While every news-outlet in Pakistan fell into the trap of Avi Scharf’s propaganda against Pakistan, Israeli PM Netanyahu paid a secret visit to Oman which has serious repercussions not only for Pakistan but also for the whole South Asia.
On a secret trip to Oman, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was accompanied by his wife, Mossad intelligence Chief Yossi Cohen, National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat and with other defense officials. The Israeli delegation reportedly flew to Oman on Thursday, 25th October 2018 when Pakistan’s media attention was successfully diverted about the Israeli plane landing in Islamabad.
A lot of countries trusted Oman but the question is will they see Oman as an honest broker? Through Oman, Israel can build secret ties with any player in the region.
It was the first visit by an Israeli leader to Oman in over two decades; the last Israeli leader to visit Oman was Shimon Peres in 1996. Netanyahu’s office said in a statement on Friday, 26th October that the visit came at the invitation of Sultan Qaboos and followed “lengthy contacts between the two countries”. His office added that it formed part of a policy of “deepening relations with the states of the region”.
Just three days before Netanyahu’s visit, President of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas also paid a visit to Oman on 21st October. Surprisingly, on 28th October, Omani officials went again to Palestine to meet President Mahmoud Abbas which indicates the developments relating to the Middle-East peace process are progressing rapidly in a pace where Israel is now for the first time in history leading the role through diplomatic intelligence
Read more: Relations beyond the veil: Pakistan, Israel and the Muslim world
This article is an attempt to analyze three main questions; Why Israel exposed its relations with Oman at this time? What is Israel’s master plan behind gaining a strong foothold in this region? How Israel’s presence can affect the Geopolitics of South Asia?
Israel’s Threat Perception and Geopolitical Strategy
Connecting the Dots
“One of the secrets about ‘Zionist-politics’ is that it intends to compartmentalize its mission into a long span of time by the way of deceptive Geo-political developments or layers. But the end game will always remain the same. Thus, it is essential to connect the dots to see the bigger picture in order to understand Israeli Geo-politics because analyzing each compartment of Israeli strategy in isolation will eventually lead to more confusion.”
Israel visit to Oman is yet another layer to divide the Muslims, as it already raised serious questions regarding the future of Muslim unity among the scholars
Israel’s Geopolitical location is a security nightmare for Israeli defense planners because of the surrounding Arab countries. US calibrate its Middle East policy because of the Israeli Lobby sitting in the United States, who not only controls US foreign policy in the Middle-east but also use US army as its military arm.
According to the author, every US war in the Middle-east ended up in dividing the Muslim countries and thus enhancing the security of Israel. Thus, US grand strategy of regime change in the Middle-east is intended to serve Israel in two ways;
1– Firstly, Strategically replace the leaders of the Muslim countries with those who will recognize Israel as a legit state and will have friendly ties in the future.
2– Secondly, control oil and the gas of the Middle-east through Multi-national corporations which are already owned by most of the Zionist bankers.
Why Israel Exposed her Relations with Oman?
Firstly, Oman can serve as a channel to many countries including Pakistan, Iran, Qatar, and even Syria. A lot of countries trusted Oman but the question is will they see Oman as an honest broker? Through Oman, Israel can build secret ties with any player in the region. For example; India used Oman’s good offices to develop ties with Iran. If Israel gets a strong foothold in Oman through her embassy it can experiment with Pakistan and Iran.
Finally, for Netanyahu exposing the ties with Oman is yet another layer in Israeli Middle-eastern strategy which includes covert alliances and public ones. This article is an attempt to decode all the layers in Israeli Middle-eastern strategy. As an early example; first of the decoded layer explains Israel will only seek to develop covert or overt ties with Sunni nations of movements in an effort to prevent Iran’s spread through the region as well as undermines Tehran’s regional power. And Oman’s Geographical position and the monarchy provide all the tools they need to materialize this strategy.
The Secret: MOSSAD’s Strategy is Encoded in its Slogan “By way of Deception Thou Shalt do War”
There are so many deceptions revolving around Israel approaching Oman. Most of the analysts will see this development in economic or political terms concerning the recognition of Israel or the possible Palestinian state but in reality, it is more than that. The truth about deception is that when it targets a specific object it creates a camouflage (Geo-political confusion) and will never directly expose its hidden objectives because of the secrecy. Israel visit to Oman is yet another layer to divide the Muslims, as it already raised serious questions regarding the future of Muslim unity among the scholars
It is because of this reason through multiple layers on it; they want most of the world thinkers to remain confused about Israel’s Geopolitics. Thus, the role of most of the thinkers in this game becomes more confusing for them and for others too, because they do not know the truth and you merely through empirical political theories want to know the clarity about reality. Which in reality, they will never be able to understand. The author wants to emphasize here that it is because of this reason they categories our intellect as ‘mob psychology’.
The latest development of Oman-Israel ties is the prime example of the forces which are busy in enhancing the security of the state of Israel at the cost dividing the Muslim countries.
As Israeli Professor Israel Shahak, in his book; Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Two Thousand Years says on page 89-90; “It is a grave sin to practice any kind of deception whatsoever against a Jew. Against a Gentile (non-Jew) it is only forbidden to practice direct deception. Indirect deception is allowed unless it is likely to cause hostility towards Jews or insult to the Jewish religion”.
One of the secrets about deception in ‘Zion politics’ is that it also intends to compartmentalize its mission into a long span of time, but the end game will always remain the same. Therefore, One must connect the dots and look the bigger picture concerning the pro-Israel US and Israeli strategy in the Middle-east.
Pakistan’s Threat Perception: Pakistan should Learn to Play on Both Sides
“In the age of Hybrid warfare, it is essential for Pakistan that they are being deliberately encircled by her enemies. Thus, its economic developments with other countries must have a military objective in the end”.
Read more: Should Pakistan ‘establish contacts’ with Israel just like KSA?
Pakistan in a Midst of Hybrid War
If we pay close attention to the post-911 South Asia, a whole book of several volumes can be written on Pakistan’s threat perception. But if we only consider the developments of last week, it is plain and clear that Pakistan is the midst of Hybrid war directed against her.
1– International Propaganda campaigns are being conducted; recently it was Israeli newspaper Haaretz spreading falsehood against Pakistan to create a divide in between civil and military leadership.
2– Pakistani banks and data centers are being targeted through Cyberwarfare.
3– India is busy in violating ceasefire agreement of 2003 and killing innocent Pakistanis.
4– the United States is pressurizing the leadership of Pakistan by putting the blame about the loss in Afghanistan war.
5– In the midst of civil unrest, after Supreme Court overturned the death sentence of Aasia Bibi United States Commission on International Religious Freedom calls on the government of Pakistan to release another 40 individuals imprisoned in Blasphemy charges and repeal its blasphemy laws. It is not only an act of meddling into the internal affairs of Pakistan but also adding fuel to the fire.
The port of Duqm is unique — it is artificial crafted for economic and strategic use. As far as Oman’s Salalah is related it is already being used by Indian Air Force and Navy for repair and refueling.
Pakistan must realize the fact that it is being slowly and steadily being encircled by her enemies. The latest development of Oman-Israel ties is the prime example of the forces which are busy in enhancing the security of the state of Israel at the cost dividing the Muslim countries. The only question arises here; why we are not taking right decisions at the right time? It is mainly because of the above-mentioned points in the context of deception on the part of Pro-Israel US and Israeli strategy. The whole Geo-political scenario in South Asia is clearly suggesting that Pakistan is already in a state of war.
US Army Lt. Col. (ret.) Ralph Peters in the June 2006 “Blood Borders”, Peters suggested that a reimagining of Middle Eastern and Asian borders along ethnic, sectarian and tribal lines might ease regional tensions (in reality enhancing the security of Israel by dividing the Muslim countries). The article and the accompanying map were and continue to be widely taken as Washington’s blueprint for imperial meddling.
The boundaries projected in the maps accompanying this article redress the wrongs suffered by the most significant ‘cheated’ population groups, such as the Kurds, Baluch and Arab Shia. The only way to counter the US grand strategy to divide the Muslim countries is to unite the Muslim countries; Pakistan must put herself boldly at the center of this chessboard game and marginalize every pro-Israel US or its proxy move to divide the Muslim world.