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Posted by admin in DEEN-GOING STRONG on October 8th, 2013
October 6th, 2013
Hajj Dates
The ZilHajj moon was sighted on 6th October 2013 in Pakistan where as it appeared on the 5th in Saudi Arabia. Hajj would, therefore, be performed on the 14th October and the Eid ul Azha on the 15th at Makkah whereas in Pakistan Hajj will be observed on the 15th and Eid on the 16th consecutively. Hajj is one thing that CANNOT be performed anywhere in the world except Makkah. Is it not something very strange that we see it live being performed on our TV screens and yet we say, “Oh no, our Hajj shall be tomorrow and the Eid day after tomorrow ?!!!”
We do it because we stick to the concept that Hajj can only be performed on the 10th of ZilHajj and in our case the 10th of ZilHajj falls a day or two later than it falls in the Saudi Arabia. I don’t know where from we have limited Hajj to the 10th of ZilHajj only. The Qura’n doesn’t say so anywhere. On the contrary the Qura’n clearly says that Hajj can be performed at any time during Special Sacred Months [Quran 2:197] *Hajj shall be observed in the specified months.* “The Hajj (is in) known months”. Since Allah (swt) has not said: “Shahrun”, it is not one month, He has not said “Shahrain”, so it is not two months either, but since He has said “Ashhurun”, “months”, it is definitely three months or more.
Pleas also refer to (2:197; 9:2, 36)., where it says, Hajj shall be observed during the specified Sacred Months It is also clear from the Quran that the four Sacred Months are continuous, and the Sacred Months and the regular months are not to be alternated Allaah has said in Quran:
Will someone more knowledgeable, therefore, please clarify the following for me that can we observe Hajj in Pakistan on a day other than it is observed at Makkah and consequently the Eid al Azha also on a day other than it is observed at Makkah? And can Hajj be performed at any time during the three or four Special and Sacred months, as ordained in Qura’n or not?
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000
Tel: (051) 5158033
E.mail: jafri@rifiela.com