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Five Stages of a Masjid Fight:Many Masjid Worshipers are Dormant Volcanoes

Five Stages of a Masjid Fight

The Prophet said, “If somebody sees his Muslim ruler doing something he disapproves of, he should be patient, for whoever becomes separate from the Muslim group even for a span and then dies, he will die as those who died in the Pre-Islamic period of ignorance (as rebellious sinners). Sahih Al-Bukhari 9:257 (See Hadith No. 176 and 177)


Hast thou not turned thy vision to those who have been given a portion of the Book? They are invited to the Book of Allah to settle their dispute but a party of them turn back and decline (the arbitration). (Qur’an 3:23.

The concept of dispute is mentioned approximately 60 times in the Qur’an. Various ayats illustrate how people disputed God’s revelation and validity of prophetic leadership. Disputes occur all the time in churches, business organizations and families. Yes, they also happen in our Masajids. Minor disputes can turn into nasty fights. Some start small, quickly escalate, or build up over time.

Most disputes have a common cause and end with common disastrous results. Believers in Islam are encouraged to avoid common disputes, steer clear of disastrous results and use Islamic methods of settling them when ever they occur. Sometimes a dispute starts between two members and their friends are drawn in. One of the most classic confrontations that can occur is between a membership and Masjid leadership. This type of conflict is unique because it tends to involve more people and its negative effects can last for years.

There is no specific timeline for how quickly or slowly a dispute progresses through the five stages. It depends on facts of the dispute, intensity of emotions, types of individuals involved and level of Islamic comprehension.

Common causes of disputes 
Some common causes of disputes are: People who talk wisely but act unjustly; misuse of authority or administrative judgment; suspicions of financial mismanagement; decision making style; inappropriate power seeking; and loss of community trust. Dynasty domination is the basis for conflict in some places of worship. Dynasty conflict happens when one family seems to have too much power, over too many matters and for too long.

The Stages

Stage 1: I think you made a mistake. At this stage a member or leadership may feel a problem can be resolved by writing a letter or setting up an informal meeting to discuss issues. One person may believe the other has unknowingly made a mistake or simply lacks information of the facts. To their surprise, the decision maker fully understands all facts, wants no further information and carefully chose their decision.

Stage 2: I can’t believe you mean that. Mild irritation starts because the letter or meeting to provide information changed nothing. Either party can conclude the other is not misinformed and is simply wrong. There is a quick change in strategy. Each party to the dispute will try to persuaded other people to join the controversy. Groups are formed and unspoken opposition starts. Each group feels their argument is just as strong and correct as the other. Some individuals may start doing research on various expert opinions, books and articles to support their position. Psychological pushing and pulling starts as opposing parties express their dissatisfaction to others seeking support. Resolution is still possible because no real harm has taken place. Only arguments have occurred.

Stage 3: Power to the front. Clear and distinct groups form with more members. The environment definitely changes to “You are either with us or against us”. One group is formed to attack and another to defend. Before joining either side some individuals may stop to self-assess. Are they right on the issues? Am I right in what I am doing? At this point, some people withdraw from the controversy, yet remain in the organization, preferring “a bad peace over a good war”. Others leave the organization because of unhappiness. Matters get worse when people who were sitting on the sidelines are drawn into the fight. Feelings are strong and those who don’t want to be involved are forced to choose a side. Accusations become stronger, rumors are more frequent and distrust spreads. People in either group can start fabricating information, present distorted facts and make untrue statement to gain supporters.

Stage 4: Ready, aim. Both sides now become clear enemies and prepare for a fight to the finish. Psychological pushing and shoving as a tactic is no longer used. Very hard line positions are established and no one wants to compromise. Somebody has got to go.

Blocking and removing certain individuals from participation now starts. Legal or procedural rules are used to force certain members out. Others may attempt to make life so difficult for the offending leadership that he or she will resign. Confidence votes may be called for, new elections may be tried and alternative leadership put forth. The accused leadership now must resort to protecting and defending itself from removal. Opposition members increase their efforts to oust the offending leaders. Administrative survival time may be short for the offending leader at this point, but he/she can still leave voluntarily without too many scars. In this stage both sides can lose supporters because the situation is so chaotic. Not wanting part in deceitful tactics some people will change from one group to the other. Some may feel that the only way to regain peace is to start with new leadership that isn’t from either side. By this point people have forgotten what the original disagreement was about. Fighting and keeping ones position becomes the objectives. More people than ever will leave the organization because of disgust with the whole situation.

Stage 5: Winds of destruction. If resignation or removal does not happen by this point you can expect some of the worst behavior possible. Fighters are fanatics and the fight is now like a jihad. There are no rules, no referee or three knock down rule.

If the accused insist on staying in office his opposition will seek to ruin him legally and personally. There may be members from either side of the conflict who want to see the others tarred, feathered, chased out the city, and kicked in the rear as they leave.

If the leadership is successful in holding its positions, the opposing side will probably leave. Should members win, the leadership and its supporters will leave. Whoever wins the fight will probably be left in the Masjid alone. The division may never heal because unforgivable deeds have been committed and heartless things said.


Fear Allah as he ought to be feared Regarding disputes, both leadership, and community members have responsibilities based on Qur’an and Hadith. The best advice for disputing parties is “fear Allah as he ought to be feared and know the facts.

Disputes are decided by people choosing sides. Before siding with anyone, you should know the facts for yourself. The Qur’an advises us not to act on what we do not know. In sura Al Isra: “And pursue not that of which you have no knowledge; for every act of hearing or of seeing or of (feeling in) the heart will be inquired into (on the Day of Reckoning).” (17:36)

Those in authority must rule in an honest manner: “Allah doth command you to render back your trusts to those to whom they are due; and when ye judge between man and man that ye judge with justice: verily how excellent is the teaching which He giveth you! for Allah is He who heareth and seeth all things”. Holy Qu’ran; Surah 4, The Women (4: 58). Narrated Ma’qil: I heard the Prophet saying, “Any man whom Allah has given the authority of ruling some people and he does not look after them in an honest manner, will never feel even the smell of Paradise.”( Sahih Al-Bukhari 9:264) Narrated Ma’qil: Allah’s Apostle said, “If any ruler having the authority to rule Muslim subjects dies while he is deceiving them, Allah will forbid Paradise for him.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari 9:265)

Take cautious corrective steps when you see a Muslim ruler doing something wrong. We should voice our concerns as responsible people. Those in leadership should listen and act responsibly. We are not required to be passive and silent when faced with incompetence, corruption, deceit, imminent threat of danger or irreparable harm. We should have procedures in place to put in office and remove offenders without resort to violence. We should not destroy unjustly reputations or careers.

“O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah as witnesses to fair dealing and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to Piety: and fear Allah for Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do”. Holy Qu’ran; Surah Maida, or The Table Spread (5:9). Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: The Prophet said, “If somebody sees his Muslim ruler doing something he disapproves of, he should be patient, for whoever becomes separate from the Muslim group even for a span and then dies, he will die as those who died in the Pre-Islamic period of ignorance (as rebellious sinners). Sahih Al-Bukhari 9:257 (See Hadith No. 176 and 177).

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Muslims Organizations have become minions of the devil.  They are ridden with strife, biradaris, linguistic and national rivalries  Islam is being used as tool to promote their power hunger.  Get two Muslims together in an organization, they want to start a power grab. Even, they are the only two members of an organization, they will fight like hyenas over the carcass of power. Muslims are are the most indisciplined people, and among them Pakistanis are the worst, probably in the whole world. In olden day, in order to give information to the public on important issues 1947-51), Pakistan Airforce used to drop leaflets from the air. People on the ground would fight to the point of nearly killing themselves to grab a leaflet. they would become inveterate enemies, to dominate the workings of an organization.  Muslim leaders are drunkurds, not only of alcohol but also of power.  In their minds Islam is just a tool to gain political power.  Their selfish aims of self promotion and personal agrandizement are limitless in material goods also.  Men and women would sell their souls to get material wealth. Go to the gold market of Dubai or the Sarafa Bazaar, Muslim men and women are drooling over gold baubles. But, gold is not the only vice, Muslims especially Pakistanis haunt prostitution dens of Thailand.  Details of these “Muslim” shananigans are described in the final section.  According to the Wikipedia: “The women involved in the practice of prostitution in Pakistan can be divided into three broad categories: women who have been trafficked or lured into the profession and women who have been born into the profession and women who willingly seek out a pimp to make extra money.[10]Trafficked women are mainly found in the brothels, while those who willingly join this profession work as call girls, usually accompanied by a dalal or bharva or pimp. Those born into the profession are ‘schooled’ at home and operate under the management of their mother or another older female relative.[11]

Prostitution, especially in brothels, often remains associated with human trafficking as trafficked women are sold into brothels. In 2003, approximately 20,000 minors were engaged in prostitution in Pakistan.[12]

A recent study indicated that major cities like Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad and Multan have large population of sex workers. Many sex workers in these cities operate from hotels or homes. Some cities have red-light districts, but due to illegal status of prostitution, many sex workers work in homes and other private facilities.[13] There are very few identifiable traditional red-light districts in the cities in Pakistan. Prostitution in Pakistan is dispersed throughout urban areas in residential suburbs.[4]

Cities like Karachi and Lahore are major base of operation for call-girls. In Karachi, many girls take on the occupation of call-girls independently; however most girls enter into prostitution after coming into contact with a pimp. The girls share 40%–50% of their income with the pimps. Some call girls work with the pimps under a fixed monthly amount, and the pimps provide police protection, shelter and bear daily expenses. Many call girls learn dance-forms like mujra to earn more money.[5] Most of the prostitutes operating in affluent urban areas are educated and belong to the middle-class.[4]

Affluent men in the nation may have a second or even a third wife who may be a prostitute, with whom they have had a semi-permanent sexual relationship in return for financial support. These men and women do not view their relationship in terms that of a client and a sex worker.[4]

According to a 2001 report by DePaul University’s International Human Rights Law Institute, Afghan women were sold into prostitution in Pakistan for around 600 rupees, less than $4 a pound, depending on their weight.[14] A 2003 report by the International Organization for Migration said that although there was little information available on the incidence of prostitution of Afghans in Pakistan, anecdotal information indicated that economically driven prostitution was ongoing in major urban areas in addition to instances of forced prostitution.[15]

Male and gay prostitution is increasing in Pakistan, though gay prostitution is not a recent phenomenon in the country. British explorer Richard Francis Burton, who visited the Sindh region long before the British conquest, documented a brothel of boy prostitutes in Karachi. Today many areas of large cities in the country have become virtual red-light districts for gay sex.[16] Male prostitutes operate their business in every city and major town in Pakistan.[17] Clients of male prostitutes come from every class, age group and profession.[16] Homosexual men belonging to the upper and middle classes frequently pick up male prostitutes from video game shops, restaurants and cold-drinks spots. Young male prostitutes generally find customers in places like dark alleys, crowded bus stops, shopping centres, cinemas, hotel lobbies, parks, railway stations, hospitals, school compounds, elevators of public buildings etc. Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Sabzi Mandi, Kharadar, Lea Market, LandhiMalir, and Lyari in Karachi are places visited by homosexuals from lower income groups. Clients in these areas primarily consist of bus drivers and conductors, night watchmen, labourers from upcountry, policemen, low-income government officials, small-time businesspersons etc.[17]

Many male prostitutes offer services at hotel rooms booked for the purpose instead of the client’s residence. This is because while accompanying a client to his residence prostitutes become vulnerable to assault or robbery. Some prostitutes have sex with clients in the back seat of the client’s car.[17] There are many part-time prostitutes who are students, salespersons, workers in hotels and garages. They become involved in the profession to earn extra money, and often to get a job in the film industry.[18] Some involved in prostitution often manage to save enough money to go abroad in search of a job.[19] Many boys are frequently used by the police without getting paid. Plainclothes police officers are often involved in the extortion and blackmail of male prostitutes.[19][20]

Male prostitutes in the country generally range from fifteen to twenty-five years of age. However, a few prostitutes are in their early thirties and some are as young as thirteen. Like their clients, male prostitutes have varying ethnic backgrounds. The majority of male prostitutes have little or no education, however some are graduates.[18] An average male prostitute in Pakistan earns approximately 5,0000 to 7,0000 rupees per month.[21] However those who have clients among foreign tourists earn much more.[19]

Instead of being followers of the greatest man of Peace, the earth has ever produced, they are are in a Vise Grip or Shikanja of Shaitaan.

If few good people set-up a new Masjid, they are usually kicked off by these opportunists from such nations as Pakistan, south and UP Indian MuslimsYemen. Lebanon, Iran, Bengladesh, and Arabs, who are the most crude and neanderthal in such cock fights.  

Such news items in the Christian and Jewish controlled media are common place in US. Christians and Jews are not being malicious about Muslim dogfights, but saddened by Muslim groups making US their battle ground. Division among, Shia, Sunni, Wahabi, Barelvi, Deobandi, and in finitum are splashed amongst the readers of US newspapers. Muslim are carrying NOT the Message of Peace and Brotherhood Preached by the Man Of Peace From Makkah, but, they carry in their hearts the fire of hatred and DIVISION.

In one Court Case, the Jewish Judge Presided over arbitratiom over the internecine warfare of so-called Munafiqeen or Muslim Organizations leaders and rank and file in America.  No wonder, their type of Islam produces the likes of apostates Salman Rushdi, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Irshad Manji.  Here is a classic case where a Jewish judge is separating the two scuffling Muslim Organizations from destroying each others.



  Surah Zumar 46
Transliteration 46; Quli allahumma fatira alssamawati waalardi AAalima alghaybi waalshshahadati anta tahkumu baynaAAibadika fee ma kanoo feehi yakhtalifoona
Yusuf Ali 46: Say: “O Allah. Creator of the heavens and the earth!


Knower of all that is hidden and open!

it is Thou that wilt judge between Thy Servants

in those matters about which they have differed.”

French 46: Dis: ‹Ô Allah, Créateur des cieux et de la terre, Connaisseur


de tout ce que le monde ignore comme de ce qu’il perçoit, c’est Toi qui jugeras entre

Tes serviteurs ce sur quoi ils divergeaient›.

Spanish 46: Di: “¡Alá, creador de los cielos y de la tierra! ¡El Conocedor de lo oculto y de lo patente!


Tú decidirás entre Tus siervos sobre aquello en que discrepaban”.

Indonesian 46: Katakanlah: “Ya Allah, Pencipta langit dan bumi,


Yang mengetahui barang ghaib dan yang nyata,

Engkaulah Yang memutuskan antara hamba-hamba-Mu tentang apa yang

selalu mereka memperselisihkannya”.

Melayu 46: Ucapkanlah (wahai Muhammad): Wahai Tuhan yang menciptakan langit dan bumi,


yang mengetahui perkara-perkara yang ghaib dan yang nyata,

Engkaulah jua yang mengadili di antara hamba-hambaMu,

mengenai apa yang mereka sentiasa berselisihan padanya.

German 46: “Sprich: “”O Allah! Schöpfer der Himmel und der Erde! Kenner des Verborgenen


und des Offenbaren! Du allein wirst zwischen Deinen Dienern richten über das,

worüber sie uneins waren.””

Russian 46: Скажи: «О Аллах, Творец небес и земли, Ведающий сокровенное и явное!


Ты рассудишь Своих рабов в том, в чем они расходились во мнениях».

Bosnian 46: Reci: “Allahu, Stvoritelju nebesa i Zemlje, Ti koji znaš nevidljivi i vidljivi svijet,


Ti ćeš robovima Svojim presuditi u onome oko čega su se razilazili!”





Here is a Letter from Muslim Organization in California involved in a Intra-Muslim Legal Warfare: Analyze their motives. They uses verses of the Glorious Qu’raan to justify the motives:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Assalam O Alaikum,

We would like to inform you that ICN has made another reprehensible attempt to deprive the community of their right to participate in ICN elections. ICN has filed an appeal in CA Court of Appeals challenging the upcoming election process. As such, the LA Superior court has ordered stay (temporarily postponed the election) until the appeal is adjudicated or the court lifts the stay. ICN has brought similar objections in their appeal that they brought in last year in Court of Appeals and Supreme courts where both of their appeals were denied.


Note: Here they justify there tactics by exploiting the words of All Wabarakeatallah: Please have patience and put your trust in Allah SWT who has brought us this far and will eventually insha’Allah take it to the end Cry.  The elections have only been “Postponed” and not “Canceled”. Please ignore any rumors that come out of ICN announcements after Friday prayers.


The court order is shown below for your information.



So, please stay tuned for further updates on the election process and go to our website www.gomasf.com for the latest news.
Jazak’Allah Khair,

Save Masajid – Save Community – Save Generations

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