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Posts Tagged Anti-Pakistan Operations of India

‘Creation of Bangladesh: Myths Exploded’ by Dr. Junaid Ahmad



Unfortunately, either because of time limitation or some other reason only the role played by the West Pakistani politicians, civil servants and the army in the break up of Pakistan is highlighted. In reality, much more was involved. This may become evident from the following references from my book, East Pakistan Separation: Myth and Reality.
“In 1962 he (Mujibur Rahman) wrote a letter to Pandit Nehru that was delivered by a visiting Indian in which he proposed declaring independence and staging a rebellion with Indian help in the month of February 1963: (http://www.tripurainfo.com/Info/ArchiveD.aspx?WhatId=86; see also ‘India, Mujibur Rahman, Bangladesh and Pakistan’ by Shashanka Banerjee). When Nehru failed to respond he contacted the chief minister of Tripura state and went across to see him.”
“In 2010, and on the anniversary of the withdrawal on 22nd. February 2011, surviving conspirator and Deputy Speaker of Bangladesh Parliament Shawkat Ali confessed to the parliament that the charges read out to them at the Agartala case trial were accurate, stating that they formed a Shangram Parishad under Sheikh Mujib for the secession of East Pakistan (‘Agartala Conspiracy Case Was Not False’, BDNews24.com. 23 February 2011).”
“The Indian Government became more actively involved with Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman and the movement for the separation of East Pakistan soon after the formation of their foreign intelligence service, Research and Analysis Wing as part of the Indian Intelligence Bureau in 1968. As Asoka Raina describes in his book, Inside RAW: The Story of India’s Secret Service, (Vikas, New Delhi, 1981, p. 48):





‘The Bangladesh Operation possibly began a year before the actual operation was underway Even when the world got a whiff of it in the shape of Mukti Bahini, many remained unaware of RAW’s involvement. By then Phase 1 of the operation was already complete. Phase II saw the Indian forces poised for the independence of Bangladesh. In order to present a clear synopsis of the events that brought RAW into the Bangladesh Ops, one must review the intelligence activities that started soon after the formation in 1968. But by then the Indian operatives had already been in contact with the ‘pro-Mujib’ faction. A meeting convened in Agartala during 1962a3 between the IB Foreign Desk operatives and the Mujib faction gave some clear indications of what was to follow.”

“Dr Kamal Hossain, a member of the Awami League High Command and the main constitutional adviser of Sheikh Mujib, in his book, ‘Bangladesh: Quest for Freedom and Justice ‘ ( pp. 89, 91.): ‘Therefore it was decided that the position to be taken should not be an explicit declaration of independence. In order to exert pressure on Yahya, specific demands should be made and the movement sustained in support of these demands, with independence as its ultimate goal. —–
Thus although independence was clearly set as a goal and in fact, it was a declaration of independence, Bangabandhu stopped short of a formal declaration as it was clear that the Army had mobilized and had conspicuously taken up positions at different vantage points in the city.”
“According to Sultan M. Khan, Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary at the time, ‘the Soviet Union was determined to break up Pakistan and play a major role in the creation of Bangladesh. One only has to recall the observation of Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister, to the Pakistan Ambassador, Jamshed Marker in Moscow, sometime earlier: ‘The game is being played for high international stakes. It has nothing to do with you. You are the victim of an objective situation.’ (Memories & Reflections of a Pakistani Diplomat, The London Centre for Pakistan Studies, London WC1X 9DH, 1997, p. 380).”



Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from the Story of India’s Treachery. It’s relevant today because India is now facing 67 separatist movements and loss of Arunachal Pradesh to China. 


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    India Influences International Entities to Defame Pakistan By Sajjad Shaukat


India Influences International Entities to Defame Pakistan

By Sajjad Shaukat



Being the only nuclear country in the Islamic World, Pakistan was already on the hit-list of the US-led India and Israel, including some Western countries. But, after the shift of the Great Game from Central Asia to Pakistan’s province of Balochistan, American CIA, Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad, including British MI6 have been supporting target killings, suicide attacks, hostage-takings, sectarian and ethnic violence in various cities of the country, while backing separatist elements in Balochistan and Gilgit-Baltistan provinces. As part of the double game, based in Afghanistan, these secret agencies which have well-established their covert networks there and are well-penetrated in the terrorist outfits like the Islamic State group (Also known as Daesh, ISIS, ISIL), Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and their affiliated Taliban groups are using their terrorists to destabilize Tibetan regions of China, Iranian Sistan-Baluchistan and Pakistan’s Balochistan by arranging the subversive activities. 







While, Pakistan’s Armed Forces have successfully broken the backbone of the foreign-backed terrorists by the military operations Zarb-e-Azb and Radd-ul-Fasaad which have also been extended to other parts of the country, including Balochistan province and Karachi. Army and top intelligence agency ISI have broken the network of these terrorist groups by capturing several militants, while thwarting a number of terror attempts. Peace has been restored in various regions of Pakistan, including Karachi and Balochistan.


But, these foreign elements have, again, started terror attacks in Balochistan and other regions of the country which show that the US-led India, Afghanistan and Israel want to weaken Pakistan and to damage the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).


Overtly, American high officials remark that they seek stability in Pakistan, but covertly, they continue to destabilize it, especially with the assistance of India.


In this respect, terror attacks coincide with a continued propaganda campaign against Pakistan. Indian lobbies which are well-penetrated in the US administration and Europe, research centers, think tanks, universities, so-called human rights groups and media leave no stone unturned in continuing their endless propaganda to defame Pakistan internationally. Particularly, RAW is availing the opportunity of the US-led organized propaganda campaign against Pakistan.


In this regard, a meeting between the Foreign Ministers of the US, Japan and India was held at Palace Hotel, New York on September 18, 2017 on the sidelines of 72nd session of United Nations General Assembly. During the meeting, North Korean nuclear programme was deliberated. Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj has subsequently issued a statement on the meeting containing usual propaganda against Pakistan by hinting that the North Korean proliferation may be linked with Pakistan.


Similarly, as part of the propaganda to distort the image of Pakistan abroad, on September 11, 2017, the German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle also published an article titled “Muslim Hypocrisy over the Rohingya”, which stated that Jihadi forces attacking Myanmar’s security forces on August 25, 2017 had links with Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Afghanistan and were being funded by Pakistan and Afghanistan. It has been intentionally propagated under Indian influence in order to link Pakistan with Myanmar’s so called ‘militants’.


It is notable that North Korea remained under clouds of nuclear threat from the US throughout the Korean War (1950-1953), North Korea’s ruler Kim Il Sung and his son—Kim Jong-un (Now in power) have been attempting to acquire nuclear weapons’ of their own. North Korea tried its best to acquire nuclear weapons technology from its wartime ally China. Supreme Leader Kim II-Sung twice requested Chinese sovereign Mao Zedong for help, but was declined. Having been denied an easy path to a nuclear bomb, North Korea started an indigenous nuclear weapons program immediately after the war in early 1950s. Hence, to shift the blame game towards Islamabad for North Korean nuclear proliferation is unjustified and unfair. Pakistan’s nuclear programme started much later after the first Indian nuclear test at Pokhran in 1974. During the 1970’s Pakistan’s nuclear programme was not even in its embryonic stage when North Korea had already networked with the West to achieve the capability.


In the 70’s and 80’s, North Korea set about acquiring sensitive nuclear technologies from Europe, taking advantage of the lack of adequate nuclear information safeguards at that time. Reportedly they had successful headway in Plutonium based technology on which they based their nuclear programme. Logically and sensibly, Pakistan cannot contribute to the nuclear programme of North Korea which is based on the extraction of Plutonium rather than the Pakistan nuclear programme based on Uranium Centrifugation process.


Besides, the Soviets also helped North Korea in setting up its first nuclear reactor in 1964.


India, during the current regime of Modi has made it a routine to label Pakistan for any wrong doings happening in and around. Sushma Swaraj has been capitalizing well on this philosophy. The world should realize that the same recipe by Indians on Pakistan cannot work forever.


As regards the Royingya crisis, Myanmar’s 1948 citizenship law stripped Rohingya of Myanmar citizenship. The law was orchestrated during military regime. Until recently, Rohingya were registered as temporary residents with identification cards, known as white cards.


Buddhist Myanmar government fears speedy population rise among Rohingya Muslims as compared to slow population growth among the Buddhists that may turn into Rohingya majority in the country.


In 2014, after holding an UN-backed national census, first in thirty years, Rohingya Muslims could only be registered as Bengalis. Constitutional referendum in 2015 canceled even the temporary identity cards issued to this community.


The Myanmar government put restrictions on marriage, family planning (Only allowed to have two children), employment, education, religious choice and freedom of movement.


As if, Indian atrocities on hapless Muslims of Indian Occupied Kashmir and other minorities elsewhere were not enough, India has decided to support the repressive regime of Myanmar, which is wreaking havoc on the Rohingya Muslim community.

The Modi regime’s plan to deport 40,000 Rohingya Muslims is underway in the pretext that it had evidence of terror connections between Indian-based Rohingya Muslims and extremist groups allegedly from Pakistan and other Muslim states.


In this connection, the sad plight of the Rohingya has provided the Indians a usual and typical blunt instrument to beat Pakistan with and propagate that the Pakistanis are training jihadists in Myanmar and terrorizing the “peace loving Buddhists” of Myanmar. Taking the advantage of the situation, the well beaten rhetoric of Lashkar-e-Tayyaba’s involvement is being propagated across the world.


Undoubtedly, New Delhi leaves no stone unturned in associating Pakistan with all international crises like North Korea’s nuclear programme and Myanmar’s Rohingya’s killings in a bid to tarnish Pakistan’s image and negatively influencing international public opinion on Pakistan.


Again, it is mentionable that the German public broadcaster–Deutsche Welle seems to have conceded to Indian propaganda, as its reporting has been reduced to only negative news about Islamabad.


While, Pakistan’s energies are focused on eradicating terrorism, which are evident due to its concrete actions against terrorism and are being appreciated across the world at different forums. But, India has continued influencing international entities to defame Pakistan in the comity of nations.



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India’s Fake Encounter Drama in Kashmir By Sajjad Shaukat

India’s Fake Encounter Drama in Kashmir


Sajjad Shaukat












While, World Looks on…


On the one side, India claims to be world’s largest democracy, but, on the other, these claims have often been proved by international media including its own opinion makers as fake.


India is presently holding State Assembly Elections in the Indian occupied Kashmir. These sham elections in no way are substitute to the UN approved resolutions to hold plebiscite as per aspirations of the people of the valley.  The ongoing elections have been portrayed as a historic success as far as the turn over is concerned. But, this self-generated perception lacks any substantial evidence, especially, when no foreign media and election observers have been allowed to cover the polling process.  In this regard, the vicious dream of the BJP government in the shape of “Mission 44” has already been criticized by Indian politicians as well as the international think tanks.  However, BJP’s overconfidence to achieve the mission itself pollutes the transparency and legality of fake elections.


Like its past record, India is once again staging a fake encounter drama across the Line of Control (LoC) to implicate Pakistan for infiltration. Sources suggest that for the purpose, the fundamentalist government of the BJP asked Indian secret agency RAW to arrange some terror attacks in the State of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). It did so when on December 5, this year, militants sneaked into an Indian military camp in the Indian held Kashmir, killing 11 soldiers and policemen. The arranged attack was followed by a gun battle between the Indian security forces and the militants, in the state capital, Srinagar—and a grenade blast in south Kashmir. Two militants were killed later in the clash in Srinagar where BJP-led hardliner Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit is due next week on election campaign.


However, the fake encounter drama on the camp took place in the Uri sector, near the heavily militarized border with Pakistan where there is no chance of infiltration. But following previous blame game, Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh said, “These terrorists keep coming from Pakistan”, and “Pakistan should make an effort to stop them.” Besides, Indian high officials and media also accused that Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) is behind these terror attacks in the Indian controlled Kashmir. They forgot they Kashmiri people are fighting a war of liberation and for their legitimate rights, as recognized by the UN resolutions.


Nevertheless, the drama is still on and Indian venomous media which has openly started implicating Pakistan and LeT for the attacks. Such orchestrated dramas have many a times been exposed in the past as well. Besides, previous episodes, in the recent months of 2014, reportedly, Indian military had killed two militants in August, three militants in Keran Sector in September, and seven terrorists in October, three in November, while in Tut Mari Gali sector, three were killed. These are Indian LoC encounter dramas; however, Indian forces have also been violating ceasefire on the Line of Control and Working Boundary. The problem is that there is no dearth of hate and war mongers in Indian Army, and it is always their agenda to keep the LoC in the line of fire. Now, Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the helm, the incidence of ceasefire violations has increased. Army has also been given free hand to indulge in fake encounters to implicate Pakistan.

Question arises as to why India is staging encounter drama?  The plausible reasons are obvious.  Firstly, it may be an attempt to create hype prior to the election campaign visit of Modi in the alleged area, falling in the sector where terrorist attack drama is being played. Secondly, the failure of BJP to win in the Muslim majority area seems imminent and it is trying to accuse Islamabad for sabotaging the elections through LoC attacks. Thirdly, the alleged attacks are part of campaign to malice Pakistan internationally and tarnish its image worldwide before the forthcoming visit of the US President Barack Obama who will travel to India in January 2015 to hold talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and also to attend its Republic Day celebrations.


It is of particular attention that in November 2013, the then Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Union Defence Minister had expressed concern over the ‘fakes intrusion’ claims of the Indian Army in Keran sector, making it clear that the troops enacted a drama “as there was no evidence on ground to suggest any infiltration bid by the militants.”


While, Indian government is accusing Pakistan government of giving legitimacy to Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) chief Hafiz Saeed, claiming that a recent rally being held in Lahore by the group which masterminded the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks was being viewed with concern in India. New Delhi has since long been demanding the deportation of Saeed from Pakistan so that he can be tried for his involvement in the Mumbai attacks. Islamabad has refused to do so stating that there is no credible evidence relating his involvement in the attacks. And, Lahore High had released Hafiz Saeed on the ground that there is no evidence about his involvement in the Mumbai mayhem.


It is notable that on July 19, 2013 the Indian former home ministry official and ex-investigating officer Satish Verma disclosed that terror-attacks in Mumbai in November 26, 2008 and assault on Indian Parliament in January 12, 2001 were carried out by the Indian government to strengthen anti-terrorism laws.


In fact, Hafiz Saeed is a die-hard patriot and continues to raise the banner of ideology of Pakistan. Recently, a two-day national conference organized at Minar-e-Pakistan in Lahore by JuD called for a countrywide movement to protect the ideology of Pakistan. Hafiz Saeed inspires the great majority of the people of Pakistan and has the capacity to mobilize them and unite them against the foreign conspiracy against the country. Therefore, especially, New Delhi considers him as an obstacle in its plan to weaken and destabilize Pakistan.





Nonetheless, there is a need to expose India’s fake LoC encounter drama to implicate Pakistan to hide its own failure to set its own house to order. Pakistan’s high officials and media must highlight that such fake encounters have become second nature of India to appease Indian radical and extremist groups like BJP, RSS VHP, Shiv Sena and other similar groups, and thus malign Pakistan.

Email: [email protected]

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Media comission report leaked: Foreign Money & Influence Rampant In Pakistan Media: India Funding PSYOP Programs Through Norwegian NGO

Media comission report leaked:



Breaking News: Supreme Court’s Media Commission report has been leaked on the internet by some anonymous source. This commission includes highly respectable Justice Nasir Aslam Zahid and Justice Javed Jabbar. This scan from the commission report shows irrefutable evidence of Pakistani Media’s direct connection with the known enemies of Islam and Pakistan. The scan is not of the highest quality so we have optimized it a bit for clarity. The transcript of the highlighted parts of Media Commission report is given below:
* It was revealed that lot of funds were pouring into the media outlet from abroad in the form of sponsorship. For instance “Zara Socheeya” programme had received sponsorship to the extent of Pounds 20 million.
* It was also reported that programmes prepared by Indian producers were being sold to parties in Dubai from where these programmes were coming to Pakistan. It was difficult to provide documentary proof of such deals.
* Another instance reported was that of “Aman Ki Aysha” programme which was being funded by Norwegian NGO named “Friends without Borders”. Going into the background of the funding to this programme, it was found that the foot-prints lead to Indian sponsors including the Indian State Television, the Doordarshan.
* Commission was informed that PEMRA had initiated dialogue with the Pakistan Broadcasters Association (PBA) on the issue of content regulation and the code of conduct. But there has been no positive response from the PBA. They, on the other hand, have preferred to approach the courts

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