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Posts Tagged Zionist Lobby


Facing the Enemy Effectively Requires Knowing his Real Identity and Capability

Awareness Brief-AB-02-18, Thursday, 29 March 2018, 11 Rajab 1439


Commodore Tariq Majeed PN (Retd)


“Some of the biggest men in the U.S. in the fields of commerce and manufacturing know that there is a power so organized, so subtle, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” 1

                                              Woodrow Wilson (US President 1912-20)


Why US Foreign Policy turns out to be against National Interest  

          Woodrow Wilson‘s comments belonged to the early years of the 20th century. By the close of the century, the adherents of that subtle power had gained control over all the vital fields of national life in America. That subtle power rules over America and employs the American state organs and the people for its own exclusive ends.

Without comprehending this fact, US foreign policy’s failures and misconceived and questionable moves that critically harmed the national interest, in the last several decades, cannot be understood. Why did US invade Iraq in March 2003 while it had been confirmed that Iraq had no involvement in the 9/11 terrorism in America, and UN inspectors had declared that Iraq had no nuclear weapons and had no plan to develop them? Iraq had already suffered crushing defeat by US and NATO forces in the Gulf War, 16Jan-28 Feb 1991, and posed no threat to US.

Why is the US doggedly pursuing a clearly flawed policy in the war in Afghanistan that is being fought for over 15 years now, and shows the US losing it continuously?

Pakistan has never harmed US interests. In fact, it has always loyally complied with US dictates foregoing its own interests. But, US bears an unrelenting enmity toward Pakistan, does not care even when its policies harm Pakistan’s vital interests and every now and then publicly demonstrates its hostility to Pakistan; the question is, why?

A Cabal Controls Planning and Conduct of US National Policies

Until a few years ago, it was a “conspiracy theory” to say that governmental policies in the United States were made by a secret clique that was pursuing a specific agenda of its own interests which were clearly harmful to US interests. It is this agenda that required the US to devastate Iraq by military invasion in 2003, that keeps the war by terrorism in Afghanistan going, multiplying destruction and fuelling disintegration, and it is to fulfil this agenda that the US targets Pakistan as an enemy state.    

The phrase “conspiracy theory” is well known, but not so its definition, because it suits its originators that way.  Its definition is actually simple and straightforward. Any explanation of an event or issue that differs from and challenges its explanation given in unison by the official establishment and the mainstream media is called a “conspiracy theory” by these two entities and those who echo their views.

The facts presented here highlight the bizarre reality that an exclusive group of people united in their ideological beliefs and their ambitious goals and commanding the major instruments of power dominates the conduct of national policies in America.

Its discussion in public was still taboo. However, the notion—which indeed is a reality—is finding its way through diverse channels to the people’s eyes and ears in America and abroad. There is also ever-growing writing by American academic researchers and political and military analysts on this alarming issue. 











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The Cabal is that of Zionist International Jewry

In saying “there is a power so organized, so subtle, so complete, so pervasive” Woodrow Wilson did capture the essence of the weird characteristics of this power. But he left out its most important characteristic, that the ‘subtle power’ is International Zionism.    

Writers in referring to this ‘subtle power’ have used a variety of names:  Pro-Israel Lobby, Jewish Lobby, The Israel Lobby, Zionist Lobby, Organized Jewry, The Order, The Elite, The Invisible Government, America’s Secret Establishment, All-Judaan, Illuminati, a Cabal, Neoconservatives (or Neocons). These names can be found in the books of American authors, some of which are listed in the bibliography.

However, the name that befits it best is Zionist International Jewry, (Zinjri, for short), because its command group consists of non-believing, anti-religion ethnic Jews who belong to different countries and adhere to Zionism. The creed of Zionism vehemently opposes God, His prophets, divine religion, and social and moral values based on religion.






















Ample Writing Exposing the Zionist Cabal

Author of Who’s Who of the Elite, Robert Ross, says: “There have been dozens of very good books written since the beginning of the 20th century on this subject, but they remain rather obscure because the Elite conspires to suppress them,2 True. Keeping the public unaware of its existence has been Zinjri’s key strategy for acquiring power. Nevertheless, sufficient literature on this forbidden topic exists that gives a full exposé of this elusive entity and its sinister goals. It also throws light on Zinjry’s command group that wields almost unchallenged power in the international sphere. The US Elite is a part of Zinjri.










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Robert Ross. About his book, published in July 1995, Ross says, “It is to alert the public of the existence and activities of the Elite, and to encourage active participation by all concerned citizens to stop the takeover of the US, and the rest of the world by the Elite in their efforts to form their Global Union (formerly called the New World Order).” Global Union’s other title is One-World Government, also found on the Internet.

Ross looks into the membership and working of three major interlinking Elite organizations, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TC), and Bilderberg Group (BB). The book lists hundreds of names of prominent persons, (including US presidents), in politics, finance, industry, business, media, science and technology, academia, intelligence, military. The three bodies pursue a common long-term program, as directed by Zinjry.   

Paul Findley. A former congressman, Paul Findley, was probably the first front-rank politician to alert his countrymen to the dominant power Israel’s Lobby had attained in the US Congress and the Administration.  His 1985 book, They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby, is an eye-opener on this subject. He writes:

 Over the years the pro-Israel lobby has thoroughly penetrated this nation’s governmental system, and the organization that has made the deepest impact is the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), to whom even the President of the United States turns when he has any vexing political problems.4 It is no overstatement to say that AIPAC has effectively gained control of virtually all of Capitol Hill’s action on Middle East Policy. Almost without exception, House and Senate members do its bidding, because most of them consider AIPAC to be the direct Capitol Hill representative of a Political Force that can make or break their chances at election time.5

Alfred Lilienthal. In his 1965 book, ‘The Other Side of the Coin, he makes this profound statement that is as true today as it was in 1965: “While most Americans do not understand Zionism this has not prevented many Jewish organizations from weaving Zionist goals, doctrines and public statements into their daily agenda.” 6 In many of the other countries, the political and military leaders and the intellectuals are victims of the same design.

Henry Ford I. Renowned American industrialist Henry Ford was not only innovative but also exceptionally observant and analytical. He became aware of the Zionist danger to America and wrote a series of articles in 1920-21 warning Americans about it. These were later published as a book titled, The International Jew. Summing up his in-depth study, Ford wrote in 1920, twenty-eight years before the creation of Israel:


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Jewry is the most closely organized power on earth. It forms a State whose citizens are unconditionally loyal wherever they may be and whether rich or poor. The designation of this State, which circulates among all the countries, is All-Judaan. Its means of power are Money and Propaganda.7

Book, The Transparent Cabal. Added to the strong evidence of Zionist dominance over US national policies is a remarkable case study of how the Zionist cabal pushed the US into war against Iraq.  

         Details of the role played by the most hard-line component of the Israel lobby in leading the US to war [against Iraq] are found in this scrupulously researched book by Dr Sniegoski.8

     The book’s title, The Transparent Cabal, is intriguing. Cabal by definition is: A number of persons secretly united and using devious and undercover means to bring about an overturn or usurpation especially in public affairs.9 Explaining the title, the author says:

                    The book has been entitled The Transparent Cabal because the Neoconservatives have sometimes been referred to as a cabal. By implying secret plotting, the aim of such a term is often to make the whole idea of Neocons influence appear ridiculous. For while the Neocons represent a tight group devoted to achieving political goals, they have worked very much in the open to advance their Middle East war agenda. Thus, unlike a true “cabal,” characterized by secrecy, the Neoconservatives are a “transparent cabal.10

More Light on Neocons Perfidy.  Mentioned below are some excerpts from the book that throw more light on the Neocons’ perfidious nature:   

“What Sniegoski is challenging is the management of American  foreign policy by extreme Zionists.”                                           (page xiii)                                 

“What is most impressive about Sniegoski’s study is its rigorous demonstration of the persistence with which Neoconservative ‘policy-advisers’ have pushed particular agendas, driven by their strident Zionism, over long periods of time.”                                           (page xi)


                “The Neoconservatives quite openly publicized their war agenda both before and after Sept 11, 2001. Like a “cabal,” the Neoconservatives have worked in unison to shape major policy.”                                 (page6)                                                                                                         

                “Over the years, the Neocons had developed a powerful, interlocking network of think tanks, organizations, and media outlets outside of government with the express purpose of influencing American foreign policy. By the end of the 1990s, the Neocons developed a complete blueprint for the remaking of the Middle East by military means, starting with Iraq.”                                                                                     (page 6)


To Recognize this Reality is Crucial for the Ruling Authorities     

This section is primarily addressed to Pakistan’s rulers, policymakers and the other authorities responsible for the country’s security. But, it is of equal importance for the ruling authorities of all Muslim countries. The ‘Reality’ to be recognized, as explained in this document, is, that:

■ A Cabal of Zionist International Jewry (Zinjry) rules over the United States and makes the national policies, including foreign policy, in pursuit of its own aims, which, in fact, go against the US national interest.

■ The Zionist Cabal is pursuing global aims, which the policymakers must identify because these aims include disintegration of Muslim countries. Its “complete blueprint for the remaking of the Middle East,” which outlines the scheme for breaking up Saudi Arabia, is being implemented.

Pakistan is a prime target of the Zionist Cabal. Let there be no doubt about it. It is for this purpose that Neocons manoeuvred to tie Pakistan down militarily with Saudi Arabia—a move, which, if not reversed quickly, will cause grievous harm to Pakistan in both political and strategic terms.

The complete blueprint that also targets countries beyond the Middle East was actually published in a Hebrew document in early1980s.   

Recognizing its vital importance, French scholar Roger Garaudy included it in his 1983 book. I reproduced it in an awareness brief, titled, The Zionist Scheme to Break up Muslim Countries, and circulated it first in Aug 2003, then in Jan 2016. Apparently, the concerned authorities ignored it. It is hoped they will now give it the attention it deserves.

The writer is an analyst of international and national affairs.



  1. Sutton, p.2; Quoted from Quigley’s book, Tragedy and Hope.
  2. Ross, p. xi.       3.   Ross, p. ii.   4.   Findley, p. 27.  5.   Findley, p. 25.
  3. Lilienthal, p.13. 7.  Ford, p. 261.      8.   Sniegoski, p. viii.
  4. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary.             10. Sniegoski, p. 6.



―Garaudy  Roger. The Case of Israel: A Study of Political Zionism, London,  

    Shorouk International, 1983.

Findley, Paul. They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront

    Israel’s Lobby, Westport, Connecticut, Lawrence Hill & Company, 1985.

Ford I, Henry. The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem, Umma

    Publishing House, Karachi, 1970, first published in 1920.

Lilienthal, Alfred M. The Other Side of the Coin, The David-Adair Company,

    New York, 1965.

Quigley, Carroll. Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time,

    The Macmillan Company, New York, 1966, Paperback – March 1, 2014.

Ross, Robert Gaylon, Sr. Who’s Who of the Elite—Members of the:

    Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations & Trilateral Commission,

    Spicewood, Texas, published by RIE, First Printing – July 1995.

Sniegoski, Stephen J.  The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative Agenda,       

    War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel. Enigma Editions,    

    Norfolk, Virginia,  2008.

Sutton, Antony C.  How the Order Creates War And Revolution, Australia,        

    Veritas Publishing Company Ptv. Ltd. 1986.




Tariq Majeed

Email: [email protected]


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