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Archive for February, 2012

ڈاکٹر عا فیہ صدیقی کس کی بیٹی ہے؟


سمیع اللہ ملک



ہما ری قومی بے حسی اور چشم پوشی انتہا کو پہنچی ہوئی ہے ۔و قت کی پکار صدا بصحرا ثابت ہو رہی ہے۔کاش یہ صدا کسی گنبد میں دی گئی ہوتی ‘کم از کم واپس تو لوٹتی ۔جہاں میں پوری قوت سے قوم کی مظلوم بیٹی کو عافیہ نام لیکر پکارتا کہ تم کہاں ہو؟تو سوال کا جواب نہ ملتا ‘سوال تو واپس آتا ۔ آئیے حساب لگا کر دیکھیں کہ جس روز قوم کی اس مظلوم بیٹی کو جو اپنے دو معصوم العمر اور ایک گود میں لپٹے بچوں کے ساتھ تھی ‘ہما ری خفیہ ایجنسیوں کے مستعد اور سائے کی طرح پیچھا کر تے بے رحم ہاکس نے پوری درندگی اور سفاکی سے اغوا کیا تو ان دنوں کون کون مسند اقتدار پر متکمن تھا ۔٢٣ جون ٢٠٠٣ء کے بد نصیب دن پرویز مشرف صدر’ظفراللہ جمالی وزیر اعظم’ فیصل صالح حیات وزیر داخلہ’خورشید محمود قصوری وزیر خارجہ تھے اور سید ضمیر جعفری کے فرزند ارجمند جنرل احتشام ضمیر ایک اہم ترین قومی ایجنسی کے سربراہ تھے۔ان تمام اعلیٰ عہدیداروں کے علم کے بغیر ایک پتہ بھی جنبش نہیں کر سکتا تھا ۔ظفر اللہ جمالی صاحب اس تا ریخ سے مزید ایک برس ٢٦ جون٢٠٠٤ء تک اپنے عہدہ جلیلہ پر فائز رہے۔
گزشتہ چارسال سے جمہوری اورعوامی حکومت کادعویٰ کرنے والے صدرآصف علی زرداری ،وزیراعظم یوسف رضاگیلانی،حناربانی کھر وزیر خارجہ اوروزیرداخلہ رحمان ملک یہ سب افرادبھی اس حقائق سے انکار نہیں کر سکتے کہ ڈاکٹر عافیہ صدیقی اور اس کے بچوں٧سالہ احمد ‘٥سالہ مریم اورچندماہ کا سلمان کے اغوأ حبس بیجا’اور امریکیوں سے قیمت کی سودے با زی اور حوالگی میں ملوث خفیہ ایجنسیوں کے کار پردازوں اور ایوان اقتدار کے حاکموں میں ہو نے وا لی ان کا روائیوں سے مکمل طور لا علم ہیں۔شرم کامقام تو یہ ہے کہ اس مظلوم اور بے گناہ خاتون کی وہ دردناک چیخیں جس نے بگرام ایئر بیس کے درو دیوار تک ہلا کر رکھ دئیے ، ان کی اذیت ناک ابتدأ تو اسلام آباد سے ہوئی ہو گی۔وہ یہاں کسی کو سنائی کیوں نہیں دیں ؟وہ تمام خفیہ ایجنسیاں جنہوں نے عزت وطن کا یہ معرکہ سر کیا ‘براہ راست وزیر اعظم کو جوابدہ تھیں اور اگر وزیر اعظم’ وزیر داخلہ اور وزیر خارجہ کے اختیارات کی حدود آگ کے اس دریا کے پار نہیں جا سکتی تھی تو بھی ان کو کسی حد تک اعتماد میں ضرور لیا ہو گا۔
فاسق کمانڈوکی رخصتی کے بعدنئی جمہوری حکومت کے دور میں عافیہ کو افغانستان سے امریکالیجایاگیااورعوامی حکومت کادعویٰ کرنے والی حکومت کوتوفیق نہ ہوسکی کہ عافیہ کی بازیابی کامطالبہ کرتی ۔اس سنگین واردات کا بقدر علم ہو نے کے با وجود ان کے دلوں میں ایک بیٹی سے فطری محبت کا کوئی گداز پیدا نہیں ہوا؟ذہنوں میں کوئی تلاطم اور دلوں میں کوئی درد پیدا نہیں ہوا؟کیا ان کے دست و پا’ قلب و بصارت اور نطق سماعت پر مکمل طور پر قفل پڑ گئے ہیںکہ جمہوری حکومت کے چار برسوں میں کسی ایک موقع کی منا سبت سے کبھی ایک بار بھی اس راز کو منکشف نہ کر سکے؟حالانکہ ریمنڈڈیوس کی گرفتاری کے موقع پرعافیہ کی رہائی کاایک بہترین موقع تھالیکن غلاموں کوہمت نہ ہوسکی کہ اپنے آقاؤں سے ایسی گزارش ہی کرسکتے۔اس پرامریکاکی عدالت میں اس طرح مقدمہ چلایاگیاکہ تمام زمینی حقائق اوررپورٹس چیخ چیخ کرعافیہ کی مظلومیت کی دہائی دے رہی تھی لیکن امریکاکی عدالت نے حا لات کی بے رحم زنجیروں میں جکڑی کمزور،نحیف اورمظلوم عافیہ کو عدم ثبوت کے باوجود٨٧سال کی قیدسنادی۔
ڈاکٹر عا فیہ صدیقی صرف عصمت صدیقی کی ہی بیٹی تو نہیں’وہ تو اپنی ماں کے نام کی رعایت لفظی سے پا کستان کی عصمت کی بیٹی ہے ۔بیٹیاں’جو سب کی ایک جیسی ہوتی ہیں’گڑیوں سے کھیلتی ہوئی’تتلیوں کے پیچھے بھاگتی ہوئی ‘باپ کے پیروں کی آہٹ پر لہراتے با لوںسے دوڑتی ہوئی’اس کے سینے سے لگ کر دل میںا پنی بے لوث محبت اور اطاعت کی لا زوال قندیلیں روشن کرتی ہوئی ‘اپنی ننھی سی عمر میںہی دلہن سی لگتی ہوئی ‘اور ہما رے ایمان کے حوالے سے والدین کے گھروں میں رسالت مآبۖکی مہمان کی حیثیت رکھتی ہوئی ، لیکن آج پابندِسلاسل ہونے کے باوجوداسے جنسی زیادتی کانشانہ بنادیا گیااوروہ کینسرکے موذی مرض میں مبتلازندگی کے آخری سانس لے رہی ہے۔صدحیف کہ علمائے دین بھی اس واقعے پرمنہ میں خودغرضی کی گھنگھنیاں ڈالے بے حسی کاشکارہیں اورصد مبارک اورتحسین کے لائق ہیں ہماری وہ مجبور و بیکس کشمیری دختران ملت جنہوں نے اپنی ملی غیرت کامظاہرہ کرتے ہوئے سڑکوں پر آ کر اپنا احتجاج ریکارڈکروایا۔
ساری پا کستانی قوم اب بجا طور پر مطا لبہ کرتی ہے کہ مستعفی پرویز مشرف کے محاسبے کی فرد جرائم میں ڈاکٹر عافیہ صدیقی کی زندگی تباہ کر نے کا جرم’ پا کستان کی بیٹی کی عزت و توقیر پا مال کر نے کا جرم اور غیر ملکی درندوں کے ہاتھوں بیچنے کا جرم سر فہرست رکھا جائے’اور عدالت عظمیٰ میں ان تمام اہلکاروں پر مقدمات قائم کئے جا ئیںجنہوں نے اپنے اعلیٰ افسران کے احکامات کی تعمیل میں ڈاکٹر عا فیہ صدیقی کو دن دیہاڑے کراچی میں گلشن اقبال سے اپنے سفر پر جا تے ہوئے اغوأ کیا،اسلام آباد کے کسی انٹیروگیشن سنٹر کے عقوبت خا نے میں پہنچایااور افغانستان کے بگرام ایئر بیس میں قائم امریکی جیل میں منتقل کر نے کے گناہ عظیم میں برابر کے شریک رہے ہیں۔مملکت پا کستان کا خواب دیکھنے والا علا مہ اقبال بھی اپنی قبر میں تڑپ ا ٹھا ہوگا کہ اس کے نا م سے منسوب گلشن سے اس کے دل کے پھول کے اس بے دردی سے ٹکڑے کر دئیے گئے۔
یہ کیسی قومی غیرت ہے ‘ہما ری متعدد این جی اوز’حقوق انسا نی کے علمبردار ‘غیر ملکی قیدیوں کے غمگسار کہاں سو ئے ہوئے ہیں ؟شاید ڈاکٹر عا فیہ صدیقی کیلئے کوئی آوازاٹھا نے’کوئی احتجا جی تحریک اور ریلی نکالنے میں کسی اقتصادی فائدے کی کوئی صورت نظر نہیں آ رہی ہو گی۔وہ توہمسایہ ملک کے جا سوسوںاور دہشت گردوں کو سزائے موت کے باوجود رہا کر وانے کیلئے اپنی تمام صلا حیتیں صرف کر کے واپسی کا محفوظ انتظام کرتے ہیں ‘جو ہمیں جواب میں لا شوں کے تحا ئف دیتے ہیں۔ ہم امریکی قیدیوں کو اپنی جیلوں میں وی آئی پی سہو لتیںدیتے ہیں ۔ برطا نوی شہریت کے حامل قاتل کی سزائے موت معاف کرکے نہائت احترام سے واپس برطانیہ بھجواتے ہیں اور مہذب قوم ہونے پر اصرار کرتے ہیں۔اگر ایشین ہیومن رائٹس کمیشن’ امریکی قیدی معظم بیگ کی کتاب کی اشاعت اور ایوان رڈلی درست طور پر تصدیق نہ کرتے تو شاید ہمیں خبر تک نہ ہوتی اور معا ملہ موجودہ صورت اختیار نہ کرتااورعافیہ کانام و نشان تک مٹادیاگیاہوتا۔اسی تشہیر کے نتیجے میں مظلوم اور بے بس ڈاکٹر عافیہ صدیقی کو ا مریکہ منتقل کیا گیا جس پر حد درجہ واہیات اور مضحکہ خیز الزامات کے تحت مقدمہ قائم کیا گیا ۔
صرف اس تصور سے کلیجہ منہ کو آتا ہے اور آنکھیں فرط غم سے خون کا دریا بن گئی ہیں کہ ا پنے خلاف ہونے والی غلیظ سا زش سے بے خبر’عفت مآب خاتون اپنے تین معصوم العمر بچوں سمیت درندہ نما انسانوں کے حوا لے کر دی گئی۔اس نے اپنے ہم وطن اغوأ کا روں کو غیرت وطن کا احساس تو دلایا ہو گا ‘با ربارا پنا جرم تو پو چھا ہو گا’ا پنی بے گنا ہی کی قسمیں بھی توکھائیں ہونگی’ ا پنی عزت و نا موس کا واسطہ بھی دیا ہو گا’ایک خوفزدہ ‘سہمی ہو ئی نا زک سی عا فیہ نے ا پنے لبا س اور بدن پر لپٹی حیا کی چادر نوچنے پر دہشت زدگی میں فریاد تو کی ہو گی۔وہ خونخوار ‘ بے مہر آنکھوں کی تاب نہ لا کر چلّائی تو ہو گی ‘ اس نے ا شک بھری آنکھوں سے بہن’بیٹی ہونے کا واسطہ بھی دیا ہو گا۔کیا اس وقت کی آمریت اورآج کی جمہوریت کے الاؤ میں پگھلے ہو ئے سیسے نے سب کی سما عتیں سلب کر لی ہیں؟کسی کی بصارت میں اپنی بیٹی’ ا پنی جوان بہن کا عکس نہیں ابھراکہ ان میں کوئی عا فیہ صدیقی کی جگہ ہو تی تو ان کے جگر چھلنی نہ ہو تے؟ دل خون نہ ہو تا؟کیا وہ اس کی جگر پاش چیخیں برداشت کر لیتے ؟
عقوبت خا نے کی تا ریک را توں میں تنہا ئی کا عذاب اور نت نئی اذیتوں نے کیسے اس کی جسمانی توانائیاں کشید کی ہوں گی؟ان کا حساب ہے کسی کے پاس؟اور پھر جب اسے اپنے جگر گوشوںکے بغیر اسلام آبادکی کر بلا سے پا بجولاں یزیدی دمشق جیسے بگرام ایئر بیس پر زینب بنت علی کی سنت ادا کر تے ہوئے منتقل کیا جا رہا تھا اور اس کی آہیں سسکیوں میں اور سسکیاں چیخوں میں تبدیل ہو رہی تھیںتو کسی کے ضمیر نے ملا مت نہیں کی؟کسی کی آنکھ سے ندامت کا کوئی آنسو نہیں گرا؟خوف اور دہشت سے ایک نازک سی عورت کے لرزتے ہوئے جسم کی حالت کسی دل میں کوئی گدازپیدا نہ کر سکی ؟ کیا انسان ایسا سنگدل بھی ہو سکتا ہے؟سنا ہے کہ یوسف رضاگیلانی اورپرویز مشرف کے والد گرا می اپنے نام کے ساتھ سیّدبھی لکھتے تھے ۔ وزیراعظم سیدیوسف رضاگیلانی اور مشرف یوم آخرت کو سیّد الانبیاء کا سامنا کیسے کریں گے جب ڈاکٹر عافیہ صدیقی سیّد الانبیاء کے سا ئے میں بیٹھی اپنے تمام مظالم کا ذمہ دار ان کو ٹھہرا دے گی؟کبھی ایسا بھی سوچا ہے کہ ایسا سوچنے کی مہلت بھی چھین لی گئی ہے؟ چنگیر اور ہلا کو کے مظالم ہوں یا کربلا کی ظلمتیں’تا ریخ نویس اس خوف کا بجا طور پر اظہار کرتے ہیں کہ شاید آئندہ آنے والی نسلیں ان کو دروغ گو کہیں گی۔لیکن جا معہ حفضہ کی معصوم طا لبات پر ڈھائے جا نے وا لے مظالم اور عافیہ صدیقی کو پیش آنے وا لے شرمناک اور کرب انگیز حالات قرون وسطیٰ کی تاریخ کی تصدیق کر تے ہیں۔
آج جب وطن کے ہر با ضمیر انسان کی آنکھیں ظلم کی اس داستان پر اشکبار ہیں ‘اس شرمناک داستان کا ورق ورق ذرائع ابلاغ میں بکھرا پڑا ہے۔اس درجہ کی عملی بازگشت جس کا یہ مطالبہ کرتی ہے ‘اقتدار کے ایوانوں سے بر آمد نہیں ہو رہی۔کیا وہ تمام مضا مین’کالم’ادارئیے اور اخباری بیانات کوئی جذباتی افسانہ طرازی ہے جو اہل قلم ہما ری آگا ہی کیلئے سپرد قلم کر رہے ہیں ! یقین کیجئے یہ ملک کی تاریخ کا ایک شرمناک باب مرتب ہورہا ہے اور اس کو مرتب کر نے والے قابل ستائش و احترام ہیں’جن کی تحریروں نے اہل وطن کی رگوں میں حمیت کا خون دوڑآیا ہے ۔قا بل مبارکباد ہیں دخترانِ ملت اوربہت سے اہل قلم ‘جن کے مضا مین عالم اسلام کو خواب غفلت سے جگانے کی کوشش کررہے ہیں۔کاش سفارتی ذرائع سے بڑھ کر حکو متی سطح پر اس اہم ترین مسئلے کو اقوام متحدہ کے توسط سے اٹھایا جائے اور جلد از جلد ڈاکٹر عا فیہ صدیقی کو پنجہ فرعون سے رہا کروایا جائے۔
رب العزت !گزشتہ نو برسوں سے وحشت و درندگی کا شکار ڈاکٹر عا فیہ صدیقی کیلئے غیب کے بہترین اسباب پیدا فر ما اور اس کو بے رحم اغیار کے پنجہ استبدادسے نجات دلا۔بیشک میرا رب علیم و خبیر ہی دشمنوں کی ہر چال کو نا کام بنا نے پر قادر ہے۔ثم آمین
بروزجمعرات ٩ ربیع الاوّل١٤٣٣ھ٢فروری٢٠١٢ئ

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Zardari, Gilani,Kayani, and PAF Chief Rao are responsible for drone attacks

Khurram Shaikh
The crocodile tears shed by the makaar ruling troika of Pakistan is again exposed, by the death of 8 innocent Pakistanis. Ahmed Mukhtar the “brute,” defense minister is as culpable in this massacre.  There is human justice, which one can escape.  But, the ultimate Justice is done by Allah, The Al-ADL, from that there is no escape for all who perpetrate, condone, and look the other way, when this crime is being commited. Zardari, Gilani. Ahmed Mukhtar, Rahman Malik, and all PPP Jiyalas, will pay here and in the hereafter, rest assured. The “hotshot,” PAF Chief Rao Qamar Sulaiman, who bragged about shooting down drones, where is he hiding. Does he have the “kahoonas,” to keep his words.

US Drone Kills 8 in Northwest Pakistan

The program is still technically secret despite widespread acknowledgement, probably because it is illegal

February 07, 2012

A U.S. drone attack fired missiles at a house in Pakistan’s northwest tribal region near the Afghan border Wednesday, killing eight people, according to Pakistani intelligence officials.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity, barred from speaking about foreign bombs killing people on their soil because the CIA’s drone war in Pakistan is technically classified. This, despite an open acknowledgement of the program by President Obama just last week.

The attack occurred in Spalga village where militants fighting foreign troops in Afghanistan reside. But the identities of the 8 people killed were not known or released by the government. U.S. policy is typically to refer to anyone who has been killed drones as “terrorists,” whether they are or not.

The drone program kills large numbers of civilians and creates significant tension between the U.S. and Pakistani governments. The London-based  Bureau of Investigative Journalism has recently published an important new investigation into America’s drone war in Pakistan, finding that many strikes have deliberately launched follow-up attacks, killing people “who had gone to help rescue victims or were attending funerals.”

The Obama administration has launched hundreds of strikes in the past few years, despite the drone campaign resting on very shaky legal and moral ground. Naz Modirzadeh, Associate Director of the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research (HPCR) at Harvard University,  was interviewed by the Bureau and said killing people at a rescue site may have no legal justification.

“Not to mince words here, if it is not in a situation of armed conflict, unless it falls into the very narrow area of imminent threat then it is an extra-judicial execution,” she said. “We don’t even need to get to the nuance of who’s who, and are people there for rescue or not. Because each death is illegal. Each death is a murder in that case.”

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Pakistani Defense Minister urges reopening border to NATO

Pakistani Minister urges reopening border to NATOAfghan refugee children who fled their country with parents and their family members, play in a slums of Islamabad, Pakistan where thousands of famili

AP – Afghan refugee children who fled their country with parents and their family members, play in a slums …

ISLAMABAD – Pakistan’s defense minister said Tuesday that the country should reopen its Afghan border crossings to NATO troop supplies after negotiating a better deal with the coalition.

Pakistan closed the crossings over two months ago in response to American airstrikes that accidentally killed 24 Pakistani soldiers at two Afghan border posts. The closure has forced the United States to spend six times as much money to send supplies to Afghanistan through alternative routes.

Pakistani Defense Minister Ahmad Mukhtar told the private Geo TV that the government should negotiate new “terms and conditions” with NATO, then reopen the border.

He did not provide specific details. But other Pakistani officials have suggested that the government levy additional fees on the coalition for using the route since the heavy trucks cause damage to the roads.

Pakistan’s parliament is expected to vote on a revised framework for relations with the U.S. in mid-February that could pave the way for the government to reopen the supply line.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar said last week that she didn’t think it would be much of a problem to reopen the route after the parliament vote.

The defense minister echoed this view, saying “I think the people who are deciding, who are giving recommendations, will make the right decision.”

For most of the 10-year war in Afghanistan, 90 percent of supplies shipped to coalition forces came through Pakistan, via the port of Karachi. But over the past three years, NATO has increased its road and rail shipments through an alternate route that runs through Russia and Central Asia. The northern route was longer and more expensive, but provided a hedge against the riskier Pakistan route.

Before the accidental American airstrikes on Nov. 26, about 30 percent of non-lethal supplies for U.S. and coalition troops in Afghanistan traveled through Pakistan.

The U.S. has since increased the amount of supplies running through the northern route, but this has cost it a lot more money. Pentagon figures provided to the AP show it is now costing about $104 million per month to send supplies. That is $87 million more per month than when the cargo moved through Pakistan.

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Time Australian takes issue over skewed article on Pakistan…

The Editor
Time Magazine
Dear Editor,
 I recently returned from a
charitable trip to Pakistan , whereby I visited both Karachi and
Islamabad. I spoke with several universities, key businesses,
prominent business leaders and several religious people from all
generations….On the day I returned to the office, someone had placed
your magazine (January 16, 2012), on my desk. I read with interest
your article on Karachi and the city in doom. For a person to have
just returned from the very same place that your magazine described
was somewhat bizarre, so I read with great detail your writer (Andrew
Marshall’s) account.
Let me begin by saying that I often flick through your magazine and
find the articles of great interest, but on this particular day and
this particular article, I found certain comments to be both one sided
and indeed very negative. I say that because I saw a different
Pakistan to what was portrayed in your article. I do not and will not
comment on the political or religious problems that the country faces,
but I will go so far as to say that not everything is as bad as the
image that your magazine paints. Sure there are deaths in the cities.
Please show me a city in the world, that is free from political
fighting and unrest. Sure there are differences in the political party
opinions. Please show me a country in the world where the political
parties agree. Sure the innocent are suffering. Please show me a
country in the world where wealth and power is equal and the innocent
don’t suffer. Sure corruption is in Pakistan . Please show me a country
in the world that is corruption free. My list could go on, but my
point is that Pakistan does have problems…but so does every other
country in the world in some way or another. However, in the case of
ALL other nations, there are often good things to report and the media
goes out of its way to promote these good things across the globe,
whenever possible.
The ridiculous amount of shootings in the USA are balanced off by the
success of Google, Microsoft and Apple. The financial dilemmas of
Greece are lost in the marketing of the Greek Islands as a holiday
destination of choice. The child slave industry of India , is brushed
under the carpet in favour of the nation’s growth in the global
software boom. What I am trying to say, is that someone needs to look
further into Pakistan and see that there are millions of great stories
to write about, which would portray the country in a different light,
to that what is being portrayed by your article.
When I was in Pakistan , I visited a towel manufacturing company
(Alkaram Towels). They produced some $60million in export in 2011 and
are aiming at $85million in 2012. A substantial increase in sales…in
a recession I would remind you. The company was started by the current
Chairman, Mr. Mehtab Chawla, at the tender age of nine, after his
father passed away. Today the very man employs 3000 staff. Now that’s
a story. I visited universities of NED, Hamdard, Karachi , Szabist and
NUST. The students are unbelievably intelligent. They spend their
spare time developing APPS for android and apple. They are involved in
cutting edge technology and no one in the world knows this. Why not
send a reporter to Pakistan to look into this. Why not research good
things in this nation, rather than just the bad things.
At NUST (National Institution for Science and Technology – Islamabad ))
there were 38,000 applications for medicine. There are only 83 seats
for the medicine course  on offer. The competition is unbelievable. In
short it pushes the best to be even better. But the world doesn’t
know this. Why? Because no one wants to report on it, or no one knows
about it…or both !!Please do not get me wrong. I understand that
news is news, but it is high time that the western world stopped
promoting these terrorists and political wars in Pakistan and started
to write something that would help the nation. Something positive. If
we really care about global partnerships and economic growth, then I
suggest we try and give Pakistan a helping hand.
There are 180 million people in Pakistan , 65% are under the age of 25.
The youth of Pakistan is its strength.. it is like a sleeping giant.
If you think that India is a booming nation. I suggest you stop a
second and look at Pakistan . Given a little help from the western
world, Pakistan can become a dominant economy. She doesn’t want aid
and she doesn’t need money… she just wants the chance to be seen in
a different light.  I believe we have a fundamental obligation to
assist. The only question is, who will reach out first.
Warmest regards,
Tony Lozoro.
Date: Sunday, January 29, 2012, 11:17 AM

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Democracy has turned out to be like a termites invasion or “deemak,” eating away at the foundations of Pakistan.  In 1971, a similar deemak, ruled by Zulfiqar ali Bhutto, destroyed half of Pakistan. In 2012, the deemak headed by Zardari is eating away at the foundations of leftover Pakistan. Democratic right of freedom of speech is being used to destroy the ideology of Pakistan. PPP was founded to destroy Pakistan and absorb it in an Indian Union. The stooge and traitor, who spear-headed that movement, was none other than Zardari’s father in law.  PPP is moving forward with its main objective. Destroy the only institution that is protecting the national ideology of Pakistan.  Today one sees, a PPP inspired, freewheeling media blitzkrieg against Pakistan Armed Forces.  This is geared towards destroying their name, reputation and credibility in the eyes of Pakistani people.   A key Zardari inspired objective is to completely neutralize Army’s internal security role in protecting Pakistan’s ideological frontiers.  In the process, Pakistanis civilians and armed forces are being lured into serving as foreign agents.  Foreign incentives are being offered to betray the nation as a reward. Husain Haqqani recently availed himself of such a reward.  He is sitting safe in the lap of Uncle Sam, his mentor and guardian.

ISI: Pakistan’s first line of defense for the Ideology and People of Pakistan

Pakistanis from all walks of life and all religious, political, social, cultural, provincial, and ideological backgrounds must defend ISI, because it does not speak for itself. It works behind the scene as it should.
ISI, Pakistan’s first line of defense is being smeared with a barrage of negative propaganda in the national media. Pakistan Army is under media assault.  The credibility of its leadership is seriously questioned.  Meanwhile, Gen.Kayani meditates in a nicotine-induced stupor.  All around him, the institution under his leadership is being buffeted by a hailstorm of offensive malodorous smears. RAW, Mossad, CIA, and MI 5 are all enjoying this spectacle of internecine warfare from the sidelines. History repeats itself.
Obscurantism, which brought the downfall of Muslim Spain, is being widely promoted. Ijtehad is being rejected in educational institutions.  Sham or Deemak democracy is being used to destroy state institutions.  Pakistan is being manipulated to commit national hara kiri.  Freedom of speech is being used to promote subversion and national destruction.  The catalyst in the whole process is the scourge of democracy, a double-edged sword, good for the political machinations of the West, and a live grenade for poor, unprepared and illiterate nations like Pakistan.
 The critical target is none other than the NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES OF PAKISTAN.

The greed and chicanery Zardari is leading this self-annihilation and national ideology immolation juggernaut. Zardari is America’s master key to destroy Pakistan’s nuclear program.  The recent Memogate Affair was the opening act of this drama. Haqqani anti-nuclear program efforts were only a half a turn in the nuclear lock on Pakistan’s nuclear assets.  He got caught. But, the Master Lock Smith, Zardari escaped unscathed, by a Kayani-Zardari-America-Haqqani Muk-Mukao.
As long as Zardari is in power, PAKISTAN’S NUCLEAR ASSETS ARE IN CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER. At the moment, the only hope lies in the common people of Pakistan. THEY ARE THE TRUE GUARDIANS OF ITS NUCLEAR AND BALLISTIC PROGRAM.
The Sham Democracy
The scourge of so-called sham “democracy” is destroying Pakistan. Pakistan’s democracy is being whittled away by the hypocrisy of Pakistani politicians and the current armed forces leadership. The latter are destroying Pakistan by their silence and by default acquiescence to the machinations of master manipulator and black marketer of cinema tickets, Zardari and his inarticulate buffoon and philandering narcissistic Prime Minister Gilani.  They are supported by a comical caste of goofy Chief Ministers like Shahbaz Sharif (a has been filmi singer), Qaim Ali Shah-“bacha jumoorah of mandaree zardari, and the lush drunkard Raisani, whose drunkenness video is attached below. This cast of characters are whittling away at the foundations of Pakistan and thereby making the nation vulnerable to foreign “diktats.”
Zardari government has less dignity than an international prostitute. It has sullied the name of Pakistan through disastrous governance amounting to criminal negligence of state institutions. Cronyism, graft, and nepotism rule all governmental transactions.
Mukhbir Tariq Aziz, the Cat in the Chicken Coop
BUT, THE MASTER MIND AND THE ORCHESTRA LEADER OF PAKISTAN’S DESTRUCTION STAYS BELOW THE RADAR, AND HIS NAME IS NONE OTHER THAN TARIQ AZIZ.  Tariq is the Peer of Pakistani dictators, whether military or civilian. He is the de facto ruler of Pakistan, serving as vice-regent of America. He is the stealth agent of America.  He stays below the radar of Pakistani press and public.  Very few people in Pakistan know his name, because he loves to be a king maker anonymous, for his foreign Master.  Tariq Aziz is the man behind making Pakistan a vassal state of America. He is the modern day Mir Jaffer.  Even, the best-known opposition politicians keep Tariq Aziz’s pivotal role in manipulating Pakistani politics in the last 40 years.
Pakistani people have been numbed to the national stupor and malaise to such an extent that they have lost even the courage to protest. Few voices in the wilderness like Imran Khan and Shaikh Rashid are the only signs of life left in the nation. But, they may be muffled by the juggernaut of corrupt mafiadom and their sirens like Babar Awan, Fawzia Wahab, Rahman Malik, and Ahmad Mukhtar
Pakistan is on sale.
It is like a slave girl in a medieval Baghdad market. Its reputation, its dignity, and its national pride are all on sale. Zardari and his gang are black-marketing Pakistan to the highest bidder. Haqqani scandal was just a tip of the iceberg. Haqqani was just a broker for Zardari. The man selling Pakistan is the black marketer of Bambino cinema. Pakistan is just his property acquired by illicit means. His real home lies in many places like the invigorating climes of Brittany, Cayman Islands, Dubai, Miami, and Kensington Place.
Zardari, the Bambino Cinema Petty Ticket Thief and Black Marketer
Zardari the manipulative petty thief has hijacked, a whole nation, and is keeping it hostage to his whims. He finds his base of power, only in Naudero, but also, in Washington and Whitehall.
The key objective of America is to make Pakistan Army subservient to Zardari government, which has already been achieved through Gens.Kayani and Pasha. General Kayani due to his weak and impotent leadership, and by following a hands-off approach has given free reins to foreign funded Pakistani politicians of PPP, MQM, ANP, PML (Q), PML (N) to demonize the Pakistan Armed Forces in media and public forums. This funding has been provided in several different forms.  It may be monetary like facilitation of business start-up in EU countries or America, politician’s children admission in prestigious American and British Universities, and money laundering in Western Banks. Thousands of retired Pakistan Army officers are running businesses in America. How did they get green cards? Where did they get funding in US dollars? What did they compromise to get a safe haven in the US? Similarly, Pakistani politicians are like hyperventilating greedy dogs, eating out from the hands of their foreign masters. People like Chaudhry Nisar, Fauzia Wahab, Rahman Malik, Nawaz Shariff, Maulvi Fazlur Rehman, Shahbaz Shariff, Babar Awan, Mafia Don Chaudhry Shujaat, and media personalities Sanaa Bucha and hack fifth column journalists like Najam Sethi jump at the behest of foreign masters.
Corruption Rules Pakistan.
Pakistan is a den of corruption. Every one in Pakistan has a price. So Pakistanis not lower their guard against foreign efforts to control Pakistan’s Nuclear Assets.When a nation becomes corrupt.  Its vulnerability to subversion increases.  Its national secrets also become vulnerable.  they can be  compromised and sold-off to the highest bidder In return Pakistani politicians have become part of a media blitz to demonize the Pakistan Army and its leadership. Never in the history of Pakistan Army, has the COAS or the ISI Chief become a topic of derision and discussion.  What India would have loved to do to the reduce the credibility and respect of Pakistan Armed Forces leaders, the Gen Kayani is doing it for them, by ignoring a tsunami of Pak Army “bashing,” being carried out by PPP and its coalition partners.  The image of Pakistan Army, which had sterling quality, is being tarnished by an open season of Army bashing,” unleashed by Zardari and his cohorts.  His profligate son-in law, Asif Zardari, is accomplishing the destruction and demolition of Pakistan as a state, which was started by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. The leadership of Pakistan Army should now change the Pakistan Army tarana to, “Mere duniya lut rahee thee aur mehn khamosh tha, tukray, tukray, dil kay ginta, qis ko itna hoosh tha.” A stealth sabotage of Pakistan’s premier institution is being carried out under the noses of all Pakistanis, who are watching silently like opiated lemming ready to take a suicidal plunge into the sea of oblivion.  The spirits of millions of martyrs of 1947, 48, 65,71 and Kargil must be mourning the destruction of Pakistan under the current civilian and armed forces leadership.
A recent article in the Guardian, UK described corruption in Nigeria.  In this article, by replacing the word Nigeria with Pakistan one finds no difference in the circumstances: Reference
Agriculture and manufacturing were neglected and the country became an oil-dependent economy. The economic fundamentals that had ensured the country’s development in the first decade of independence were quickly forgotten. Sharing out the oil cash became the focus of the ruling elite.
Successive governments institutionalized corruption, making it the lifeblood of Nigerian statecraft – the whole Nigerian society was corrupted in the process.
I attended a wedding in Lagos two years ago. The priest started by urging those present to “recognize the presence” of one of the most corrupt Nigerian politicians, widely believed to have physically eliminated many of his political enemies. Yet a priest was singling him out for recognition because of his wealth and power.
Nigerians have lost their sense of outrage. If you tell them you wished politicians were honest and stopped looting the country, they’ll likely respond by blasting you for wasting their time with such banalities when it is obvious “that will never happen in Nigeria”. “Don’t be a fool. If I ever get the opportunity, I will steal my own portion,” they’ll likely say. How can you build a functioning state if people have such an approach?
“Nigeria needs strong institutions, not strong men,” is an oft-repeated phrase and rightly so. The western world has been able to establish institutions and laws that help keep the darker side of its citizens in check. Bar such institutions, societies turn predatory with the strong quickly gobbling up the weak. South Africa definitely has much stronger national institutions than Nigeria, and although the apartheid system was morally reprehensible and utterly indefensible, the fact is that functioning institutions created then is now serving all South Africans today.
Nigerians need to look inwards and find out what aspects and norms in its society are detrimental to the nation’s progress. Criticism, not of particular individuals, but of questionable cultural norms, is lacking in Nigeria. Without recognizing and working on its weaknesses, Nigerian society will never produce functioning institutions.
But corruption is not the only factor keeping the country from progressing: another is the country’s the poor maintenance culture. Erect a new office block in Nigeria today and in a year’s time it will look like it was built a decade ago. So how then can roads, bridges or hospitals built be expected to last?
We often rail against the evils of the slave trade but fail to notice how millions of children are used as so-called “house-helps” in Nigeria. They are de-facto slaves who will never have access to an education and the chance for a better life that would make them productive citizens. They often don’t get paid for their work and are lucky if they are fed properly. Yet society judges this to be acceptable.
Nigeria needs a revolution in its rulers’ approach to governance but it also needs a revolution in the people’s approach to citizenship. Assuming it is acceptable to be dishonest in business dealings simply because “everyone else is doing it” will get Nigeria nowhere; likewise will accepting the rule of the mediocre because “that’s just the way it is”.
Pakistan has become a vassal state of America, in the Universe, not a needle moves without Allah’s permission. In minds of Pakistan’s current ruling elites, Allah (nauzobillah), has been replaced by America. Not a needle moves in Pakistan, without the will of America.


Democracy has turned out to be like termites or “deemak,” eating away at the foundations of Pakistan.  In 1971, this deemak destroyed half of Pakistan. In 2012, the deemak headed by Zardari is eating away at the foundations of leftover Pakistan. Democratic right of freedom of speech is being used to destroy the ideology of Pakistan. It is a PPP inspired, freewheeling media blitzkrieg against Pakistan Armed Forces.  This is geared towards destroy their reputation and credibility in the eyes of Pakistanis.   Another Zardari inspired objective is to completely neutralize their internal security role in protecting Pakistan’s ideological frontiers. Pakistanis civilians and armed forces are being lured into serving as foreign agents.  Foreign goodies are being offered to betray the nation as a reward. Husain Haqqani has recently availed himself of such an award.  Among the popular rewards are residency visas for America or EU countries.ISI, Pakistan’s first line of defense is being smeared with a barrage of negative propaganda in the national media. Pakistan Army is under media assault.  The credibility of its leadership is seriously questioned.  Meanwhile, Gen.Kayani meditates in a nicotine-induced stupor.  All around him, the institution under his leadership is being buffeted by a hailstorm of offensive malodorous smears. RAW, Mossad, CIA, and MI 5 are all enjoying this spectacle of internecine warfare from the sidelines. History repeats itself.Obscurantism, which brought the downfall of Muslim Spain, is being widely promoted. Ijtehad is being rejected in educational institutions.  Sham democracy is being used to destroy state institutions.  Pakistan is being manipulated to commit national hara kiri.  Freedom of speech is being used to promote subversion and national destruction.  The catalyst in the whole process is the scourge of democracy, a double-edged sword, good for the political machinations of the West, and a live grenade for poor, unprepared and illiterate nations like Pakistan.  The critical target is none other than the NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES OF PAKISTAN.The greed and chicanery Zardari is leading this self-annihilation and national ideology immolation juggernaut. Zardari is America’s master key to destroy Pakistan’s nuclear program.  The recent Memogate Affair was the opening act of this drama. Haqqani anti-nuclear program efforts were only a half a turn in the nuclear lock on Pakistan’s nuclear assets.  He got caught. But, the Master Lock Smith, Zardari escaped unscathed, by a Kayani-Zardari-America-Haqqani Muk-Mukao.  As long as Zardari is in power, PAKISTAN’S NUCLEAR ASSETS ARE IN CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER. At the moment, the only hope lies in the common people of Pakistan. THEY ARE THE TRUE GUARDIANS OF ITS NUCLEAR AND BALLISTIC PROGRAM. The Sham DemocracyThe scourge of so-called sham “democracy” is destroying Pakistan. Pakistan’s democracy is being whittled away by the hypocrisy of Pakistani politicians and the current armed forces leadership. The latter are destroying Pakistan by their silence and by default acquiescence to the machinations of master manipulator and black marketer of cinema tickets, Zardari and his inarticulate buffoon and philandering narcissistic Prime Minister Gilani.  They are supported by a comical caste of goofy Chief Ministers like Shahbaz Sharif (a has been filmi singer), Qaim Ali Shah-“bacha jumoorah of mandaree zardari, and the lush drunkard Raisani, whose drunkenness video is attached below. This cast of characters are whittling away at the foundations of Pakistan and thereby making the nation vulnerable to foreign “diktats.”Zardari government has less dignity than an international prostitute. It has sullied the name of Pakistan through disastrous governance amounting to criminal negligence of state institutions. Cronyism, graft, and nepotism rule all governmental transactions. 
BUT, THE MASTER MIND AND THE ORCHESTRA LEADER OF PAKISTAN’S DESTRUCTION STAYS BELOW THE RADAR, AND HIS NAME IS NONE OTHER THAN TARIQ AZIZ.  Tariq is the Peer of Pakistani dictators, whether military or civilian. He is the de facto ruler of Pakistan, serving as vice-regent of America. He is the stealth agent of America.  He stays below the radar of Pakistani press and public.  Very few people in Pakistan know his name, because he loves to be a king maker anonymous, for his foreign Master.  Tariq Aziz is the man behind making Pakistan a vassal state of America. He is the modern day Mir Jaffer.  Even, the best-known opposition politicians keep Tariq Aziz’s pivotal role in manipulating Pakistani politics in the last 40 years.
Pakistani people have been numbed to the national stupor and malaise to such an extent that they have lost even the courage to protest. Few voices in the wilderness like Imran Khan and Shaikh Rashid are the only signs of life left in the nation. But, they may be muffled by the juggernaut of corrupt mafiadom and their sirens like Babar Awan, Fawzia Wahab, Rahman Malik, and Ahmad Mukhtar. Pakistan is on sale. It is like a slave girl in a medieval Baghdad market. Its reputation, its dignity, and its national pride are all on sale. Zardari is the wily merchant offering Pakistan for sale to the highest bidder. Haqqani was just a tout for Zardari. Haqqani scandal was just a tip of the iceberg of the Pakistan for Sale Conspiracy. The man selling Pakistan is the master black marketer, who honed his skills at the Bambino cinema.  He finagaled his way to marrying a scion of the most prominent family in Sindh.  Pakistan is just another  property for him.  He acquired it by illicit means. He will sell it and its Nuclear Program by illicit means.  Unless the people of Pakistan overthrow him in the next election, which is highly unlikely.  An illiterate and poor electorate can be fooled and easily bought. Zardari’s  several homes lie in many places like Brittany in France, Cayman Islands, Dubai, Miami, and Kensington Place. 

Zardari the manipulative petty thief has hijacked, a whole nation, and is keeping it hostage to his whims. He finds his base of power, only in Naudero, but also, in Washington and Whitehall. The key objective of America is to make Pakistan Army subservient to Zardari government, which has already been achieved through Gens.Kayani and Pasha. General Kayani due to his weak and impotent leadership, and by following a hands-off approach has given free reins to foreign funded Pakistani politicians of PPP, MQM, ANP, PML (Q), PML (N) to demonize the Pakistan Armed Forces in media and public forums. This funding has been provided in several different forms.  It may be monetary like facilitation of business start-up in EU countries or America, politician’s children admission in prestigious American and British Universities, and money laundering in Western Banks. Thousands of retired Pakistan Army officers are running businesses in America. How did they get green cards? Where did they get funding in US dollars? What did they compromise to get a safe haven in the US? Similarly, Pakistani politicians are like hyperventilating dogs, eating out from the hands of their foreign masters. People like Chaudhry Nisar, Fauzia Wahab, Rahman Malik, Nawaz Shariff, Maulvi Fazlur Rehman, Shahbaz Shariff, Babar Awan, Mafia don Chaudhry Shujaat, and media personalities Sanaa Bucha and hack fifth column journalists like Najam Sethi jump at the behest of foreign masters. Corruption Rules Pakistan. Pakistan is a den of corruption. When a nation becomes corrupt, all its secrets and its security are compromised and sold-off to the highest bidder. In return Pakistani politicians have become part of a media blitz to demonize the Pakistan Army and its leadership. Never in the history of Pakistan Army, has the COAS or the ISI Chief become a topic of derision and discussion.  What India would have loved to do to the reduce the credibility and respect of Pakistan Armed Forces leaders, the Gen Kayani is doing it for them, by ignoring a tsunami of Pak Army “bashing,” being carried out by PPP and its coalition partners.  The image of Pakistan Army, which had sterling quality, is being tarnished by an open season of Army bashing,” unleashed by Zardari and his cohorts.  His profligate son-in law, Asif Zardari, is accomplishing the destruction and demolition of Pakistan as a state, which was started by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. The leadership of Pakistan Army should now change the Pakistan Army tarana to, “Mere duniya lut rahee thee aur mehn khamosh tha, tukray, tukray, dil kay ginta, qis ko itna hoosh tha.” A stealth sabotage of Pakistan’s premier institution is being carried out under the noses of all Pakistanis, who are watching silently like opiated lemming ready to take a suicidal plunge into the sea of oblivion.  The spirits of millions of martyrs of 1947, 48, 65,71 and Kargil must be mourning the destruction of Pakistan under the current civilian and armed forces leadership. A recent article in the Guardian, UK described corruption in Nigeria.  In this article, by replacing the word Nigeria with Pakistan one finds no difference in the circumstances: Reference”Agriculture and manufacturing were neglected and the country became an oil-dependent economy. The economic fundamentals that had ensured the country’s development in the first decade of independence were quickly forgotten. Sharing out the oil cash became the focus of the ruling elite.

Successive governments institutionalized corruption, making it the lifeblood of Nigerian statecraft – the whole Nigerian society was corrupted in the process.
I attended a wedding in Lagos two years ago. The priest started by urging those present to “recognize the presence” of one of the most corrupt Nigerian politicians, widely believed to have physically eliminated many of his political enemies. Yet a priest was singling him out for recognition because of his wealth and power.
Nigerians have lost their sense of outrage. If you tell them you wished politicians were honest and stopped looting the country, they’ll likely respond by blasting you for wasting their time with such banalities when it is obvious “that will never happen in Nigeria”. “Don’t be a fool. If I ever get the opportunity, I will steal my own portion,” they’ll likely say. How can you build a functioning state if people have such an approach?
“Nigeria needs strong institutions, not strong men,” is an oft-repeated phrase and rightly so. The western world has been able to establish institutions and laws that help keep the darker side of its citizens in check. Bar such institutions, societies turn predatory with the strong quickly gobbling up the weak. South Africa definitely has much stronger national institutions than Nigeria, and although the apartheid system was morally reprehensible and utterly indefensible, the fact is that functioning institutions created then is now serving all South Africans today.

Nigerians need to look inwards and find out what aspects and norms in its society are detrimental to the nation’s progress. Criticism, not of particular individuals, but of questionable cultural norms, is lacking in Nigeria. Without recognizing and working on its weaknesses, Nigerian society will never produce functioning institutions.
But corruption is not the only factor keeping the country from progressing: another is the country’s the poor maintenance culture. Erect a new office block in Nigeria today and in a year’s time it will look like it was built a decade ago. So how then can roads, bridges or hospitals built be expected to last?
We often rail against the evils of the slave trade but fail to notice how millions of children are used as so-called “house-helps” in Nigeria. They are de-facto slaves who will never have access to an education and the chance for a better life that would make them productive citizens. They often don’t get paid for their work and are lucky if they are fed properly. Yet society judges this to be acceptable.
Nigeria needs a revolution in its rulers’ approach to governance but it also needs a revolution in the people’s approach to citizenship. Assuming it is acceptable to be dishonest in business dealings simply because “everyone else is doing it” will get Nigeria nowhere; likewise will accepting the rule of the mediocre because “that’s just the way it is”.

Pakistan has become a vassal state of America, in the Universe, not a needle moves without Allah’s permission, in Pakistan’s ruling circles, Allah (nauzobillah), has been replaced by America. Not a needle moves in Pakistan, without the will of America.


In Surah ar-Ra’ad, Ayah 11


Allah (swt) has decreed:


“InnAllaha laa yoghayyiru maa bi Qawmin hattaa yoghayyiroo maa bi anfusihim”

(ar-Ra’ad 13:11)


“Allah will not change what is in any nation, until they all collectively make a change occur in what is in themselves.” (ar-Ra’ad 13:11)

Pakistani people wake-up! Pakistan is dying from within.  Save Pakistan now or Perish forever.

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