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Modern Islamic principles of the 21st century by Dr Khalid Abu al Saud, Futurist, Poet and Global Thinker from Saudi Arabia


LET’S develop collectively,  comprehensive modern Islamic principles of the 21st century for different societies and different mazahibs, considering the following

First. The purposes of developing the comprehensive modern Islamic principles are

  1. To unite and guide the 1,5 billion Muslims in the world, to participate actively together with other nations and religions, to shape the coming global empathic planetary civilization, to prevent the coming global self-destruction.
  2. To eradicate the roots of corruption, superstition, fanatism, terrorism, dogmatism, ISIS, ALQAEDA, wars, civil wars and the deadly Fitnah especially between Sunni and Shia to prevent the coming wars between Iran and its neighboring countries.
  3. To convert modern Islam into important parts of the solution not only to the cause of religious wars, fanaticism, dogmatism and terrorism.
  4. To eradicate the roots of Islamophobia especially in America and Europe.
  5. To convert many Islamic tribal and agricultural societies into advanced, productive, prosperous, knowledge societies within 20 years.
  6. To stop the tsunamis of Atheism, immorality, and promiscuity in the world.
  7. To spread spiritual awakening.
  8. To help Muslims everywhere to identify and perceive themselves and be perceived as Muslims and as citizens, to provide meaning for their life and death.
  9. To remember God the Almighty in minds and hearts.
  10. To prevent the misuse of Islam to exploit people politically and economically.
  11. To convert brainwashed, obedient, ignorant, herd members in the world, who are confusing freedom with promiscuity, into free, creative and productive thinkers and citizens.
  12. To ask Muslims in West and East to change their perceptions about God, prophets, themselves, the old and new Islamic scholars, their worlds, their present and future, other religions, other mazahib , other countries, science and technologies, and politics.
  13. To develop modern paperless education system, using special education tablets with education programmes, can be used for face to face and online learning and as virtual super laboratory simulators, to teach Nanotechnology, Stem cell technology, Quantum technologies, quantum computer, Robotics, Genetics, Biotechnology, Vertical Aeroponic and hydroponic farming, clean energy and other important subjects.
  14. To replace the predatory capitalism of the 1% elites, who consider themselves as legitimate predators, considering America, Europe, and the whole world as preys, considering global peace as the loss of opportunity to make giant profits from wars even nuclear wars, with social moral capitalism.
  15. To stop the global warming and the coming nuclear wars.
  16. To develop the new world order for all humanity, not for the 1% elites only.
  17. To convert all strategies of domination into strategies of cooperation, to allow the use of 80% of global military budgets for peace projects and to convert Earth into the green planet of peace , justice, solidarity and abundance for 9 billion civilized humans before 2950.
  18. To prepare the optimal strategy, how to deal with the new president Donald Trump, with his unique visions about America and the world, about Islam and Muslims, about the 1% elites.
  19. To prepare humanity brain wise, politically, economically, technologically, how to deal with the technological singularly, when humans will be able to create super robots, much more intelligent than humans, able to improve and replicate themselves exponentially before 2045.
  20. To prevent the coming collapse of American dollars, manipulated by the 1% elites, to devaluate the American bonds and to buy the controlling shares of important companies cheaply, which will lead to implosion of America and the global economic disasters.
  21. The roots of the present Islamic fanaticism and dogmatism, which lead into terrorism and the wars between mathahibs and the stagnation of Islamic societies are formed mainly during the Abbasid dynasty, especially after considering philosophy as blasphemy —to be considered in preparing the modern Islamic principles.

Second. The development of the comprehensive modern Islamic principles will be based on

  1. Modern interpretations of the revelations according to the goals and wisdom of the revelations and the requirements of the 21st century, beyond mathahibs and tribal traditions, concentrating mainly on Al-Quran and true Hadiths, which are not contradicting with Al-Quran, must be interpreted holistically, not partially. During the life of the Prophet p.b.u.h, there were no mathahibs, there was only one Islam.
  2. Pro-peace, justice, good morality, solidarity, diversities, tolerance, transparency, accountability, privacy, freedom, human rights, ecology, direct democracy, meritocracy, equality, faithful secularism, interest-free economy, new fair global currency, family values, democratic civilian government implementing Islamic principles, coexistence with all religions.
  3. No coercion and compulsion in religion .
  4. To do everything to become near the Almighty, to avoid everything to become far from the Almighty.
  5. Anti-wars, fanatism, terrorism, corruption, oppression, superstition, injustice, dictatorship, promiscuity, environmental destruction, infidel secularism, nuclear weapons, trading with derivatives, monopoly, printing money covered by air, drugs.
  6. Humans are not perfect and not infallible, only the Almighty is perfect and infallible.
  7. Just and wise non-Muslim leaders are better than corrupt and unjust Muslim leaders.
  8. Modern science and technologies and Islam are not contradictory.
  9. There are no bad science and technologies, there are bad humans using science and technologies for bad purposes.
  10. The old histories about wars between Muslims and Muslims after the death of the Prophet P.B.U.H should be kept in the museum of histories, not to be used as an excuse for the deadly Fitnah, especially between Sunni and Shia.
  11. Killing one innocent human to be considered as killing all humanity.
  12. The fate of humans in the afterlife to be decided by their deeds and the Mercy of the Almighty, despite their mathahibs.
  13. The Lord of Creation beyond comprehension and comparison, far beyond Michael Anglo and tribal imaginations — He has started the creation of the universe with the Big Bang within 6 days, in which one day of the Almighty could be 2,3 bill years — In the centre of everywhere, and in the navel of nowhere, Blazing His Mercy.
  14. Money and wealth belonging to the Lord of life and death, to be earned and used wisely.
  15. Humans are the results of their thoughts, feelings, deeds, environments and fate.
  16. A human is made of trillions of cells, each cell is made of trillions of atoms, each atom is made of neutrons, protons, electrons and 99,9999999 % of empty space.
  17. The thing can be this can be that can be here can be there at the same time. Everything is nothing, nothing is not anything, emptiness is not empty according to quantum physics
  18. God will help those people, who help themselves.
  19. Islam is respecting all religions and all prophets.
  20. Humans must seek to know more about the past, nature, themselves and others to help themselves and to appreciate the Greatness of the Almighty.
  21. Humans must seek to be perfect, although they know only the Almighty is perfect.
  22. Muslims must not allow anybody to exploit Islam for politics and stealing money
  23. Should Muslims in the 21st century support the total segregation of men from women and forcing women and girls to use BURKA covering all bodies, like the followers of HAREDI JUDAISM in Israel and Taliban in Afghanistan.?
  24. Jihad to liberate or protect the country is legitimate, but Jihad mainly to get hur alain leads into ISIS.The biggest Jihad is to liberate yourself from the evils inside yourself.
  25. True faith leads always into mercy, tolerance, justice, and good deeds therefore true Islam is the way of life, based on peace, justice, solidarity, tolerance, human rights.
  26. Secularism in West was to liberate politics from the church and religious leaders, but secularism in East is to liberate religions and religious leaders from political leaders.
  27. Religions are good, if used for guiding believers into peace, good morality, justice, and good deeds, they are bad if misused for wars, corruption, terrorism and exploiting humans.
  28. The statement —-many Muslim countries are underdeveloped because they do not implement Islam —is wrong. Why are many non-Muslim countries developed and prosperous?The main reason, they are governed by corrupted leaders, who misuse the religion to exploit the countries.
  29. Muslims, especially from the Middle East must be convinced
    • To love teamwork and to respect women.
    • To stop feeling that the world, especially the West are conspiring against them, therefore they are underdeveloped.
    • To stop thinking only of the past and start thinking seriously of the future.
    • To be free, not slaves of greed, craving, fanaticism, nationalism, sports clubs.
    • Those preachers alone cannot solve problems.
    • To differentiate between JUDAISM as an old religion and Zionism as a political ideology.

Third . The main differences between Sunni and Shia

  • Shia insists not to forget the two historical events, that Ali Alaihi salam was not elected as the first  Khalifa after the death of the Prophet p.b.u.h, and the killing of Hussein alaihi alsalam and his family.
  • Shia have their own sources of true Hadiths and do not consider Muslim and Buchori as the best sources of true Hadiths.
  • Shia believes that the 12 Imams are infallible, while Sunnis believe that only God and the Prophet p.b.u.h are infallible.
  • Shia believes that the hidden twelfth Imams AL Mahdi will appear in the future to save and lead the believers.
  • Today only very fanatic Shia are cursing the Sahabah and considering Al Quran as not complete.
  • Shia are believing in many principles of Almutazila.

With good will, the above-mentioned differences could be solved easily, Sunni and to extinguish the deadly Fitna, Sunni, and Shia, which will lead into a disastrous war between Iran and its neighboring countries.If Sunni could live peacefully with Christians, why they could not live peacefully with Shia, like before










Fourth . Muslims implementing the new modern Islamic principles must  differentiate between JUDAISM as an old peaceful  religion, believing in one God and Moses as His Prophet and The TEN COMMANDMENTS-–,and Zionism as a political ideology ,created before HITLER by certain secret organizations ,to convert Judaism into fanatic nationalism ,through creating the great Zionist  Israel to control oil in the Middle East ,exploiting Jews ,Judaism ,the  leaders of America Europe and Middle East  countries , has ignited many wars and willing to ignite the coming nuclear wars . There are millions of Jews against Zionism (Rabbi Dovid Weiss, Miko Peled, Anna Baltzer ).There are millions Christian Zionists, who are not Jews, exploiting America, willing to sacrifice America for Israel.Will America say GOODBYE to the Middle East and Israel after the end of oil economy?

Fifth . Which organizations have created, financed and trained ISIS, oil ?which of them have supported the marketing of oil?What kind of lies and hypocrisy must the world tolerate?

Sixth .How to convert millions of Muslim refugees in Europe into important parts of the solution of the European population decline.

  • Removing economical and political reasons, which Forced The refugees to migrate to Europe.
  • Forcing refugees ‘ children to be educated and trained by reputable teachers, to become productive and creative citizens.
  • Forcing adult refugees to be educated and trained by reputable teachers, to become skilled farmers, technicians, and workers.
  • To encourage refugees to become active members of sport, social and political organizations and clubs.
  • Seventh  ..The basic requirements to be Muslims in the 21st century.
  • Must believe in one God the Almighty
  • Must believe in Jesus and all Prophets, especially in Prophet Mohamad P. B.U.H as the last Prophet.
  • Must believe in all Holy Books and Al-Quran as the last holy book and the true AL hadiths, which are not contradicting with Al-Quran.
  • Must believe in the five pillars of Islam and in an afterlife.
  • Must respect all religions and laws of their countries.
  • Must believe in justice, good morality, human rights and peace.
  • Must believe that Al-Qoran valid for all time and places, therefore must be interpreted according to time and places.

Eighth. The rise of consumerism, feminism, atheism, promiscuity in Western societies is weakening family values, social energy and the masculinity of men will lead to cultural death and self-destruction. Millions Muslims in Western societies, should not be marginalized and should be guided to implement the modern Islamic principles to become important parts of the solution.

Ninth . The study of ARIAN CHRISTIANITY (ARIUS), which believes in ONE GOD The Almighty and Jesus as His divine Messenger, and the study of the old ARAMAIC language, the main language of Jesus could lead to better understanding of the old holy books and the reduction of the tension between Christianity and Islam.

Tenth. Unwise leaders individually and collectively, remaking decisions and actions, mainly according to their egos, emotions, and subconscious minds, advice refusing pieces of advice, morality, leads usually into wars and disasters .wise leaders are using rational conscious minds morality, accepting rational advice, which leads usually to peace and prosperity.The main benefits of free rational discussions and dialogues before making important decisions and actions, within a real democracy.

 Eleventh .The comprehensive modern Islamic principles must be developed collectively, to be considered as Ijtihads, to be readjusted and corrected continuously.

  1. By reputable Islamic scholars, scientists, philosophers, from different countries different mathahibs.
  2. To be discussed openly and continuously in conferences, tv, newspapers, magazines, internets, social media To keep them alive in minds.
  3. To be written in English and Arabic and translated into other languages.
  4. To be published as books and e-books.
  5. To be taught in schools and universities in West and East, to eradicate the roots of Islamophobia in the world and Islamic fanaticism , dogmatism, and terrorism.
  6. To be considered by constitutions and laws of Islamic countries.


  • Prepared by Dr Khalid Abu al Saud
  • Futurist, Poet and global thinker from Saudi Arabia
  • [email protected] 00966505461523      26 Jan 2017

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UGLY HISTORICAL GERMAN BIGOTRY: Angela Merkel: Germany will become Islamic State!

Unknown-17Angela Merkel: Germany will become Islamic State!

Posted by EU Times on Sep 21st, 2010 


There has been a great influx of Israeli Jews welcomed to Germany at the invitation of the Merkel Government.  Does that make Germany a Jewish State! Please Read the Article below


Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Germans have failed to grasp how Muslim immigration has transformed their country and will have to come to terms with more mosques than churches throughout the countryside, according to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung daily.

“Our country continues to change, and integration is also the task for society to deal with immigrants,” Ms. Merkel told the daily newspaper. “For years we’ve been deceiving ourselves about this. Mosques, for example, are going to be a more prominent part of our cities than they were before.”

Germany, with a population of 4-5million Muslims, has been divided in recent weeks by a debate over remarks by the Bundesbank’s Thilo Sarrazin, who argued Turkish and Arab immigrants were failing to integrate and were swamping Germany with a higher birth rate.

The Chancellor’s remarks represent the first official acknowledgment that Germany, like other European countries, is destined to become a stronghold of Islam.

In France 30% of children age 20 years and below are Muslims. The ratio in Paris and Marseilles has soared to 45%. In southern France there are more Mosques than churches.

The situation within the United Kingdom is not much different. In last 30 years, the Muslim population there has climbed from 82,000 to 2.5 millions. Presently, there are over 1000 mosques throughout Great Britain – – many of which were converted from churches.

In Belgium, 50% newborns are Muslims and reportedly its Islamic population hovers around 25%. A similar statistic holds true for The Netherlands.

It’s the same story in Russia where one in five inhabitants are Muslim.


Posted by EU Times on Sep 21st, 2010 





Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Germans have failed to grasp how Muslim immigration has transformed their country and will have to come to terms with more mosques than churches throughout the countryside, according to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung daily.

“Our country continues to change, and integration is also the task for society to deal with immigrants,” Ms. Merkel told the daily newspaper. “For years we’ve been deceiving ourselves about this. Mosques, for example, are going to be a more prominent part of our cities than they were before.”

Germany, with a population of 4-5million Muslims, has been divided in recent weeks by a debate over remarks by the Bundesbank’s Thilo Sarrazin, who argued Turkish and Arab immigrants were failing to integrate and were swamping Germany with a higher birth rate.

The Chancellor’s remarks represent the first official acknowledgment that Germany, like other European countries, is destined to become a stronghold of Islam.

In France 30% of children age 20 years and below are Muslims. The ratio in Paris and Marseilles has soared to 45%. In southern France there are more Mosques than churches.

The situation within the United Kingdom is not much different. In last 30 years, the Muslim population there has climbed from 82,000 to 2.5 millions. Presently, there are over 1000 mosques throughout Great Britain – – many of which were converted from churches.

In Belgium, 50% newborns are Muslims and reportedly its Islamic population hovers around 25%. A similar statistic holds true for The Netherlands.

It’s the same story in Russia where one in five inhabitants are Muslim.


Influx of Soviet Jews prompting disputes in Germany

by DANIEL DAGAN, Jewish Telegraphic Agency


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BERLIN — The influx of Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union into Germany is causing some fierce power and legal struggles — some of which are landing in German courts.

In some cases, the disputes have revolved around the Jewishness of the newcomers, but the main conflicts seem to center around the effects that absorbing the newcomers is having on the decision-making process in established German Jewish communities and in the election of Jewish officials.

The population of Germany’s Jewish community has more than doubled — to over 60,000 — in recent years as a result of a large wave of Russian immigrants.

German Jews, like most of European Jewry, are members of official local communities that are legally registered.

In the city of Hanover, for example, local Jewish activists accused Michael Fuerst, the longtime chairman of the community in the state of Lower Saxony, of relying on votes from non-Jewish newcomers to secure his position. The activists even questioned Fuerst’s Jewish origins.

In the end, a court decided several months ago to support Fuerst’s position and to re-establish him both as a community member and as the leader in the state.

In another more recent case, a group of newcomers from the former Soviet Union was excluded from the Potsdam community. The group, which calls itself the Association of Immigrants in the State of Brandenburg, challenged the exclusion and maintained that it was the only legitimate representative of the Jewish community there.

The established community’s chairman, Alexander Kogan, said the newcomers were excluded because they were not permanent residents of Brandenburg .

The immigrant group’s activists told the state government, local banks and other institutions that they were the only legitimate representatives of the community.

But a German court ruled earlier this month that the group of newcomers could not portray themselves as such.

The court’s decision has not ended the conflict. A lawyer representing the group has said he would explore the possibility of an appeal.

Another option for the immigrants, experts say, would be to register as a separate Jewish community in Brandenburg.

Non-Jewish residents of Potsdam can hardly understand why German courts have to deal with the burden of resolving the ongoing power struggle within the local Jewish community. “This is a very unfortunate situation,” a town official said, adding, “We would prefer not to be involved in this matter.”

For more JTA stories, go to: http://www.jta.org


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