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Pakistan: Leaders or Criminals

Pakistan: Leaders or Criminals


By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.










[At least 55 people were killed and more than 150 injured in a lethal suicide attack on the Pakistan side of Wagah border. Photo courtesy Times of India.]

Leaders with No accountability and No Shame

Pakistan is in ruins. The nation and its iinstitutions, law and justice, commerce, thinking hubs, political governance all appear dysfunctional and self-contradictory. Eroding freedom of thought and action speaks of the missing accountability of the political elite. The nation is fast becoming a victim of the US planned blue-print being used in Iraq. Vengeful sectarian killings and dismantling of economic, political and moral infrastructures is used to incapacitate the nation by its own sadistic rulers. All fighting against each other to end the very existence by collective madness. The paid Pakistani political and security agents are instrumental in carrying out heinous crimes. Increasingly, and without any logical redress, common citizens are the targets of the political cruelty. No wonder, once conditions favorable to cruelty are ote:established, it spreads like frightening wildfire. The governance demonstrates a dead-ended political conscience at the expense of the interests of the people. After a decade-old American entrapment in the bogus war on terrorism, the country has lost the energy and capacity to deal with any major problem of security or national unity. The foreign agenda is focused on breaking the moral and spiritual lifelines of the Pakistani nation by its own agents of influence. There are no brave and proactive politicians to stop the continuing political stagnation. The nation faces colossal disaster day in and day out but nobody is held accountable for the crimes. The Generals are convenient spectators and Nawaz Sharif is happy, the herd is politically manageable to complete his inherently fraudulent term of office as prime minister.

Pakistan is in ruins. The nation and its institutions, law and justice, commerce, thinking hubs, political governance all appear dysfunctional and self-contradictory. Eroding freedom of thought and action speaks of the missing accountability of the political elite. The nation is fast becoming a victim of the US planned blue-print being used in Iraq. Vengeful sectarian killings and dismantling of economic, political and moral infrastructures is used to incapacitate the nation by its own sadistic rulers. All fighting against each other to end the very existence by collective madness. The paid Pakistani political and security agents are instrumental in carrying out heinous crimes. Increasingly, and without any logical redress, common citizens are the targets of the political cruelty. No wonder, once conditions favorable to cruelty are established, it spreads like frightening wildfire. The governance demonstrates a dead-ended political conscience at the expense of the interests of the people. After a decade-old American entrapment in the bogus war on terrorism, the country has lost the energy and capacity to deal with any major problem of security or national unity. The foreign agenda is focused on breaking the moral and spiritual lifelines of the Pakistani nation by its own agents of influence. There are no brave and proactive politicians to stop the continuing political stagnation. The nation faces colossal disaster day in and day out but nobody is held accountable for the crimes. The Generals are convenient spectators and Nawaz Sharif is happy, the herd is politically manageable to complete his inherently fraudulent term of office as prime minister.
Inline image 1
Daily blood baths of civilians go unabated, adding to the statistical record for lack of adequate security. The latest cold blooded murder of 55 innocent people at Wagha border and 150 or so injured adds nothing new to grieving citizens belief that Pakistan is governed by most inept, incompetent and corrupt people ever witnessed by an informed nation. No politicians assume responsibility for the protection and safeguard of life and property of ordinary Pakistanis. There is an obvious disconnect between the people and the political rulers constantly hated and feared by the masses. The conflicting time zones are widening in which ordinary people suffer versus the ruling elite breathe as daily civilian casualties continue to rise because of the Taliban attacks and targeted massacres of ordinary citizens. Whose failure is it, and who should be held accountable? Is the Pakistani security apparatus so incompetent and ill equipped that it cannot ensure public safety? Given the lack of accountability and lack of shame, there is nothing to prevent these political criminals from repeating their crimes. So the killings of the innocent civilians go unabated. Strange as it is, opposition activists raising voices against the Sharif regime are conveniently arrested and jailed, but not the Sharif brethren who kill the citizens at random and implement planned massacres. Those facilitating crimes against the people occupy positions of political leadership and even law and justice cannot question them. They are abetted by the political class, committed the greatest heist in history.
Assuming political power in Pakistan means supporting the king’s men of oligarchy. Nobody could dare to challenge their supremacy in the annals of public affairs. For almost three months thousands of people across wide spectrum of Pakistani society, were raising voices of REASON in Islamabad to imagine political change and to have the Sharif brothers held accountable for politically geared killings and death squads against peaceful demonstrators. The inaction contributes to the downfall of the country to obscurity and insanity often irreversible in time and space. This week, at Wagah international border, 55 civilians were cold bloodedly massacred by a group of Taliban. Reportedly 100 or more were critically injured. Sharif and military security officials have proven to be a failure to console the people in situation of emergencies and moments of pain and anguish.

A ‘Failed State’ or Quagmire of Political Insanity

Pakistan lives in self-inflicted turmoil of political and military intrigues – all deceiving all – all trying to gain their foothold in power either by attracting foreign interventions or creating catastrophic political hazards to dismantle the fabric of the originally Muslim nation. The stage actors want power and use it as a divine right of absolutism against the interests of the coerced masses. This set the stage for the gradual decadence of the meaning and purpose of the Pakistan Freedom Movement. The worst emerged when ZA Bhutto and General Yahya Khan refused to transfer power to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the majority East Pakistani leader after the 1971 national elections. They managed to kill several thousands of Pakistanis on both sides to retain power and ended up in humiliating surrender to India. Both betrayed the nation and both escaped the accountability. ZA Bhutto emerged as an absolute illegitimate leader of defeated Pakistan assuming the role of Martial Law administrator, President and later Prime Minister. Another military coup by General Zia ul-Haq got the US-other Western nation involved in military intervention to oust the Communist USSR from occupying neighboring Afghanistan and evolution of jihadist – Taliban struggle. In August 1988, Ms. Bhutto and her mother were reportedly responsible for the plane crash of General Zia ul Haq and Killings of 12 Generals and hundreds of others civilians including foreign diplomats. Subsequently, Ms. Bhutto and her mother were not charged with killings of so many precious lives but embraced as the first female PM. She was dismissed twice as corruption that knew no bound. Ms. Bhutto and Asif Zardari stole millions of dollars from Pakistan and were indicted by Swiss court on money laundering schemes. The $60. Million were never recovered by the national treasury. A crime-riddled political culture flourished in which these monsters floated freely. Nawaz Sharif was also dismissed twice on corruption charges. In 1999, he conspired to hijack a PIA incoming flight from SriLanka to Karachi in which the then COAS General Pervez Musharaf and 250 or more civilian passengers were traveling. Sharif had the plan to send the plane to India or to get it crashed. A military coup ousted Sharif and was tried on terrorism charges in a court law and exiled. General Musharaf and his colleagues traded-in Pakistan’s national interest including the nuclear program, and hundreds of innocent Pakistanis sold to populate infamous Guantanmo Bay terror prison in return for cash payments by George W. Bush. Musharaf lived in a $1.4 million newly bought mansion in London under British police 24/7 protection before returning to Pakistan. “Do Pakistanis have any sense of honor?” asked one British journalist of the Daily Telegraph. Would any honorable nation or country allow such criminals to reemerge as political leaders?
Pakistan Needs Educated and Intelligent Leaders to Cure the Political Curse
To imagine a progressive country, educated Pakistanis living abroad could be resourceful to transfer their knowledge and experiences for the good of the country and to strive for a Navigational Change. But how? Hold your breath! An American neurologist of Pakistani origin goes back passionately to serve the people. His clinic in Satellite town- Rawalpindi offers highly specialized systematic health care services to fellow Pakistanis. Even treats those who cannot pay the fee or medication bill. Thousands line up and day and night go to this clinic. The doctor starts getting warning messages from local ‘ghundas’ (rascals) asking for protection money. The doctor continues to work and informs the police. They too want their share of the protection money and do nothing. He complains to higher civic authorities upon getting death threats but nobody listens and does anything to ensure the safety of the doctor and clinic. One day hundred of patients get big surprise when they see the rampaged clinic and the doctor is nowhere to be seen. Lufhtansa Germany Airline flies to Lahore but does not change its crew over there. The fear of kidnappers demanding money haunts them all the time. What a Shame…. What a Shame … What a DISGRACE to a conscientious Pakistani that leaders of Pakistan’s Government cannot extend sense of security to a reputable international airline. No sensible person or global citizen will ever invest or travel to a country at the crossroads of daily bloodbaths, corruption and political gangsterism. Is this prevalent fact hard to grasp to any responsible person in Pakistan? Tourism is a lifeline to any developing nation like Pakistan. During the summer of 2013 under PM Sharif, 10 international tourists were cold blooded murdered by Taliban group near the K2 mountainous region. Is Pakistan that naïve and hopeless in security that it cannot protect the international tourists? Farzana Parveen would have liked to know why she was stoned to death right where law and justice were supposedly administered to have protected her at the Lahore High Court compound. Police were watching the horrifying killing. “Farzana Parveen Stoning Shames Pakistan.” (Asia Times: 6/2/2014). The terrifying scene portrayed in the global news media showed hundreds of spectators witnessing the most horrifying crime to human nature, not in darkness but in broad daylight, and right where freedom, human dignity, and honor of the citizens should have been protected – the Lahore High Court compound with police in attendance. It is incredibly shameful to be a Pakistani and to watch this inhuman atrocity out of the nowhere. Why the police did not offer protection to Farzana? Farzana’s soul must be wondering, why did society not protect her against this draconian act of violence? Where are the concerned citizens who claim to be believers – the Muslims who day and night talk about Islam as being the faith and value of their society? The Sharif brother’s investigation revealed nothing to hold the criminal responsible. In June, Karachi International Airport (“Pakistan in Quest of Political Change.” Uncommon Thought Journal, USA: 6/18/2014), was on flame under Talibans attacks. It was a devastating blow to the international image and security of Pakistan. Nobody resigned or was held responsible for failing to protect the airport. Could Sharif and the few complacent Generals assure the global community that Pakistan is a safe place to travel, study, visit and do business? If not, why not? The bogus assemblies, time killing discussions, Sharif and the few Generals are the people embedded with wrong thinking and doing the wrong things. They are part of the problem, not solution and have NO SENSE of the freedom, honor and dignity of the nation. There was no “peace process” between Pakistan and Taliban and there is no peace. Only the absence of peace, and the gnawing want for it, the desperation of the vanquished clearly visible on the mindset of public horizon.
There is a frightening trend of crime explosion across the nation. Daily killings of the civilians go unabated and unchecked by the security agencies. The blame game is centered on Talibans – the creation of the Bhutto family and the Generals. For almost two decades, Pakistan’s capacity for change has been badly fractured and its moral, intellectual and political consciousness derailed and undermined by the few. Bruce Riedel, one of President Obama’s advisors on Pakistan and the War on Terrorism (“Battle for the Soul of Pakistan” 1/4/2013, Brookings Institute and Centre for Middle East Policy), recently described the Pakistani rulers-both civilian and military:Pakistanis cannot be trusted as they play dubious role, cheat and become double agents in War on Terror” and warns that: “The changes in Pakistan are unlikely to come peacefully and will have major implications for India and America. The stakes are huge in the most dangerous country in the world.”
Pakistan’s worst enemies are those who are unable to listen to voices of reason and peaceful activism for political change. The ruling elite and the people live in a conflicting time zone being unable to understand the meaning and essence of the Pakistan’s Freedom Movement. Pakistan faces multiple chronic problems which could undermine its future. To all concerned and thinking Pakistanis, the country needs a Navigational Change or we could end up losing our national freedom. What is the cure to the current problems? There is no magic pill to deal with all critical situations except a comprehensive new systematic approach for ‘Anew Pakistan.’ Few decades earlier, in “Pakistan: Enigma of Change” (Media Monitor Network, USA) and “Revisiting Pakistan Enigma of Change”, this author offered proactive vision for planned political change to evolve new institutions and new-age educated leadership for a sustainable future. For too long, the masses have experienced tormenting pains and political cruelty. Nawaz Sharif and his brother must be tried in a court of law for the killings of 14 civilians and injuring 80 peaceful activists at Minhaj al Quran Academy Lahore and stolen wealth. Despite evidence, the FIR against Sharif was not registered by police. Nawaz Sharif has no political integrity and must step down or take leave of absence. There is substantial evidence for the 2013 election rigging by the election commission members. Sharif would need a powerful jolt as criminals do not exit voluntarily from powerhouses. It will provide a logical breathing space for a planned and workable remedy to a highly critical political crisis and to enhance a sustainable Change goal. A new Government of National Unity should be formed under a non-partisan and non political leader of moral and intellectual integrity for a period of two years; a New Constitution should be framed with new public institutions under leadership of new generation of educated people; and then a new election could give meaning and clarity to the purpose of democracy and to transform the ideals of a progressive legitimate functional democracy. The Need is desperate for the Pakistani nation to think critically and see the Mirror and stand firm in raising voices of reason for accountability and political change. The people must ponder at past misconceptions and errors of judgments and to bring 21st century’s educated, proactive and intelligent young people into political leadership role and to safeguard the national interest, freedom of the nation and its future.

Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: Global Peace and Conflict Management: Man and Humanity in Search of New Thinking. Lambert Publishing Germany, May 2012.


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Zaid Hamid Strategic Thinker & Analyst Proven Right After Ten Years





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OUR HEARTS BLEED: WE ARE NUMB: India Funded & Trained Taliban Butchers Slaughtered Our Babies : Peshawar school attack leaves 141 dead


In Loving Memory 

Butcher Taliban: Peshawar school attack leaves 141 dead






Militants from the Pakistani Taliban have attacked a school in Peshawar, killing 141 people, 132 of them children, the military say.

Pakistani officials say the attack is now over, with all of the attackers killed. A total of seven militants took part, according to the army.

Scores of survivors are being treated in hospitals as frantic parents search for news of their children.

The attack is the deadliest ever by the Taliban in Pakistan.

There has been chaos outside hospital units to which casualties were taken, the BBC’s Shaimaa Khalil reports from Peshawar.

Bodies have been carried out of hospitals in coffins, escorted by crowds of mourners, some of them visibly distraught.

Mourners carry the coffin of a student from a hospital in Peshawar, 16 December
Coffins are being carried out of Peshawar hospitals
Empty coffins stacked at a hospital in Peshawar, 16 DecemberEmpty coffins were delivered to a hospital in Peshawar in readiness for the removal of the dead
Relatives comfort injured student Mohammad Baqair in Peshawar, 16 DecemberSchool pupil Mohammad Baqair lost his mother, a teacher, in the attack

A Taliban spokesman told BBC Urdu that the school, which is run by the army, had been targeted in response to army operations.

Hundreds of Taliban fighters are thought to have died in a recent military offensive in North Waziristan and the nearby Khyber area.

US President Barack Obama condemned the “horrific attack (…) in the strongest possible terms”.


Analysis: Aamer Ahmed Khan, BBC News

This brutal attack may well be a watershed for a country long accused by the world of treating terrorists as strategic assets.

Pakistan’s policy-makers struggling to come to grips with various shades of militants have often cited a “lack of consensus” and “large pockets of sympathy” for religious militants as a major stumbling-block.

That is probably why, when army chief Gen Raheel Sharif launched what he called an indiscriminate operation earlier in the year against militant groups in Pakistan’s lawless tribal belt, the political response was lukewarm at best.

We will get them, was his message, be they Pakistani Taliban, Punjabi Taliban, al-Qaeda and affiliates, or most importantly, the dreaded Haqqani network. But the country’s political leadership chose to remain largely silent. This is very likely to change now.

BBC map, showing the army school in Peshawar
Relatives wait outside a hospital in Peshawar, 16 December
Anxious family members crowded around Peshawar hospitals
Soldiers help evacuate children
Troops helped evacuate children from the school
Injured student being evacuatedA total of 114 people were injured

Military spokesman Asim Bajwa told reporters in Peshawar that 132 children and nine members of staff had been killed.

All seven of the attackers wore suicide bomb vests, he said. Scores of people were also injured.

It appears the militants scaled walls to get into the school and set off a bomb at the start of the assault.

Children who escaped say the militants then went from one classroom to another, shooting indiscriminately.

One boy told reporters he had been with a group of 10 friends who tried to run away and hide. He was the only one to survive.

Others described seeing pupils lying dead in the corridors. One local woman said her friend’s daughter had escaped because her clothing was covered in blood from those around her and she had lain pretending to be dead.


Deadly attacks in Pakistan

Mourners after the Peshawar church attack, 22 September 2013

16 December 2014: Taliban attack on school in Peshawar leaves at least 141 people dead, 132 of them children

22 September 2013: Militants linked to the Taliban kill at least 80 peopleat a church in Peshawar, in one of the worst attacks on Christians

10 January 2013: Militant bombers target the Hazara Shia Muslim minority in the city of Quetta, killing 120 at a snooker hall and on a street

28 May 2010: Gunmen attack two mosques of the minority Ahmadi Islamic sect in Lahore, killing more than 80 people

18 October 2007: Twin bomb attack at a rally for Benazir Bhutto in Karachi leaves at least 130 dead. Unclear if Taliban behind attack


A hospital doctor treating injured children said many had head and chest injuries.

Irshadah Bibi, a woman who lost her 12-year-old son, was seen beating her face in grief, throwing herself against an ambulance.

“O God, why did you snatch away my son?” AFP news agency quoted her as saying.

An injured girl is carried to hospital in Peshawar, 16 December
Some of the injured were carried to hospital in people’s arms
Children fleeing the school
Both girls and boys went to the school
Pakistani troops at the scene
Troops sealed off the area around the school

The school is near a military complex in Peshawar. The city, close to the Afghan border, has seen some of the worst of the violence during the Taliban insurgency in recent years.

Many of the students were the children of military personnel. Most of them would have been aged 16 or under.

Hundreds of parents are outside the school waiting for news of their children, according to Wafis Jan from the Red Crescent

Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani Nobel laureate who was shot by the Taliban for campaigning for the right to an education, condemned the attack.

“I, along with millions of others around the world, mourn these children, my brothers and sisters, but we will never be defeated,” she said.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who has arrived in Peshawar, described the attack as a “national tragedy”. Pakistani opposition leader and former cricket captain Imran Khan condemned it as “utter barbarism”.

A Taliban spokesman was quoted by Reuters as saying the school had been attacked because the “government is targeting our families and females”.

India Training Terrorists For Attack In Pakistan


 0  0  4  0karachi airport attackThe fact that India has been training militants and then sending them to Pakistan for terrorist activities is not new. There have been various incidents in the past that have endorsed this suspicion. In the recent attack on the Karachi airport, the Involvement of foreign terrorists has been brought to surface. An Italian journalist has investigated the case of Indian involvement in the terrorist activities in Pakistan which has been an eye opener on this matter as this journalist is also a witness of the horrifying Indian project of terrorism in Pakistan.


According to the reports of the Italian journalist, an Indian training camp has been established near Tajikistan at Farkhore airbase and Aini airbase, where the young recruits of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan are trained and sent to Pakistan for terrorist attacks. Indian secret agencies are recruiting individuals from the deprived sections of the society, who are enticed through a job on a heavy salary and their families are paid a handsome amount for their recruitment. These young men are given a lavish living in these camps and a religious Indian instructor gives them religious education based on extremism, terrorism and hate against Pakistan to brain wash these individuals.

These Indian instructors are fluent in Uzbek and Tajik languages. They instil concepts against Pakistan in these individuals and make them believe that Pakistan is responsible for the sufferings of the Muslims all over the world. They also make them believe that India is a supporter of religious harmony and peace and that its existence has been threatened by the nuclear ability of Pakistan. The instructor takes three weeks to instil these ideas into the minds of these recruits.

The recruits are then asked if they are ready for Jihad against Pakistan. Those answering with a ‘yes’ are given double the salary and are sent to training camps where they are prepared for attacks within 4 to 6 months. Those who are still not willing for attacks are then sent for further brain washing to India. The recruits are taught to use automatic weaponry and how to handle explosives. They are given gorilla training as well. During these camps, Indian girls are brought into these camps who mesmerize these individuals through their beauty and help them forget their worries completely.

After the completion of their training, the recruits are brought to India and then entered into the tribal areas of Pakistan via Afghanistan. According to reports, recruits from Fata and Balochistan are also included with these foreign recruits to make them feel at home. These camps have been operating since 2005, although their establishment was intended since 2002. But this fact has not been confessed at the government level which has still made this matter unidentifiable.



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Read & Weep









A huge Anaconda Choking Pakistan








Political Family Mafia’s in Pakistan are loyal to whomever pays the top dollars for their services. Men and women of these families are political prostitutes, who sell their soul to whichever devil, fills their bank accounts and increases their power base.Many foreign nations of both East and West are their keepers and Protectors.. Their names are familiar to every Pakistani, but due to their immense wealth and political power, these virulent predators of Pakistan’s economy cannot be touche. The hatred of the West in Pakistan is the direct result of Western nations using and feed Pakistan’s home grown predator sharks. Another fall-out of the unbridled Western support of Pakistan’s Status Quo Elites,is the rampant growth of terror outfits in Pakistan’s most economically deprived regions:FATA,Southern Punjab, and Balochistan (remotely controlled by India-Israel Funded Mossad and RAW directed BLA Movement.) Tribal Sardars in Balochistan and FATA are masquerading as democrats and freedom fighters. Many of the Baloch Sardars live luxurious lives in Switzerland, England, and the United States; from where they carry out their subversive activities via surrogate agents.


Today, an honest, brave and charismatic Pakistani visionary named Imran Khan has challenged their domain.They are now out to destroy him and the masses of ordinary Pakistanis, who follow him.God Forbid, if these families succeed in their nefarious designs, the blowback would be their own destruction at the hands of nearly two million Pakistanis and their 750,000 soldiers in Pakistan Army,Navy, and Airforce.

One of the major causes of backwardness in Pakistan is the curse of mafia-based political families, who have a choke hold on Pakistan’s economy.  These families are not only corrupt, but also, they have a svengali grip on Pakistan’s economy.  Over 120 million people Pakistan are are direct victims of the these economic nazis.  The number runs into a few thousand people, but they have suppressed, a nation 200 million.  Here is a list of these political cancerous lesion on Pakistan’s body politics. These wealthy families are blood sucking vampires and leeches sucking the life’s blood from the nation.  

Their children study in elite universities in UK, US, and Australia.  Their children are also hypocrites (munafiqs), when they act as being advocates of down-trodden.  Common Pakistanis,even with their cumulative life time earnings cannot dream of sending their children to Harvard,Yale,MIT,Oxford,Cambridge,Swarthmore,Stanford, University of California,Berkeley. They get their early education in colonialist founded, elitist institutions like Aitchison College Lahore, Cadet College, Petaro, and a host of English-medium schools. 


Bhutto Family

The members of Bhutto family (Urdu: خاندان بھٹو) in politics:

▪   Pir Bux Bhutto

▪   Doda Khan Bhutto

▪   Khuda Bux Bhutto, Ameer Bux Bhutto, Illahi Bux Bhutto (Honorary Magistrate Larkana District)

▪   Ghulam Murtaza Bhutto, Rasul Bux Bhutto.

▪   Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto– The Dewan of Junagadh and the Father of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (Member Bombay Council).

▪   Sardar Wahid Baksh Bhutto – (born 1898, died 25 December 1931) was a landowner of Sindh, an elected representative to the Central Legislative Assembly and an educational philanthropist.

▪   Nawab Nabi Bux Bhutto (Member, Central Legislative Assembly)

▪   Khan Bahadur Ahmad Khan Bhutto

▪   Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, son of Sir Shah Nawaz (President (1970–1973); Prime Minister (1973–1977))

▪   Sardar Mumtaz Bhutto, cousin of Zulfikar, (chief of Bhutto tribe, former chief minister and Governor of Sindh, Federal Minister of Pakistan)

▪   Nusrat Bhutto, wife of Zulfikar (former minister without portfolio)

▪   Benazir Bhutto, daughter of Zulfikar (Prime Minister, 1988–1990 and 1993–1996), assassinated December 27, 2007.

▪   Murtaza Bhutto, elder son of former Prime Minister of Pakistan Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and the brother of former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto. He was usually known as Murtaza Bhutto and was assassinated under mysterious circumstances.

▪   Shahnawaz Bhutto, Shahnawaz was studying in Switzerland when Zia ul Haq’s military regime executed his father in 1979. Prior to the execution On July 18, 1985, the 27 year old Shahnawaz was found dead in Nice, France. He died under mysterious circumstances.

▪   Fatima Bhutto, Fatima was born in Kabul, Afghanistan while her father Murtaza Bhutto was in exile during the military regime of General Zia ul Haq. Murtaza Bhutto, was son of former Pakistan’s President and Prime Minister, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.

▪   Ameer Bux Bhutto, currently Vice President of Sindh National Front and also ex-Member of Sindh Assembly. He is son of Sardar Mumtaz Bhutto.

▪   Ali Hyder Bhutto, younger son of Sardar Mumtaz Ali Bhutto and brother of Ameer Bux Bhutto.

▪   Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Jr, his father Murtaza Bhutto was in exile during the military regime of General Zia ul Haq. Murtaza Bhutto, was son of former Pakistan’s President and Prime Minister, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.


Nawaz Sharif Family

▪   Nawaz Shareef, Former Prime Minister of Pakistan

▪   Shahbaz Shareef, Chief Minister of Punjab

▪   Hamza Shahbaz Shareef, Son of Shahbaz Shareef, Member National Assembly of Pakista

▪  Maryam Nawaz & her utterly Corrupt husband “Capt” Safdar


Soomro Family

The members of Soomro family (Urdu: خاندان سومرو) in politics are:

▪   Sardar Mohammad Usman Khan Soomro, Member of Legislative Assembly, 1937–1945

▪   Khan Bahadur Allah Bux Soomro, Twice Chief Minister of Sindh

▪   Khan Bahadur Maula Bux Soomro, Ex Federal and Provincial Minister, was Chief advisor to Zia ul Haq

▪   Ahmad Mian Soomro, Parliamentarian, Deputy Speaker of the West Pakistan Assembly, Senator

▪   Elahi Bux Soomro, remained Member of National Assembly of Pakistan, Speaker National Assembly of Pakistan, Federal Minister

▪   Rahim Bux Soomro, Minister Sindh

▪   Mohammad Mian Soomro, remained President of Pakistan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, Senate of Pakistan andGovernor of Sindh

▪   Begum Saeeda Soomro District Nazim Jacobabad

▪   Mohammad Khan Soomro, s/o Sardar Usman Soomro, remained MPA and Member of National Assembly of Pakistan

▪   Iftikhar Soomro, MPA, Provincial Minister Sindh

▪   Mr. Justice Ghulam Nabi Soomro, Hon’ble Justice, High Court of Sindh, Presently Chairman of Sindh Services Tribunal

▪   Sardar Junaid Haider Soomro, MPA of Sindh Assembly

▪   Afzal Soomro, Chief Justice, High Court of Sindh

▪   Ayaz Soomro, Law Minister Sindh

▪   Jameel Ahmad Soomro, Minister Sindh


Chauhdrys of Gujrat

The members of Chaudhry Family

▪   Chaudhry Zahoor Elahi (Late) (A seasoned parliamentarian who played a major role in restoration of democracy and human rights in Pakistan)

▪   Chaudhry Shujat Hussain (Prime Minister of Pakistan – June – August 2004)

▪   Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi (Chief Minister of Punjab – October – 2002 to October 2007)

▪   Chaudhry Wajahat Hussain (Younger brother of Chaudhry Shujat Hussain,Member of National Assembly)

▪   Chaudhry Shafaat Hussain (Younger brother of Chaudhry Shujat Hussain and the District Nazim of Gujrat since 2001)

▪   Moonis Elahi (Son of Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, Member of Punjab Assembly)


Jatoi Family

The members of Jatoi family in politics:

▪   Khan Bahadur Imam Bax Khan Jatoi

▪   Mir Abid Jatoi

▪   Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi, Ex-Acting Prime Minister of Pakistan

▪   Masroor Jatoi, Son of Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi, MPA Sindh

▪   Abdul Hameed Khan Jatoi

▪   Liaqat Ali Khan Jatoi, Ex-Chief Minister Sindh, Federal Minister for Water and Power


Goraya Family

Prominent figures of the Goraya family:

▪   Jahan Khan Goraya(politician)

▪   Chauhdry Sarfraz Khaan Goraya (MLA 1937 – 1969)

▪   Ghulam Rasool Goraya (MLA)

▪   Ch.Shahnawaz Goraya (MPA 1970 onwards)


Tanoli Family

▪   Nawab Muhammad Akram Khan ruler of amb Hazara

▪   Nawab Salah ud Din Khan (MNA)

▪   Habib ur Rehman Tanoli (Minister of Revenue)

▪   Sakhi Muhammad Tanoli

▪   Ghazala Habib Tanoli

▪   Malik Idrees Khan Nawabkhalli


Marwat Family: 

Some Notables of Marwat Family are listed below;

▪   Khan Sahib Khan Faizullah Khan Ghazni Khel (Biggest Indian Musliam contractor, Member Legelsative Assembly 1937-46)

▪   Justice (Rtd) Khan Habibullah Khan Marwat (1901–1978)was a Meenakhel by origin,educated at Islamia College Peshawar, Edwardes College Peshawar, ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY. Was Justice of West Pakistan High Court, first & second Chairman of the Senate of Pakistan. Justice Khan Habibullah Khan also remained as an acting President of Pakistan, when the President Fazal Ilahi Chaudhry went abroad. Pakistan’s Interior Minister and also Chief Minister of West Pakistan (One Unit).Was elected to the first ever Legislative Council of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (then NWFP) (1932) firsr as a member and later Deputy Speaker.

▪   Barrister Khan Saifullah Khan Ghazni Khel

▪   Khan Niamatullah Khan Ghazni Khel (Raees-e-Azam)

▪   Khan Abdur Rahim Khan Ghazni Khel ( Advocate of bannu, muslim league leader)

▪   Khan Dr Abdul Aziz Khan Ghazni Khel

▪   Khan Abdus Sattar Khan Ghazni Khel (second MNA from Bannu)

▪   Anwar Saifullah Khan (A sitting Parliamentarian, who earlier served as a Federal Minister twice)

▪   Senator Salim Saifullah Khan (former Federal Minister many times)

▪   Humayun Saifullah Khan, Member National Assembly of Pakistan

▪   Khan Muhammad Azeem Khan Meenakhel (Raees Lakki Marwat). (1912–1985). Younger brother of Khan Habibullah Khan Marwat. Remained CHAIRMAN Lakki Town Committee for 40 years (1937–1977).

▪   Muhammad Yousaf Khan Marwat Meenakhel (Lakki Marwat). (1930–1989). Elder son of Khan Habibullah Khan Marwat. Remained Senior Superintendent of Pakistan Railways Police SSP.

▪   Anwar Kamal Khan Marwat is a MeenaKhel by origin and a former Member of Provincial Assembly as well as a former Provincial Minister and Senator. Currently a General Secretary PML (N) Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

▪   (Justice) Shah Nawaz Khan was a Meenakhel by origin, who remained Chief Justice of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and also remained a Judge Supreme Court of Pakistan.

▪   Mohammad Saleem Khan Marwat, Meenakhel, Provincial Civil Service (Executive Branch), son of Khan Muhammad Azeem Khan Meenakhel (Born: 20-December-1938 – Died: 24-August-2009). Retired in 1998 from the status of Provincial Secretary. He also remained as Managing Director (M.D) Frontier Education Foundation.

▪   Akhtar Munir Khan Marwat, a retired Captain of the Pakistan Army, is a Meenakhel by origin, and retired as Additional Federal Secretary (KANA) Kashmir Affairs and Northern Areas to Government of Pakistan.

▪   Khan Mansoor Kamal Khan Marwat is Meenakhel by origin and son of Anwar Kamal Khan and grandson of Khan Habibullah Khanis an engineer by profession and currently working for Orascom at Elite group of companies in Islamabad. He is also Divisional Chairman (BANNU) National Peace Counicil for Interfaith Harmony, (Ministry of Interiorand Religious Affairs)

▪   Asadullah Khan Marwat, is Meenakhel by origin and grandson of KHAN HABIBULLAH KHAN MARWAT. He is presently working in Mobilink, Pakistan.

▪   Sanaullah Khan Marwat, is Meenakhel by origin and grandson of KHAN HABIBULLAH KHAN MARWAT. He is presently working in UNOPS as a SECURITY HEAD in Pakistan.

▪   Muhammad Akram Khan Meenakhel, Advocate, younger brother of Justice Shahnawaz Khan Meenakhel. Was elected MPA, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Assembly, Minister for Excise and Taxation in Arbab Jahangir,s Cabinet (1985–88)

▪   ABEEDULLAH JAN Khan (s/o Nasrullah Khan) also belongs to Meenakhel clan, has been Chief Conservator of Forests NWFP, Inspector General (IG) of Forests & Additional Secretary, Govt of Pakistan. He remained Minister for Food & Agriculture & Forests, Member (Provincial) NWFP Public Service Commission and lately Advisor to Chief Minister NWFP.

▪   Tariq Humayun Khan Marwat (late), was MEENAKHEL by origin was a renowed Politician of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. He was a President Millat Awami Party (Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa) and was a close friend of Farooq Ahmad Khan Laghari (President of Pakistan.

▪   Ayub Khan Marwat is Meenakhel by origin. He is younger son of Justice Shah Nawaz Khan, Meenakhel and is presently working as District & Session Judge D. I Khan. He also worked as Special Judge, Anti-Terrorist Court.

▪   Lt. Col. Zafar Iqbal Marwat s/o Abeed Ullah Jan Khan is commanding a prestigious Armed Regiment of Pakistan Army.

▪   Umar Farooq Marwat s/o Abeed Ullah Jan is a renewed Telecom Engineer working for Nokia Siemens Networks, Germany.

▪   Shahid Nawaz Marwat s/o (L) Tariq Hamayun Marwat is heading a leading construction and property business in NWFP & Punjab.

▪   Jamil Nawaz Marwat s/o Abeed Ullah Jan is a Social Worker & Vice Chaiman of leading business of Peshawar.

▪   Imran Khan Marwat s/o Abeed Ullah Jan is a Software Engineer working for Nokia Siemens Networks, Pakistan.

▪   Barristor Abid Nawaz Marwat s/o (L) Tariq Hamayun Khan is Meenakhel by origin and presently Senior Vice President of PML (Q) Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

▪   Fareedullah Khan Meenakhel, Advocate. Son of ATTAULLAH KHAN MEENAKHEL (Rtd)SP, formarly CHAIRMAN Khidmat Committee Lakki presently Tehsil Nazim Lakki Marwat.

▪   Professor Abul Ghaffar Khan Marwat, Meenakhel (1935–2008), ISLAMIA COLLEGE Peshawar, Chiraman & Head of the Chemistry Department, Provost Islamia College Peshawar.

▪   Dr. Tariq Saleem Marwat – belongs to the Meenakhel clan of Marwat Tribe. Founder Chairman of the “Flag Society of Pakistan” . Has Authored two books Bacha Saqqa – the Bandit King of Afghanistan” and a collection of Urdu Poetry RAZ . Has also compiled a monograph / Research work on the MARWAT TRIBE, with the name Kaarwaan-e-Marwat (Un-Published). An ardent book lover and avid reader (bibliomaniac), owing a beautiful and precious / valuable Library MAKHZAN at his ancestral Raees-Khana with a formidable collection of antique weapons, old photos and other interesting and worth seeing artifacts.

▪   Abdur Rasheed Khan Marwat is Meenakhel by origin and is currently working as SP Traffic Police, Peshawar.

▪   Asif Kamal Marwat is Meenakhel by origin. He is the elder son of Muhammad Yousaf Khan and presently working asExcise & Taxiation Officer, Shangla

▪   Rauf Kamal Marwat is Meenakhel by origin. He is the younger son of Muhammad Yousaf Khan and presently working as a Social Worker and give his maximum of time to Politics.

▪   Khan Ghulam Daud Khan is Meenakhel by origin and he was Deputy Commissioner DC.

▪   Ibrahim Kamal Khan Marwat (Born: 1939 Died: 14-July-1985)is Meenakhel by origin and first appointed as Naib Tehsildar then remained Assistant Political Agent APA of Khyber Agency & Aurakzai Agency after that he remained Extra Assistant Commissioner EAC at Kohat.

▪   Dr. Ishtaiq Ahmad Khan Marwat also belongs to the Meenakhel clan. He is currently DIG (Investigation) Peshawar region.

▪   Waheed Khan Marwat is Meenakhel by origin and currently working as a DC custom (SINDH).

▪   Waris Kamal Khan Marwat is Meenakhel by origin and at present SP Railway, Peshawar.

▪   Muhammad Younas Khan Marwat also belongs to MEENAKHEL clan,was a former Chairman Area Electricity Board Peshawar

▪   Khan Arifullah Khan,is Meenakhel by origin he remained as District Naib Nazim of Lakki Marwat.

▪   Salman Saleem Marwat , Student Leader (Peoples Student Fedration ) (Govt. Post G. Collage, Lakki Marwat)


Hyat OR Hayat Family

Prominent figures of the Hyat Family:

▪   Nawab Muhammad Hyat Khan

▪   Nawab Aslam Hyat Khan

▪   Nawab Muzaffar-Ali-Khan

▪   Nawab Ghulam Khan

▪   Nawab Ghulab Khan

▪   Sardar Masood Hyat

▪   Sardar Sir Liaquat Hyat Khan – served as Prime Minister of Patiala State in India & prior to that as Home Minister.

▪   Sardar Sikander Hyat Khan – served as Prime Minister of United Punjab in pre-partitioned India.

▪   General Ahsan Hayat


Junejo Family

The members of Junejo family (Urdu: خاندان جونیجو) in politics:

▪   Raees-Ul-Muhajireen Barrister Jan Muhammad Junejo – Leader of the Khilafat Tehreek.

▪   Khan Bahadur Mohammad Hayat Junejo

▪   Ghulam Rasool Junejo – Former District Council Chairman, Tharparker

▪   Mohammad Khan Junejo Former Prime Minister of Pakistan

▪   Jam Sadiq Ali – Former Chief Minister Sindh

▪   Sarfaraz Ali Junejo- Taluka Nazim Sindhri, Mirpurkhas

▪   Chakar Ali Khan Junejo – Former Ambassador MPA

▪   Shahnawaz Khan Junejo – Former Federal Minister, MNA and Senator

▪   Roshan Junejo – MNA


Gardezi Family

The members of Gardezi family in politics:

▪   Syed Ahsan Mehdi Gardezi

▪   Syed Qaiser Raza Gardezi (MNA, Federal Minister)

▪   Syed Zohair Akbar Gardezi (senator)

▪   Syed Qais Raza gardezi (MNA Multan)

▪   Syed Imam Shah Gardezi,was Mausheer-i-Fauj,Bahawalpur State Forces.

▪   Syed Muhammed Nawaz Shah Gardezi I,was Chief Minister,Bahawalpur State in 1880.

▪   Syed Muraad Shah Gardezi, Native Agent and Chief Judge Bahawalpur State

▪   Syed Hassan Baksh Gardezi (Khan Bhaddur)

▪   Syed Ghulam Ali Shah Gardezi,was District Magistrate (died 1931).

▪   Syed Muhammed Nawaz Gardezi II,was elected MPA in 1963.

▪   Syed Ali Hussain Gardezi, elected MPA and Minister in Punjab Cabinet

▪   Sayyid Abbas Hussain Gardezi, elected MNA in 1971 and 1973

▪   Dr. Sayyid Ali Raza Gardezi, Principal Allama Iqbal Medical College, Minister (Health & Population)

▪   Syed Muhammad Kaswar Gardezi Secretary General National Awami Party

▪   Sayyid Haider Abbas Gardezi (PPP, member exec.comm.)

▪   Sayyid Hussain Jahania Gardezi (MPA)

▪   Sayyid Ahmed Nawaz Gardezi (MNA, Multan) brother Makhdum Raju Shah Gardezi

▪   syed Ahmad Nawaz Gardezi (MNA, Bahawalpur)

▪   Syed Tasneem Nawaz Gardezi (MNA, Bahawalpur)

▪   Syed Salman Ahmed Gardezi (MPA, Bahawalpur)

▪   Syed Irfan Ahmed Gardezi

▪   Syeda Bushra Nawaz Gardezi (MPA, Bahawalpur)

▪   Syed Sabir Hussain Gardezi


Bahram Khan Family

Bahram Khan Family‘s family (Urdu: خاندان بهرام خان) in politics:

▪   Khan Abdul Bahram Khan‎, the founder of the family

▪   Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan, son of Khan Abdul Bahram Khan‎

▪   Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, son of Khan Abdul Bahram Khan‎

▪   Khan Abdul Ghani Khan, son of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

▪   Khan Abdul Wali Khan, son of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

▪   Nasim Wali Khan, wife of Khan Abdul Wali Khan

▪   Asfandyar Wali Khan, son of Khan Abdul Wali Khan

▪   Sangeen Wali Khan, son of Khan Abdul Wali Khan and Nasim Wali Khan


Badshah Khan’s Family

The members of Badshah Khan’s family (Urdu: خاندان بادشاه خان) in politics:

▪   Khan Mohammad Abbas Khan (Former member of Indian National Congress,served as the Interim Mister for Industries, Freedom fighter and an Active Member of Pakistan Muslim League) (cousin of Haroon Khan Badshah)

▪   Haroon Khan Badshah (Member of Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, ex-provincial Minister for AgricultureKhyber-Pakhtunkhwa)

▪   Muhammad Hanif Khan (Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting 4-12-1988 to 28-1-1990,Speaker of the National Assembly 18-06-1973 to 08-04-1977)(Brother of Haroon Khan Badshah)

▪   Shahzada Muhammad Asif Khan (Member of Pakistan Peoples Party, First President of Pakistan Peoples Party ofMansehra) (Son of Haroon Khan Badshah)

▪   Shahzada Muhammad Gushtasip Khan (Former Provincial Minister of Education, Agriculture and Health, Member of Pakistan’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Assembly, Leader of the Opposition in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Assembly and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa ex-Home Minister and Interior Minister)(Son of Haroon Khan Badshah)


Hidayatullah Family

The members of Hidayatullah family of Sindh in politics:

▪   Ghulam Hussain Hidayat Ullah (First Muslim Chief Minister Sindh 24 April 1937 – 23 March 1938, 14 October 1942 – 14 August 1947, First Muslim Governor of Sind, 14 August 1947 – 4 October 1948)

▪   Lady Daulat Haroon Hidayatullah (Founder of All Pakistan Women’s Association(APWA), philanthropist and Author)

▪   Anwar Hidayatullah (Former Pakistani Ambassador to Brazil, Tunisia and Morocco. Former Consul General of Monoco)

▪   Ghazanfar Hidayatullah (Former Chief Secretary, PML-Q, Former member PPP)

▪   Charmaine Hidayatullah (Current Consul General to Monoco & Banker)

▪   Micki Hidayatallah (C.E.O Allis-Chalmers, Houston, TX)


Pathan Family

▪   Sahibzada Ahmad Raza Khan Kasuri (Member of National Assembly) *Kasur1970 PPP

▪   Sahibzada Khizer Hayat Khan Kasuri(Member of National Assembly) *Kasur1988 Independent


Bhatti Family

▪   Rai Bashir Ahmad Khan Bhatti(late) (Member of legislative Assembly, Member of National Assembly) *Nankana

▪   Rai Rashid Ahmnad Khan Bhatti (Late) (Member of Provincinal Assembly, and National Assembly)*Nankana

▪   Rai Shahjhan Ahmad Khan Bhatti (Member of Provincinal Assembly) *Nankana

▪   Rai Sarwar Khan Bhatti (Chairman Market Committee Nankana)

▪   Rai Akram Bhatti (Former President District Bar Nankana)


Rao Family

▪   Rao Abdul Qavi Khan(Late)(Member of National Assembly)

▪   Rao Jahanzaib Qavi Khan(Son of Rao Abdul Qavi Khan)(MPA)

▪   Rao Muhammad Aslam Khan,Advocate(Late)(President PML(N),Sahiwal 1992to2004)(Member of National & Provincial Council PML(N))

▪   Rao Jehanzeb Wajid Ali Khan (son of Rao M.Aslam Khan Advocate(Late)PML(N),Sahiwal ) (Representative to Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif)(Member National & Provincial Council PML(N))

▪   Rao Muhammad Afzal Rehmani(Late)(Member of National Assembly)

▪   Rao Ajmal Khan and Rao Muhammad Tajamal Khan(Member of National Assembly)(Son of Rao Afzal)

▪   Rao Sikandar Iqbal(Ex)(Defense minister of Pakistan)

▪   Rao Atif Sikandar(Naib District Nazim Okara)(Son of Rao Sikandar)

▪   Rao Muhammad Qaiser Ali Khan(Member of National Assembly)

▪   Rao Muhammad Safdar Ali Khan(Brother of Rao Qaiser)(MPA)

▪   Rao Muhammad Jalal Ali khan(Brother of Rao Qaiser) & (Son in law of Rao Abdul Qavi Khan) (Ex)(Chairman of market committee Depalpur)

▪   Rao Muhammad Tahir Ali Khan(Son of Rao Qaiser)(Ex)(Naib nazim Tehsil Depalpur district Okara)

▪   Rao Muhammad Mohsin Ali Khan (Member of National Assembly)Son in Law of Rao Qaiser

▪   Rao Jamil Akhtar( Okara Tehsil Nazim)(Cousin of Rao Qaiser)

▪   Rao Khalid Khan(Cousin of Rao Qaiser)(MPA)

▪   Rao Fayyaz Aslam Khan(Nephew of Rao Afzal) (MPA)

▪   Rao Mohammad Hashim Khan,(Member of National Assembly,Ex-Chairman Public Accounts Committee)

▪   Rao Naseem Hashim Khan(District Nazim Pakpattan)

▪   Rao Muhammad Jameel Hashim Khan(Member of National Assembly) son of Rao Hashim

▪   Rao Shafaat Ali Chohan (Late)(Ex-MNA)(Migrated from Bharatpur, India)


Zia-ul-Haq Family

The members of Zia-ul-Haq’s family (Urdu: خاندان ضياءالحق) in politics:

▪   Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq (President of Pakistan, 1978–1988)

▪   Mohammad Ejaz-ul-Haq (son of Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq; cabinet minister)


Noon family

Noon Family (Urdu: خاندان نون) is major political family of Pakistan.

Members of Noon family:

▪   Khalid Malik Tiwana.ex.punjab minister from Faisalabad.

▪   Malik Aamir Ali Noon.Local political leader.

▪   Malik Adnan Hayat Noon.ex.MNA.

▪   Malik Akbar Hayat Noon

▪   Malik Amjad Ali Noon .Ex.ambassidar,Ex.chairman,The best honest political leader in Sargodha.

▪   Malik Anwar Ali Noon.ppp leader in Sargodha .

▪   Malik Asad Ali Noon. Banker.

▪   Malik Atta Noon

▪   Malik Azhar Hayat Noon

▪   Malik Fateh Muhammad Noon

▪   Malik Feroz Khan Noon Ex.Prime minister of Pakistan.

▪   Malik Hakim Khan Noon

▪   Malik Hamid Ali Noon

▪   Malik Manzor Hayat Noon

▪   Malik Mazhar Hayat Noon

▪   Malik Munawer Ali Noon

▪   Malik Nur Hayat Noon,

▪   Malik Sardar Khan Noon

▪   Malik Sultan Ali Khan Noon

▪   Malik Zahoor Hayat Noon


Leghari Family

The members of Leghari family (Urdu: خاندان لغاری), in politics:

▪   Nawab Sir Sardar Muhammad Jamal Khan Leghari (MLA and Minister)

▪   Nawab Sardar Muhammad Khan Leghari (MLA, MPA and Minister)

▪   Nawab Ata Muhammad Khan Leghari ICS (MPA)

▪   Nawab Mahmood Khan Leghari (MPA, Chairman District Board)

▪   Sardar Muhammad Afzal Khan Leghari (Minister Revenue Bhawalpur state, Member Board of Revenue)

▪   Begum Afifa Mamdot (MNA, MPA, Minister)

▪   Sardar Farooq Ahmaed Khan Leghari(ex President of Pakistan)*

▪   Sardar Muhammad Jaffer Khan Leghari (MNA, MPA, Chairman District Council Rajanpur)

▪   Sardar Haroon Arif Khan Leghari ( Ex Councellor Nowshera District ) Independent candidate MPA, Pirpai..the only Leghari in Pukhtunkhwa…grandson of Sardar Muhammad Afzal Khan Leghari of Rahimabad.

▪   Sardar Muhammad Omer Khan Leghari (MPA)

▪   Sardar Maqsood Ahmad Khan Leghari (MNA, MPA, Federal Minister, Provincial Minister, Chairman District Council DG Khan, Zila Nazim DG Khan)

▪   Sardar Mansoor Ahmad Khan Leghari (MPA, MNA, Senator, Chairman District Council DG Khan)

▪   Col. (Retd.)Sardar Rafiq Ahmad Khan Leghari (MPA “Punjab”)

▪   Sardar Muhammad Jamal Khan Leghari (Senator, Zila Nazim DG Khan)

▪   Awais Leghari (MPA, MNA, Federal Minister)

▪   Mina Ehsan Leghari (Mrs. Muhammad Jaffer Khan Leghari) (MNA)

▪   Sardar Muhammad Yusuf Khan Leghari (MPA)

▪   Sardar Muhammad Khan Leghari (MPA “Punjab”)

▪   Sardar Muhammad Mohsin Khan Leghari (MPA “Punjab”)

▪   Sardar Nadir Akmal Khan Leghari (MPA “Sindh” and Miniter)

▪   Sardar Rafiq Haider Khan Leghari (MPA “Punjab”, Minister, Chairman District Council RY Khan, Zila Nazim RY Khan)

▪   Sardar Muhammad Azhar Khan Leghari (MPA “Punjab”)

▪   Sardar Muhammad Arshad Khan Leghari (MNA)

▪   Dr. Javaid Leghari (Senator)

▪   Dr.Abdul Rauf leghari(Haematologist)


Qazi Family

The members of Qazi family (Urdu: خاندان قاضی), of Sindh in politics:

▪   Qazi Abdul Qayyum, the first Muslim President of the Hyderabad Municipality

▪   Qazi Muhammad Akbar, a long serving Sindh Provincial Minister, Ambassador of Pakistan, and son of Qazi Abdul Qayyum

▪   Qazi Abdul Majeed Abid (Qazi Abid), a four time Federal Minister, Sindh Provincial Minister, and son of Qazi Abdul Qayyum

▪   Qazi Muhammad Azam, a three time Member of Parliament (West Pakistan National Assembly) (in 1965,1971 and 1977) and son of Qazi Abdul Qayyum

▪   Hakeem Muhammad Ahsan, first Mayor of Karachi, Pakistan following independence of Pakistan in 1947, Ambassador of Pakistan to numerous countries, Senior Sindh Provincial Minister, and nephew of Qazi Abdul Qayyum

▪   Fahmida Mirza, current Speaker of the National Assembly, former Acting President of Pakistan, three time Member of the National Assembly, and daughter of Qazi Abid

▪   Qazi Asad Abid, a former Member of the National Assembly and son of Qazi Abid

▪   Ameena Ashraf, a former Member of the National Assembly and the Sindh Provincial Assembly and daughter of Qazi Muhammad Akbar

▪   Zulfiqar Mirza, current Sindh Provincial Home Minister, former Member of the National Assembly, and nephew of Qazi Abid, Qazi Azam, and Qazi Akbar.

▪   Pir Mazhar Ul Haq, current Senior Minister and Education Minister in the Sindh Provincial Cabinet, a three time SindhProvincial Minister, and grandson of Qazi Muhammad Akbar

▪   Marvi Mazhar, a former Member of the Provincial Assembly in Sindh and daughter of Pir Mazhar Ul Haq

Qazis of Chiniot:

Qazi Ghulam Shabir(mayor of Chiniot in British era always got elected unopposed) Qazi Hassan Safdar (Nazim Chiniot) Hassan Ali(Four time MPA Chiniot) Nawab Qazi Ghulam Murtaza (MLA – Congress) Other members of this family have been members of the Indian National Congress and the Legislative assembly and the names would be put up soon. The Qazi family of Chiniot is without a doubt a family counted among one of the very few Nawab families of Punjab. This family is also a relative of the Goraya family, which also is counted as one of the Nawab families of Punjab though their glorified period has become history but Mr.Shaukat Nawaz Goraya is a person who is toeing the ship of Goraya family and hopefully he is going to enter the field of politics.


Zardari family

The members of Zardari family (Urdu: خاندان زرداری), in politics:This family of Sindhi Waderas stole Bambino Cinema from their partner from Punjab, who died lamenting his loss.Asif Zardari, the second most corrupt man in Pakistan.

▪   Hakim Ali Zardari, the patriarch of Zardari family

▪   Asif Ali Zardari, son of Hakim Ali Zardari and husband of deceased PM Benazir Bhutto, President of Pakistan

▪   Azra Peechoho, daughter of Hakim Ali Zardari

▪   Faryal Talpur, daughter of Hakim Ali Zardari, Former Nazima Nawabshah District, MNA

▪   Bilawal Zardari, son of Asif Ali Zardari and Benazir Bhutto, Chairman Pakistan People’s Party


Tiwana Family

Continuing the old landlord legacy of Tiwana’s the Tiwana politicians after partition of 1947:This family acted as eyes and ears of British Colonialists and are considered Mir Jafars of Punjab,serving British Masters

▪   Malik Fateh Khan Tiwana Motiawala, Strongest/Richest Jagirdar of the areas of, Mitha Tiwana, Nurpur Tiwana, Bannu, Tank, Marwat(Ihsanpur), Sargodha, Khushab, Dera Ismail Khan. d.(1848)

▪   Nawab Khan Bahadur Lieutenant Hafiz Malik Muhammad Sher Khan Tiwana Rais of Mitha Tiwana was the Sardar/Leader of the tribe who Despite opposing the British, had titles of Honorary Magistrate, Honorary Lieutenant, Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel, Honorary Major-General, Speaker National Assembly (First Muslims student/pioneer to Recite Holy Quran in the Assembly of Aitchison Chief’s College, Lahore)

▪   Nawab Allah Buksh Tiwana Senator

▪   Malik Khuda Baksh Tiwana Former Minister Punjab, Chairman Zila Council Sargodha & Khushab

▪   Raheela Tiwana Ex-Deputy Speaker Sindh Assembly

▪   Malik Ghulam Muhammad Tiwana Zila Nazim Khushab, Chairman Zila Council Khushab, Ex-MNA

▪   Malik Anwer Tiwana Ex-MNA

▪   Malik Ehsan Ullah Tiwana Ex Zila Nazim Khushab, Chairman Zila Council Khushab

▪   Khuda Baksh Waghal Tiwana Ex-Chairman Zila Council Sargodha


Chaudhry’s of Chillianwala

▪   Chaudhry Iqbal (Muslim league MNA from 1960 to 1990)

▪   Chaudhry Ashraf (PPP senator and leader)

▪   Chaudhry Zaka ashraf (former advisor and Central leader PPP)

▪   Chaudhry jafar Iqbal (former minister, former deputy speaker N A and sectary general PML N)

▪   Chaudhry Nasir Iqbal (former MNA)

▪   Begum Ishrat Ashraf (MNA and former advisor to PM)

▪   Zaib jaffar (MPA)

▪   Maiza Hameed (MPA)


Qazis of Chiniot

▪   Qazi Ghulam Shabir(mayor of Chiniot in British era always got elected unopposed)

▪   Qazi Hassan Safdar (Nazim Chiniot)

▪   Hassan Ali(Four time MPA Chiniot)

▪   Nawab Qazi Ghulam Murtaza (MLA – Congress)

Other members of this family have been members of the Indian National Congress and the Legislative assembly and the names would be put up soon. The Qazi family of Chiniot is without a doubt a family counted among one of the very few Nawab families of Punjab. This family is also a relative of the Goraya family, which also is counted as one of the Nawab families of Punjab though their glorified period has become history but Mr.Shaukat Nawaz Goraya is a person who is toeing the ship of Goraya family and hopefully he is going to enter the field of politics.



KakaiZai Kalar

▪   Malik Bagh Ali.

▪   Malik Muhammad Bakhsh.

▪   Malik Fida Muhammad.

▪   Malik Arshad Nawaz.


Rana Family

▪   Rana Mohammad Phool Khan:Undefeated Member of Punjab and national assembly, Chief Minister Punjab (5 months)

▪   Rana Mohammad Iqbal Khan:Undefeated MPA.Minister from punjab.Speaker Punjab Assembly

▪   Rana Mohammad Hayat Khan:MNA,District Nazim Kasur,TMO Chairman

▪   Rana Mohammad Husnain Khan:MNA(2 years)

▪   Rana Mohammad Aslam Khan:DIG Kasur

▪   Rana Mohammad Imtiaz Khan:MNA and District Nazim Kasur

▪   Rana Mohammad Sarfraz Khan:MPA

▪   Rana Niaz Irfan: Chairman BISE Islamabad


Awan Family

▪   Sarfaraz Khan:Former MNA

Muhummad Raza Khan:Former Senator Of Pakistan 9 year’s elected senator and Then Advisor to chief Minister Nwfp Aftab Ahmed khan Sherpao Muhumamad Sikandar raza khan Young political Figure Of mansehra

Kalabagh Family (Mianwali):

Nawab of Kalabagh Malik Amir Muhammad Khan Ex Governer West Pakistan. Nawabzada Muzaffar Khan. Nawabzada Asad Khan. Nawabzada Malik Amad Khan MNA.

Sardaran Chakwal Talagang:

Sardar Faiz Khan Tamman. Sardar Mansur Hayat Tamman.Air Martial Noor Khan Awan.

Chakwal Maliks:

General Retd Majeed Malik (Ex Minister)


Maliks Of Khushab (Soon Valley):

Awan Family of Sheikhupura

Zaheer ud din Babar Awan (law Minister Senetor)

Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan (Minister MNA) Sialkot

Colonel Rtd Shabir Awan (MPA) Rawalpindi

Shafiq Khan (MPA) Taxila

Malik Karam Bakhsh Awan. Malik Bashir Awan. Malik Shakir Bashir Awan (MNA). Malik Umer Aslam Awan (Ex MNA). Malik Naeem Khan Awan (Ex Federal minister). Sumera Malik (MNA).

Maliks of Attock: Malik Aslam Khan (Ex MNA). Malik Amin Aslam Khan (Ex MNA). Malik Hakmeen Khan (senetor). Shahan Malik (MPA).

Khattar Awan Family (Attock): Sardar Sikander Hayat Khan. Sardar Shaukat Hayat Khan. Ghulam Sarwar Khan (Ex Minister). Sadiq Khan. Major Tahir Sadiq.

Golra Awan Family Islamabad: Anjum Aqeel Khan Awan(MNA)

Qazi Family Of Haripur Hazara: Qazi Muhammad Asad Khan Golra Sikanderpur (Provincial Minister)

Captain Rtd Safdar Awan of Khawari Mansehra (MNA)Rawalpindi

Malik Shakeel Awan (MNA)Kilyam Awan Rawalpindi

Sahibzada Muhammad Mehboob Sultan (MNA)Jhang

Malik Muhammad Jamil Awan (MNA)Gujrat

Malik Mukhtar Awan (Ex MNA Minister PPP Multan)

Malik Tayyub khan Awan (EX MPA Lodhran)

Malik Mushtaq Awan (Ex MNA Minister)

Malik Zahoor Anwar (MPA) Tallagang

Ghulam Habib Awan (MPA) Lahore


Daultanas of Punjab

Tehmina Daultana

Khars of Muzzafargarh

Ghulam Mustafa Khar, Bhutto nominated Governor of Punjab

Hina Rabbani Khar,Former Foreign Minister of Pakistan

Gilanis of Multan

Yousuf Raza Gilani,former PM Pakistan


Gill Family of Pakistan Chaudhari Imtiaz Ahmad Gill MNA

Chaudhari Shafi Gill Chairman District council Faisalabad

Zeb Imtiaz Gill MPA



Nasir Schon

Nasir Schon

Nasir Schon is CEO of Schon Group which owns Pak-China Fertizilers, Schon Bank, Schon Textiles and several other empires. He lives in Dubai, UAE where he is currently working on a $830-million worth project.

Source of Income: Schon Group

Net Worth: $1 Billion

Saddaruddin Hashwani


Saddaruddin Hashwani

Saddaruddin Hashwani is Pakistan industrialist and investor. He ranked 6th on our list of top 10 richest persons of Pakistan  He is chairman of Hasho Group, one of the leading industrial group of Pakistan. Hasho Group has share in Marriott and Pearl Continental Hotels which are Pakistan’s most luxurious hotels.

Source of Income: Hasho Gorup, Merriott Hotel and Pearl Continental Hotel

Net Worth: $1.1 Billion


The Cult of Pirs, an Un-Islamic Cult Based on Grave Worship has sucked the life blood of Pakistan.These Cults originated  due to the Hindu converts to Islam, who brought their Guru,Mystic,Sadhu, Yogi institutions into the Indus Valley






Profile: Malik Riaz Hussain

Published Jun 10, 2012 07:38am
Malik Riaz – YouTube Video grabEarly Life: Malik Riaz Hussain was born on February 8, 1954 in Islamabad, Pakistan. Many people believe that Malik Riaz Hussain was born with a silver spoon in his mouth; however, the statement is only partially true for him. He was born into a wealthy family but his father’s business collapsed which forced him to start working as a clerical staff at the age of 19.Twelfth Richest Man of Pakistan: He started off as a small time contractor in 1980s; however, the details on how Hussain, from an ordinary clerk in Military Engineering Service (MES) climbed up the ladder of success and became one of the biggest business magnates of Pakistan are extremely sketchy. All the country knows is that he is the man behind Bahria Town, one of the largest private development projects to have materialised in Southeast Asian region.Bahria town, which spans over an area of 45,000 square acres, along with its owner invited many speculations and controversies since the time of its construction.

Controversies and allegations: The recent round of controversies which accuses Chief Justice’s son Arsalan Iftikhar to have accepted bribes amounting up to Rs400 million from him, is not the only controversy which mars his credibility.

National Accountability Bureau (NAB) is currently looking into another application filed by a former military officer Lt-Col (retd) Tariq Kamal, which states that the land on which Bahria town is constructed, and is further expanding, was not acquired through legal means. It is alleged that Hussain has strong ties with Pakistan’s military which assisted him in building a huge empire. Some claims go as far as saying that a handful of the important serving army officers, bureaucrats and lawyers are practically on Hussian’s payroll.

According to the sources and reports, Hussain with the help of Defence Housing Authority (DHA) had grabbed Rs62 billion worth of land from an estimated number of 150,000 people belonging to lower and lower middle income group.

It is also alleged that Malik Riaz, in collaboration with DHA, had grabbed an area of the land of Dadhocha Dam and resold it multiple times under different names. It is alleged that the DHA Islamabad has been receiving money in the name of allotment of plots in DHA Phase I Extension, DHA Phase II Extension and DHA Valley since 2009. Those who got cheated through the DHA Valley project include 110,000 civilians, 41,000 serving and retired military officers, jawans and families of martyrs. Total land in question is considered to be covering 165,000 kanals.

DHA and Hussain are also allegedly accused for keeping the people, who paid for the plots, in dark regarding DHA’s agreement with Bahria Town. Col Tariq said that in 2009 the DHA had “transferred all the funds raised from the public, which were Rs62 billion, to the accounts of Bahria Town”.

It is also alleged that DHA employee who voiced their concerns regarding the dubious transactions and exchange of funds were sacked immediately.

It is assumed that the reason why Hussain was bribing Arsalan Iftikhar and financing his trips to London was to gain influence into the judicial circle and buy the verdict of the charges levelled against him. Arsalan Iftikhar blatantly denied the allegations; however, various witnesses testified during the hearing of the suo moto action and admitted that Hussain had shown them the documents which proved Iftikhar’s involvement in the scam.



External links

▪   Article on Political Families of Pakistan by the International Museum of Women.

Latif, Aamir Family Rules in Pakistani Politics IslamOnline.net (Retrieved 24-07-2008)

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