Sardari trained as a lawyer in Switzerland before becoming a diplomat
In Algeria, pro-Jewish sympathy was led by religious scholars like Abdel Hamid Ben Badis, founder of the Algerian League of Muslims and Jews who was an “intensely devout man with a modern, open and tolerant view of the world.” Shaykh Taieb el Okbi was another leader who had close ties to the Jews. When French pro-fascist groups were urging Algerian Muslims to persecute the Jews, Shaykh Taieb issued a fatwa prohibiting that. And from pulpits of Algerian mosques imams issued instructions to their followers to defy the fascists and behave honourably towards the Jews. The Jewish resistance leader in Algiers, Jose Aboulker, testified how when “Jewish goods were put up for public auction, an instruction went round the mosques, ‘Our brothers are suffering misfortune. Do not take their goods.’
Egyptian intellectuals like Ahmad Hasan Al-Zayyat who was the owner and editor of the most important intellectual weekly in 1930s Egypt and the Arab world, Al-Risala. He expressed standsagainst Nazi Germany and Hitler in a most lucid manner, particularly on the eve of the war and its outbreak. Israel Gershoni, a professor of history at Tel Aviv University, has researched a number of Egyptian cultural magazines from the inter-war period, including al-Hillal (The Crescent) and al-Risala (The Message). According to Gershoni, here the persecution of Jews in Germany was a central theme early on, and it was mostly critically reviewed.
The bottom line is that all of those who participate in, cooperate with, or do not speak out against evil (no matter what their religion) bring shame on the human race. As the Qur’an warns us all: “Oh you who believe, stand up firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even if it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be against rich or poor; for God can best protect both. Do not follow any passion, lest you not be just. And if you distort or decline to do justice, verily God is well-acquainted with all that you do” (Quran 4:135).
It is also important to remember that after WWII, there have been some people who engage in a sick amnesia about history called “holocaust denial”. Sadly, there have been some Muslims who engaged in this despicable denial.
King Mohammed VI of Morocco, has issued a proclamation on the Holocaust, a specific and deliberate refutation of Holocaust denial. He said: “Amnesia has no effect on my understanding of the Holocaust or that of my people.” He proclaimed in 2009: “We must together endeavor to reassert reason and the values which underpin the legitimacy of a space of coexistence where the words of dignity, justice and freedom will express themselves in the same way and will coexist with the same requirements, regardless of our origins, cultures or spirituality. This is our interpretation in Morocco, of the duty of remembrance dictated by the Shoah.”
A Statement Of American Muslim Imams And Community Leaders On Holocaust Denial & anti-Semitism was issued in 2011.
UPDATE 1/30/2011
Illume reports that
An exhibit new to the Soho Photo Gallery retells the story of a tragic crime against humanity with a new eyewitness.
Acclaimed fine arts photographer Norman H. Gershman spent over six years documenting the Muslim families that helped rescue Jews during World War II. His collection of photographs, taken throughout Albania and Kosovo, are on display and entitled ‘‘Besa: Muslims Who Saved Jews During World War II.’’ A documentary film is also currently in the works.
In an interview with NPR in August 2009, host Liane Hansen and Gershman discuss how 65 Muslims under Nazi occupation in Kosovo and Albania were able to save approximately 2,000 Jews during the war. In that interview, Gershman tells Hansen that the foreign minister of Albania then was a Bektashi who sent an undercover message out to all of the Bektashi, telling them ‘‘that the Jewish children will sleep in the same bed as your children. The Jewish children will eat the same food as your children. The Jewish children will be your family.’‘
When Gershman learned this story, he had what he calls a ‘‘visceral’’ reaction. ‘‘Muslims who saved Jews? I must record this forgotten event with my camera and tell the story through the various family histories I was to meet,’’ Gershman writes on his foundation’s website. ‘‘The rescue of Jews in Albania was a unique experience in Holocaust history as Jewish refugees fleeing Hitler were welcomed not as refugees but as guests.’‘
The word besa in the exhibit’s title comes from the Albanian code of honor. ‘‘Besa is a message to the world of brotherhood and compassion for those in need and unique to the Albanian people. Equally important is the message, through my portraits and stories, of the compassion extended to Jews by Albanian Muslim families during the Holocaust,’’ writes Gershman.
Gershman is also the founder of The Eye Contact Foundation, which promotes all-encompassing, global tolerance through the use of portrait photography. ’‘Besa: Muslims Who Saved Jews During World War II’‘ will be at the Soho Photo Gallery until January 28th. If you are not in New York and can’t wait until the documentary is completed, you can see check out the compilation of photographs in Gershman’s book.
UPDATE 2/8/2011
Pamela Geller has just published a truly vicious article defending Stalin’s attempt at genocide against Chechen Muslims. In this article she falsely claims that the Chechens were allied with the Nazis. Here is an article from Spencerwatch rebutting her false claims:
Recently Pamela Geller put up a post on her hate blog about the suicide bombing at Moscow’s airport. Amidst her usual anti-Islam/Muslim diatribe Geller sided with Joseph Stalin’s genocidal policy after World War 2 in which he relocated the entire indigenous populations of Chechnya and Ingusethia to Siberia:
Islamic Terror Attack Homicide Bomber Kills At Least 31 Human Beings
UPDATE: Frank the Great:
“The Kremlin is struggling to contain an Islamist insurgency in the mainly Muslim North Caucasus, and rebels have repeatedly vowed they will take their battle to the Russian heartland.”-from the article
This region (North Caucasus) was a big source of the Muslim Waffen SS Divisions during World War II. The Waffen SS Divisions fought with the Nazis against the Russians on the eastern front during WW2. For that reason Stalin relocated most Muslims in the region to Siberia. Khrushchev brought them back in 1956. Khrushchev made a mistake in doing that.
Most people today don’t know that the Muslim world was allied with the Nazis, especially in the Middle East (Iraq e.g.-where the British invaded to overthrw a pro-Nazi govn’t) and the Caucasus. The Cold War hid all that till the collapse of the USSR in 1990.
As William Faulkner said: “The past is never really past.”
Geller updated her blog to include the above statement from someone named “Frank the Great” obviously she agrees with everything he says. Unfortunately what he says is a gross distortion of history, an approval of genocide and extremely disgusting.
It is true that Stalin blamed Chechens for aiding the Germans during the War and this is how he justified their transfer to Siberia. The real reason that Stalin transferred the Muslim populations of Chechnya and Ingusethia was due to a revolt led by Khasan Israilov from 1940-44 against the Soviet state for independence:
Khasan is regarded as the most influential Chechen guerrilla leader during the Second World War, and he is considered a national hero for many Chechens. He was infamous to the Soviets, and is to many Russians, for his 1940-1944 uprising, which many Russians connected to an abortive German plot to undermine Soviet control over the North Caucasus (in reality, however, relations between Israilov’s Chechen partisans and the Germans were tense at best, hostile at worse).
Khasan himself was a Communist, here is his letter to the Chechen Communist Party:
“I have decided to become the leader of a war of liberation of my own people. I understand all too well that not only in Checheno-Ingushetia, but in all nations of the Caucasus it will be difficult to win freedom from the heavy yoke of Red imperialism. But our fervent belief in justice and our faith in the support of the freedom-loving peoples of the Caucasus and of the entire world inspire me toward this deed, in your eyes impertinent and pointless, but in my conviction, the sole correct historical step. The valiant Finns are now proving that the Great Enslaver Empire is powerless against a small but freedom-loving people. In the Caucasus you will find your second Finland, and after us will follow other oppressed peoples.”
“For twenty years now, the Soviet authorities have been fighting my people, aiming to destroy them group by group: first the kulaks, then the mullahs and the ‘bandits’, then the bourgeois-nationalists. I am sure now that the real object of this war is the annihilation of our nation as a whole. That is why I have decided to assume the leadership of my people in their struggle for liberation.”
In reality the Chechens never fought for Hitler on the Eastern front, that is a BOLD-FACED LIE. Attempts at forming an alliance with Chechens floundered because of mutual distrusts, conflicting ideologies and Germany’s alliance with the Cossacks, who were the avowed enemies of Chechens.
In reality Chechens fought with the Red Army to liberate Russia and Eastern Europe but instead were treated like sub humans by the Soviets:
Stalin alleged that the peoples of the North Caucasus were responsible for mass collaboration with the Germans, despite the fact that an estimated 157,000 Chechen and Ingush conscripts had fought in the Red Army against Nazi Germany, and many had fought all the way to the liberation of Berlin. On the night of February 23, 1944 Lavrentiy Beria personally carried out the Chechevitsa, the forced deportation of the Chechens and Ingush to Central Asia. Beria went on to issue a verbal order that any Chechen or Ingush found ‘untransportable should be liquidated’ on the spot, and under this pretext thousands were summarily executed. Victims of typhus, which had reached epidemic proportions, were immediately executed, as were pregnant women and the elderly; another example of Soviet excesses came in the Chechen village of Khaibakh, where more than 700 Chechens were locked in a stable and burnt alive. Chechen literature and manuscripts were also burned by the Soviets, and food and water supplies were poisoned to eliminate any that stayed behind.
The tragedy of this transfer of Chechens from their ancestral home is mocked by Geller and her friends, and why should we be surprised as Geller supports the same thing for Palestinians. The transfer of Chechens led to over a quarter of the population dying. That Geller would side with Stalin only confirms her long list of not only anti-Freedom beliefs but also support for murder and genocide.
UPDATE 12/7/2011 – More on the Mufti of Jerusalem
Sadly, there are some who just can’t stop themselves from exploiting and focusing on the villains in order to incite the same sort of hatred that led to the holocaust. Pamela Geller has just posted an article about a controversial statement by an American Ambassador and used this opportunity to once again bring up the Mufti of Jerusalem and what she calls the “vicious Islamic Antisemitism as commanded in the quran.” She claims that “The role of the Mufti and the Muslim world in World War II has been whitewashed from history. Why? So that they might rise again to commit the same unspeakable, horrific crimes againt humanity?”
Geller calls the Mufti “the leader of the Muslim world” which is nonsense. He was not the leader of the Muslim world any more than Geller is the leader of the Jewish world. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem is the title for the the Sunni Muslim cleric in charge of Jerusalem’s Islamic holy places, including the Al-Aqsa Mosque. There is a Grand Mufti of Jerusalem today, does anyone even know his name outside of Jerusalem?
Additionally, in the case of the Mufti, some basic facts about how he even got the title are relevant. He was appointed Mufti by the British **, and his “appointment as mufti was itself the subject of much controversy. The decision to grant al-Husseini the position was made by Herbert Samuel, the first high commissioner of Palestine. It was odd that Samuel, a British Jew, would appoint a man who would be responsible for so much unrest within the Mandatory area.” Samuel pardoned al-Husseini and, in January 1922, appointed him” as the new Mufti, and even invented a new title of Grand Mufti. He was simultaneously made President of a newly created Supreme Muslim Council. Al-Husseini thereby became the religious and political leader of the Arabs.” He was given this appointment against the local Muslim vote, as he “had come in a poor fourth place in the vote. The Muslim community rejected his candidacy because he had not received any credible Islamic education. He was neither a Sheikh (religiously accredited leader) nor an Alim (Islamic scholar), but he became the pre-eminent Arab power in Palestine.” Samuel also created the Supreme Muslim Council in 1921.
Geller cannot see that all of the Muslim heroes who fought against anti-Semitism and genocide were inspired by the Qur’an, and that the Mufti was not representative of the “Muslim world”. This sort of hateful stereotyping of an entire religion is exactly what led to the holocaust during WWII, and which leads today to incidents such as the desecration of the graves of Muslim WWII Soldiers Graves Vandalized in France. Any time anyone talks about “all Muslims”, “all Jews”, “all any group”, we know we are dealing with bigotry.
As to the “Islamic Jew hatred” Geller claims is mandated by the Qur’an, I would remind her of the statement by American Muslim Imams and scholars which reads in part
We bear witness to the absolute horror and tragedy of the Holocaust where over twelve million human souls perished, including six million Jews.
We condemn any attempts to deny this historical reality and declare such denials or any justification of this tragedy as against the Islamic code of ethics.
We condemn anti-Semitism in any form. No creation of Almighty God should face discrimination based on his or her faith or religious conviction.
We stand united as Muslim American faith and community leaders and recognize that we have a shared responsibility to continue to work together with leaders of all faiths and their communities to fight the dehumanization of all peoples based on their religion, race or ethnicity. With the disturbing rise of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and other forms of hatred, rhetoric and bigotry, now more than ever, people of faith must stand together for truth.
Geller (who is Jewish) should understand why it is important for all good people to say “never again!”
UPDATE 12/28/2011
An important article by Eva Weisel, a Holocaust survivor was just published in the NY Times,Honoring all who saved Jews. She tells the story of Khaled Abdul Wahab of Tunisia who saved her family during the German occupation, and then says
During the horrors of the Holocaust, non-Jews saved many thousands of Jews from death and depravity at the hands of Germans and their allies. Yad Vashem, Israel’s official Holocaust memorial museum, has recognized more than 23,000 of these brave men and women as “The Righteous Among the Nations.” Our family’s rescuer deserves to be among that number. And in his case, the impact of recognition would have powerful reverberations, striking a blow against Holocaust denial in a part of the world where such denial is widespread.
That is because my hometown is Mahdia, on the eastern shore of Tunisia, and our rescuer, Khaled Abdul Wahab, was an Arab Muslim. (He passed away in 1997.)
So far, however, Abdul Wahab has been denied the recognition he deserves. Nearly five years ago, in January 2007, the Department of the Righteous at Yad Vashem nominated him to be a “righteous,” the first Arab ever to be formally considered for this honor. This nomination was based on witness testimony from my late sister, Anny Boukris. In March of that year, however, the official Commission for the Designation of the Righteous, a body presided over by a retired Israeli judge and created by Israeli law to decide who merits recognition as a “righteous,” voted to reject the nomination. That decision was kept secret for two years.
In 2010, that same jurist, Justice Jacob Tuerkel, sent the Abdul Wahab file back to the commission for a second review. This time, the case was bolstered by two fresh testimonies — a video interview of my cousin Edmee Masliah, who was with me at the farm and now lives outside Paris, and a notarized letter I wrote recounting my own experience. Yad Vashem now had three firsthand accounts of the story. But to my complete dismay, the Commission for the Designation of the Righteous once again voted to reject the nomination. Abdul Wahab was a noble man, I was told by Yad Vashem, but his actions did not rise to the statutory level required to merit the “righteous” designation — that is, he didn’t “risk his life” to save Jewish lives.
While that may be the wording of the law, I am told by experts that Abdul Wahab would not be the first rescuer of Jews not to have suffered physical harm, let alone life-threatening danger. Many in France who have won that designation were honored because they acted to save Jews without knowing for sure what fate would await them if they were caught. In addition, some of the famous diplomats honored as righteous were never arrested, injured or threatened with death for aiding Jews.
I refuse to believe that Yad Vashem has one standard for “righteous” in Europe and another for “righteous” who performed their sacred duty on the other side of the Mediterranean, in an Arab country.
Sixty-nine years after pinning a yellow star to my chest in my native land, I know that I was able to enjoy a long, full life because Abdul Wahab confronted evil and saved me, as he saved other fortunate members of my family. I hope that Yad Vashem reconsiders his case before no one is left to tell his story.
UPDATE 6/17/2012
TAM has just published Desecration of Cemeteries is An Act of Barbarism about the desecration of gravestones and graves in cemeteries which seems to have become more common in the past few years. The articles lists and discusses a number of incidents, some anti-Semitic, some Islamohobic, and some political, including desecration of Muslim military graves in France, Britain, etc. (photo below of desecration of 500 graves of Muslim allied soldiers in France). This year, a military cemetery in Libya was also desecrated. The article discusses not only how wrong such behavior is, but the Islamophobic response to the Libyan incident only.
This brief list is very sad, as it shows that such behavior is carried out by members of many communities around the globe. And, this barbarity continues. In February, the graves of tombs at the British military cemetary in Benghazi, Libya were desecrated in protest of a Qur’an burning by U.S. soldiers, and this week another gravestone in that cemetery was desecrated.
Such acts can only be viewed as barbaric and cruel by decent people. It doesn’t matter who carried out the desecration, or what their justification. It is outside of the bounds of decency.
It is even more ghoulish and barbaric to focus selectively on one such act in an attempt to smear only one community, and to make it seem that they are the only ones capable of such barbarity. According to hateful bigots like Pamela Geller, “under the Sharia this act of desecration is righteous”. Her partner in hate, Robert Geller wrote “the Muslims who felt free to desecrate them were working from the same attitude of contempt for unbelievers and their works. … As such, non-Muslim analysts would do well not to see these desecrations as isolated incidents. But given that willful blindness about the ways in which jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence and supremacism is now official dogma in Washington, never to be questioned, it is much more likely that these incidents will be brushed aside or ignored altogether in the continued quixotic and ever-fruitless effort by the leaders of the “worst of creatures” to win hearts and minds among those of the “best of nations.”
As usual, Geller and Spencer are WRONG. Such behavior is not “righteous” under the Sharia, under Halakha, or according to any religion. The desecration of graves (or the desecration of human bodies) is an act of absolute contempt for humanity. Sadly such criminal acts are carried out by extremist and bigoted members of all communities. Muslims are no more likely than anyone else to carry out such acts. The only individuals who actually promote or carry out such acts proudly, are individuals like those connected with groups like Infidels United and other Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, or extremist groups.
UPDATE 8/21/2012
The Islamophobes, particularly Pamela Geller, continue to use the phrases “Islamic Jew hatred”, and “Islamic anti-Semitism” and claim that such bigotry is mandated by Islam. TAM has publishedPamela Geller Is Wrong About “Islamic Jew Hatred Commanded by the Qur’an” which refutes this false claim in detail. We had previously published Pamela Geller’s False Claim that Muslims Curse Christians and Jews in Their Daily Prayers refuting that claim about Sura Fatiha.
UPDATE 11/23/2012
Using every opportunity to advance her propaganda, Pamela Geller has used the current Israeli attack on Gaza as an opportunity to once again attempt to connect Islam and Muslims with the Nazis. She published a photo of some Muslim Nazi soldiers praying, and titled her short screed “Nazi redux”. She is insinuating that the Palestinians are Nazis. Actually she doesn’t just insinuate this, she states it pretty directly, saying Yes, that’s the ticket. Jihadists fire thousands of rockets at Jewish civilians and get rewarded with booty. Why stop? How much more will be pledged to these savages for firing rockets at Jews whose only objective (and crime) is to live? The issues of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict are not the issues of the European Nazis. See Must Read Articles on Israel’s Savage Attacks on Gaza for a background on this current crisis from a different point of view than that of the Islamophobes. Other Islamophobes have also used this crisis to make a Muslim/Palestinian/Nazi comparison.
Perhaps this photo of Muslim soldiers at prayer in a large tent which was set up outside the Woking Mosque in England as part of the Eid ul Fitr celebrations in 1941 should be considered by Geller, as well as the many other examples already given in this article. (A copy of that Eid photo is below).
A Day of Deep Sorrow: An Imam’s Reflections on Yom Hashoah, Imam Abdullah Antepli
Albanian Muslims risk their own lives to save Jews from Nazis during World War II
Among the Righteous: Lost Stories from the Holocaust’s Long Reach into Arab Lands, by Robert Satloff – Photo book:
– Documentary:
The Arabs and Nazi Germany: Collaborators and Antagonists, Sonja Hegasy
Blowback from the GOP’s holy war
BOOK REVIEW: American Fascism: The Christian Right and the War on America (Chris Hedges), Carolyn Baker
Book: Besa Muslims Who Saved Jews in World War II: the Photographs of Norman H. Gershman
Book Review: Turkey and The Holocaust:Turkey’s Role in Rescuing Turkish and European Jewry from Nazi Persecution, 1933-1945, Irem Guney
Book: Turkey and the Holocaust: Turkey’s Role in Rescuing Turkish and European Jewry From Nazi Persecution, 1933-1945, Stanford Shaw
Britain’s Muslim soldiers
British Muslims, Europe and the Holocaust, Yahya Birt
Christian Right and `Islamo-Facism`, by Dan Jennejohn
Counterproductive Counterterrorism: How Anti-Islamic Rhetoric is Impeding America’s Homeland Security
Collaborators and Antagonists, Sonja Hegasy
Danger lurks in use of term ‘Islamofascism’
Documentary Review: Uncovering the Obsessions of “Obsession”, David Shasha
The Disgrace of Holocaust Denial, Hasan Zillur Rahim
“Fascist-Islamophobia”: A Case Study in Totalitarian Demonization – 5 parts, Dr. Robert Dickson Crane
Fascists? Look who’s talking, By Jim Lobe
Fighting Words: The Abuse of Islam in Political Rhetoric, L. Ali Khan
The forgotten heroes, Muslim soldiers in WWI and WWII
“Free Men” Film Tribute to Paris Muslims who saved Jews
“God’s House,” a documentary that chronicles the mission of photographer Norman H. Gershman to bring to light the story of Muslims who saved Jews during World War II
Holocaust Denial Undermines Islam, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
Holocaust truth is told on Muslim soil, Michael Berenbaum
Holocaust’s untold heroes: Their story is rarely told, but Albanian Muslims took in fleeing Jews during World War II, saving thousands of lives, SHAHZADA IRFAN
Holocaust exhibit in Israel remembers Muslim “righteous gentiles”
David Horowitz’ Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, An Idea Whose Time Has Passed, Sheila Musaji
Hostilities Escalate In a War Of Words
How the right played the fascism card against Islam, Albert Scardino,3604,1405605,00.html
Interview with Norman Gershman: The Muslims who saved Jews
Is it a war with Islamic terrorists?
Is the Christian Right a Fascist Movement?, John W. Whitehead
Islam and Fascism? What Next?, Dr. S. Khurshid
Islamic Fascists? Deceptive Labels & Propaganda are Counterproductive, Sheila Musaji
Islamic Fascism The New Hysteria, Alan Maass
Islamic Fascism the Enemy, Not Terror, Says Santorum
Islamic Fascism: The Propaganda of Our Times, by Paul R. Dunn
Islamic Fascisms?, By ISMAEL HOSSEIN-ZADEH
Islamic fascist terminology causing racist reaction, Dave Johnson
Islamic or Muslim Terrorism and Extremism: Are they all Contradictions in Terms?, Jeremy Henzell-Thomas
‘Islamic terrorism’ an insult that distorts reality, Jimmy E. Jones
‘Islamo-fascism’ is an Oxymoron, Enver Masud
Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week III – “Annual” 6 month event bombs again, Sheila Musaji
Islamofascism’s ill political wind, James Carroll
The Islamo-Fascist Rationale for Abandoning Liberty, by Jacob G. Hornberger
Islamophobia in the Presidential Elections, Malik Mujahid
Judeo-Christo-Fascism Awareness Week Comes to American Campuses!, Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Moral Superiority, 9/11, Islamic-Fascism – The Smokescreens of War, Imraan Siddiqi
Muslim Violence, Christian Non-Violence: People in Glass Houses Should Not Throw Words, Sheila Musaji
Muslim savior of holocaust Jews
Muslims and Arabs in the U.S. military
Muslims are a part of our American heritage, Sheila Musaji
Muslims Who Saved Jews During the Holocaust, Rebecca Schischa
Neo-Kharijite’s Not Islamic Fascists, Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa
Obama/Kerry Incident Proves “Muslim” Is the New “N” Word, Sheila Musaji
On Holocaust exploiters, deniers, and heroes, Mas’ood Cajee
Oxymorons in the News Media, Enver Masud
Religio-Fascists in Our Midst (4 parts), Farish A. Noor
Resources for Responding to Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, Sheila Musaji
Remembrance Day: Muslim soldiers in Western Cemeteries with photographs
Righteous Among the Nations: Muslims Who Saved Jews from Holocaust, Tim Townsend
Saying ‘Islamic Fascists’ May Defeat Bush’s Purpose, Parvez Ahmed§ion=0&article=77812&d=13&m=8&y=2006
“Terrorism” & “Islamo-Fascism” Propaganda Campaigns
Turkey Served As Safe Haven For Jews During The Holocaust, Margie Burns
This is how Fascism comes: Reflections on the cost of silence, Tim Wise
US primaries anti-Islam terminology due to Muslims’ inaction, absence
War and Words, by Hendrik Hertzberg
The War of Jesus and Allah, By Neal AbuNab
‘War on Terror’ Rhetoric Sounds Like War on Islam, Parvez Ahmed
War on Terror Produces War of Words, By Mohamed Elshinnawi
What exactly is fascism?
What is Islamofascism?, Jack Hunter
When Language Grows Darker and Darker, Joan Chittister
When Muslims Saved Jews, Eboo Patel
Whitehall draws up new rules on language of terror,,2251965,00.html
Who is the Fascist Here?, Charles Evans
Wrong War, Wrong Word
Yad Vashem Honors Albanian Muslims Among Righteous Gentiles
Yad Vashem: the righteous among the nations
Originally posted 9/4/2006