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Archive for category China’s Gwadar & India’s Chah Bahar Development

Why India and the US Oppose the CPEC… By Sajjad Shaukat

         Why India and the US Oppose the CPEC

By Sajjad Shaukat


India was openly opposing the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) which is part of China’s One Belt, One Road (OBOR) or China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the US also joined New Delhi. In this context, on October 3, 2017, the then US Defence Secretary James Mattis told the Lawmakers, “The United States has reiterated its support for India’s opposition to China’s One Belt, One Road initiative…the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) a part of which traverses Pakistan-Kashmir.”



Pakistan strongly rejected the statement from the American defence chief that the multibillion-dollar road and rail network CPEC will pass through a disputed territory of Kashmir, urging the international community to focus on blatant human rights violations and ‘heinous crimes’ committed by Indian occupation forces in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK), and reminded America that Washington had also participated in an OBOR summit.


Earlier, a statement from the Chinese foreign ministry also dismissed Mattis’ statement, saying that the OBOR plan was backed by the United Nations and that CPEC was an economic cooperation initiative.


In this regard, again, the Indian envoy to China Vikram Mistri told Chinese state media in March, last year that a part of the CPEC shall pass through Pakistani side of Kashmir and the OBOR or BRI does not respect India’s “concerns” of sovereignty and territorial integrity.


Addressing Indian concerns, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said on April 15, this year, “As for the Indian comments on not participating in the BRI [Conference] for various reasons, I’d like to say that the BRI is an open and inclusive economic cooperation initiative. It does not involve territorial and maritime disputes…Whether the Indian side will participate in the Belt and Road Forum, I think you need to ask the Indian side for a more specific answer. But here I’d like to re-emphasise that the BRI is proposed by China but it is already an international public good….The belt and road cooperation since it was first proposed…has been an open and inclusive initiative for all countries…interested in this…if the relevant side would like to wait and see, we do not oppose that. And as for more international organisations in the second BRI [Conference] meaning that some countries will lose opportunities, you may need to ask the countries themselves which do not participate in the BRI.”


It is notable that India which has consistently kept away from BRI did not participate in its second conference which was held in Beijing from April 25 to 27, 2019 and leaders of countries including heads of state and government from nearly 40 countries attended the meeting.


Pakistan’ s Prime Minister Imran Khan, in his speech at the opening ceremony called for greater attention to tackling poverty as Pakistan and China enter the next phase of the CPEC. He appreciated the significance of China’s BRI, elaborating, it “marks a new and distinct phase in the onward march of nations in the world along the path of globalization”.


However, India and the US continue opposing the CPEC. In this respect, Indian lobbies which are well-penetrated in the US administration and Europe, research centres, think tanks and so-called human rights groups utilize the media tools in defaming Pakistan internationally. Especially, Indian RAW is availing the opportunity of the US-led organized propaganda campaign against Pakistan. Now, CPEC is a special target of these hostile entities.


In this connection, much coverage was given by the external media to a report, released on April 13, 2017, by Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) which is in partnership with Mahatma Gandhi International AISBL. The subject report portrayed complete Indian negative propaganda themes about Pakistan’s provinces of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), Balochistan and Sindh. Based on falsehood, the report also said that the CPEC is a breach of international law and is being implemented without consultation or compensation to the people of the area.


Undoubtedly, GB is the gateway of CPEC into Pakistan, whereby GB’s strategic and socio-economic importance has increased manifold. Like Balochistan, the region has huge potential in trade with China, tourism, minerals, gems, precious stones, agriculture-farming and hydropower production. Therefore, GB’s people who are strengthening their association with Pakistan, pay no attention to the false propaganda.


While, these US-led Western entities, particularly India who also give undue coverage to the meetings and protests against the integrity of Pakistan, are especially exaggerating the statements of those Baloch separatist leaders who have taken shelter in Europe and America, and are fulfilling the agenda of their foreign masters against the CPEC.


The reality is that the establishment of CPEC between deep Gwadar seaport of Balochistan and the historic Silk Road city in western regions-Xinjiang of China will connect Gilgit-Baltistan through Khunjerab Pass. Beijing would also build an international airport at Gwadar, while the roads infrastructure in Gwadar would link the communication network of the rest of the country to facilitate the transportation of goods.


When Gwadar seaport becomes fully operational, it would connect the landlocked Central Asian states with the rest of the world. Being the commercial hub, the port is likely to increase the volume of trade, bringing multiple economic and financial benefits to Pakistan. It will enable high-volume cargo vessels to move in the major oceans. Gwadar project which is the backbone of the CPEC will uplift the impoverished people of Balochistan and Gilgit-Baltistan, including developments in other provinces by providing thousands of employment opportunities, particularly to the less developed areas by redressing their grievances. The resulting prosperity in Balochistan and Gilgit-Baltistan would damp the separatist sentiments of the people, which the hostile elements, supported by the US, India and Israeli do not want. Therefore, these entities and their media describe the CPEC in negative terms.


In fact, since the occupation of Afghanistan by the US-led NATO forces, the country has become a centre of American CIA, Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad which are in connivance to obtain the covert designs of their countries and some Western countries against Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran. Under the cover of fighting terrorism, these intelligence agencies which are also in collaboration with the Afghan intelligence agency National Directorate of Security (NDS), support the militants of ISIS and Afghanistan-based Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), including their linked outfits which have been conducting terror-assaults in Afghanistan and Pakistan as part of the secret strategy of the US-led countries. Besides, these terrorist outfits are weakening Tibetan regions of China and Iranian Sistan-Baluchistan through subversive activities.


It is mentionable that Pakistan’s Armed Forces have successfully broken the backbone of the foreign-backed terrorists by the military operations Zarb-e-Azb and Radd-ul-Fasaad. Army and top intelligence agency ISI have broken the network of these terrorist groups by capturing several militants while thwarting a number of terror attempts. Peace has been restored in various regions of Pakistan, including Karachi and Balochistan province.


But, in the recent past, blasts in Balochistan and other regions of the country showed that the US-led India, Afghanistan and Israel have again started acts of sabotage especially to weaken Pakistan and to damage the Pak-China project of CPEC. Foiled terror attack on the Chinese consulate in Karachi on November 23, 2018, was part of the same scheme. Nevertheless, CIA, RAW and Mossad are assisting the separatist elements of the Balochistan to thwart the CPEC project.


It is of particular attention that during P.M. Imran Khan’s second trip to China, on April 28, this year, Islamabad and Beijing embarked on the new phase of the CPEC by signing a memorandum of understanding-agreements on the first Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and socio-economic development and a new agreement on free trade. The new phase of the CPEC would be characterised by industrialization—20 factories is being set up in Rashakai, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province.  In view of trade is an important element of the CPEC, the two sides concluded the second stage of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) aimed at strengthening trade ties between the two countries. Under the new FTA, China would open up 90 per cent of its market for Pakistani goods whereas Pakistan would share 65pc of its market with Chinese exports. This would also help in redressing, to a certain extent, the yawning trade imbalance between the two countries, which stood at $9.7 billion last year.


The two sides also signed an agreement on a technical package for upgradation of Pakistan’s main railway line-Mail Line-One (ML-1) under which a double track from Peshawar to Karachi will be built with China’s help. China who will spend $1bn on 27 projects, help Pakistan Railways in improving its capacity.


Nonetheless, China has clarified Indian concerns on the CPEC or OBOR. But, apart from the US, India is particularly opposing the CPEC as part of the anti-Pakistan and anti-China approach.  


Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is the author of the book: the US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is the author of the book: the US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations

Email: [email protected]


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Sabotaging the Gwadar and CPEC Project by Nasurullah Brohi


The external infiltration has always been a major reason for the instability in Pakistan and despite huge diplomatic efforts and raising voices at various international forums; the issue has never been resolved. Particularly, right from the proclamation of the China’s investment plans for the development of Gawadar port and CPEC projects with an announcement of $46 billion development projects for Pakistan, the regional rogue powers never sat with ease. Since, with its immense trade potential, the Gwadar Port provides the shortest trade route and serves as a corridor between the Persian Gulf and Western China.

Notably, China provides over 80 percent of the $248 million for the development of the Gwadar Port. The decision to invest on Gwadar Port, allows the regional states and the trade partners to benefit through a short, safe and convenient trade route that effectively passes through the South China Sea, Pacific Rim, Malacca Strait and Sri Lanka and effectively connects the entire region with the European markets.

Pakistan has always shown serious concerns over the Indian efforts to sabotage the China-Pakistan-Economic-Corridor (CPC) by possible terror attacks aimed at making the CPEC a failure. The issue of sabotaging the projects through the clandestine nexuses against the Pakistan as revealed after the recent apprehension of Indian spy Kulbhushan Yadav with a series of his confessions about the tasks and operations yet were in the pipeline to carry out in Pakistan.

Such motives do not seem merely confined with the objectives to put a single target in chaos but in fact, reflect the eager pursuits of creating muddle the situations that ultimately delay the completion of the development projects particularly those underway with the friendly states and predominantly that aim at boosting Pakistani economy.

At the diplomatic fronts, ambitious efforts also try to isolate Pakistan by creating a typical sense of bitterness amidst the relations of Pakistan with its friendly states like China but fortunately, the time-tested friendship

a typical sense of bitterness amidst the relations of Pakistan with its friendly states like China but fortunately, the time-tested friendship between the two countries, and the wisdom of their leaderships never let such immoral tactics to become successful. Many analysts believe, since, India considers China as a regional competitor, therefore; it frequently tries overcoming the China rise that greatly diminishes the chances of Indian ambitions of becoming a regional and later on a global power.

With over 46 billion dollars investment, the project would greatly increase the political and economic influence of China in the region, therefore; the Indian side always attempted through the despicable means to creating law and order situation in the region. Such tactics often used as a tool to compel the Chinese to vacate the Gawadar port and eventually lose interest in the completion of the CPEC and Gwadar projects. Though India poured an initial investment of $150 million for the development of Iranian Port of Chah Bahar but such strives could not undermine the significance of the Gwadar Port.

Comparatively, the Gwadar port enables the regional countries to carry out the trade activities much easier access than Chah Bahar. In addition, the Port also provides landlocked Afghanistan and the Central Asian states with much cheaper opportunity than the Chah Bahar. The Gwadar Port also reduces the trade distances of regional partners from 10,000 km to 2,500 km. moreover; the regional trade partners will effectively save the cost and time as well.

However, the firmness Chinese and Pakistani government is always obvious for making the long cherished dream a resounding success. For the reasons of security and the timely completion of the CPEC project additionally with the successful functioning of the Gwadar Free Trade Zone, Pakistan has allocated a special security division of over 8, 000 military personnel. In addition, an estimated number of 90,000 security personnel comprising the paramilitary and other security services of Pakistan also vigilantly monitor and ready to curb all the Indian secret activities for sabotaging the Chinese investment plans in Pakistan.


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Chinese Navy launches carrier killer destroyer in North Sea Fleet against US in Islamabad Times

Chinese Navy launches carrier killer destroyer in North Sea Fleet against US






Courtesy: Geo.tv Pakistan






On Monday White House spokesman Sean Spicer warned China the US would “defend” American and international interests in the disputed the South China Sea where China has built a series of artificial islands capable of military use.

“If those islands are, in fact, in international waters and not part of China proper, yeah, we’ll make sure we defend international interests from being taken over by one country,” he said.

Trump’s nominee for secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, said last week China’s access to the islands might be blocked — raising the prospect of a military confrontation.

China lays claim to a vast stretch of the waterway within a so-called “nine-dash line,” including waters claimed by several of its neighbour.

The Global Times said Trump had called repeatedly for a US nuclear arms build-up.

“Even Washington feels that its naval forces and nuclear strength are lacking, so how can China be content with its current nuclear strength when it is viewed by the US as its biggest potential opponent?” it asked.

The paper said China’s nuclear forces “must be so strong that no country would dare launch a military showdown” with it.

“China must procure a level of strategic military strength that will force the US to respect it.”

The comments were in marked contrast to Xi’s speech at the United Nations days earlier.

“Nuclear weapons should be completely prohibited and destroyed over time to make the world free of nuclear weapons,” Xi said.

China has been a nuclear power since 1964.

The PLA has been flexing its muscles since Trump’s election, showing off upgraded combat aircraft and new fighters. The country’s only aircraft carrier entered the Taiwan Strait this month in a symbolic show of strength.

On Monday the PLA navy announced it had commissioned its fifth “carrier killer” guided-missile destroyer and delivered it to the North Sea Fleet.

The system is believed to be designed to deter the US Navy, which has the world’s largest number of carriers.

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Despite US concerns, Pakistan Announced to test Fire its first ICBM in 2014

Despite US concerns, Pakistan Announced to test Fire its first ICBM 2014





The Pakistani military has declared that the country is ready to test-fire its first indigenously developed ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic missile) named “Taimur” despite the Heavy concerns of the United States, Europen Union & the country’s Arch-rival India. The Pakistan’s Powerful Military has issued the statement at a time Whitehouse is doing its level best to persuade the country to confine its Nuclear and Missile Program. According to the Statement released by a senior official from the Pakistan’s Military public relation wing, The ICBM will be able to cover a range of up to 7,500 km which will make the Islamabad capable of hitting its opponents anywhere in the Entire Asia, Europe and some Part of Africa, Australia and the USA.

Senior Defense Experts believe, That the test will send a strong message to the united states as they are cooperating with the country’s arch-rival India in the fields of defense and Technology which is Boosting the professional capabilities of the Indian Armed forces, what Pakistan consider a potential threat to its security & sovereignty. The Missile test will also influence the Pakistan’s campaign of avoiding India get the Permanent seat in the UNSC.

The Pakistan’s First ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) “Taimur” missile, is reportedly 19-meter tall, weighing 46 tonnes and it can hold nuclear warheads with up to 2.1 tonnes.
Last year, Pakistan had successfully tested fired A nuclear Ballistic missile Shaheen-3 which has the capability to strike Anywhere in India & in the whole middle east including Israel.

Although, The Pakistani Govt had denied the Arms race or Arms competition with Economically strong India, But the recent missile and armed drones tests from the Pakistani Army shows the country is not ready to accept India as a regional military power.

Most Recently, A survey released by New york times shows, Pakistan as the largest producer of Nuclear weapons, Missiles & other latest automatic weapons, The survey also claimed that the country may become the third largest nuclear power by 2025.

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Pakistan’s Letter to Iran Regarding Indian RAW Spy Network’s in Chah Bahar by Super Sleuth

Pakistan’s Letter to Iran

Regarding Indian RAW Spy Network’s in Chah Bahar by Super Sleuth


Super Sleuth,

Pakistan Think Tank


Page 1.





Page 2.





Strategic Map of Gwadar & Chah Bahar Region


Additional Readings

Backstabbing By “Brotherly” Iran

After Pakistan Stayed Neutral & Upset its Beloved Friends the Saudi Arabia 

during Yemen Crisis




China China’s Gwadar and India’s Chahbahar: an analysis of Sino-India geo-strategic and economic competition


    Abdul Mateen Sandhu



China’s Gwadar and India’s Chahbahar: an analysis of Sino-India geo-strategic and economic competition


Zahid Ali Khan




Since 9/11, there is a growing Indo-Iranian naval cooperation in the IndianOcean and the Arabian Sea. Pakistan and China are directly affected bythis cooperation. In this regard, Pakistan and China are actively collaborating on the development of Gwadar port, since it has an immense
significance for China to fulfill its economic and strategic objectives. China‟s interests in Gwadar Port are to strengthen its relationship with Pakistan, diversifyand secure its crude oil import routes, and to extend its presence in the IndianOcean and the Arabian Sea. On the other hand, India seeks to address its need tosecure energy routes, and to counter the growing Chinese influence in theArabian Sea, Persian Gulf, and the Indian Ocean. For this purpose, India broughtIran into an economic and strategic alliance. India spent huge amount on theIranian Port of Chahbahar. Iran is already working on Chahbahar port in Sistan-Baluchistan, which will be easily accessible for Indian imports and exportsthrough roads and rail links to Afghanistan and Central Asia. The development ofGwadar by China, and Chahbahar by India, resulted not only in open rivalry andcompetition between the two countries in the region, but also raised contentionfor the economic and natural resources of Central Asia.The growing competition between China and India has an adverse impact onthe Pak-Iran relations. The two ports, Pakistani Port Gwader, and the Iranian PortChahbahar is the main cause of their geo-strategic and economic competition.China is mainly concerned over the growing Indian expansion in the IndianOcean and the Arabian Sea. Moreover, the cordiality and warmth in Indo-USrelations since the conclusion of US-India civilian nuclear cooperation on one hand, and cooperation between India and Iran in Afghanistan and Central Asia on the other hand, became a matter of grave concern for China‟s long
-standing strategic and economic objectives in the region. India has dual objectives, toencircle Pakistan by establishing good relations with Iran and Afghanistan, and tocounterweight China. It is the only power which can compete with Indianhegemony and supremacy in the region. Pakistan cannot outperform India alone,as Indian navy is many more times greater than Pakistan
Dr. Zahid Ali Khan is Associate Professor, Department of International Relations,University of Balochistan, Quetta.

Strategic Studies

For this purpose, she needs active Chinese cooperation in the Port of Gwadar, since it is the only port, which can serve the best interests of both Chinaand Pakistan in the region. The port will, therefore, enable China to keep a strict
watch on India‟s growing influence in the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea, and
Persian Gulf. Hence, the possibility of any future economic and militarycollaboration between India and the US in the region can be effectively dealtwith. Another geographical advantage of the port is that it will reduce thedistance for energy imports from Persian Gulf to China. Gwadar also holds ageo-strategic significance for China because of its proximity with the sea lane between the Middle East and China. It is vital for oil trade. As a gateway to theIndian Ocean, Gwadar will provide Beijing with a listening base from where theChinese may exert surveillance on hyper-strategic sea links. The militaryactivities of the Indian and American navies in the region can also be closelywatched. Gwadar port will also provide a strong base for Chinese ships andsubmarines. Since Gwadar Port can fulfill its political, security and commercialobjectives vis a vis India, China has spent a huge amount on its construction.Similarly, India has also spent money on the Iranian Port Chabahar which provides India an easy access to Central Asia through Afghanistan. The Port ofChahbahar is located about 70 kilometers west of Gwadar. Direct access to theArabian Sea would give India a strategic advantage, especially, from a keylocation of its navy. The national interests of both China and Pakistan convergeand become compatible under the prevalent circumstances.Moreover, Pak-China friendship is a great challenge for the Indian geo-strategic and economic objectives. India is trying its best to sabotage and undo it.
Gwadar‟s competition for trade and transport will come from Chahbahar, the
newIndian-financed port in Iran. India‟s ultimate objective is to bypass Pakistan, and
also cooperate with Iran on a highway system that leads from Chahbahar port
into Afghanistan and Central Asia. Chahbahar‟s geo-strategic location plays an important role in connecting India to Afghanistan and Central Asia both militarily and economically. India sees Central Asia, Iran, and Afghanistan situated at the crossroads of overland trading routes as a potential consumer market for Indian products. Similarly, Iran
wants to get India‟s cost effective source of high technology inputs.
 Against this background, the paper discusses the paramount significance ofthe two Ports Gwadar and Chabahar to China and India respectively. The paper mainly focuses on the divergence and conflicting interests of China and India inthe Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Afghanistan and Central Asia.The paper, therefore, describes cooperation between Iran and India to create a North-South Corridor, and, more specifically, a trade between Central Asia and China’s
Gwadar and India’s Chahbahar: an
 analysis of Sino-India geo-strategic and economic competition
the Iranian port of Chahbahar. An attempt is made to examine the implication of Sino-Indian rivalry on the bilateral friendly relations between Pakistan and Iran.
Significance of Gwadar Port in Pak-China Strategic and Trade Relations
 Gwadar is a deep-sea port situated at Gwadar in the Balochistan province ofPakistan at the apex of the Arabian Sea, about 460 km west of Karachi, 75 kmeast of Pakistan’s border with Iran and 400 km from the Strait of Harmoz.
 Since1783, it was under the suzerainty of the Government of Oman. Gwadar officially became part of Pakistan on 8 December, 1958. At the time, Gwadar was a smalland underdeveloped fishing village with a few thousands population. TheGovernment of Pakistan integrated Gwadar into Balochistan province on 1 July,1977. In 1993, the Government formally proposed a plan to make Gwadar amajor commercial city with a deep-sea port and to connect it with the other partsof the country through the construction of roads and railway networks. On 22ndMarch, 2002, the Government of Pakistan started working on the constructionof Gwadar Port.Gwadar Port was constructed in two phases with the technical and financial assistance of China. The construction of Gwadar Port started in March 2002 afterthe Chinese decided to provide $198 million of $ 248 million required for thefirst phase of the port. The first Phase involved the construction of threemultipurpose ship berths. While, the development work on Phase II was formally estimated $ 600 million, including the construction of nine additional berths, one bulk cargo terminal, one grain terminal, and two oil terminals. It was officially inaugurated by Sardar Nabil Ahmed Khan Gabol, the Federal Minister of Ports and Shipping, on December 21st, 2008.
 China has acknowledged the strategic significance of Gwadar no less than that of the Karakoram Highway. This will further strengthen the relations between Pakistan and China. China is also interested to turn Gwadar into anenergy-transport hub by building an oil pipeline from Gwadar into China’sProvince of Xinjiang. The proposed pipeline will carry crude oilfrom Arab and African states. It is expected that the Gwadar Port would generate billions of dollars in revenues and create at least two million jobs for theuneducated youth of the country.
 Gwadar provides China a transit terminal for crude-oil imports from Iran and
Africa to China‟s Xinjiang province. Gwadar’s strategic advantage to China is
due to its close proximity with the Strait of Hormuz. The presence of the US forces in the region poses not only a threat to Chinese navy but, also, to its …Please Read the rest here:
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