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No matter how educated or diplomatically polished an Indian becomes, the Hindutva jingoism, which lies just beneath the surface of his psyche, keeps popping up. In the following article Amb.Bharadkumar cavalier claim of Indian army’s hot pursuit into Pakistan is childish and laughable at best. He should read India Today, a reasonable balanced magazine about India’s defence preparedness. Numerous articles also point out to the horrible state of political infighting, among higher rank of officers in Indian Armed Forces. Amb.Bhadrakumar deliberately forgets to mention that Pakistan manufactures state of the art and cutting edge defence weaponry, since, being backstabbed by Mother India’s paramour, the Obama White House. Pakistan edge in missile technology and ability to deliver miniaturized nuclear battlefield warheads, should give India second thoughts about hot pursuit into Pakistan. This is not the Pakistan of 1971. Pakistan armed forces are almost at par with India in numbers and more advanced in battlefield electronic warfare technology. The joker in the pack is China, a reliable and brotherly ally of Pakistan. Pakistan is a strategic partner of China. China’s southern underbelly is protected by Pakistan Armed Forces. China and Pakistan are jointly developing the strategic Gwadar port, which is being coveted by both US and Russia. Gwadar Port has a multiple lane highway, which runs, along the Indus River all the way up to the Chinese province of Sinkiang. Therefore, dreaming unrealistic dreams of Akhand Bharat or invasion of Pakistan should be left to South Blocks’ Babus. It does not behoove polished diplomats, like Amb. Bharadkumar to believe in such dreams, which can turn quickly into nuclear nightmares. Unless they are smoking some crack cocaine or are on LSD!

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