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Posts Tagged Porky Altaf MQM Rigging. Fraud

Ask ECP to publicly release the polling station-wise results

Ask ECP to publicly release the polling station-wise results



The only real evidence of whether rigging has or has not taken place in the 2013 General Elections is in the polling station-wise vote counts (along with copies of Form XIV) for every constituency. These are public documents and you have the right to access them. We must ask the ECP to release this information to the public BEFORE results are officially notified – which means it needs to be done immediately, as the ECP will have to notify winners 10 days after Election Day (and no later than 15 days after Election Day).
    The ECP did release the polling station results after the last General Elections in 2008 – but not until more than six months later, when it was too late to file complaints.
Write to secretary@ecp.gov.pk with the subject line “Public Release of Polling Station-wise Results on ECP Website Immediately”. 
You can write your message any way you choose but this is how I wrote mine – feel free to copy/paste: “Dear Sir,I am writing to request, as a citizen of Pakistan and a voter in the 2013 General Elections, that the ECP publicly release the polling station-wise results of each constituency (along with copies of Form XIV) on its website before notifying official results. 

An objective analysis of polling station vote counts and corrective action by the ECP in cases of irregularities will enhance electoral transparency as well as build public confidence in the electoral process. I am hopeful that theE CP will fulfill this request and release the required information to the public.

Please share and get the word out! Time is running out so let’s get those emails rolling!


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