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Posts Tagged Sikh Victimization in India. RSSGoons Threaten Sikh Farmers

UK-India relations tense as Dominic Raab under pressure to raise farmers protests and Jagtar Singh Johal case

Baba Guru Nanak University

University in Nankana Sahib, Pakistan


Baba Guru Nanak University is under construction international university that is located in Nankana Sahib, Punjab, Pakistan, the birthplace of Guru Nanak. On 28 October 2019, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan laid the foundation stone of the University. Wikipedia

AddressNankana Sahib, Punjab, Pakistan

FoundedJanuary 2020
Campus107 acres


UK-India relations tense as Dominic Raab under pressure to raise farmers protests and Jagtar Singh Johal case


London – 15 December 2020


Over 100 Conservative MPs, including Ministers have been contacted since Boris’s gaffe in PMQs last week on the mistreatment of peaceful farmers protesting in India.


All Conservative MPs who have responded have indicated they were disappointed with Boris Johnson’s lack of awareness and response with the totally inappropriate reference to Pakistan.


It is understood Dominic Raab, the Foreign Secretary also met with Conservative MPs before he left for his 4-day trip to India and human rights violations in India, the violent reaction of police to the farmers peaceful protest and the case of Jagtar Singh Johal are understood to have been raised.

Boris Johnson is also believed to be under pressure to apologise for the farmer gaffe to Pakistan PM, Imran Khan for inappropriately mentioning Pakistan in his reply to Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi at PMQs.


Liberal Democrat party leader, Ed Davey also raised concerns before Dominic Raab left for India by describing the farmers legislation as controversial, the use of “militarised police” against protesters and the need to respect human rights. 


He urged Dominic Raab to raise these with the Indian government and make representations on the human rights situation for farmers.


Dominic Raab was expected to raise the farmer protests and Jagtar Singh Johal with External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar today.


Boris Johnson is expected to come under intense pressure to call off his visit to India in January for the 26 January Republic Day celebrations given the famers protests and domestic issues.




Harnek Singh
National Press Secretary
Sikh Federation (UK)


The Sikh Federation (UK) is by far the largest, most prominent and influential campaigning Sikh organisation in the UK that leads on political engagement for the British Sikh community.  The organisation is often referred to as the first and only Sikh political party.  The Sikh community in the UK and throughout the diaspora look to the organisation for leadership and direction.

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