Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani {Sakineh’s death penalty by stoning has been commuted due to global outcries. Majority of them from non-Muslim countries!
We support our Deen, NOT Mullahiyat (misinterpretation of Al-Qu’raan and Al-Hadith)…PTT
We do not condone the act of adultery by Sakineh, but, Islam is a faith of compassion and mercy. The Prophet (PBUH) was an epidemy of compassion for the women, slaves, and sinners. Muslims, should raise their voices for saving Sakineh’s life. Sakineh has received severe flogging, which will leave scars on her body for the rest of her lives. The myopic view of Ayatullah’s is not supported by the Prophet’s sunnah.
Stoning to death as a punishment for adultery is NO WHERE spoken of in the Holy Quran. At one instance stoning was done to a Jew- that was based on the Jewish Holy Book. The Jews referred a case on
fornication to Muhammad-the Messenger of God (pbuh). He asked them what punishment the Torah prescribed in case of adultery. The Jews tried first to conceal the fact that it was stoning to death, but the Jewish scholar living then ( Abd-Allah ibn Salam) admitted the existence of such a punishment and the guilty persons were dealt with as given in Torah ( Bukhari 61;25).
The New Testament narrates a similar incident during the time of Jesus Christ(Hazrat Issa,[PBUH])
I quote from John Chapter 8 Verses 3,4 and 5.
Verse 3.
Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to him (Jesus) a
woman caught in adultery. And when they set her in the midst.
Verse 4. They said to him,