported to be an Uzbek immigrant, was shot and injured by police as he left the
vehicle. The driver emerged holding two handguns and made a statement consistent with a terror
attack…shouting “Allahu akbar,” Arabic for “God is great,” before he was shot in the abdomen
by a police officer…he later underwent surgery for gunshot wounds. A paintball gun and a pellet
gun were recovered from the scene…He lived in New Jersey. Saipov was charged with federal
terrorism offenses in connection with the Tuesday’s attack. Investigators found ISIS-related
images and videos on Saipov’s cellphone…handwritten notes in Arabic near the truck that
indicated allegiance to the Islamic State [Also known as Daesh, ISIS and ISIL]…But
investigators had not uncovered evidence of any direct or enabling ties between Mr. Saipov and
ISIS and were treating the episode as a case of an “inspired” attacker…Police records show he
was arrested in Missouri last year over a traffic fine. Almost immediately, as investigators began
to look into Mr. Saipov’s history, it became clear that he had been on the radar of federal
authorities. Three officials said he had come to the federal authorities’ attention as a result of an
unrelated investigation.”





















CNN disclosed that it “obtained photographs of a Home Depot truck parked outside of New
York terror suspect Sayfullo Saipov’s home in Paterson, New Jersey. Neighbor Carlos Batista
said he was taking photographs of a car he was selling and inadvertently took a photo of the
rental truck in the background…the photo was taken at 6:09 p.m. ET on Oct. 22…. he’d seen the
same type of truck used in the terror attack around the neighborhood for the last couple of
weeks…A law enforcement official told CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz that Saipov rented a truck
similar to the one used in the attack several times over the course of the last several weeks in
order to be familiar with operating it. There is no indication the Home Depot truck in the photo is
the same truck used in the attack…New York terror suspect Sayfullo Saipov appeared in federal
court in a wheelchair and was charged with providing material support to ISIS and violence and
destruction of motor vehicles, a source at the U.S. Attorney’s Office told CNN.”
However, these conflicting reports show that like previous terror attacks in the US and Europe,
the New York terror attack is also a false flag operation, conducted by Israeli secret agency
Mossad in connivance with some CIA operatives and the ISIS terrorists. It may also be
individual act of Saipov who has been inspired by the extremist agenda of ISIS. Even then,
responsibility goes to the agents of these intelligence agencies, who have, already, been
radicalizing the Muslims and Christians by dividing them on religious lines in order to obtain the
illegitimate interests of Israel. While, contradictory and anti-Muslim statements of the Pro-Israeli
President Donald Trump about the terror assault have further verified this collaboration.
Showing immediate reaction, the US President Trump tweeted, “In NYC, looks like another
attack by a very sick and deranged person. Law enforcement is following this closely.

We must not allow ISIS to return, or enter, our country after defeating them in the Middle East and
elsewhere. Enough! The United States will be immediately implementing much tougher Extreme
Vetting Procedures. The safety of our citizens comes first!” He did not elaborate further.
Regarding the New York terror attack, on November 2, 2017, President Trump again tweeted on
immigration, calling for an end to “chain migration…lets people bring their whole family with
them, who can be truly evil.”

President Trump first introduced the screening process during the election campaign on a pledge
to indefinitely ban the Muslims from entering the United States—his campaign aides later tried
to finesse as a broader policy aimed at implementing “extreme vetting” for immigrants from
certain countries. As president, he introduced a ban on arrivals to the US from a number of
mainly-Muslim countries. Surprisingly, Uzbekistan was one of them though US courts have
repeatedly blocked them from going into effect. While, America’s Western partners, especially European countries had strongly condemned Trump’s travel ban on the Muslim countries, as discriminatory and violations of human rights, and in a recent statement, the American Civil Liberties Union civil rights group said that the term “extreme vetting” was a “euphemism for discriminating against Muslims.”
Nevertheless, various acts of terrorism in the world show that without taking cognizance of the
related-developments, the general masses of a country and even some educated persons start
blaming all the Muslims and the ISIS. Therefore, the New York terror attack cannot be seen in
isolation, as it is part of various related-developments of the recent past and the present ones in
the world. In these terms, we need in-depth analysis to know that some state actors like Israel
are leading the world to nuclear war or clash of civilizations.



If we note related-developments in the world, especially in the Middle East and South Asia, we
observe that the ISIL, including its linked terror organizations and similar other outfits are being
supported by the US, Israel and India who are the real masters of these militant group. Some
European countries like the Great Britain are also following America in this respect. In other
word, particularly, Israel is fulfilling her evil designs.

Undoubtedly, if the double game of President Bush (The Senior) and George W. Bush franchised
Al-Qaeda on global level, President Obama’s dual policy franchised both Al-Qaeda and ISIS as
part of the anti-Muslim campaign and left no stone unturned in advancing the agenda of the
Zionists, Israeli lobbies and the neoconservatives in the pretext of the fake global war on terror.
Secretly, President Obama authorized CIA to create ISIS. His perennial covert support to the
Israeli atrocities on the Palestinians, silence over the supply (Smuggling) of oil by ISIS to some
European countries whose governments have also not taken action against those companies
which were exporting oil from the ISIS-controlled regions of Iraq, CIA-assisted Al-Qaeda (Al-
Nusra Front), ISIS militants and rebel groups who are fighting to oust Syrian President Assad’s
government to obtain the aims of a greater Israel are part of the double game.

Training and supply of arms by CIA and Mossad to these terrorist outfits and medical treatment of their
militants in Israeli hospitals, including arrests of some CIA and Mossad agents in Syria and Iraq have also verified these connections. As part of the dual strategy, America and its Western
partners have been waging a war against the ISIS.
But, CIA and Mossad openly assist this terrorist group and its linked terror outfits in accordance
with the covert aims of their countries. 

In this connection, Russian TV channel, Russia Today (RT) reported on September 24, 2017

“The Russian Ministry of Defense has released aerial images which they say show US Army
special forces equipment north of the town of Deir er-Zor, where ISIS militants are deployed. US
Army special units provide free passage for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) through the
battle formations of Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) terrorists…Despite that the US strongholds being
organized at them…This could mean that the US military staff feel absolutely safe in the area
which is held by the terrorists…All of the images were taken from September 8 to 12.

The photos show several Cougar infantry mobility vehicles and Hummer armored vehicles of the US
Army Special Forces, according the Russian MoD data…In this case, securing IS assistance for
an unopposed advance of US backed SDF forces could enable the SDF, widely seen as a US
proxy, to seize strategically important (and oil rich) territory in Deir ez-Zor that otherwise would
soon be retaken by rapidly advancing Syrian Army. If so this once again will raise questions as
to what the true purpose of US forces-purportedly in Syria to fight IS-actually is. Earlier in
September, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov accused the
SDF of collusion with ISIS terrorists.SDF militants work to the same objectives as IS terrorists.
According to Global Research Canada (Centre for Research on Globalization), “In other words,
ISIS, al-Nusra, and so-called SDF forces are virtually the same thing–US recruited, armed,
funded and directed cutthroat killers, waging naked aggression against Syria and its people…The
Pentagon’s so-called Operation Inherent Resolve so far is silent on Russia’s damning
evidence…Separately, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem accused Washington of
working with its terrorist assets in Syria, including al-Nusra, to undermine Astana peace
talks…Russia’s Defense Ministry…saying its intelligence revealed US forces together with al-
Nusra terrorists tried halting the successful advance of government forces east of Deir
Ezzor…Russian airpower smashed their offensive. Sergey Lavrov condemned the US-led
coalition for refusing to combat al-Nusra, calling it absolutely unacceptable…According to
Russia’s Defense Ministry, nearly 90% of Syrian territory held by ISIS is now liberated. Moscow
will respond appropriately to any US efforts to impede the campaign to free Syria entirely from
control by terrorists.”
In case of Asia and particularly South Asia, well-entrenched in Afghanistan and some Gulf
states, intelligence agencies such as CIA, Indian RAW, Mossad and MI6 are assisting various
terror outfits, including Al-Qaeda and particularly ISIL in order to achieve the covert goals of the
US-led countries against Pakistan, Syria, Iraq China, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Somalia, Yemen etc.
and even Afghanistan which are being destabilized by various forms of terrorism-related assaults
which have continued in one way or the other.
In this context, a news item was published by all the leading dailies of Pakistan on October 8,
2017 regarding the statement of Afghanistan’s Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai who,
while dismissing criticism of Russian ties with the Taliban and echoing Russian claims of

American support to the ISIS terrorists, told Voice of America (VOC) that “the United States has
links with terrorist ‘Islamic State’, also known as Daesh…Daesh a tool of US…After it [the US]
dropped the [mother of all] bomb on Afghanistan, it did not eliminate Daesh…the terrorist group
has been supplied weapons by the United States forces…The US Army helicopters and army
bases are being used to provide assistance to ISIS terrorists…I do not differentiate at all between
Daesh and America…Reports of American assistance to the terrorists are coming from all over
the country.” (It also includes Karzai’s revelations to VOC of April 20, 2017 and Newsweek’s
report of the same day).

When in September 2015, Russian-led coalition of Iran, Iraq, the Syrian army-the National
Defense Forces (NDF) and Lebanon-based Hezbollah started breaking the backbone of the ISIS
terrorists, Al-Qaeda’s Al-Nusra Front and the rebels in Syria and Iraq. Israeli Mossad which was
already having clandestine contact with the ISIS directed this outfit to plan the November 13
terror attacks in Paris in connivance with the French home-grown militants. Similarly, when
Russian-led forces began retaking many cities from the control of these insurgents, on the other
side, agents of Mossad who were in collaboration with the CIA sympathizers and the ISIL
militants arranged various sorts of terror attacks in Europe and the US.

Through all these false flag terror operations, the US and Israel wanted to obtain their covert
aims against Russia and the Muslims. Mossad had also provided the US President Donald Trump
with an opportunity to manipulate various terror assaults of Europe and America to win the US
presidential election and to reunite America and Europe, as a rift was created between America
and its Western allies, especially Europe on a number of issues, including NATO. And, President
Trump had left no stone unturned in implementing anti-Muslim policies, while speaking openly
against the Muslims and Syrian immigrants. Trump had started exaggerating the threat of
Islamophobia, while, some incidents were not linked to ISIS, but were the result of self-
radicalization of the individuals.

Regarding the shooting at the gay night club in Orlando (Florida) which killed at least 49
individuals on June 12, 2016, The Washington Post in an article, under the caption, “Trump’s
reckless, dangerous Islamophobia helps the Islamic State”, wrote on June 13, 2016, “Trump’s
standards, his comments about the Orlando shooting have been reckless and self-serving. They
are also dangerous for the country…the strongest remaining force that propels the Islamic State
is the Islamophobia of Trump and his European counterparts, argue senior intelligence strategists
for the U.S.-led coalition. Inflammatory, xenophobic statements about Muslims reinforce the
jihadists’ claims that they are Muslim knights fighting against an intolerant West. Trump
unwittingly gives them precisely the role they dream about.”

In this regard, Khaled A. Beydoun opined on the Aljazeera multimedia network on March 13,
2016, “The world brand Trump is becoming synonymous with expansion of racism and
incitement of Islamophobia…I think Islam hate us, said Donald Trump, 24 hours before the
Republican presidential debate in Miami…is a call to his voting base, to further galvanise them
around a disdain for Islam that not only heightens hateful fervour at his rallies, but incites
violence on American blocks and pushes bigots to the ballot box…the statement is rooted in the
very ignorance and hate which made him the darling of bigots and surged him up the polls…Islamophobia…the suspicion and fear of Islam and its 1.7 billion adherent-is political ideology for Trump.”
Nevertheless, the incident of shooting at the gay club in Orlando not only exposed that false flag
operation, but also endorsed other false flag terror-attacks in the US and Europe.

In this connection, in an interview with Brazilian TV on June 14, 2016, the ex-wife of the Orlando
shooter Omar Mateen Sitora Yusufiy revealed that American FBI pressurized him to keep quiet
about his homosexuality. While, Mateen had been dubbed as an Islamic terrorist by the
American politicians, senior officials and commentators, following reports that he had pledged
allegiance to the ISIS, but FBI wanted to downplay the personal and self-hating nature of the

And President Obama stated on June 12, 2016, “Federal authorities had made no definitive
judgment on the killer’s motivation, and whether he was inspired by or directed by Islamic State
or other terrorist groups.” Obama clarified by explaining “Orlando shooting was the result of
Mateen’s personal resentment in relation to the gay club.”

Similarly, the teenager Ali David Sonboly who killed 9 people in Munich had no connection
with the ISIS. Police investigation revealed that he was “a mentally troubled person” and police
also discovered extremist material, linked to the attack by Andres Behring Brevik, the white
supremacist who murdered 77 persons in Norway in 2011. Likewise, the shooting in the French
city of Nice was also a false flag terror-act, as CIA-Mossad arranged it with the help of ISIS
which used homegrown terrorists of France.
It is mentionable that 59 people were killed and more than 500 others injured on October 1, this
year, when a gunman-an American national, Stephen Paddock opened fire on concertgoers from
the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. Next day , through its
Amaq propaganda agency, ISIL, claimed responsibility for the incident, disclosing that, “the Las
Vegas attacker is a soldier of the Islamic State in response to calls to target coalition
countries—converted to Islam several months ago”—but provided no evidence to support the
assertion.” Senior US homeland security officials said that there was no evidence Paddock had
links to international or domestic terror groups or ISIS.
On social media, many individuals have pointed out that if Paddock had been a Muslim, If he
had shouted “Allahu akbar” before he opened fire on all those concertgoers in Las Vegas, the
term “terrorist” would have been used almost immediately to describe him, as a link to Islamist
terrorism would be assumed even without evidence.
It is of particular attention that since the fundamentalist party BJP led by the Indian Prime
Minister Narindra Modi came to power in India, it has been implementing anti-Muslim and anti-
Pakistan agenda. Encouraged by the BJP, assaults on Muslims, Christians and other minorities
by the Hindu extremist parties might be cited as instance. India which has strategic partnership
with Israel has perennially been manipulating the double game of the US-led West regarding
world phenomena of terrorism in connection with Pakistan and Afghanistan, while exploiting
their anti-Muslim approach to obtain Indo-Israeli- US clandestine designs.

In wake of Modi’s aggressive diplomacy, India has continued shelling in Pakistani side of
Kashmir which remains a nuclear flashpoint between both the neighbouring countries.
Both Tel Aviv and New Delhi have been equating the ‘wars of liberation’ in Palestine and
Kashmir with terrorism. Their main purpose is to divert the attention of the West from their own
atrocities, while employing delaying tactics in the solution of these issues.
It is noteworthy that India, the US and puppet rulers of Afghanistan have always blamed
Pakistan for cross-border terrorism in Afghanistan to divert attention from the acts of sabotage,
which they have been arranging in Pakistan. While, Pakistan’s security forces have eliminated
terrorism, but, recent blasts in the Balochistan province and other regions of Pakistan show that
the US-led India, Afghanistan and Israel who are supporting militant groups have, again, started
acts of terrorism to destabilize Pakistan and to damage the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
In this respect, in his speech on August 21, 2017, while announcing the US new strategy
regarding Afghanistan as part of the policy in South Asia, American President Donald Trump,
particularly, singled out Pakistan for criticism. As regards Pakistan’s regional rival India, Trump
added, “We appreciate India’s important contributions to stability in Afghanistan…We want
them to help us more with Afghanistan.”
Shifting blame game towards, Islamabad and Moscow, US top military officials have been
making these courtiers scapegoats of their failures in Afghanistan. Main purpose behind is also
to pacify their public, as the US-led NATO countries have failed in their fight against the Taliban
who are waging a war of liberation against the occupying forces. Meanwhile, Trump also
decided to increase troops in Afghanistan. But, other NATO states have refused to send more
troops in Afghanistan. Especially, Israel also wants to divert attention of American and its allies
from the internal crises which their people are facing due to the prolonged war in Afghanistan
and phony war on terror.
Besides these developments, some other ones have also frustrated Indians and especially Israelis.
In this context, defeat of the ISIS terrorists, other similar groups in Syria and Iraq by the
Russian-led countries, Pakistan’s decision to join Russia-China alliance, Turkey’s alliance with
Russia, Syria and Iraq to fight against ISIL in Syria and Iraq, failure of the CIA plan-B for
partition of Syria, European countries’ disagreement with Trump regarding abandonment of
nuclear deal with Iran and failure of the NATO-like alliance by the US-backed Saudi
Arabia—the Sunni-countries against Iran and Yemen might be cited as instance. Another
disappointed development for Israel is that controversial referendum which was held on
September 25, 2017 for an independent Kurdistan, with approximately 93 percent in favour of
independence failed, as Moscow and some Western countries opposed this move. Otherwise, it
was Tel Aviv who backed it to heightened tensions in Iraq and among its neighbouring countries,
including other Islamic countries.
Meanwhile, Western countries have been pressing Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to agree for
the two-state solution of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. A majority of the intellectuals and
analysts of the West have also been emphasizing upon the settlement of this issue. Even, non-

Zionist Jews have started favouring the two-state solution of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute.
However, it has also depressed Tel Aviv who seems determined to keep its illegitimate control
on the Palestinian territories.
It is noteworthy that by setting aside the war-like diplomacy of the President Trump, North
Korea has continued testing intercontinental ballistic missiles, which appears to have the range to
hit American cities and Europe.
Notably, in a speech to the United Nations, President Trump has threatened to “totally destroy”
North Korea with “fire and fury” if it doesn’t back off from its nuclear aims. On the other side,
North Korean President Kim has said that his nation needs nuclear weapons to stop the United
States from asphyxiating its economy and overturning its government. Analysts have warned
about nuclear war between the two countries.
It is worth-mentioning that differences have arisen among the European countries in relation to
the refugees and the asylum-seekers. Austria’s erection of a fence along its border with Italy has
been met with disapproval by Italy and Germany. Some other developments such as criticism of
the controversial Turkish-EU refugee deal by a number of human rights groups, Britain’s
decision to leave the European Union (EU), after the referendum (Brexit), prospects of Scotland
and some other countries for separation from the EU, and the divide between the elite class
which run multinational companies with the direct or indirect control of the Jews and the general
masses who are suffering from multiple problems in wake of differences on the refugee crisis,
Greece’s weak economy, violent protests and strikes against the labour laws in France in 2016 in
favour of the employers at the cost of the employs etc.—the chances of European Union’s
disintegration which will give a greater blow to the US-Europe alliance against Russia and “Stop
NATO protests” in Europe are quite opposite to the Israeli secret interests.
Owing to the irresponsible approach of the Western leaders, far right-wing parties and “Stop
Islam” movement in the West, particularly in Europe are becoming popular by largely attracting
their people. Amid a migrant crisis, sluggish economic growth and growing disillusionment with
the European Union, right-wing parties in a growing number of European countries have made
electoral gains. The right-wing parties range across a wide policy spectrum, from populist and
nationalist to far-right neofascist.
White supremacists and Neo-Nazis who support President Trump are on rise in some Western
countries and especially in the US, while Trump and Mossad are also backing them in wake of
racism led by Trump.
As a matter of fact, irresponsible attitude of some Indian, Israeli, American and Western
politicians has introduced dangerous socio-religious dimension in their societies by equating the
“war on terror” with “war on Islam” and acts of ISIS and Al-Qaeda with all the Muslims. Their
media have also been contributing to heighten the currents of world politics on similar lines. It is
because of these developments that a greater resentment is being found among the Muslims who
think that the US in connivance with the Indo-Israeli lobbies is sponsoring state terrorism,
directly or indirectly from Kashmir to Palestine and from Afghanistan to Somalia.

In fact, fault cannot be laid on the general masses, a majority of whom are swayed by emotions,
stereotypes and prejudices created by the political leaders who keep on manipulating any crisis
for their own self-interests with the sole aim of getting their sympathies to increase their vote
bank. There are equal strong pressures from religious and nationalist forces in wake of global
war on terror which is dividing the world on religious lines.
Machiavelli advises the rulers to have a lion-like image outwardly, and act upon the traits of goat
inwardly. He also suggests them foreign adventures and the use of terror to obtain their goals. In
his sense, a good ruler should be a good opportunist and hypocrite. While echoing Machiavelli,
Morgenthau points out that sometimes, rulers act upon immoral activities like deceit, fraud,
falsehood and even murder to fulfill their selfish aims.

Indicating dual policy, Morgenthau, and Palmer and Perkins opine, “Just as power became the
instrument of ambitious nationalism and state’s leaders, it has now become the tool of ideologies.
The true nature of the policy is concealed by ideological justifications and rationalization.”
Although in the present world of social media and Internet, such a sinister politics has been
replaced by modern trends such as fair-dealings, reconciliation and economic development, yet
by following the old strategies US-led India and Israel have been playing a dangerous game by
assisting the militant groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS which conducted various terrorism-related
attacks in the US, Europe and other Western countries, including Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Indonesia, Philippines etc., and some African countries. Thus, they
massacred thousands of persons which also include Christians.
Nonetheless, Mossad, RAW and some agents of CIA, who are in collaboration, have helped in
conduction of the New York terror attack. Mossad might alone be involved in this terror assault,
as Israel will prefer a nuclear war between Russia and the US-led West or between North Korea
and America to avoid the two-state settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Atomic war could
also erupt between Pakistan and India, as New Delhi also avoids solution of the Kashmir issue.
While fanatic leaders are in power in the US, India and Israel, their connivance may culminate
into ‘clash of civilizations’, particularly between the Muslim and the Christians worlds.
It is the right hour that loyalist Americans, non-Zionist Jews and peace-loving citizens of every
other religious community should play their positive role for global peace by stopping the
division of the international community on religious and cultural lines.

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants,
Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations
Email: [email protected]

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“Confronting Assad’s regime in Syria: Role of United States and Russia” By   Sherry Sharyl

“Confronting Assad’s regime in Syria: Role of United States and Russia”



Sherry Sharyl





Middle East has always remained the center of the world politics since World War II, end of
which created the UNO and in 1948 the State of Israel. After the birth of Israel, Middle East
became the battle zone where israel’s hegemony was to be promoted in order to bring major

militarily armed states of Middle East to a position where major powers of the world could
indoctrinate their own political and economic agendas in the region. Before that, this region
was famous for its natural resources and oil reserves and its Mediterranean trade route. Above
all, Israel and Palestine conflict, then the Israel’s traditional wars with its neighboring states
had become the persistent tension in the Middle East.








Recent developments in the region during previous years have depicted a different picture of
conflicts in the oil rich region. Since 2011, the civil war in Syria in order to confront Assad’s
regime has badly affected the security situation in the Middle East. Before the civil war,
Syrian people complained about the bad governance, raised unemployment, illiteracy,
corruption, poverty, lack of political freedom, under the Assad’s presidency. Then the Arab
spring in Tunisia, in 2011 has further added fuel to the fire, the syrian pro-democratic
demonstrator erupted the city of Deraa demanding the President’s Assad’s resignation. The
Assad’s government acted aggressively and crush the protestors by the use of deadly force.
Unfortunately, this anti-government protest spreads nationwide, thus resulting in never
ending civil war in Syria. This civil war has made easier for the world and regional powers
i.e, Russia, United States, Iran, Saudia Arabia and Turkey to interfere into the political
impasse in Syria by acting in support of (Russia and Iran) or by taking harsh steps (USA and
Saudi Arabia) against Assad’s regime not for the conflict resolution but for their own
interests. The logistical, financial and political support and interference of the external
powers for and against the Assad’s regime, has further fueled the sectarian conflicts,
terrorism, Rebellion movements and extremism. Thus, the civil war in Syria than turned into
proxy battleground because of the involvement of the world and regional powers.
Now the Assad’s regime has become the victim of the world’s major powers, thus it has
initiated a new cold war which is unlikely to get a promising end. The Syrian proxy war has
again results in the formation of two blocks along with their allied states, i.e, Russia( China,
Iran and Afghanistan) US ( Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Israel).






Syria is strategically and economically important to both US and Russia in the Middle East.
Russia along with China has increased its political, economic and military support to the
Assad’s regime. The primary goal of Russia is to protect and support the Assad’s regime
against the international intervention, Russia wants to counter the United States influence in
the Middle East and Russia has the vast economic interests in Syria. Syria is one of the
largest importers of military equipments, about 4 billlion dollars of arms contracts have been
signed between Syria and Russia. Besides military equipments, Russian oil and gas
companies has been invested in Syria. Soiuzneftegaz and Tatneft have been extracting oil and
gas in Syria since 2003, Stroitransgaz has built extensive natural gas pipeline and processing
plants. Currently it is constructing a second plant near the city of Rakka which will process,









approximatly 1.3 billion cubic meters of gas. Russian companies are also constructing nuclear
power plant for the production of energy. Manufacturing companies of Russia i.e, Uralmash
which provides drilling equipment to the pertroleum company of Syria, Tupolev and
Aviastar-SP has provided passenger airplanes to the Syrian Air lines. Beside economic
interest, strategic interests of Russia in this region are of great importance. For this, the only
Tartus naval base of Russia in Syria is left, but it’s not a true military base because it is not
hosted permanently by the Russian army, its only purpose is to repair and resupply the ships to
the Mediterranean. Therefore, Russian government and the Russian exporters fear that the
regime change in Syria will lead to the loss of contracts and as well as economy and will
weaken the Russian influence in Syria, as well as in the Middle East.
The United States interest in Syria is quite different; it’s strategic rather than economic. The
main interest of United States is to counter the terrorism and the mushroom growth of
terrorist organizations within Syria and in the Middle East. US main aim is to counter ISIS
(Islamic State in Iraq and Syria). US with the help of its Kurdish Allies is countering ISIS.
Al-Qaeda have been sending its militants to the Syria to support the Assad’s regime.
Strategically, the civil war in Syria will have enormous impacts for the region and for the US.
Syrian alliance with Iran can brought major changes in the policies of Saudi Arabia and
Israel. Iran proliferate arms and other goods to fuel the militant organizations in Syria i.e,
Hamas in Gaza strip and Hezbollah in Lebanon and its allies. Beside this, Tehran keeps on
supporting Assad regime politically and militarily. The Russian influence in Syria goes all the
way back to cold war. Most importantly, US wants to protect its bosom friend Israel from
Iran’s and terrorist threats. Therefore, Iran, terrorism and Russia are the brutal and intractable
enemies of the US in the Middle East.









Therefore, the responsibility of war crime and crime against humanity must be held
accountable in Syria. The brutal chemical attacks, casualties of the innocent civilians,
violation of International humanitarian law by ISIS and other terrorist organizations, must be
punished. The use of Chemical weapons, by Assad against rebels and other civilians, must be
punished for their brutal act. By these unhumantarian acts, it has been concluded that Assad’s
regime in Syria is a threat to Syrian citizens as well as development in Syria. Both the cold
war rivals and their allied states should try to settle conflicts in Syria and help


Reference for Graphics & Maps

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Dual Policy towards Al-Qaeda and ISIS is Extremely Counterproductive By Sajjad Shaukat




Dual Policy towards Al-Qaeda and ISIS is Extremely Counterproductive


By Sajjad Shaukat

Everyone knows that Al-Qaeda and Afghan Taliban were created by the American CIA to fight
against the former Soviet Union in Afghanistan.
In this regard, former British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook stated, “Throughout the 1980s, he
[Bin Laden] was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian
occupation of Afghanistan.”
As regards terrorism, Machiavelli advises the rulers to have a lion-like image outwardly, and act
upon the traits of goat inwardly. He also suggests them foreign adventures and the use of terror
to obtain their goals. In his sense, a good ruler should be a good opportunist and hypocrite. While
echoing Machiavelli, Morgenthau points out that sometimes, rulers act upon immoral activities
like deceit, fraud, falsehood and even murder to fulfill their selfish aims.
Indicating dual policy, Morgenthau, and Palmer and Perkins opine, “Just as power became the
instrument of ambitious nationalism and state’s leaders, it has now become the tool of ideologies.
The true nature of the policy is concealed by ideological justifications and rationalization.”
Although in the present world of social media and Internet, such a sinister politics has been
replaced by modern trends such as fair-dealings, reconciliation and economic development, yet
by following the old strategies, American President Barack Obama and neoconservatives who
are in collusion with the Zionist Jews and Israel are still acting upon dual policy towards Al-
Qaeda and the Islamic State group (Daesh), also known ISIS or ISIL. Even, America’s western
allies are also pursuing similar ambivalent strategy.
Everyone knows that Al-Qaeda and Afghan Taliban were created by the American CIA to fight
against the former Soviet Union in Afghanistan.
In this regard, former British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook stated, “Throughout the 1980s, he
[Bin Laden] was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian
occupation of Afghanistan.”
After fulfilling their interests, Washington had left Afghanistan and Pakistan to face the fallout
of a prolonged conflict—terrorism and instability. These Mujahideen who pulled the Russians
out of Afghanistan, later become the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc. They got
the label of terrorists.
After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, American former President Bush (The Senior) in
connivance with his Zionist-advisers took the Islamic fundamentalism as a great threat. Since
then, sometimes, Al-Qaeda have continuously been used by the US and some western countries
as a scapegoat to malign Pakistan for ‘de-nuclearisation,’ as the latter is the only nuclear country
in the Muslim World. Sometimes, they accused Iran of harbouring terrorism, and to propagate
against Tehran’s peaceful nuclear progragmme—sometimes to achieve the goals of external
policy and sometimes to pacify their public including the opposition. In all cases, the purpose
behind has been to safeguard the interests of the Zionists and Israel.
On November 13, 2009, a Reuters report quoting Labeviere’s book “Corridors of Terror”
(Released in November 2003) points to negotiations between Bin Laden and CIA, which took
place two months prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks-at the American Hospital in Dubai,
United Arab Emirates, when Bin Laden was under a kidney dialysis treatment.
Meanwhile, while making Osama and Al-Qaeda as scapegoats, a number of fake video messages
were telecast on various TV channels and websites by some Zionists to obtain Israel’s anti-
Muslim goals. For example, during the November 2004 elections in the US, a fake video tape
helped the ex-president George W. Bush to get lead over John Kerry.
It is well-known that in a tape released on December 27, 2001, the authenticity of which is not in
question, Osama denied any involvement in the September 11 tragedy. However, later, two video
tapes appeared to validate his guilt in relation to 9/11, because the main aims of the Bush
administration were to provoke American public against the Muslims and to justify global war
on terror—the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq to possess energy resources of Central Asia
and Iraq, including proxy wars in other Middle Eastern countries. Besides other actions of Bush
era such as America’s state-sponsored terrorism in the volatile Islamic countries, persecution of
Muslims through torture, detentions and arrests, CIA and FBI-operated facilities, promotion of
sectarian violence and divide between Sunnis and Shias in the Islamic World—radicalising the
western Christians against the Muslims, while providing a golden chance to Israel and India to
accelerate the systematic genocide of the Palestinians and Kashmiries by equating the wars of
liberation in the controlled territories of Palestine and Kashmir with terrorism.
It was because of the dual strategy of Bush through war on terror, and on the other side, response
of Al-Qaeda militants by clandestine terror attacks, as shown through a number of the past
suicidal missions such as on Indonesian resort island of Bali, Saudi Arabia, Spain etc., and a
series of bomb attacks on London’s transport network, including those ones in other Afro-Asian
countries have clearly pointed out that Al-Qaeda was organized on world level. But, the outfit
lost control on its affiliated militant groups. Al-Qaeda’s decimated old guard may no longer be
able to mount elaborately detailed plots, executed by other trained terrorists of various new
groups which claim their links with Al-Qaeda, but, are not under its direct command. For
example, in Somalia—splitting away of a hardliner-faction Al-Shabaab is an offshoot of the
Islamic Courts Union, though the US defined Al-Shabaab as Al-Qaida allies.
In this connection, about the two bombs which blew the 18-story headquarters of the British-
owned HSBC bank and the British consulate in Istanbul in November, 2003, Turkish officials
had remarked that these were the work of homegrown extremists.
In March 2004, the former CIA Director, George Tenet said, “Al-Qaeda has become a loose
collection of regional networks working autonomously-[they] pick their own targets, they plan
their own attacks…in this new phase of franchise terrorism, Al-Qaeda has been described as an
idea rather than an organization.”
Notably, President Obama who had stated during his first election, “Bush has made the world the
most dangerous place”, and he would rectify the blunders, committed by his predecessor in the
name of war on terror—continued the same in their worst form. However, Obama-led
Administration went on with various techniques of ruthless terror and extrajudicial killings of the
innocent persons through illegitimate drone attacks—assisting undemocratic forces, toppling the
elected government in Egypt, and like Iraq, creation of more collapsed states such as Libya,
Yemen, Syria etc., and covert assistance to Israel.
If the double game of President Bush (The Senior) and George W. Bush franchised Al-Qaeda on
global level, President Obama’s dual policy franchised both Al-Qaeda and ISIS as part of the
anti-Muslim campaign and left no stone unturned in advancing the agenda of the Zionists, Israeli
lobbies and the neoconservatives in the pretext of global war on terror. Secretly, Obama
authorized CIA to create ISIS. His perennial covert support to the Israeli atrocities on the
Palestinians, silence over the supply (Smuggling) of oil by ISIS to some European countries
whose governments have also not taken action against those companies which are exporting oil
from the ISIS-controlled regions of Iraq, CIA-assisted Al-Qaeda (Al-Nusra Front) and ISIS
militants, continued sectarian violence and prolonged engagement of its troops (NATO) in
Afghanistan might be cited as instance. Moreover, the Middle East was deliberately thrown in
worst form of terrorism and civil wars for achieving the goal of a greater Israel.
The terrorist acts of both Al-Qaeda and ISIS have been utilized by Obama in distorting the image
of Islam and Jihad so as to pacify American public in wake of multiple internal and external
problems like heavy cost of prolonged ‘different war’, financial crisis, demoralization of troops
in Afghanistan etc.  
President Obama’s deliberate contradictory approach could also be judged from the fact that on
February 3, this year, during his first visit to a US mosque, he condemned inexcusable political
rhetoric against Muslim-Americans, and said, “So often, Muslim Americans are targeted and
blamed for the acts of a few.”
In the recent past, some developments like Russian successful airstrikes on the ISIS targets in the
northern Syria—its coalition with Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon-based Hezbollah in support of
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, retreat of the CIA-supported rebels and mercenaries after their
failure to topple his government, proving links of Al-Qaeda and ISIS with America and Israeli,
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s clear-cut statement, indicating the Zionist regime in the US
and  Israel for their “fake war on ISIL”, and remarking, “NWO (New World Order) agents and
Satan worshipers simply have no clothes,” including the first Vienna meeting on Syrian crisis,
where the US Secretary of State John Kerry agreed to keep the Syrian president in power
(Contrary to previous demand of regime change), for a unified state of Syria, not to allow ISIL
militant group to reign in Syria, and America’s decision of  sending 50 special forces to Syria
to help in taking down ISIS terrorists have clearly exposed hidden aims of the US global war on
terror which is based upon dual policy towards ISIS.
In these circumstances, as part of the Zionist conspiracy against the West, Muslims and the
patriot Americans, Israeli Secret agency Mossad utilized the services of ISIS terrorists in
arranging the November 13 terror attacks in Paris. In the post-Paris attacks, by producing anti-
Muslim phenomena like the propaganda of the so-called threat of Islamophobia, persecution of
the Muslims in the US, Europe and some other western countries, Israel-led America also got the
assistance of its western allies (NATO) against Russia. Now, as part of their ambivalent
approach, American jet fighters and those of its western coalition are targeting the ISIS terrorists
in Iraq and Syria.
Besides, in wake of the presidential election-campaign, ordinary Americans are focusing on
internal problems which are the result of prolonged war on terror. Patriot Americans are openly
criticizing the Zionist-protected policies of the US. Taking cognizance, Obama has asked Turkey
to withdraw its forces from Iraq’s territories. In the recent past, John Kerry gave ultimatum to the
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to agree for the two-state solution of the Palestinian dispute. 
Meanwhile, some recent developments have further exposed the dual strategy of the US-led
west.    The Russia-led coalition which have successfully been achieving its objectives have
broken the backbone of the ISIS terrorists, Al-Qaeda’s Al-Nusra Front and the rebels who have
vacated most of the areas of Syria and Iraq. On February 3, this year, Syrian troops backed by
Russian warplanes cut the last supply route, linking rebels and ISIS militants in Aleppo city.
Aleppo is near the Turkish border from where with the backing of the US-led west (Especially,
UK and France), Turkey has also been supporting the rebels and ISIS terrorists, while Saudi
Arabia and some other Gulf countries like Qatar are funding them to oust the Assad’s regime.
It is of particular attention that the representatives of the rebels had refused to participate in the
recently-held Geneva peace talks (Held on February 1) by demanding that first Russia should
stop airstrikes. When John Kerry insisted them to “seize the opportunity” to participate in UN-
backed peace talks on Syria, they agreed to participate. It has clearly exposed America’s dual
Taking note of the weak position of the ISIS militants and rebels who received a greater blow,
their representatives in Geneva who first time participated in talks, demanded that Russia-led
coalition should stop siege of Aleppo city for the success of negotiations. The UN has suspended
peace talks, and now would resume on February 25.
As part of the double game, America and its allies, particularly France have held Russia and
Syrian President Assad responsible for the suspension of Geneva peace talks.
It is worth-mentioning that CIA-Mossad-backed ISIS commanders who are fleeing Iraq and
Syria are taking shelter in Libya. In this context, on February 3, 2016, BBC pointed out, “Senior
commanders from so-called Islamic State (IS) have moved to Libya from Iraq and Syria
On the one side, on February 4, this year, a donor conference held in London where the world’s
rich countries, particularly Germany, Britain, the US and EU pledged billions of dollars to help
Syrian refugees, scattered around the world, and especially those who have taken shelter in
Europe, while on the other, they are still backing the rebels and ISIS terrorists, and are also
targeting them through areal strikes.
Now, taking cognizance of the weak leverage of bargaining of the US-led western countries on
Syrian question, some countries like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israeli are encouraging the ISIS
militants to continue terror attacks on the Shias and in Syria. Besides previous similar assaults in
Syria, ISIS claimed responsibility for a triple bombing which killed 45 people near a Shia shrine
in Damascus, on January 31, 2015.
As regards manipulation of the Syrian crisis, notably, on February 1, this year, the Russian
Defense Ministry has presented video evidence which shows Turkish military shelling on the
Syrian territory.
While, in case of Afghanistan, there are several groups of Al-Qaeda, ISIS and Taliban like the
Afghan-based Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Some of them are being used by secret
agencies like CIA, Israeli Mossad and Indian RAW to obtain the collective and individual
designs of their countries against Pakistan and Middle Eastern countries. India and Israel which
want to prolong the stay of the US-led NATO troops in Afghanistan which have become the
center of covert activities, are exploiting their dual policy, particularly of America against
Pakistan, China and Iran. Terrorists of TTP and ISIS which are strategic assets of the CIA have
claimed responsibility for several terror attacks inside Pakistan, including at Charsadda’s
university of Pakistan and recent ones in Afghanistan.
By utilizing the vicious circle of terrorism and the dual policy of America, some western
countries, Israel and India, Al-Qaeda, ISIS and TTP also employ double game. Besides working
for CIA, Mossad and RAW, these militant outfits also motivate the common Muslims for suicide
attacks and terror-related activities as part of Jihad. Otherwise, Jihad does not permit suicide
attacks. Like other religions, Islam is a religion of peace and prohibits any sort of terrorism.
Iraq-based ISIS which itself broke away from Al-Qaeda, proclaimed a worldwide caliphate by its
leader Abu Baker al-Baghdadi, on 29 June 2014. ISIS’s criminal actions had widely been
criticized in the world, with many Islamic communities judging the group to be unrepresentative
of Islam. One of ISIS’s goals has been to establish a radical Sunni Islamic state in Iraq, Syria,
Jordan, Palestine etc. (Levant region). It has been used by the US and Israel for distorting the
image of Islam and for inciting the feelings of western Christians and Kurds against Muslims.
For the purpose, like Al-Qaeda, it is widely known for its violent acts and propaganda which
includes Internet videos of beheadings etc. However, besides some Islamic countries, a majority
of the religious extremists (Muslims) from the western world joined the ISIS. In this context,
oblivion on the part of the west about ISIS recruits from their countries is questionable.
Saudi Arabian rulers who have already been funding the ISIS against Iran and Syria, have been
fighting for survival of their kingship. In accordance with Israel-led American secret strategy,
Saudi Arabia has chosen the path of leading unrest in the Middle East by promoting sectarian
violence. Notably, the US decided to revive the phony war on terror through Saudi Arabia.
American President Obama knew that much resentment is found in the Muslim countries against
the US and Israel. Therefore, he directed Saudi Arabia to form an alliance of the Sunni countries
to wage a war against the ISIS. On December 15, 2015, Riyadh which also wanted to protect its
monarchy in the pretext of fighting the ISIS terrorists, announced a 34-state Sunni-based military
alliance. Washington immediately welcomed the alliance.
It is noteworthy that like the drastic aftermath of 9/11 tragedy, rulers and politicians of the US-
led western countries, especially of Europe are again misguiding their general public by creating
chauvinism against the Muslim World by exploiting the critical situation, after the Paris disaster
and the shooting at San Bernardino, California. In fact, fault cannot be laid on the ordinary
citizens who are swayed by stereotypes and prejudices created by the political leaders who keep
on manipulating any crisis for their own self-interests with the sole aim of getting their
sympathies to increase their vote bank. There are equal strong pressures from religious and
nationalist forces in wake of global war on terror which are dividing the world on religious lines.
As regards the anti-Muslim policy, on January 18, 2015, British Prime Minister David Cameron
announced that Muslim women who fail to learn English to a high enough standard could face
deportation from Britain. He also suggested that poor English skills can leave people “more
susceptible to the messages of groups like Islamic State (IS).”
Cameroon was quickly criticized by Andy Burnham, the shadow home secretary, Sayeeda Warsi,
the Tory peer and former party co-chairman for singling out Muslim women as the main group.
They said, “His clumsy approach to challenging extremism is unfairly stigmatising a whole
community…evidence suggests [Racial] gang culture, Islamophobia, [and] responses to foreign
policy are greater drivers of radicalisation” than failure to learn English.”
Earlier, Donald Trump, the leading contender to become the Republican Party’s nominee
for US presidential candidate had called for a ban on Muslims, entering the United States in
response to the San Bernardino shooting.
In the past few days, tensions over Europe’s migrant crisis led to violence in Sweden and the
UK, with a masked mob calling for attacks on foreigners in Stockholm, and nearly 100 men
gathered on January 29, resulted into clashes between pro-and anti-migrant demonstrators in the
British town of Dover.
And under the threat of ISIS, especially European governments and EU have been expelling the
immigrants from their countries, while discouraging more Syrian refugees. On the other side,
they are also trying to resolve the Syrian crisis. However, it shows contradictory policy.
On January 25, 2016, The EU’s law enforcement agency Europol revealed that ISIS have set up
special forces style training camps in Europe, as they plot mass casualty civilian strikes on the
Nevertheless, it is due to the dual policy of the US-led western world that ISIS which is most
dangerous terrorist group than Al-Qaeda is rapidly spreading its tentacles to all over the world.
On January 14, 2015, multiple blasts and gunfire killed seven people and jolted the Indonesian
capital Jakarta. The ISIS claimed responsibility. The Indonesian investigative agency disclosed
that the ISIS carried out the attacks with the help of home-grown terrorists. On October 4, 2015,
ISIS-affiliated militant outfit Boko Haram claims responsibility for Nigeria’s deadly suicide
bombings which killed 18 people on October 4.
Despite widespread protests across the country in recent days, the French government confirmed
on February 3 that it would seek a three-month extension of the state of emergency it declared
after the Paris attacks. It indicates that if ISIS conducts more terror attacks in France and other
European countries, they would move towards autocracy.
Nonetheless, either Muslims are being massacred by terrorist groups in Syria, Iraq and Pakistan
or Christians in Nigeria or anywhere—or they are targeted by racialists, all these acts are
strongly condemnable, as they are all human beings. Hence, instead of pursuing dual strategy
about ISIS which is proving extremely counterproductive, the US and its allies must better agree
for an international coalition to fight this militant outfit and Al-Qaeda.
In this regard, President Putin has said on January 11, 2015, “The West of exacerbating
international crises that had contributed to it…we are faced with common threats, and we still
want all countries, both in Europe and the whole world, to join their efforts to combat these
If dual policy towards Al-Qaeda and especially ISIS continues by the US-led western countries,
it will create chaos in the Middle East, enveloping the entire world, and may culminate into
“Clash of Civilizations.” Any major war or such a clash will take the US and Europe to the
era—from 1511 to 1648 when Europe witnessed a prolonged arena of barbarism, religious
bigotry and intolerance, resulting into beastly violence. 
Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants,
Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations
Courtesy: The Veterans Today

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Need for Genuine Interfaith Dialogue

By Sajjad Shaukat



During a visit to Italy’s largest military cemetery of World War I, on November 14, expressing his grief over the November 13 terror attacks in Paris, Pope Francis called them a “piece of a piecemeal World War III…war is madness…even today…fought with crimes, massacres, destruction.”


On September 25, this year, at the UN General Assembly, while indicating the unjust global order, Pope Francis, condemned the global financial institutions, calling on them to ensure that countries “are not subjected to oppressive lending systems which, far from promoting progress, subject people to mechanisms which generate greater poverty, exclusion and dependence.”


Earlier, addressing the US Congress, Pope Francis said, “No religion is immune from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism…we must be especially attentive to every type of fundamentalism. A delicate balance is required to combat violence perpetrated in the name of a religion, an ideology or an economic system…every life is sacred.”



Taking note of America’s non-acceptance of the Syrian refugees, Francis reminded the law-makers by pointing out that the United States “is part of a larger whole one America in the Americas, where immigration is a deeply rooted part of history…we, the people of this continent, are not fearful of foreigners, because most of us were once foreigners.”


Pope Francis also warned of globalization, and said, “Keep in mind all those people around us who are trapped in a cycle of poverty.” He emphasized upon the need of “creation and distribution of wealth.”


While calling for an end to the arms trade by the arms dealers, Francis explained, “Deadly weapons…for money are being sold to those who plan to inflict untold suffering on individuals and society…money that is drenched in blood, often innocent blood.”


He further added, “If politics must truly be at the service of the human person, it follows that it cannot be a slave to the economy and finance.”


However, owing to his religious status, Pope Francis did not openly elaborate his views. In other worlds, he indicated the double games, secret strategies of the rulers, politicians, their collaboration with the arms dealers, creation of a crisis, exploitation of peoples’ feelings etc., and manipulation of the Syrian war at a critical time when the brutalities, committed by the Islamic State group (ISIS) are being blamed by the US-led western entities on the religion of Islam and Muslims. But, the Pope has clarified that it is not in Islam only, such extremism or fundamentalism can infect any faith like Judaism, Christianity and Hinduism which contain extremists who commit crimes in the name of their faith.


In this regard, the double games and secret strategies in relation to the interfaith dialogue needs appropriate analysis.


Just after the September 11 tragedy inside the United States, chauvinism and extremism developed not only in Americans, but also in the media and high officials of the Bush Administration. President Bush used the words, “crusade against the evil-doers”, adding to the perception that the ongoing ‘different war’ against terrorism is actually a war against the Muslim countries.


Brushing aside the Israeli atrocities on the Palestinians, American unity was projected with such force as to allow no questioning of the US policy. Under the cover of the 9/11 catastrophe, preplanned strategy of the neo-conservatives started a fake global war on terror. For the purpose, Israel was given a free in the occupied territories of the Palestine, where every sort of state terrorism was practiced on the innocent persons. Besides, various anti-Muslim developments such as employment of coercive diplomacy, occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, employment of state terrorism by special military operations, extra-judicial assassinations and heavy aerial bombardment, CIA-FBI-military torture cells, Guantanamo Bay, Abu Graib, sectarian violence (And division on Shia-Sunni basis) etc. resulted into the killing of more than two million Muslims.


President Obama has also continued the same dual strategy. Apart from air strikes on funerals, marriage-ceremonies and mosques in Afghanistan, overthrow of the elected government in Egypt, creation of more collapsed states such as Libya, Syria, Yemen etc., CIA support to the mercenaries and ISIS terrorists, including Al-Qaeda’s Al-Nusra Front in fighting against the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Iraqi regime are part of the covert policy of the neo-conservatives to fulfill the unfinished agenda of the Zionists and Israel.


Meanwhile, taking cognizance of the growing threat of terrorism which had been dividing the western and Islamic nations on cultural and religious lines, both President Bush and President Obama orchestrated the drama of interfaith dialogue in wake of phony global war on terror. In this respect, with official backing, many conferences were held in America and Europe, and various countries in which scholars from Islamic states and other western countries also participated with a view to creating cultural understanding among major religious communities. In this connection, a four day conference of Muslim and Christian intellectuals held on August 1, 2008 at the Yale University Divinity School of America for promoting interfaith dialogue, but ended without discussing any issue of religious fundamentalism in relation to state terrorism. Another conference of Muslims, Christians and Jews was held in July, 2008 at Madrid, arranged by the efforts of Saudi King Abdullah. Afterwards, these meetings continued from time to time. However, on the one side, behind the interfaith dialogue, the main aim of Bush and Obama was to pacify the Muslims, Americans and western public, while, on the other to continue the Israel-led state terrorism of America and the US allies on the Muslims.


Despite the so-called interfaith dialogue, blasphemous acts like reprinting of the caricatures about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and release of a Dutch film against the Holy Quran and the burning of a copy of the Holy Quran by Pastor Wayne Sapp in a Florida church continued by Zionist plotters against the Christians, Americans Muslims and the peace-loving Jews.


But, the US and Israeli frustration by the recent developments such as Russian airstrikes on the ISIS targets in the northern Syria, its coalition with Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon-based Hezbollah in support of President Assad culminated in terror attacks in Paris which were also part of the Zionist conspiracy against the Muslims, Christians and loyal Americans—the west and particularly Europe.


In the post-Paris attacks phenomena, the US succeeded in getting the assistance of its western allies against Russia. Now, as part of the ambivalent approach, American jet fighters and those of its western coalition are targeting the ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria. But, there is also danger of nuclear war or what the pope Francis warned of World War III in wake of anti-Muslim statements of irresponsible politicians and Zionist-controlled media.


In this context, scholars of international affairs agree that “foreign affairs are too foreign” to the citizens of a country. Renowned scholar Prof. Hoslti opines that “issues and situations” have “influence on public opinion” which in turn “influences the objectives and actions.”


In fact, fault can not be laid on the ordinary citizens who are swayed by emotions, stereotypes and prejudices created by the political leaders who keep on manipulating any crisis for their own self-interests with the sole aim of getting their sympathies to increase their vote bank. There are equal strong pressures from religious and nationalist forces in wake of global war on terror which is dividing the world on religious lines.


Like the drastic aftermath of 9/11 tragedy, rulers and politicians of the US-led western countries, especially of Europe are again misguiding their general public by creating chauvinism against the Muslim World by exploiting the critical situation, after the Paris disaster and the shooting at San Bernardino, California. In one way or the other, the Muslims are being persecuted in the US and other western countries, particularly in Europe.


Anti-Islamic policy of their politicians could be judged from the statement of US Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump who recently called for a ban on Muslims, entering the United States in response to the San Bernardino shooting. He stated, “We have no choice…more Sept. 11-style attacks if stern measures are not taken.”


Nevertheless, instead of projecting the so-called threat of Islamophobia which is rapidly dividing the world on religious lines, the US-led western governments must conduct genuine interfaith dialogue among Muslims, Christians, Hindus and non-Zionists Jews.


For the purpose, first of all, by discarding the clandestine strategies of the past theorists like Hobbes, Machiavelli, Morgenthau and Kissinger, leaders of the major powers should resolve the Syrian crisis through negotiations (Or through points agreed upon in the recent Geneva meeting). Then, under the auspices of the UN, a broader alliance of all the stakeholders must be concluded to fight against the ISIS terrorists. And especially, the US must abandon its double game regarding ISIS and Syria.


For the success of interfaith dialogue, some American and western political leaders should stop irresponsible statements by equating the war on terror with war on Islam, and acts of Al Qaeda and ISIS with all the Muslims. Their media should also be brought under control through appropriate legislation or law, as freedom of expression does not mean the introduction of dangerous socio-religious dimension in their societies by dividing world politics on cultural and religious lines with the negative projection of Islam which is a religion of peace, and prohibits any kind of terrorism like other religions.


Moreover, responsibility also lies on the rulers of the Muslim countries including opposition parties and media to refrain from manipulation of the present chaotic situation.


Furthermore, it is suggested to all Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists who use social media or Internet for controversial debate, must share it for creating religious harmony which is essential for world peace, their economic development and prosperity. On the occasion of this Christmas, they must pledge selfless global unity in their messages.


Returning to our earlier discussion, instead of the orchestrated drama of the past, there is an immediate need to conduct the genuine interfaith dialogue, before the world enters into a major war of “all against all” in the sense of Hobbesian state of nature.


Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations


Email: [email protected]


Courtesy Veterans Today


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