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New Evidence Establishes that Narendra Modi was Directly Monitoring Tulsi Prajapati Fake Encounter





New Evidence Establishes that Narendra Modi was Directly Monitoring Tulsi Prajapati Fake Encounter


While researching the conspiracy behind Modi’s IT story, we also looked at the antecedents of Narendra Modi’s own website “narendramodi.in”. We discovered that the registrant of Modi’s website is a gentleman named Parag Shah ([email protected]). While researching Parag’s background, we found his LinkedIn profile:

Parag Shah's LinkedIn Profile

What caught our attention in Parag’s LinkedIn profile was his appointment as the “Officer on Special Duty (OSD)†to the Gujarat Chief Minister for the period 2003 to 2008 and another fact stated by him: “Associated with cyber cell of Anti-terrorist Squadâ€. This accidental finding lead us to the missing link of the Sohrabuddin-Tulsi Prajapati fake encounter!

Thereafter, we looked at the supplementary charge sheet filed by CBI in the Tulsi Prajapati case, specially where the CBI has elaborately dealt with the Call Data Records (CDR) of Amit Shah and Rajkumar Pandian, who were in constant touch with each other while monitoring the movements of Tulsi Prjapati between Udaipur (where he was jailed) and Ahmedabad (where he was being brought to attend a criminal case). We reproduce the extract of the CBI charge related to the month of December, 2006 (Tulsi Prajapati was murdered on 28th December early morning near Ambaji, Rajasthan-Gujarat border):

6.21. On 11.12.2006, an escort party from the Reserve Police Line, Udaipur, headed by Sub-Inspector Shyam Singh accompanied Tulsiram Prajapati and Mohd. Azam for Ahmedabad by train. On this date also, the mother and wife of Mohd. Azam had accompanied them to Ahmedabad. After reaching Ahmedabad on 12.12.2006, both Mohd. Azam and Tulsiram Prajapati were taken to the Sabarmati Jail, Ahmedabad, from there they were produced via video conferencing before the competent Court instead of being physically produced in the Court. The next date of hearing was fixed for 26.12.2006. The escort party while leaving for Udaipur in the night of 12.12.2006 at the Ahmedabad Railway Station made efforts in furtherance of the criminal conspiracy to separate the mother and wife of Mohd. Azam from Tulsiram Prajapati and his co-prisoner Mohd. Azam, but were prevented by the unexpected vociferous and vigorous protest by the mother and wife of Mohd. Azam that resulted in a large gathering of bystanders that deterred the police from succeeding in their objective of isolating Tulsiram Prajapati, a necessary preparatory stage for his murder in a planned fake encounter.

We are also reproducing in here the Call Data Record (CDR) from the CBI chargesheet for the relevant period:

Amit Shah Raj Kumar Pandian CallsAmit Shah Raj Kumar Pandian Calls

The CDR fully establishes the contact between Rajkumar Pandian, the SP of Anti Terrorist Squad and the Home Minister Amit Shah in the murder of Tulsi Prajapati and both of them have been charge-sheeted as the main accused in the case. In fact, Rajkumar Pandian who was the SP of the ATS played a vital role in abduction of Sohrabuddin and Kauserbi and killing them both on 26th and 29th November, 2005 at Ahmedabad. In that case as well, both Amit Shah and Rajkumar Pandian are charged as accused.

As we had the CDRs of the accused officer Rajkumar Pandian, we searched within Pandian’s CDR for Parag Shah’s number after coming to know that he was appointed as the Officer on Special Duty for the Anti-Terrorist Squad. This appointment attains special significance since the Chief Minister’s office had declared their “No Tolerance” policy towards terrorism “and it was Mr Parag Shah as the OSD to CM who was to monitor the functions of ATS and report to the CM”. To our surprise we found a large number of phone calls between Pandian and Parag Shah inter-spaced with phone calls of Amit Shah and Pandian (Call Records reproduced at the bottom of the post). In light of the call records, it becomes abundantly clear that Mr Parag Shah was in constant touch with Rajkumar Pandyan IPS, the man who planned and executed the murder of Tulsiram Prajapati, and in turn Parag Shah was reporting to CM.

This piece of vital information read with the fact that Mr Parag Shah was working as the Officer on Special Duty for Narendra Modi, CM, it becomes obvious as day light that the CM was fully aware of the Tulsi fake encounter which was carried out entirely by the police officers working in Anti-Terrorist-Squad led by DIG Vanzara. In light of this irrefutable evidence, we can now interpret the statement made by D G Vanzara in his resignation letter recently tendered to the Government of Gujarat. His statement reads as under:

We, being field officers, have simply implemented the conscious policy of this government which was inspiring, guiding and monitoring our actions from the very close quarters

Would the CBI now care to explain to the nation why it has failed to investigate Parag Shah’s phone calls when they had the entire CDR with them? Was it to obfuscate the role of Narendra Modi?


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Khalid Baig,Published in Daily Nawa-i-Waqt,
Hindu Leaders Taped Boasting About Roles in Violence against Muslims 

Leaders Are Taped Boasting About Roles in Violence Tehelka, a weekly magazine, secretly videotapes senior police officers and politicians boasting about their roles in the 2002 killings –how they burned Muslim men, raped their wives and destroyed their homes. The investigation renews focus on what role Modi might have played. A B.J.P. politician says Modi had told him they had three days “to do whatever we could,” according to a transcript the magazine published the following month. Modi dismisses the claims as politically motivated. THE GUJRAT RIOTS (MASSACRE)   HISTORIAN SCHOLARS HAVE DESCRIBED IT AS A POGROM, ETHNIC CLEANSING, STATE TERRORISM, AND MEETING THE “LEGAL DEFINITION OF GENOCIDE”.   What happened was that Hindu groups set a train on fire inbound from Pakistan killing everyone then blamed it on Muslims in Pakistan. This false flag was used as a pretext to start riots which were a disguise to carry out their preplanned attack on the Muslim minority living in the state of Gujrat, India. The minister (Modi), police, media, and the hindu residents were all in on it. The Muslim males (men and children) were killed brutally, their houses destroyed and burned, while their women and girls raped. This continued for three days. Afterwards a kangaroo court trial was run against those involved and they were released without a single charge.           Smjhauta Express Butchery: Not Swami But Act of Indian Army… Part-II     On cold night of 18th February 2007, Samjhota Express departed New Delhi Railway Station towards Lahore with 7 bogies at 12:45. Moving at high speed when this train reached in the District Panipat, 50 miles away  most of the passengers of the train were having deep sleep. Train did not slow down at Panipat railway station however after getting out of Panipat city, on the Deewana railway station it slowed down. According to eye witnesses and passengers of train the speed of train was so much slow that any one can easily climb the train or leave it, this point is of much importance. As soon as train got out of Deewana railway station it again gathered its speed however it had traveled only 12 kilometers when the assistant driver realized a sharp light in the back of the train. When he looked backwards the last bogies were burning into flames. He at once reported the situation to driver. When the train suddenly stopped into the deserted area the passengers woke up. The cries of the passengers burning alive in the bogies filled the environment with horror. The fire was so intense that it was impossible tog o near the burning bogies.  But people succeeded in opening the gates of the burning bogies and saving some of the passengers, however fire was out of their control. The local people also came there but the bogies were engulfed by flames. They all were helplessly watching passengers burning alive in the fire.       The representatives of media from Panipat arrived before the fire brigade. Indian media haulted their normal broadcast and started the propaganda campaign on the Samjhota Express tragedy blaming Lashkar-e-Taiba (Let) and Jash-e-Muhammad. Pakistani media also tried to out do others by broadcasting Indian propaganda as it is. Without paying any attention that why LeT and Jash-e-Muhammad will target the train or the Indian blame on the organizations active in Held Kashmir is actually ISI. Due to fierce propaganda Pakistani govt. forgot about its passengers and got busy in defending itself. Because the tragedy of Malegaon has occurred 5 months ago, Indian police has arrested Suleman Farsi, Farooq Iqbla Makhdoomi, Raeed Ahmad, Noor-ul-Huda and Shabir Beri Wala and had claimed that these persons are agents of LeT trained by ISI. They were also brought in front of media, all the majority of the casualties in Malegaon bomb blasts was of Muslims but due to effective Indian propaganda world was forced to believe that may be Kashmiri freedom fighters have changed their policy and started targeting Muslims.       When India accused LeT and Jash-e-Muhammad for Samjhauta Express tragedy world had no ground to reject it. This was the reason that when Pakistan demanded the dead bodies of those who died in this tragic incident, Indian govt. replied that it is nor possible these bodies for more than 72 hours and will be buried in Panipat. Indian not only rejected to hand over the dead bodies but also did not hand over the list of the passengers. Under no law India had right to burying the dead bodies in spite of handing it over to Pakistan, but she was afraid that if the dead bodies are handed over to Pakistan the chemical used to burn the bogies will be unveiled. Pakistani Foreign Ministry and our electronic media always had soft corner towards India. In case of Samjhuata Express federal cabinet of Pakistan gave up the right of getting the dead bodies and just kept repeating the demand to hand over the lists of passengers and keep abreast of the investigations. But no pressure was seen from Pakistani side while our electronic media did not say anything which might have made Indians worried or there was a chance of hurting the AMAN KI AASHA. The result of our excusive attitude was that India paid 1 million rupees to the relatives of the Indian passengers who died in this terrorist attack; this was announced on 19th February 2008, while relatives of Pakistani passengers were not paid anything. Because India wanted to prove that when Pakistan is involved in this terrorist attack than why Pakistani passengers should be paid?       The propaganda against LeT and Jash-e-Muhammad had not stopped that on 18th May 2007, a bomb blast in Makkah Masjid martyred at least 14 worshippers. Indians arrested 80 Muslims on the basis of doubt, however except 25, rest were released. These 25 persons were accused of being the agents of LeT. Although Indian Muslims protested against it that how many persons can be involved in the planning of a bomb blast and why will Muslims target the Mosque? At this India replied that in Pakistan Muslims are busy in targeting Mosques through bomb blast. After 5 months when another bomb blast hit Ajmer Shareef, India arrested 3 Muslim youth Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Khusheb Rahman and Imran Ali. By accusing Muslims in every terrorist attack India got that benefit that the doubts against Pakistan got support in the international community. However the Chief of Maharashtar ATS, Hemant Karkare was observing the whole situation from a different angle. According to his research extremist Hindus were involved in these terrorist activities. The statement of Narismandan Soti, President of “All India Brahman Mahasbha Organization” supported Karkare.       In January 2007 talking to journalists Narismandan has said, “ISI is working on the establishment of another Pakistan within India, after Jammu and Kashmir Uttar Pradesh is the next important center for the activities of ISI, in order to tackle this situation the groups of Hindu suicide bombers are necessary”. This statement was published in the Indian newspapers as headline.       Famous daily “Hindu” published a 4 column news report on its main page with the headline “Hindu Mahasbha to set up suicide squad”. The silence of western media biased against Pakistan on this disclosure of Hindu extremist leader is explainable but what about Free Electronic Media of Pakistan? The research of Hemant Karkare had proved that in spite of Muslims, Hindu extremists are involved in these bomb blasts but one question had worried him. The question was that who is specifying targets to them, providing them with explosives and training them to plant the bomb. He and his colleagues were not ready to accept that Hindu extremist movements like Sanadhan Sanstha or Bajrang Dal were getting training out of India.       During his research Karkare was also trying to solve this mystery that in the past whenever Hindu extremists were found involved in terrorist activities and investigators sought help from Military Intelligence, many chains of the investigation disappeared and investigators were puzzled because they had nothing left to prove Hindu extremists as culprits. The investigators were misled in very suspicious ways and they had to close the file of the case. Karkare did not want to have any doubt about MI but on ground realities were forcing him to do so. In august 2008 during the assembly a bomb accidentally blasted in a house in which two agents of Rashtriya Sevik Singh (RSS) Harnand Panse and Narain Raj Kandoor died. It was very important news but Indian media suppressed it, but the information he got from their, Karkare succeeded in reaching to the Pragiya Singh Thakur. After tracing the mobile calls of Pragiya Singh, Karkare not only got proof that some officers of MI are involved with Pragiya Singh Thakur but they are also planning bomb blasts in Malegaon. This disclosure was not less than a joke for him that two on duty officers of Indian are also in contact with Pragiya Singh. The whole team of ATS was on his back but he was unable to arrest on duty Army officers without solid evidence. Karkare was much worried. Ex Police Commissioner of Mumbai, “Julio Ribeiro” has always supported him and encouraged him but now he was also asking to remain careful. Kakrare wanted to arrest the planners before the bomb blasts, but in this way it was feared that many culprits will go underground especially it would have been difficult to arrest army officers.       In this chaos on 29th September 2008 two bomb blasts hit the Malegaon. These bombs were planted within in Muslim populated area, 7 Muslims were martyred and many were injured. As per usual Muslims were blamed for these attacks and it was announced that an organization named as “Indian Mujahideen” is behind this terrorist activity and has accepted the responsibility for these bomb blasts. This was the extreme courage, govt. support and back up of Indian army, RAW and MI that the motorcycle used in these bomb blasts was registered in the name of Sadhvi. Police and other agencies were trying to waste such important evidence but Karkare decided to jump into this game of fire. He arrested Sadhvi on 23rd October 2008. this was just beginning, under the collected evidences and recorded conversation Major Ramesh Apadhe was second target of Karkare, on the same day Sumeer Kalkirni was arrested as well. But the real jolt was felt when on 31st October 2008, on duty officer of Indian army, Lt. Col. Purohit was arrested under the charges of providing financial support and explosives for Malegaon bomb blasts. The anger of extremist Hindus for arrest of Nari of Madhiya Pardesh, working as Chief of Women wing of Vishva Hindu Pareshad had not subsided, that Karkare arrested Swami Amartanand (actual name Diyanand Pandey). The Swami Amartanand of Bajrang Dal was influential as Mahatma in India. Through the arrest of on duty army officer and such an influential purohit the damned face of India was unveiled. Not only this the investigations proved that in all the bomb blasts within India, Indian army, Military Intelligence, RAW and Hindu extremists were involved. The disclosures of realities in such a way were not less then a shock for India. It was impossible for Indian media to suppress such reports because different internet websites were publishing news as they were happening. The recording of Col. Purohit issued on internet badly destroyed credibility of Indian army. In the recording at a point Col.         Purohit is saying; “We are all on the same plane, “Hindu Rashtra” and General J.J. Singh is with us”.   Here I would like to mention that Chief of Indian Army General J.J. Singh was retired in September 2007.   In the other recording Col. Purohit is heard saying,   “One of our own Captains had visited Israel for training and meting and demanded four things from Israel i.e. continuous and uninterrupted supply of arms and office with a Saffron flag in Tel Aviv”.       The above recorded conversation had been published by “The Time of India”, “Tehelka.com” and “The Mirror” after the arrest of Col. Purohit and before 26 November 2008 Mumbai Attacks. Not only this Outlook published an edition with the title page of “Saffron in Uniform” and filled the whole edition with the criticism of Indian army. The effects of criticism over Indian army were also felt in the Indian parliament, two members demanded in the parliament that Chief of Indian Army should be called and questioned that whether Indian army is an institute of terrorists or national army? Many other members supported this demand and speaker announced that Chief of Indian Army will be called. Still the date of the calling of Indian army Chief had to be ascertained that General Deepak Kapoor visited Indian President and cleared that his calling in parliament and asking of the questions will have negative effects over India’s stability. Neither after the disclosure made by Karkare in his dutifulness and love for his country that “Indian army and Hindu Extremists are involved in destruction of Samjhauta Express”, Pakistan did not express any reaction, nor over media gave it any importance. In spite of knowing this that Indian govt. and media are utilizing all of their resources to get Pakistan declared as a “Terrorist State” on the international level. They are themselves killing hundreds of innocents through bomb blasts just to defame Pakistan. Now the nature has unveiled the truth and provided a chance to prove that Pakistan is not a terrorist state but India is involved in state terrorism, its army officers are not only supplying explosives but more then 2 million rupees to every terrorist. But we wasted such an important chance to prove that we are not guilty. I have to say that with sad heart that if we had demanded at that time that Pakistan should be allowed to investigate from Col. Purohit directly as well as conduct investigations of Smjhauta Express tragedy along with India, then now the situation would have been much more different. Possibly in order to murder Hemant Karkare Indian army and MI had planned something else in spite of Mumbai drama, or at least had not succeeded in defaming Pakistan by accusing that Pakistan is involved in Mumbai attacks. Now India has changed its stance. In order to get its army clear it has accused “Swami Asemnand and Co.” belonging to a Hindu Extremist movement known as “Abhinav Bharat”. While in contrast to this the persons that were arrested by Karkare or he wanted to arrest only Sumeer Kalkirni had a link with Abhinav Bharat, while all others were belonging to MI, Indian Army or other secret Indian agencies. Just issuing a statement from our side that we should be informed about the investigations and then keeping silent is not enough. We should question India that the Chief of ATS RAGHU WANSHI who took the charge after KARKARE, where had put all the evidences against Col. Purohit and Indian army. Moreover we should also demand that India should allow our investigators to investigate from Swami Asemnand and Col. Purohit. If India did not accept our demand then Pakistan should not conduct any talks with India. Our Foreign Ministry should inform the whole world that India is trying to save actual culprits of Samjhauta Express Tragedy i.e. on duty Indian army officers by accusing members of extremist movement…       Urdu Copy:   Note: In Order to enlarge the pictures please click on them…       Click here to read Part-I               Written By Khalid Baig,   Published in Daily Nawa-i-Waqt,   Date 29 January 2011.   Posted by kbaig at 4:51 PM No comments:    Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest   Links to this post   Labels: hindu extremismSamjhauta ExpressSwamiThe actual culprits of Samjhauta Express tragedy   WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2011       The Silence of Political Leadership of Pakistan over the Report of London School of Economics  

Matt WaldmanBasically belongs to British establishment, represents Britain in European Union Parliament. Supervises charity institutions in Europe belonging to Britain. Now a days working in “North Rose” International Law Firm of London. As chief of British charity organizations he has spent a long time in Afghanistan. Here he got in contact with Amar Saleh. However there are also reports that he belongs to notorious Military Intelligence of Britain i.e. MI-5.

  It is obvious that London is the basic center of all the geographical and sectarian disputes and Britain is the country seeding these disputes. It is also bitter reality that withdrawal from its held areas became for inevitable for “Mother of Democracy” i.e. Britain. However before giving up in front of freedom movements English succeeded to plan that newly sovereign states either keep fighting with each other of they are so much trapped in internal problems like disputes between tribes, different linguistic groups and sectarian disputes.  So that in spite of being independent they have to look towards Britain or other imperialistic forces to solve these problems. They remain under control English in any form. We should accept that unconsciously we are still slaves of “British Crown”.  

Gerad Russelol:A British diplomat had worked in British Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 14 years. In 2005 he became advisor for Iraqi Prime Minister. After 3 years he was sent to Afghanistan, in 2009 he was called back to London.

      Whether it is the establishment of the Jewish state or Kashmir dispute all are created by Britain, in last half century thousands of Muslims have been murdered due to these disputes. After foreseeing that they are getting weak British rulers joined hands with Americans since then the difficulties of Muslims have increased. The process of looting of Muslim resources has become quicker. Their policies (US and Britain) are the greatest hurdles in the development of Muslim countries and their independence. Now if general public wants to break that besiege they cannot because the duty of its protection is being fulfilled by “Local English”, a specific group of our elite class.  

Amarallah Saleh: an Afghan belonging to Panj Sher Valley. After defeat of Soviet Union like most leaders of Northern Alliance he spent his time New Delhi. However at the time of 9/11 tragedy he was in USA. Hamid Qarzai appointed him as Chief of Afghan National Security Directorate “NDS” in 2004, a new secret agency. Played central role in contcts between RAW and MOSSAD. Has special links with CIA, without bringing to the notice of Afghan govt. he handed over big number of Pakistani prisoners in Afghan jails to India; they were trained as terrorists and sent back to Pakistan. He has specially supported the report of London School of Economics against Pak-Army. Moreover many consulates of India were established in Afghanistan through his permission. When Pakistan provided evidence against him, Hamid Qarzai forced him to resign. Amarallah Saleh had now fled away from Afghanistan with the special support of RAW and MI-5.

      Is not this correct that plan of controlling Arabs through Jewish state has been successful but in South Asia in spite of Indian support Pak-Army and ISI stands in front of their evil intentions and conspiracies. US and Britain want to capture mineral resources of Central Asian but for this access to Gwadar and peace in Afghanistan is inevitable. Moreover occupiers have to face destructive resistance in Afghanistan. America and British want that Pakistan should help them to control Afghanistan and fulfill their evil plans by utilizing its shared society, ground realities and geo location. What else India demands, it is ready to support US and British in all possible ways at the cost of disintegration of Pakistan. Ignoring the end result, the afghan who are not ready to tolerate modernized army of West, Jihad against them is part of Afghans belief, how will they accept Hindu army? If we analyze this situation whether it is India, USA or Britain they blame ISI for their failures. Now the easy solution to this situation is that from eastern side India attacks Pakistan and on the western side Afghan army (in spite of all the training they join freedom fighters along with their weapons) invades Pakistani territory in the name of hunting for terrorists. But neither Afghan army is trust worthy nor is Indian army (in spite of their greater number) capable to defeat Pakistan army. Moreover if India-Pakistan war is prolonged the use of nuclear weapons is also possible. America knows if once nuclear war starts it will be impossible to stop it.  

Andrew Wilder  Supervisor of many NGOs working through US finance, few of them are in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Now a days working on the welfare of children in Afghanistan.

      The second option is to defame Pak-Army and ISI on the international level. Although it is complicated but it is easy. This is the reason that propaganda against these institutions (guarantors of our sovereignty) is always going on. Few Pakistani also play their role just to fulfill their damned interests. For example no one has felt it necessary to investigate that who were behind publishing of ads against Pak-army 12 years ago in the newspapers of London? Who paid the price of these ads, like this Musharaf’s visit to China during Kargil war who recorded the conversation with General Aziz in Pakistan about and how this recording got in hands of India? Not only that how the report of justice Hamood-ur-Rehman report (the purpose of this commission was to accuse Pak-Army for defeat) about 1971 war in order to find reasons behind defeat, this defeat had been considered as to be secret  then how and why it was published in Indian weekly “India Today” in 2000. Now the report of London School of Economics, during preparation of this report the interview and support from Richard Holbrook was also sought. After arriving to Pakistan he said, “this report has no value, so we reject it”. What a joke because the purpose of above mentioned report is not only to defame Pak-Army but also destroy the morale of soldiers and officers fight against terrorism. Hail to the chain of Command of Army, they are not only bearing all propaganda within and out of country with patience, but by sacrificing hundreds of their lives they have proved that they will not hesitate from any sacrifice for the safety of country.  

Paul Fishstein: belongs to America, supervised Taliban from 1989 to 1993 from Quetta. Joined World Bank afterwards. When Amarallah Saleh was selected as Chief of Afghan Secret Agency Saleh took him to Afghanistan in 2004. Till 2008 he remained there for different purposes.


David Mansfieled:  Working in Afghanistan since 1997 on rural development program. Purpose of his presence there is told as to stop drugs, but in the Taliban regime he fled away from there. This was the only time when the drug business went to zero. After David returned back, drugs business is developing by leaps and bounds.

      The above mentioned report has been prepared by 9 persons under the supervision of Matt Waldman. These persons include Jews and 1 Indian. The introduction of these persons is also along with their pictures in this article. In order to prepare this report the help was sought from books of 25 intellectuals published from 2001 to 2010. This includes report of American Department of Defense, it was represented in Congress about the steps taken to restore peace in Afghanistan. All of these books have been written in the specific scenario so that Northern Alliance can be posed as heroes and in contrast to them Afghan Mujahideen, Pakhtoon freedom fighters can be painted as terrorists and members of Al-Qaeda. This report includes the book of so called expert of Afghan and Taliban, Ahmad Rasheed from Karachi. I would like to make it clear about Ahmad Rasheed that he has several times repeated that as long as Pak-Army and ISI are present not only in Afghanistan but in the whole world the peace is not possible. Here I would also like to mention Amar Saleh, Chief of Afghan Intelligence; he had been forced to resign by Afghan President Hamid Qarzai, because he was busy in safeguarding Indian interests in spite of Afghan interests in Kabul. As soon as he was removed from his designation the Report of London School of Economics was published and his statement, “ISI is responsible for destruction of Afghanistan and there is no need of any evidence” are links of the same chain.  

Nigel Pont: Father English diplomat, Mother Jew, Born in Iran, brought up in Pakistan, speaks Urdu, Pashto fluently. Belongs to British NGO “Merey Corps” and working as Chief of Agriculture Department of this organization. Moreover supervises micro-development program in Kabul and Jalalabad.


Gerald KnausHe is known as expert for Turkey and Balkan States, currently supervising NGO in Afghanistan. Moreover he is founder and Chief of a British Think tank “European Stability Initiative”.

      The longest chapter of the above mentioned report is about THE HAQQANI NETWORK consisting of 5 pages. Through this they (authors of the report) ha d tried to prove;   That Taliban resisting in Afghanistan had full support of Haqqani Network (Belonging to North Waziristan), they are doing all this on the will of the Pak-Army and ISI. In the other words all the terrorist activities are being held under supervision of ISI. On the page 5 in the chapter “ISI Membership Quetta Shura” it has been told that ISI that has deep contacts with Taliban beyond imagination. The officials of ISI regularly attend meetings of Quetta Shura (Baluchistan about which propaganda is going on that Mullah Omar is hiding there). Their attendance sometimes is as members and sometimes as observers. In this report ISI and Pak-Army have been several times accused that they provide financial support, shelter and training to Taliban by the approval of govt. of Pakistan.  

Michael SempleAn American Jew, living in Afghanistan since 1989. however during Taliban govt. he returned back to USA, on return of Northern Alliance to power in 2002, he returned back to Afghanistan as well. He is much influential in Kabul.


Jesteena Dhillion  Expert of international laws, an Indian lawyer. Working as advisor for NATO forces in Afghanistan. Cannot see poor situation of Afghans, she has prepared many documentaries about Afghanistan, Pakistan had been only target in these documentaries.

      If you want to correctly analyze the report then you should do it in reference of the authors of this report and duties they have performed and moreover with the topics of the books they have consulted. You will realize that it is collectively prepared and planned by British MI-5, Indian RAW and CIA. In the way London School of Economics has lent its name to this report, it clearly shows that MI-5 has used its influence. Otherwise Matt Waldman had been already expelled from fellowship of College. However by publishing such a fake report London School of Economics has earned defame for it. Why we are silent on such baseless blames, at least why, are not ISI and Pak-Army National Institutions? The reply to America and Britain had been given by own General Mac who was serving in Afghanistan. He had unveiled the truth and we had seen what price he had to pay for this truth…           Urdu Copy:   Written By Khalid Baig,   Published in Daily Nawa-i-Waqt,   Date: 26 June, 2010   Posted by kbaig at 11:58 AM No comments:    Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest   Links to this post   Labels: CIAMI-5 and MOSSAD in this report.Report of London School of Economics about pakistanrole of RAW   SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 2011       Smjhauta Express Butchery: Not Swami But Act of Indian Army…  

The Burning Bogies


Burnt to Ashes

      You would have read many jokes and funny stories but the story written recently by secret agencies of India had no alternative. This is the story of a sudden confession of an extremist Hindu after four years of destruction of Samjhota Express.       The district Dangs of Indian State Gujarat’s leader of Wanami Kalyan Aasharm, Swami Aseemnand was arrested by Indian police on 19thNovember 2010. after one and a half month of arrest on 4 January 2011 when he was silently presented in front of Magistrate, after remaining two days in judicial custody he not only confessed that he destroyed Samjhota Express but also told names of others who were involved in destruction of train as well as bomb blasts in Malegaon, Jaipur, Dakan and Ajmer Sharif. His important colleagues are Andresh Kumar, Ram Jee, Sandeep Dange, Devandra Gupta, Lakosh Sharma, Togi Aditte Nath and Sanil Joshi. How ever Sanil Joshi died suspiciously. According to Swami hi was responsible for installation of explosives. When Magistrate asked that whether he is confessing due to Police torture or pressure he replied, “I am confessing after getting impressed by the good treatment of a Muslim. Police daily tortured him and I felt sorry for him. That Muslim prisoner was very good; he cared for me and shared his food with me. His behavior became a burden over my sub-conscious. after meeting him I realized that followers of Islam are very good persons and I have played with their lives without any reason. The second purpose behind destruction of Smjhauta Express was to defame Pakistan and ISI”. No one asked Swami that if he has been so much impressed from that Muslim he is neither afraid of his death and of his friends involved in these crimes than why he does not convert to Islam? Moreover where is such a prison in India where along with torture plenty of food is provided to Muslims that they can share it with other prisoners? Was Police forcing Swami to fast (not giving anything to eat)? But who raise these questions? Because all of this information had been released by Delhi Police in a press conference on 6th January to Indian media. As soon as the confession of Swami published in Indian newspapers, our rulers also got reminded that in Samjhota Express 42 Pakistani passengers died and many were injured. While Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Muhammad and ISI was blamed for these blasts.  

   Route of Samjhauta Express

      Govt. Pakistan demanded the details of the investigations but Indian govt. replied nothing can be shared with Pakistan about investigations. On this govt. of Pakistan should have postponed any co-operation in investigations of Mumbai attacks and had demanded that Pakistani team should be allowed to investigate Samjhota Express tragedy. Pakistan should also have brought Colonel Purohit and on duty officers of Indian army involved in these bomb blasts on record because Swami has not named them in his confession while they were arrested after 6 months of this terrorist incident by ATS Maharashtar along with evidence against them and are still under custody of Police.       In this new situation Indian officials confess that Hindu Extremists used Improvised Explosive Devices (IED’s), due to which two bogies got destroyed by fire however detonators in other bogies could not activate otherwise all bogies would have been destroyed. Indian investigation institutions are still saying that the cause of fire in bogies was kerosene oil installed with bombs. According to them the kerosene oil was filled into plastic bottles, these bottles were put into luggage bags which were put in seven bogies on different places. Is kerosene oil capable of spreading fire in such a way that 2 bogies are burnt to ashes just within movements? Indian investigation authorities are lying and confession of Swami is also a plan to change the investigations, we will discuss this aspect later. First I would like to include an article with the title of “Mahasbhai Suicide Bomber and Chemical Used in Samjhota Express Tragedy” and few questions raised in this article and some concerns expressed in it. This article was published after 7 days of the Samjhota Express incident on 25th February 2007 in the Daily Nawa-i-Waqt. Here it is important to restate this article so that Indian game can be easily understood.       “The whole incident of attacks on Samjhota Express and burning of two of its bogies is suspicious and everyone is forced to think that;  

  • Why the security or immigration requirements have not been fulfilled while passengers were getting in to the train?
  • Why the passengers of adjacent bogies have not heard the blasts?
  • If the blasts have happened into the destroyed bogies why are there no sign of blast impact on floor and roof of bogies?
  • Was there actually kerosene oil in the luugage bags and plastic bottles or something else which burnt two bogies to ashes within 15 minutes? This could have been “Liquid Oxygen” which is capable of burning things within the thousandth part of a second.
  • Will Indian govt. provide the solution or chemical to Pakistan for testing?
  • According to previous record of terrorism Indian investigation institutes waste months on investigations but they cannot reach to any decision, but in case of Samjhota Express how they prepared sketches of two suspects within few hours with the help of eye witnesses?
  • Why India is not providing lists of the passengers traveling through Samjhota Express to Pakistan?
  • Why Indian Foreign, Interior and Railways Ministries are showing irresponsibility in spite of being ashamed on the murder of dozens of innocents?
  • The passengers visiting India are witness that how much they are investigated and according to some reports their luggage is also scanned by special X-ray machines. Dozens of armed Police men are always on the watch around the platform, then how is this possible that Indian govt. has removed all security barriers while Shiv Sina had already been involved in firing over Samjhota Express during Nawaz Sharif reign, in which many Pakistani passengers were injured?
  • Are the secret agencies of India involved in this terrorist activity in Samjhota Express? If this argument is false then accusing Jash-e-Muhammad and Lashkar-e-Taiba is not without any reason. In order to support and provide further evidence to its accuses over these two groups India can stage a big drama of terrorism in near future. So that it could be proved that behind all terrorists activities there are Pakistani religious extremists.

      Now let’s analyze the fire in Samjhota Express from another aspect:   India has gained much advantage in chemistry, especially in preparation of chemical solutions. Indian chemical solutions are not in demand within India but in many other countries. India is the biggest exporter of chemical used to convert opium to heroine. So the preparation of such chemical which is extremely inflammable and very sensitive is not difficult for Indians. This solution might have been being smuggled to Pakistan for some special purpose in abundant quantity and this chemical has accidentally caught fire and burnt two bogies to ashes. Otherwise from kerosene such a big fire is not possible which can burn everything within few minutes. Moreover the behavior of Indian leaders after this incident needs attention, as there some secret plan has been unveiled. In order to hide their evil intentions India showed haste in accusing Jashe-e-Muhammad and Lashakr-e-Taiba and issuing sketches of two suspects. In spite of all this govt. of Pakistan should have demanded sample of the liquid that became the cause of fire in Samjhota Express. Obviously India will reject this but world will be forced to think too many aspects. After this information should be demanded from Britain about the liquid which had to be used to destroy ten airplanes on Heathrow Airport. But after this plan was shattered on time and a very sophisticated and extremely inflammable liquid was taken into custody everyone was astonished. If the passengers have tried to take this liquid into the airplane no detecting machine of the world would have been able to detect it.”       Keeping in view the above concerns think over the present situation. Pakistani govt. wants the details of investigations conducted by Indian govt. The information that is going to world is only that which Indian govt. is allowing i.e. the group of Hindu Extremists have been arrested and brought in front in court. The central culprit has confessed. The more shocking aspect is that from RSS to Bajrang Dal in India all are silent, even BJP has not reacted to it. The persons who keep on eye on the Indian politics should must have been aware that all the accused who have been brought forward in case of Samjhota Express belong to “Abhinav Bharat”. This is a organization of Hindu Nationalists registered in Maharashtar. It is also known as sub-organization of Indian BJP. Without this organization BJP has no presence in Maharashtar, Gujrat, and other provinces. Although these arrests have been made under “criminal procedure” however in order to save actual culprits of Samjhota Express these arrests will be molded as political arrests. This is the reason behind the silence of Hindu Extremists.       On the other hand an organization registered as charity trust in Mumbai in January 2002 is also named as “Abhinav Bharat Trust”. The supervisors of this trust have registered a writ petition in Mumbai high court in February 2009 about its identity and rights. The defendants of this case were some Hindu Extremists arrested under the accuse of Samjhota Express tragedy. Look at the coincidence which is very astonishing that the daughter of “Natho Ram” murderer of Mahatma Gandhi on 30th January 1948 “Hemant Swarkar” is one of the founders of trust and on the top of list in the above mentioned case. But is this also coincidence that Swami and his friends has confessed of being involved in those blasts, for which Hemant Karkare has arrested Colonel Purohit and Major Apadhley and stated that still 8 more culprits are to be arrested? These culprits included 2 on duty Brigadiers, 3 Colonels, 2 Majors and 1 Major General; Karkare had requested permission from Ministry of Defense to arrest them. Will discuss this important coincidence next week…           To Be Continued…       Click here to read Part-II           Written By Khalid Baig,   Published in Daily Nawa-i-Waqt,   Date: 22 January 2011.   Posted by kbaig at 10:55 AM No comments:    Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest   Links to this post   Labels: hindu extremismSamjhauta ExpressSwamiThe actual culprits of Samjhauta Express tragedy   WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2011       Two Ex GOC’s of 1-ARMD. Division! America “Kind to One, Enemy of Other”       Any person whether leader of a group or army, his sacrifices for country or nation, services, loyalty and positive or negative role he played is better decided by future historian. However what people of his time think about him or public opinion about him is of much importance as well. Because the personality and beliefs of the person are open to everyone.       Today’s topic is about such like two personalities, just with one difference that superpower USA is kind over one while enemy of other. But coincidence is that both belong to armed core of Pakistan and both have been lucky enough to command 1-Armed Division (lucky because the command of 1-Armed Division is dream of every cavalry officer of Pak-Army but much difficult) and both are important topic of discussion on international level. Whether it is Mehmood Ali Durrani or Hameed Gul both does not need any introduction. But look at the luck Durrani is famous as “General Shanti” (this title is given to him by India and has become his identity over European websites), while against Hameed Gul USA has forwarded application to UNO to declare him as terrorist and for his arrest. Just because this Pakistani is not ready to become slave of US.       Another important difference between these two is that in spite of American threat of declaring him as terrorist from UN and knowing its result Hameed Gul is criticizing USA, Israel, and India as he used to do before retirement. In contrast to him Mehmood Durrani is issuing explanations after accepting Ajmal Qasab as a Pakistani citizen or sometimes he is observed sad over being expelled from Advisory of National Security.       What are the reasons for which America and India both are worried on removal of General Mehmood Durrani and are determined to use UN to remove General Hameed Gul. Let’s analyze it briefly;       Major General Mehmood Ali Durrani was absent from the scenario for last two decades. But when in June 2006 the reports were heard that he is being sent to US as Pakistani Ambassador Nation did not give it much importance. Because on the political scenario, a tussle was going on between supporters and opponents of Pervaiz Musharraf. But when in May 2008 he returned back to Pakistan as advisor for defense to Prime Minister, then public realized that he will do something for American interests hurting credibility of Pakistan. Look at the newspapers of last six months you will get the idea that groups were expressing concerns about General Durrani’s links with US. All these concerns proved true when suddenly General Durrani accepted Ajmal Qasab as a Pakistani citizen. This confession was not less then an earthquake for nation, it provided India moral and diplomatic superiority over Pakistan. Public was shocked when Prime Minister expelled General Durrani from advisory but it was of no use and much late. General defended himself by saying that in this way the tension between the both countries will decrease, but India openly threatened to attack Pakistan. This situation refreshed the wounds of martyrdom of General Zia-ul-Haq and other officers of Pakistan army. A wave of protest raised against General Durrani and discussion started about his role in the crash of C-130 which departure from Bahawalpur on 17th August 1988.  As a reaction to this General Durrani gave a long interview to a newspaper. In this he tried to defend himself about acceptance of Ajmal Qasab as a Pakistani citizen and told that he did so, on the will of President. Defending himself in the plane crash of General Zia he said, “I did not invite Zia-ul-Haq to attend the excercises of M1-A1 Abraham Tanks”. However he accepted that the gift of mango crates was given General Zia as a tradition of Southern Punjab. Moreover he threatened that hew will go to court against those accusing him for conspiracy of C-130’s destruction. During his interview he no where mentioned that this incident should be reinvestigated so that real culprits can be brought forward and it can be proved that he is not involved in it.       In spite of no investigations conducted the news and pictures have been published showing that a hole had been made in the cargo door of C-130 as it was hit by a missile fired from ground and it caught before hitting the ground. However the destruction of C-130 is not our today’s topic. But General Durrani’s statement that India has not provided any evidence but just information about Mumbai attacks is not less then a joke and worries of US and India for him are not baseless.       Now let’s come towards General Hameed Gul. Although due to tension between India and Pakistan our free electronic media has not given any importance to the plans of Americans and Jews against General Hameed Gul. But on the international level discussions are going on it. According to some, investigations from UNO on the Benazir tragedy and application against General Hameed Gul are the links of same chain. So that if UN hesitates to declare him as terrorist or any protests are held in Pakistan against any such declaration then Hameed Gul could be involved in Benazir murder case. International analysts claim the new FIR of Karsaz tragedy is a past of this mission in which along with General Hameed Gul Ex-Chief Minister of Punjab Chouhdary Pervaiz Ellahi has been also nominated. According to some analysts the reason behind American enmity towards General Hameed Gul is poor situation in Afghanistan. Because after establishment of Taliban (for which America had spent millions of dollars) and before they were used to secure US interests, America had to face defeat. Taliban left the US policy of securing “Trade Route” from Qandhar to Central Asian States and started struggle to establish Islamic State. According to US this plan against American interests was prepared by General Hameed Gul and he successfully fulfilled his plan with the support of Pak-Army, ISI, some political parties, newspapers, intellectuals and columnists and derailed American plan. Due to this US media, think-tanks, and rulers are afraid of General Hameed Gul and think that as long as he is present the threat American interests in Afghanistan and South Asia will be there. In these analysis concerns have been expressed that US will soon succeed in declaring General Hameed Gul as terrorist and it has support of govt. of Pakistan as well.       If this happens it will not limited to General Hameed Gul only. The second attack will be on the ISI in the form of demand to ban it, it will be demanded that all retired or on duty military persons should be expelled from it and it should be made purely civil institution. In his article ex-Chief of RAW had claimed present staff of ISI as “Rogue Elements” and advised that previous order of ending Pak-Army’s interference and giving ISI under control of Interior Advisor should be restored. He claims that after this the peace in Afghanistan and end of terrorism in the India will be possible. What will be the effects of any such demand on stability and sovereignty of Pakistan; it is the duty of rulers to determine it.  The reason behind the anger of our present rulers against General Hameed Gul is that he played an important role in the establishment of ISI. Our enlightened and modern writers also keep protesting against him due to this reason. Although as D.G ISI Hameed Gul has apologized from nation on interference in politics. But if we analyze his struggle, he was doing it only and only for sovereignty and stability of Pakistan. Otherwise gathering like minded people for interest f country and nation is not such a big crime that he should be listed in enemies or enemy should be allowed to treat him as it likes and nation keeps silence. In order to strengthen its application against General Hameed Gul to UN, America has attached his analysis and interviews given to different newspapers at different times. This includes analysis of German newspaper titles as “Still Today Very Influential in Pakistan” and interview conducted on 14th September 2001, it was published on the website of “Newsweek Web Exclusive” on 26th September. This interview consists of 22 questions and the name the representative is “Arraud De Borchgrave”. All the questions are about 9/11, Osama, MOSSAD, Al-Qaeda, Taliban and role of Mujahideen in Indian Held Kashmir. Whatever General Hameed Gul has said in this interview if this is his crime then US should go to UN to declare all Muslims as terrorists. Here I would like to copy a part of the interview, so that one can know the crime of General Hameed Gul;                       De Borchgrave: So who did Black Sept. 11?   Gul: Mossad and its accomplices. The U.S. spends  $40 billion a year on its 11 intelligence agencies.   That’s $400 billion in 10 years. Yet the Bush   Administration says it was taken by surprise. I   don’t believe it. Within 10 minutes of the second   twin tower being hit in the World Trade Center CNN   said Osama bin Laden had done it. That was a   planned piece of disinformation by the real   perpetrators. It created an instant mindset and put   public opinion into a trance, which prevented even   intelligent people from thinking for themselves.       Q: So you’re already convinced bin Laden didn’t do it?       A: I know bin Laden and his associates. I’ve been   with them here, in Europe and the Middle East. They   are graduates of the best universities and are   highly intelligent with impressive degrees and   speak impeccable English. These are people who have   rediscovered fundamental Islamic values. Many come   from the Gulf countries where ruling royal families   have generated hatred by the way they flout divine   law, wasting billions on gratifying their whims,   jetting around in large private jets by themselves,   and sailing the Mediterranean in big private boats   for weeks on end. Osama’s best recruits come from   feudal areas that are U.S. protectorates and where   millions of poor people are seeking human dignity.   I have even visited a Christian convent school in   Murree, 60 miles from here, where my 13-year-old   daughter is studying. The young girls there have   told me Osama is their hero. Osama’s followers   identify with Mujahideen freedom fighters wherever   they are defending Islam and its values.       Q: So what makes you think Osama wasn’t behind Sept. 11?       A: From a cave inside a mountain or a peasant’s   hovel? Let’s be serious. Osama inspires countless   millions by standing up for Islam against American   and Israeli imperialism. He doesn’t have the means   for such a sophisticated operation. Q: Why Mossad?   A: Mossad and its American associates are the obvious culprits. Who benefits from the crime? The   attacks against the twin towers started at 8:45   a.m. and four flights are diverted from their   assigned air space and no air traffic controller   sounds the alarm. And no Air Force jets scramble   until 10 a.m. That also smacks of a small scale Air   Force rebellion, a coup against the Pentagon   perhaps? Radars are jammed, transponders fail. No   IFF — friend or foe identification — challenge.   In Pakistan, if there is no response to IFF, jets   are instantly scrambled and the aircraft is shot   down with no further questions asked. This was   clearly an inside job. Bush was afraid and rushed   to the shelter of a nuclear bunker. He clearly   feared a nuclear situation. Who could that have   been? Will that also be hushed up in the   investigation, like the Warren report after the   Kennedy assassination?       Q: At this point, someone might be asking what you’ve been smoking. What is Israel’s interest in such a monstrous plot, which, of course, no one believes except Islamist extremists who concocted this piece of disinformation in the first place, presumably to detract from the real culprits?       A: Jews never agreed to Bush 41 (George H.W. Bush,   the 41st president) or 43 (his son George W. Bush,   the 43rd president). They made sure Bush senior   didn’t get a second term. His land-for-peace   pressure in Palestine didn’t suit Israel. They were   also against the young Bush because he was   considered too close to oil interests and the Gulf   countries. Bush senior and Jim Baker had raised   $150 million for Bush junior, much of it from   Mideast sources or their American go-betweens. Bush   41 and Baker, as private citizens, had also   facilitated the new strategic relationship between   Saudi Arabia and Iran. I have this from sources in   both countries. So clearly the prospect of a Bush   43 was a potential danger to Israel.       Jews were stunned by the way Bush stole the   election in Florida. They had put big money on Al   Gore. Israel has given its imperialist guardian   parent opportunities to turn disaster into a   pretext for imposing an all-encompassing military,   political and economic agenda to further the cause   of global capitalism. While Colin Powell is   cautious and others are reckless and want to make   up for their failure to defeat Saddam Hussein in   the Gulf War 10 years ago, the global agenda is the   You can see the rest of Interview here!  

In the model of this tank M1A1-Abrams the device was hidden which blew automatically after arriving at a special height and the gas that was exhausted by this device paralyzed the persons in C-130 within seconds. This device was provided by MOSSAD and arrived in Pakistan via India. God knows who hid that device in the model of tank but General Mahmood Ali Durrani presented that model to General Zia-ul-Haq, that model was put into the cockpit of C-130

  The summary of this interview is that the cooperation between Israel and America is for increasing their influence and securing their control over the whole world. Muslims and Islamic values are the biggest hurdle in their way. Now India has also joined this cooperation due to its imperialistic agenda and enmity against Islam and Muslims. They all want to disintegrate nuclear power Pakistan. You have read the point of view of General Hameed Gul, the role of General Mehmood Ali Durrani is also in front of you. Now yourself think over the increasing political chaos, corruption, injustice, poor administration, increasing gap between rich and poor, will not all these factors strengthen conspiracies against Pakistan? Will not this situation provide another chance to US to use more of its agents to control us? Keeping in mind the importance of General Hameed Gul BBC, U.K, and W.E.B has stored his profile online which consists of his professional and after retirement life. In this profile they have tried to bring forward his thinkings about different challenges that are being faced by Muslim Ummah and especially by Pakistan. The discussion about Iran-India deal against terrorism is also included and of much importance.       “In Islamabad, Gul asked that Iran should explain its bona fides regarding the pact signed with India to jointly counter terrorism. According to him, “Iran should come clear on the nature of agreement with India. Otherwise this will create doubts and apprehensions in Muslim Ummah that Iran helps RAW in putting down Kashmir Jihad.” He also added that in case doubts about the agreement came true and Iran was seen working with India against “Kashmir freedom struggle”, then it will be concluded that the country also supports MOSSAD and Israeli external intelligence agency”.Urdu Copy: Written By Khalid Baig,Published in Daily Nawa-i-Waqt,Date: 18 January 2009.   Posted by kbaig at 5:48 PM No comments:    Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest   Links to this post   Labels: General Hameed GulGeneral Mahmood Ali DurraniGeneral Shanti                   SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 2011   Ajmal Qasab; Even in Simplicity We Crossed Limits…       If we look at the history when ever Muslims fell in mutual disputes, started sectarian  quarrels or ignored conspiracies of enemies, destruction became there fate. Look at the present poor situation, in spite of preparing for the upcoming threats we are busy in mutual disputes. We are ignoring advancing storm; the horse trading for power is going on. Due to administrative weaknesses or due to evil intentions of elite class the deteriorating economic situation has weakened whole nation. In spite of abundant natural resources we are forced to beg from profit taking institutions. This begging habit of our rulers has hurt our self respect. Other wise how is it possible that Prime Minister of country due to public pressure announces to withdraw the increase in petroleum prices and other country objects it? Why Hillary Clinton is against any decisions in favor of Pakistani public?       If they are worried about loosing the loans issued by IMF to Pakistan or a delay in their repayments then they should have objected the increasing corruption of rulers and looting of national treasury in spite of objecting the withdrawal of increase in prices. They should have stopped the transfer of black money which is being transferred to their banks from national treasury of Pakistan. The volume of this black money which has been transferred to banks of these countries by our corrupt politicians is 50 times more than the loans given to Pakistan in last 60 years. On the other hand American Ambassador standing on our land orders us, “you should benefit from Indian economy, invite India for friendship forgetting all disputes with India including state terrorism in Held Kashmir” (on 28th January 1948 US Ambassador had tried to teach us same lesson that India is a big economy of region and Pakistan is nothing in front of India so Pakistan should accept all Indian demands and forget all disputes). Now it is hard to decide that are we independent nation or slaves of USA?       Actually corruption, bribery, black marketing and such like diseases have so much infiltrated into our society that we have become even ignorant of our defenses. The peoples infected by above diseases are so much influential that condemning these evils openly is equivalent to making trouble for self and an unforgivable crime. These all elements are much more dangerous than terrorism, every citizen has to face them several times in a day, he resists against them to his capacity but alas! He is loosing against mafia. Because he does not know that he is not facing less than 1 percent of total population of elites but imperialistic forces behind them. These forces had made plan of economical and social destruction of Pakistan in order to control it. In order to implement their plan they are attacking from different sides, sometimes they conduct terrorist attacks through bomb blasts or suicide attacks, and sometimes they terrorize people by increasing prices in the name of safe recovery of their loans. Through both acts they want to make Pakistani public pessimistic about stability of country. So that general public of Pakistan becomes ignorant of Pakistan’s ideological and geographical boundaries. The practical show of this has been observed on 26th November 2008, when a majority of Mumbai people had the point of view that attacks on hotels is plan to remove Chief of ATS along with his colleagues by Indian Army, RAW and extremist Hindus. While we were accepting without any evidence that non-state actors from Pakistan are involved in it. As soon as these attacks started Indian govt., private and state TV channels of India started blaming Pakistan Army and ISI for these attacks. The most astonishing fact is that this drama starts on 8:30 pm and after 2.5 hours an Indian channel identified a terrorist known as “Qasab”, and more astonishing from this was a documentary film of a Private Pakistani TV channel which showed birth place of Qasab in Pakistan, training camp of Lashkar-e-Taiba in Azad Kashmir from where he got training, his transfer from there to Karachi in a strange house, here Pakistan Naval officers trained him for 15 days for voyage over sea and gorilla warfare in sea, (in all the countries such training takes a minimum period of one year however Pakistani TV channel not only found his secret place but also addresses of those Naval officers who trained him). After completing training from which route he reached to Mumbai and how he attacked Mumbai hotels, all this is a worth watching fairy tale.       After documentary film of Private Pakistani TV channel India had no need to further accuse any one but India continued to pressurize Pakistan claiming that Ajmal Qasab is the central character/master mind of these attacks. As the proof a picture of Ajmal Qasab was issued to the international media showing him holding AK-47 rifle in the City Terminal of Mumbai Railway station. This is the only picture of the only one person out of ten who survived. You can see this picture on any internet website or newspapers of the world. Here I would like to make one thing clear that from the entrance of Oberoi Hotel and Taj Mehal Hotel to the TV Lounge and other passages there are CCTV Cameras installed to keep an eye over the movement of the residents. In city terminal of Mumbai railway station there are also many of such CCTV cameras to keep an eye over the passengers. But in spite of all these recording devices India has failed to bring forward any such footage recorded by these security cams in which terrorist are firing bullets, or moving in between these places. What is the reason? Whether the CCTV cameras were defective or the terrorists playing on their lives were shy firing in front of these cameras?       Let us now discuss the picture of Ajmal Qasab and shining Lounge of Mumbai city terminal railway station; you will never see such a clear picture made by CCTV camera that even if there is a straw on the floor camera is clearly observing it. Then the railway platform of a city like Mumbai where there is always crowd of passengers from the whole city. This above mentioned railway station is so much crowded that one hardly founds place to stand, it is filled with the passengers and their luggage, then where all this disappeared as soon as he arrived? The passengers running to save their lives hade enough time to take their luggage? Moreover he has short height, in spite of this the image has not been made from the height more then the height of the eye of a long height person, have you ever seen a security cam installed at the height of 6 feet? That also on the most crowded railway station of the country?       Let us now discuss different aspects of the picture. God knows why experts preparing this image ignored this blunders/short comings in the picture. Look at the reflection on the right side of the Ajmal Qasab on the ground from his shoes knees, due to bright light from the distance the shadow of his foot is right, while the reflection of his leg behind is different. Moreover look at the right side of him over the marble of the floor, when experts were asked about it they were of the view that it is the reflection of the jogger like boot worn by him, while on the spot there is no such light falling on him or floor, which can overtake the bright light mentioned above and reflect shadow of moving Ajmal Qasab.       In this way if you look at the “Body Langauge” of Ajmal Qasab, his facial expression, his purpose behind presence over Railway station, the weight he is carrying, after analyzing all these aspects the difference between them is much clear. In his right hand he is carrying AK-47 rifle and on his left shoulder you can see 3 bags. In the way he faced a brigade of Indian army for 60 hours, and as initial point he arrived at railway station then he should be carrying ammunition enough for 60 hours in these bags, a spare rifle (in case one becomes defective or is lost) uncountable magazines filled with bullets (because along with facing army he has to fulfill his purpose of murdering people), pistol, dried food and water etc. keep this in mind that such a big cache can be stored in a specific location or building, but no one can carry such a heavy weight and move while firing n fighting. He was also a human like us made of flesh not a robot, his face should express his worried-ness and his shoulder should be leaned. But he was moving just like characters of Punjabi films of Pakistan as he is not going to kill people but just pose like that.       The brown color over the right wrist of Ajmal Qasab is also beyond understanding, if it is shirt then in should be visible over left wrist. Not only that what argument will you provide for orange colored thick thread over his wrist? This thread is used by persons belonging to Bajrang Dal, RSS or Shiev Sina for their identification. Then was he posing as extremist Hindus? If it is true then he should have sign over his forehead too, while India is struggling to prove him as a Muslim extremist.   Much more can be written over his picture. Possibly pro-Indian elements in Pakistan might not accept my point of view, then they should prove that where on his body he was so much severely hit so that this child Jinn paralyzed without any apparent wound or sign. According to Indian govt. he was arrested in critical situation and severely wounded but in the TV footage a little cut over wrist and neck and little blood seeping from his leg is visible. Such like usual wounds are even self made to register case against enemies in villages, some people even they fire over their legs and arms and go to police station to register FIR against their enemies under 307. Moreover if you want to know the truth about the Ajmal Qasab then look at any Indian newspaper of 19-20th December 2009 that what he has said in front of judge, after publishing this statement not only journalists were banned from going near the courts but the official lawyer provided to him was also murdered.       Ajmal Qasab is such a character of this era that for years it will be written for years about him. Mumbai Police succeeded in completing investigation against him in 1 year while investigations of Samjhota Express are not complete even after 4 years had passed, at least why? Under the accuse of destroying/sabotaging Samjhota Express 3 on duty and 1 retired army office is under the Police “Protection”. One out of them when dramatically confessed his crime few days ago and Pakistani govt. has demanded details (alas! Pakistan govt. had done that three weeks before 26thNovember 2008 before the murder of Hemant Karkare when Karkare has presented all culprits in  court along with proofs under the accuse of sabotaging Samjhota Express), India has replied to this demand, “the demand of Pakistan is before time, details cannot be provided”.       We will discuss this fresh drama of India next week, however I would like to request our electronic media and rulers that if simplicity goes beyond limit then it becomes weakness and the punishment of being weak is never forgiven neither by enemy nor by law of nature. The common man is so much worried for earning livelihood for his children that he has no time to think over investigations of terrorism in Samjhota Express and raise voice against it…Written By Khalid Baig,Published in Daily Nawa-i-Waqt,Date: 15 January 2011.   Posted by kbaig at 4:50 PM No comments:    Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest   Links to this post   Labels: Ajmal QasabFake Picture of Ajmal Qasab issued by india,objections over only picture of ajmal qasab   WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2011       Pakistan’s Nukes… What are “they” upto?   On 8th January 2009 an important Indian Atomic scientist suddenly disappeared. At the time of disappearance “Lok Nath Mahalingham” was working in Kaligah Nuclear Power Plat Karnataka. Before he was working on Madaris Atomic Power Project near Chennai two years before he was transferred to Karnataka Power Plant after a scandal of Uranium theft was unveiled. IAEA has complained against him. America has also informed India that Indian scientist is smuggling enriched uranium through Nepal. However has done nothing except transferring him from one nuclear plant to other plant.       After civil nuclear deal between USA and India, disappearance of a nuclear scientist in his own country was important news. But silence of India and US over this matter is of greater importance. Astonishingly the dead body of Lok Nath was found after six days on the bank of River Kali, but America and India did not react over it. Indian govt. just got contented on a press release expressing possibility that Lok Nath might have been killed by terrorists or factions active for separation.       There are two suspicious aspects of the murder of Indian scientist; First, separatists are so much organized and powerful that they can easily kidnap and murder such an important personality (Possibly India has unintentionally admitted for first time the presence of separatists), Second important aspect is about media, that why on such an important matter Western and American media had been silent? Just only for that Lok Nath was allegedly involved in supply of enriched uranium through underworld? Moreover after civil nuclear deal with India this news could have created problems for USA. Then India itself is involved in murder of its scientist or America has assassinated him and advised India to keep silent. Then in such a situation what is crime of Pakistan, why western media has objection over Pakistan’s Nuclear Capability? Enemies of Pakistan are against Pakistani Nukes right from the start and after Pakistan has successfully acquired nuclear technology their conspiracies have increased. But shameful fact is that our own people are equally involved in these conspiracies, at least why?       After sending spy satellite to space with the support of Israel, India has also bought AWACS from Jews. In order to tackle lawlessness on western side Pak-Army is busy on Afghan Boundary and tribal areas. In such situation US says India is not Pakistan’s enemy. Suddenly India has started talking about withdrawal of troops from Held Kashmir. Through bans on freedom movement of Kashmiri people from UNO, India has already paralyzed it. The moral and legal right Kashmiri People for freedom is not accepted by world and especially USA. What else India needs? It will transfer 700,000 troops from Kashmir to Pakistani boundary. After this in Delhi or any other major city the staged drama of terrorism will be enough for Indian attack over Pakistan. In such situation while Pakistani economy is already pledged by IMF and World Bank, how longer Pak-Army will be able to fight on two sides? Under these conditions, Pakistani nukes can deter any adventurism from Hindu Brahmans.       Consider objections in the backdrop of these circumstances; is it not clear that after defeat in tribal areas enemies are trying to dispute Pakistani nukes? Criticism of Pakistani nukes on international level is not new, Pakistani intellectuals and analysts have started a new discussion while Pak-Army is facing so called Islamists supported and organized by few powers of world. They are objecting that Pakistan should not have conducted nuclear tests. A poor country like Pakistan does not need nuclear weapons. So called champions of free media, two private TV channels have even got such statements from their guest speakers, “This nuclear capability is cause of all the problems of the nation. If we had spent our wealth and energies for development in spite nuclear weapons, today Pakistan has been amongst the list of developed nations”.       This discussion apparently has been started in the scenario of celebrations in the commemoration of Nuclear Tests on 28th May. But famous scholar and teacher of science from Islamabad, Dr. Hood Bhai has already written an article against Pakistani Nuclear weapons in Indian digest, “Outlook”. This article has supported propaganda of enemies against Pakistani nuclear weapons.  Chief of Indian Army General Deepak Kapoor has expressed concerns about Pakistani atomic weapons and appealed international community in this matter. American Senators has also said that Pakistan is using US Aide to increase number of atomic bombs and manufacture plutonium bombs. In presence of such propaganda which country will be ready to provide aid for rehabilitation of effected people of northern areas who have lost their homes and property during operations against terrorism. Painful fact is that during discussion opponents of Pakistani nuclear weapons provide a series of articles written by a famous journalist as evidence to support their claim against Pakistani Nukes, i.e. how he tried to convince and stop Nawaz Sharif from Nuclear Test. All Pakistani intellectuals while criticizing nukes should keep in mind that they are not criticizing nukes but Pakistan. Because the nukes are not guarantors of safety of Pakistan but it has become a part of Pakistan. They should read the book written by “Ravi Rakhe” about Brass Take War Games, the title of book is, “The War that Never Was”. This book makes it clear that what would have happened if Pakistan does not have nuclear weapons. Author treats Indian Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi as a coward who believed the threat of nuclear war by General Zia-ul-Haq and lost golden chance to capture Pakistan. In contrast to this Indian newspaper “India Today” not only Rajeev Gandhi but his cabinet along with whole Indian Parliament as cowards. The representative of India Today has included the comments of Rajeev Gandhi’s special advisor “Behramnam” in his article. He quotes;       “General Zia-ul-Haq arrived in Delhi for cricket match as a spectator without any invitation. At that time Rajeev Gandhi was not ready to meet him at the airport. Indian troops were waiting for the PM’s orders on the Rajasthan sector to invade into Pakistani territory. In such situation it was improper to meet General Zia-ul-Haq. But opposition leaders and cabinet members were of the view that if arrived Pakistani leader has arrived in delhi without any invitation (from here he had to departure for Chennai for cricket match), it will against diplomatic values not to meet him and will cause misunderstanding about Indian leadership on the international level. On our demand Rajeev Gandhi got ready to go to Delhi airport, he coldly shaked hands with General Zia-ul-Haq without making any eye contact. Rajeev said to me, “General has to go to Chennai for cricket match, so accompany him and take care of him”. Bhagwan knows how strong was that man, in spite of insulting behavior of Gandhi, Zia kept smiling.   Before departure for Chennai General Zia-ul-Haq while saying good bye to Gandhi said, “Mr. Rajeev you want to attack Pakistan, do it. But keep in mind after this world will forget Hilaku Khan and Changez Khan and will remember only Zia-ul-Haq and Rajeev Gandhi. Because this will not be conventional war but nuclear war. Possibly whole Pakistan might be destroyed in this was but Muslims will be still there, however after destruction of India, Hinduism will be vanished”. In spite of cold drops of perspiration were visible on Gandhi’s forehead. I felt sensation in my backbone. These were only few moments when Zia-ul-Haq looked a dangerous man, his face was stern his eyes showed that he will do whatever he is saying no matter whole sub continent is burnt to ashes in nuclear war. I was astonished, after warning, in the blink of eye Zia-ul-Haq brought his smile; he warmly shook hands with other hosts. Except me and Rajeev Gandhi no one was aware that Zia-ul-Haq looking very happy and in light mood has created trouble for Indian PM by threatening him of nuclear war”.       It was nuclear capability which adhered India from attacking Pakistan. Representatives of India Today “Daleep Bob” and “Mandir Singh” write in their cover story, “Indian army was ready but Indian politicians cheated, such people are not worthy of being called Hindus and also not worthy of being leaders of India. They got afraid threats of a Pakistani General”. In their story of ten pages they have no where mentioned the cause behind India-Pakistan disputes/tension. They are not concerned with the Indian torture in Held Kashmir; they are just regretting that Indian, Indian politicians lost a golden chance to fulfill the dream of Greater India. According to some Indian intellectuals Indian army and RAW has collectively planned murder of Rajeev Gandhi so that he can be punished for being coward in front of Zia-ul-Haq and being the cause of defeat of army during Brass Take War Games. We had started from the murder of Indian nuclear scientist Lok Nath. International media is silent on it, but always worried about Pakistani Nuclear programs. Time by time their propaganda is going on. In the edition of first week of June 2009 weekly “Newsweek” writes, “Religious extremism might get access to spare uranium from Pakistani nuclear facilities. In the fight between Pak-Army and Taliban the question about future of nuclear weapons makes one shiver”. But Newsweek or other media cannot see the protest of family of Indian scientist. They have rejected official claim about his murder. They are of the view that dead body of Lok Nath has not been found on the bank of river Kali. But his mutilated corpse had been retrieved by divers of Indian Navy from the depth of river. Moreover on the morning of 8th June 2009 as per usual Lok Nath had gone for jogging, on track of India Navy situated on the bank of river Kali. Before disappearing last time he had been seen on that track. Then how did officials of navy was aware that his body is present in the depth of river? The questions and protest of Lok Nath’s widow is valid on its place, but why our free private media is silent on such an important incident? This was the time to tell the world that India is an irresponsible country possessing nuclear technology. While Indian scientists are involved in smuggling and selling of uranium and nuclear technology… Written By Khalid Baig,Published in Daily Nawa-i-Waqt,Date: 20 June 2009


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