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Posts Tagged Hindu Terrorism

India’s Fake Boat Drama was Exposed by Sajjad Shaukat

India’s Fake Boat Drama was Exposed

By Sajjad Shaukat


On December 31, 2014, Indian agencies orchestrated a terror boat drama to defame Pakistan in the world. In this respect, Indian media and high officials unfolded the drama on the New Year’s eve by allegedly reporting that a Pakistani fishing boat as a Pakistan-based group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) was intercepted by Indian Coast Guards, some 356 km. off the coast of Porebandar, Gujarat. While alleging Pakistan, the Indian government had claimed that it had foiled another 26/11-type attack of Mumbai. Indian drama took a new twist in the shape of an expose which had overturned Indian aspersions blaming Pakistan.





As per Indian Coast Guard IG, K R Nautiyal, an operation was undertaken on a precise intelligence tip and boat was ordered to stop, but it did not comply and sped away. Propagating that Pakistani terrorists had been apprehended by the Indian Coast Guard on the high seas and, after a long chase, when warning shots had been fired, the ‘terrorists’ had blown themselves up.


Indian Coast Guard officials stated that no body or debris was found due to bad weather. Moreover, it was also stated that search was on for another boat which they fear was in communication with the capsized boat. 


The Pakistani media said that the Indian media was playing up the incident without establishing proper links to terrorism. The incident was strongly rejected by Pakistan’s Foreign Office Spokesperson Tasnim Aslam, terming it as mere propaganda aimed at tarnishing Pakistan’s image. She elaborated, “Pakistan expects India to conduct a transparent probe to ascertain the facts of the boat incident, while highlighting that its own investigation had shown that there was no sound evidence to substantiate India’s assertions. On the so called terror boat incident, India has not approached Pakistan through diplomatic channels.” 


However, the boat incident had also stirred a controversy within India itself. Indian National Congress had stated that it has doubts on government’s version of Porebandar incident. The BJP in response had stated that Congress was lending credence to Pakistani stance. In this regard, hitting at Congress, BJP President Amit Shah asked the opposition party, whether it was fighting elections in India or Pakistan.


It is notable that 48 hours after the incident, the Indian officials had started portraying another version by suggesting that the boat which had left Keti Bandar, Karachi might have belonged to small time smugglers.


And it was not possible that 30 HP boat could run four state of the art Indian Coast Guard ships. The media clips showed only fire damage to the boat, whereas, in case of an explosion, as suggested by the Indians, complete boat which was small in size, would have torn to pieces.


Indian officials said that wreckage and dead bodies could not be recovered due to bad weather, whereas, open source met data forecasted fair weather. The argument is supplemented by the fact that small boats do not operate in deep open waters unless weather is clear.

Meanwhile, despite the insistence of Islamabad, no solid proof was provided by Indian authorities about the incident, and no inquiry reports was shared with local and international media. Hence, Pakistan launched strong diplomatic protest at UNO, demanding impartial inquiry which could expose Indian fabricated story regarding the Boat episode. 


Nevertheless, we cannot see the event in isolation, as New Delhi had hidden aims behind that stereotype fake drama. Indian orchestrated boat drama was to create an aura against Pakistan prior to US President Barrack Obama’s visit (25-27 January 2015) to India and put pressure on Pakistan government on Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi’s bail issue and allege LeT as an organization, posing regional threats. Prior to Obama’s visit, Indian propaganda was also part of overall plan to malign Pakistan of sponsoring terrorist activities in India. New Delhi, for the last few months, was propagating conduct of terrorist activities by LeT inside India.


India had also been projecting the possibility of a terrorist attack coinciding with Obama’s visit or targeting the dignitary. In this context, Indian secret agency, RAW, Intelligence Bureau and other intelligence agencies had been issuing threat alert almost on daily basis. The issuance of such alerts by New Delhi reflected the concerns of the US and the West regarding the prevailing law and order and security situation in India—being deteriorated by the Hindu terrorism which had been encouraged by BJP hardliner Narendra Modi who got a land sliding triumph in the Indian elections 2014 and had become the prime minister of India. Hindu majority was mobilized on anti-Pakistan and anti-Muslim slogans. Therefore, he is fulfilling the agenda of Hinduvta (Hindu nationalism).


In fact, Hindu politics and culture are dominated by the fundamentalist parties such as BJP, RSS, VHP, Shiv Sena and other similar groups which have been propagating Hindutva. Provocative utterances of their extremist leaders have resulted into unending violence against the Muslim and Christians including other minority groups, while, India is also facing insurgency and terrorism in its various regions. 


It is mentionable that on January 20, 2013, Indian External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid and Home minister Sushil Kumar Shinde confessed the nexus between BJP and the RSS, disclosing that organized training camps run by these fundamentalist parties were promoting Hindu terrorism. They also disclosed that these parties were behind the Samjhauta Express, Makkah Masjid and Malegaon blasts including Gujarat and Babri Masjid incidents. Earlier, New Delhi was accusing Pakistan’s primary intelligence agency, ISI for blasts in Malegaon and other cities.


It is noteworthy that on December 13, 2001, Indian parliament was attacked by five terrorists. Without any evidence, Indian top officials and TV channels started a blame game against Pakistan by involving the banned Lashkar-e-Tayba and ISI in relation to the Parliament assault.


While, regarding the November 26 Mumbai terror attacks, Indian rulers and media had again started a blame game against Pakistan, propagating that Indian Mujahideen, the banned Lashkar-e-Tayba and ISI were behind the Mumbai carnage.


Availing the pretext of the parliament attack and Mumbai catastrophe, New Delhi had, twice, suspended the process of dialogue with Islamabad in wake of its highly provocative actions like mobilization of troops. Pakistan had also taken defensive steps to meet any Indian prospective aggression or surgical strikes. But, India failed in implementing its aggressive plans, because Pakistan also possesses atomic weapons.


It is of particular attention that on July 19, 2013, the Indian former home ministry and ex-investigating officer Satish Verma revealed that terror-attacks in Mumbai in November 26, 2008 and assault on Indian Parliament in January 12, 2001 were carried out by the Indian government to strengthen anti-terrorism laws. It proved that both the dramas were also orchestrated by the Indian intelligence agencies.


Renowned thinkers, Hobbes, Machiavelli and Morgenthau opine that sometimes, rulers act upon immoral activities like deceit, fraud and falsehood to fulfill their countries’ selfish aims. But such a sinister politics was replaced by new trends such as fair-dealings, reconciliation and economic development. Regrettably, India is still following past politics in modern era. 


Nonetheless, as part of anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan move, BJP-led government which is continuously manipulating the double standard of the US-led Western countries in relation to New Delhi and Islamabad had arranged the fake boat drama to defame Pakistan prior to Obama’s Indian visit, though reality of that false flag operation was exposed afterwards.


Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations


Email: [email protected]


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Video: Indian extremists vandalise Zara’s showroom for selling Pakistani clothes

The incident reportedly took place in Mumbai on Tuesday.

MUMBAI (Dunya News) – Indian extremists belonging to Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) stormed into fashion brand Zara’s showroom in Mumbai and threw away clothes bearing Made in Pakistan tags.

“We have information about a few more stores in Mumbai that sell Pakistani goods. In next few days, we will target more such stores selling Pakistani goods,” said Rita Gupta, MNS’s general Secretary, adding that all the shop owners have been directed not to sell Pakistani brands.

BJP leader and fashion designer Shaina NC called this action as a desperate move to grab headlines.

“Some parties are trying to use the sentiments to revive their fortunes. But, whatever they have done at the Zara store is nothing, but hooliganism. No one has the right to take law into their hands,” Shaina said.

After the Uri incident, MNS had threatened Pakistani artists and even went on to stop the release of Karan Johar’s Ae Dil Hai Mushkil that starred Pakistani artist Fawad Khan. 

Speaking to Dunya News, Foreign Office spokesperson Nafees Zakariya expressed concern over rising incidents of intolerance in India. He said there is no chance of improvement in ties due to India’s negative attitude.

The spokesperson highlighted that everyone could see how India is treating its minorities.

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The Nation Blog Sleeping With The Enemy : A Portal To Challenge Two Nation Theory






The Nation Blog: A Snake Up Pakistan’s Sleeve


A Portal To Challenge Two Nation Theory



True Hindu Thinking Exposed: A n Educated Hindu, a Former Judge still Nurtures the Dream of Akhand Bharat and the Pakistani Mir Jaffers, who Are Helping Make His Dream a Reality.Fat Chance!

















The Dream of ALL Hindus



Arif Nizami is now a Stealth Promoter of Akhand Bharat. He is bought off completely by Indian intelligence.This is reflected in the The Nation & The Nation Blog. Two Nation Theory is discarded in the Nation, where Indian Thinkers are brought in as Writers and Columnists to denigrate the Founder of Pakistan and undermine the basis of Pakistan as a Nation of Muslim. Arif Nizami is the force behind this propaganda and along with Mir Khalil-ur-Rahman’s GEO, the Founding of Pakistan is being challenges. Sacrifices of Pakistan Army Soldiers in fighting Tehreek-i-Taliban, a RAW inspired organization, are never discussed. Pakistan is depicted as a dysfunctional nation heading towards economic disaster. If the read the article written by an Indian Judge,it goes to show how bitterly the Indian intellectuals and educated elite wish for Pakistan’s disintegration. But, in doing so they may be cutting his nose to speight his face. It also reflects the venomous nature embedded deep in Hindu psyche which Quaid-i-Azam and other leaders of Pakistan’s Freedom Movement discovered early on. About 1400 years ago, Islam came to destroy idolatry and polytheism. Polytheists are viciously opposed to Islam, because it demolished the basis of their belief.  

The Hindus or Polytheists of Arabia opposed Nai-i-Karim (SAW) for introducing Mankind to their True Creator. Today, the forces of darkness espoused in mythology of Hinduism still oppose the ideology of Islam. But, many Muslims due to their financial interests are gravitating towards India and Hinduism, Arif Nizami and The Nation are cheering them on.  In another nation ,it would tantamount to treason and sedition, but in incompetent Nawaz Sharif’s Pakistan anything goes.



Here is a Classic Propaganda Piece Written in The Nation by a Right Wing Indian RSS NAZI Writer, who himself is surprised that the Nation published it!




The truth about Pakistan
March 02, 2013


“Dekho mujhe jo deeda-e-ibrat nigah ho, Meri suno jo gosh-e-naseehat niyosh hai.”
– Mirza Ghalib

According to reports, Pakistani cities – Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar, etc – are rapidly becoming killing fields, with bomb blasts and gun firing a regular occurrence, and ethnic violence between Sunnis and Shias, and persecution of minorities escalating. Nobody knows that when he steps out into the streets of these cities whether or not he will return alive. A beautiful metropolitan city like Karachi is becoming, if it has not already become, a Jurassic Park.
Mr Shamshad Ahmed, in his article, entitled “May You Live Long, Katju!”, published in TheNation on February 26, 2013, has said that the present situation in Pakistan is due to “a failure of governance, not of the nationhood.” I respectfully beg to differ.
In my opinion, the present violent strifes and disturbances in Pakistan are the logical and inevitable result of creating a theocratic state in this subcontinent and, hence, the only solution is the reunification of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh under a strong, secular, modern minded government, which does not tolerate religious extremism and bigotry, whether Hindu or Muslim, and crushes it with an iron hand.
To explain my point, I have to delve into history. As explained in my article, “What is India”, in my blog: justicekatju.blogspot.in (as well as in the video on the website: kgfindia.com), India (in which I include Pakistan) is broadly a country of immigrants like North America. The ancestors of 92 to 93 percent people living today in our subcontinent were not the original inhabitants here, but came from outside, mainly from the northwest (the original inhabitants being the pre-Dravidian tribals). People migrate from uncomfortable areas to comfortable areas, and India was a paradise for agriculture, with level land, fertile soil, plenty of water for irrigation, etc. It is for this reason that India has so much diversity – so many religions, castes, languages, ethnic groups, etc because each group of immigrants brought their own language, religion and customs.
Hence, the only policy that can work in our subcontinent is secularism and equal respect to all communities and sects. This was the policy of the great Emperor Akbar, whom I regard (along with Ashoka) as the greatest ruler the world has ever seen. At a time when the Europeans were massacring each other in the name of religion (Catholics massacring Protestants and vice versa), Akbar, who was far ahead of his times, declared his policy of Suleh-e-Kul, i.e. universal toleration of all religions, and it is because of this policy that the Mughal Empire lasted so long. It was Emperor Akbar who laid the foundation on which the Indian nation is still standing, his policy being continued by Jawaharlal Nehru and his colleagues who gave India a secular constitution.
Up to 1857, there were no communal problems in India; all communal riots and animosity began after 1857. No doubt even before 1857, there were differences between Hindus and Muslims, the Hindus going to temples and the Muslims going to mosques, but there was no animosity. In fact, the Hindus and Muslims used to help each other; Hindus used to participate in Eid celebrations, and Muslims in Holi and Diwali. The Muslim rulers like the Mughals, Nawab of Awadh and Murshidabad, Tipu Sultan, etc were totally secular; they organised Ramlilas, participated in Holi, Diwali, etc. Ghalib’s affectionate letters to his Hindu friends like Munshi Shiv Naraln Aram, Har Gopal Tofta, etc attest to the affection between Hindus and Muslims at that time
In 1857, the ‘Great Mutiny’ broke out in which the Hindus and Muslims jointly fought against the British. This shocked the British government so much that after suppressing the Mutiny, they decided to start the policy of divide and rule (see online “History in the Service of Imperialism” by B.N. Pande). All communal riots began after 1857, artificially engineered by the British authorities. The British collector would secretly call the Hindu Pandit, pay him money, and tell him to speak against Muslims, and similarly he would secretly call the Maulvi, pay him money, and tell him to speak against Hindus. This communal poison was injected into our body politic year after year and decade after decade.
In 1909, the ‘Minto-Morley Reforms’ introduced separate electorates for Hindus and Muslims. The idea was propagated that Hindi is the language of Hindus, while Urdu of Muslims (although Urdu was the common language of all educated people, whether Hindu, Muslim or Sikh up to 1947). All this vicious propaganda resulted in the partition of 1947, which created a fake, artificial theocratic nation called Pakistan.
Nation states arose in Europe around the 15th century because of the rise of modern industry. Modern industry, unlike feudal handicraft industry, requires a big market for its goods and a large area from where it can get raw materials.
The creation of a state based on religion destroys the very basis of a nation, because it cuts off industries from markets and raw materials. British imperialism created India as a big administrative unit. The British policy was to prohibit the growth of heavy industry in India; otherwise, the Indian industry, with its cheap labour, would have become a powerful rival to British industry.
When the British left India, they divided us so that we may remain backward and weak, and not emerge as a modern powerful industrial state (for which we have all the potential). This was the real reason for creating Pakistan.
I submit that Pakistan was doomed from its very inception; firstly, because there is such tremendous diversity in our subcontinent that only secularism can work here and secondly, because a modern nation cannot be based on religion (because this will cut it off from its markets and raw materials).
Mr Shamshad Ahmed has written in an email to me that I should try to bring the two countries closer, instead of challenging the very raison d’etre of Pakistan. I replied that I do not believe that there are two nations, there is only one nation, that is India, and Pakistan is part of India. Pakistan was created in pursuance of the wicked British policy of divide and rule and the bogus Two Nation Theory, whose whole aim was to make Hindus and Muslims fight with each other. I am confident that with time people, both in India and Pakistan, will realise the truth in what I am saying, and India and Pakistan will reunite under a strong, secular government that deals with religious extremism, whether Hindu or Muslim, with an iron hand.
Secularism does not mean that one cannot practice his religion. It means that religion is a private affair, unconnected with the state that will have no religion.
When I meet my Pakistani friends (and I have lots of them), we speak in Hindustani, we look like each other, and feel no difference between ourselves. We were befooled by the Britishers into thinking that we are enemies, but how much longer must we remain befooled? How much longer must blood flow in religious violence in Quetta, Karachi, Gujarat, etc.
Mr Shamshad Ahmed wrote in his email to me that he doubted whether any Pakistani newspaper would publish my article challenging the very existence of Pakistan. I replied that I did not care whether it would be published or not, but I will not deviate from what I believe is the truth. In Sanskrit, there is a saying, “Satyamev Jayate”, which means “truth ultimately triumphs”. And as Nietzsche said in “Thus Spake Zarathustra”: “What matter about thyself, Zarathustra! Say thy word and break into pieces!”

The writer is the chairman of the Press Council of India and former judge of the Supreme Court of India.





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The Nation Blog


A Portal To Challenge Two Nation Theory























The Dream of ALL Hindus



Arif Nizami is now a Stealth Promoter of Akhand Bharat. He is bought off completely by Indian intelligence.This is reflected in the The Nation & The Nation Blog. Two Nation Theory is discarded in the Nation, where Indian Thinkers are brought in as Writers and Columnists to denigrate the Founder of Pakistan and undermine the basis of Pakistan as a Nation of Muslim. Arif Nizami is the force behind this propaganda and along with Mir Khalil-ur-Rahman’s GEO, the Founding of Pakistan is being challenges. Sacrifices of Pakistan Army Soldiers in fighting Tehreek-i-Taliban, a RAW inspired organization, are never discussed. Pakistan is depicted as a dysfunctional nation heading towards economic disaster. If the read the article written by an Indian Judge,it goes to show how bitterly the Indian intellectuals and educated elite wish for Pakistan’s disintegration. But, in doing so they may be cutting his nose to speight his face. It also reflects the venomous nature embedded deep in Hindu psyche which Quaid-i-Azam and other leaders of Pakistan’s Freedom Movement discovered early on. About 1400 years ago, Islam came to destroy idolatry and polytheism. Polytheists are viciously opposed to Islam, because it demolished the basis of their belief.  

The Hindus or Polytheists of Arabia opposed Nai-i-Karim (SAW) for introducing Mankind to their True Creator. Today, the forces of darkness espoused in mythology of Hinduism still oppose the ideology of Islam. But, many Muslims due to their financial interests are gravitating towards India and Hinduism, Arif Nizami and The Nation are cheering them on.  In another nation ,it would tantamount to treason and sedition, but in incompetent Nawaz Sharif’s Pakistan anything goes.



Here is a Classic Propaganda Piece Written in The Nation by a Right Wing Indian RSS NAZI Writer, who himself is surprised that the Nation published it.









The truth about Pakistan
March 02, 2013


“Dekho mujhe jo deeda-e-ibrat nigah ho, Meri suno jo gosh-e-naseehat niyosh hai.”
– Mirza Ghalib

According to reports, Pakistani cities – Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar, etc – are rapidly becoming killing fields, with bomb blasts and gun firing a regular occurrence, and ethnic violence between Sunnis and Shias, and persecution of minorities escalating. Nobody knows that when he steps out into the streets of these cities whether or not he will return alive. A beautiful metropolitan city like Karachi is becoming, if it has not already become, a Jurassic Park.
Mr Shamshad Ahmed, in his article, entitled “May You Live Long, Katju!”, published in TheNation on February 26, 2013, has said that the present situation in Pakistan is due to “a failure of governance, not of the nationhood.” I respectfully beg to differ.
In my opinion, the present violent strifes and disturbances in Pakistan are the logical and inevitable result of creating a theocratic state in this subcontinent and, hence, the only solution is the reunification of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh under a strong, secular, modern minded government, which does not tolerate religious extremism and bigotry, whether Hindu or Muslim, and crushes it with an iron hand.
To explain my point, I have to delve into history. As explained in my article, “What is India”, in my blog: justicekatju.blogspot.in (as well as in the video on the website: kgfindia.com), India (in which I include Pakistan) is broadly a country of immigrants like North America. The ancestors of 92 to 93 percent people living today in our subcontinent were not the original inhabitants here, but came from outside, mainly from the northwest (the original inhabitants being the pre-Dravidian tribals). People migrate from uncomfortable areas to comfortable areas, and India was a paradise for agriculture, with level land, fertile soil, plenty of water for irrigation, etc. It is for this reason that India has so much diversity – so many religions, castes, languages, ethnic groups, etc because each group of immigrants brought their own language, religion and customs.
Hence, the only policy that can work in our subcontinent is secularism and equal respect to all communities and sects. This was the policy of the great Emperor Akbar, whom I regard (along with Ashoka) as the greatest ruler the world has ever seen. At a time when the Europeans were massacring each other in the name of religion (Catholics massacring Protestants and vice versa), Akbar, who was far ahead of his times, declared his policy of Suleh-e-Kul, i.e. universal toleration of all religions, and it is because of this policy that the Mughal Empire lasted so long. It was Emperor Akbar who laid the foundation on which the Indian nation is still standing, his policy being continued by Jawaharlal Nehru and his colleagues who gave India a secular constitution.
Up to 1857, there were no communal problems in India; all communal riots and animosity began after 1857. No doubt even before 1857, there were differences between Hindus and Muslims, the Hindus going to temples and the Muslims going to mosques, but there was no animosity. In fact, the Hindus and Muslims used to help each other; Hindus used to participate in Eid celebrations, and Muslims in Holi and Diwali. The Muslim rulers like the Mughals, Nawab of Awadh and Murshidabad, Tipu Sultan, etc were totally secular; they organised Ramlilas, participated in Holi, Diwali, etc. Ghalib’s affectionate letters to his Hindu friends like Munshi Shiv Naraln Aram, Har Gopal Tofta, etc attest to the affection between Hindus and Muslims at that time
In 1857, the ‘Great Mutiny’ broke out in which the Hindus and Muslims jointly fought against the British. This shocked the British government so much that after suppressing the Mutiny, they decided to start the policy of divide and rule (see online “History in the Service of Imperialism” by B.N. Pande). All communal riots began after 1857, artificially engineered by the British authorities. The British collector would secretly call the Hindu Pandit, pay him money, and tell him to speak against Muslims, and similarly he would secretly call the Maulvi, pay him money, and tell him to speak against Hindus. This communal poison was injected into our body politic year after year and decade after decade.
In 1909, the ‘Minto-Morley Reforms’ introduced separate electorates for Hindus and Muslims. The idea was propagated that Hindi is the language of Hindus, while Urdu of Muslims (although Urdu was the common language of all educated people, whether Hindu, Muslim or Sikh up to 1947). All this vicious propaganda resulted in the partition of 1947, which created a fake, artificial theocratic nation called Pakistan.
Nation states arose in Europe around the 15th century because of the rise of modern industry. Modern industry, unlike feudal handicraft industry, requires a big market for its goods and a large area from where it can get raw materials.
The creation of a state based on religion destroys the very basis of a nation, because it cuts off industries from markets and raw materials. British imperialism created India as a big administrative unit. The British policy was to prohibit the growth of heavy industry in India; otherwise, the Indian industry, with its cheap labour, would have become a powerful rival to British industry.
When the British left India, they divided us so that we may remain backward and weak, and not emerge as a modern powerful industrial state (for which we have all the potential). This was the real reason for creating Pakistan.
I submit that Pakistan was doomed from its very inception; firstly, because there is such tremendous diversity in our subcontinent that only secularism can work here and secondly, because a modern nation cannot be based on religion (because this will cut it off from its markets and raw materials).
Mr Shamshad Ahmed has written in an email to me that I should try to bring the two countries closer, instead of challenging the very raison d’etre of Pakistan. I replied that I do not believe that there are two nations, there is only one nation, that is India, and Pakistan is part of India. Pakistan was created in pursuance of the wicked British policy of divide and rule and the bogus Two Nation Theory, whose whole aim was to make Hindus and Muslims fight with each other. I am confident that with time people, both in India and Pakistan, will realise the truth in what I am saying, and India and Pakistan will reunite under a strong, secular government that deals with religious extremism, whether Hindu or Muslim, with an iron hand.
Secularism does not mean that one cannot practice his religion. It means that religion is a private affair, unconnected with the state that will have no religion.
When I meet my Pakistani friends (and I have lots of them), we speak in Hindustani, we look like each other, and feel no difference between ourselves. We were befooled by the Britishers into thinking that we are enemies, but how much longer must we remain befooled? How much longer must blood flow in religious violence in Quetta, Karachi, Gujarat, etc.
Mr Shamshad Ahmed wrote in his email to me that he doubted whether any Pakistani newspaper would publish my article challenging the very existence of Pakistan. I replied that I did not care whether it would be published or not, but I will not deviate from what I believe is the truth. In Sanskrit, there is a saying, “Satyamev Jayate”, which means “truth ultimately triumphs”. And as Nietzsche said in “Thus Spake Zarathustra”: “What matter about thyself, Zarathustra! Say thy word and break into pieces!”

The writer is the chairman of the Press Council of India and former judge of the Supreme Court of India.

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Hindu ‘Saffron’ Terror Camps Breeding Terrorists – Indian Home Minister Shinde confesses


Hindu ‘Saffron’ Terror Camps Breeding Terrorists – Indian Home Minister Shinde confesses
‘Samjhota, Makkah Masjid, Malegon Blasts were carried out by BJP and RSS; blamed on Muslims’


Indian Home Minister
Sushil Kumar Shinde, India’s Home Minister


In a ground-breaking confession, India’s home minister Sushil Kumar Shinde has exposed the nexus between BJP and the RSS for breeding ‘Hindu terrorism’, a charge which has raged a storm from hard line Hindus on Indian mainstream and social media.


Speaking during Congress’s Chintar Shivir at Jaipur, Shinde said:“We have reports that RSS, BJP camps are promoting Hindu terror in the country.”


He alleged that RSS was behind Samjhauta, Mecca Masjid and Malegaon blasts.


“Reports have come during investigation that BJP and RSS conduct terror training camps to spread terrorism; Bombs were planted in Samjhauta express, Mecca Masjid and also a blast was carried out in Malegaon.”


Considering this a serious security threat, Shinde further said,

“We will have to think about it seriously and will have to remain alert,”

Remaining steadfast on his stance Shinde defended his allegation by saying, “This has come so many times in the papers… It is not a new thing that I have said today.Goals of Indian Hindu Nationalists 




Relating this to notorious ‘Saffron Terror’ often related to fundamental Hindu Right Wing groups which have previously been alleged for terrorism he said,


“This is saffron terrorism that I have talked about. It is the same thing and nothing new. It has come in the media several times,” the home minister said.


The Home Minister of India, P. Chidambaram urged Indians to beware of “Saffron terror” on August 25, 2010 at a meeting of state police chiefs in New Delhi, first time the word was officially used.


Charging Congress with having a “destructive mindset which was reflected in the home minister’s statement”, BJP said it was “very objectionable”. “It is not only unacceptable but dangerous also,” party spokesman Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said.

“There cannot be anything worse that the country’s home minister giving such an objectionable statement to disrupt peace and harmony of the country,” Naqvi told reporters in Delhi.


Terming RSS as a “nationalist organisation”, the BJP leader said, “Sonia Gandhi should apologise. Rahul Gandhi and home minister should also apologise, otherwise there will be serious consequences. This is not accepted. Such baseless things when said by home minister amounts to giving clean chit to real terrorists.”


“Sometimes I feel that Congress has become a group of cowards (kayaron ki jamaat). I am terming Congress as a group of cowards because repeated terror strikes are happening in the country, terrorists are mushrooming here.


“They abolished the tool to fight terrorism,” he said in an apparent reference to scrapping of POTA.


Attacking the home minister, RSS spokesman Ram Madhav described his statement as “highly irresponsible” and said he had made the remarks only to please his party bosses.


“If a Congress leader had said something like this it wouldn’t have mattered that much, but if the home minister of the country is saying something like this, it is highly irresponsible. This is all about playing votebank politics,” he said. : Union home minister Sushilkumar Shinde on Sunday sparked a major political controversy saying RSS and BJP were promoting Hindu terror.


A storm is also raging at this brazen statement that has removed the lid from an open-secret, Social Media is flooded by mixed reactions. Hindu extremists who use this medium for their activities are terming this an attack on Hinduism.


BJP believes this statement will dent the communal harmony which is already on a fuming volcano after Owaisi Speech against Hindu Oppression and marginalization and how strongly Muslim can react if Police remains unbiased. Owaisi was arrested after his speech while 5 Muslims were shot dead by police in Dhule, Maharashtra whi led to riots injuring hundreds of people.


BJP leaders and RSS extremists are vehemently condemning Shinde for remarks and are shocked that instead of blaming Pakistan for terrorism, congress is blaming Hindus.


It has been time and again proved, in fact Pakistan’s interior minister Rehman Malik has also confessed of India involvement in Baluchistan and terrorism in Pakistan with complete state support. There are many proves lying with law enforcement agencies that point to Hindu Terrorists operating in Pakistan.


Dozens of Pakistanis lost lives in Samjhota Express incident, will Pakistani Media and Government that is hell-bent for Aman Ki Asha open its eyes even after they have observed Indian public and Media reaction to the LOC incident. Apart from Gen.Musharraf who rightly treated Indian Media by urging them to expose Hindu terrorism and taking action against Hindu Terror organization, it is high time that every quarter of Pakistani society unites to expose Indian Terrorism in this region.


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