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Archive for category Pakistan-A Nation of Hope

Pakistan-Born on Night of Power: The Miraculous Aspect of Pakistan’s Date of Birth By  The London Post

Pakistan-Born on Night of Power:

















The Miraculous Aspect of Pakistan’s Date of Birth


 The London Post

Tariq Majeed  


All along the series of important events which led to the emergence of Pakistan, there were signs of divine help at critical junctures. However, there was one occasion when the Hidden Hand of divine power left such a clear imprint of its presence that no one could deny it. This was the matter of appearance of the New State on the map of the world at a pre-determined date.
The time chosen by Allah was most blessed in nature. It was the month of Ramazan, the day was the Last Friday, Jumuatul Widaa, the night was 27th of Ramazan, widely acknowledged as Lailatul Qadr, the time was the moment of Midnight.

Exactly at that moment when the hour clock sounded its last toll on the radio, signalling a new day and date, the birth of the State of Pakistan was announced. The date in the lunar calendar was 27 Ramazan 1366 corresponding to 15 August 1947.

It ought to be made clear that Pakistan’s Independence Day is actually 15 August. This was divine power’s decision; making it 14 August was a human decision. It should be realized that August 14 was Thursday, 26th of Ramazan, and had no special merit.

British Parliament’s Indian Independence Act of 18 July 1947 also mentions 15th of August as “the appointed day” for the birth of India and Pakistan. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah took the oath of office as Governor-General on the 15th. He was aware of the significance of this date and also of the mission entrusted to this country—of becoming a model Islamic state based on Islamic economic, social and moral values.   Speaking at a public reception in Chittagong, on 26 March 1948, he said:

This biggest Muslim State came into being on 15th August 1947. It was a great day in our history. But, on this great day, it was not merely a Government which came into existence, it meant the birth of a great State and a great  Nation—one supplementing the other and both existing for each other. I can understand the limitations of those amongst us whose minds have not moved fast enough to realize that 15th of August ushered in such a State and such a Nation.

It is natural for some to think only in terms of Government but the sooner we adjust ourselves to new forces, the sooner our mind’s eye is capable of piercing through the horizon to see the limitless possibilities of our State and of our Nation, the better for Pakistan. Then and then alone it would be possible for each one of  us to realize the great  ideals of  human progress, of social  justice, of equality and fraternity which, on the one hand, constitute the basic causes of the birth of  Pakistan and also the limitless possibilities of evolving an ideal social structure in our State.1

It was on 29 June 1948 that the Cabinet under Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan “decided that henceforth Independence Day of Pakistan would be celebrated on 14th August.”2

As the Hidden Hand implementing the divine scheme of things uses earthly means, who was used as the instrument for proclaiming the pre-determined date of Partition? It was not the British government or the Hindu Congress or the Muslim League. The instrument was Mountbatten, who had been chosen for the role two years in advance.

Mountbatten leaned toward the Hindu Congress and was quite friendly with its top leaders, while toward the Muslim League and its Pakistan Plan he nourished hostility. However, divine schemes have their own ways of bringing about the desired events; a villainous character may well do something beneficial, while a benign character may turn out to be harmful.

Until the end of 1946, there was no sign that Britain would quit India anytime soon. But the year 1947 came literally with whirlwind changes. On 20 February 1947, British Prime Minister Attlee made a surprising policy statement in the Commons, announcing this historic decision:“…His Majesty’s Government wishes to make it clear that it is their definite intention to take the necessary steps to effect the transference of power into responsible Indian hands by a date not later than June 1948…” 3

This was a momentous turning point in the political situation in India. The events that followed rapidly converged on creating Pakistan. Earlier, on 18 December 1946, Attlee called Mountbatten to 10 Downing Street and invited him to succeed Wavell as viceroy in India.4 He gave parting instructions to Mountbatten:“…If by October 1 you consider that there is no prospect of reaching a settlement on the basis of a unitary government…you should report… on the steps which you consider should be taken for the handing over of power on the due date..” 5

Mountbatten reached Delhi on 22 March and was sworn in on the 24th.  From 24 March to 10 April, he held intensive meetings with Nehru, Gandhi, Liaquat and Jinnah. His mind was focused on the 1 June 1948 date, by which transference of power had to be completed. Then, abruptly his mind changed; a compelling urgency seized him. A new transfer of power plan took shape.

His voice constricted with sudden emotion, the victor of the jungles of Burma about  to become the liberator of India announced: ‘The final Transfer of Power to Indian hands will take place on 15 August 1947.’ 8

Marvellous spectacle! Conceived and directed with absolute precision by the unseen forces of divine power.

“And none can comprehend thy Sustainer’s Forces save

Him alone and all this is but a reminder to mortal man.” 9



1.   Jinnah, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali: Speeches as Governor General of

Pakistan 1947-1948. Rawalpindi, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, p. 99.

2.   Letter, dated 27 August 2005, by Director National Documentation Centre,

Cabinet Division, in reply to my questions on the subject.

3.   Nicholas Mansergh and Penderel Moon, eds. Constitutional Relations between

Britain and India: The Transfer of Power 1942-47, Vol. XI, London, Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office, first published 1983, Section 45, P. 89.

4.   Stanley Wolpert. Jinnah of Pakistan, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1984, P.304.

5.   Ibid, p. 314.

6.   Britannica, 1977, Micropedia, Vol. VII, p. 90.

7.   The Transfer of Power 1942-47, Vol XI, Item 44, p. 88,

8.   Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre. Freedom At Midnight, Delhi, Vikas

Publishing House, 1976.  pp. 164,165.

9.   Qur’an Majeed, Surah 74, Ayah 31.


The London Post

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In the eyes of the beholder by Tariq A. Al-Maeena

In the eyes of the beholder



Tariq A. Al-Maeena









Following my article a couple of weeks ago in which I complimented the Pakistani cricket team for snatching victory from the jaws of defeat against their formidable arch-rivals India, I received a couple of comments that left me puzzled.

One was from a Westerner while the other critic was an Asian. The gist of it was essentially dressing me down for complimenting what they both termed as a “failed state”. They both individually felt that there was not much to Pakistan’s credit to mention, and perhaps that was why I praised their team’s victory.

But let’s take a closer look at this country before we rush to judgment. Pakistan has been listed among the next 11 countries that along with the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have a high potential of becoming among the world’s largest economies in the 21st century.

In the last five years, Pakistan’s literacy rate has grown by 250 percent, the largest increase in any country to date. According to a poll organized by the Institute of European Business Administration, from 125 countries, Pakistanis have been ranked the “fourth most intelligent people” across the globe. The Cambridge exams of both A and O levels have been topped by Pakistani students and this is a record yet to be broken. The world’s youngest certified Microsoft Experts, Arfa Kareem and Babar Iqbal, are from Pakistan. The seventh largest pool of scientists and engineers come from, you guessed it, Pakistan. The fourth largest broadband Internet system of the world is in Pakistan.

Pakistan is the first and only Islamic country to attain nuclear power. It is also notable for having some of the best-trained air force pilots in the world. The country’s missile technology is one of the best in the world. The country has produced a large quantity of various types of missiles since it has become a nuclear power. It also boasts of the sixth largest military force in the world.

In cooperation with China, Pakistan has produced the PAC JF-17 Thunder aircraft, a lightweight, single-engine, multi-role combat aircraft developed by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC). The JF-17 can be used for aerial reconnaissance, ground attack and aircraft interception. Its designation “JF-17” by Pakistan is short for “Joint Fighter-17”.

It has also constructed the world’s largest warm-water, deep-sea port situated on the Arabian Sea at Gwadar in Balochistan province. Tarbela Dam is the world’s largest earth-filled dam and second largest dam overall. The Karakoram Highway, connecting China and Pakistan, is the highest paved international road in the world. The Khewra Salt Mine, the second largest salt mine in the world is in operation in the Punjab region of Pakistan. The world’s largest irrigation network is present in Pakistan. It serves 14.4 million hectares of cultivated land. The irrigation system is fed by water from the Indus River.

Land of some of the oldest civilizations (Indus Valley and Mohenjo-Daro), Pakistan is a multilingual country with more than 60 languages spoken. It is the sixth most populated country in the world and the second-most populous Muslim-majority country. It also has the second-largest Shia population in the world. The Edhi Foundation, a non-profit social welfare program in Pakistan, founded by Abdul Sattar Edhi in 1951 runs the world’s largest ambulance network. The country also boasts of the world’s youngest civil judge, Muhammad Illyas.

Pakistan is one the biggest exporters of surgical instruments in the world. About 50 percent of the world’s footballs are made in Pakistan. Nestle Pakistan is one of the largest milk processing plants which generate large revenue every year.

Among its natural wonders, Pakistan has the highest mountain ranges in the world. The world’s second highest and the ninth highest mountains, K2 and Nanga Parbat respectively, are in Pakistan. The Thar Desert is among the world’s largest sub-tropical deserts. The world’s highest polo ground is in Shandur Top, Pakistan at a height of 3,700 meters.

In 1994, Pakistan became the first country in the world to hold four World Cup titles tournaments in different mainstream sports simultaneously. The sports included cricket, hockey, squash and snooker.

The Lonely Planet, a global tourist guide, has listed Pakistan as being tourism’s “next big thing for more years than we care to remember. But world media headlines always send things off the rails.”

Perhaps my critics too have been unfairly influenced by media headlines. I urge them to take a second look at this country before they rush to judgment. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

— The author can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @talmaeena

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Pakistan Facts – Get to Know Pakistan By FTD

Pakistan – Facts Courtesy FTD


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Pakistan Movement and Building Pakistan – Organized by MUSLIM Institute



Quaid & Pakistan Movemenr












Seminar on
Pakistan Movement and Building Pakistan
Organized by
MUSLIM Institute

MUSLIM Institute and Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue Islamic University organized a seminar titled “Pakistan movement and building Pakistan” at Islamic International University, Islamabad. Eminent scholars and political leaders participated in the seminar and expressed their views on the subject. The chief guest of the seminar was Lt. General (R) Senator Abdul Qayyum. The other worthy speakers were Dr. Masoom Yaseen Zai Rector Islamic International University, Former chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Akram Zaki, Former Finance Minister, Umer Ayub, Director IRD Dr. Talib Hussain Sial, Professor of History Department Qaid-e-Azam University Dr. Farooq Ahmed Dar, Chairman MUSLIM Institute, Sahibzada Sultan Ahmed Ali and Research associate MUSLIM Institute, S.H. Qadri. Foreign delegates, professors and students of universities, scholars and researchers from different institutions, analysts and media persons actively participated in the seminar. The national anthem was played at the start of the session.

Experts expressing their views observed as under:

The main objective of Pakistan movement was to establish an Islamic welfare society in an independent state, where social justice could prevail and citizens can avail basic needs of life. It is evident from the address of thinker of Pakistan Allama Iqbal in his lecture at Aligarh that “It is not the unity of language or of country or the identity of economic interests that constitutes the basic principles of our nationality. It is because we all believe in a certain view of the Universe, and participate in the same historical traditions that we are members of the society founded by the Prophet of Islam.” In the same way Qauid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in 1948 explained the nationalism and model of Government in Pakistan as “Pakistan constitution should incorporate the essential principles of Islam, which are as good and relevant in our day as they were Thirteen hundred years ago”. Qauid e Azam wants to lay the foundation of a modern welfare state where masses have complete religious independence and rights of minorities could also be protected.

‘Two Nation Theory’ is the bedrock of Pakistan movement.

‘Two Nation Theory’ is the bedrock of Pakistan movement. Only those movements can succeed which are backed by ground realities. Success of Pakistan movement also relies on the fact that it was backed by a great reality of ‘Two Nation Theory’. Qauid e Azam said that we are among those nations which have fallen and are through very hard times. After the devastation of eighteenth and nineteenth century Muslims were collapsed. From the fall of Mughal Empire till now Muslim of Sub continent were never faced by such a responsibility as by enduring the responsibility of Pakistan. Muslim ruled over Subcontinent for 800 hundred years and British snatched it from Muslims and now under their rule so our demand is from British not from the Hindus. If whole of the sub-continent might have come under the Hindus it might have wiped off the Muslim civilization and their culture. Allama Iqbal pointed out that “I am observing that ideology of Nationhood on the basis of creed and country is penetrating Muslim world and I am afraid that Muslim may undervalue their unique conception of universality in humanity and overwhelmed by the regional nationhood, therefore being a Muslim and humanity loving I consider it my duty to make them recall their lesson and their role for progress of humanity”.

Allama Iqbal’s thinking

Although Allama Iqbal died several years before the creation of Pakistan but his idea of Pakistan produced profound impact on Quaid e Azam and Muslim leadership of sub-continent. Quaid e Azam himself acknowledged that Allama Iqbal thinking had great effect on him as he says in the preface of Allama Iqbals letters, “His views were substantially in consonance with my own and had finally led me to the same conclusions as a result of careful examination and study of the constitutional problems facing India and found expression in due course in the united will of Muslim India as adumbrated in the Lahore Resolution of the All-India Muslim League popularly known as the “Pakistan Resolution” passed on 23rd March, 1940”.

“Pakistan Resolution” passed on 23rd March, 1940”.

Speakers highlighted the importance of 392 days of Quaid e Azam’s life after the creation of Pakistan, for applying his principles and disciplinary approach and make continuous efforts according to his famous slogan of ‘Work, Work and only Work’. We have to make sure the supremacy of law and formulate the effective internal and foreign policy to address the contemporary issues and challenges so that we can raise the flag of Pakistan as a peaceful and progressive country in the eyes of all nations. Though we have achieved independence from British and Hindu domination, yet we have to get rid of corrupt and incompetent officials and bureaucratic system to realize the dream of true democracy. Speakers raised some critical question; do we really have built our country as dreamed of? Have we prepared our youth for progress of Pakistan? Have we been successful in creating the same passion at the time of Independence? We have to spread education and culture of research and innovation while awakening the spirit of Pakistan Movement because we have 53 million young persons. We have to build and improve national solidarity, sectarian cohesion, patience, peace and love so that Islam can enter into our hearts and homes; it would in turn bring social justice in our society and the rights of all individuals would be protected. This would bring progress and prosperity in our country. For building Pakistan we need same commitment and same dedication as displayed for the Pakistan movement.

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       Dear Editor  
       Pakistan Army Surrendered on 16 Dec 1971 at Dacca. But the war in West Pakistan continued for another Day, Some of the Senior Officers in West Pakistan for face saving and to earn some personal gain, committed the blunder of launching units in counter attacks ill prepared in various sectors. Two glaring Examples are 8 Armed Brigade Counter Attack in BARA PIND and 35 FF Attack in the same sector. In both the cases Unit Commanders/ junior commanders were sacrificed by the incompetent Brigade/ Division and Corps Commander in Sialkot Sectors.
           An excellent Book has been written by Col Imtiaz Ul Haque about this battle, published by Asim welfare Society, Model Town Lahore. Col Imtiaz participated in

the attack as company commander and was wounded.  The officer has given a very detailed account of the Battle. The unit sacrificed their lives due to failure in Command and staff Planning at all levels. This is evident from the unit’s move from Chaman/ Baluchistan on 29 September 1971 to the desert in Sind. Thereafter on 4 December 1971 to Fort Abbas, then to Sialkot Sector under 1 Corps on 14 December,  on the evening of 16 December to Pindi Purbian  for counter attack on the morning of 17 Dec 1971 in Jarpal area in 1 Corps. The unit kept Shuttling between three different brigade areas from 14 December to 17 December, with no clear orders. The Commanding Officer was denied any Reconnaissanc of the objective, in Day light Hours.  Poor Staff Planning at the GHQ and Command failure at Corps/Division and Brigade level. It also raises a important question; Was this Attack really needed after Surrender at DACCA on 16 December and ceasefire between INDIA AND PAKISTAN in the Afternoon of 17 Dec 1971? Perhaps all our Generals should read and keep by their bed side “Psychology of Military Incompetence, by Norman Dixon”

      Col Akram Raja the Commanding officer embraced Shahdat along with  three officers, a JCO and 56 NCOs and JAWANS. The Bengali officers of the unit fought Gallantly along side their West Pakistani brethren, Lt Shahid Ullah from East Pakistan Embraced Shahdat. 
          The Humood Rahman Commission had recommended action against all the COMMANDERS from Corps Commander down to Brigade level but no action was taken against any one.
     I wish this Book had been published by the author sometime in late seventies or at least when the Author had finalized the draft and got the approval of GHQ for its publication in 1987.
Lt Col Muhammad Shahbaz Thuthaal (Retd)
17 Punjab Regt.
DHA- EME sector, Multan road, LAHORE.

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