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INDIAN AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY : High ideals meet ground truths

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I Had Ray Davis’s Job, in Laos 30 Years Ago

The story of Raymond Allen Davis is one familiar to me and I wish our (US) government would quit doing these things – they cost us credibility.

Davis is the American being held as a spy working under diplomatic cover out of our embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan. You can understand why foreign countries no longer trust us and people are rising up across the Middle East against the Great Satan.

In the Vietnam War, the country of Laos held a geo-strategic position, as Pakistan does to Afghanistan today. As in Pakistan, in Laos our country (USA) conducted covert military operations against a sovereign people, using the CIA.

I was a demolitions technician with the Air Force who was reassigned to work with the CIA

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Narcoterrorism and Sabotage in Pakistan, the Anti-Islamic Side of Taliban

Pakistan has been dealing with the so-called, “Islamist,” terrorists with kid gloves. This may be due to the mild nature of the current COAS and his adherence to International norms of military operations.  But, this is leading to nowhere.  Terrorism is increasing by leaps and bounds. Pakistan should take the gloves off and deal with an iron fist, the only language the terrorists understand. Pakistan should arm it’s Khyber-Paktunkhwa tribes with sophisticate weaponry and night time combat equipment to take the war to the very home of the terrorists, the mountains of North Waziristan and do hot pursuit on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. Black-OPS should be mounted against the Indian commandos training and sending these so-called, “Pakistani Taliban.”  The West has complained about Pakistani “support,” to the Haqqani network.  Pakistan should actively utilize this network to attack, the Indian inspired “Taliban networks.”

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Pakistan Air Force Buys ZDK-03 AWACS

Pakistan Air Force Buys ZDK-03 AWACS

Yet another breakthrough in buying sophisticated early warning airborne radar system by Pakistan Air Force. This time it

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J-10 and Submarines: China-Pakistan Great Wall of Joint Defence




 Pakistani Navy showed a test missile being fired at a ship in the Arabian Sea

Pakistan’s navy has successfully test-fired missiles and torpedoes from ships, submarines and aircraft in the Arabian sea, officials say.

The tests were followed by a statement saying they sent a “clear message to forces having nefarious designs”.

India and Pakistan regularly test their missile systems and they normally notify one another ahead of such tests.

Last month the two sides held their first formal talks since the November 2008 Mumbai attacks.

India says the attacks, which left 174 people dead – including nine gunmen – were partly planned on Pakistani soil.

It is not clear if the missiles tested on Friday were capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

The tests included anti-surface missiles, air-to-surface missiles, and surface-to-surface missiles, the AP news agency reported.

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