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Archive for July, 2013

INDIA’S COVERT TERRORISM IN PAKISTAN DIRECT FROM THE HORSE’S MOUTH: Praveen Swami, Firstpost India: Sarabjit Singh, and the spies we left out in the cold

Praveen Swami, Firstpost India: Sarabjit Singh, and the spies we left out in the cold  



by  May 2, 2013



(Editor’s note: This piece was originally published on 29 April following the attack onSarabjit Singh in the Kot Lakhpat jail)

Last summer, an ageing Sikh man with the full grey beard of the pious came across the Wagah border, at the end of thirty years and six months in a maximum-security Pakistani prison. In December 1981, Surjeet Singh had left his home in the village of Fidda, telling his wife he’d soon be back. In photographs taken not long before then, Singh had a neatly-trimmed moustache, a smart tie,  a well-fitted jacket – and the intense look of young men with energy and ambition. He came home to a country that chooses, even today, not to recognise him.

“I had gone to spy,” Singh told journalists gathered to document his return—shocking many. They shouldn’t have been.

Now, as Indians watch Kot Lakhpat prisoner Sarabjit Singh’s battle for survival following a lethal jail-house attack, it is more important than ever for us to understand how dozens of men like him ended up in jail in the first place.

It is hard to be certain whether Sarabjit Singh is, as Pakistani courts have found, an Indian secret agent responsible for terrorist bombings which claimed 14 lives—or, as his family and advocates insist, a victim of mistaken identity. We do, however, know this: Sarabjit Singh’s story is linked to the untold, and mostly unknown, story of India’s secret war with Pakistan.

Men like Sarabjit Singh, who fought India's covert wars of the 1980s, have become unwelcome reminders of an embarrassing past. AFP

“The water,” Pakistan’s military ruler General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq told his spymaster, General Akhtar Malik, in December 1979, “must boil at the right temperature.” Even as General Malik’s proxy armies of jihadists battled the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, Pakistan feared pushing the superpower to the point where it might retaliate. Key to Pakistan’s fears was India. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, General Zia believed, might be pushed by the Soviet Union into unleashing a war on its behalf. His chosen counter-strategy was to try to tie down India in a bruising internal conflict in Punjab.

From the early 1980s, Khalistan terrorists(FREEDOM FIGHTERS) began receiving weapons and arms from the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate, sparking off a war that would claim over 20,000 lives before it was done.

Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi ordered retaliation. The Research and Analysis Wing set up two covert groups, known only as Counter Intelligence Team-X and Counter Intelligence Team-J, the first targeting Pakistan in general and the second directed in particular at Khalistani groups. Each Khalistan terror attack targeting India’s cities was met with retaliatory attacks in Lahore, Multan and Karachi through CIT-X. “The role of our covert action capability in putting an end to the ISI’s interference in Punjab,” the former RAW officer B Raman wrote in 2002, “by making such interference prohibitively costly is little known”.

Men like Surjeet Singh were the soldiers in this secret war. For decades, both India and Pakistan had relied on trans-border operators to spy on each other’s militaries. There were some who agreed to do so in return for the right to smuggle alcohol, gold, electronics and heroin. There were others, too, who volunteered, driven by patriotism. Some of the men received training in the tradecraft of the secret agent—avoiding detection; building cover-identities; secret writing using aspirin tablets dissolved in alcohol, to be mailed to RAW outposts in Iran; more lethal skills, like building bombs.

“I did 85 trips to Pakistan,” Surjeet Singh told the BBC’s Geeta Pandey. “I would visit Pakistan and bring back documents for the army. I always returned the next day. I had never had any trouble.” His last trip ended as a spies’ career often does—with betrayal. Singh was sentenced to death, but in 1985 his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.

For reasons that are still unclear, CIT-X and CIT-J were shut down by Prime Minister IK Gujral in 1997. Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao is believed to have earlier terminated RAW’s eastern operations as part of his efforts to build bridges with China and Myanmar.

The secret soldiers were, mostly, forgotten. “I felt like a used napkin,” said Karamat Rohi, who says he served RAW until his arrest inside Pakistan in 1988, where he remained imprisoned, disowned by India, until 2005. “I felt I was doing a great service to the nation. I did not expect some great reward, but being abandoned is humiliating.”

Stories like these are common. Gurdaspur resident Gopal Dass was sent home after spending 27 years in a Pakistani jail. In 2011, the Supreme Court shot down Dass’ claim for compensation from the government. The court said Dass had no evidence he ever worked for RAW—though a field court martial at Sialkot Cantonment in Pakistan awarded him a life sentence on 27 December 1986.

India’s less-than-enthusiastic covert warfare efforts were, perhaps, shaped by circumstance. In 1947, as imperial Britain left India, its covert services were stripped bare. The senior-most British Indian Police officer in the Intelligence Bureau, Qurban Ali Khan, chose Pakistani citizenship—and left for his new homeland with what few sensitive files departing British officials neglected to destroy. The Intelligence Bureau, Lieutenant-General LP Singh has recorded, was reduced to a “tragi-comic state of helplessness,” possessing nothing but “empty racks and cupboards”.

The Military Intelligence Directorate in New Delhi didn’t even have a map of Jammu and Kashmir to make sense of the first radio intercepts signalling the beginning of the war of 1947-1948.

For Pakistan, covert warfare was a tool of survival: faced with a larger and infinitely better-resourced neighbour, it knew it could not compete in conventional military terms. Khan is credited with early doctrinal efforts on Pakistan’s behalf, positing that covert warfare could open up crippling ethnic-religious faultlines in India.

Thus, Pakistan initiated covert warfare in Jammu and Kashmir soon after its failed military effort in 1947-48, backing groups that bombed government buildings and bridges. From the 1960s, it backed a succession of proto-jihadist networks. Major-General Akbar Khan, who commanded the Pakistani forces during that first India-Pakistan war, has also recorded in his memoirs that his country’s covert forces supplied weapons to Islamist irregulars in Hyderabad. Pakistan’s covert services operated similarly in the east, training Naga groups in the Chittagong Hill tracts.

India’s covert capabilities also began to develop significantly in the wake of the 1962 war with China. Aided by the United States, the newly-founded RAW developed sophisticated signals intelligence and photo-reconnaissance capabilities. Central Intelligence Agency instructors also trained Establishment 22, a covert organisation raised from among Tibetan refugees in India, to execute deep-penetration terror operations in China. Establishment 22, operating under the command of Major-General Surjit Singh Uban, carried out deep-penetration strikes against Pakistani forces under the RAW umbrella prior to the onset of the war.

Following the war, RAW’s attentions now turned elsewhere. Establishment 22 personnel played a key role in Sikkim’s accession to the Union of India; helped train Tamil terrorists operating against Sri Lanka; provided military assistance to groups hostile to the pro-China regime in Myanmar, such as the Kachin Independence Army. Pakistan, it seemed to some, had been taught a lesson in 1971—and was no longer a threat to India.

Time hasn’t proved that assumption well-founded—reopening debate on whether Prime Minister Gujral’s decision to shut down the covert war needs to be reviewed. Secure behind its nuclear umbrella, Pakistan has pursued covert war whenever it has deemed it in its best interests. Fearful of the potentially awful consequences of all-out war, Delhi has chosen to weather out the crisis rather than retaliate. India’s political leadership believes aggressive covert means of the kind unleashed in the 1980s would only escalate the spiral of violence.

In the wake of the Kargil war, key intelligence officers including a former Intelligence Bureau director, attempted to persuade Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee to issue the necessary authorisations for renewed offensive covert operations against Pakistan. “Vajpayee didn’t say a word,” recalls one official present at the meeting. “He didn’t say no; he didn’t say yes.”

Following the carnage of 26/11, some in India’s intelligence establishment again pushed to develop the resources needed to target jihadist leaders in Pakistan. The project, intelligence sources say, was also denied clearance.

Ever since 1987, governments have used secret channels to try to temper the intensity of the covert war. Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi despatched RAW chief AK Verma to meet with his counterpart, Lieutenant-General Hamid Gul, through then-Jordanian Crown Prince Hasan bin-Talal. Little came of this effort. Later, RAW chief CD Sahay and ISI chief Lieutenant-General Ehsan-ul-Haq discussed cross-border infiltration in Jammu and Kashmir, as part of a ceasefire deal on the Line of Control.

Each time, little tangible has emerged: there’s no evidence Pakistan wishes to give up the covert tools in its arsenal, any more than it is willing to give up its nuclear weapons.

Likelier than not, then, the covert war will continue. In the meanwhile, the men who fought in the 1980s have become unwelcome reminders of an embarrassing past that India no longer wishes to acknowledges.

George Orwell never said, frequent attribution notwithstanding, that “we sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”

The fact that he didn’t say it, though, doesn’t mean the statement is wrong.

India owes its secret soldiers a debt—and Sarabjit Singh’s battle for his life is as good a time as any for us to begin to acknowledge it.

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Revelation of Indian State Sponsored Black OPS Terrorism in Pakistan By RAW Chief. Why is US Mum? Pakistan Media(GEO, Dunya,Waqt) Silent?


Tue, 2013-07-16 07:54 — editor
By Zaheerul Hassan

A former Indian investigator Satish Verma of Home Minister has disclosed that a member of the secret service team had accused that Indian governments staged terror attack on Lok Sabha and the 26/11 carnage in Mumbai. Notably, over 300 people were killed and injured during the attacks. As usually India stayed ISI responsible for these attacks. However, the alleged responsible for attacks Ajmal Kasab and Afzal Guru were apprehended and hanged till death.

Attacks on Mumbai and Parliament pushed two South Asian nuclear countries into the brink of war and put the regional peace at stake. It further strained already deteriorated relationship between two nations. The talks on Confidential Building Measures (CBM) which were started in the previous regime of Nawaz Sharif in 2004 were suspended as result of stated two attacks. Exchange of cultural groups was terminated while cancelling the visa of Pakistani actors who were on visit to India. At that time, Bal Thackeray (late), India’s Hindu terrorist too has advised his government to attack Pakistan without warning. He also stated that he is proud of extremist Hindus if at all they have launched Mumbai attacks. His statements are the true reflection of the exact mentality of extremist thoughts. Earlier reports are that US had asked Islamabad to allow New Delhi to attack some selected targets in Pakistan and later should not retaliate.

Moreover at that time, the major media group of Pakistan aired the documentary about Ajmal Kasab and tried to prove the involvement of Pakistani non state actors in Mumbai attacks but now after the statement of Satish Verma the same electronic channel yet to air half of that time which it spent in establishing Pakistan’s connection in Mumbai attack.

Anyhow, the Indian involvement in the case of Mumbai and Parliament was established when in the fake encounter case of Ishrat Jahan, a key government official, R V S Mani submitted an affidavit in the court revealing that a member of CBI and SIC investigation team Satish Verma told him that the terrorists attacks on Parliament in Delhi and Mumbai terror attacks were pre-planned. He further explained that the objectives of attacks were strengthening of counter-terror legislation (sic). Actually, the fake encounter was also planned by the RAW to support anti-Muslim Mr. Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat state.

The Gujarat Police had claimed that Ishrat and the three others were Lashkar-e-Toiba members and had come to Gujarat to assassinate Chief Minister Narendra Modi.

Ishrat’s family, however, has been maintaining that Ishrat was a college student who was struggling to run her family after her father’s death.

In fact the conspiracy behind Mumbai attack unveiled due to the controversy between RAW, Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) and CBI. Notably, Anti Terrorist Squad was headed by Hemant Karkare, who was killed by RAW elements during the Mumbai attacks. It is worth mentioning here that Karkare, was the one who exposed the involvement of a notorious RAW’s official Lt Col Prohit’s involvement in blasting of Samjohta Express in 2007. In this connection Karkara’s wife has already filed a case against RAW in the Civil Court.

Apart from above narrated details there are many other facts which are enough to confirm Satesh Verm statement that “India is behind Mumbai and Parliament attacks’. For example, on February, 2009 Bangladeshi Foreign Minster Mr. Hassan admitted that Mumbai Drama was planned on their land.

According to Press Trust of India’s report of 17 February 2009, BJP leader L. K Advani demanded a judicial inquiry into the Mumbai terror attack, since it could not have taken place without local support. The ruling Congress instead accepting the opposition’s demand, had tried to hide the actual facts and failure of Indian intelligence agencies.

Former Interior Minister of Pakistan Rehman Malik also stated in a Press Conference in Islamabad that terrorist attack in Mumbai has planned in a number of countries, including India, Austria, Spain, Italy, Russia and US.

Moreover, in those days, a “Blue Water” Naval exercise was planned and conducted in Indian maritime with the theme of countering terrorist attack via sea route on Mumbai. Thus, attacking terrorists on Taj Mehal hotel without coming into the eyes of deployed and alert Naval Forces during exercise was next to impossible. It only proves the inability of Indian naval forces present in the sea. Furthermore, it is not possible for an untrained person to move from Thatta to Mumbai with the help of GPS on ordinary boats all the way in an open sea.

Earlier, Pakistan has also handed over a dossier to New Delhi to seek answers of 30 questions that have cropped up during the investigations for further probe into the attack. In this regard Islamabad has adopted a constructive, proactive, well-coordinated and coherent regional approach to deal with the Mumbai Issue. The diplomatic corps and world’s leadership expressed satisfaction over Pakistan action but on the other hand India never proceeded further except carrying out media warfare. Whereas, the responsibility displayed by Pakistan government demanded reciprocal actions from India too.

The terrorism can be controlled if all regional countries religiously and seriously interested in rectifying the real causes behind. India being a larger country should take steps to stop state terrorism against minorities and Kashmiris. But Satish disclosure once again made it clear that New Delhi is not serious in cooperating with Pakistan.

Therefore, it would be the duty of world community to pressurize India to stop fomenting terrorism in regional countries. The world should condemn India for attacking her economical capital and parliaments just to malign Pakistan. She must be pressed to hand over Col Purohit to Pakistan so that justice be granted to the victims of Samjhauta Express. The United Nations Organisation should also ask so-called secular state to ban Hindu extremists groups that are operating against over 200 million Muslims, Christians and Sikhs. Several training camps are being maintained all along the western border and these are being used as launching pads for terrorist activities in Pakistan.

Probably Indian leadership has planned Mumbai drama and started proxy war to gain regional hegemony. The first proxy militia – Mukti Bahini in East Pakistan – was created and used by India in 1971 to invade Pakistani territory. And again she is operating in Balochistan funding BLA and TTP in FATA. RAW supported by Hindu Taliban is deceiving her government, national and international community from actual root cause of the problem i.e. communal violence and terrorism against minorities.

Thus, Satish Verma revelation of Indian involvement on Mumbai and parliament attacks is to malign Pakistan and ISI and nothing more than a cocktail story and blame game. Unfolding of this issue slowly and gradually is continuously causing embarrassment and giving shock to New Delhi on diplomatic and international fronts. However, international community should now raise voice for the families of Afzal Guru, Ajmal Kasab, wife of Karkare, and victims of Samjohta Express.

– Asian Tribune –

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ZARDARI’S LEGACY: Heroin in Pakistan more affordable than food


Inline image 1
Heroin in Pakistan more affordable than food
July 16, 2013


When corrupt and brutally insensitive and corrupt rulers like

Don Asif Zardari, Don Corleone of Pakistan

Zardari’s Capos

Raja Pervez “Rental,”Ashraf




Gaddi-Nasheen, Yousuf Raza Gilani 

The Former PPP Prime Minister,Yousuf Raza Gilani is the Poster Boy of Corruption in Pakistan

Over one billion dollars’ worth of heroin each year – that is the deadly fallout Pakistan gets from the blooming narcotics industry that provides the main cash crop in devastated Afghanistan. 

Locals say heroin is cheaper than food. It’s thought Pakistan has more than four million drug addicts, but less than 80 dedicated drug rehab clinics. As RT’s Lucy Kafanov reports from Karachi, those heroin addicts don’t even bother hiding their habit. For many this is a deadly path.  Local young man Abdullah spent two weeks looking for his father, a heroin addict, eventually finding him in Karachi’s largest morgue.  While help for drug addicts is in short supply, there is no shortage of heroin on the streets of Karachi.  
Afghanistan is the world’s largest producer of opium – heroin’s main ingredient – and accounts for 90 per cent of the global supply. Roughly 40 per cent of it is smuggled through Pakistan. Opium production is up for the third year in a row, and predicted to grow more. When NATO leaves in 2014, there are fears the floodgates will open for the spread of the deadly harvest. For more watch RT’s Lucy Kafanov’s report from Pakistan. 

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Huma Yusuf : Mapping Digital Media: Pakistan

Mapping Digital Media: Pakistan
by Huma Yusuf   
July 2013   
The Mapping Digital Media project examines the global opportunities and risks created by the transition from traditional to digital media. Covering 60 countries, the project examines how these changes affect the core democratic service that any media system should provide: news about political, economic, and social affairs.
Pakistan has long suffered from high inflation, led by soaring food prices, which has increased poverty levels. According to the United Nations’ 2011 Human Development Report, half the population suffers deprivations of all types. Only half is literate. Even then there are only 12 million television sets (surely a desirable medium for those who cannot read)—one for every 14 people.
This means a lot of communal watching of mostly state-owned channels of the Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV). At present, the only other terrestrial television channel is the privately owned ATV, in which PTV and the Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation are majority (80 percent) shareholders. The sameness is deafening.
However, urban Pakistanis are getting richer and spending money on alternatives. Thus PTV has ceded ground to more than 20 privately owned broadcasters with 89 domestic and 26 foreign channels, with national television viewing split evenly between terrestrial on the one hand, and cable and satellite on the other.
This proliferation of channels has enabled Pakistani media to wield more influence over politics and public discourse than ever before. With this growing influence comes, however, a corresponding increase in attempts by the government to control media outlets. Indeed, state coercion and increasing censorship are among the greatest pressures on the media industry.

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PAKISTAN: Why is a Nuclear Nation of Dazzlingly Brilliant People Under the Spell of Mediocre Leadership for 65 Years?

Some are Born Mediocre (Pakistan’s Rulers),

Some Achieve Mediocrity (Pakistan’s Elite-Jagirdar, Zamindar, Bureaucrats, & Industrialists)

Some have Mediocrity Thrust Upon Them (The Rest of 180 Million Pakistanis)

with apologies to the Bard of Avon.


Dr. Manzer Jamil Khan Durrani



Why have we become helpless gluttons for abuse by our rulers and a nation of mediocre thinking? That is a question that always haunts me. We pursue shortcuts in everything. We want admission in a good college, we look for a sifarish. We want a good job, we look for the right contacts. We want to sell something, we want a cut-throat price. If somebody does not agree with us, we want to bury them alive. The path of Critical Thinking , which our Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) embedded in his teaching is virtually non-existent amongst us. Debate, Mubaiyaisa, discussion, consensus, have no place in our decisions. WE have become our own biggest enemies and in the process, we are hurting ourselves and our future generations irreparably. We spend our days in pursuit of “Almighty” Dollar. Shirk is not confined to idols made of clay. Today, our idols a 8 Kanal Kothi, a Farm, a Bungalow in Pir Sohawa, a house in Murree, a flat in London, next to the international bhaand and Don of Murder Inc, otherwise known as Altaf Bhai, the money launderer. Throughout history,Pakistan (with a few exceptions) has been run by a conniving band of mediocrities; whose claim to fame is political thuggery. Look at the present leadership, Nawaz Sharif, he somehow got admission in GCUL(at that time in 60s, it was Government college,Lahore), through Abbajees contacts or povah. He took most of the chump courses in Arts and even at that could hardly clear English, which at that time required 33 out of 100 marks to pass a subject. But, Abbajees largesse was inevitable, Nawaz Sharif struggled through FA barely. Abbajee, the lohaar, did not know what to do with his least bright son. So, he chucked him into politics, the refuge for for n’er do well Jagirdars, Zamindars, Waderas, Sardars and a host of scoundrels coming out of the noveau riche vulgarian incubator called Aitchison College,Lahore. Now this man runs a country of 180 million people, I ask the question what managerial skills he has? He did not even run his Abbajees Ittefaq Foundry, which his elder brother managed. Abbajee again used his contacts in the military to get this chump hooked up with the dictator Zia-ul-Haq and the rest is history. Now, this chump wines and dines with great leaders like Xi Ping, whose resume of achievement is long enough to make Nawaz Sharif’s poorly fitting sherwani. How come Nawaz Sharif has a bewildered look, whenever he is photographed with a global leader, as if he is totally confused and befuddled. My generation which saw the birth of Pakistan has to suffer under 3 stints of this village idiot, Nawaz Sharif, whom I suspect suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder, as told to me by a Pakistani Nuclear engineer, who had the bad luck to give Nawaz Sharif, a presentation on the progress of Pakistan’s Nuclear Program . According to him, Nawaz Sharif never focused on such a strategically crucial briefing. Rather, he was more interested in his trip back to Lahore and was trying to have certain amenities when he arrived there, including a serving of cold badami lassi. Can such a mediocrity solve the monumental problems Pakistan is facing? If you believe that, then I have a Bridge in Brooklyn, N.Y., which I want to sell to you! May Allah Save Pakistan and Pakistanis from the sixty five year vise grip of intrinsically inept Mediocrities. Ameen


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