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LETTER TO PM IMRAN KHAN by Abdul Salam Dadabhoy.

Greetings to you, Sir!





One, while starting to write I must admit that you have been Prime Minister for slightly more than 6 months now and that the tasks of reformation and stabilization from the wrecks of the last 10 years are definitely daunting. One must also admit that Pakistan is surrounded by hostile elements, in shape of neighbours, corrupt and compromised opposition politicians and a very biased and divided media and hence your ride as Prime Minister is and has so far not been a very comfortable one. One is inclined to state, that although there may be differences of opinions with you, on and in the manner your Government is proceeding forward, there is not a single iota of doubt in as far as your honesty and patriotism are concerned.

Way back in 2013, when PTI had assumed power in KPK (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), one had very humbly submitted a power point presentation to you, (link of which is being appended herewith for your august attention). 


This powerpoint presentation was and still is to highlight the issues faced by a common Pakistani, the same Pakistani who has struggled with determination and dedication for 22 years to vote you into power. Being a Pakistani from Karachi, especially one who has always favoured and supported you, more so voted for you, the first time in one’s life, one is compelled to present to you a layman’s view of your government’s performance in the last 6 months.

In the foreign affairs domain, you have done what many could not do in years. Highlighting the Kashmir issue and the Indian atrocities in IOK (Illegally Occupied Kashmir), opening up the Kartarpur corridor, successful handling of USA desire to exit Afghanistan, international handling of the FATF (Financial Action Task Force) issue, handling of and trust reposed by the Chinese Government in you on CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor), your visits to Malaysia and the Middle East, Arab tilt in favor of your honesty and leadership abilities and recent visit of His Highness Prince Mohammad Bin Salman to Pakistan, all speak of your outstanding performance on the foreign affairs front. Your address to the nation twice most recently after the Pulwama attack, warning India against any misadventure, articulate and candid, yet carefully worded brief televised addresses, followed by meetings with the national security teams, the Services Chiefs and the national command authority are all evidence of your foreign policy acumen, your master stroke being the return of captured enemy combatant Indian pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan, thus extending India an olive branch and raising the stature of Pakistan before India and the world at large, as a peace-loving yet determined and able adversary and neighbor.

Mr. Prime Minister, political jingoism; fiery speeches in public rallies and gatherings are generally made by every public leader which in your case included statements like;

 1) ‘’Pakistan won’t beg from IMF 

 2) ‘’A team of 200 overseas Pakistani professionals have been shortlisted and will return to Pakistan immediately on my assuming power’’

3) ‘’No minister or elected official shall get protocol’’ 

4) ‘’200 billion dollars laying in Swiss banks shall be brought back instantly’’

5) ‘’Accountability shall be across the board’’

6) So on and so forth; but domestically none of the above has been seen getting implemented as yet.

The following is not yet achieved::

1) Looted wealth is not coming back, not one notable politician and/or bureaucrat has been convicted, in fact, Mr Mohammad Shehbaz Sharif has become Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee in the National Assembly. 

2) Inflation and unemployment, especially in Karachi, is continuously on the rise, more so after the anti-encroachment drive, wherein the orders of the Honorable Supreme Court have been excessively misused. 

3) Prices of electricity, gas, foodstuff have risen considerably in the last 6 months. 

4) Federal Board of Revenue and other agencies are witch-hunting only and only against the common Pakistani. 

5) The bureaucracy is not supportive of your vision as being planted and cultivated by the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz in the last 30 years. 

6) The courts are not delivering, in fact, our courts and agencies are not capable to detect white collar crime & resultantly repatriate stolen wealth. 

7) Tenure of military courts for trial of cases of terrorism is coming to a close and fate regarding extension of military courts still hangs in the balance.  

8) People who openly abuse the state and the armed forces, like many foreign-funded liberals and organizations, for example, the PTM (Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement) continue to do so, under the garb of freedom of speech. 

Mr Prime Minister, please direct your team, to try to bring in public-friendly policies, for relief to the already downtrodden people of Pakistan and if you may, please consider sending all cases of economic terrorism, to military courts, via a Presidential ordinance, as this to many, like the author, seems to be the only way, to recover stolen national wealth. 

As an ardent admirer of your honesty and leadership qualities; one hopes the above will merit your very kind consideration.

May Allah bless you with the courage to change what you can and the conscience to bear what you can’t!

Abdul Salam Dadabhoy.

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