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Indian RAW agent Kulbushan Jadhav sentenced to death

Indian RAW agent Kulbushan Jadhav sentenced to death



RAWALPINDI: Indian RAW Agent Kulbushan Jadhav who was arrested from Balochistan on espionage charges, has been sentenced to death through a Field General Court Martial, the ISPR said Monday.













Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa has confirmed death sentence awarded by the FGCM under the Pakistan Army Act (PAA).

According to an ISPR press release, Kulbushan Sundir Jadhav alias Hussein Mubarak Patel was arrested on March 3, 2016, through a Counter-Intelligence Operation from Mashkel area of Balochistan for his involvement in espionage and sabotage actives in Pakistan.

Jadhav was believed to be an on-duty officer for the Indian Navy.

“The spy has been tried through Field General Court-martial (FGCM) under Pakistan Army Act (PAA) and awarded death sentence. Today, COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa has confirmed death sentence awarded by FGCM.

“RAW agent Commander Kulbushan Jadhav was tired under GGCM under section 59 of Pakistan Army Act (PAA) 1952 and Section 3 of official Secret Act of 1923.”

“The FGCM found Jadhav guilty of all charges. He confessed before a Magistrate and the Court that he was tasked by RAQ to plan, coordinate and organize espionage/sabotage activities aiming to destabilize and wage war against Pakistan by impeding the efforts of Law Enforcement Agencies for restoring peace in Balochistan and Karachi,” said the press release.


Pakistan sentences Indian spy Kulbushan Yadav to death

Reference:By News Desk
Published: April 10, 2017

Pakistan on Monday sentenced Indian spy Kalbushan Yadav to death.

“Indian RAW Agent / Naval officer 41558Z Commander Kulbushan Sudhir Jadhav alias Hussein Mubarak Patel was arrested on March 3, 2016 through a Counter Intelligence Operation from Mashkel, Balochistan, for his involvement in espionage and sabotage activities against Pakistan,” Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement.

“The spy has been tried through Field General Court Martial (FGCM) under Pakistan Army Act (PAA) and awarded death sentence. Today COAS, Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa has confirmed his death sentence awarded by FGCM.

Analysis: Kulbhushan Yadav’s RAW move

Yadav was tried by FGCM under section 59 of PAA 1952 and Section 3 of official Secret Act of 1923. FGCM found Yadhav guilty of all the charges, the statement added.

Further, Yadav confessed before a magistrate and the court that he was tasked by Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) to plan, coordinate and organise espionage/ sabotage activities aiming to destabilise and wage war against Pakistan by impeding the efforts of Law Enforcement Agencies for restoring peace in Balochistan and Karachi.
The accused was provided with defending officer as per legal provisions.

Army chief vows to pursue Kulbhushancase to finish

Yadav, an Indian Navy commander, and agent of the RAW, was arrested in a raid near the Pak-Afghan border town of Chaman in March last year. He was earlier posted at Chabahar port in southeastern Iran where he lived with his wife and two children and possessed a genuine Indian passport but with a fake name, Hussein Mubarak Patel.

The bilateral dialogue process between Islamabad and New Delhi was suspended after Yadav’s arrest.  Yadav, in a video confession circulated shortly after his arrest, admitted to carrying out subversive activities inside Pakistan for India’s premier intelligence agency.

Peace process with India seemingly suspended after Yadav’s arrest

India had sought consular access to Yadav, however, Pakistan refused its request.

Pakistan believes that India is using covert means to foment violence in the country with an aim to undermine the multi billion dollar ‘one belt, one road’ initiative of China. The recent surge in terrorist attacks in the country has once again brought the India intelligence agencies’ role in backing the terrorism in Pakistan to the spotlight.

Security officials claim that RAW was using certain militant outfits operating out of Afghanistan to carry out terrorist attacks in the country. The current Indian National Security Adviser Ajit Doval is considered to be the architect of this policy called ‘offensive-defensive’ that advocates a policy of supporting proxies to create trouble inside Pakistan.



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Why Pakistan Should Be Impregnable with Nuclear & Missile Power  

Provides a Sampling of Hindu Mind

A Peep into the Mind of Young Indians Suffering from Pakistanophobia

Raised in Muslim Hate=Pakistan Hate

Read here excerpts of Hindus speaking their mind in Quora.com-An Anti-Pakistan Indian infested Hate Site

The question isn’t as much as “What would happen if China and Pakistan attacked India?” rather is it possible China would join Pakistan to attack India on Pakistan’s insistence? And the answer is – a clear, big NO.

Why? Let’s analyze!

Pakistan has lost face everywhere with everyone. UAE doesn’t give it a damn. Nor does Iran. Nor does Saudi Arabia. Nor does Egypt nor does Turkey. Pakistan’s relations with Eurasian nations are – non-existent, with middle east – strained, with India – in dire straits and with the USA-UK-France-Germany – dying. Forget the big ones, Pakistan is unsuccessful at wooing even comparatively small nations such as Afghanistan and Bangladesh. There is not one country in the world which is willing to stand with Pakistan, save for China.

Now, the question is – will China go so far as to fight a war for Pakistan? Well, any sane analyst would answer that will a loud and clear NO.

China didn’t become a global power because of friendship with Pakistan, rather Pakistan is friends with China because it’s a regional superpower. Whereas China wouldn’t mind flattering Pakistan, massage it’s ego occasionally, it won’t fight a war for it. The reason is simple:

(1) China won’t fight a war. It didn’t become a global power by fighting wars. It grew by doing business. It wouldn’t jeopardize it’s trade with a big a nation such as India and with other nations as a cascading effect.

(2) Even if China fights someone, there will have something big for China in it. Fighting alongside Pakistan for what essentially is a brazen rocky land with no human population will be a very foolish step by China. China won’t be so foolish.

(3) In any case, whether China joins Pakistan in attacking India, or Pakistan uses it as an opportunity to attack India when it’s engaged with China, it will not remain a low intensity fight. It will escalate into a full-scale war, which will be devastating for the entire south Asia.

In case such a full scale war breaks out, USA and Japan will immediately join the war either directly or indirectly. Russia will be reluctant to join the war due to India factor but may extend some indirect military support to China. If the situation worsens, Vietnam, Philippines and Taiwan may join India to take the fight to Chinese mainland.India will mobilize it’s navy to destroy Pakistan beyond recognition in less than 48 hours. USA and Japan will exercise it’s naval and air power to bombard Chinese cities on eastern coast. Cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shandong, Fuzhou, Guangzhou may suffer damages that will take decades to repair.

In the aftermath to the war:

(1) Pakistan may cease to exist. Baluchistan may become a sovereign nation. Remaining Punjab will be merged in Indian Punjab. KPK, Gilgit, Baltistan areas will go to Afghanistan, and Kashmir will be integrated fully into India giving it an autonomy.

Chinese business will suffer extreme damages taking the country back by at least a decade.

India will go back by a decade or more on it’s development, but in the future the progress will be fast, as the enduring peace post war due to a stable region lacking hostility will allow it to grow at a much faster pace without worrying about hostile neighborhood. The money India currently spends on military modernization, it will spend of building infrastructure and within a decade it will be completely back on its feet. Only bigger, stronger and commanding more respect.

Saurav Nimesh

Well, on fact what will happen and what will not is difficult to say. But there is an interesting Novel written on similar scenario and it is worth a read. Read it its a good one.

reference : Dragon Fire (novel)

Chirag Rawal

Firstly, I don’t think such scenario is possible. China is smart enough to not to wage war against one its biggest markets for its product and inviting all the economic troubles in the current economic conditions.

Secondly, Lets assume if both China & Pakistan attack India at the same point in time, what are the various possibilities:

1. India will be incurring majority losses. Given the strength and capabilities of both the enemies, Indian forces definitely can’t handle both at the same time. But equal blows will be to Pakistan & China as well. India might loose at the end of the war (if it fights it all alone) but the damage done to China & Pakistan will be huge as well. India has one of the best missile technologies that it can target any part of China & Pakistan (Land to land marking). There is a possibility that if everything goes to much out of the hand, India might also think of using its Nukes (Now to the counter argument that both China & Pakistan are nuclear powers as well, The one who strikes first might have the possibilities to stop the war, or it can be used as a bargaining chip).

2. India’s allies especially the ones who are either against China Or Pakistan will come to support India, to name a few Japan, Israel, Iran, US, France etc. Their are lesser probabilities of France joining in, but if US supports India (because it’ll give it a purpose to fight China) many of the countries from Europe & England might join in India’s favor. And if that happens, I don’t need to say much, we might also get the entire Kashmir, our China captured area back at the end of it. Some extra territory might be the bonus. But Even if they not, Only Iran & Japan (both have extremely good relations with India) are enough to balance it out as China & Japan will be engaged on the other side of Chinese borders. Pakistan too will have to deploy its forces on Iran’s border, hence the focus will shift and then given the size of India’s army/navy/airforce. India can handle both on its top borders.

3. Pakistan will definitively be ruined. Because of its location & capabilities it’s an easy target for India. India might first try to go after Pakistan first, use its navy/air force/army to do the maximum damage their and than take it to China. You might say, till that China must have done huge damage to India but in a war going on damage is certain. Handling both simultaneously and making sure you win the war will be difficult. So India’s focus might shift to do maximum damage to both the countries. And given the size of Pakistan being very small compared to India & China. It will definitely be destroyed. And after that whosoever wins at the end India/China, both will continue to exists. Our population & Size is big enough that we can’t be completely destroyed. Our territory might get shorted but at the end of it, China & India will still exists. Pakistan, I think have dim chances.

Lastly, I still think, such a scenario is not going to happen. India is a smart country. They have solid foreign ties especially with countries against China & Pakistan. We are much powerful then Pakistan and in any scenario it will be difficult for Pakistan to afford a big war. China is heavily dependent on India, it’s the worlds largest exporter and we are one of the biggest Importers. Ours is the largest, economically capable middle class market in the world. Growing tension with India, China will loose Indian markets, and we all talk about modern day warfare, but most crucial of the warfare is Economics, and we have done enough good their. That its better for most of the countries of the world to be friends with India rather than being enemies. Even lets say China, all what media shows is that China is India’s enemy. I think it was but not now. Even if you read about China’s argument of not supporting India’s NSG membership it’s more because of distrust it has on Pakistan. Their is no point against India in it. So China will most likely not want to wage in any war with India for next 30–40 years at least. But since you asked it hypothetically, I have answered in the same fashion.

Mahesh Garkoti

So there’s a if added to the question, so I will try to give a practical answer.

If China and Pakistan would attack India at the same time,then INDIA IS WRECKED.

YES, Offensive it may sound to most of the Indians but it’s the bitter truth.

Possible results of war-:

  • India losing a significant Part of its territories .
  • Loss of man and money.
  • Possible nuclear attacks.
  • Economic crisis.
  • Downfall of Indian growth by 20 years.

Consider,Pakistan to be a motorcycle,India car and china a mini truck.Now what happens when both the countries attack India.

Whenever there is a clash between,motor cycle and car it’s obvious and practical car will bear a huge loss,no matter how badly both collided or even if its a one sided collision also.Now,consider when this damaged car is put against the mini truck what will happen to the car.No doubt,it will get wrecked. So will India.

Pakistan,is obvious will start from the LoC and the Rajasthan borders,with a huge amount of its tank capacity,it will try to enter the international borders,Now Indian military knows they need almost 2/3 of their troops in every field to stop that attack,so they will likewise plan them and position them.


Now,when 2/3 of your military forces are already enrolled defending your western borders, who will guard the Northen and eastern borders.Now,it becomes practically too difficult for the units to cover the distance in a single day from one border in west to other in East.

Now,China in every field is superior to India,be it the army,weapons,aircrafts or even the transport facilities.They have everything available for their soldiers right at the place they need.

Now,when 2/3 of the Indian army is busy fighting against Pakistan then how will the remaining soldiers deal with the Chinese army for which India originally had 3/4 available and 2/3 of which are busy right now.

Compare World Military Powers Results

So,it would be impossible for India to go through this kind of war and survive.Similar condition arrived in 1965 war,when India was fighting Pakistan then during that time China favoured Pakistan with all aid and military equipment and findings of 60 million$.So as India agreed on declaring ceasefire as one of the major concerns was constant interuption of China in the war,and if China would have come along Pakistan than everybody knew that IT WOULD BRING HAVOC IN INDIA.

As,the above scenario is hypothetical,but if this ever comes true than in simple words INDIA is DOOMED.

Q:What would happen if China and Pakistan attacked India?

A: Well first of all let us establish some ground facts-

This is the Chinese military’s awesome size-China Military Strength

and this is Pakistan- Pakistan Military Strength

vs this is India- India Military Strength

India will easily get it’s A** handed to it whether it is a conventional or nuclear war with China and Pakistan doing a “Tag-Team” to attack India.

China does want the world to kowtow and more importantly ASIA to kowtow and has taken a lot of steps for this to happen, some of them are collectively known as the “String of Pearls Strategy”-

But this strategy of China of looking down on its neighbours who don’s act in favour of Chinese interests also has another area. For China’s viewpoint see this –

This has resulted in the following countries becoming scared and even covertly antagonistic to China, they include-

Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Australia and even the USA.

Of-course with South Korea coming, China’s “Special Needs neighbour and eternal Friend” – North Korea joins on the side of China.

So, we add – North Korea to Chinese allies- North Korea Military Strength

(NK may not formally attack India).

But add these countries to India’s supporters (but they may or may not enter the War formally)-

USA- United States of America Military Strength

Japan- Japan Military Strength

South Korea- South Korea Military Strength

Taiwan- Taiwan Military Strength

Vietnam- Vietnam Military Strength

Australia- Australia Military Strength

The wild card is of-course Russia – Russia Military Strength

The EU will play honest broker and sell arms to India and China all the time it’s media will praise India and its Govt will support China. Russia will most probably do the same, play honest broker to both sides.

In short- WW3 may take place (big IFF).

Summary- Pakistan will get obliterated, India will face massive losses and go back 25 years, China will lose badly if the US or Russia enter against it else will win big.

Yu-Hsing Chen

No, they’er not. at least China is not.

China has a border dispute with India in where they disagree on where the border should be drawn, they have no interest in conquering India or anything silly like that.

Perhaps more importantly, now the USA have set such precedence, war will never be declared between major countries ever again, they’ll just go ahead and do it (the USA never declared war against Vietnam, Iraq , Afghanistan.)

Ananthakrishnan Nair

I can’t improve on bhavya kundu’s answer. But I have a slightly different perspective.

I think the war will be limited and short. Any largescale action will invariably include nukes. So here is what I think India will do

Pressurize Bangladesh to provide access to road network for Evacuating civilians.
Follow a scorched earth policy while rapidly retreating from NE
Invade Tibet through chumbi valley and use the sizeable refugee population to stir up trouble there
Bomb the karakoram highway out of existence
Disect pakistan at its “waist” using mechanized infantry. Kill the generals. It is a centralized sham democracy run by military. Once the leaders are gone they will take a long time to recover
Blockade Karachi port. Destroy all fuel storages in Pakistan. Stir up Baluchistan.
Let loose CRPF to decimate Maoists. Constitutional rights take a hike.
Indian Muslims come out in solidarity to openly denounce and lynch terrorists. Believe me, they will. If you don’t believe me, look at stats of communal issues in war years. Its like the kaurava-pandava thing – twixt us we are a hundred and a five, when an outsider raises his banner we are 105.
Mountain corps totally block up Siliguri corridor. The canals are breached in Bangla border to impede chinese armoured corps. Bangla asks for protection. All road/rail/bridges in assam Tripura border with Bangla bombed by IAF.
Ladakh is fortified with a totally defensive doctrine. But special forces drawn from gorkha/garhwali regiments harass Chinese logistics begin enemy lines. Dog fights all along border. India invades Tibet.
India confiscates every single petroleum barge to china. A large vessel waits near Malacca, ready to be scuttled.
Pakistan surrenders in the meanwhile. Indian troops withdraw after destroying every strategic installation.
By now India has called its western border, lost all of northeast east of Siliguri, gained some foothold in Tibet and hopefully have not ceded Ladakh west of chushul.
World intervenes. Armistice signed. Talks drag on.
India stays reticent till December. On Christmas eve indian migs fly out of aircraft carrier in bay of Bengal and bomb Chinese positions in north east India. Missiles with conventional warheads fly. Fatchance the Chinese can replenish logistics once winter sets in. India takes back northeast but tawang is lost.
Now India accepts status quo antebellum, if offered. If not post war positions are held
Economy in tatters.
North eastern people lose faith in India for deserting them in the beginning and “scorching their earth”.
Pakistan finally cowed.
India begs USA to let it in to NATO whatever the price.
UNO is once again exposed to be the sham that it is. But it as usually is not ashamed.
Russia was fence-sitting and making money. It was selling arms to India through Iran all these past few days at astronomical costs and
energy to china the same way.
Suggestions welcome. Off the cuff answer.

Abhishek Mohan

                                          China and Pakistan vs India

It will be called as the “Doomsday”, not for India but for the whole world.

World War III will break out. Not believing me!! Look at the South China Sea. America has always been against the rise of Chinese. When World War II ended and UNSC formed, the US wanted India to be a permanent member so to have powers distributed in ASIA.

The war will not last long, with U.S, Japan, Australia, Afghanistan and ASEAN countries on our side, unless Russia take China’s side to seek a revenge on US. China has good ties with many African and Arab countries, and with some of our neighbours but they are highly unlikely to support any of the sides and most probably will remain neutral (I am little uncertain about Sri-Lanka). European nation will keep their involvement the least as they have learned their lessons from WWI and WWII.

But the over all picture will be the destruction of the Republic of China and Pakistan.

In the present scenario where world economy is trembling, a full flung war is not possible at-least for China but there is a possibility of a pseudo war. China and Pakistan are allies and are developing many nuclear and military technologies together. China can use Pakistan as a pawn against India if a war broke out between India and Pakistan, it can provide military aid and much needed economic aid to Pakistan.

Without external help of Chinese, Pakistan is not strong enough to directly get involve with India but given its history it is possible that Pakistan may get involved with India in an act of war. This will be catastrophic for all the South Asian countries and the world including China as the Indian ocean, which is a major trade region, will be a war zone.

Hence, China can corner India with Pakistan on one side and China on other. But Pakistan alone does not have enough military power to be a threat to India.

BUT For now it is highly unlikely for any rational country to get involve in any kind of war as all the world economies are connected and any disturbance can slow the world economy even further. India is a big market for manufacturing country like China and China will never want to loose India. It may be involved in some minor activities but overall China will never want to make India its enemy. India has some very strong international relations and its economy is booming even in the age of recession, its military is now the world’s 4th strongest and population world’s 2nd. To get involved with India will certainly be a unrecoverable loss for any country specially China.

Kamal Murarka

Although its not directly linked with the question still its worth to read:

Those who wants India pak war :

While Pakistanis and Indians post stupid war jokes, somewhere a mother of a soldier silently sheds a tear and prays for her son’s safety.

If war is there : Loss of resources, Huge impact on Economy, International relations of the country, growth rate, FDI, development, education will get hampered. Nuclear power is big worry. Unnecessary political drama will be There. In nutshell, abi jo pesa education and development pe lagta h bad m wo Yudh pe lagega.

Rahul Verma

Well let us consider that Pakistan and China join hands and war is going to occur. Combining both power

Compare World Military Powers Results

Compare World Military Powers Results

From above link I have to consider some points only. Although all are nuclear capable nation and if nuclear weapon are not used against each other. Since china and India have mountainous border so tank and all heavy vehicle cant be put in use by Chinese army they have to be very dependent on air-force. Since China and Pakistan both operate on Chinese Technology which is re engineered Russian Jets. So, you they can be comparable but not good. So, in the air whole action will go on between China and India . Pakistan and India will be fighting on ground mostly. But Pakistan Army lacks in inventory as compared to India. There air-force lack of new generation planes and Tank, artillery and on naval front Pakistan can be said to be most backward. Pakistan can’t maintain long fight. India will have to vary about only air because it has to face more 1.5 to 1.8 times large fleet of aircraft. In my opinion this war may not be clearly won by any country. But considering India longstanding friendship and relation with Russia and US it may be possible that they would asset India fightback(Pact was signed between USSR and India which Russia Federation still follow). So, person who had asked this should not worry about it.

Currently, China is facing lots of difficulties in south china sea with its neighbor so it will not take on India in next 5 year atleast until it could resolve it.

Well answers have a sense of patriotism and some where criticism.
I would take on this question in two heads:
  1. Feasibility:- the probability of conventional conflict hapenning is  minimal. What we are going to see in near future is limited cease fire violations and occational rebukes under local military commanders name without any political backing. As it has been already mentioned that Pakistan is too poor and China is too rich. A economic blow caused by war will Result in bankrupt Pakistan and pushing China 10 years behind. This is apart from nuclear deterrence.
  2. Result:- lets say the hypothetical war comes true. Well Pakistan will be trashed. And after devastation may fall prey to further partition or civil war amongst fundamentalist factions. For China . I would say the war will go unresolved. Now there are reasons for that. China’s military might is based on reverse engineering and the weapon platforms in vogue there have incurred catastrophic failures during operations. Over and above that it is the leadership and military strategy which decides the outcome of war. With such a long border there can be endless opportunities which if realised can lead to huge damage to Chinese forces. And there are enough resources with India to realise these strategies in terms of crisis. After the unresolved war China and India may retreat to their positions with minor skirmishes. And would never wage a war against each other.
  3. Alternatives:- Nation is not a natural entity. Nationalism thus is observed to safeguard common interests of homogenous people. If in daily life we count our interests other than basic ones they are economic, social and personal freedom. India is a complex democracy preserving interests of varied people. China under communist rule is a democracy with well known restrictions. China had suppressed many voices in past. If seen closely the socialist economy serves interests of only few. Pakistan is a fabricated democracy which needs fabrication every decade. It serves interests of feudal Lords and military generals. Both the later nations have tried to fuel anti national movements in India, but till date they have failed because India still provides the very essential element for growth of all that is freedom. But if India starts fueling such propaganda wars against two if its neighbours, the required effects will be visible in a decade. China may disintegrate into smaller states like USSR erstwhile. And Pakistan is undergoing such phenomenon on its own. To summarise no nation has ability to openly confront other. Also it is in no ones interests as all three hold key strategic geographical features and in today’s world everything is money.

Aishh Nautiyal

World war 3.

more than two billion people at war. Definitely it will lead to world war 3 if it is an all out war not some escalated skirmish.
This is a highly unlikely scenario. reason being India and China are already at war.
In earlier days traditional wars were fought but now a days it is a battle of dominance at industrial and financial level. These days wars are fought politically rather than in the conventional manner.

  1. Lets say if all three get into a fight, an all out war, what will happen is rest of the world economies will fall rapidly.China is a major player in manufacturing sector and India in services sector.Think of a scenario that all of the corporate sector in India comes to a halt what will it’s impact on rest of the world. A lot of major banks,Automobile manufacturers, mobile manufacturers,Industries from sectors of coaling, mining and petroleum,Healthcare related sector around the world is dependent on work done in India on daily Basis.These MNC’s not working for a week will create havoc around the world and this is me speaking only about India with respect to it’s services based sector.Think of similar things happening at China’s end in the manufacturing sector.
  2. If china wants to attack India it will make sure it does so with minimum expenses. An all out war is a very big financial expense. USA has spent 4.4 Trillion dollars in wars fought in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. making such huge expenses with nothing to gain from why would china do so? Also lets say china attacks India and wins. the next thing that will happen will be china being attacked by both USA and Russia.why?
    1. china will be weak and an easy target.
    2. USA will gain a part on this side of the planet which will help it control other countries of east.
    3. Russia understanding USA’s intention wouldn’t want this to happen.
    and there are lots of such reasons.
  3. During the war after a few days Pakistan will resort to Nuclear weapon which most of the countries wouldn’t want it to use because if it uses a nuclear enabled missile India will also Nuke it and then it will not take much time before everyone pulls out their nuclear arsenal Leading to world war 3. result: everyone dies. Nuclear Winter.

Understand this. We are at war. we have already defeated Pakistan and as of now we are fighting China.This is an unconventional war. Pakistan is already having lot of turmoils in it’s own country.Most of the world already see them as a terrorist supporting country.Very soon they will have an economic break down with no support from outside if their political situations remains similar.we Indians have more money, more people most of which are young generation. we are considered as good people around the world and now we have a great leader too . As of now we are racing against china and we are at advantage due to our younger population.They have better infrastructure and more resources. 20-25 years down the line the country with more dominance around the world economically and more influence at UN level with a young workforce and industries to support future generations will be the country which comes out of this battle as victorious.

Saurabh Pandey

Let us imagine the premier of China and Pakistan  decides one day over a morning coffee to attack India. China completely overseeing the economical conditions of the country which mostly depends on manufacturing sector Which is degrading amidst crisis in international economy calls for a war against India. People in China are more focused on improving the environmental conditions and  supporting it’s manufacturing Industry rather than wasting their money, manpower on Some war which will not achieve them the above objectives but will create a negative impact on them. And regarding a country like Pakistan they can never sustain the cost of  full scale war  with India or with any other country. The country itself is becoming a blot on the world map for supporting terrorism. People in the country are suffering because of their leaders making arbitrary policies. Pakistan is also seeking help from many developed countries(mainly US) of which most of the countries share good relation with India so they can’t afford any international sanctions.I believe you get a good picture, In today’s world war is not the solution to a problem but a method to escalate the problem even more. If any how Pakistan and china attack India it would be difficult for India to support the war for a long time but before the war takes it toll other powerful countries will intervene and will resolve the matter due to the fact all these 3 countries possess nuclear arsenal. Thus, such a situation would not arise and even if it does, it would be futile.

Well, this question is kind of stupid… why would China want a war with its largest trade partner?

Worst case scenario it would fund Pakistan’s side even thought that is not very likel. Let’s say Both Pakistan and China attack India . Yes, it would be difficult for India as deploying troops on both the borders will not be easy and then if the war goes on they ill have only one option which none of us would want as it might have dangerous consequences: use a nuke.

If both of the countries do form a team against India the world will get involved. USA would be with India due to issues withChina and Pak. North Korea with China ofcourse. Russia is unpredictable but probably would be with India too. The Europian countries will not be directly involved. If this happens then off course the Indian side has a very high chance of a win.

But this should not happen,the above was a worst case scenario. Anything like that happening is very unlikely.

It’s not that people of these countries hate each other. They praise each other when it’s something good and vice versa.

Sashank Reddy

The core aspect of any nation to wage war is its ability to run supply lines.

In case of Pakistan, they don’t have the resources to wage an escalating war. They cant even sustain a campaign for more than 2 weeks if the fighting is intense. Guns, tanks and ships don’t fall out of the sky. They are in limited supply and they get used really fast.

The Chinese will be the ones fighting on both the fronts and running supplies. Indian artillery can wreak havoc on these narrow supply lines as they pass through the Himalayas. Its really that simple. That’s the main reason there is no conflict. India has established its supply lines well in the country. China needs to stretch its supplies from its heartland to the mountains and that’s hard considering the many mountains it needs to pass through and the long distances they cover.

Also, Indian armed forces have been preparing for this for nearly 2 decades. Wars are not all about numbers. Its also about strategy, tactics and defenses. India has made sure that the enemy pays dearly for every square inch they gain. They are aware that they cant simply hold on to the incoming enemy. As a result, they have been preparing to bleed the invading forces crush them at choke points. They also have an offensive posture now where they gain major territory in lieu of losing minor ones. One must understand that India is the only nation in the subcontinent that has had real wars within the last 3 decades. Neither China nor Pakistan have had the kind of experience that we have.

Aditya Singh Rathi
To all those saying Russia is our ally or It will support and back us.
I would like to put a fact that, India does not have any strategical ally. Moreover,  China and Russia shares more than India and Russia. They both are against USA. Russia is no true friend (Don’t freak out and downvote, I have proper proofs. Why Russia supported us in Ind n Pak war, there were also multiple reasons for that ) But still its better than USA and China to us.
To the question,
China and Ind won’t clash together in a full fledged war, both being Emerging super powers and Economies don’t have time and resources for that.
ITS LIKE 1 BILLION VS 1 BILLION. Something Bigger than Mahabharata Will happen. China’s condition after Ind China full fledged war be like even Japan will come and smash it.
Millions of lives will be wasted, Economy will be hit back to like of 80’s or 90’s.
There was an article on some defence forum, India , China , America are some countries which can never be conquered. Reason being their physical geography.

About Pakistan, its already a failed country. I will never rule out the possibility of India Pakistan war in future. Surely this could happen.
We are very unlucky to have China and Pakistan as our neighbours.

Though Pakistan does not have power to attack, but has deterrence to protect it self if India enters their soil for attack. They have nuke weapons and they are stupid enough to use it.


Nishith Animesh

It will result in nuclear holocaust or defeat of both China and Pakistan.

Why two scenarios?
Its not a hidden fact that India will not able able to stand against China and Pakistan together. Any missile attack on Indian city will result in massive use of nuclear weapons from Indian side.

Countries like Russia, Japan, USA, Britain know that without Indian and Chinese market they won’t survive. Most probably they will stand against aggressor. So defeat of both China and Pakistan.

I don’t know the from which country the person asking this question comes from but the question asked is very naive. Someone who understands basic geo-politics of the Indian sub-continent would never talk of a Sino-Indian war in this era and I will tell you why.

  1. India and China are very mature economies and led by seasoned politicians even though one is a communist ruled country and the other is a democracy. When mature economies disagree they talk, they don’t go to war directly. They fight proxies. We saw this during the Cold War when the Soviet Union was an equal rival to the USA. They never fought wars directly, they fought through Vietnam, Cuba, Afghanistan, Bolivia, Korea etc. However in this era, this possibility is too remote.
  2. If there is a political crisis due to the border disputes which China and India has between them, the two countries are definitely going to talk to each other either in Beijing or New Delhi or a third country. The big powers will never allow a war between these 2 country’s because both are nuclear armed, both have significant investments from western companies. There will be a brokered peace talks for sure.
  3. China and India are each others largest trading partner. When both are earning so much from each other, why burn their own pockets?

The above 3 points may not necessarily be the only points which could avert a Sino-Indian conflict but are some of the key pioints.

Now coming to the point of Pakistan. A war with Pakistan is very likely however India will not be an attacker here. India has always had concerns with Pakistan sponsoring terrorism. We went to war on this point in 1999 when Pakistan infiltrated into India and they were driven back. We almost went to war in 2001 after the terrorist attack on the Indian parliament and again in 2008 after the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. So, it is possible that Pakistan may try to target India through a terrorist attack again and if this does happen, India will definitely hit back. It could be a limited surgical strike or a full fledged attack to take out the terrorist camps. Whichever mode of attack India may chose, I am sure India will take the full world into confidence like it did in 1999.

So in a nutshell, chances of China attacking India are remote, very remote. Chances of Pakistan attacking India and India defending itself are very high.

Sai Raghuram Prabhu

That is almost impossible! Because Indian army is known for its bravery! Wait,am not going to say we can trash both at a go! Am damn sure that,even though Pak-China attacks India at the same time,Indian army wouldnt retreat.They would give their best. In the mean time, when three nuke-nattions are fighting,the world wont watch.The rest of the community would work even more sincerely to stop the war

Utsav Goyal
India will probably give heavy blows to Pakistan. But china will win within 4-5 days if they attack seriously.
The truth however is China will never attack India directly. Even Pakistan does not do that anymore. It is the era of 4th generation war. Sponsor some redneck jihadi and provide support. China may support Pakistan.
Nobody will come to help of India so soon. India does not have defense agreement with any major power.
ANyways this war will never happen unless oil is found in Himalyas.

Manav Saraf

Mature economies like China and India would like to fight currency and/or trade wars, but seldom war with bombs and planes. As for Pakistan, there are multiple entities operating there, not sure who is in control right now, but a section of their country has been perpetually at war with India.

Vishnu Sekhar

So here the question has two aspects.

  1. What if only China and Pakistan attacks India.
  2. What if China and Pakistan start attacking India.

As the answer to the first question.

China has the largest military in the world. India is on the third place. So the war wont be that easy to win. There will be hell a lot of causalities on both sides. On the land war, China will find the first taste of success if the attack starts on summer season. But when the season moves to winter , the same Chinese will be like the goat trapped in the lion’s den. The reason is the mighty Himalayas. Back in 1962, Chinese were on a super winning streak and in the November month they identified that the snowfall in the Himalayas will stop all their supplies and they will be left out and hence they withdrew from the war. The same will happen now also. Fighting a war on Himalayas is damn tough and the terrain is completely different from anywhere in the world. Even aerial fighting wont be good enough. Now consider the other scenario, Pakistan is attacking India from one side and China from another side… It will be a hell time for India. The military itself will find it tough to allocate resources. Pakistan will attack from Jammu side, Punjab side and even Naval forces will be involved. So it will be the doomsday for India. Without any external supports, India will fight it tough to win the war. The valiant military and weapon resource will give India a better fighting stand but not a winning one. Eventually our borders will be compromised and enemy will enter into the state. But at this situation.. India will face a tough decision to make… Nuclear or Not … provided that we have never attacked any country in the whole history of the world, I don’t know how India will use its nuclear artillery in the first place.

Now to the second part… What if China and Pakistan start attacking India… This has much more consequences than the first one. First of all US will intervene and they will use this chance to get a strong hold over China and that means they will support India. As a life long ally, Russia will support India. North Korea obviously will support China . I dont see chances of any European countries involving directly in the war. Now imagine, Russia+US+ India + Japan vs China [ Team A] + Pak + Korea( North)..[Team B]. Team B doesn’t even have a chance. Pakistan will surrender within a month or two. Game over that side. Now China and Korea.. Both of them will be tough to beat . But attacks from all corners will make China stop the war. US and Indian aircraft carriers will round China within no time…Probably they will forced to use nuclear weapon and rest may be history 🙂 …

Economic and socio-political consequences of such a war might be beyond words. Entire world economy might come to a standstill as China is the manufacturing hub of the world… The power shift will happen and world might move to a dark period.

Yuvraj Patil
China, the big name.
I can’t just understand why people always overestimate China and neglect the strength of Indian Military. If China attacks India, they have more to lose than us. If we close Chinese import in India, Chinese economy will be bound to lose world’s second populated market. They won’t take such a risk against their economy.
In Military strength, China maybe ahead of India but not too much. There are certain areas of military in which PRC is inferior to India such aircraft carriers, ASW capabilities. China does not have sufficient logistic supply in Tibet. This is where India has upper hand.
In missiles we are behind Chinese but still we have what is sufficient for them. Chinese always show off more than what they actually are.
At present, west is with India to control Chinese progress. We have upper hand over China on diplomatic front. Russia, US, UK, France these permanent members will support a true democratic country i.e. India as they are the same.
Instead of thinking about impact of war on India, people should think about what if India moves to support Tibet and Balochistan by supplying the extremists with arms ? (As it happened in 1971) Then, China and Pakistan will face internal problems and war with India. Why don’t we think in this direction?
India has exercised its capabilities for fighting a two front war on time to time. So we won’t face any serious deployment problems for such a thing. We have our war doctrine ready for in that direction.
In conventional warfare, though being less developed as compared to China, we can give a tough fight to China with whatever we have. Additionally, we will get all kind of weapons and equipment support from US against China.
Thinking about Pakistan, If we block their sea routes, they will surrender within weeks.

India also has alliances with other countries in Asia as well as out of asia.

japan, Vietnam, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan

Has the same problems with china that we have with pakistan.

And these countries have mutual defense pact with India. 4/5 countries have defense pact with USA-NATO.

And do not ignore Iran and Afghanistan are also allies of India.

So pak and china will also have multiple front war.

So just chill and grab the beer and let Pakistan and China enjoy their alliances.


S Pavlov

Defending troops on highlands need lesser men than attacking lowland troops. . We will manage somehow, and we dont need us or russian direct military help, we can do it ourselves we simply have to defend our highland posts and continue chinese blockade of oil, while garnering international support inviting embargos on china

they will fall like dominos. Pakistan isnt really that significant. If US stops supplying them modern defense equipment they will have neither quality or quantity,we can achieve that by diplomatic missions.

Giridharan Velamore

Question: What would happen if Pakistan and China both decide to attack India at the same time?

Answer: Catastrophe, for all the warring nations. Please bear in mind that all the three nations are nuclear armed. Imagine for yourselves what would happen if any of the three nations is cornered. Millions upon millions would die as a result.

Also China and India are two of the biggest economies after USA. The whole world including USA would be extremely worried. UN, USA and most other nations would do their best to stop such a war.

Let such a war never ever happen.

Divya Modi

I am upgrading this comment on Henry Leung’s (and even as a reply to Wang) answer for common visibility !!!

Henry Leung has claimed to give a neutral answer, often saying China is not Pak Ally and that INDIA and china are not comparable…

But only after reading their answer and their style of answering, one can understand how witty and selfishly China is behaving and (trying to) bullying/messing everyone whom it thinks it can, often fooling them simultaneously via other forums and platforms by presenting itself as Innocent (forced to for sake of it’s own survival) and and its actions justifiable !!!

As far as War is concerned, Not even in the Dreams, the world’s biggest economy (PPP) would like to mess with World’s Fastest growing, third biggest Economy (and Vice Versa) !!!

You are acting like China itself, being made in china !!!

Sweet sugar coated bully bragger who is concerned only about itself !!!I will show why exactly you are what I said…

Your trade route goes around every possible maritime area in the world… sometimes i feel the only country in China’s world map is China only !!!

If your trade routes passes through Indian Ocean that’s your problem not India’s. Your trade routes have become wandering ghosts, they just pass like from nowhere to everywhere…

When other countries claims maritime territory in south china sea, you have a problem, but you seem to have a license to do “UNGLI” (search it) in every other (read India) country’s backyard in order to save your own interests…JUST LIKE you feel like hitting PHILIPINES OR VIETNAM, India Feels like kicking you when you mess with the Indian Ocean…Its not all about China…that you can justify your problems to India by messing with India… while no one else can do that to you…seriously !!!

Your fishermen have traditional fishing grounds even in INDONESIA’s Exclusive Economic Zones.. while what do you think INDIAN fisherman are doing… Our NAVICs are sailing across the Sky…I feel you should respect their traditional fishing grounds and remove those Anti satellite weapons you have developed for COMMON CHARITY !!!

You will SYMPATHISE with all the perspectives, but never agree with others… since your interest are prime… when you are a selfish bully why the hell care to come on quora only to show you are friends… Foes (read rivals here) disguised as Friends are more dangerous than Enemies!!!

India is NO PAKISTAN that can be fooled by tossing toys to them…

Regarding military might, nobody knows what the other country is cooking up…

If china has underestimated its power display, any reasonably sound defense analyst will accept India to have have a comparable secret weapon system…so don’t brag around beating the bush…Bush couldn’t do that, who are you?

Real might is always shown only in Arena not in media or online forums…so leave that to our respective heroes… may they never have to face each other than to greet…

You will oppose India at every possible International forum but still say you are not allies of Pakistan or whatever… You don’t need to.. since China can be ally of NO ONE…other than itself…Pakistan is idiotic enough to not see through…but Pakistan is Pakistan and you are dealing with INDIA… PAK was with USA, now with you.. tomorrow it might come with any Other Might… It is the Sawant of International Politics….

If you need a secure maritime route… SO DOES INDIA and only more… INDIA is not messing with you, while you are messing with everyone you can…including those YOU SHOULD NOT BE !!! When your Interest come Other’s security can go for a toss, but when they protect theirs you have a problem… I sincerely doubt how innocent China is in the South China Sea…

And competition is never limited to Economy dear… Its about every other sphere… Just because you export more chips than the world can eat 🙂 doesn’t mean you don’t have any competition… I hope you get it… You have literally no actual sense being with Pakistan other than Regional dominance… if there is no competition why is china DUMPING billions (including obsolete technology) in Pakistan when your Chinese companies are finding hard time to get permission to open retail stores in India…

If China is really India’s Friend then, it at least should put away bringing hurdles in India’s way if it can contribute positively (glaring example NSG, UN blocking of anti terrorist resolution). Then it should reconcile its priorities with India’s. India does not assume china to be an Ally, but at least China needs to behave like a neutral friend first, only then China can present itself as a genuine friend. Knife and Honey can’t go hand in hand.

BEHAVE like a FRIEND and then CLAIM to be a FRIEND, Dear !!!

On a parting Note read this to come to senses about the reality of your Great Chinese Economy !!!

Why Are So Many Chinese Phone Brands Now in India?

Because They are unable to sell them in China, since the Chinese Economy is not expanding rapidly enough !!!

Remember you are now a HUGE factory Country but not a huge Market Country !!!

Shubh Ratri Mitra !!!


India recently tested the interceptor missile which can intercept and destroy any incoming missile miles above the ground. but that doesn’t insure that in case of any war it will give you 100% hit ratio. In case of nuclear war with Pakistan and China. if any upcoming missile dodge the Indian interceptor missile than you can imagine the destruction that will happen.China is never going do this kind of mistake with India because war is fought with good economy. china economy has much dependence on India ans USA markets. Also in case of war USA is going to support India.
but on the other hand Pakistan is run by fanatics,military and bunch of war mongers .
but when it come to Chinese ICBM’S remind you they have the second fastest ICBM in the world Dongfeng series .which is almost impossible to intercept  and they are currently developing  the Dongfeng-41 which is expected to achieve the top speed mach 25.
current Indian military doesn’t posses the technology to counter these threats from China.

If china wants to get finish then only it will attack on india with pak.

Because pak is going to be deleted very soon from world geography.

And as far as china is concern , nowadays china is taking unnecessary clashes with all countries like phillipines in case of south china sea, it is also denying the verdict of PCA , USA is already looking for a chance to tackle this chinas hegemonic attitude , and to counter it .

One thing is sure that china have more interest in its economic growth than the friendship with pak.

Already china is now seeking help from India in south china sea issue and CPEC which is going through POK and Baluchistan .

China is more concerned about its own interest than Pakistan’s friendship.

Now when pak will attack india , china may not come , because there is no legitimate reason with pak to attack India. If it does so it will be trrrorism and act of aggression.

In that case all countries will unite and stand by India against pak means against trrrorism . and in that case if china comes to rescue pak ,china will have to lost much of it, and will lost big trding partner as well as bilateral relationship with other countries too on the grounds of supporting terrorism .

And china will even lost pak because till then pak will be no more .

Because war between India and pak will be war between anti terrorist and pro terrorist countries and china will have to stand by anti terror group .

why the people outside china think china want to attack india?
if parkstan attack india, the most likely the chinese govt will do is try it best to let both sit in the table, if failed, it will sell missile to you, both of you.
You know, we are business nation………

First off all I am an Indian.
China never invaded India first. It was India who tried to claim Aksai Chin to be Indian territory. When the chinese built a highway, Indian soldiers were sent to take control of the highway. The soldiers who were mostly equipped with lathi(stick/long cane) and PT shoes, were asked to police off the chinese. The Chinese authorities assumed it to be a threat used full military retaliation. They conquered large part of India without any hassle, only to know that India was not a threat but a victim to shit leadership of Nehru and his defense minister VK Krishna Menon. These two waged a war without any previous experience or even caring about its army which was ill equipped.(post this defeat, modernization of army was initiated. They were policy makers who made war policies sitting safely in the parliament while Indian soldiers were left to die at the borders.
China was just enough to go back to its original line of control after stopping the war on humanitarian grounds. They felt for the Indian population who were misinformed by Pre independence leaders like Nehru(
He had blind followers because of Independence struggle). They treated the Indian POWs with medical care and also returned them without any hurt.
Also, India was a hegemon at that time and the next decade, poking its nose into internal matters of other neighbouring states like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc.
It is highly unlikely that China will ever strike India in future because of its past and also because of growing trade relations.
It is very unfortunate that Indian textbooks are modified by the continuously ruling party to portray how great it is in the minds of its people to get votes. It is important to learn things from independent sources not controlled by the ruling party.
I am an Indian who loves India but criticizes its wrong doings of the past.
Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai.

I will not go into analysis but these are some of the probable scenarios that might happen regardless of outcome of war:

1. Pakistan will be become Afghanistan of 80s and 90s. This is because some of Pakistan army top brass will try to fight this war with the help of militants. These militants eventually cannot be controlled by Pakistan.

2. Pakistan will be isolated with sanctions

3. There will be total chaos, unrest and famine. Economy will be in shamble

Now let us talk about a real war if at all it happens:

1. It will be inevitable that Pakistan will use proxies like militants in war. So initial causalities will be a case for India to prove that Pakistan sponsors terrorism once we capture these militants in war in the form of POW

2. China so far maintained that it is a bilateral issue. Hence it will stay out of it. Else, it will be practically inviting US and other allies of India

3. Pakistan cannot afford a traditional war unless it decides to use international aid which in turn will expose its dubious distinction. In other words, no country can support Pakistan unless it can prove that it is under attack which it cannot prove especially if it providing safe havens for terrorists. Let us not forget Osama story. Bottom line is it cannot sustain war even for few days.

Veeresh Sharma
Few Submissions before a Short Answer…
(a) China is not a Behemoth we make it out to be.
(b) India is no longer the emaciated nation it was in 1962
India is capable of defending itself on two fronts, so if India were attacked by both C..& P… We would stop C and occupy little territory of P..
Economy of all three nations would receive a setback . Worst effected would be P. Chinese is heavily dependent on India as a market, so prices in absence of cheap Chinese goods would be higher but India would emerge better of the three due to robust economy, great market.

Akash Kapoor

There will be great global impact by India Pakistan War. India is the biggest market in the world today. CHINA has a great part of export made to India. USA is also well involved in India as a trading partner. UK depends on India as a market after BREXIT. So India is very well positioned as the the entire world economy depends on India. So CHINA WILL NEVER ATTACK INDIA. USA, UK, EU even the AFRICAN continent will support INDIA.

As for pakistan after Uri attacks, the most asked question today by all Indians is what to do with Pakistan. So we have prepared a video on how India can retaliate, so that we can eradicate the Pakistani problem once and for all.

The first thing we need to understand is why Pakistan, indulges in a Proxy war rather than a full scale conventional war. Proxy war is a type of confrontation between two nations, in which neither engages the other in direct combat. This is highly used in Soviet Afghan war and Vietnam war.

Proxy war has following advantages; it is low cost warfare. So there is no cost of mobilization of army or keeping up with your enemy. On an average it takes 30 to 35 days to train any terrorist. We have seen that America withdrew from Vietnam due to high public pressure as the soldiers got killed and American public panicked. Same was seen in Afghanistan and Iraq. But In a proxy war there is no such Difficulty. As for example, Ajmal Kasab is an unknown young man from a village of Pakistan. In Pakistan he had no future. So people of Pakistan do not care if one ajmal kasab dies. He is an estranged young man without a future for them. But the same is not true if a man of Pakistani army dies. Then it will be all over the news. Everyone will feel for him and if many of them die then there will be pressure on government. In this form of war one side can inflict large damage on the other. As main targets are civilians, who are unarmed and untrained. They are easy targets. So with minimum inputs one can cause maximum damage. In this form of warfare, there is no sovereign involved, so there is no face to blame. No political responsibility at all. You send men unknown and under no flags. So they are fanatical mercenaries rather than soldiers. As only a few men are required at a time. So there is always a low cost in terms of Human Life’s lost to the terrorist state. This tactic involves fear. So people in any area are scared due to frequent attacks and the way of life changes. This technique is used to cause de stability in an area. The most prominent example is Kashmir. Lastly it all looks like a local problem, rather than an attack. Like Mumbai and Pathankot at both places, Pakistan lost few unknown and local estranged youth but created a great impact. So this kind of warfare suits them.

Now I will place two questions before all of us Number One “Can India Start a Conventional war against Pakistan.” Yes why not. It can easily do so. India has the third largest army in the world and the most disciplined army in the world. It has the fourth largest Air force in the world. We have the fourth largest Armoured Core in the world. We have the Seventh Biggest Naval Fleet in the world. But my second question is should India start a full scale war. The answer must be no. Firstly, that’s what Pakistan wants. It has nothing better to do. Its whole country is formed on hatred for India. It cannot do any good for itself and just want to indulge in a war in frustration. Secondly, Pakistan is a failed terrorist state with a very loose finger on its nuclear arsenal. Pakistan will not think twice before using it. Once it uses it, the state of Pakistan is inevitable perished by Indian response but this will also impact india dearly. Pakistan is a suicidal state. It was formed on nonsense grounds; they are not ethnic to that region. They are surrounded and cornered. Pakistan has no mission vision or path as a Nation. So in human term’s it is insane. So we must be careful as we are with any insane person. Also if India’s problem of Pakistan is solved it will no longer need the large arm’s stock it buys from the west. So in our wild dreams we presume that they will support us in a one and for all war against Pakistan. Also if we went to a war we will lose the great economical push we have now.

Now what India can do in this state? Primarily India can focus all attentions in Baluchistan. It is like a primary response toward Pakistani mischief. By causing chaos in Baluchistan, India can cause Pakistan to face a multi facet war in which a weak economy like Pakistan cannot survive. Also the issue can be used to bring international communities attention towards Pakistan’s atrocities in Baluchistan. But the main problem is Baloch Conflict has to be handled with caution, because the conflict will impact regions of Iran and Afghanistan. So we have to see that the conflict stays out of Iran and Afghanistan.

In the CPEC Region or the China Pakistan Economic Corridor there is investment of at least 46 Billion USD by China. . IF INDIA STOPS OR DELAY THIS INVESTMENT IN GILGIT REGION AND BALOCH REGION. BOTH CHINA AND PAKISTAN WILL BE HURT TREMENDOUSLY.

Akash Ajay

i agree with henry leungs answer and he tried to be unbiased and fair while answering. but i have a few points in which i disagree with him. one thing saying that China needs gwadar for securing their trade routes is very lame and it would only make indians more anxious. let us not forget that china had deployed nuclear submarine on the filmsy pretext to fight against poorly armed pirates in the eastern africa and gulf of aden and that immediately raised eyebrows in India . India has always acknowledged China as an important and powerful neighbor. we were one of the first in international community to recognize it after the communists toppled the nationalist government there in Beijing and we even accepted chinese sovereignty on tibet forgoing the the rights which the colonial british india government had negotiated in 1914 Simla accord . but china has not always responded to india’s outreach. just imagine if India starts increasing its military presence outside china’s backyard , will chinese accept it? then why should chinese do the same against india. Also what is the justification in them saying that Masood Azhar is not a terrorist and evidence against him is not enough? and what about provocative steps like issuing stapled visas for people coming from arunachal pradesh and J&K? (of course later they stopped issuing such visas for people from J&K , but it still continues for people from Arunachal) . how would it be for chinese if india were to do the same thing for people from tibet or xinjiang?

finally i would like to say that if we have to coexist as as neighbours we must be more reasonable rather than being very rigid and stubborn about the nationalist narrative which was fed to us by our governments.

We live in a very different world today than we ever used to. The world is very interlinked and interconnected today. There is absolutely no way China would go to war with India. Both India & China has enough Nuclear weapons to completely wipe out each others population. First of all there is no way even Pakistan will attack India. Pakistan has a very weak army & less international support than India . Every country will sanction Pakistan if it does such stupid thing. If this hypothetical situation ever arrives then consider it end of the world.

Vaibhav Srivastava

Both india and china are almost super power now and as their economy is growing they will both have highest gdp by 2050 . Well I don’t think china will support pakistan if we went on war but pakistan will definitely support china . Now , if we talk about army… chinese are slightly above than indians so it will not be much helpful in war . But india has a plus point Russia will support india , but china do not have such a major power a friend . So the result for india in starting of war will be hazardous but later china will get into big trouble . As china also shares border with Russia ..Now the real scene will arise chinese are type of people who never quits so definitely they will move to use their nuclear power. In response india will also have to use it’s nuclear power . Man we will come to the point of third world war .Now if we talk about the role of Usa , then usa is business he will keep helping the loosing country be selling his crap and at last when both became week .it will put his bases and army to the week one and this will declare the end of war …Now ,if both india and china don’t want to go back to the dark ages like syria and iraq it’s better that they resolve their disputes and became a friend . And lead the world by 2050 as the largest economies..

Bhanu Pratap

China and Pakistan will only attack india if they are going to risk it all or World War 3. Since the warfare weapons are much more advanced than last world war, whoever will be losing the war will unleash nuclear weapons which is bad for the economy of any surviving country. USA wont like that china would gain control of major part of south asia, even if Russia is ally of china, they wont that to happen.

If all become crazy and attacks happen, india and pakistan destroyed and china would be at 30-40% strength and then, Russia would attack china. And Asia will come under Russia. It will be then USA and Russia for the finals.

Mukul Sharma

first of all,China won’t do that, as 90 percent of the xiaomi devices are purchased by we Indians 😀

no this is a serious fact i am giving, Chinese market is hot in India and China won’t want to lose such market, so economy is one of a million facts as why China won’t,sorry,can’t attack India

Second of all,Pakistan, i don’t feel afraid mentioning it here, has been attacking India one way or the other for a long time, turn your TV on and you see a news about it every single day.

It’s the open war we are talking about,if Pak declares an open war against India,it is violating a lot of the World policies,making all the other nations its direct enemies, so dear Pak,please think twice before doing anything foolish,and did i forget to mantion Indian capabilities to defend itself?

Pavit Singh
One of the major reasons of fall various Chinese dynasties and rulers since historical times is due to corruption in their military.
Even presently Chinese military is too corrupt to win a war. And we Indians know the right price of the right guy.
Even if they attack they are bound to withdraw or lose.
On the other hand an Agni missile would do for Pakistan

Abhinav Atulya

Lets get down to the ultimate effects of the war (hypothetically if that happens). With nuclear in stock with both the countries, I wonder how will the world would react to that; but it would be a disaster.

Just think about it once. I do not intend to say who would win or who would loose but primarily there will we irrecoverable disaster that would haunt generations to come in both the countries.

So, peace is what should prevail and on go. The question at first place should not be about what would happen if the war breaks but what would happen after the war comes to an end.

I will write rather a small answer.

I Pakistan wage direct war then only this question will arise, Pakistan is a militant nation and they will never accept a war being done by Nation.

This bigger nation will just send their people to die here.

China is a business nation now, they need market to sell their products and Pakistan is not a nation with good purchasing power of citizens.

So in case of a state sponsored war, China will dump more of their weapons in Pakistan just like America did for donkey years and use their land to access MENA and Europe market.

Chengdu Mki

Not a chance… each passing day new issuesplus greater talibanization of pak increasing… plus wreath of a billion hindu sikh community… why china risk and what returns.

Also China pak friendship has some cracks… some serious ones….cant disclose more but youll see them in a decade or so. Pak is unhappy with growing chinese soldiers crossing into pak in units patrolling and not allowing any pak army tents nearby. Pak bounded by treaty in future there are chances of rift even upto extent that some area guarded by china rumours are has secretly been offered/given away to china for paks inability to fulfill its financial commitmentto China. Some also suggest pak dont want to lose kashmir issue as kashmiris are not happy with chinese presence and pak has no choice to give away land for faster end to problem.

Secondly due to extremely low costs of defense equipments…. some steel and other parts fitted are secondhand and repaired sold by china as new. This is a confirmed news with severe contract breach but pak cant protest as China is a friend where china is rubbing off hands by being unaware of the whole situation and blaming shortage of new material for pak needs.

Thirdly Pak is also upset with the additional royalty fee of 40percent levied something that will increase its costs significantly namely in ship making and also in its primary jf17s

So enemy enemy doesnt fit here. The concern is how to continue forward the friendship of years without annoying one friend yet stopping him from overstepping on others throat

Imagine you have two neighbours. one bad neighbour who is gunda and keep harassing your daughter. and one good neighbour who is almost equivalent to you. you and your good neighbour meet, have parties, show off wealth and also do some business together.

so your good neighbour will always wish downfall and will secretly support your bad neighbour also. now if your bad neighbour start beating you, then will your good neighbour also start beating you? but infact it will show that it is trying to mediate between you too. he may wish your downfall but to the world he will show that he wants fight to stop. also if fight will start affecting his business he will seriously reprimand the gunda neighbour.

this is exactly going to happen. china will never attack india. pakistan could believing china will attack too. but china will never do that. infact china will show to the world that it is helping india. pakistan will left behind and disintegrate one more time.

Amit Dwivedi

There is a loop hole in indian map, there is a region between nepal and bhutan which belongs to india, this a very light strip of indian land which connect india to arunachal pradesh, and if china occupy that strip it will cut of indian reach to arunachal pradesh,nagaland and all other regions, no military can reach there,

So it is obvious that china will attack this region and capture it , in this scenario we can reach arunachal and all region but only with the help of bhutan or bangladesh but they will not help india in war, as china is investing in large scales in bhutan and bangladesh and these 2 countries do not want to unplease china at all.

And if pakistan attack at the same time from jammu and region then we need large army at their, it is going to be a very very fatal condition.

Now the only way india can stand we have to make our army mobile so that our army can move all from jammu to sikkim and arunachal, by building roads, bridges, so we need more roads than weapons here for the army and it will be a huge task and gonna take some time.

So what we can do atleast is post some videos on facebook on youtube, so that we can make this matter a matter of concern for govt and people, there has to be a debate on newspaper, on news talk shows than only govt can invest on these projects.

Haseeb Akbar

Neither china nor Pakistan will ever resort to full scale war against India.

  • The nations having nuclear heads might be catastrophic for the the entire globe.
  • India and China being economic giants and Pakistan on the course of improving economy would be at the risk.
  • Pakistan and China would have skirmishes and diplomatic grudges against India but will pursue Geo economic strategy instead.
  • The entire south Asian countries would be in turmoil.

How ever to my Indians friends, “Dont live in fools a paradise that Pakistan might seizes to exist.”

well there is no doubt if china and pakistan attack india together we will have no chance but yes even if we go alone in war we might loose but there will be no pakistan on world map and half of china and as far as i think US will not like china to dominate asia fully and only india is capable of stopping it. So US will come to india’s aid and we have peace treaty with Russia in time of war we will help russia and russia will help us and if russia opens just nothern front and attack china china will never cope with russia and india combine attackadn there is massive possibilties tibbet and tiawan will rise for indipendence so china can not fight on three frons and if US and europe join hands with india with vietna opening another front china will be surrounded and will be defeated with in 15 days max. Well china will not attack india cause we are competitors in global market but they will attack cause they have expansionist policy they want colonies like britain but they can take control of tibet but never india .

Shrey Sharma

Well according to the most acceptable theory china will not attack India

there are more than one variable involved when any two country goes into war.

these are the situation which according to me is most likely to happen in event of war

first of all there is anti china environment in Asia due to its recent aggression in east china sea which is cause of concern for ASEAN countries and hence they are not only backing up India but also U.S and Russia to back them up against china

secondly in event of war between India Pakistan would be neutralized by United States as stopping them their grant and will increase pressure from institutions like IMF and WORLD BANK to pay up previous loan

also there will be lot of criticism in Pakistan though some will support this decision but max amount of people would be against attacking neighboring country it is a very separate topic anyways

america will favor India for two reason

after South Korea and Japan India is their biggest ally

china is bigger threat to U.S than it is to India

(also american loves war)

the concept of Russia would be neutral in this situation for following reason

1-backing up china means there will be anti Russian environment in Asia

2- it would further push India towards west meaning losing of potential weapon customer and an ally

3-China is a competitor of Russia(though in not that big of a scale)

4-Russia and India have very old and close relationship

Though China may prove itself leader of the world attacking India would be their worst mistake

this attack will some what look like annexation of Tibet hence will be criticized by whole international community including Tibetan people and china might loose Tibet

there is whole lot of variables these are some of the crucial ones



Ankit Thakur

China will never go on war with india in support of pakistan in real world. Its because we both have civilian leadership that are well aware of the consequences of war unlike pakistan where army leaders rule the decision making. Both china and india aim to be superpowers and the war will through both of us a decade back.

But lets assume in a hypothetical world china gonna support pakistan against india in war then what could happen.?

  1. Pakistan will surely be destroyed.
  2. Both india and china will face huge casuality plus economic crisis.
  3. If nukes would be used then the area would face the consequences for decades to come.
  4. And finally india as well as china would loose the position they have in the world forums.

But in my personal view china will never support pakistan militarily. They could have in 1965 or 1971 or 1999 but since they havent hence they will never.

Although they do support pakistan on world forums.

I like china. It is a huge country that stood on its feet on its own. Cultivated one of the world’s greatest economy. Redefined the word development. But there are few cases i am totally disappointed with china.

  1. Supporting terrorists in un.
  2. Occupation of tibet
  3. No religious freedom
  4. Supporting a rogue state like pakistan.
  5. Ignoring the miseries face by people of balochistan.

T.n. Balasubramaniam

China will never attack directly, but it might aide Pakistan. But that is not going to be decisive.

1st thing china at this stage cant offord any war with india because it is making many new enemy in south china sea region. China cant use even 50% of its power in war with india because it has to save its south china sea region with is rich in oil and gass every cou try need oil and gass to keep its development on track.. Usa, south korea, japan, australia, philipins, viatnam, and few other more cou try is always ready ready there in south china sea region to stab in back to china.

And i dnt want say anything about pakistan u all know it cant even fight with india’s 25% of army, air and navy power

Mohit Gandhi

then russia and USA will be dragged and nukes will also come into use there will be no more pakistan at the cost of more than half of the india china will be stopped by russians depending the weather and if everything fails I am ready to join both armed and un armed resistence even if it cost me my life no mateer what happens afterwards

Pakistan…….war.…..with……India……once again

……why would they want insult themselves again n again in all fields…..and moreover with Pakistan it’s not war but it’s like a mosquito bite…..although mosquitoes can cause life threatening situations too but these are benign ones……sometimes I feel even carrying weapons into war with them is a waste….. mosquito repellents should be good enough…..

Coming to China…..yes respectable formidable side……but I don’t think there would be a war between the two as both are concerned about economic growth rather than think of other petty issues……and China has a huge landmass…….why would it want to increase its work with war and capture India to increase its work……

Prakash Rai

Nuclear War. I hope no one dares.

as far as if u look at the record of all the wars that india has fought like 1947 1962 1965 1971 1999 i can say that if china and pakistan both gang up to attack india then united states and other western countries might come to indias help… as long as china is involved… the proof of it is in 1962 when US president john f kennedy sent a nimitz aircraft carrier in bay of bengal which forced the chinese to vacate arunachal pradesh…

whereas the west remained a mute spectator when it was only india and pakistan…

although since there is so much domestic terrorism and insurgency in all of these 3 countries going to war will lead to complete destablisation of south asia… so its very unlikely they will go to war..

Keshav Singla

Human beings on all the sides will be at loss.


PRACTICALLY THINKING , PAKISTAN AND CHINESE millitary mindsets are very sharp and cruel.. china’s secret plans and stockpiles of weapons is way ahead of india ad pakistan combined.. china does’nt need pakistan’s aid to defeat india.. india is lagging behind in every aspect from china in defense and attack point of view… and pakistan is not a weak country in terms of millitary…many of our missiles and weapons are still in testing and developmental stage.. so deployment of them fully is at a standstill till 2020 atleast…our social media boasts about india’s power so much that our mindset is very positive for india’s millitary condition which is definitely not enough to beat china…we may have a large army but not as large as china…surely if india vs pakistan-china happens… we can destroy pakistan to a very high level… but china… no ways…

even if we keep india’s secret weapons in mind half of them are in manufacturing stage or in developing stage.. which can cannot be operational by 2020…

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Rejoinder to Dr. Subhash Kapila by Brig,(Retd) Asif Haroon Raja

Rejoinder to Dr. Subhash Kapila


Asif Haroon Raja


Dr. Subhash Kapila has written an article in Eurasia Review the theme of which is,Afghanistan cannot be abandoned to China-Pakistan-Russia Troika. A highly melancholic and distressful picture has been painted by the writer in a bid to remind Donald Trump Administration that Afghanistan is slipping out of the hands of the US and unless urgent and immediate measures are taken to forestall the impending strategic loss, Afghanistan would be lost for good which will have grave consequences for the sole super power. A persuasive wake-up call has been given to inviting Trump to act before it is too late.





Subhash malevolently suggests that China-Pakistan axis now complemented by Russia will overturn the stability of the region. He has rung alarm bells that amidst the din of US Presidential election, Afghanistan has seemingly disappeared from the radar screen of USA and the Troika has fully exploited the vacuum to exploit it to its own advantage and to the disadvantage of Washington.




He sprinkles salt on the emotive feelings of USA by lamenting that the US huge investment and loss of lives of thousands of American soldiers have all gone waste owing to double dealing of Pakistan which the US has been claiming to be its strategic ally. He warned the new US policy makers that the Troika is fully poised to seize the strategic turf of Afghanistan and thus deprive the USA of its influence in Central Asia and Southwest Asia.

One may ask Subhash as to why no concern was shown by him or any Indian writer when the Troika of USA-India-Afghanistan assisted by UK and Israel was formed in 2002 to target Pakistan. The Troika that has caused excessive pain and anguish to Pakistan and its people is still active. All these years, Pakistan was maliciously maligned, ridiculed and discredited and mercilessly bled without any remorse. The objective of the Troika and its supporters was to create chaos and destabilize the whole region which was peaceful till 9/11.

India was in the lead to destabilize, de-Islamize, denuclearize and fragment Pakistan.

The US installed puppet regimes of Hamid Karzai and Ashraf Ghani wholly under the perverse influence of India played a lead role in bleeding Pakistan by allowing so many hostile agencies to use Afghan soil for the accomplishment of their ominous designs.

The vilest sin of the so-called allies of Pakistan was its pretension of friendship and continuously stabbing Pakistan in the guise of friends. Worst was that Pakistan was distrusted and asked to do more against the terrorists funded, trained and equipped by the Troika and was humiliated by saying that it was either incompetent or an accomplice.

Driven by the desire to become the unchallenged policeman of the region and a bulwark against China, India assisted by its strategic allies has been constantly weaving webs of intrigue and subversion and striving hard to encircle and isolate Pakistan.

Proxy wars were ignited in FATA, Baluchistan, and Karachi to politically destabilize Pakistan, weaken its economy and pin down a sizeable size of Army within the three conflict zones so as to create conducive conditions for launching India’s much trumped up Cold Start Doctrine and destroy Pakistan’s armed forces.

India’s national security adviser has admitted that Pakistan has been subjected to his defensive-offensive doctrine to dislocate it through covert war. India’s Home Minister Rajnath Singh has vowed to break Pakistan into ten pieces. Modi has openly admitted that he has established direct links with anti-Pakistan elements in Baluchistan, Gilgit-Baltistan, and Azad Kashmir. He confessed India’s central role in creating Bangladesh in 1971 and has often stated that pain will be caused to Pakistan. This is done by way of acts of terror against innocent civilians including school children, resorting to unprovoked firing across the LoC in Kashmir, and resorting to water terrorism. Pakistan has been repeatedly warned to lay its hands off Kashmir or else lose Baluchistan.

Pakistan has miraculously survived the onslaughts of the Troika and has stunned the world by controlling foreign supported terrorism after recapturing 19 administrative units from the TTP and its allied groups and up sticking all the bases in the northwest, breaking the back of separatist movement in Baluchistan and restoring order in lawless Karachi by dismantling the militant infrastructure of MQM and banned groups. Army, Rangers and Frontier Corps assisted by air force have achieved this miracle of re-establishing writ of the State in all parts of the country. Eighty-five of terrorism has been controlled.

Random terror attacks are now wholly planned and executed from Kunar and Nangarhar in Afghanistan under the patronage of RAW ad NDS and supervised by CIA.

Consequent to the new wave of terrorism last month, Operation Rad-e-Fasaad has been launched as a follow-up of Operation Zarb-e-Azb to net facilitators, handlers, and financiers of terrorists and to demolish sleeping cells in urban centres. The scope of this operation has been extended to all parts of the country, and all the three services are taking part in it to cleanse Pakistan from the presence of paid mercenaries and fifth columnists.

Implementation of 20 points of National Action Plan is being religiously expedited to eliminate the scourge of terrorism. Afghan refugees are being returned and management of western border radically improved to prevent infiltration of terrorists.

Terrorism can however not be rooted out unless root causes that heighten extremism are addressed, and the bases in Afghanistan, as well as the patrons stoking terrorism, remain operative.

Pakistan has overcome energy crisis, considerably improved its macroeconomics and its stature in the world. Operationalization of CPEC, hosting of ECO meeting and holding of PSL cricket finals in Lahore have broken the myth of isolation.

Pakistan has made its defense impregnable by raising the level of minimum nuclear deterrence to full spectrum deterrence. Robust conventional and nuclear capability together with stable political and economic conditions have thwarted India’s desire to attack Pakistan overtly.

India and its strategic allies have been stopped in their tracks and left with no choice but to contend with covert war supplemented with propaganda war and coercive tactics to give vent to their pent-up anger.

India which is the chief villain of peace is deeply perturbed and is shedding tears over its failures and loss of billions spent on proxies to detach FATA, Baluchistan, Karachi and AJK from Pakistan, or to disable Pakistan’s nuclear program. The rapid progress made by CPEC has made the deadly Troika more rancorous.

Finding that its nasty game plan has run into snags with little chance of recovery, and above all Afghanistan is slithering away because of a resurgence of Taliban and ostensible insouciance of Washington, India is once again making efforts to provoke Trump and ruffle his feathers, the way it had efficaciously prevailed upon George Bush and Obama. It is now working on a new theme of demonizing so-called Troika of China-Russia-Pakistan, which is so far not in existence and is an illusion. Subhash is among the propaganda brigade selling this illusory theme and is suggesting that the so-called Troika have hegemonic and military designs against Afghanistan.

CPEC is an economic venture aimed at promoting peace and friend socalled Troika have hegemony in the region as a whole. It promises goodwill, harmony, and mutual prosperity through connectivity. Both China and Pakistan shun war mongering, proxy wars and psy operations to disparage others. The duo is bereft of colonial or quasi-colonial designs against any country. Since its memo is altogether different from the imperialist agenda of Indo-US-Israel, it threatens to unravel the global ambitions of the trio.

Whereas Afghanistan has not accepted the British demarcated Durand Line as a border with Pakistan and has been supportive of Pakhtunistan stunt, Pakistan has no disputes with Afghanistan and has always treated it as a brotherly Muslim neighbor.

Repeated invitations to India and Afghanistan to join CPEC and reap its benefits have been turned down. Both are complacent that CPEC will be a non-starter without an inclusion of peaceful Afghanistan, ignoring the fact that they are getting isolated. Moreover, a new route from Kazakhstan via Wakhan corridor is in pipeline which will bypass Afghanistan.

While China and Pakistan have jointly embarked upon the journey of peace and friendship and are attracting many countries, Russia is still hesitant and has so far not formally joined the bandwagon of CPEC which has great potential and has grandiose plans to link South Asia with Central Asia, Middle East, and Africa and eventually Europe.

Russia’s hesitation is owing to the fear of losing defence and economic markets in India. However, seeing the bright scope of CPEC and motivated by its age-old quest for warm waters, Russia will sooner than later abandon India because of Indo-US military agreements and gravitate towards CPEC. Recent developments have given a loud message to India that Russia is tilting towards Pakistan.

One of the reasons of Russia’s tilt is worsening security situation in Afghanistan which has turned into a big mess and is beyond the capacity of USA and Ghani regime to sort it out. Growing presence of Daesh in Afghanistan has alarmed Moscow since the declared objective of this branch of Daesh is to re-establish ancient Khorasan, which comprised of parts of Central Asia, Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan. The runaway TTP leaders Fazlullah, Khalid Omar and several others have tagged their names with Khorasani and have made Kunar-Nuristan as the base camp for the making of Khorasan.

Russia knows that CIA, Mossad, and RAW are secretly aligned with Daesh and are killing two birds with one stone. The threat of Daesh has impelled Russia to evince greater interest in Afghan affairs and there are reports that it is supplying arms to the Taliban to enable them to tackle the new threat. Some are saying, that Moscow might intervene in Afghanistan the way it had intervened in Syria on the pretext of grappling with Daesh.

If so, it might trigger a proxy war between the two big powers which will prolong the agony of people of Afghanistan as well as of Pakistan because of the spillover effect. This is exactly what India wants so as to retain its nuisance value in Afghanistan.

Will Trump get enticed and blindly jump into the same inferno from which Obama had extracted 1, 30,000 troops in December 2014 with great difficulty, and lose whatever prestige the US is left with by reinforcing failure?

Or else, he will stick to his policy of curtailing defence expenditure and pull out the 12000 strong Resolute Support Group and stop paying $8.1 billion annually to the corrupt regime in Kabul and inept Afghan security forces?

Or he takes a saner decision by making USA part of Russia-China-Pakistan grouping to arrive at a political settlement in Afghanistan and also opt to join CPEC and improve the economy of USA?

Making a realistic appraisal of the ground situation, the last option seems more viable and profitable for the USA, while the second option is dicey, and the first option will spell disaster.

The writer is retired Brig, a war veteran, defence analyst, columnist, author of five books, Vice Chairman Thinkers Forum Pakistan, DG Measac Research Centre and Member Executive Council Ex-Servicemen Society. Takes part in TV programs. [email protected]       


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‘Rejection of Discord and Disharmony’ Taking out bad to worst dudes Humayun Gauhar










Pakistan Today                                                         Sunday 26th February 2017


‘Rejection of Discord and Disharmony’

 Taking out bad to worst dudes


Humayun Gauhar


Are we witnessing the last days of Nawaz Sharif? I don’t know so perilous is our situation and so perfidious have our ruling classes become. It can be said with a certain modicum of confidence though that we are witnessing the beginning of the end. How long it takes is anyone’s guess.


Whether Nawaz Sharif stays or goes matters little in the long sweep of things. His departure will cause temporary titillation to many and fuel our loquacious chattering class and chai khanas, but then what? Another election? In this odious system, we will only get another Nawaz Sharif or Asif Zardari. So?


The question that matters most is: are we witnessing the end of our putrid, loathsome political system that throws up gangsters, plunderers, and killers? If that is so, then there is much to celebrate for change for the better is better than no change at all. Hopefully, it will be a change toward a just and egalitarian system that would rid us of this huge gang of thieves who have not only occupied every lever of government but of business and agriculture as well and everything that comes with them. All — repeat all — institutions and regulatory bodies have collapsed: you only have to meet or even see their heads and you will believe me even though they are unbelievable.


The good thing that may come out of Nawaz Sharif’s departure is the process of change to another system. That means changing the Constitution that has been reduced to a joke by repeated governments, legislatures and unelectable goofs masquerading as politicians. That’s all very well, but how can change take place that is good and lasting? Who will do it? The army? Forsooth. They have tried it four times before and not only fallen flat on their faces every time, shining stars and all, but created and left behind many of our greatest problems for us to suffer. Our biggest problems are our political leaders: remember that Bhutto, Nawaz Sharif and Altaf Hussain are all creatures of the army, as are many others. So are the Taliban, Afghan, and Pakistani, as too numerous other terrorist groups. So too the vice-like economic and political embrace of America that has put us into neo-colonialism. Now, fittingly, the army is left to clean up its own mess, to put it politely. Yes, he who makes a mess should clean it too.



Ajit Doval, Head of India’s RAW Spreads Terror in Pakistan

Image result for Ajit Doval Terrorist Subversive Promotor



What compounds our problems is that many if not most of these terrorist groups have been taken over by our neighbours to the left of us and to the right of us. To the front of us across the seven seas is our greatest ‘ally’, financier and ‘banker’ of last resort that also uses these neighbours against us. Even worse, they also run many of our politicians in power and outside, media, academia and what have you. All this destabilizes Pakistan further. Worse still, the place is crawling with Indian, Afghan and American spies, many of whom are Pakistanis to boot. Many of our terrorists are foreigners too.


Whose fault is it? Squarely our governments and only our governments for not recognizing right from wrong, for not knowing what is good for us and what is not. It also lies on us the people for getting inveigled into repeatedly ‘electing’ and tolerating such misleading ‘leaders’ and accepting this alien political system that works not for them but for their oppressors. That’s called ‘democracy’ Pakistani style, a ‘democracy’ that only creates civilian dictatorships worse than military dictatorships.  


So who can change the system? As world history shows, it has to be “we the people”, if necessary at the point of a sword.


To top it all, there is the Panama scandal that has embroiled Nawaz Sharif and family in plunder and corruption untold. It has been so embarrassing for us that our prime minister, his wife, and children, defended by their courtiers and courtesans like well-trained hounds, that one feels loathe talking about it to foreigners. But talk we must, if nothing else because that’s all we seem to be good at. Thus a desperate people are coming up with all sorts of bizarre but diverting theories. The best is: will Nawaz Sharif lose or will the Supreme Court? If it is the latter then Pakistan loses and we will be left with no civilian institution at all, only the army but for how long without a strong civilian government to back it?


Meantime, Pakistan’s economy is in a steep nosedive from which pulling up is becoming very difficult if not already impossible. But remember that ashes are a necessary precondition for a phoenix to rise.


In all this multifaceted mess Pakistan has reached the inflection point, to put it mildly. No wonder that the military has finally been forced to do what the ‘elected’ governments despised doing: go after terrorists of all ilk countrywide. Thus the military has launched an operation to root out this menace through the length and breadth of Pakistan. They call it, confusingly, ‘Raad ul Fasaad’ which is better spelled ‘Rudd ul Fasad’. ‘Raad’ (or ‘Rudd’) means ‘rejection’ and the Quranic word ‘Fasad’ means discord and disharmony. So it means, literally, ‘Rejection of Discord and Disharmony’.


But it’s not so simple. You cannot get rid of Fasad without getting rid of ‘Fitna’ that causes Fasad. ‘Fitna’ literally mean mischief-maker or mischief-makers. That means getting rid of economic terrorism, people or groups or countries that enable, finance, help, and give refuge etc. to terrorists in their personal and official capacities. That includes Pakistanis and foreigners, individuals, organizations, and governments local and foreign. In Pakistan, our Fitnas are our governments and politicians, many of our seminaries and sermon-spewing mullahs in mosques, some journalists in print and television, academia, the bureaucracy and yes, many people in the military, though it seems the last are declining. And many others.


When they launched anti-terrorist operations in the mountains and countryside, apart from Karachi, they would have known that many terrorists would melt away into the cities, as too India and Afghanistan. But fighting guerilla wars in cities is another kettle of fish. It could cause great destruction and loss of innocent civilian lives. Just look at Aleppo and Mosul: all rubble. 


Some wiseacres say that the launching of the countrywide military operation is a hidden coup — a coup behind a veil. Good, because the usual upfront coup will come to a cropper as usual, not because the army as a whole lacks patriotism but because of lack of understanding of how to run a complicated and diverse country like Pakistan. They’re not trained for it.


A useful coincidence is that the army will also be conducting the much-delayed countrywide census beginning next month from March. Perfect time for it not only to count all citizens but also to check all abodes for hidden weapons and terrorists.


I’ll not even try to address the mindless question whether the “army and the civilian government are on the same page”. Patently they are not; else either the prime minister or at least his interior minister would have announced the operation. The prime minister is wasting time gallivanting in Turkey; the interior minister is nowhere to be seen. The prime minister was obviously not even asked; he was just informed and there was precious little he could do about it. That is the fruit of dereliction of duty.


To underline how wonky our priorities have become, most people are taken up with the irrelevant question of holding the final of the cricket Pakistan Super League in Lahore. What will that prove? It will require the waste of time of many law enforcement personnel apart from a colossal waste of money that could be better used in improving the human condition. They think that it will prove that Pakistan is not a terrorism-prone country. Tell that to the sailors. Yes, it will further bloat a lot of already bloated egos and prolong many a job of the unfit, that’s all.


To be sure what’s happening in Pakistan is not in a vacuum. It is part of the great global change that is taking place, the shift of the political, military and economic center of gravity from east to west. Which side the camel sits on and what color the new skin the Leviathan takes remains to be seen, but at the risk of sounding racist, it could be yellow and the world could be eating with chopsticks in the not too distant future. I love China and the Chinese.


[email protected]


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India: The New Face of Global Terrorism




Research and Analysis Wing of India








U.S. Congressman: Declare India a Terrorist State, Congratulates Council of Khalistan on It’s 11th Anniversary

WASHINGTON, October 8 — “The United States must declare India a terrorist state,” said Congressman Edolphus Towns (D-NY) in a Congressional statement on October 6. He cited a recent statement by Kuldip Nayar, a member of the Rajiya Sabha, the upper house of India’s Parliament, that a Pakistani attack on the village of Doda was an act of retaliation for India’s actions in the Pakistani state of Sindh. “Nayar, a veteran journalist and former Indian Ambassador to the United Kingdom who is now a member of the upper house of India’s Parliament, admitted that India is a terrorist state,” Congressman Towns said. “How long will it take for America to admit it?” “Unfortunately, Mr. Nayar’s remarks ignore another aspect of Indian state terrorism: the tyranny it has inflicted on the Sikhs, the Christians of Nagaland, the Muslims of Kashmir, and others,” Representative Towns said. The Indian government has murdered more than 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, over 200,000 Christians in Nagaland since 1947, about 60,000 Muslims in Kashmir since 1988, and tens of thousands of Assamese, Manipuris, Tamils, Dalits the aboriginal people of South Asia), and others. Over 50,000 Sikhs have “disappeared” and thousands languish in Indian jails, some since 1984. In November 1984, the Hitavada newspaper reported that the Indian government paid the late Governor of Punjab, $1.5 billion to foment state terrorism. Recently, the VHP, an organization affiliated with the ruling BJP, publicly endorsed the rape of four nuns in Madhya Pradesh. “In this light, the United States must declare India a terrorist state,” Towns said. “We must then impose all the sanctions that we impose on a terrorist state. This will be a good step towards ending the terrorism and restoring freedom to all the people of South Asia,” he added. Congressman Towns also took note of the anniversary of the Sikh Nation’s declaration of an independent Khalistan and the formation of the Council of Khalistan. “I congratulate the Council and its President, Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, on this important occasion,” he said. “The Sikhs have a history of self-rule,” Representative Towns said. “They ruled Punjab from 1765 and 1849 and were recognized by most of the world’s major countries. They were promised an independent state at the time of India’s independence,” Towns said, “but were given false promises to keep them within India’s artificial borders. Not one Sikh representative has ever signed the Indian constitution to this day, 51 years later,” he said. “Now the Sikhs seek to reclaim their national status.” “When the Serbian dictator institutes a campaign of ‘ethnic cleansing’ in Bosnia or Kosovo, we recognize that this is a clear example of a government which is destroying liberty, not upholding it,” Towns said, “yet when India commits genocide against Sikhs, Christians, Muslims, and others, many members of this House proudly defend it as ‘the world’s largest democracy’,” he said. “On behalf of the Sikh Nation, I thank Congressman Towns for his comments,” said Dr. Aulakh. “India has spent over a billion dollars to foment state terrorism. I thank Congressman Towns for exposing this brutal regime. Leaders like Ed Towns are helping to bring freedom closer for all the people of South Asia,” he said.

Anniversary of Council of Khalistan

WASHINGTON, October 6 — Wednesday, October 7 marks the eleventh anniversary of Khalistan’s declaration of independence and the founding of the Council of Khalistan. The Council of Khalistan serves as the government pro tempore of Khalistan. It leads the peaceful, democratic, nonviolent struggle to liberate Khalistan from Indian occupation. The Council of Khalistan has made the Western world aware of the plight of the Sikh Nation, preserved Sikh history, assisted asylum applicants, exposed the atrocities of the Indian government and the betrayal of the Sikh Nation by the Akali government, produced more written material than any other Sikh organization, and consistently promoted the cause of Sikh freedom. “We are very proud of our achievements over the past eleven years,” said Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, President of the Council of Khalistan. “No other Sikh organization has been a consistent voice for the well-being of the Sikh Nation for so long,” he said. “We could not have done it without the support of the Khalsa Panth,” he said. “We thank the Sikh Nation for supporting us for eleven years and I ask for your continued support until the job is done.” Because of the efforts of the Council of Khalistan, the U.S. Congress has been made aware of the plight of the Sikh Nation. When Prime Minister Vajpayee came to the United Nations in New York, he was blasted in Congress by Congressman Edolphus Towns (D-N.Y.) Towns noted the flyer circulated at the demonstration, which said that “the Indian government’s main mission is Hindu, Hindi, Hindustan. There is no room for Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, or Christians. A religiously intolerant government can never be democratic.” He called for a plebiscite on independence in Punjab, Khalistan. On October 2, U.S. Congressman John Doolittle (R-Cal.) issued a statement condemning the rape of four nuns in Madhya Pradesh. “This terrible incident shows that it is not safe to be a member of a religious minority in Hindu India,” he said. “India’s claims of secularism and democracy are suspect.” He urged Congress to “maintain pressure on India until all the people of South Asia are free” and called for “self-determination for all states throughout the subcontinent.” Congressman Towns also made a statement noting the remarks of Sharad Pawar, the Leader of the Opposition in the Indian Lok Sabha (Parliament) that India could go the way of the Soviet Union. “Pawar said that India’s missiles should not make it overconfident about keeping the country together,” Congressman Towns said. “The decline of India is inevitable, Mr. Speaker, for many of the same reasons that doomed the Soviet Union,” Towns said. “I think I speak for most of us here when I say that I hope it happens in a peaceful way like the Soviet breakup did. Otherwise there is the danger of another Yugoslavia in South Asia.” All three statements mentioned Dr. Aulakh and the Council of Khalistan. The Indian government has murdered more than 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, over 200,000 Christians in Nagaland since 1947, almost 60,000 Kashmiri Muslims since 1988, and tens of thousands of Assamese, Tamils, Manipuris, Dalits, and others. The U.S. State Department reported that the Indian government paid over 41,000 cash bounties to police officers for killing Sikhs. The police have abducted more than 50,000 young Sikhs, tortured and murdered them, then their bodies were declared unidentified and cremated. The only way for the Sikh Nation to live in peace and progress is to free Khalistan.

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