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Archive for August, 2013

Sovereignty – the Task Ahead

Sovereignty – the Task Ahead


Inam Khawaja


The people of Pakistan have given their verdict – PML(N) in Punjab, Baluchistan and the Centre, PTI and JI in KPK and PPP and MQM in Sindh. Once again providence has given another opportunity to us to set aside differences to achieve unity and work for the welfare of the common man. The Quaid visualized Pakistan as a state having equality of man and social justice this vision is expressed in his last speech which was delivered on 1st July 1948 at the opening ceremony of the State Bank of Pakistan:-

“The opening of the State Bank of Pakistan symbolizes the sovereignty of our State — I will watch with keenness the work of your Research Organization in evolving banking practices compatible with Islamic ideals of social and economic life. The economic system of the West has created almost insoluble problems for humanity —– The adoption of Western economic theory and practice will not help us in achieving our goal of creating a happy and contented people. We must work our destiny in our own way and present the world an economic system based on true Islamic concept of equality of manhood and social justice. We will thereby be fulfilling our mission as Muslims and giving humanity the message of peace which alone can save it and secure the welfare, happiness and prosperity of mankind. May the State Bank of Pakistan prosper and fulfill the high ideals which have been set as its goal.”

The State Bank did hardly anything in fulfilling the goal set for it by the Quaid. I doubt if the Banking Institute of Pakistan includes the above speech as a part of its curriculum. It was only when Islamic Banking was introduced in some Muslim countries that we woke up and started introducing it a few years ago. 

The Quaid’s opening remarks are very significant because he equates the opening of the State Bank with national sovereignty that is independence. In essence it means that the lack of economic independence compromises national sovereignty. Within a few years after the assassination of the first Prime Minister in October 1951 the civil bureaucracy came into power and it did not take long in compromising national sovereignty by accepting foreign economic and military aid. But when the military assumed power they went a step further and gave bases over which Pakistan had no control.  

The time has now come to reassert our sovereignty by first regaining economic independence and doing away with all foreign aid. This is a matter of political will because foreign aid is certainly not an economic necessity. This is very eloquently expressed with convincing facts and figures by the well known economist Dr. Ishrat Hussain in his article Is US Assistance Really so Critical for Pakistanpublished in both Dawn and the Business Recorder in April 2007. 

“The result of this analysis shown in Table II indicates that even under the worst case scenario of zero aid flows and no reimbursements for logistics services rendered to the US troops the diminution in foreign exchange receipts or budgetary resources would be insignificant  –  varying between 4.5% of total foreign exchange receipts to 7.2% of total budgetary expenditures. The other two indicators i. e. the proportion of total value of imports and current account receipts financed by US assistance account for 6.4% and 5.8% respectively — not worrisome amounts. —– the main argument of this analysis is that the pundits in the US who believe that they can use the leverage of US official aid to paralyze Pakistan’s economy are sadly mistaken as they have an exaggerated sense of the importance of these official flows.  Any attempt to impose conditions that impinge upon the sovereignty of Pakistan or conflict with our own national interests can be resisted without creating a serious dislocation to our macro economic stability or growth prospects.  This analysis explodes the popularly held myth that Pakistan is so dependent on foreign assistance for its economic survival that pulling the plug would force it to yield under this pressure.”

For the guidance of the civil services I under note what the founder of Pakistan Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said on 25 March 1948;

“I know you are saddled with the old legacy, old mentality, old psychology and it haunts our footsteps, but it is up to you now to act as true servants of the people even at the risk of any Minister or ministry trying to interfere with you in the discharge of your duties as civil servants. ——-Wipe off that past reputation; you are not rulers. You do not belong to the ruling class; you belong to the servants. Make the people feel that you are their servants and friends, maintain the highest standard of honour, integrity, justice and fair-play. ——Now that freezing atmosphere must go;that impression of arrogance must go that impression that you are the rulers must go and you must do your best with all courtesy and kindness and try to understand the people”, (Dawn 26, March 1948)


Today these instructions of the Quaid are especially applicable to the politicians. The people of Pakistan are fed up with the arrogant behavior of the politicians and the members of the establishment who think that they are above the law. As the Quaid had said; “That freezing atmosphere must go; that impression of arrogance must go that impression that you are the rulers must go and you must do your best with all courtesy and kindness and try to understand the people.” 

The above speech of the Quaid, his speech to civil servants in Peshawar, the speech of 30, October 1947 in Lahore and the speech of 25, January 1948 in Karachi must be included in the curriculum of all the institutions for new inductees in the civil services and the armed forces of Pakistan. They must know what is expected from them by the founder – Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

There are accusations afloat of foreign ownership of some members of the press and the electronic media and that they project the agenda of the foreign owners and that their narrative is against the national interest. No one can deny that the owners determine the policy and the narrative of the media/paper. It is therefore in the national interest that PEMRA publishes the full details of the ownership of all TV channels because the people have the right to have this information.  

Now we have an independent and free press/media which must act responsibly and do away the sensationalism with which it is obsessed today. It should instead offer critique rather than just criticism of the policies and actions of the government. The electronic media has a special responsibility in changing its narrative in the national interest in the right direction 

True the task before the new governments is beset with many challenges but with political will, sincerity, selflessness and honesty these challenges can be overcome. The people of Pakistan have time and again risen to the occasion and have not flinched from any sacrifice for a national cause.  To obtain the confidence and support of the people it is essential that this ostentatious VIP culture of the past twenty five years must be discarded forthwith by visibly adopting simplicity in dress and transportation by the political leadership. 

It is essential that several think tanks are established consisting of a broad cross section of economists, entrepreneurs, engineers/technical experts, retired diplomats, retired officers of the armed forces, educationists and former Chief Justices to prepare position papers for public debate and the guidance of the government. 

If the political leaders visibly demonstrate the political will by acting in public interest then the 160 million hardworking people of Pakistan will once again prove these voices and lobbies of doom wrong by putting the shoulder to the wheel and sustaining rapid growth and achieving prosperity sooner than later.

New York 

August 10, 2013


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Want to work for the Nawaz Sharif’s government? You can’t !



The country’s disgruntled and jobless youth – and possibly other people kept out of the workforce – were hoping for fair play from the new government this year, after having lived through the bizarre hiring policy of the previous regime. Over the past five years, there was total disregard for merit in hiring — nepotism  was all pervasive.

But the hopes of the unemployed were dashed when the federal cabinet dropped a bombshell in June by freezing recruitment in government departments.

This move has caused consternation amongst those who, despite being qualified enough, were thrown from pillar to post in the past for having had no sifarish to be inducted into government services. The ban may have less of an impact on urban dwellers, given the several employment avenues that exist in cities, but the decision is bound to have serious consequences for those in rural areas. Rural folk, for the most part, depend on government jobs, as the private sector — including industries and NGOs — has little or no presence.

The lack of employment opportunities in rural areas may be a potential cause of the mass movement of labour to urban areas, adding further pressure on the already saturated market. So far, the government has failed to hammer out a policy to arrest the bulging issue of unemployment and its resultant implosion both in rural and urban areas.

Under the present formula, around 7.5 per cent of federal government department appointments are made on merit, 50 per cent for Islamabad and Punjab, 19 per cent for Sindh, 11.5 per cent for Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, six per cent for Balochistan, four per cent for Fata and Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B), and two per cent for Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

Article 27 of the Constitution says: “No citizen otherwise qualified for appointment in the service of Pakistan shall be discriminated against in respect of any such appointment on the grounds only of race, religion, caste, sex, residence and place of birth.”

Unfortunately, the stark reality is the antithesis of what is laid down in the Constitution. Even with the help of the best detecting devices, one can hardly find people, especially from Balochistan, Fata, G-B and Sindh, working in federal government departments in the capital. The provinces’ quota has time and again been trampled on by successive governments who have made appointments based on sifarish, rather than on merit. As of now, the trend is nowhere close to dying out.




One out of every 10 people of the country’s population has been added to the pool of the unemployed, as the unemployment rate further increased to 6.5%, showing signs of a crisis-plagued and slowing economy.

The unemployment rate increased from 6% to 6.5% during the October-December period of 2012 – an increase of 8.4% over the same period of 2011, according to the latest Labour Force Survey for the second quarter of 2012-13. The survey was released on Monday by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics.

In urban areas, the unemployment rate only increased by 2% to 10.1%.

However, unemployment in rural areas increased to 5% from 4.3%, showing an increase of 16.3%. This indicates that there had been an alarming increase in the jobless rate, in contrast to the claims of the previous Pakistan Peoples Party-led coalition government that it had pumped in an additional Rs800 billion in the rural economy to create more jobs.

Another figure showed there was no real improvement in the living standards in rural areas. All persons aged above 10 who work at least one hour per week were defined as employed persons regardless of whether they were paid employees or self-employed.

The agriculture sector employed 45.5% of the working force, which is lower than the 46.3% ratio of the corresponding period of 2010-11. Yet it remains the single largest sector in terms of job creation.

The PPP-led coalition government in its five-year tenure tried to support the rural economy by increasing support prices of various commodities. In particular, the rates for wheat were increased from Rs425 per 40 kilogramme in 2008 to Rs 1,200 per 40kg in 2013. The government did not, however, focus on increasing per acre yield, which remained stagnant.

The survey showed that roughly 400,000 people become jobless, which experts term an alarming figure.

Moreover, the 6.5% figure does not depict the true picture of unemployment and poverty in the country as 27.1% of the employed force has been shown as “contributing family workers”, who are neither paid in cash nor in kind, according to the government’s own definitions.  A person who works without payment in cash or in kind on an enterprise operated by a member of his household or other related persons is termed as a contributing family worker.

By adding contributing workers’ number, the unemployment rate comes close to 15%, said Dr Rashid Amjad, a labour economist and former vice chancellor of the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics. He, however, added that in a developing country, people will have to work, irrespective of whether they are being paid or not.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 9th, 2013.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013 – Unemployment is one of the biggest problems of Pakistan. Even a person unemployed who has ability to do work and is willing to do work is unable to get job opportunity .In the current situation more than 30 lac people are unemployed in Pakistan and unemployment ratio is more than 12/I want to share the reasons because of which the rate of unemployment in Pakistan is very high .

The higher growth rate of population is the major cause of unemployment in Pakistan .the resources of the country are limited. Karachi is the biggest industrial base of Pakistan, but the investors are reluctant to invest there because of unrest and violence. Our educational system is also responsible for increasing unemployment rate among the educated youth. The attitude of our youth towards the choice of the career is unrealistic and unproductive .Rapid mechanization andcomputer technology is also causing unemployment. Millions of the people in Pakistan are poor and due to poverty people are over burdened with expenditures and their savings are low. Current international financial crisis is one of the biggest reason of unemployment in Pakistan and in the whole world .

This crisis originated from the banking sector of USA,UK and some European countries and is now a global phenomena. Political instability, bad law and order situation, army’s interference, bomb blasts, terrorism, inconsistent economic policies etc are the factors which are disturbing domestic and foreign investment. Pakistan investors are taking away their money to Dubai and other countries of the world. Baseless allegations of terrorism has tarnished the image at international level .so in the current scenario Pakistan has limited job opportunities in other countries of the world. Concluding, I would like to suggest that with proper economic planning, consistent policies of government, better law and order situation, overcoming energy crisis, sincerity with Pakistan and by adopting the Islamic economic system .we can not only tackle the issue of unemployment but every economic problem of our country as well.



Published in The Express Tribune, August 7th, 2013.

Muhammad Annus


Wednesday, March 20, 2013 – Unemployment is one of the biggest problems of Pakistan. Even a person unemployed who has ability to do work and is willing to do work is unable to get job opportunity .In the current situation more than 30 lac people are unemployed in Pakistan and unemployment ratio is more than 12/I want to share the reasons because of which the rate of unemployment in Pakistan is very high .

The higher growth rate of population is the major cause of unemployment in Pakistan .the resources of the country are limited. Karachi is the biggest industrial base of Pakistan, but the investors are reluctant to invest there because of unrest and violence. Our educational system is also responsible for increasing unemployment rate among the educated youth. The attitude of our youth towards the choice of the career is unrealistic and unproductive .Rapid mechanization andcomputer technology is also causing unemployment. Millions of the people in Pakistan are poor and due to poverty people are over burdened with expenditures and their savings are low. Current international financial crisis is one of the biggest reason of unemployment in Pakistan and in the whole world .

This crisis originated from the banking sector of USA,UK and some European countries and is now a global phenomena. Political instability, bad law and order situation, army’s interference, bomb blasts, terrorism, inconsistent economic policies etc are the factors which are disturbing domestic and foreign investment. Pakistan investors are taking away their money to Dubai and other countries of the world. Baseless allegations of terrorism has tarnished the image at international level .so in the current scenario Pakistan has limited job opportunities in other countries of the world. Concluding, I would like to suggest that with proper economic planning, consistent policies of government, better law and order situation, overcoming energy crisis, sincerity with Pakistan and by adopting the Islamic economic system .we can not only tackle the issue of unemployment but every economic problem

of our country as well.




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Yes, the Jail got broken by the TTP or whosoever, as shown on the Video.
The point is, when repeated warnings were being issued by the agencies and 24 hours before the attack an Urgent message was sent out to the Police, the Chief Minister and other concerned, why No Pre-emptive action was taken. The terrorists, went  on for hours in accomplishing their mission.   
Also what the President, The Prime Minister, The Parliament, TheInterior Minister, The Army Chief  have done. Foreign Tours? Eid Parties,  while the country is ablaze?  Shame on all concerned for dereliction of their assigned responsibilities. They do not justify their salaries.
K I Bajwa

DI Khan jail break is failure of intelligence agencies: Khattak


Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa chief minister Pervez Khattak. PHOTO: FILE



PESHAWAR: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Pervez Khattak attributed the Dera Ismail Khan jail break to a failure of intelligence agencies, and ordered an inquiry into the attack on Tuesday.

As many as 248 prisoners escaped as militants carrying heavy weapons stormed Dera Ismail Khan’s Central Jail.

The chief minister said that he would be travel to Dera Ismail Khan and inspect the prison. He has also directed authorities to increase security at prisons across the province.

Khattak said he was told that prison security had been increased, but despite the measures, the jail break took place. The attack on the hundred year old facility was blamed on weak security arrangements where inmates belonging to various banned organisations were held.

Earlier today, PTI Chairman Imran Khan said that the PTI needed some time to combat terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (K-P). He said that K-P had no independent intelligence on terrorist attacks, but had to refer to the federal government for intelligence reports.

Nine people including six policemen were killed and 14 others injured in the audacious attack while four prisoners were also killed by security forces.

See how the TTP in collusion with jail authorities for sure broke open the Bannu Jail. Regards

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Energy scam?---anonymous letter raises important questions




A letter about the energy policy, blaming a gang of four for what is described as a con operation, had the parliamentary corridors on fire.

The thrust of the letter was that the IPPs are being paid in the name of clearing circular debt as part of a larger conspiracy. It questions the credentials of the people who are involved in the energy policy and alleges this to be a clear case of conflict of interest.  The quartet is named as Mian Mohammad Mansha, his nephew Shahzad Saleem, Nadeem Babar and Saqib Shirazi of the Atlas Group.

The key players, according to the anonymous letter, are IPP power plant owners—mainly Sapphire Power, Liberty Power (Mukati Group of Karachi) and, among others, Said Power. The hired henchmen for them are Abdullah Yousaf (Chairman of IPPs Association—IPPAC),

US Citizen and Pharmacist Mussadaq Malik (Minister of State for Water and Power) and Shahid Sattar (Planning Commission official).

It gives profiles of all of them, which raises a number of questions about them but Sheeshnag keeps it for the moment and only mentions the profile of one—Mussadaq Malik.

He is described as somebody who gets in every government from Musharraf to the Interim government and is now part of the PML (N). He is a pharmacist who first emerged as the expert of development in Nasim Ashraf’s National Commission of the Human Development. Now he comes as the biggest energy expert that this country ever saw. Most people remember him as the Jamiat’s goon from FC College in Lahore. He was recommended by Syed Babar Ali to Nawaz Sharif to which Mian Sahb readily agreed—such being the mutual back-scratching arrangement among the tycoons. It is yet to be seen what Syed Babar Ali, otherwise a rare respected tycoon, saw in this pharmacist-turned-developer-turned-energy expert.

The letter explains in detail the energy policy of 1994 and 2002 and concludes that “the project costs, operational expenses, debt repayments and return on equity is covered under the Capacity Purchase Price (CPP) invoice and the fuel cost is covered under the Energy Purchase Price (EPP). Both investors are forwarded separately by companies to NTDC/WAPDA.”

The letter gives a long detail of what it alleges to be a scam. In short, it says, “the 1994 Power Policy IPPs (total 14) continue to skim and make illegal profits on the fuel (both liquid and gas fired plants) by lying about their heat rebates (plant efficiency). Such profits are conservatively estimated to be four to five per cent. Due to delays and tariff deals, they lost the remaining cushion/padding, yet have made fabulous returns.”

“The 2002 Power Policy IPPs (total 13) over invoiced the initial project setting up cost and continue to skim and make illegal profits on operational expenses and heat rate (fuel consumption). They skim money at three levels (excluding the original project cost)—operational expense, over invoiced fuel and kickbacks from OMCs.”

The letter alleges that annual returns are in the range of 35 percent to 40 percent. “Inclusive of original project cost—a payback period of two years. Not bad.”

The letter asks some questions:

Why did the PM-designate visit Mansha’s Raiwind farm for a briefing on circular debts and energy issues? Considering that Mansha is the leader of the nine IUPPs who have invoked Government of Pakistan guarantee and is in the Supreme Court, to say the least, was it not embarrassing?

Mansha and Nadeem Babar are in the energy task force. Guess what—their key recommendation—pay IPPs. Isn’t this a conflict of interest?

Munir Malik was the lawyer of IPPs. How will he defend the case of the State as Attorney General against them?

Why did PPIB and NEPRA approve without background the checking the efficiency of diesel gensets installed at the Mansha and Atlas plants and indeed the efficiency/heat rate of all power plants set up under 2002 power policy?

Is it true that the government is giving Muzaffargarh power plant to Mansha? If so, why not bid it first?

Why doesn’t the government adjust the “stolen amounts” and then the tariff formula?

It suggests that the government should ask the IPPs to share the burden with the masses. “The full adjustment should be made in six to eight quarterly payments. This will save the government Rs 200 billion as equity for starting the mid-term programme of setting up coal fired projects. Assuming a 70/30 debt equity ratio, as used by the IPPs, the government can set up thousand MWs of power generation in next three years.”


Now, all of this seems to come from another lobby, which definitely has an interest. But they do have a point that needs to be studied. Otherwise, they have sent it to the SC for taking it up. God save us. 

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The Military Bashing – Impact?

The Military Bashing
Waheed Hamid
The Pakistan  Army enjoys a unique position of  love and trust which it has acquired from the people of Pakistan. The Army is looked upon as part of the solution to all problems, a panacea, an “AmritDhara” as most of its ranks from a soldier to a general belong to the class which has its roots in the public. Today we find a definite   effort  to make it  look  as part of all problems.
UnknownThe international media then local media, a few politicians and now unfortunately government officials have joined  the chorus.  Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan while talking to a private channel said, Gen. Ashfaque Pervez Kayani has kept himself away from politics but people like Gen. Pasha still exist in the army which need to be purged.
While speaking on Balochistan he criticized the law enforcers more than condemning the terrorist. Hamid Mir of GEO regularly spreads hatred and blame on ISI and the Generals.
On the Karachi situation Nisar,s comments again focused on the army and he did show his reservations on the public appealing to the Army Chief  for peace in Karachi and called it  an insult to the Parliament.
The virus of Army bashing has spread deep and wide forgetting that 150.000 officers and men have been fighting the enemies of state in Swat, Bajaur, South Waziristan and North Waziristan for the last so many  years. Over 5000 soldiers have been martyred and 20.000 injured. How many word of sympathy from political leaders, government functionaries or media, not a single visit by President, the Commander-in-Chief, the Prime Minister, any other minister, senator or MNA, negligible condolence meetings. No good wishes or moral support for soldiers and officers or their bereaved families.
images-2Army knows that it draws moral sustenance from civil society and other pillars. Despite all this army keeps receiving a wave of criticism even from local players which remains far from truth but it dares to remain silent.
The Army has to accept a partial blame of getting into such a  position  . Indifference of the Army has been palpable and conspicuous . It never took cognizance of the changing mode of the civil society and the government. It has never tried to educate the civil society or challenge the recalcitrant and tormentors, cultivate the media or access the establishment, politicians and other stake holders. The simplistic view of only guarding the frontiers and not watching the psychological aspect of warfare hitting the local is a negligence for which it is paying.
However it remains a question that who had to guard their soldiers against such propaganda and is it not asking too much from army to accord physical as well as psychological  protection. 
We find few a Pakistanis playing with the enemies to make us believe that the Army is a financial drag on national economy. It consumes largest chunk of budget at the cost of health, education, infrastructure and civic amenities for the public.
  Dr Farrukh  in his article “Military”holds the figure to prove that major portions are eaten by debt servicing, subsidy to public sector enterprises and Public Sector Development Programmes. He neglected to mention massive leakage through corruption, inefficiency and incompetence. The three services all together is consuming only 17 percent of all government expenditure, and only 2.5 percent of GDP brought down from 3.6 percent over a decade.
pak navy by pak defence blog by mubashir taqiAccording to Dr Farrukh, more than fifty countries are spending greater Coalition Support Fund, while the fact is that Army has received less than two billion Dollars out of ten billion Dollars released by US Government.
  Mubashar Luqman in his program proves India is Pakistan centric through the deployments of Indian army and yet a few Pakistanis criticize Army being India centric. The ratio of defence budget between India and Pak was 1-3 ratio but now this ratio has become 1-6. The reason is that budget was reduced to 18 percent and if we keep doing this under the misperception of the ones who  keep working on personal business interests at cost of national interests will we not compromise on our defence.
A part of  society , bureaucrats, politicians and so called intelligentsia grudge Army’s indulgence in commercial activities.
Facts are twisted, lies fed to the public that commercial enterprises of Army are subsidized by state, that Army is exempted from paying duties and taxes, that such indulgence adversely affects operational readiness. Ayesha Siddiqa was paid by US to write her pack of lies against her own country,s Armed Forces
Army has never tried to defend itself or educate the public. Defense Housing Authorities and Askari Housing Schemes are maligned to no limit. Housing authorities are blamed for acquiring State land at throw away prices. The  land for these schemes are  purchased from open market Housing Schemes provide decent living to retired officers and men. The management skills of these society with clean and fraud less environment tend to raise the prices of plots through open market system. Each army person pays for his plot and its development charges . Army Housing Schemes and Defense Housing Authorities are criticized, yet most dream of living in the areas, because of its clean ambiance, safety and security, civic amenities.
Few know  that Army’s indulgence in commercial activities is motivated by the urge of providing welfare to retired-personnel who retire at an early age of 40-45 years. It does not affect preparedness for war. Officers and men on active duty are not posted to these concerns.
“Great nations know that value of a school teacher is more than a general in peace time and in war a Sepoy assumes priority over vice chancellor of university therefore they invest in both to uphold sovereignty and integrity of the nation”.
To our unfortunate luck we fail to condemn those who are destroying our schools and are ensuring a dark future of the coming generation.
However, we keep falling prey to foreign propaganda in criticizing the ones who are fighting and sacrificing their today for our tomorrow not realizing their job is different. To move towards the bullet when it leaves the enemy’s barrel.

We need maturity as a nation but more so by those in power. People at the top have to develop sense of responsibility and learn to remain quite if they do not know the facts. Trying to demonize your own Armed Forces can have serious consequences for the nation. 
Our media must realize that independence of media does not mean a license to tell lies or become a tool in the hands of our enemies… mh
Fauj sub Khaa Gayee – The Fact is that We collect only 10% of the actual revenue that Pakistan can generate. This forms the backbone of our budget of which in 2012, 16 % went to Defence. If we collected 20% of Revenue, Defence would consume 8% and if we collected 40% this figure would reduce to 4%, and if we collected 80% like Western countries we would be spendind only 2% on Defence. So where is the problem? Defence spending or Tax collection? With Non Tax Payers flooding Parliament do we expect them to focus on Tax Collection while they have a “whipping boy” who does not even whimper…
Waheed Hameed
Waheed has pointed out the current state of Army Bashing so popular and in vogue with our politicians and the Parliament these days  but has not included the effects of this bashing on the morale and psychological state of mind of all soldiers. Include in this the current glee our Anchors and politicians are having at Musharraf,s trial. It is not just for the hatred of Musharraf but it is also for humiliation of an Army Chief. What then is the remedy.? The Army leadership has to think hard and ensure that this great institution of which we are all rightly so proud and which has come to the rescue of the Nation in all calamities and against all dangers is not destroyed. Not by our known enemies but at the hands of those it has helped in coming to power through providing a favorable environment for democracy. Is this the revenge of democracy which the politicians talked about. Despair in the face of continuous attacks and unjustified blame game is a dangerous state.

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