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Posts Tagged Altaf Hussain Absconder

BRITISH TERRORIST ALTAF HUSSAIN’S REMOTE CONTROLLED WAR ON PAKISTAN: Karachi turning into a new Beirut, says French political scientist

A foreign sponsored terrorist, Altaf Hussain has turned Karachi into new Beirut. This demonic and evil to the core personality initiated the descent of Karachi into hell. He sits fat and pretty in London, under the care and protection of the British Government and sponsors terror killings in Karachi. The British are hypocrites. They protect and promote terrorism directed against Pakistan from a quiet street in London. The British hypocrites extracted hundreds of “terrorism suspects,” from Pakistan, but adamantly refuse the hand-over the absconder  andNo.1. Terrorist from Pakistan. And, then they ask the question, “Why do they hate us.” They hate you, because of your duplicitous, conniving colonial character, and crusade based embedded hatred of Islam and Muslims.

The Mutahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), led by self-exiled leader, Altaf Hussain, tops the list of target killers and extortionists in Karachi, a police report revealed on Thursday.

The report presented before the Supreme Court by the Inspector General Police Sindh says that 224 target killers and extortionists (bhatta khur) have been arrested since 2011.

Those arrested include 81 MQM’s target killers and ‘bhatta khur’, the report said, tabled during the hearing of Karachi’s lawlessness case. 







Karachi turning into a new Beirut, says French political scientist

Khawar Ghumman  
ISLAMABAD, Feb 20, 2013: 
Political violence, ethnic divide and militant organisations being patronised by political parties is turning Karachi into the new Beirut, according to a visiting French political scientist.
Laurent Gayer, a French political scientist, who is writing a book “Karachi: Ordered Disorder and the Struggle for the City”, that will be published by Hurst and Oxford University Pressthis year, made these observations during a lecture here on Wednesday. The Centre for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) hosted the scholar.
He said though the metropolitan city was facing multiple menaces in the form of lawlessness, targeted killings, sectarian strife for quite some time, de-regularisation of Bhatta mafias within political parties and entry of new competitors in the arena had made the life of the city’s industrial community simply hellish.
Quoting his interviews with some people belonging to the business community of Karachi, Mr Gayer said although they had been paying protection money for the last two decades,coercion for money from more than half a dozen entities had become simply unbearable. Many of them (businessmen) are planning to shift their business either to Middle Eastern countries or Bangladesh, the researcher quoted them as saying.
In his findings, the researcher also likened Karachi with Mumbai in terms of social leadership, where local political parties had their fully armed militant wingsBut the nature of violence increased with the influx of arms from the Afghan war, he said. Karachi city at the moment was awash with the most modern weaponry, which political parties across the board were using against each other, said the writer.

According to the French political scientist, violence in Karachi was not existential but instrumentalMr Gayer said the proliferation of political armed groups started in 2007, linking it with the involvement of Awami National Party (ANP) and Aman Committees of the PPP. He said that all socio-religious and political parties were increasingly using violent means in order to make their presence felt, which had made the metropolitan city simply ungovernable.


“The way how violence is transforming is very difficult for people to handle. Weapons are used indiscriminately in which civilians lose their lives, the last few years saw extremely important transformation of violence”, he remarked.

Karachi’s situation, he said, had become more violent after the involvement of Sunni Tehrik and Sipah-i-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), which besides fighting for its own turf, were also pitched against each other. The MQM, which was initially more focused against the ANP, was now facing a new challenge in the form of Taliban — found in various pockets of the city, said the writer.


The Taliban, according to the author had been using the city, not only for generation of money through kidnapping for ransom but also for recuperation of its injured and tired members. Analysing the changing demography of the city, the French political scientist argued that the Sindhi population was increasing and the Urdu speaking community were no more in the majority.


“The pre-violence history of Karachi shows that clustering of Karachi happened after shifting of people from mixed areas but groupings started on the basis of ethnic, linguistic and sectarian basis. Hegemony of MQM is increasingly under threat which it is wrongly trying to project as Talibanisation of the city” he underlined.


During the question-answer session, Mr Gayer said that since the government machinery was directly involved in extortion, killings and other criminal acts, there was absolutely no chance of any improvement in governance of the city in the near future.



Mr Gayer has also collaborated with Mr Christophe Jaffrelot in two books, which include “Armed Militias of South Asia: Fundamentalists, Maoists and Separatists” and “Muslims in Indian Cities: Trajectories of Marginalisation”, both  published by Hurst/Columbia University Press. His first single-authored book, “Karachi: Ordered Disorder and the Struggle for the City”, will be published by Hurst and Oxford University Press in 2013.


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Amb.Saeed Qureshi : Why doesn’t the Government establish its Writ in Karachi?

Why doesn’t the Government establish its Writ in Karachi?


 Amb.Saeed Qureshi


How many more dead bodies, the human draculas want to devour in Karachi? Why the government does not restore its write in troubled Karachi? The governments of both Sindh province and the federal are unconcerned spectators to see the bloodletting mayhem going on. The murderous mafias and monstrous gangs have divided Karachi into various zones and maintain their merciless sway on these.

Their operatives freely and daringly loot the banks, grab the land, occupy the houses, trade in narcotics and lethal drugs and force the business community to pay them the demanded sums of money. If they refuse they are kidnapped, tortured and killed.

The people of Karachi have been living through this nerve-shattering situation for a decade or so. The outlaws challenge the government law-enforcement agencies and kill the policemen and intelligence operatives with impunity. Many prominent social activists and public figures engaged in the service of the people have been eliminated. There is a hair-raising escalation in the bloody feuds in Karachi and there seems to be no let up in that savagery.

The latest gruesome murder is that of an academic, Professor Sibte Jaffar ostensibly for sectarian vendetta. The callous assassin refuse to acknowledge that the deceased professor besides being a Shia faithful, was also a human being and had a family to support.  Prior to that grisly assassination, the Director of Orangi housing project and a highly dedicated social figure Perveen Rehman was gunned down. Are the sectarian mafias getting too strong as to wrest the control from the police and law enforcement agencies and kill anyone on their own bidding?

The government with its resources and a huge network of police, rangers and army has remained aloof and from its silence one would be tempted to infer that the power wielders and the political parties could also be behind this tattered social peace in Karachi. One of the strident reasons that would deter the people from voting for the PPP and its coalition partners is the government’s utter failure to protect the lives of the citizens and save businesses of this country from killers and extortionists.

On daily basis headless or tortured corpses are found in various areas of Karachi. Businesses and industrial activity is grinding to a standstill as a result of the specter of horror let loose on Karachi by the heinous criminals stalking in the length and breadth of Karachi. There is no check on them and no conscious or planned operation has been launched to stem this macabre piling of dead bodies of the human beings.

Elections apart, the most pressing need is to stop the killer gangs and dangerous mafias from killing the people at free will or in mutual fight for controlling their delineated zones in Karachi. Is Karachi a city becoming like Beirut where similar horrendous environment was in vogue for years together? Even in Baghdad, where sectarian bad blood between Sunnis and Shias has been rife for ages, is no match to Karachi’s worsening spectacle. Karachi is not a war zone like Syrian cities yet life is equally unsafe in this city as in Kabul, Damascus and Aleppo.

Karachi is burning and the social and business life is turning into ashes due to the utter apathy and callous indifference of the authorities. Who else can bridle these raging orgies of human blood and an avalanche of civil war and from turning this largest city into a killing-field? I have no hope. Let us not wait for the elections as that would take a couple of months more and one can only shudder how many precious lives would be lost by that time.

Even elections cannot be held peacefully in such a dangerous and unstable environment as the rival parties could use the goons to either snatch votes, coerce the voters for the candidate of their choice. There could be shooting and gun battles and kidnapping of the voters on the polling stations.  Such sinister happenings could jeopardize the pristine objective of fair and free elections.

The writer is a senior journalist and a former diplomat

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