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Pakistanis Petition to Gen Raheel Sharif to Help Fight Corruption @Change.org


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Overview of corruption in Pakistan

Corruption remains a substantial obstacle for Pakistan where it is still perceived to be widespread and systemic. Petty corruption in the form of bribery is prevalent in law enforcement, procurement and the provision of public services. The judiciary is not seen as independent and considered to be shielding corrupt political practices from prosecution. Various efforts over the past years have tried to develop institutional mechanisms to address these problems. A National Anti-Corruption Strategy, which was developed in 2002, offers a comprehensive plan for tackling corruption. The executing agency, the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), is endowed with comprehensive powers to investigate and prosecute cases. However, a lack of political will, coupled with the perceived co-option of the judiciary and the arbitrariness of many anti-corruption proceedings, and the involvement of NAB Czar,Maj(Retd) Qamaruzzaman in conflict of interest and “double-dipping,”case, where he received Government pension from the Pakistan Army,as well as salary from corrupt Nawaz Sharif Government are major obstacles.

Pakistan: Overview of corruption and anti-­corruption efforts

U4 Expert Answer 2015:15

Pakistan has regularly featured near the bottom of international indices for corruption. Despite relatively strong legislation, the country is currently lacking in key areas, in particular regarding whistleblower protection and freedom of information. There is also a large gap between the legislative framework and the implementation, with a poorly funded police force and an anti-­corruption agency struggling with a lack of competent staff.

The newly democratically elected government has pledged to make fighting corruption one of its priorities. Recent anti-­corruption efforts have included setting up new regional offices for the national anti-­corruption agency and proposing draft laws on whistleblowing in government departments.

However, political interference in public institutions prevents independent and effective investigations into corruption. There is little indication of a firm political will to address and challenge undue influence across the public sector.


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