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Archive for April, 2014

اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان کا اصل چہرہ دیکھ لو

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اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان کا اصل چہرہ دیکھ لو


دنیا میں سب سے کرپٹ مافیہ پاکستان میں ہے ..جو ہر طبقہ اور تقریبآ ہر ادارے میں پائی جاتی ہے ..مگر جس کو اوپر سے نیچے تک کرپٹ حکمرانوں کی ہمیشہ سرپرستی رہی ہے ..زمینوں .پلاٹوں .قبضہ گروپ کی مافیہ .ہو یا میڈیا جیسے جیو اور جنگ گروپ کی مافیہ ہو .دیکھ لو ..فوج بھی بے بس نظر آ رہی ہے ..حتہ کہ وزیر داخلہ بھی بے بس نظر آ رہا ہے .جبکہ پرویز رشید واضح علان کر چکے ہیں کہ ان کے مفادات جیو اور جنگ گروپ کے ساتھ ہیں ..کیونکہ اقتدار کی کرسی تک پنچانے تک جیو اور جنگ گروپ نے شریف برادران کا ساتھ دیا تھا ..اس میڈیا گروپ کو دیکھ لو .اس مافیہ گروپ کے اثاثے پوری دنیا میں ہیں .خاص کر دوبئی کو ہی دیکھ لو .کتنی پراپرٹی ہے ..اربوں روپے کے گھپلے ان کے خلاف ہیں .بلکہ باقائدہ مقدمات عدالتوں میں سالہاسال سے چل رہے ہیں .اور مزید اضافہ کے ساتھ چلتے رہیں گے ..مگر فیصلہ یا پکڑ کوئی نہیں ہو گی ..عدالتوں میں مقدمات کا ہر روز اضافہ ہو رہا ہے .مگر انصاف ناپید ..عدالتیں بکتی ہیں .انصاف بکتا ہے .غریب کا خون بھی کمیٹیوں کی نظر ہو کر بکتا ہے .کچھ ہڑتالیں ہوتی ہیں.کچھ احتجاج ہوتے ہیں .کچھ جلوس نکلتے ہیں .کچھ جلسے ہوتے ہیں .کہیں تقریریں ہوتی ہیں .کہیں تختیاں لگتی ہیں ..مگر ایکشن کوئی نہیں ہوتا ..اگر کہیں کوئی گولی اور انصاف کی بھینٹ چڑتا ہے .تو صرف غریب میرے جیسا ..جس کی کوئی سفارش نہ ہو یا پنچ نہ ہو یا جیب میں رشوت کے لئے پیسے نہ ہوں ..جتنی مرضی دوہائی دے لو .دھرنے دے لو .حکمران ٹس سے مس نہیں ہوتا ..وہ عالمی بینک سے قرض بھی لے رہا ہے .اور ٨٠ پرسنٹ کرپشن کر کے خرد برد بھی کر رہا ہے ..اور پھر مزید قرضے لے کر ہضم بھی کرتا جا رہا . عوام پر مزید بوجھ بھی بنا رہا ہے .مگر کرپشن کی رقم واپس وصول نہیں کرتا اور نہ اس کی دلچسپی ہے ..کیونکہ یہ رقم قومی خزانے کا حصہ بنتی ہے …یونیورسٹیاں ڈگریاں دیتی جا رہی ہیں .مگر نوجوانوں کے لئے نہ کوئی فیلڈ ٹریننگ اور نہ ملازمت اور نہ کوئی مستقل بنیادوں پر پلاننگ …ہسپتال اور سکول نہ حکومت بناتی ہے .نہ آج تک کوئی تعلیم کا نظام قوم کو دیا گیا ہے .اور جو ہسپتال .سکول بناۓ جاتے ہیں .وہاں ڈاکٹر اور استاد کی بجاۓ گدھے باندھ دئے جاتے ہیں ..تمام حکومت کی پراپرٹی پر جاگیرداروں اور وڈیروں نے قبضے جماۓ ہوۓ ہیں ..یہاں تک کہ فوج جیسے مظبوط ادارے کی میڈیا نے ایسی تیسی کر دی ..مگر میڈیا مافیہ کا فوج اگر کچھ نہیں بگاڑ سکی ..تو آپ اندازہ کر لیں .اس مافیہ کے آگے ایک عام کی کیا حیثیت ہو گی ..کیسے یہ ملک چل رہا ہے اور کیوں چل رہا ہے .کون چلا رہا ہے .کس طرز پر چل رہا ہے .اور کیا ہونے والا ہے ..بھوت سوالات ہیں ..مگر جواب ……آخر کب تک ….کب .کیوں .کیسے .اور کون …کیا ہو گا .کون آپریشن کرے گا …انقلاب نا گزیر ہے .مگر آے گا کب اور کیسے ….اس ملک کے ماتھے کی سیاھی کون صاف کرے گا ..کرپٹ کب لٹکاۓ جایں گے .انصاف اور احتساب کب ہو گا ..اس ملک کا چہرہ کون تبدیل کرے گا ….آگ اور خون کا کھیل کب ختم ہو گا .کب یہ اندھیری رات ختم ہو گی ….آخر کب تک یہ سسکیوں .چیخوں کا سلسلہ چلتا رہے گا …جاوید اقبال چیمہ ..میلان ..اطالیہ..٠٠٣٩٣٢٠٣٣٧٣٣٣٩..

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So What happened? An Update on Crisis:- by Moeed Pirzada

So What happened? An Update on Crisis:-  by  Moeed Pirzada




Mir Shakil ur Rehman, owner of GEO TV, overplayed his hand two days ago when he erroneously believed or was made to believe that his direct attack on ISI and Army will help in firing the ISI Chief. He went on the frontal assault without having any evidence to substantiate, because he was getting a nod from somewhere. This is called ‘drunk with power’ or ‘impunity’. This was perhaps also an attempt to boost up the sagging popularity of his once ‘mightiest channel’.

However what he didn’t realize was that all other TV channels will gang up against him; he also ignored that opinion making has effectively shifted to Social Media where millions of more younger & educated Pakistanis express themselves more freely in a horizontal fashion and their anger resonates and becomes “force multiplier” because of sharing tools.

Also by the next morning there was an internal realization by most people inside channel that attack represented some third force and that Hamid was under threat from many other sources; which is now becoming more and more clear. MSR could have averted this disaster if he had a more professional and genuine “Director News” like Azhar Abbas who would have advised him or resisted this relentless attack against the ISI that continued for several hours. 

Nawaz Sharif’s PML-N Govt unfortunately was a loser. Its reaction was intriguing. Instead of realizing that the initiative through the channel is backfiring by creating deep and wide resentment they appeared like taking pleasure out of it, thinking it useful in their own ongoing tussle with the Army. This was a huge blunder; Army waited for two days and finally this morning lent its full support to the ISI;

Nawaz govt therefore lost a God sent opportunity of asserting its leadership over the whole political system including the ISI and Army. All it needed was either the PM or the Defense Minister condemning the attack on Hamid Mir in strongest terms, but while promising a high powered Enquiry it needed to warn GEO and everyone else that Govt stands by its national institutions and if there are any rogue elements it will punish them severely but won’t let anyone dishonor and disrepute its ‘key institutions’.

So What happened? An Update on Crisis:-  by  Moeed Pirzada

Mir Shakil ur Rehman, owner of GEO TV, overplayed his hand two days ago when he erroneously believed or was made to believe that his direct attack on ISI and Army will help in firing the ISI Chief. He went on the frontal assault without having any evidence to substantiate, because he was getting a nod from somewhere. This is called ‘drunk with power’ or ‘impunity’. This was perhaps also an attempt to boost up the sagging popularity of his once ‘mightiest channel’.
However what he didn’t realize was that all other TV channels will gang up against him; he also ignored that opinion making has effectively shifted to Social Media where millions of more younger & educated Pakistanis express themselves more freely in a horizontal fashion and their anger resonates and becomes “force multiplier” because of sharing tools.
Also by the next morning there was an internal realization by most people inside channel that attack represented some third force and that Hamid was under threat from many other sources; which is now becoming more and more clear. MSR could have averted this disaster if he had a more professional and genuine “Director News” like Azhar Abbas who would have advised him or resisted this relentless attack against the ISI that continued for several hours. 
Nawaz Sharif’s PML-N Govt unfortunately was a loser. Its reaction was intriguing. Instead of realizing that the initiative through the channel is backfiring by creating deep and wide resentment they appeared like taking pleasure out of it, thinking it useful in their own ongoing tussle with the Army. This was a huge blunder; Army waited for two days and finally this morning lent its full support to the ISI;
Nawaz govt therefore lost a God sent opportunity of asserting its leadership over the whole political system including the ISI and Army. All it needed was either the PM or the Defense Minister condemning the attack on Hamid Mir in strongest terms, but while promising a high powered Enquiry it needed to warn GEO and everyone else that Govt stands by its national institutions and if there are any rogue elements it will punish them severely but won’t let anyone dishonor and disrepute its ‘key institutions’.
Why Nawaz Govt could not do it? Analysts will argue that they were actually aligned with the GEO TV channel and had sour feelings due to the continuing confrontation with the Army over Mush trial and Defense Minister’s comments etc..what ever the inside reasons may be, govt failed to do “damage control” on Sunday night creating the widely held belief that it had aligned itself with the GEO tv channel against its own military.
But that was not all; the longish celebratory tweet by TTP on 20th declaring that ISI had attacked Hamid and that Army & ISI are the real obstacles, the real evil, against their Sharia Rule made it look like as if Govt is aligned with GEO at one end and TTP at the other against its own Army & Intelligence. It was the most bizarre possible scenario one could imagine that alarmed many in the key diplomatic community. Meanwhile Army that was watching the whole situation with mounting frustration ended up concluding that the whole thing was a conspiracy against them and they have no option but to act. So finally when Army made it clear, in black & white terms, that Govt needs to decide between a private channel and the Army, the govt – due to its repeated blunders – had no steam left to resist.
Govt will off-course help GEO as days pass; it may not be closed and a lesser punishment may result in the end. Though we must keep in mind that many large channels across the world have been closed under similar circumstances by regulators or governments. I suspect, Mir Shakil ur Rehman will cry endlessly and beg mercy everywhere from Islamabad to Washington to London to Brussels and will try to use all that influence it has created inside the legal system. Efforts will be done to blame some journalists (who did not realize till now that they were being used) and to suspend or fire them or shift them to other positions etc… [programs since Mon only prove that such a strategy is in process; similar techniques were used in 2007]
 However this is an important moment in our media history; this should lead to Media Reform with Regulator compelling channels for Internal Reform and Accountability and Systems of Internal Checks and Balances so that it is not possible for Seths/Investors to control journalists like Robots in their personal political agendas. GEO may also come back as a changed channel; but lets make no mistake: GEO had brilliant history, its future is less and less glamorous. It will no longer be able to sell itself as voice of Pakistan. That era is over.
Moral lesson: No man, however intelligent, should try playing God…

Govt will off-course help GEO as days pass; it may not be closed and a lesser punishment may result in the end. Though we must keep in mind that 
many large channels across the world have been closed under similar circumstances by regulators or governments. I suspect, Mir Shakil ur Rehman will cry endlessly and beg mercy everywhere from Islamabad to Washington to London to Brussels and will try to use all that influence it has created inside the legal system. Efforts will be done to blame some journalists (who did not realize till now that they were being used) and to suspend or fire them or shift them to other positions etc… [programs since Mon only prove that such a strategy is in process; similar techniques were used in 2007]

 However this is an important moment in our media history; this should lead to Media Reform with Regulator compelling channels for Internal Reform and Accountability and Systems of Internal Checks and Balances so that it is not possible for Seths/Investors to control journalists like Robots in their personal political agendas. GEO may also come back as a changed channel; but lets make no mistake: GEO had brilliant history, its future is less and less glamorous. It will no longer be able to sell itself as voice of Pakistan. That era is over.

Moral lesson: No man, however intelligent, should try playing God…

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CIA agent GEO TV & Hamid Mir exposed with comprehensiveproofs! 

Rehman Malik meets Hamid Mir! Who is protecting whom? Who isscratching whose back? Who is loyal and who is not? Over the years, Mr. HamidMir has been associating with various unsavory characters. Mr. Mir has nevercome clean on his own links with David Hasinsky (Principle architect of GEO-TVand VOA, Ex US-Navy “Officer” and AJC member), Casper Weinberger (HonoraryKnight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (‘GBE’) in 198), Al-Qaedaor the ISI or the Army. Geo has strategic links with SkyTV of the UK, CNN,IBN-CNN in India and the Voice of America (VOA). See article on VOA Geoalliance in Pakistan. http://www.usembassy.gov/pakistan/h05111301.html .Its aquarrel among thieves. Former friends have now become enemies! Lets just keepit at that–and lets not blow it out of proportion. Mr. Mir is riding the whitesteed now and is of course playing the game of being more sanctimonious thanthou.

Mr. Rehman Malik is a Zardari loyalist and is responsiblefor him getting into power. Mr. Rehman Malik’s role in the murder of Ms.Benazir Bhutto is yet to be investigated and Geo has done nothing toinvestigate either Shehanshah or Mr. Malik.

Mr. Hamid, despite his recent pretensions was a product ofthe establishment and a product of the ISI and Pakistani Army. As a journalisthe had deep links with the underworld, and was rewarded by allowing him tointerview Osama Bin Laden. In his recent role, he has been very critical of theArmy, the ISI, and the Talibs. At the height of the Bombay crisis, Mr. Mirchallenged the government’s story and tried to show that the Indians were rightand the Pakistanis were wrong. He made a lot of enemies that day.

Why was the notorious David Hazinski (more about thisscoundrel in this article and the one we wrote in 2008) doing at the Geos HQ?At GEO-TV’s main broadcast center in Karachi, Hazinski built a newsroom around24 Mac G4s running Final Cut Pro. News footage is captured with 40 Sony PD150sand 15 PD100s. NewTek Video Toaster 2 systems are used at bureaus in Islamabadand Lahore to switch between the main broadcast center. In addition todesigning a systems approach for GEO-TV, Hazinski helped teach the station’sstaff how to use the equipment and how to produce television news.

Hazinsky is a “US Navy Petty Officer with contacts with theState Department and the American Jewish Committee (AJC).” What are Hazinski’slinks with the VOA? See this

According to (http://www.intelligentmc.com/people.html)“Most recently, he re-designed the central International Broadcast Center forthe Voice of America in Washington and is consulting on new network launchesfor the VOA”. Lets see what else is going on at Geo.

Mr. Mir like the CIA and the US was very pro-Talib, and verypro-Army during the first Afghan Jihad. During the 2nd one, Mr. Mir regularlycriticizes the Pakistan Army and the ISI–similar to the tact taken by the USand the American intelligence agencies. Mir had his reasons for doing that! Mr.Mir challenged the world on exposing him. We just did, and also have writtenextensively on the origins of Geo and the usual suspects were involved in itsbirth, growth, evolution, and monopolization of the Pakistani media. Simplyput, Geo will safeguard its commercial interests and not the interests ofPakistan which it has sworn to uphold. That article was published on this siteseveral years ago when Geo was just starting out–and it wasn’t pretty.


Excerpts from that article are reproduced at the bottom ofthis article.

English: Hamid Mir with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Will Hamid Mir explain his and Geo’s connection of Hazinski?(See details in other article or bottom of this article)


Why did Geo hire a known Neocon for help in content?

Hazinski owns Intelligent Media Consultants, LLC, a company responsible for training the staffs and helping to launch eight television networks around the world, mostly on the sub-continent. These include Aaj Tak and CNN-IBN in India and GEO TV in Pakistan. He has also consulted for broadcasters and publishers such as the Voice of America, Gramedia in Indonesia, and Alsumaria in Beirut and Baghdad. While on the faculty, Hazinski spent two years as writer, co-host and technology advisor of the internationally syndicated World Business Review with Caspar Weinberger, the Secretary of Defense under Ronald Reagan. Before coming to UGA, Hazinski served six years as an international correspondent for NBC News, covering the U.S.,Europe, and Central America — and ten years before that as a TV reporter with stations in Charlotte and Pittsburgh. Office: 139, Fax Number: (706) 542-2183,E-Mail Address: [email protected]

Some say that VOA ads on Geo, along with Geo allowing the Voice of America permission to air its program on Geo could have been one ofthe reasons. The Voice of America pays Geo very handsomely for airing its point of view. With Dollars comes influence. PEMRA explicitly disallows foreign TV channels to broadcast their networks from Pakistan, unless the foreign channel has permission from Pemra. Geo regularly broadcasts VOA programming (which openly spreads malicious and false propaganda against China), and perpetual test the US point of view. 

That US point of view is also broadcast on Geo in thePakistani version of the VOA report–the one hosted by Mr.Najam Sethi inPunjabi, Anglosized Punjabi, Pujabish-Urdu with occasional words in Urdu andEnglish. Mr. Sethi’s views (though sugar coated) are sometimes to repugnant tothe Pakistani mindset that Geo places an explicit explanation ahead of his program which says “the views of this author do not represent the views ofGeo”, and that Geo encourages all points of view.

Geo is also beholden to Indian commercial interests. It started the “Aman ke Asha” wave which simply states, that Pakistan shouldforget about boundary disputes and make peace with India. Some link Mr. Mir’s investigation into Kassab to his links across the border. The PPP governmentwhile really upset by Hamid Mir, is now going through the motions of trying tocover up the ineptitude of the government, the incompetence of the ISI and the inefficiency of the Army.
After the hanging of Mr. Kassab, Mr. Mir was openlythreatened by various militants who blame him for getting Kassab hanged. Onesuch group actually said that “there will be many more Kassabs.”



 in a recent program alluded this fact thatMr. Mir and Geo sent teams to village which Geo claimed were the ancestral villages of Mr. Kassab. This has now been widely reported in the world, Indian and Pakistani media–and surely does paint a target of Mr. Mir and Geo TV.

Why did the PPP government not provide additional security to Mr. Mir? Did Rehman Malik hate Mir so much that he wanted him dead? Malik visited the residence of Hamid Mir in Islamabad and vowed to provide him effective and elaborate security. Earlier, explosive material, detonator and battery packed in a bag and affixed beneath the vehicle of Mir, was found outside his house in the federal capital. Is this a joke?

The interior minister said “that security personnel from police and FC are being provided to the journalist while a police inspector of his own choice will be also deputed for his security.” Malik also announced to constitute a fact-finding committee, including a magistrate, police officials and two journalists, which will probe the incident. Lets see if any of this is in the realm of reality.

Appendix A
(Excerpts of an expose on Geo TV) published in 2008.

STRANGE HAPPENINGS AT GEO THAT CANNOT BE EXPLAINED: Here are some facts about Geo and some example of how Geo demoralizes the population andthe general body of the Pakistani diaspora.

GEO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CRASH OF THE STOCK MARKET: Geo repeatedly tele-cast false news about the Pakistani economy, the political situation and hence the stock market crashed in Pakistan. In a pre-orchestrated campaign. Geo focuses on the negative news and instead of focusing on solutionsit shows bodies of dead people in contradiction of PEMRA and all decencyrequirements. Geo focuses on petrol prices but does not inform the viewers thatmost private cars in Pakistan now run on CNG (liqufied petroluem gas) whichcosts $5 for a tank full. Most people driving cars are not affected by the risein petrol (gasoline) prices.

In a planned manner Geo suppresses and ignores good newslike 5.1 billion dollar of oil refinery in Pakistan. Geo usually ignores goodnews like $28 Billion Emar international island development. Geo is averse togood news about Pakistan–there is no discussion of the Bullet Trains inPakistan. Geo does not focus foreign interference in Pakistani affairs. Geo did not discuss the 89 separatist movements in India in 2007 …from SevenNortheastern sister states, to the Naxalite insurrection, to Bihar to Kashmir,to Assam etc…
Geo Dramas: 50 percent of the dramas are Indian dramas on Geo and 25 percent are with mix cast (Indian and Pakistani) and Indian film.

Geo focuses on showing beheading of people and otherdepressing news. Why did Geo not focus on showing 250 million people sleepingon sidewalks in India? Geo did not cover for 36 hours the killing of 3000Muslims in Gujrat?
Urdu is not used by many hosts. Morning host shows are inEnglish and “Urdlish” ( a horrible combination). The Younger generation isbeing spoiled by using them as instruments of hedonism. Some of the shows areway beyond the pale on being modern. Nudity is not modernity. Science andTechnology is modernity.

Geo plays into the hands of the opposition parties. It doesnot discuss opportunities for development. When Mr. Shaharayar interviewed thePresident of Azad Kashmir he interrupted him and did not allow him to speakabout the problems with the article of accession of Kashmir to India (which isnow lost) if it ever existed. Geo continues to use Indian jargon like“partition”. Partition signifies a temporary dissection of the whole. India wasnever whole. Even during British times there were more than 500 states in theSubcontinent. Some of them banded together to make Pakistan and others banded togetherto make India. Discussion of Kashmir, Manvadar, Junagarh are non-existent onGeo. Most Geo maps show Kashmir as part of Pakistan. Azad Kashmir is nevershown. Some Geo maps sill show the Northern Areas as part of India or part ofKashmir.

Kamran Khan was getting RS 25 lakh per month. Income vs.salary? Dr. Shahid Mahmud used to get Rs 22 laks per month. He was a member ofNSF student Hamid Mir the Editor of “Ausaf” get Rs. 22 Lakh per month. NadiaKhan gets Rs 6 lacs per month. Income vs. salary?When Geo was not able tobroadcast the 8-hour cricket match, Geo said they lost 1 billion Rupees, Afterthe ban Goo kept on broadcasting for 36 hours without any income?Let usinvestigate the players involved with Geo from information that is publicly available.We see these links which will be analyzed.

1) The controversial David Hazinski an ex US Navy PettyOfficer with contacts with the State Department and the American JewishCommittee (AJC)

2) Who is Todd Fratz and why does Geo associate with suchcharacters?
3) Casper Weinberger, Ronald Reagan’s indicted and pardonedSecretary of Defense who predicted the “Next War” with a rogue state like Iran.Why does Geo align itself with known war mongers.
4) Geo has strategic links with SkyTV of the UK, CNN,IBN-CNN in India and the Voice of America (VOA). See article on VOA Geoalliance in Pakistan. http://www.usembassy.gov/pakistan/h05111301.html

Geo was started with the help of an ex US Naval PettyOfficer by the name of Hazinski who has links with Mr. Casper Weinberger andmany Indian channels.

According to (http://www.intelligentmc.com/people.html)“Most recently, he re-designed the central International Broadcast Center forthe Voice of America in Washington and is consulting on new network launchesfor the VOA”. Mr. Hazinski is the principal of the company called IntelligentMC(http://www.intelligentmc.com/Welcome.html,2870 Peachtree Road #713, Atlanta,GA 30305-2918, USA, email:[email protected], url:http://www.intelligentmc.com).the other principal of Intelligent MC is Mr. ToddFrantz. “Todd comes to IMC from 10 years at CNN in Atlanta”. He has links to“Cox Center for International Mass Communication Training and Research at The University of Georgia”.

David Hazinski, associate professor at the University of Georgia’s Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, is the principle architect of GEO-TV and managed the station’s launch. He is a member of Israeli Lobby in US run by Abraham Foxman, AIPAC, B’Brith, a Jewish Organization and supports Jewish Defence League. Hazinski was contacted by the Jang Group, Pakistan’s largest newspaper publisher and GEO-TV’s owner,after he shepherded the successful launch of a similar station in India inJanuary 2001. Aaj Tak, the first all-news, Hindi-language channel in India, now has a 60% share of the news audience in India. As one of the owners ofIntelligent Media Consultants, an Atlanta-based company that helps its clientsdesign efficient and profitable network operations through the creative application of broadcast technology, Hazinski has worked all over the world launching news operations in markets starved for unbiased reporting. “This is really the cutting edge of technology and journalism,” says Hazinski, a formerNBC news correspondent who says he and his partners have helped launch at least a dozen news operations in the last 10 years. “These are new markets. Theyhaven’t been exposed to lots of TV.”

Because most of Intelligent Media’s clients are unfamiliar with broadcast news techniques, Hazinski says he is able to tailor unique approaches that maximize their limited budgets. “These people are willing to try new things because they don’t want to pay the outrageous costs associated with news production in the United States,” he says. “Right now, based on what we learned in Pakistan, we’re convinced we can launch a network today for half of what it would have cost three years ago. And no one would see any quality difference on the air – even if we aired it in the U.S.”

At GEO-TV’s main broadcast center in Karachi, Hazinski built a newsroom around 24 Mac G4s running Final Cut Pro. News footage is captured with 40 Sony PD150s and 15 PD100s. NewTek Video Toaster 2 systems are used at bureaus in Islamabad and Lahore to switch between the main broadcast center. In addition to designing a systems approach for GEO-TV, Hazinski helped teach the station’s staff how to use the equipment and how to produce television news.Greg Pope, a freelance editor and producer formerly with CNN, spent one month in Karachi this summer training GEO-TV’s news staff, which primarily consists of newspaper journalists. “We basically had to convert people from print journalists to TV journalists,” says Pope, adding that he had never taught production techniques in a classroom setting to non-English speaking students.“These print people were basically issued cameras and editing equipment and within months were transformed from pen and paper to this new electronic media.Some of them didn’t even know how to use a keyboard when we started.”

Considering the steep learning curve for the Pakistani journalists, Pope says he was amazed at their perseverance and enthusiasm.“These people are tired of having Western news and government news shoved down their throats,” says Pope, who estimates that he taught 100 people to shoot and edit video. “They want their own voice. They want to represent themselves in their own way.” But there is still a chance that the government will shut down GEO-TV. Pope says that while he was training the news staff, it was widelybelieved that there were spies for PTV within their ranks. However, in recent years the Jang Group has won many battles for freedom of the press, so there ishope that GEO-TV will succeed. “If they have minimal government interference,[GEO-TV] will change the face of Pakistan,” says Pope.

WHO IS DAVID DAVID HAZINSKI? Why did Geo hire a known Neoconfor help in content? He owns Intelligent Media Consultants, LLC, a companyresponsible for training the staffs and helping to launch eight televisionnetworks around the world, mostly on the sub-continent. These include Aaj Takand CNN-IBN in India and GEO TV in Pakistan. He has also consulted forbroadcasters and publishers such as the Voice of America, Gramedia inIndonesia, and Alsumaria in Beirut and Baghdad. While on the faculty, Hazinskispent two years as writer, co-host and technology advisor of theinternationally syndicated World Business Review with Caspar Weinberger, theSecretary of Defense under Ronald Reagan. Before coming to UGA, Hazinski served six years as an international correspondent for NBC News, covering the U.S.,Europe, and Central America — and ten years before that as a TV reporter with stations in Charlotte and Pittsburgh. Office: 139, Fax Number: (706) 542-2183, E-MailAddress: [email protected]

Hazinski holds a Josiah Meigs Distinguished TeachingProfessorship, the university’s highest teaching award and has been appointed aSenior Teaching Fellow and a member of the Teaching Academy. He has receivedmore than a dozen local, state, and national journalism awards, including aGolden Quill for Investigative Reporting. Mr. Hazinski has been advocatingrestricting what he calls “Citizenship jounalism” which he considers dangerous.(http://tinyurl.com/yvjoox),(http://tinyurl.com/26byuh). Investigativereporters may scrutinize the details of Mr. resume posted at the bottom of thispost. Also posted on (http://www.grady.uga.edu/CV/Hazinski.2005.pdf)


WHAT DOES THE GEO CONSULTANT MR. HAZINSKI BELIEVE IN? His address to the American Jewish Council dated 12/13/2007. You can read hisarticle at the bottom of this


WHO IS CASPER WEINBERGER? And why did Geo associate with aknown war monger? Caspar Willard “Cap” Weinberger (August 18, 1917 – March 28,2006), was an American politician and Secretary of Defense under President Ronald Reagan from January 21, 1981, until November 23, 1987, making him the third longest-serving defense secretary to date, after Robert McNamara and Donald Rumsfeld. He is also known for his roles in the Strategic DefenseInitiative program and the Iran-Contra Affair.

Following his resignation as Secretary of Defense,Weinberger was placed under indictment by Independent Counsel Lawrence E.Walsh. The formal indictment charged Weinberger with several felony counts of lying to the Iran-Contra independent counsel during its investigation. Weinberger received a Presidential pardon from President George H.W. Bush on December 24,1992, after Bush had failed to win a second term. In 1996, Weinberger co-authored a book entitled The Next War, which raised questions about the adequacy of US military capabilities following the end of the Cold War. After he published his book, his colleagues from the Reagan administration broke contact and refused to speak with him.
Honorary Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (‘GBE’) in 1988, awarded in recognition for an “outstanding and invaluable” contribution to military cooperation between the UK and the US,particularly during the Falklands War of 1982.

Weinberger, secretary of defense for most of the Reaganyears, collaborates with Schweizer, president of the James Madison Institute,to present five possible near-future scenarios in which the U.S. goes to war.Scenario one is based on a North Korean invasion of South Korea that ends instalemate after a limited nuclear exchange. Number two casts Iran as a roguestate using ballistic missiles to alter the Middle East’s balance of power. Thethird scenario postulates a radical Mexican government scapegoating the U.S. asthe source of its country’s woes. A fourth describes the conquest of Europe bya resurgent Russia?again with the aid of nuclear weapons. In scenario five, theU.S. and Japan reignite the Pacific War of 1941-1945, this time using“cyberstrikes” against information systems, chemical warfare and a nuclearexchange.

The authors tell their stories through the eyes of fictionalparticipants. This format, familiar to readers of techno-thrillers, is aneffective framework for dramatizing a set of pessimistic conclusions. Becauseof America’s reduction of its conventional armed forces and its failure tobuild a missile defense system, none of the scenarios have outcomes morepositive than stalemate achieved at high cost.

The authors’ lament for such a missilesystem and for the armed forces of the past won’t convince those who believethat the dominant modes of future conflict will be terrorism and guerrilla war,however. Weinberger and Schweizer nevertheless make a case deserving seriousconsideration by citizens and policy-makers alike. PUblisher’s Weekly posted onAmazon.

DESTABILIZING PAKISTAN: Geo has been blamed forparticipating in and highlighting events per CNN instructions. Why is Geo notreporting Gen. Kayani’s statement that he suspects a foreign hand in theassassination to destabilize and denuclearize Pakistan? The silence isdeafening! Saboteurs trained in Afghanistan have been inserted into Pakistan toaggravate extremist passions here, especially after the Red Mosque operation.

Chinese citizens continue to be targeted by individualspretending to be Islamists, when no known Islamic group has claimedresponsibility. . A succession of “religious rebels” with suspicious foreignlinks have suddenly emerged in Pakistan over the past months claiming to be“Pakistani Taliban”. Some of the names include Abdul Rashid Ghazi, BaitullahMehsud, and now the Maulana of Swat. Some of them have used, and are using,encrypted communication equipment far superior to what the Pakistani militaryowns.

Money and weapons have been fed into the religious movementsand al-Qaeda remnants in the tribal areas.
Exploiting the situation, assets within the Pakistani mediastarted promoting the idea that the Pakistani military was killing its ownpeople. The rest of the unsuspecting media quickly picked up this message. Somebotched US and Pakistani military operations against al-Qaeda that causedcivilian deaths accidentally fed this media campaign.This was the perfecttiming for the launch of Military, Inc: Inside Pakistan’s Military Economy, abook authored by Ayesha Siddiqa Agha, a columnist for a PakistaniEnglish-language paper and a correspondent for “Jane’s Defence Weekly”, aprivate intelligence service founded by experts close to British intelligence.(Ahmed Quraishi is an investigative reporter, currently hosting a weeklypolitical talk show titled Worldview from Islamabad.)

This compares Geo with ARY and PTV

This compares Geo with CNN and Foxnews websites.
Here are thestatistics on the number of posts and discussionof Geo on various boards:
If things do not change, Pakistanis shouldcancel Geo and let them suffer.


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Do you know for how much Nawaz Sharif has sold you to the IMF ? Badzaat Nawaz Sharif Treachery in Kargil

Do you know for how much Nawaz Shareef has sold you to the IMF ?

By Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid



Do you know for how much Nawaz Shareef has sold you to the IMF ?? Why don’t they tell us the secret terms and conditions which they have accepted from the IMF ?? Let us tell you just a few of them:

1. Government is going to legalize Indian Dams on Pakistani rivers by buying electricity from India from these same Dams. All Indian dams are acts of war against Pakistan. NS has been asked to stay silent and enhance cooperation with India.

2. While our water is blocked by the Indians and the government remains silent over destruction of our crops, the international cartels of Genetically Modified Seeds are being given total license in Pakistan to control the seeds. Which means all our indigenous seed production would be destroyed, all small farmers would be destroyed and we will have to buy dangerous GM seeds from western companies every year. Our water would be in the hands of Indians, our seeds in the hands of Jews. Total food genocide plan.

3. All development projects of fast trains, bus services and development of transportation infrastructure have been blocked on IMF terms.

4. Total and complete auction of all State organs under privatization. PIA, Railways, Pak Steel, OGDC, PSO, SSGC etc are on the block for sale.

5. Devaluation of Rupee means we will have to work harder to pay off the loans, sell our goods cheap to international market to increase exports so that our foreign exchange is used to pay the Jewish money lenders.

6. Aman Ki Asha will become the official foreign policy of the country. Kashmir will never be raised on any international or national forum.

7. All trade with India to be opened, destroying the local agriculture, industry and farmers.

8. No new mega Dams will be constructed to store water.

9. A British agent is being brought as Governor Punjab (read viceroy) to make sure NS govt behaves as promised to the international bankers.

You can confirm all these facts from the daily papers. We have just put them in order for you. All those who voted for democracy are now guilty of criminal conduct to harm and damage Pakistan. Innalillahe wa inna ilehe rajeoon.




Nawaz Sharif is mainly responsible for spreading the rumour, that FCNA was losing at Kargil. He keeps harping the same tune, even, though some Indian generals have reluctantly accepted it as a defeat of Indian Army. But, this coward leaves no opportunity to bad mouth Kargil victory.  Nawaz Sharif is an enemy of Pakistan. He puts his own interests above national interests. He felt threatened by Pakistan Army’s spectacular victory in Kargil War. Cowardly, Kashmiri turncoat Nawaz Sharif was shocked by success of Pakistan;s Mujahedin of FCNA, who caused 3000 Indian Army Casualties, including the loss of two planes, death of one IAF Pilot and capture of Indian Pilot Lt.Nachikita by Pak Army. Being a US CIA Agent Nwaz was afraid that Musharraf and the Army would get all the glory, he ran to his patron President Clinton.


Islamabad: Claiming that his 1999 Kargil operation was a “big success militarily”, former Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf has said that if the then prime minister Nawaz Sharif had not visited the US, the Pakistani Army would have “conquered” 300 square miles of India.  

He defended his action to launch the operation in Kargil in the wake of fresh allegations that he masterminded the intrusions.  Referring to Lt Gen (retired) Shahid Aziz’s allegations that he had kept other military commanders in the dark about the operation, Musharraf said, “Telling everyone about it was not necessary at all”.  He claimed Aziz had an “imbalanced personality” and had resorted to character assassination by making these accusations. 


“We lost the Kargil war, which was a big success militarily, because of (then premier) Nawaz Sharif…If he had not visited the US, we would have conquered 300 square miles of India,” Musharraf said in an interview with Express News channel.  Though Pakistan had initially claimed mujahideen were responsible for occupying strategic heights along the Line of Control in early 1999, Musharraf later revealed in his autobiography ‘In The Line Of Fire’ that regular Army troops had participated in the operation.  But Musharraf claimed the action in Kargil was a “localised” operation and not a major operation.  “Kargil was just one of many sectors under a Major General stationed in Gilgit, (who was) in charge of the area. Exchange of fire was routine there,” he claimed. Musharraf said he would not go so far as to accuse former premier Nawaz Sharif of betrayal but his decision to withdraw from Kargil was a mistake. 


Unknown-2“Nawaz lost a political front which we had won militarily,” he claimed.  The former general, who has been living in self-exile outside Pakistan since 2009, said the “prime consideration” for actions like the Kargil operation is security and secrecy.  “So the Army leadership decides who is to be informed and when. As the operation progressed and the proper time arrived, a briefing of the corps commanders was held,” he said.  Musharraf said he was “really astonished” that Aziz was writing about the events 10 years later.  Blaming the nation at this juncture, as Aziz had done, seems to be “part of a conspiracy”, he claimed.  “It was a tactical action that had a strategic importance in which no more than a few hundred persons were involved, but which engaged thousands on the Indian side and was of tremendous importance,” he claimed.  Musharraf justified Pakistani casualties in the conflict, claiming the country lost only 270 men against India’s 1,600 soldiers. 


Courtesy Press Trust of India


India has to mask its initial intelligence failure by regaining the peaks regardless of heavy casualties. Both sides need a face-saving way out. Since early May there has been a see-saw military, political and diplomatic struggle between the two Subcontinental protagonists, Pakistan and India. Islamabad’s position has been that the guerrillas who have captured the heights overlooking the Drass-Kargil-Leh road, are Kashmiri freedom fighters struggling for their long-denied right of self-determination. 


India eventually decided, after examining the pros and cons of widening the conflict across the Line of Control (LoC) or even across the international border, on a strategy of containment within the narrower objective of regaining the Kargil heights. This narrower framework meant higher casualties on the Indian side because of the difficulty of traversing slopes against dug-in defenders where the terrain offers no cover. New Delhi calculated that it does have the political will and military morale, despite the heavy casualties, and can sustain the cost in human and material terms. A near-consensus domestically and the willingness of the Indian military command to accept constraints allowed India to continue with an operation in which it suffered disproportionately heavy casualties. With regard to Pakistan, the intriguing question is whether the Kargil heights seizure was part of the normal stepping up of guerrilla activity during summer, or whether it had more ambitious objectives. If it were the former, little can be added, except to mention in passing a failure of Indian intelligence. The guerrillas’ presence was only discovered by accident when two Indian army patrols happened to spot them. The true extent of the guerrilla presence did not sink in until the Indian army had carried out an aerial survey of the area, which revealed that between 400 to 700 guerrillas had seized the heights. This could have put them in a position in any future war to threaten the sole overland logistics link with the Indian forces deployed in Siachen, i.e. the Srinagar-Drass-Kargil-Leh road. But the Kargil seizure could have other strategic objectives with military, political and diplomatic dimensions. Militarily, if the seizure could be maintained for a reasonable period of time and at least until winter sets in, it could open up possibilities of forcing either an Indian withdrawal from Siachen, or a trade-off between the Kargil heights and the Siachen Glacier. Politically, it could reflect the impatience in Islamabad with lack of progress in bilateral discussions on Kashmir under the Lahore Declaration process after the fall of the BJP government in end-April. Despite the fact that Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee of India heads a caretaker government until elections are held in September-October, the hope may have been to force New Delhi back to the negotiating table in a serious mode. Diplomatically, since the bilateral process had not yielded results, an internationalisa-tion of the Kashmir issue may have been sought to bring it back onto the frontburner. If we assume for the sake of argument that all or some of these objectives formed part of the Pakistani thrust into Kargil, or at least were taken on board once things hotted up on the Line of Control, we can examine the results achieved or likely to be achieved in the foreseeable future and then draw up a balance sheet of gains and losses. Missing Kashmir for Kargil Militarily, the inherent difficulty of holding on to the Kargil heights in the face of overwhelming firepower and numbers has become a key question as the battle drags on. India has weighed the costs of heavy casualties against the bigger costs of potentially adverse international intervention if the conflict is widened. It has relied on the political consensus to hold on to Kashmir no matter what the cost, which informs its domestic political spectrum (the weak and scattered chinks of rationality represented by liberal opinion notwithstanding). India’s slow but definite gains against the guerrillas have produced collateral pressures for a withdrawal of the guerrillas from what is turning into a suicidal mission. The political timing of the Kargil seizure, if the idea was indeed to force New Delhi back to serious negotiations, could not have been worse. A caretaker government heading into an election was hardly likely to be in a position to negotiate, let alone offer any flexibility or concession on such a major issue. There has been speculation in the Indian press after the visit to Pakistan by the US emissary General Anthony Zinni regarding proposals purportedly from Islamabad for India to allow safe passage to the guerrillas, quoting the precedent of the Hazrat Bal shrine siege. Whether these reports hold any water or not is not known. However, Western diplomatic pressure on Islamabad is mounting, especially after Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s visit to Washington DC and London, and these could take various forms, economic, political, diplomatic. The dependence of the Pakistani economy on the goodwill of the West, and particularly the US, to keep foreign fund flows going makes Pakistan that much more vulnerable to ‘persuasion’. It goes without saying that such ‘persuasion’ seeks to maintain the status quo on Kashmir, while advocating peaceful negotiations. Pakistan’s experience indicates that retaining the status quo has always proved favourable to India. Any disturbance of New Delhi’s hold on Kashmir, even if partial or temporary, serves to refocus the attention of the global community on a long-neglected, festering wound. But in trying to disturb the status quo in its favour, the manner in which Pakistan pursues this tactical goal is crucial. This cannot happen by ignoring the ground reality. The Pakistani army chief, General Pervez Musharraf, put his finger on the problem by describing Kargil as “a tactical, military issue”, while Kashmir as such was “a strategic, political” one. In other words, to see only the Kargil part of the picture represented by the Kashmir problem, is to miss the forest for the trees. However, in the present instance, Islamabad appears to have failed to persuade the global powers-that-be of the justness of this linkage. On the contrary, opinion seems to have hardened in the West that the status quo must be restored before diplomatic “business as usual” can be resumed. Most thinking people in Pakistan are by now convinced that there is no (regular) military option to obtain a solution to Kashmir, particularly after both India and Pakistan have demonstrated their nuclear capability. The irregular military option (guerrilla war) faces considerable political and ideological disabilities, especially since the Kashmir guerrilla movement has acquired a fundamentalist hue over time. This does not appear to be sufficiently inspiring for large numbers of the Kashmiri people who are well known for their traditional religious tolerance. This despite continuing repression by the Indian military in Kashmir. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has been castigated by the right-wing, religious, fundamentalist opinion for stating an obvious truth that without both India and Pakistan going beyond their “stated positions”, no solution to the Kashmir problem is possible. The hue and cry against him for saying that, particularly in the Urdu press, reflects the limitations which restrict the country’s political leadership. No flexibility, political or diplomatic, is allowed to any Pakistani leader to even explore some middle ground. Any such suggestion is treated as treason, betrayal, the worst kind of skullduggery. For such ideologically ‘pure’ elements, it is either all or nothing as far as Kashmir is concerned. Before it is too late, sober heads must begin to ponder how much cloth we have remaining and how to cut it. Passion cannot replace cool calculation required for a strategic plan for peace. The Pakistani leadership must take into account a heavily dependent economic structure, an inability to rouse the world’s conscience beyond rhetoric, and the lack of a solid consensus across the

domestic political divide. The risk is that any attempt to work out a strategy based on the art of the possible would fall foul of Pakistan’s ideological hawks.



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129th PMA Passing Out Parade


April 19th, 2014

129th PMA Passing Out Parade








It was really refreshing for an old soldier of the 7th PMA Long Course – commissioned February 1953 – and later PMA Ghaznavi Company Commander  (1967-69) to watch the 129th passing out parade of the PMA Kakul this morning. Many an old memory revived so vividly as if the 61 long years in between never existed ! Much has changed at the Rafiullah Drill Square since and pleasantly for the better too. The mere size of the smartly turned out parade – about 1200 cadets now against some 300 then – was highly impressive.  The Chief Guest, Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef was in his best and looked highly dignified and graceful. He had some very laudatory words for the army, its martyred heroes of the past decorated with the coveted Nishan e Haider, its present leadership like the COAS Gen. Raheel Sharif – a soldier and dedication personified – and the army’s important role in defending the integrity of the country with the entire nation ! at its back.   It was, as a matter of fact, highly reassuring and satisfying to hear such words from the PM and see the army and the ruling elite to be on the same page and frequency.  Nothing could be more than it as the need of the hour.


Incidentally, I believe there are female cadets also at the academy but I couldn’t find them taking part in the parade!  Why?

Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

E.mail: [email protected]

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