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The G-7, Ukraine-Russia War, and Revisiting Hiroshima and Cruelty of Wars

[Photo: Ruined homes in the U.S. battle in Falluja, Iraq. Christian Peacemaker Teams, Pressenza,]

By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

Editor’s Note

War has always been a brutal devastation of life and land. That is what war is and only one earthly species engages in war – humans. Variations on “Truth is the first casualty of war” is attributed to a handful of people, but it appears that Samuel Johnson was the first  as the following quote was found in The Idler of 1748: ‘Among the calamities of war may be jointly numbered the diminution of the love of truth, by the falsehoods which interest dictates and credulity encourages.’ (Guardian) Why lie? Because the people would neither support nor fight in a war for the real purpose – the desires of those with power. All of this is to make note that the people (we, the supposed lessers in the broader scheme of things) know the real costs of war. However, we are lied to because the “leaders”, and those whose interests are served, cannot carry on these atrocities without us because they damn well don’t want to do their own dirty work.

Let’s circle back to humans and war because I can hear the grumbling about meerkats, mongooses, and chimpanzees. Yes, some other creatures will fight over territory, or even swoop in and kill inhabitants in their dens. But somehow it lacks the organization and scale that humans bring to war. Humans, at least Western humans, have gone so far as to frame every possible competitor as an enemy that must be obliterated whether they are competitors for food or land, or simply seen as nuisances, to the bacteria. Our quest to kill all gems in their figurative cribs has led to an ever-expanding list of MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).

When will we, whichever “we” we are discussing, realize that we (either humanity, or a single nation, or a single race, or perhaps only the top .01%) cannot be the only living things on the planet? For if that is the case then those lives will be shot indeed.

Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

The G-7 Disconnects from the Sense of One Humanity

Can you cure political cynicism with intellectual foresight? The G-7 used to be a G-8 and included Russia, but since 2014 it changed to an exclusive club of like-minded America-European think tanks for their own politics and future-making. They share self-centered political interests and values but not a belief in the sanctity of human life grounded in the tenets of One Humanity – the equality of human beings, justice, respect for others, and being open to listening and learning to manage the phenomenon of change and sustainable future. If Russia was still an 8th member of the club, a reasoned dialogue could have emerged to end the war between Russia –Ukraine and follow it through with the restoration of normal relations between the adjacent cultures of thinking and actions. Despite the like-minded leaders’ deliberation, there were no much-needed initiatives reflecting a leader’s moral consciousness for peace and conflict resolution. They invited India, South Africa, South Korea, Brazil, and others who are in conflict with the US and European stance on the war; yet for economic and face-saving overtures, their presence is recorded and they do not offer any unanimity to the global community’s pursuits for peace and end of the conflict.

Humans’ disconnect from truth has caused many catastrophic disasters and contradictions to mislead global humanity. The military approach was high on the agenda. Does it mean that the G-7 leadership lacks imagination for a peaceful resolution of emerging conflicts? A reflective snapshot of a critical moment in time pulse in the movement of history reveals the absence of reasoned dialogue for the prevention of the ongoing conflict causing massive human casualties, displacement of millions of Ukrainian civilian refugees across Europe, destruction of essential civic infrastructures and furious competitive edge for success in an ugly war between Russia, the West, and Ukraine. To glance ahead to the emerging horrifying events coming out of the Russian-Ukraine war fronts, We, The People of global humanity must call for an immediate halt to all war machines and lingering suspicion of one-sided peace and triumph. 

Sometimes Western cultures unimaginably look for remote movements of time and destiny for a navigational change. Often ferocious scenarios of good, evil, and wrong are used by policymakers to explain the contrasts of the present. Paul Craig Roberts (“The United States has been destroyed by its Ruling Elite.” 5/18/2023: Global research), claims that “the US is moving toward a fatal split in the society from which recovery is impossible.”

One wonders why the G-7 wanted to meet in Hiroshima. Political tyranny and oppression could not avert the bombing of Hiroshima. Arguably, civilizations and sustainable futures do not evolve out of the moral and intellectual mire of military conquests, cruelty, and imperialism. Were they thinking to change history and its encompassing realism? But the object of historic memory was not replaced with hope for the present or the future. They did nothing new to discard the old follies and restore a new sense of imagination for peace and harmony between the warring parties. The threat of lethal nuclear weapons is looming at the decision-making tables. The leaders could deny it as a working option, be it the Western or Russian. 

Dropping Two Atomic Bombs was a Rush to Political Judgment

They have learned to destroy the Earth but not to protect its natural sanctity. Do the G-7 leaders know how the living Earth and the living Universe were created and function? Or that the Laws of Nature govern the global planetary systems? What relationship do Man and Humanity enjoin to the working of Earth and the larger Universe? Be aware oh-fellow human beings, we reside on a living Earth, not a dead entity -how the planet Earth exists and moves at its axis and rotates at 1675 km per hour or 465 meters per second is 1,040 miles per hour faster than the scientific imagination: 

“Behold! in the creation of the Heavens and of the earth, and the alternation of the Night and Day, There are indeed Signs for men of understanding; Men  who celebrate the praises of God, standing, and sitting and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of ) creation in the heavens and the earth with the thought):  Our Lord!  Not for naught Hast Thou created all this, Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the Penalty of the Fire.”  (The Qur’an: Chapter 3: 190-191)

“And He created everything, and measured it in due proportion.”  (The Quran: Chapter 25: 2). There is a moral sense of spirituality and humanity to co-exist in harmony with the rest of all creations on this Earth. Modern wars represent sadistic and cruel minds to undermine human rights, dignity, and life. They destroy all that is built over the ages that we call human cultures and civilizations. Using nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles and other WMDs destroys Earth and its capacity to sustain life, flow water, grow foods and produce oxygen necessary to support a sustainable future for all living things. Think againDoes the Earth not provide all that was needed by human intellect, scientific and technological progress, and changing times?  Human beings were equipped by Nature with intelligence, not ignorance or arrogance. 

After 78 years of the first atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and then Nagasaki, there is no will and defined system to question the aggressors for destroying the lives of millions. All wars have ripple effects as the Japanese continue to face the unraveling impacts of the first nuclear bomb. The victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki know first hand what is like to live in a man-made hell. Japan’s PM spoke of nuclear disarmament that is nowhere visible in the 21st century. 

What the US did 78 years earlier, could conveniently be repeated by any parties to the conflict. Pat Elder (“Hiroshima and Nagasaki: American High School Textbooks Perpetuate The Big Lie” 8/08/2018, Global Research), describes it in the following narrative:

“Quite simply, President Truman dropped those bombs on a defeated Japan to tell the Russians and the world to back off. We had two bombs and we were going to use them.  In a typically cavalier fashion, Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr., Commander, U.S. Third Fleet remarked, “It was a mistake to ever drop [the bomb]. . .they had this toy and they wanted to try it out, so they dropped it.”

Admiral William D. Leahy, the President’s Chief of Staff said, “The use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender.”

History is Living So How do We, the People Reflect on Humanity’s Grieving?

Professor Rodrigue Tremblay (“The Moral Legacy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki” Global Research: 8/09/2018), clarifies with the following quotes from the noted sources:

“As American Christians, we are deeply penitent …..the surprise bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are morally indefensible.” (The American Federal Council of Churches ‘Report on Atomic Warfare and the Christian Faith, 1946).

“It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan.”   – “The lethal possibilities of atomic warfare in the future are frightening. (William Leahy, Chief of Staff to Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman (“I Was There”, p. 441). 

If the G-7 leaders wanted a new beginning refuting the past imperialism and subjugation of the poor and vulnerable nations, they should have focused on specific workable strategies to call for an immediate ceasefire and dialogue between President Putin and President Zellensky. China is pursuing a plan for peacemaking and so are the few African countries taking the initiative to break the deafening silence between Russia and Ukraine. How come the G-7 has taken no strategic plan to end the conflict? What if the G-7 could replace their historic colonial cynicism with optimism and see the 21st century as a new world of opportunities and embrace the realism to seek peace between Israel and Palestine, between India and Pakistan on Kashmir; and take a global approach to climate change and harmonize socio-economic and humanitarian affairs for a sustainable future on this Earth. The unchallenged TRUTH arising from the emerging conflicts and leadership failures calls for new THINKING and New People with ideas and ideals who reject the violent assumptions of militarization and egoistic triumphs avoiding acts of genocidal plans. We the People of the globe ask conscientious leaders to avoid the upcoming epicenter of cataclysm and listen to voices of reason for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine, stop the acceleration of military confrontations between Russia, NATO, America, the EU, and others. We are at the edge of REASON, war is anti-human.

 We, the People, wish to rejoice in truth, not evil. We, the people of the globe possess an understanding – of how to change the egoistic and embittered insanity of the few hate-mongers and warlords into an equilibrium of balanced relationship between Man, Life, and the God-given living Universe in which we reside all. If the G-7 leaders were proactive people of REASON, they should have focused on a reasoned dialogue between Russia-Ukraine to end the war, not to extend the Crimes of War by all, against all.

Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and is the author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution. Germany, 12/2019.

All material is under a Creative Common share with attribution license unless otherwise noted.

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British Colonialism and How India and Pakistan Lost Freedom Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.

British Colonialism and How India and Pakistan Lost Freedom

Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.


Irony of Historic National Freedom and Unspoken Tyranny of Imperialism

Do nations and civilizations grow out of the moral mire of military conquests, killings of innocent people, political cruelty and subjugation by imperialism? For more than 800 years, India as a Moghul Empire was an economically well integrated and politically viable entity and west European had strong trade and political relationships.  After intrigued conspiracies and planned division, British invaded India in 1857, committing cold blooded massacres of two millions people mostly Muslims opposing the military invasion described just as a “Mutiny” in the British chronicle. Bahadur Shah Zafar – the last Moghul emperor was deposed over night in Delhi, his youngest son head was chopped-off and put on a breakfast plate to strangle the Shah and make him surrender unconditionally.  Shah was hurriedly taken to Rangoon (Burma) and imprisoned in a garage and later on died and buried only to write poems in loss of his freedom and beloved country.  Did the British overtake India to be a free country for democracy or to support the Hindu domination of futuristic India?  British robbed Moghul India and became it became Great Britain and imagined India as an absolute entity of the British Empire.

Leaders like Gandhi and Nehru, Dr. Mohammad Iqbal, Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Liaquat Khan though educated in British intellectual traditions but articulated new mission and visions for national freedom as a revulsion against the British colonial political traditions and continuity of British Raj in India. Was this violent and ruthless indoctrination part of the British heritage or history-making efforts to besiege India forever?  Lord Mountbatten, the last Viceroy made sure that Indians will remain loyal and committed subservient to the futuristic blending of  so called celebrated national freedom after the 1947 partition into India and Pakistan. British failed to deliver the truth of national freedom to both nations in a universal spirit of political responsibility. Both nations continued to engage in military warfare, ethnic conflicts and hegemonic control to dominate each other by undermining their own future.

History could not have confined the tyranny and oppression of “divide and rule” of British imperialism against the will of the Indian masses. Canons of rationality clarify that national freedom granted to both new entities in August 1947 was a fake chronology of time and history. The so called national freedom perpetuated a hybrid socio-economic and political culture – part human- part vulture, British made no security arrangements to ensure communal peace and harmony which resulted in millions of people been killed in ethnic violence while migrating from one place to another.

Strange as it is, while British imperialism changed the Indian mindset and behavior within a century, but even after 75 years India and Pakistan remain glued to the British colonial systems to this day in thoughts, systems and governance. Does it not signal a naïve and void imagination of national freedom professed by both nations since 1947?  They continue to interact with one another as the most hated enemy of time and history, wars, threat of nuclear arsenals, Kashmir dispute and worst of all lack of direct people to people communication or business relationships – all seem to be part of a highly ruptured and purging pursuit of national freedom.

 Indian and Pakistani Leaders Follow Egoistic Agenda for the Future

The aerial view of New Delhi reflects an Islamic image of the city – grand New Delhi Mosque, nearby historic and beautiful Taj Mahal, Old Fort and lot more. To foreigners, it is does not look like the capital of Hindu India at all. If this inference has any reality, the future of India and Pakistan should have been collaboration and lasting friendship. India always wanted to subdue Pakistan and its national freedom.  Pakistan’s bad luck entailed many military coups breaking its integrity and trust on freedom. Egoistic and foolish Generals created bogus and corrupt politicians claiming to be the leaders of future-making. They lacked the moral and intellectual capacity to imagine its future with a new generation of educated, intelligent and proactive people who could have contributed for a promising future of Pakistan.

India’s political agenda was intact when in December 1971, East Pakistan was disintegrated and Bangladesh was created by Mrs. Indra Gandhi –the Prime Minister – a power conspirator in India. Pakistani governing elite would not dare to admit that it was Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Genera Yahya Khan both major conspirators who led to the defeat of Pakistan. Even half a century later, Pakistanis still live in delusional and unarguable conclusion of that historic misfortune.  As a graduate student, I met General PNK Choudry (the former Chief of the Indian Armed Force) forcibly retired by Mrs. Indra Gandhi and sent as an Ambassador (HC) to Canada. At a local Canadian university campus, we met when he was a guest speaker. Later on, I invited him for a class gathering with fellow students and lunch. During the summer while working at photo store, General Choudry comes in with two cameras on his shoulder and many times we had lunch together and walks and photography together. On weekends, at university library- often I got library books to share with him and we talked about global affairs and his own past and India-Pakistan. He denied any alleged conspiracy against Mrs. Gandhi to oust her and bring a military coup in India. My interaction with General Choudry continued for almost two years. After his diplomatic assignment, he was hired by McGill University as a lecturer and that is where he died in 1975. He was a simple, 6.5 ft approx tall person, humble and spoke openly and truthfully as I recall him. As an Indian top army General he may have been a tyrant but as a human being and a diplomat he was a decent person. He fought wars with Pakistan and knew most of the military establishments. Here is what he disclosed during many conversations and it should be alarming to Pakistanis if they deny it:

ZABhutto and Shekih Mujib were Appointed by Mrs. Indira Gandhi

Prior to the defeat and surrender of East Pakistan in 1971, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had direct contact with Mrs. Gandhi and wanted India’s help to become the next leader of Pakistan. India was looking for such an opportunity and wanted East Pakistan to become a new entity- Bangladesh. Sheikh Mujib Rehman was nationalist but was enthusiastic for a new homeland except to become the next elected leader of Pakistan. Bhutto-Yahya Khan were competing for power even without elections. ZA Bhutto wanted political power even if Pakistan was defeated, otherwise Sheikh Mujib-Yahya could have become the next governing leaders. Bhutto was a power hungry individual without any political capacity to be a leader. Mrs. Gandhi helped both – ZA Bhutto and Sheikh Mujib and the price was the defeat and surrender of Pakistan. Mrs. Gandhi appointed Bhutto as the next President, Martial Law Administrator and Prime Minister of Pakistan and Sheikh Mujib ur Rehman as the next President of Bangladesh.  Some Pakistani would blame General Niazi for the surrender but in reality it was Yahya-Bhutto and the Pakistani Generals who should have faced full accountability and perhaps firing squads for their treachery and dishonesty to national freedom and integrity of Pakistan. None of this ever happened in Pakistan. To see more, please view the articles by this author:  “Pakistan: Leaders who Stabbed the Nation” (2009), “Pakistan: Leader or Criminals.” (2014); “Pakistan: Reflections on the Turbulent 69th Independence Day”, “Pakistan: How to change the culture of political corruption and rebuild the Future.” (2014), and “Pakistan and India’s leader mark freedom from British Colonial Rule but Masses look for a Navigational Change.” (2020).

To General Choudry, if the whole Pakistan was captured by India except the Sindh province, ZA Bhutto would have gladly become the Chief Minister of Sindh to co-exist with India.  He disclosed, there were five or six “soft hearted” Pakistani Generals willing to align and not to challenge India’s plan for Bangladesh.   Shocking as it is, future Pakistani leaders never held anyone accountable for the crimes against the nation. Were ZA Bhutto and Yahya Khan more important than the existence, national freedom and integrity of One Pakistan?  Dr. Ishtiaq Qureshi (Editor Urdu Digest) wrote “Skoote –Dahaka Say Purdah Uttha Hey” (1972), in which he described the details how Bhutto and Yahya khan betrayed Pakistan and stabbed the nation.  Dr. Qureshi was imprisoned by the Bhutto Government. This truth remains unacknowledged and districted by the Pakistani governing elite even to this day. Are the Pakistanis still living in any rational denials of their own chapter of history?  Moral and intellectual corruption is rampant in both countries. Masses are systematically compelled to bribe officials to get the basic services and official necessities of nationality ID, passports, driver license and lot more in life. The national freedom has changed from the enlarged scope of corruption and exploitation – the legacy of the British imperialism. Both India and Pakistani neo-colonialists look for escape from reality and are allergic to see the mirror of the present and future. Allama Iqbal (pioneer of Pakistani national freedom) did not live to see his dream come true of Pakistan. Mahtama Gandhi was murdered by a Hindu extremist, Nehru died a natural death. Mohammad Ali Jinnah passed away in a broken ambulance on a Karachi street, and Liaquat Ali Khan (first PM) was murdered by the then Pakistani politicians. Mrs. Gandhi was killed by his Sikh bodyguard. Sheikh Mujib was murdered by his military commander and Bhutto was hanged for killing a political opponent.

Are there any Glimpse of Hope for People-Oriented Change for the New Generations?

India has its multiple problems of socio-economic and political diversity. It is unable to counteract the national freedom movement of Sikh Nation for an independent Khalistan. Kashmir was never a part of British Indian dominion and its masses continue to seek freedom from India occupation and violations of their basic human rights. Muslim, Christian and other minorities are oppressed under Hindu-controlled India. Pakistani miserably failed to take proactive initiatives to support the freedom movement for the people of Kashmir. The old service men-led elite could not imagine new and creative strategies to organize international conferences or effectively communicate to the Western world to share the aspirations of the Kashmiri masses.

The degeneration of the Indian-Pakistani moral and intellectual culture is well in progress. The essence, meaning and purpose of historic British colonial systems are operative across all public affairs, policies and practices in India and Pakistan. The armed forces, the civil service and legal jurisprudence all remain under the sinister influence and disfigured reality of the two so called free nations. Police still beats the protesters and open fire on peaceful demonstrators, be in New Delhi, Kashmir or Islamabad. National freedom does not empower futuristic societies to establish political absurdity, immoral and intellectual decadence and political injustice. Common people in both countries are besieged in obsolete systems of political governance except rich landlords and affluent compete the elections and gain power. There is no change for the people in the colonized landscape except enlarged scope of moral and intellectual corruption guised as freedom. If you will question both elite having many common values of the British Raj, they would deny if there is anything wrong with their thinking, role play and management of public affairs. The new and young generation who could not imagine a new sustainable future are vanishing fast and migrating to Europe and America in search of better opportunities. The old generations of landlords and retired civilian-military officials manage the governing bodies whereas people of new and educated generation are deprived of any practical participation and migrate to Europe and North America and never return to their home countries. The hub of political culture is divided and delusional about national freedom and a sustainable future-making. There are no wars for the people of the sub-continent to fight but they are fighting wars on several fronts without reason- known and unknown. The compelling realities across the beleaguered sub-continent demand new thinking, new visionary leadership, men of new ideas and plans to deal with the unwarranted exploitation of masses, communal deaths, and deliberate destruction of the   historic culture and millions of people looking for change and a new beginning of cordial borders and relationships.

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Pakistan and India’s Leaders Mark Freedom from British Colonialism: But Masses Look for Navigational Change by Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D

ASIA–PACIFIC, 24 Aug 2020

Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service

17 Aug 2020 – British imperialism was not accidental but a planned scheme of things to perpetuate its cultural and political dominance over the weak and most vulnerable people of the globe. Its aims were no different in the Sub-Continent of India-Pakistan. The immediate focal aim was to destroy the existing culture of the established Mughal Empire and divide and rule the whole of India. Remember, imperialism was an unadulterated civilization on its own with massive possibilities and material possessions to control the masses.

The 1857 belligerent war on Mughal India and its occupation is referred to as “Mutiny” in imperial history.  Bahdur Shah Zafar, the last emperor was arrested, his son’s head chopped off and exiled to be imprisoned in a garage in Rangoon, Burma. It is estimated that two millions Indians, mostly Muslims were killed by the invading British armies. It was the beginning of rethinking as how to expel the British and freedom to be restored to the Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs and other minorities in India.  You should know that truth explained in full clarity becomes indisputable. British imperialism took India from the Mughals and robbed their wealth, moral and spiritual cultural development of eight centuries.

Not much has changed of the legacy of British rule. For over 73 years, Indian and Pakistani people try to celebrate Independence Day, not in peace but with the missing objectivity of the national freedom movement. Both nations somehow lost the sense of political reality and are overburdened with a sickening mental microscope of unreality. Both are in desperate need of political change and reformation, not revolution to imagine the historic freedom from British imperialism. Plato made it clear that “thinking is man’s natural instrument for problem solving, and any problem could be solved by thought…”

Kashmir map-Plus Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir


Towards Thinking of Reasoned Political Change and Unthinking of Extremism and Occupation of Kashmir

Indian and Pakistani politicians remained buried in the past. For change and future-making, they urgently need people of new ideas, new vision and proactive intellect. At the outset, nobody appears to be rethinking – how to restore normal relationships between people and nations who lived together for centuries in the same sub-continent. Revolution is not the answer as it is a configuration of mostly passion and national emotions subject to transitory feelings, time and place. A reasoned thinking is often the sparking guideline for sustainable human relationships. Anarchy of absolutism or nationalism is as dangerous today as it was centuries earlier – causing the Two WW and killings and dehumanization of millions and millions across the globe.  What is the way out to reason and rationality to deal with problem-solving and return to peace and tranquility between the warring societies? Kashmir is at the heart of conflicts between India and Pakistan which was left unresolved by the departing British colonialism.

Kashmir -Indian Occupation & Suppression

The political leaders in India and Pakistan have no rational sense of their strengths and weaknesses. India is overwhelmingly claiming to be a Hindu nationalist regime under PM Narinder Modi. Its constitution and national freedom movement had the philosophical and political soul of secularism. Pakistan had the vision of an Islamic State. None of the two are connected to their originality of the freedom movement. None would show a sense of guilt for the disconnection and trivial policies and practices in their own affairs.  The spirit of democracy, secularism and respect for equal rights is tormented by the leaders of the two nations. Both are nuclear nations and often remind the people of the world – what could go wrong when the nuclear option is miscalculated for one-sided peace as it happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.   Could men of knowledge and genius rise up against the obvious political odds and ignorance that wars could resolve the problem without catastrophic human destruction?

India and Pakistan are not ruled by the wisest or brightest politicians. The masses suffer by neglect and anarchy. Their public institutions lack human care, services and efficiency. Those who grab political power by extreme ideologies and hateful manipulation are men of political intrigue assuming power through exploitation of fellow human beings and impose their absurdity on human consciousness striving for survival.

Truth is One and the same unchanging as it was many centuries earlier. Contrary to historic India under the Mughal Empire, we are seeing in India, denial of human rights and freedom and prolonged captivity of the people of Jammu and Kashmir – a framework of extreme Hinduism ideology. The masses of Kashmir seek their rights to freedom, not forced captivity. What if they had the freedom to express their will, if they want freedom from India or want to join Pakistan? Historically, Kashmir was never a part of the British Raj but a separate entity and its geography and socio-economic lifelines run through Pakistan, not India. India after military confrontation with China will look for escape from reality to confront Pakistan.  Kashmir is not a domestic issue of India or Pakistan. Conscientious Indian thinkers and people of conscience oppose the RSS Hinduism strategy and are adamant to these violations of human dignity and freedom.

Arundhati Roy, an international peace activist and author of the novels The Ministry of Utmost Happiness and My Seditious Heart, makes this candid observation (“The Silence is the Loudest Sound”, New York Times, 15 Aug 2019):

“Amid these vulgar celebrations the loudest sound, however, is the deathly silence from Kashmir’s patrolled, barricaded streets and its approximately seven million caged, humiliated people, stitched down by razor wire, spied on by drones, living under a complete communications blackout…. Today Kashmir is one of the most or perhaps the most densely militarized zone in the world. More than a half-million soldiers have been deployed to counter what the army itself admits is now just a handful of “terrorists.” If there were any doubt earlier it should be abundantly clear by now that their real enemy is the Kashmiri people. What India has done in Kashmir over the last 30 years is unforgivable. An estimated 70,000 people, civilians, militants and security forces have been killed in the conflict. Thousands have been “disappeared,” and tens of thousands have passed through torture chambers that dot the valley like a network of small-scale Abu Ghraibs….. The danger will come from many directions. The most powerful organization in India, the far-right Hindu nationalist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, or the R.S.S., with more than 600,000 members including Narendra Modi and many of his ministers, has a trained “volunteer” militia, inspired by Mussolini’s Black Shirts. With each passing day, the R.S.S. tightens its grip on every institution of the Indian state. In truth, it has reached a point when it more or less is the state.”

Pakistan’s Masses Hope for Political Change and Future-Making

Since 1947, Pakistan for the first time fair public elections allowed new generation leadership under Imran Khan- a cricketer and outspoken supporter of rights of freedom for the ten millions people of Kashmir.  He claims to be an ambassador for the besieged people of Jammu and Kashmir under Indian administration since 1947.  Lack of dialogue between India and Pakistan on Kashmir and normalization of people to people relationship are multiplying temptations and increased frustration on both sides demanding new thinking for a reasoned and conscientious soul-searching. One wonders why Pakistani leaders could never think to hold an international conference on Kashmir. Does Pakistan have competent diplomats to argue for the rights of Kashmiri people in global forums? If Pakistani leaders could evolve a capacity of moral and intellectual values and educated and honest people of new generation could hold offices of political responsibility, it could make the difference in dealing with some of the compelling socio-economic and political issues.

For over 50 years, Pakistan had a junk history of Bhuttos, Zardari, Sharif and Musharaf- all thugs, wicked and indicted criminals to rule a moral sensitive nation of values and spiritual history. PM Imran Khan, the first elected leader after a long time, should focus on institutional development and recruit educated and intelligent people of new generation – people of ideas and vision rather than thumb lickers and “yes men” in his governing circle. So far, he does not seem to have any educated person of international integrity and strategic planning to uplift Pakistan from a non-productive political economy and governance to a status that could advance its originality of the freedom movement and a stronger and politically viable Pakistan. He needs to address the issues of missing public service, political accountability, law and order and justice. Pakistanis are waiting what they do not see a focused Plan for political reformation. If Pakistanis are intelligent enough they should start thinking – what is after Imran Khan?

The former political monsters are still free and one wonders when Zardari, Bhutoos and Sharif and Musharaf would face the firing squads for their crimes of stolen wealth and killings of people. They looted banks, time and opportunities for change, yet, they claim to have done nothing wrong. If he could enlist morally and intellectually able people to his governance, the issue of Kashmir could ably be presented in global settings and perhaps an exercise of referendum- plebiscite be practiced to ensure the encompassing reality for the deprived masses of Kashmir. Stupid clichés of freedom and casual allusion of political change and resolution of Kashmir will not make any difference on the ground. If Pakistani leaders have individual conscience and reality of the history to organize a Strategic Action PLAN, the issue of Kashmir could be amicably resolved. The essence of political change lies in being strong, not weak or divided in policies and practices.

Challenge – How to Become Effective Leaders?

Leaders create new leaders with vision and integrity to imagine the universal phenomenon of change and futuristic developments. Human happiness and progress move horizontally in peace-time, not in continuing warmongering and irrational threats to other people and nations. In situation of crises, responsible leaders provide assurances and comforts to the masses – would leaders of India and Pakistan come out of the psychologically neurosis box and see the enlightenment of the 21st century of informed humanity and honor the rights of self-determination of the people of Kashmir and let them decide their own future and freedom and once for all rewrite a history of peaceful co-existence and friendship?


Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international relations-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest book: Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution: Approaches to Understand the Current Issues and Future-Making, Lambert Academic Publications, Germany, 2017.
Tags: ConflictIndiaKashmirPakistanSolutionsViolent conflict

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 24 Aug 2020.

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REMORSE. by Inayet Ullah`

Something tragic happened in our country in December 1971 as a result of which one of our two
arms (East wing) was separated.
Pakistan was created as a Islamic Republic of Pakistan in 1947 by referendum with majority
votes coming from Bengal.
Although the people of East Wing played an important part in creation of Pakistan with their
majority votes, with the passage of time, East Pakistan had genuine grievances of being
neglected economically, politically and in all spheres of life, so much so that Sheikh Mujeebur
Rehman, the head of East Pakistan’s political party Awami League, at the end of his complaints
against grievances and injustices to East Pakistan, said: “Please behave like brothers, not like
In December 1971 general elections, which perhaps was the most transparent election in the
history of Pakistan, Sheiks Mujeeb-ur-Rehman’s Awami League swept the elections with
overwhelming majority. As a rule, following the elections, a National Assembly meeting was to
be called and the winner party had to form a new government. But the then west Pakistani
rulers continuously delayed and postponed to do so and finally abandoned it completely causing
wide range protests and uproar throughout East Pakistan. The intent of this was obviously to
deny Awami League its rights to form a new government.
If we did not like the people of East Pakistan why did we seek their votes in referendum in
favour of Pakistan? Is it not unfair and selfish to use their majority votes for creation of Pakistan
as a homeland for us and after completing the task to deny them even equal rights?
Then what happened? When they asked for justice and their legal and constitutional rights to
form a new government, they were brutally killed, innocent women raped, and their life and
property put to arson. Pakistan was made to provide a safe haven for muslims of India, but what
was happening was muslims against muslims.
Unfortunately, our the then rulers, for political gains and for lust of power, did no care even to put
the survival of our country at stake, and where we ended up is history. What happened in 1971
in our country is a blot, not only on our national history but also on the face of international
We should be ashamed of ourselves for the heartless tyranny unleashed to our own brothers
and sisters, if our conscience is not yet dead. The guilt is great, and so is remorse. The
perpetrators were our forefathers. Nevertheless, we, the existing generation, have the feeling
that we owe them an apology. I think an official apology should be sent to them and diplomatic
relations with trade and cultural relations established between the two brother independent

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How to Mirror the Ongoing Injustice and Insanity Against A Besieged Mankind?

By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

Editor’s Note

How many times in how many nations must the people fail to get leaders who can balance caring for the people with the realities of survival? It seems that time after time, even when there is a revolution to right the ship, within a short time from months to a couple of years, we are tight back where we started – or worse.

Perhaps the problem is not the leaders, but the expectation that A leader can solve the problems we face. The problems of a society are complex and generally deeply rooted. They arise out of the structure of a society and the values, beliefs, and the way we interact (aka “culture”) that hold it together. These two pieces, structure and culture are symbiotic; reinforcing and recreating each other. The social structure (various institutions from family to religion, economy to government, etc.) arises out of the culture and creates a society that reflects and reinforces the culture. The culture will also tend to recreate the social structure that reinforces it. While culture may change rapidly, social structure changes more slowly and tends to reinforce the older, deeper values most.

Perhaps, if we want substantive change we must look to the imperialist’s toolbox. The methods of the imperialists supplant both social structure and culture with their own and brutally suppress the society they are attempting to conquer.

And this my friend is where DIVERSITY becomes critically important. So much of what we think, and therefore what we perceive, is invisible to us. People from outside are critical to good problem-solving – especially on this level. Diversity in this case is not just from within a society, but across societies. Why? because they are operating from a different cultural base. Frankly, and I have no scientific proof for this, I think that we probably need to look to indigenous societies. These peoples are disappearing almost as quickly as the land they need to survive is being gobbled up by capitalism.

The remaining tribal peoples have largely not been overtaken by global capitalism that is rooted in Western culture – primarily the United States. And frankly, the dominant culture of the United States is the worst of the worst for addressing the collapse of the Earth’s ecology or embracing the diversity of race, culture or religion/philosophy. The why of this claim seems self-evident but goes beyond this introduction in any event. Cultural diversity, particularly that of tribal peoples, is important because they are outside the conceptual box of First and Second world cultures. They do not share our assumptions of reality, how things work, or our relationship to each other and the Earth. These cultures vary from each other, but because they are outside OUR boxes they ask different questions, see problems differently, and can offer different solutions.

To save our various societies and the planet we need a change of hear and mind, and we need to build new institutions. I strongly suspect that among the key things that will need to be embraced are:

  • Small is beautiful
  • Close to the Earth is close to ourselves.
  • All life is valuable.
  • There is an intelligence even in what we currently consider the lowest life.
  • War wastes resources and critical energy.
  • Technology has many forms but so-called “modern technology” needs to be thoroughly evaluated for impacts and risks before development.
  • The resources of the Earth belong to us all (us being all living things)

We must build something different as nations and as a world, not just change the players on the field.“Thinking outside the box” by wiing it

Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”   Albert Einstein

How to Mirror the Ongoing Injustice and Insanity Against A Besieged Mankind?

Global institutions of peace, security, and conflict resolution are managed by people who lack a basic understanding of mankind, its role and vitality in global affairs,  protection of human rights, and aspirations for a sustainable future-making. When a formidable action is needed to prevent violation of human rights, security, and even essential needs of survival, they bent on issuing phony statements and referring to the international law of humanitarian rights (which does not exist or nobody cares about),  and show faces of solidarity for leading humanity in painful crises. They are deceptive as they breathe incompetence, greed, egoistic name and fame, and betray humanity. There is much evil and less goodness in 21st-century global affairs – an amassed collection of unthinkable junk history. Flamboyant expressions of besieged mankind that defy ignorance and hallmarks of modern civilized people.

There are seeds of unimaginable and destructive Western cultural absolutism that could destroy the sense of time and rational consciousness of living history. The ongoing war in Ukraine, violations of human rights, prejudice against people of color and murders of indigenous people in North America, social and moral injustice, and continuous warfare – all echo the degradation of human values and soul, exhibit intellectual disregard, universal unhappiness, horrors, societal chaos and socio-economic miseries of innumerable multitudes.

The politically wise elected leaders failed to foresee the formidable challenges coming from the 99% oppressed mankind across global frontiers. Most political leaders would claim intellectual integrity but false proclamations that go unnoticed of human sufferings, pains, and socioeconomic devastation cannot be assumed to be strategies of kindness in the struggle for sustainable political change and systematic elimination of terror and injustice.

We witness that human tragedy between Russia-Ukraine, across Western Europe, the North American streets, the Middle East, and elsewhere while human conscience is still intact. Politicians tend to opt for convenient compromises that deform political truth as transient and pliable but the truth is always ONE, not many, and this is what most contemporary leaders fail to comprehend. We, the People of the globe must learn from living history and think of a navigational change, or else we will experience a self-generated dehumanization curve – evidence of a tragic human abnormality across all the functional domains, from thinking to actions. To safeguard our future, We, the People of global Conscience must evolve a compass of credibility to check those who are exercising political power and are entrusted with people’s confidence for peace, societal harmony, and workable conflict resolutions.

The UNO – in Search of Reinventing Another Universal Organization

The UNO was supposed to safeguard mankind from the “scourge of war”, but the UN Security Council- a progressive hope after WW2 is really a debating club for time-killing exercises and a manipulative global political powerhouse. The five self-appointed permanent members compete in fear of the others and sustainability propaganda to discuss the current issues. They are not interested in stopping the savagery of killings between Ukraine and Russia, going on for almost a year and a half, appalling human rights violations and dehumanization of the people of Palestine under Israeli occupation, freedom fighters in Kashmir against the Indian military control, millions of Rohingya people experience ethnic displacement from Myanmar, and destabilization of Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and so on.  There is nothing good coming out of the Security Council as a primary hub of global peace, security, and conflict management. The eloquent speakers tend to march on people’s passion for peace and harmony with artful sophistry and captivating eloquence of words without meaning and prompt action to protect the humanity.

The Western news media networks propel portraits of human degradation, historic injustice, and socio-economic vices as if political deception and prejudice were new things to political thinkers and rulers.  How could we rethink to change the centuries-old dreadful human apparatus of brimstone, tormenting social inequalities, and torture inflicted by the contemporary so-called working democratic systems of political governance? The UNO and its inept leadership have no plan to safeguard mankind from the coming of a Third World War.

Extreme Ideologies Undermine Peace and Human Unity for A Sustainable Future

Those who grab political power through extreme ideologies and hateful manipulation are people of political intrigue assuming power through the exploitation of fellow human beings and imposing their absurdity on human consciousness striving for survival. Indian PM Narendra Modi recently visited the US to improve his dubious public image as a leader. He spoke of peace and terrorism while he is actively engaged in oppressing the minorities across India -Sikh, Hindu, Muslim, and Christian, violations of women’s rights and rape, and waging a prolonged war against the people of Kashmir.  Truth is One and the same as it was many centuries earlier.

Contrary to the historic India under Mughal Empire where ethnic diversities lived in harmony, we are seeing contemporary India denying equal human rights and freedom – a framework of extreme Hinduism ideology. The masses of Kashmir seek their right to freedom, not forced captivity.  How strange, for over seventy years corrupt Pakistani politicians never thought to hold an international conference on Kashmir. Pakistanis are averse to critical thinking and criticism for political change.  One-track military minds dominate the Pakistani so-called political landscape and people are struggling to restore a sense of normalcy and lost credibility to the nation’s survival. Unless there is a navigational change away from the military dictatorship to restore democracy, Pakistanis could end up losing their national freedom.

Could Ukraine and Russia meet at a conference table for an immediate ceasefire and peacemaking? NATO and the EU are not working in a logical framework to have a dialogue with Russia or to stop the killings and displacement of civilians across Ukraine. Would America and Israel determine the future of the war-torn Middle East? Several oil-producing Arab leaders are complicit in the failure of finding a peaceful resolution of the repression of Palestine – be it East Jerusalem or the annexation of the West Bank. These puppets are mindless beings not living with the Arab people but in palaces under the CIA’s management.  Israeli and Palestinian both live in mutual fear and moral and intellectual decadence. Had they believed in Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad and their teachings as Prophets of God- all trying to unite mankind before God, they should have reached a peace deal.

The PLO lacks intelligent and effective leadership to counteract Netanyahu whereas the Israeli’s problem rests with the right-wing extreme leadership devoid of peace, morality, and human equality. PM Netanyahu is glued to the extreme right-wing parties planning to annex the West Bank of Palestine into Israeli territory. The settlements go on and wicked leaders simply call it against international law. As if Palestinians were not human beings but just digits and numbers. One would have hoped that thinking Israeli politicians will safeguard their own freedom and security and workout a peaceful settlement between the two nations.  None of them could live in peace and harmony unless human rights, freedom and justice are respected by all the parties.

Could the Global Leaders Learn to be People-Oriented, Effective, and Peacemakers?

Despite many political and strategic odds, one cannot blame the Western industrialized nations for ignorance, human prejudice, and sociol-economic disparities. Why has nobody else challenged racial inequality and moral injustice?  What did the Arabs or Muslims contribute to the changing pattern of global political affairs? Global humanity is a mix of all cultures and civilizations. The Arab-Muslim world failed to produce any leader with vision and intellectual integrity for the changing and complex global affairs of the 21st century. When Arab leaders had proactive vision and intellect and human values, they articulated a unique civilization tolerant of diversity and varied cultural ethnicity in Andalucía (Spain) and built upon the unity of faith to nurture peaceful co-existence and human development. If you list the historic scientific, educational, and technological discoveries and contributions of Muslim scholars, they are countless.

Do you know any other scientists or scholars whose textbooks were used continuously for five centuries in European medical schools? Or their scientific work translated into Latin, French, Deutch, English, and other languages spoken across the world. Husain Abdullah Bu Ali Sina – Ibne–Sina (Avicenna – “Canon of Medicine” and “Book of Healing”), and Zakariya Al-Razi (Russ), are both 10th-century scientists and scholars. The Europeans changed their names to Avicenna and Russ so that nobody would recognize them as Muslim scholars. It is noted that Ibne Sina (Avicenna) alone discovered and authenticated 36 pharmaceutical formulas being used to this day. Marai Rosa Menocal (A Golden Reign of Tolerance: The Ornament of the World: How Muslims, Jews and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain, 2003), explains: “The lessons of history, like the lessons of religion, sometimes neglect examples of tolerance. A thousand years ago on the Iberian Peninsula, an enlightened vision of Islam had created the most advanced culture in Europe….In Cordoba, the library housed some 400,000 volumes at a time when the largest library in Latin Christendom probably held no more than 400.”

Despite the sketchy illusions of freedom, democracy, human rights, liberty, and justice, we are encroached, stuffed, and at terrible risk of annihilation more by accident and error of judgment than a planned scheme of things by Man against Man. Often the extreme Western political propaganda inflames hatred against people of color and indigenous people, and Muslims are perceived as being “terrorists.” George Floyd’s voice continues to echo – “I cannot breathe…I cannot breathe” across the global human consciousness. Often false propaganda, deception, and prejudice are combined in a strategy to sell weapons and console the egoistic Arab leaders as allies of the Western military alliance. This political delusion is full of inherent inconsistencies. Gary Wills (What the Qur’an Meant and What It Matters. Viking, NY, 2017), a leading American scholar explains the reality in his new book:

Our enemy in this war is far less localizable than it was in the World War 2 or the Cold War. Terror is a tool, not a country. Declaring a war on it is less like normal warfare, country versus country, there is No VE Day or VJ Day in such wars… living with fear is corrosive…the less we know about the reality of Islam, the more we will fight shadows and false emanations from our apprehension. Ignorance is the natural ally of fear. It is time for us to learn about the real Islam beginning with its source book – The Qur’an.

Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and is the author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution. Germany, 12/2019.

Tags: ignorancesocial change
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Posted July 9, 2023 by Rowan Wolf in category “Activists“, “International Affairs“, “Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D.“, “Militarism“, “Peace

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