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Archive for July, 2013

Media comission report leaked: Foreign Money & Influence Rampant In Pakistan Media: India Funding PSYOP Programs Through Norwegian NGO

Media comission report leaked:



Breaking News: Supreme Court’s Media Commission report has been leaked on the internet by some anonymous source. This commission includes highly respectable Justice Nasir Aslam Zahid and Justice Javed Jabbar. This scan from the commission report shows irrefutable evidence of Pakistani Media’s direct connection with the known enemies of Islam and Pakistan. The scan is not of the highest quality so we have optimized it a bit for clarity. The transcript of the highlighted parts of Media Commission report is given below:
* It was revealed that lot of funds were pouring into the media outlet from abroad in the form of sponsorship. For instance “Zara Socheeya” programme had received sponsorship to the extent of Pounds 20 million.
* It was also reported that programmes prepared by Indian producers were being sold to parties in Dubai from where these programmes were coming to Pakistan. It was difficult to provide documentary proof of such deals.
* Another instance reported was that of “Aman Ki Aysha” programme which was being funded by Norwegian NGO named “Friends without Borders”. Going into the background of the funding to this programme, it was found that the foot-prints lead to Indian sponsors including the Indian State Television, the Doordarshan.
* Commission was informed that PEMRA had initiated dialogue with the Pakistan Broadcasters Association (PBA) on the issue of content regulation and the code of conduct. But there has been no positive response from the PBA. They, on the other hand, have preferred to approach the courts

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CJ’s Prodigal & Dishonest Son, Arsalan Iftikhar Gets a ‘Red Carpet’ Welcome

A ‘red carpet’ for CJP’s son at airport



Arsalan Iftikhar

LAHORE – The Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhary’s son, Arsalan Iftikhar was extended ‘royal protocol’ at the Allama Iqbal International Airport on Wednesday, according to media reports.
The protocol is reserved for the most esteemed public personalities; not extended to parliamentarians and ministers even.
Media reports said that Arsalan Iftikhar was given special protocol when he arrived at Lahore Airport by Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) flight PK-615. A special vehicle was detailed to pick him up as soon as he stepped on the airport right from the stairs descending from the plane.
Arsalan Iftikhar has been charged with seeking millions of rupees in profit from former Chairman Bahria Town Malik Riaz during his foreign trips. The Shoaib Saddal Commission is investigating the matter.
Observers inquired that under what status was Arsalan Iftikhar provided protocol, terming this a bid of the PIA to seek the CJP’s favor.
Commenting on the situation, leading TV anchor Mubashar Luqman said that no enquiry had been initiated against Arsalan Iftikhar so far. The CJP had headed the bench during the course of the petition’s hearing but had later rescued his son, which raised troubling questions about the integrity of one of the country’s central institutions.

– See more at: http://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2013/07/04/city/lahore/a-red-carpet-for-cjps-son-at-airport-2/#sthash.bGmp0a3m.dpuf


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JOYS OF DEMOCRACY: “Nawaz Sharif is Greater than Quaid-i-Azam?” Inept “Umbersari” Kashmiri Minister of State for Information Technology Ms. Anusha Rahman Still Confused

Anusha Rehman Throws Quaid-e-Azam’s Picture Out of IT and Telecom Ministry

 When political toadies and carpetbaggers of nepotism rule a nation, the founder of the nation is lost in their incompetence. This has been blatantly illustrated by the toady Minister of State for Information Technology. To please her Master, Nawaz sharif, this Kafgeer of Nawaz Sharif has gone so overboard, that she eliminated the picture of the Father of the Nation, Quaid-i-Azam. In her lame efforts to cover her incompetence after a strong public reaction, she could come up with nothing, but lame excuses. Like her mentor Nawaz Sharif, she knows how to back track on her miserable ineptness and insensitivity towards the feelings of Pakistanis, at home and abroad.

Anusha Rehman, the state minister for Telecom and IT, has technically thrown out the picture of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah – the founder of the nation – out from building of Ministry of IT and Telecom.

Recently produced pictures from MoIT show a picture of Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif, the Prime Minister of Pakistan and direct boss of Ms. Anusha Rehman, instead of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s portrait.

Its a shame that PML(N) government is following the footstep of PPP(P) by preferring their party leaders over Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

It merits mentioning here that PPP (P) government, at few occasions, had removed the portrait of Quaid-e-Azam from meeting rooms and had used pictures of their political leaders, including Asif Zardari, Bilawal Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.


1 thumb Anusha Rehman Throws Quaid e Azams Picture Out of IT and Telecom Ministry

Minister of State for Information Technology Ms. Anusha Rahman while meeting with a delegation of Telenor.

canada high thumb Anusha Rehman Throws Quaid e Azams Picture Out of IT and Telecom Ministry

High Commissioner of Canada H.E Greg Giokas calling on Minister of State for Information Technology Ms. Anusha Rahman in Islamabad, on 09-07-2013.


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NAWAZ SHARIF ASLEEP: Inna’lillahe… This is a declaration of war. Pakistan May Have to Destroy These Dams with Pre-Emptive Nuclear Strike

I N D I A – starts building 850MW Ratle Dam on Chenab River. Electricity will be sold to Pakistan.

10.07.2013– Details of Nawaz Shareef”s love story with India.



ISLAMABAD: In an another blow to Pakistan’s water interests, India has started constructing the Ratle Hydropower Dam project with a capacity to generate 850MWs of electricity on Pakistan’s Chenab River, in violation of the Indus Waters Treaty, documents available with The News reveal. 






Another blow to Pakistan’s water interests…India starts building 850MW Ratle Dam on Chenab

Khalid Mustafa
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 
From Print Edition

ISLAMABAD: In an another blow to Pakistan’s water interests, India has started constructing the Ratle Hydropower Dam project with a capacity to generate 850MWs of electricity on Pakistan’s Chenab River, in violation of the Indus Waters Treaty, documents available with The News reveal.

Pakistan has already objected to this dam, which will be three times larger than the Baglihar Hydropower Dam. Mirza Asif Baig, Commissioner of Pakistan Commissionof Indus Water, confirmed that India had planned to construct the Ratle Hydropower project on the Chenab and Pakistan’s side had objected to the project saying it was a sheer violation of the provisions of Indus Waters Treaty 1960.

“We have come up with strong objections to the design of the said project in a meeting with India at the Permanent Commission of Indus Waters (PCIW) level,” Baig said and vowed that in the future meeting at the PCIW level, he would continue to oppose the said project as its design violated the Indus Waters Treaty.

Senior Pakistani lawyer Ms Shumaila Mehmood, in the case of Kishenganga Hydropower project, said though she was aware of the development but it was the PCIW which dealt with the projects constructed by India on Pakistani rivers at earlier stages.

India has already carved out a plan to generate 32,000MWs of electricity on Pakistani rivers and will be having the capacity to regulate the water flows that are destined to reach Pakistan. So far India has built Dalhasti hydropower project of 330MWs, Baglihar of 450MWs and now it has started a new project named Ratle Hydropower project.

On the Neelum River that joins the Jehlum River in Pakistan, India has already completed Uri-1, Uri-II Hydropower project and is also close to completing the Kishenganga Hydropower project. So much so, it has also built two hydropower projects on the Indus River that include Nimmo Bazgo and Chattak hydropower project.

Sonia Gandhi, along with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, laid the foundation stone of the 850MWs Hydro Electric Project on the Chenab River in the Kishtwar Tehsil of Doda district of the Indian-Held-Kashmir just a few days ago.

This is the first time that both leaders have jointly laid the foundation stone. The electricity to be produced from the project will be injected into the national grid of India that will then be sold to Pakistan.

Former Wapda chairman Shamsul Mulk said that Pakistan needs to develop water uses in its all rivers by building water reservoirs to prevent India from constructing the hydropower project. “Once Pakistan develops its water uses, then it can argue at any international court that India cannot build its project by injuring committed flows of Pakistan.”

He said that there was a strong lobby of India in our country which did not want Pakistan to develop water uses.However, when this horrifying development surfaced, an eminent water expert Arshad Abbasi had sensitised the-then Minister of Water and Power Dr Mussadik Malik, who is now the special assistant to the PM on powers sector, about this alarming development but he did not respond as expected from him. Rather he was an advocate for import of electricity from India.

Dr Mussadik was asked to probe as to who had cleared this project from Pakistan’s side but he didn’t do so. However, Engr Safiq, who is also an eminent water expert, came down heavily on Dr Mussadik saying he is dual nationality holder and is holding a too-much important post and is an advocate of importing electricity from India and asked where the security agencies were. He said that Pakistan’s water sector had become dysfunctional.

According to documents available with The News, the Ratle project envisages harnessing the hydro-power potential of the river from EL 1000m to EL 887m. This is a concrete gravity dam at a height of 170m, will be built across the river just downstream of the Ratle village and an underground power house with an installed capacity of 4X140MWs is proposed near Juddi village, both in Doda district. The main project will generate 2,483.37 Million Unit of Electricity at the rate of Indian Rupee of only 1.22 per KWh.

After meeting of Arshad Abbasi with Dr Mussadik Malik, a brief paper including measures to check the enforcement of Indus Waters Treaty in letter and spirit was sent to Mussadik, but Musadik preferred playing his role in releasing funds for the IPPs, a more lucrative task for him.

Surprisingly, the former interim minister is an adviser to the current regime, and is only advocating importing electricity at Rs16 per unit. Even though he had been briefed about the 1,460MWs Tarbela Dam Extension VI project, he still preferred to advise the government to import electricity from India.

When contacted, Dr Mussadik Malik said: “Yes I was briefed about Indus Water Treaty issue. However, I focused on the power sector keeping in view the crippling power outages. Now after completing my assignment on power sector, I will pay heed to the water sector.”

He said that the government had planned to develop five dams so that for five times, cheaper electricity on water flows could be produced on one main river and more importantly the per capita water availability could be raised to a reasonable level, which now stands at 1,000 cubic metre per person.

About the Rattle Hydropower project, he said that the PCIW is the department which deals with such issues.

Meanwhile, in a letter addressed to the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Abbasi requested to demand EIA (environment impact assessment) report of Ratle Hydroelectric power project. As the land proposed for this project is mostly thick conifer forests, deforestation will have a terrible impact on the river water yield in the future and the victim will be only lower riparian) i.e. Pakistan.

ISLAMABAD: In an another blow to Pakistan’s water interests, India has started constructing the Ratle Hydropower Dam project with a capacity to generate 850MWs of electricity on Pakistan’s Chenab River, in violation of the Indus Waters Treaty, documents available with The News reveal. 



Will Pakistan Become a Desolate Tract?

March 23rd, 2012 

Written by 



On 19th September 2020, a massive crowd gathered at the Minto Park where the political leadership in coalition with the Difa-i-Pakistan council held a rally. A thirsty famine-struck crowd listened to, “We will not allow India to continue this! We will defeat them and will not allow them to violate the Indus Water Treaty by trying to sabotage our river waters by constructing dams. The Indians would not be left alone with our water. Jihad is the only justice for this Nuclear Islamic State.” The crowd cheered with enthusiasm “Pakistan Zindabad, Leadership Zindabad, and Indians Murdabad.”
As I write this article today I can picture Pakistan all dried up and turned into a desolate tract by 2020. I can hear the booming voices of the politicians screaming out aloud that India has made us lifeless without water. The rivers are all dried up and one can see the gypsies comfortably making the river bed as their home.

One could see that the 1960 Indus Water Treaty with India was a blessing in disguise for the Pakistani state as it helped to manage the conflict at hand. The treaty divided the western and eastern rivers between Pakistan and India. It brought in the concept of water sharing, dispute settlement mechanism and Basin administration fund.  The treaty provided the lower riparian state with a network of canals, barrages and dams. It provided the Pakistani state with two of the largest dams Mangla and Tarbela. Until now the treaty has been hailed as a big accomplishment between both the kin states as it withstood the test of time but now it has come under a lot of strain due to a decline of water flow in the Indus River system. When Pakistan and India became separate entities in 1947, the Indus Basin had sufficient water for everyone. Half of the Indus waters were flowing into the Arabian Sea almost unused then. So did India drank all the water or was Pakistan so thirsty that it gulped down all the river water?
The demand of water has risen due to unbridled population growth whereas its supply has become less. The declining of the river waters is a serious issue. Due to a change in the climate, the glaciers are fast receding due to which the water levels are also declining.  Asian Development Bank has labeled Pakistan as the world’s most water stressed state with the shortage becoming acute by 2020.
The successive Pakistani governments have ignored the water problem which has culminated into a serious situation. Today the country faces water and power shortage but, shockingly, the policy makers have never given water the status of a core national interest. Thus, India has been working fast for conserving water whereas Pakistan had been stuck on the vital projects like the Kalabagh Dam.
The blessings of the treaty include our mega dams. But in light of climate, population and unlimited Indian dam construction, the Indus Water Treaty needs to be revised. Unlike the Indians, the Pakistani side did little for conserving water. India has not only utilized its own river waters but has also focused on the western waters feeding Pakistan. What the government is doing about this precarious situation is only putting the blame on Indians. Water is a serious problem – more than the Zulfiqar/Benazir Bhutto murders, memogate and mehrangate issues.  Thus, the government better wake up from its slumber and the rallies of difa-i-Pakistan should focus more on conserving water rather than inciting the masses against either the US or India.





The upper and lower reaches of the Indus

Source: http://www.history.upenn.edu/coursepages/hist086/material/slideshow2.htm 
(downloaded May 2006)

The fertile lower reaches of the Ganges

Source: http://www.history.upenn.edu/coursepages/hist086/material/slideshow2.htm 
(downloaded May 2006) 

Major river basins of India and the modern water supply situation

Source: http://www.history.upenn.edu/coursepages/hist086/material/IndiaRiverBasins.gif 
(downloaded May 2006)

A rainfall map of South Asia, from the zoomable online Schwartzberg atlas: *p. 5*






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THE GUARDIAN,UK: Pakistan Bin Ladin Commission Official Report Criticizes Pakistan Security Lapses and US acted as a Criminal Thug

Bin Laden killing: official report criticises Pakistan and US


Leaked report into killing of al-Qaida chief criticises both Pakistan and US, which it says ‘acted like a criminal thug’

  • Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad
Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad: the report repeatedly returns to the remarkable failure of the police, army and civilian authorities to investigate the unusual house where the al-Qaida chief hid for so long. Photograph: Anjum Naveed/AP


Pakistan failed to detect Osama bin Laden during the six years he hid in Abbottabad because of the “collective incompetence and negligence” of the country’s intelligence and security forces, the official report into the killing of the al-Qaida chief in 2011 has concluded.

The much anticipated report, a copy of which was obtained by al-Jazeera, is withering in its criticism of Pakistan’s dysfunctional institutions, which were unable to find the world’s most wanted man during his long stay in a major Pakistani city.

“It is a glaring testimony to the collective incompetence and negligence, at the very least, of the security and intelligence community in the Abbottabad area,” said the report, which criticised Pakistan’s military spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence directorate (ISI), for having prematurely “closed the book” on Bin Laden in 2005.

Nor does the 336-page document rule out the possibility of involvement by rogue Pakistani intelligence officers, who have been accused of deliberately shielding Bin Laden by some commentators.

“Given the length of stay and the changes of residence of [Bin Laden] and his family in Pakistan … the possibility of some such direct or indirect and “plausibly deniable” support cannot be ruled out, at least, at some level outside formal structures of the intelligence establishment.”

It warns that the influence of radical Islamists inside the armed forces had been “underestimated by senior military officials whom the commission met”.

The document also gives a fascinating glimpse into the day-to-day life of Bin Laden: according to an account given to the Abbottabad Commission by his wives, he wore a wide-brimmed cowboy hat to avoid detection from spy satellites above, liked to have an apple and a bit of chocolate to perk himself up when he was feeling weak, and encouraged his grandchildren to compete over who could tend the best vegetable patch.

The children of one of Bin Laden’s trusted Pakistani couriers knew him as “Miskeen Kaka”, or “poor uncle” – after one asked why the tall Arab never went out on shopping expeditions, the child was told he was too poor to buy anything.

The document also reveals the tantalising moment when the car bin Laden was riding in was stopped by police in the picturesque region of Swat. The policeman was not quick-witted enough to spot the then clean shaven bin Laden and the group were allowed to pass.

In addition to its scorching criticism of Pakistani institutions, the document reflects official fury at the behaviour of the US. It concludes the US “acted like a criminal thug” when it sent the special forces raiding party into Pakistani territory.

It says that the incident was a “national tragedy” because of the “illegal manner in which [Bin Laden] was killed along with three Pakistani citizens”.

It says the operation on 2 May 2011 was an “American act of war against Pakistan” which illustrated the US’s “contemptuous disregard of Pakistan’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity in the arrogant certainty of its unmatched military might”.

Begun soon after the dramatic US raid, the judge-led inquiry by the Abbottabad commission heard testimony from some of the country’s most important players, including the ISI chief, Ahmad Shuja Pasha, who shared much of the authors’ despair about Pakistan, warning that it is a “failing state”.

With frank discussion of some of the country’s most sensitive issues, there were real fears it would never be published.

In remarks that will be seized on by critics of the CIA’s use of drone strikes against suspected militants inside Pakistan, Pasha admitted to a “political understanding” on the issue between Islamabad and the US – something Pakistan has always officially denied.

Pasha said there were no written agreements, and that Pakistan did subsequently attempt to stop drone attacks, but added that “it was easier to say no to them at the beginning”.

The former spy chief was scathing about the quality of Pakistan’s civilian leadership, accusing his nominal boss, the defence minister, of failing to have read “the basic documents concerning defence policy”. “There was simply no culture of reading among the political leadership,” and “the thinking process was also non-existent”.

The report also contains much criticism of the US, in particular the CIA for its failure to share intelligence fully with the ISI.

At one point, the CIA gave Pakistan phone numbers to monitor that would ultimately help identify Bin Laden’s personal courier – the all-important lead that eventually brought the manhunt to the al-Qaida chief’s Abbottabad home. The CIA never explained the significance of the phone numbers and the ISI failed to properly monitor them, the report said.

But in a striking echo of US unwillingness to share intelligence with its Pakistani partners, Pasha also said the ISI was reluctant to work with Pakistan’s own law enforcement organisations because “there were too many instances where information shared with the police had been compromised”.

His evidence highlights the ISI’s distrust of and anger at the CIA, which Pasha claimed deliberately prevented Pakistan from claiming the glory for finding Bin Laden, which he said would have improved Pakistan’s international reputation.

The “main agenda of the CIA was to have the ISI declared a terrorist organisation”, he is quoted as saying.

Pasha reports the words of a US spy: “You are so cheap … we can buy you with a visa, with a visit to the US, even with a dinner … we can buy anyone.”

The report asks whether the ISI had been compromised by CIA spies. One lieutenant colonel who “disappeared” with his family the day after the Abbottabad raid had a profile that “matched that of a likely CIA recruit”.

The document repeatedly returns to what it describes as “government implosion syndrome” to explain the failure of any institution to investigate Bin Laden’s unusual hideout.

“How the entire neighbourhood, local officials, police and security and intelligence officials all missed the size, the strange shape, the barbed wire, the lack of cars and visitors … over a period of nearly six years beggars belief,” it says.

It notes that the house was even declared uninhabited in an official survey of the area, even though 26 people were living there at the time.

It says Bin Laden must have required a support network “that could not possibly have been confined to the two Pashtun brothers who worked as his couriers, security guards and general factotums”.

The report says: “Over a period of time an effective intelligence agency should have been able to contact, infiltrate or co-opt them and to develop a whole caseload of information. Apparently, this was not the case.”

It also expresses shock that the US helicopters carrying members of Navy Seal team six were not spotted as they swooped in over Abbottabad on 2 May. A lack of operational radar meant the Pakistani air force only became aware of the attack from media reports after it was over.


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