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Archive for May, 2011

‘India’s global power aspirations a far fetched idea’

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Black Hawk Down

Pakistan may let China

Pakistan may let China “take a look” at remains of the damaged helicopter found near the Abbottabad compound where Navy SEAL commandos killed… 

Secrets: Good news of bin Laden’s death may be followed by bad news of Pakistan giving China a peek at our downed helicopter. Will we be threatened by our own technology?

They are something out of the latest Batman flick, the modified Black Hawk helicopters that were used in the raid on Osama bin Laden’s Pakistani compound. With a curious hublike housing around the unusually configured rear-rotor, among other things, it was clearly designed to be as quiet and stealthy as possible.

When one of the copters clipped a wall in bin Laden’s compound, it had to be destroyed, leaving behind a technological gift that not-always-cooperative and now-disgruntled Pakistanis may use to get even with an America that left them out of the loop.

ABC News reports that in the days after the raid, the tail section and other pieces of debris

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Pakistan Works on Fourth Khushab Nuke Reactor

The apparent speed with which Pakistan has moved to build another plutonium-producing reactor demonstrates the nuclear-armed South Asian state is expanding its nuclear program at a faster rate than any other country in the world. (Alhamdollilah)

Pakistan Rushing Work on Fourth Khushab Satellite photographs from last month show that Pakistan is rushing building work on a fourth nuclear reactor at the Khushab facility, Newsweek reported on Sunday (Pakistan’s Khushab heavy-water plant, shown in 2008. Satellite imagery from April indicates Pakistan has accelerated construction of a fourth reactor at Khushab (Aamir Qureshi/Getty Images).
The apparent speed with which Pakistan has moved to build another plutonium-producing reactor demonstrates the nuclear-armed South Asian state is expanding its nuclear program at a faster rate than any other country in the world. As of December 2009, satellite photographs did offer any sign of the fourth reactor. The new nuclear facility could become active as soon as 2013.

“The buildup is remarkable,” Institute for Science and International Security analyst Paul Brannan said. “And that nobody in the U.S. or in the Pakistani government says anything about this — especially in this day and age — is perplexing” (Andrew Bast, Newsweek, May 15).

In an analysis issued on Monday, Brannan and ISIS head David Albright stated that the precise pace of construction of the fourth reactor relative to the other Khushab reactors cannot yet be determined from the images — though construction has progressed significantly since January 15, 2011.”

The organization said that construction of the third reactor at Khushab had proceeded more quickly than the second plant. “It may be building the fourth reactor quicker than the third one. Nonetheless, the fourth reactor will likely take a few years to complete,” the report says.

The organization called on Washington to demand that Islamabad stop building additional reactors at the installation (Institute for Science and International Security release, May 16).

Islamabad’s nuclear buildup has raised worries about a competition for strategic superiority in South Asia. Some U.S. intelligence analyses project that Pakistan holds no fewer than 90 deployed nuclear weapons and potentially in excess of 110, which would outnumber those nuclear arms held by longtime rival India.

“You’re talking about Pakistan even eventually passing France at some point. That’s extraordinary,” former U.S. Defense Undersecretary Eric Edelman told Newsweek.

France presently has the fourth-largest nuclear arsenal, behind the United States, Russia and China (see GSN, Feb. 1).

The secret U.S. commando raid into Pakistan earlier this month that resulted in the death of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has again raised fears that the South Asian nation’s military is not up to the task of guarding its nuclear arsenal from foreign governments or extremists (see GSN, May 11).


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Pakistan: Democracy and the Will of the People

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Operation Geronimo & Abbottabad fiasco

On seeing the dramatic live action TV footage of Navy Seals jumping into the compound of Osama bin Laden, and killing him, US President Barrack Obama gleefully yelled,

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