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Archive for category JUDICIARY

Model Town Massacre-The Nexus of Sharif Family & Lahore High Court Rogue Judges

This is a clip which the Chief Justice and the Prime Minister must watch, and the Chief Justice MUST take suo moto notice in this case and call MR Ahmad Awais for a hearing.
The nexus between those who bled Pakistan white and certain Judges of the Lahore High Court has become an open challenge to the state. This will certainly lead to instability in the country, and because the army may have to be called in to restore order, Gen Bajwa should also watch it.
The evolving threat from this unholy alliance between certain venal judges and the arch criminals of Pakistan must be met and ruthlessly crushed before it assumes a far more dangerous form.


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What is Justice Qazi Faiz Isa all about? ………………..Saeed A. Malik.

What is Justice Qazi Faiz Isa all about?

Saeed A. Malik.

Irrespective of what has been said in the attached link on sundry issues, Qazi Faiz Isa is a judge who needs being investigated and scrutinized for allowing Nawaz Sharif and family a free pass in the Hudaibya case. This was an open and shut case of huge corruption against the Sharif family. This family was sprung from this case by corrupt judges, and their collusion with the then Chairman NAB, Chaudhary Qamar Zaman.

This was a fact known by all and sundry, and more than one Justice of the Supreme Court had observed this fact while hearing the Panama case.

Belatedly NAB chose to take this observation as a direction, and filed for a review of this case with the Supreme Court, in order to right a villainous wrong committed by its ex-Chairman.

And Justice Qazi Faiz Isa chose to throw this case out and forever barred its hearing by the apex court.. He point-blank refused to allow the NAB prosecutor to invoke the observations made by the present Chief Justice. As a matter of fact, this judge more or less threatened the prosecutor with jail, should he refer to the subject observation, by warning him that should he pursue the line of argument he was following, the latter would be charged with contempt.

This judge also bound the media not to report this matter.

Had this judge been half the judge he is masquerading at being, he ought to have played fair with Pakistan, and taken ‘judicial notice’ of the following facts:

  1. That the Hudaibya Case was the most complete prosecution case in the history of white collar crime in Pakistan’s legal history.
  2. And that, but for corruption in the higher judiciary and NAB, Nawaz Sharif and family would have stood convicted in this case, and the billions they stole from the exchequer after they had received judicial favour, would not have been stolen, and rule of law would probably have clawed back a part of the way to reclaim its lost space.

” Judicial Notice”, for those of my readers who may not be aware of this term, simply means taking notice of a general truth by a court, which is so well known, that it need not be proved in a court of law.

This is something which each individual does every day of his life.

Qazi Faiz Isa should be held to account for giving safe passage to arch-criminals whose combined criminality destitute and despoiled the country that this judge has sworn to defend.

This man needs to be investigated.

And this is something that should be debated far and wide,  night and day.

And after Qazi Isa, so should Athar Minallah be opened to scrutiny, along with the NAB prosecutor who combined with him to bail out Nawaz Sharif and his grasping brood, which made possible the infamous “43-page judgement.”

Remember, this is our country. It is something worth speaking up for…

All this “Me-lording” is all very good and civilized stuff. But it is about time that we took it upon ourselves to see what the judicial black cloaks are covering up.



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Judicial Reforms by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)


December 18th, 2017

Judicial Reforms


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)









The CJP Mian Saqib Nisar addressing a Pakistan Bar Council seminar on Saturday December 16, 2017 sought their cooperation in carrying out the judicial reforms to ensure expeditious justice to the people.  Citing the cases pending in the courts like the one of a widow deprived of her family pension for 15 years or quite a many litigations going on and on for decades for a disputed land or property, the CJP asked the lawyers if that was the kind of justice that the bar and the bench was dispensing to the pitiful masses?  He passionately solicited their considered suggestions and proposals to improve this dismal state of affairs. 



It is very encouraging to see such concerns about the speedy dispensation of justice expressed at such a high level and I wish them Godspeed in their undertakings. 


Kindly allow me to say that I have yet to see a lawyer refusing the brief of a KNOWN culprit. Don’t the lawyers promote crime by defending someone whom they know for definite to have committed the offence and yet try to let him go scot-free? Not only that, the “smart” lawyers then brag about the ‘hidden’ legal lacunae that they found in the proceedings and the hairsplitting of the legalities that they indulged in to confound the issue further to the advantage of their client!  


If the lawyers stop defending a known culprit or stop defending an accused any further the moment they come to know of his/her being the actual culprit, I think the crime rate could go down manifold.


Could the Bar and the Bench also give it a thought?


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000
E.mail: [email protected]


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From perjury to forgery – 14 Wi Sawal Ke Baad By Dr Babar Awan

 From perjury to forgery

14 Wi Sawal Ke Baad 


Dr Babar Awan

(Dated: 21 July 2017)

14 Wi Sawal Ke Baad (3) By Dr Babar Awan (Dr. Zaheer-ud-din Babar Awan) (Dated: 21 July 2017)


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Fontgate’: Wikipedia halts edits on its page on Microsoft’s ‘Calibri’ font

In the wake of the revelation that Microsoft’s Calibri font was applied in alleged forged documents in the Panama Papers investigation, Wikipedia received a myriad of edit requests prompting it to block public editing on its page about the font.



“This article is currently protected from editing until July 18, 2017, or until editing, disputes have been resolved,” said the notification on top of the ‘Calibri’ page of the online encyclopaedia, The Times of India reported.

On Tuesday alone, there were 35 revisions made to the Wikipedia’s article page on the font. And just a day earlier, a Pakistani team investigating Prime Minister Sharif’s alleged illegal offshore properties – flagged in the Panama Papers – released its final report that mentioned ‘Calibri’.

That report surmised that some of the documents it received from Sharif’s daughter, Maryam Nawaz Sharif, were forged because they used Microsoft’s ‘Calibri’ font.

Damning indictment: JIT suggests filing NAB reference against Sharif family

In and of itself, that was not a problem. There was just the small matter of the documents being from 2006 when the font was not available for public use. Microsoft only released it for public use back in 2007.

“The originals of the certified declarations are not correctly dated and have been created at some later point in time,” the Pakistani investigative team’s report stated.

The anomaly was flagged by London’s Redley Forensic Document Laboratory to whom the Pakistani team has sent the documents for authentication.

A columnist tweeted a screengrab of the laboratory’s comment on Maryam’s documents.”I have identified the type font used to produce both certified Declarations as ‘Calibri’. However, Calibri was not commercially available before January 31, 2007, and as such, neither of the originals of the certified Declarations is correctly dated and happy [sic] to have been created at some later point in time,” is the comment from the London forensic investigator Robert W. Radley, based on the screengrab.



A newspaper decided to get in touch with Lucas de Groot, the designer who created ‘Calibri’. They asked him if the font was available in February 2006, when Maryam said the documents were from. De Groot’s company, LucasFonts, replied saying the final design of the font was sent to Microsoft “not before March 2004”. Subsequent to that, it was only used in beta versions “intended for programmers and technology freaks”.

“As the file size of such operating systems is huge, it would have been a serious effort to get,” LucasFonts said, indicating that it is unlikely anyone else got a hold of the font for sustained use in documents from that time.

United in opposition: With one voice, PTI, PPP ask PM to step down

It added that the first public beta version of ‘Calibri’ was published in 2006. Wikipedia said it was released on June 6, 2006. Maryam’s documents are said to be from four months before that.

Twitter was abuzz with jokes about the whole issue and there were a few conspiracy theories as well. One person said the revisions to Wikipedia’s ‘Calibri’ page pointed to an attempt to change the date of release of the font by Microsoft. Dubbed #FontGate, the hashtag was trending on Twitter for most of Tuesday.

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