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Posts Tagged 3000 Muslims Massacred by Hindu Extremists

Hindu Infested Quora Portal:Cobra Venom Sampler: Indian Hindus Still Cannot Accept Existence of Pakistan

Notice: How the malicious topic is sneaked in by Quora.com
Topic: Do Pakistanis secretly regret the partition and are they willing to see Pakistan merge back into India?
Vikram H

As an indian who has many pakistani friends, here’s what I can tell you.

1. The ones that live closest to the border, seem to hate India the most. They say seperation was the best thing possible.  Some of these guys are very religious, and I barely get along with them. Examples my
Kashmiri( extreme), lahorians friends get uptight, when talking about India. I’m guessing since the pak army is at border, they will be obviously be more anti-indian and harbour pro partition views.

2. The karachi fellows seemed to be quite moderate. Praised india quite often about its progress, bollywood and economy. One guy felt the two countries where alike  and  personally told me partition shouldn’t have happened. He even came to the temple with me. Again he came from a liberal muslim family. Also, he has some relatives living in India.

3. The pashtun ones mainly from KP province don’t say much about partition. Past is the past for them, and they want to move on.

So there you have it!

Fahad Khan

Actually No, you have seen Bombs, dead bodies and Blasts, but still Pakistanis are proud of being Pakistani. Pakistan has it’s own importance in whole world, if there wouldnt be Pakistan in between then there are many things you wont be seeing. So, they don’t regret but they’re proud of that Partition. Pakistan Zindabad.

Syed Fawad Hussain

This question isn’t asked to me but i just want to add an opinion if you don’t mind. Brother in my whole life i haven’t met a single Pakistani who has regrets upon this issue of partition. Maybe somewhere the people can be there but i lived in three provinces of Pakistan out of four and i haven’t met a single person who said that we regret on this that we have got our independent state.
I don’t want to hurt anyone,maybe some Indian people will be there but when i started interacting with Indian muslims and when i started watching Indian current affair programs, I swear i said thanks to Allah that we are independent. Only this i can say about this. And i am a Pakistani and i feel thankful that we are independent free muslim state.

Debakanta Sandha
Editors Note: this poor guy had very poor spellings, we had to correct even his malicious misspelling of Pakistan

Pakistani people may like to join back India but the political leaders will be deadly against of it. India is having maximum amount of money in Swiss bank at same time Pakistan is standing as second position. It is simple to understand. India is having natural resources like coal, iron, aluminium,petrolium,thorium,cupper, gold, heavy quantity of electricity, asia famous fertilisers, world famous textiles saling which political leaders lunder the money and fill their account. Same time Pakisthan is bringing money from China, USA etc to create the dispute on the name of bringing Kashmir and fill their accounts in Swiss. So, it is very clear that the leaders in Pakistan must not want to join back India.


Akshay Kasture
May be.
Because 2 years ago I saw a Pakistani talk show on Youtube where a so called expert was talking on same topic(merger of Pakistan in INDIA) according to him ::
Even if Pakistan tries somehow to merge into India ..India will not accept the merger because India aims to be not only Regional Power but also Super power .
India will not anyhow accept Pakistan because Pakistan is so much backword in each and every aspect …
Recently I saw whatsapp video where a Pakistani Leader was literally crying in their assembly and regretting
what they did in 60 years of Independence was nothing but Hatred .
And I saw many pakis regretting on social media platforms..
So..they may be unhappy with idea of Pakistan.

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Modi Led the Gujarat Riots By Sajjad Shaukat



Modi Led the Gujarat Riots


Sajjad Shaukat



The 2002 Gujarat riots were a three-day period of communal violence in the Indian state of Gujarat by extremist Hindus under the guidance and command of the Indian Prime Minister Narinder Modi who was chief minister of Gujarat and mastermind the massacre of the Muslims.


Besides the previous massacre of Muslims, more than 2500 Muslims were killed in the BJP-ruled Indian state of Gujarat where horrible scenes of arson, mutation, and rape were perpetrated by the Hindu extremists against the unarmed Muslims.


Regarding that massive genocide, both Human Rights Watch in 2002 and Amnesty International in 2003 charged the “Gujarat state administration” for involvement in “a massive cover-up of the state’s role in that massacres” and pointed out numerous police officials—specifically ministers, high officials and leaders of the fundamentalist outfits such as VHP, BJP and Bajrang Dal as participants.






While Modi’s involvement in Gujarat riots is without any doubt. In this regard, Rana Ayub in his book, “Gujarat files- Anatomy of A Cover-up” and Manoj Mitha in his book, “The Fiction of Fact Finding”, and Sreekumar in his Book “Gujarat behind the Curtain” have proved Modi’s involvement in the genocide of the Muslims in Gujarat.


In this context, in an open letter published in “the Guardian” on April 10, 2014, even most well-respected international intellectuals of India held Modi as the main culprit behind the massacre of Muslims in Gujarat.






According to Ashish Nandy, “The Gujarat pogroms were not just about the number of helpless victims killed (over 3000) and rendered homeless (several hundred thousand). It was about the sheer planning, the brutality, the maniacal genocide that was perpetrated against a population for days on end…Narendra Modi did not only shamelessly preside over the riots and act as the chief patron of rioting gangs, the vulgarities of his utterances have been a slur on civilized public life. His justifications of the riots, too, sound uncannily like that of Slobodan Milosevic, the Serbian president, and mass murderer…facing trial for his crimes against humanity. I often wonder these days why those active in human rights groups in India and abroad have not yet tried to get international summons issued against Modi for colluding with the murder of hundreds and for attempted ethnic cleansing. If Modi’s behavior till now is not a crime against humanity, what is?”


In this connection, following Gujarat riots in 2002 and State collusion, a US Commission for international religious freedom (USCIRF) established that the then Gujarat Chief Minister Modi was linked to communal riots in a significant way. It also pointed that Modi’s ministerial colleague Maya Kodnani was fully involved in the massacre of Muslims. Following its findings, the Commission recommended a US visa ban for Modi.


And the Chairperson of the Commission Katrina Lantos Swett went further to recommend India to be placed in Tier 2 countries on religious freedom.  Tier 2 countries are those countries where religious persecution and other violations of religious freedom are either promoted with State connivance or tolerated by the government-in-charge.


Notably, a report of the British High Commission in India said that the pogroms in Gujarat in 2002 “had all the hallmarks of ethnic cleansing and reconciliation between Hindus and Muslims is impossible, while the Chief Minister Modi remains in power.” The report also said, “Far from being spontaneous…this massacre was planned, possibly months in advance, carried out by extremist Hindu organizations with the support of the state government headed by Modi.”


Meanwhile, various investigations failed in indicating the real culprits of Hindu terrorism in Gujarat as they were high officials or police officers of the Indian government. Therefore, the Supreme Court of India had ordered a fresh probe on March 25, 2008, but the same also remains inconclusive due to concealment of evidence against the culprits who are members of the dominating political parties of the country. Since the BJP-led Mod became Indian prime minister, covert interference of his government and those of the fundamentalist parties—BJP and RSS in the investigations of Gujarat riots have kept the case under the carpet.


Despite eyewitness testimony, implicating the highest elected political officials, justice continues to evade the victims. In a recent development, 70 accused persons of Gujrat pogrom were set free by the court.


It is mentionable that the US government had denied a visa to Modi on the basis of his involvement in Gujarat pogroms, however, after his election as Indian prime minister, the stance of American government changed to his favor. It shows double standard of America. Washington which also prefers India over Pakistan is providing New Delhi with latest arms and equipment at the cost of Pakistan.


The US has set aside the facts that India has broken all the records of violence, genocide, and massacre perpetrated on various ethnic and religious groups entailing the community of its own lower castes. Apparently, India claims to be the largest democracy, acting upon the principles of liberalism and secularism, yet in practice, all political, economic and social fields of the country are controlled by the BJP government which itself is under the influence of the RSS, and is fulfilling extremist agenda of the later.


It is surprising that theoretically, Indian Constitution safeguards the rights of minorities, but in practice, the ideology of Hindutva (Hindu nationalism) prevails. Hindu majority led by the BJP has shown complete disregard for it, and commit excesses and cruelties against Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and Dalits with impunity.


Hindu politics and culture, dominated by the fundamentalist parties such as BJP, VHP, Shiv Sena and RSS including other extremist outfits have been propagating Hindutva.


Nonetheless, Narendra Modi, the then Chief Minister of Gujarat who masterminded and led the Muslim massacre has, reportedly, destroyed all the documents related to the 2002 genocide of the Muslims. Keeping his past record, it can be forecasted easily that minorities in India will face further persecution and barbarity at the hands of Hindu extremists and more incident of Gujarat-like riots will take place as Modi is in power saddles.


Email: [email protected]

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