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India’s Ozymandias syndrome


“…We are both Indian and we belong to a very mature democracy. We are proud of that. We look at transacting relations with our neighbours in a very mature and balanced way.

“And that is the approach that India brings to these talks. I do not want to comment or pontificate on Pakistan’s attitude. That is for Pakistan to introspect about. And I hope they will turn the searchlight inwards on themselves and understand where the problems lie.”

The strong views were shared by India’s Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao with a TV reporter. This was just a day after the Delhi-Islamabad foreign ministers’ meeting turned into a bruising media show. Indeed, from the days when Gunnar Myrdal described Pakistani diplomats in the Asian Drama in the 1960s as better gifted with conviviality and social graces than their Indian counterparts there has been a marked change in the calibre, one that should not flatter anyone in Islamabad. Last week’s events there were proof if any is required.

So Ms Rao’s implied critique of Pakistan was completely justified. However, her self-praise as a counterpoint was an unnecessary exaggeration. Firstly there is no known link between the quality of diplomacy projected by a country and its proximity to democracy. Be it Soviet diplomacy under Andrei Gromyko and his many remarkable successors, or Chinese diplomacy since the days of Zhou En-lai, they impacted on India with negligible signs of an equal response from the fabled maturity of Delhi’s stewards of democracy.

Gromyko kept India wrapped in the warmth of a debilitating bear hug, scarcely allowing its mesmerised leaders to breathe without feeling grateful to the Soviet clasp. The less than democratic Chinese, meanwhile, encircled India — not militarily but politically — with all the independent nations of the subcontinent who as India’s neighbours should have felt closer to New Delhi not to Beijing.Whether it was Nepal or Sri Lanka, Pakistan or Bangladesh they all ganged up, as Gen Hossain Ershad, host of the first Saarc summit in Dhaka in 1985, told me, “Because we were all allergic to India.”

Moreover, so-called mature democracies can be very hollow systems. Britain was a parliamentary democracy when it colonised India. And it was another great democracy that wreaked havoc on helpless Japanese civilians whose ill-effects have not completely waned. It was as a representative of a powerful democracy that Robert McNamara justified his horrific massacres in Vietnam.

As for India’s mature democracy, it was the only country in the world, according to a Pew survey, where George W. Bush, shunned and disowned by dictators and democracies alike, was celebrated as a popular hero.

Compared to Pakistan’s Shah Mehmood Qureshi’s peevishness, India’s Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna presented a picture of dignity in Islamabad last week. However, did he represent a mature democracy in Pakistan? I wish he did.

Cast your eyes at the state of Karnataka, where he was chief minister not long ago and from where he derives political legitimacy. What was the most democratic issue gripping everybody there precisely when Mr Krishna was on a fence-mending visit to Islamabad?

There was fury there over a border city called Belgaum. In a completely parochial (and I dare say typically Indian) campaign, an old genie was let loose by Mr Krishna’s Congress party rulers in Maharashtra to lay claim on Belgaum which has a substantial population of Marathi speakers.

The move put Mr Krishna and his other Congress colleagues in such a fix in Karnataka that their position on Belgaum rather than his achievements as foreign minister would determine his political future. Serious water-sharing disputes between Indian states have remained unsettled in 65 years of independence. They make differences over the sharing of water with Pakistan look like a picnic.

I do not know what defines the mature democracy that Ms Rao refers to. She probably had in mind the Nehruvian vision of equitable growth at home and a towering presence in world affairs. It was undoubtedly his economic vision that informed Nehru’s foreign policy — solidarity of developing nations opposed to the self-serving waywardness of superpowers. But that was shunned by Dr Manmohan Singh 20 years ago.

Just when Mr Krishna was visiting Islamabad last week, an improbable news item must have disturbed him. In a week when Delhi’s new world-class airport opened for business and the Indian Space Research Organisation celebrated the successful launch of five new satellites, it had a stark reminder of another India that, increasingly, many Indians feel embarrassed to talk about.

A UN-backed study by Oxford University revealed that poverty in at least eight Indian states — Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand — was worse than in some of the poorest countries of sub-Saharan Africa.

The findings are based on a global poverty index, the Multidimensional Poverty Index or MPI, developed by Oxford University. It takes into account a range of social factors not hitherto considered while measuring poverty and will replace the Human Poverty Index which, until now, has formed the basis for the annual UN human development reports.

In the land of Kabir and other matchless sages, including Nehru, who cautioned against the temptations of false vanity, Indian diplomacy’s superior airs never fail to remind me of the poem Ozymandias by Shelley. Or as the charming historian and Nehru’s biographer Prof S. Gopal would describe it — “an imposing structure on crumbling grounds”.

Shelley might as well have taken his inspiration from Kabir, who roamed the villages of India in the pre-Mughal era or Mir Taqi who said in the 19th century: “Jis sar ko ghuroor aaj hai yaa’n taajwarika; kal uspe yahin shor hai phir nioha gari ka.”

Shelley’s version of Mir’s thoughts went thus:

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
‘My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

I think just as Pakistan needs to look inward, as rightly counselled by the representative of Delhi, India too needs to reach out to its waning ancient sagacity. Conceit of any kind doesn’t help anyone. It didn’t help Ozymandias.

The writer is Dawn’s correspondent in Delhi.

[email protected]

22 July, 2010

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‘India Key Player Behind Terrorism In South Asia’

An Indian Spy Surjeet Singh, after spending more than thirty years in Pakistani jails, was released from Kot Lakhpat jail on 28th June 2012 and handed over to Indian authorities at Wagah Border. Surjeet Singh, soon after his release confessed that he spied for Indian Army and Intelligence. During investigation, he also revealed the modus of operandi of Indian intelligence agency of attracting, launching and carrying out terrorism through spies in the neighbouring countries. Examples of promoting LTTE in Sri Lanka, supporting Pilkhana Mascara and killing officers of Bangladeshi border force, backing Dalai Lama against China, sponsoring anti-state elements in Nepal and dreadful interference in collaboration with CIA in Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) and bomb blasting all over Pakistan are some of the live examples of Indian regional terrorism through espionage network. After creating Bangladesh in 1971, RAW continued with its covert operations in the newborn country by injecting dissension among political parties, religious sects and armed forces. It instigated Chakmas in Chittagong Hills against the regime, trained and equipped the rebels and supported their insurgency. It also created and trained Shanti Bahini to carryout subversive activities. RAW had a hand in assassination of Gen Ziaur Rehman in 1981, who was pro-Pakistan and unfavorably disposed towards secularism. Sikkim, Nepal and Bhutan being landlocked were coerced and made totally dependent on India through machinations of RAW.

Indian Spy Surjeet Singh also committed that the verdict of Pakistani courts after a free and fair trial are genuine but on the other hand his country and handlers (RAW) are ruthlessly dealing with Pakistani fishers lying in Indian jails. RAW was instrumental in creating LTTE. India had not forgiven Colombo for allowing Pakistani aircraft and ships to use its ports for transporting war needs to the beleaguered Pak troops in East Pakistan.

As far as Surjeet Singh’s case is concerned, he has confessed that he carried out many bomb blasts in different cities of Pakistan which caused deaths of more than twenty innocent Pakistani citizens. It is also added here that king of terrorists’ world “Col Prohit” yet to be punished. Indian state terrorism in Kashmir, against Sikhs, Maoists and Christians need to be stopped and required global attention.

In short, Indian intelligence agencies nexus with CIA, MI-6 and Mossad is an open secret. The said agencies are carrying out joint operations in Balochistan and against Chinese working in different development projects of Pakistani remote areas. Pakistan should demand UN to devise some mechanism for stopping stat sponsored terrorism in the world.



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RAW’s footprints: Indian Makaars are at it again!

RAW’s footprints


In the recent attack on PAF’s Kamra Airbase, the militants’ obvious target was the AWAC (Airborne warning and control) aircraft. The PAF had recently acquired three from Sweden. These aircrafts are expensive, very sophisticated and highly effective for air surveillance, looking deep into the enemy’s territory and for guiding own fighters onto their targets even below the ground-based radar’s coverage. These aircrafts are force multipliers and, therefore, very potent.

We may also recall the attack on Pak navy’s Mehran Base at Karachi conducted not so very long ago. The attackers ignored the aircraft parked at the adjacent PAF base as well as those based on its naval side – their targets were the two Orion naval surveillance aircraft acquired from the US. These aircrafts, too, are highly effective in detecting and destroying hostile submarines as well as surface ships – by day, night and in all weather conditions.

Considering that neither the air force AWAC’s, nor the navy’s Orions had any part to play in the anti-terrorist operations, why were these aircrafts singled out as targets? Did the TTP-hired guns have any gumption about the various types of aircraft and their functions? Obviously, not! They were merely following the instructions of their paymasters.

Let us shift our gaze to what was happening in Balochistan. Apart from daily killings and kidnappings, the militants had been targeting income-generating facilities, like the railways, sui gas installations, electricity pylons, etc, besides spreading sectarian violence. They had also been targeting the Chinese, who were helping us in various development projects in Balochistan and elsewhere. Here again, the systematic choice of targets – economic, sectarian, etc – provided clue to the real planners and perpetrators while the militants were merely the cat’s paw.

Move back further in time to Lahore and recall the attack on Sri Lanka’s cricket team. Pray what had the Sri Lankans to do with the Taliban or Nifaz-e-Sharia? None, of course! The aim was to bring a bad name to Pakistan and to isolate it from international cricket. Surely, that was not the objective of the Taliban!

Thus, the spectrum of violence from economic targets to attack on sensitive military installations, especially their high value assets, to sectarian killings and attack/abduction of foreigners, clearly indicated method to the madness – much beyond the ken of Taliban. The objectives of those well planned attacks were wide and varied: to destabilise the country, to undermine its economy, to isolate it from its friends, to denigrate Pakistan’s image internationally, to degrade its defence capability, to sow the seeds of hatred among the people. Above all, to show that if Pakistan cannot effectively defend its sensitive defence installations and control the widespread militancy and the lawlessness, how could it defend its nuclear assets!

It should be obvious that all those well thought out attacks could not be the work of simple, gun trotting Taliban. Who could be supporting them with the necessary funds, intelligence and planning?

By the mere process of elimination of the countries that could be behind such terrorist activities in this region, the finger clearly points towards India with which Pakistan has fought several major and minor wars since independence. To be specific, India’s notorious agency, RAW, (the architect of Bangladesh) having established itself in Afghanistan (thanks to Musharraf) is playing merry – hell with Pakistan – of course with the support of the Afghan government and Mossad.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik, and other high officials before him, had time and again accused the RAW for the ills going on in Pakistan. Even international observers like Christine Fair after her visit to Afghanistan had categorically stated that the Indian Consulates established there were involved in subversive activities against Pakistan. In fact, they had “confided in her that they were pumping money into Balochistan.” However, the Indian Interior Minister had claimed that “there was not a shred of evidence about India’s involvement!”

Perhaps, his confident utterance was not entirely misplaced. For RAW’s strategy was highly secretive – based on four M’s.

M for man: To select a rebellious leader like Mujibur Rehman (East Pakistan), Brahamdagh Khan Bugti (Balochistan), Hakeemullah Mehsud (Fata), Malvi Fazlullah (Swat), and Maulana Azam (late).To provide the top men with funds, intelligence and weaponry, but let them deal with their hired goous while RAW stayed in the background. So even when some militants were captured no one would be the wiser.

M for mission: The chosen leader must have a mission that should be propagated, as the aspiration of the majority. Like the demand for Bangladesh, Azad Balochistan, Nifaz-e-Sharia, etc.

M for militancy: To achieve the selected mission, they must resort to militancy based on the local mercenaries – under the banner of appealing names like Mukti Bahini, BLA, TTP, etc.

M for money and munitions: The militants must be supported with money and sophisticated weaponry.

How do we effectively counter RAW’s sinister aims?

First and foremost, the government and the armed forces must acknowledge the fact that a covert war had been unleashed against Pakistan to destabilise and, if possible, disintegrate Pakistan. What Pakistan was facing was not the run-of-the-mill militancy, but a full-fledged guerrilla warfare, totally beyond the capacity of the police and the civil armed forces. We must realise that after our attaining nuclear capability, the only option left for India was to destabilise Pakistan through “covert operations” – as open war would invite a nuclear response.

The armed forces must take charge before it is too late to coordinate the internal security of the country against the covert war, which was slowly eating into the vitals of the country. Additionally, we must set up an anti-RAW agency by pooling experienced personnel from various spy agencies. Its sole purpose should be to focus entirely on RAW’s machinations, to anticipate and to forestall them. And if push comes to a shove to give RAW a taste of its own medicine. We must realise that we are in a state of war and, therefore, the peace time procedures and lackadaisical approach would only spell disaster.

In the end, a word for our peaceniks. By all means pursue your dream of “Aman ki Asha” – indeed, any sensible person would want the two countries with their teeming millions living below the poverty line to be on friendly terms and not waste their limited resources in war mongering. Unfortunately, it will forever remain just an “Asha”, if the Indians do not change their mindset of “Atoot Ang” vis-à-vis Kashmir and “Akhund Bharat” vis-à-vis Pakistan.

It is very rightly said that actions speak louder than words. Pogrom at independence; the forcible occupation of the Muslim majority state of Kashmir; the Rann of Kutch battle; the 1965 war (India was the first to cross international border unannounced); the 1971 war thrust upon us without any provocation as such (to create Bangladesh); the occupation of Siachen; the building dams on three western rivers in stark violation of the Indus Waters Treaty while helping Afghanistan to build a dam’s on Kabul River (all with terrible economic consequences for Pakistan) and now this covert war. Need one say more?

The writer is a retired air

chief marshal.


[email protected]

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Twelve steps to shock-and-awe Pakistan’s economy
 “Prof” R Vaidyanathan,
A Hindu Economic Terrorist
Indian Institute of Management Sciences
Bangalore, India

Economic destabilisation of the Terror Central is imperative for rooting out terror.

It is imperative that India seize the opportunity provided to destabilise Pakistan.

A stable Pakistan is not in the interest of world peace, leave alone India. Army controls the country and owns its economy. A significant portion of its GDP is due to army-controlled entities (See Military Inc Inside Pakistan’s Military Economy by Ayesha Siddiqa; OUP; 2007). One can easily say that Pakistan Economy and its Army/ISI are synonymous.

Unless this elementary fact is internalised, we are not going anywhere. This implies we should stop talking of a stable Pakistan since a stable Pakistan means multiple attacks on many more cities of India by that rogue organisation ISI, which is the core of the Pakistan Army and the heart of Pakistan’s economy.

Let us not even assume that Zardari is in control. Poor man – he did not trust his own investigators to probe his wife’s assassination – he wanted Scotland Yard to do the job. Now he blabbers that if his investigators are satisfied, then he will initiate action against terrorists sitting inside Pakistan. Periodically, the Pakistan Army likes to present some useful idiots (as Lenin would have called them) as elected representatives and we swoon over such events.

India should take the following steps to destabilise the economy of Pakistan:
India should  Identify the major export items of Pakistan (like Basmati rice, carpets etc) and provide zero export tax or even subsidise them for export from India. Hurt Pakistan on the export front.

Identify the major countries providing arms to Pakistan and arm twist them. Tell Brazil and Germany (currently planning to supply massive defense items to Pakistan) that it will impact their ability to invest in India. Tell Germany that retail license to Metro will be off and other existing projects will be in jeopardy.

Incidentally, after the arrival of Coke and Pepsi in China, the human rights violations of China are not talked about much by US government organs. Think it is a coincidence? Unless we use our markets to arm-twist arms exporters to Pakistan, we will not achieve our objectives.

Tell American companies that for every 5% increase in FDI limit for them, their government needs to reduce equipping Pakistan by $5 billion. That is real politics, not whining. Let us remember that funds are in desperate search of emerging markets and not the other way about. Let us also remember that international economics is politics by another name.

Create assets to print/distribute their currency widely inside their country. To some extent, Telgi types can be used to outsource this activity. Or just drop their notes in remote areas.

Pressurise IMF to add additional conditionality to the loans given to them or at least do not vote for their loans.

Create assets within Pakistan to destabilise Karachi Stock market – it is already in shambles.

Cricket and Bollywood are the opium of the Indian middle classes. Both have been adequately manipulated/ controlled by the D-company since the eighties. Chase the D-company money in cricket/ Bollywood and punish by burning D-assets in India instead of trying to have them auctioned by the IT department when nobody comes to bid for it.
n Provide for capital punishment to those who fund terror and help in that. We have the division in the finance ministry to monitor money laundering, etc. It is important that terror financing is taken seriously and fully integrated into money laundering monitoring systems and this division is provided with much larger budget and human resources. And it should coordinate with RAW.

Encourage and allow scientists/ academicians/ elites of Pakistan to opt for Indian passport and widely publicise that fact since it will hurt their self-respect and dignity. There will be a long queue to get Indian passports — many will jump to get our passport — since they will not be stopped at international airports. It is rumoured that Adnan Sami wants one. Do not give passports to all — make it a prized possession. Let it hurt the army and ISI controlled country. This one step will destroy their identity and self-confidence.

Discourage companies from India from investing in Pakistan, particularly IT companies, till Pakistan stops exporting its own IT (international terrorism).

In all these, it is important that we do not bring in the domestic religious issues. The target is the terror central, namely Pakistan, and if there are elements helping them here then they also should be punished-irrespective of religious labels. If Pakistan is dismantled and the idea of Pakistan is gone, many of our domestic issues will also be sorted out.

Will the Indian elite go for the jugular or just light more candles and scream at the formless/ nameless political class before TV cameras? It is going to be a long haul and may be in a decade or so, we can find a solution to our existential crisis of being attacked by barbarians from the West. We need to combine strategy and patience and completely throw to the dustbin the ‘Gujral Doctrine’ by that mumbling Prime Minister about treating younger brothers with equanimity.

The doctrine essentially suggests that if we are slapped on both the cheeks we should feel bad that we do not have a third cheek to show. He, according to security experts, seems to have dismantled our human intelligent assets inside Pakistan, which has resulted in the gory death of thousands of Indian citizens in the last few years. Such is our strategic thinking in this complex world since our political class is not adequately briefed and the elite don’t think through issues. Better to be simple in our talks and vicious in our actions rather than the other way.

Hopefully, this November attack will create a new vibrant India capable of taking care of its own interests.

The writer is professor of finance and control, Indian Institute of Management – Bangalore, and can be reached at [email protected]. Views are personal.

Reference:Published: Tuesday, Dec 9, 2008, 3:36 IST




Remember how the Unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in bonds, or slay thee, or get thee out (of thy home).

They plot and plan, and God too plans; but the best of planners is God.

وَإِذْ يَمْكُرُ بِكَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لِيُثْبِتُوكَ أَوْ يَقْتُلُوكَ أَوْ يُخْرِجُوكَ وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَzoomTransliteration Wa-ith yamkuru bika allatheena kafaroo liyuthbitooka aw yaqtulooka aw yukhrijooka wayamkuroona wayamkuru Allahu waAllahu khayru almakireena

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The Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), created in 1968, has assumed a

significant status in the formulation of India.’¹s domestic and

foreign policies, particularly the later. Working directly under the

Prime Minister, it has over the years become and effective instrument

of India.’¹s national power. In consonance with Kautilya.’¹s

precepts, RAW.’¹s doctrine is based on the principle of waging a

continuous series of battles of intrigues and secret wars.RAW, ever

since its creation, has always been a vital, though unobtrusive, actor

in Indian policy-making apparatus. But it is the massive international

dimensions of RAW operations that merit a closer examination. To the

credit of this organization, it has in very short span of time

mastered the art of spy warfare. Credit must go to Indira Gandhi who

in the late 1970s gave it a changed and much more dynamic role. To

suit her much publicized Indira Doctrine, (actually India Doctrine)

Mrs. Gandhi specifically asked RAW to create a powerful organ within

the organization which could undertake covert operations in

neighboring countries. It is this capability that makes RAW a more

fearsome agency than its superior KGB, CIA, MI-6, BND and the

Mossad.Its internal role is confined only in monitoring events having

bearing on the external threat. RAW.’¹s boss works directly under

the Prime Minister. An Additional Secretary to the Government of

India, under the Director RAW, is responsible for the Office of

Special Operations (OSO), intelligence collected from different

countries, internal security (under the Director General of Security),

the electronic/technica l section and general administration. The

Additional Secretary as well as the Director General of Security is

also under the Director of RAW. DG Security has two important

sections: the Aviation Research Center (ARC) and the Special Services

Bureau (SSB). The joint Director has specified desks with different regional divisions/areas (countries): Area one. Pakistan: Area two, China and South East Asia: Area three, the Middle East and Africa: and Area four, other countries.Aviation Research Center (ARC) is responsible for interception, monitoring and jamming of target country.’¹s communication systems. It has the most sophisticated electronic equipment and also a substantial number of aircraft equipped with state-of- the art eavesdropping devices. ARC was strengthened in mid-1987 by the addition of three new aircraft, the Gulf Stream-3. These aircraft can reportedly fly at an altitude of 52,000 ft and has an operating range of 5000 kms. ARC also controls a number of radar stations located close to India.’¹s borders. Its aircraft also carry out oblique reconnaissance, along the border with Bangladesh, China, Nepal and Pakistan.RAW having been given a virtual carte blanche to conduct destabilization operations in neighboring countries inimical to India to

seriously undertook restructuring of its organization accordingly. RAW was given a list of seven countries (Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Pakistan and Maldives) whom India considered its principal regional protagonists. It very soon systematically and brilliantly crafted covert operations in all these countries to coerce, destabilize and subvert them in consonance with the foreign policy objectives of the Indian Government.RAW.’¹s operations against the regional countries were conducted with great professional skill and expertise. Central to the operations was the establishment of a huge network inside the target countries. It used and targeted political dissent, ethnic divisions, economic backwardness and criminal elements within these states to foment subversion, terrorism and sabotage. Having thus created the conducive environments, RAW stage-managed future events in these countries in such a way that military intervention appears a natural concomitant of the events. In most cases, RAW.’¹s hand remained hidden, but more often that not target countries soon began unearthing those .’¼hidden hand.’½. A brief expose of RAW.’¹s operations in neighboring countries would reveal the full expanse of its regional ambitions to suit India Doctrine ( Open Secrets. India.’¹s Intelligence Unveiled by M K Dhar. Manas Publications, New Delhi, 2005 ).BangladeshIndian intelligence agencies were involved in erstwhile East Pakistan,now Bangladesh since early 1960s. Its operatives were in touch with Sheikh Mujib for quite some time. Sheikh Mujib went to Agartala in 1965. The famous Agartala case was unearthed in 1967. In fact, the main purpose of raising RAW in 1968 was to organise covert operations in Bangladesh. As early as in 1968, RAW was given a green signal to begin mobilising all its resources for the impending surgical intervention in erstwhile East Pakistan. When in July 1971 General Manekshaw told Prime Minister Indira Gandhi that the army would not be ready till December to intervene in Bangladesh, she quickly turned to RAW for help. RAW was ready. Its officers used Bengali refugees to set up Mukti Bahini. Using this outfit as a cover, Indian military sneakeddeep into Bangladesh. The story of Mukti Bahini and RAW.’¹s role in its creation and training is now well-known. RAW never concealed its Bangladesh operations. Interested readers may have details in Asoka Raina.’¹s Inside RAW: the story of India.’¹s secret service published by Vikas Publishing House of New Delhi.The Indians played upon Bengali sentiments in the aftermath of the 1965 Pakistan-India war through RAW so that when opportunity struck the Indians were well-prepared. It was RAW that gradually converted Sheikh Mujibur Rehman from being a staunch supporter of Pakistan as a student leader to envisaging himself as the possible .’¸Father.’¹ of a new nation .” Bangladesh. Indian

sources, including journalists, have put on record how much before 1971 RAW had established the network of a separatist movement through .’¸cells.’¹ within East Pakistan and military training camps in Indian territory adjoining East Pakistan. The Mukti Bahini were all in place organisationally to take advantage of the political trouble in 1971 and carry out acts of sabotage against communication lines so that Indian forces simply marched in at the .’¸right.’¹ time. RAW agents provided valuable information as well as acting as an advance guard for conducting unconventional guerrilla acts against the Pakistani defence forces. A Bengali, who was a Mukti Bahini activist, Zainal Abedin, has written a revealing book which includes his personal experience in Indian training camps, entitled RAW and Bangladesh. It was the post-fall of Dhaka period which exposed the Indians.’¹ true intentions and made Abedin realise that It was evident from the conduct of the

Indian Army that they treated Bangladesh as a colony .¦ It is now evident that India had helped the creation of Bangladesh with the aim that it would be a step forward towards the reunification of India.Because Mujib returned, Indian forces could not remain in Bangladesh permanently and so it fell on RAW to initiate other fronts to undermine the sovereignty of Bangladesh. RAW has since been seeking to create Indian dominance culturally, ideologically and economically in Bangladesh.In addition, RAW has also created another insurgency force: The Shanti Bahini (Fighters for Peace). This force comprises the Chittagong Hill Tracts Hindu and Buddhists tribesmen (the Chakmas) and the intention is to bleed the Bengali military and keep the border area tense. The Chakmas used to embarrass the Bangladesh government especially when the latter protested over Indian policy on the sharing of waters.’¹ issue (http://www.defencej ournal.com/ jan99/rawfacts. htm).RAW.’¹s

involvement in Chittagong Hill Ttacts : some admissionsThe Chakma guerrillas had closely assisted RAW operatives. They were assisted during and after the liberation War. The Chakmas, after the change of govt in 1975, contacted the RAW. The Chakmas offered to infiltrate among the Mizo rebels and pass on information to the Indian govt in lieu of assylum. This offer was accepted ( Inside RAW : The Story of India.’¹s Secret Service, Asoka Raina, Vikas Publishers, New Delhi, 1981, pp.86-87 ).In 1975, the RAW was instructed to assist the Chakma rebels with arms, supplies , bases and training. Training was conducted in the border camps in Tripura but specialized training was imparted at Chakrata near Dehra Doon. Shantu Larma.’¹s Shanti Bahini members were flown to Chakrata and then sent back to Tripura to infiltrate into Chittagong Hill Tracts. A RAW office and its operatives at Agartala monitored the progress of the trainees. In 1976, the Shanti Bahini

launched its first attack on the Bangladesh force. A new insurgency had been born and India.’¹s secret war in the hills of Bangladesh had begun ( South Asia.’¹s Fractured Frontier, Binalaksmi Nepram, Mittal Pablishers, New Delhi, 2002, pp-153 ).The RAW was involved in training rebels of Chakma tribes and Shanti Bahini to carry out subversive activities in Bangladesh ( RAW.’¹s role in Furthering India.’¹s Foreign Policy, The New Nation, Dhaka, 31 August 1994 ).The Indian intelligence had collaborated the armed rebels of Chittagong Hill Tracts to destabilise the region ( Indo-Bangladesh Relation, Motiur Rahman, daily Prothom Alo, 10 December 2002).The creation of Bangladesh was masterminded by RAW in complicity with KGB under the covert clauses of Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation (adopted as 25-year Indo-Bangladesh Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation in 1972).RAW retained a keen interest in Bangladesh even after its independence. Mr.

Subramaniam Swamy, Janata Dal MP, a close associate of Morarji Desai said that Rameswar Nath Kao, former Chief of RAW, and Shankaran Nair upset about Sheikh Mujib.’¹s assassination chalked a plot to kill General Ziaur Rahman. However, when Morarji Desai came into power in 1977 he was indignant at RAW.’¹s role in Bangladesh and ordered operations in Bangladesh to be called off; but by then RAW had already gone too far. General Zia continued to be in power for quite some time but he was assassinated after Indira Gandhi returned to power, though she denied her involvement in his assassination ( Weekly Sunday, Calcutta,18 September, 1988 ).It has also unleashed a well-organized plan of psychological warfare, creation of polarisation among the armed forces, propaganda by false allegations of use of Bangladesh territory by ISI, creation of dissension.’¹s among the political parties and religious sects, control of media, denial of river waters, and propping up

a host of disputes in order to keep Bangladesh under a constant political and socio-economic pressure ( .’¼RAW and Bangladesh.’½ by Mohammad Zainal Abedin, November 1995, RAW In Bangladesh: Portrait of an Aggressive Intelligence, by Abu Rushd, Dhaka ).RAW and Ford FoundationJaideep Saikia, an outward analyst, but virtually an Indian intelligence operative, hailing from Assam, abruptly tunes to India.’¹s anti-Bangladesh campaign that the demography of Assam is being rapidly changed due to the alleged infiltration of the Bangladeshi Muslims into Northeast India, particularly in Assam in his recent book, .’¼Terror sans frontiers: Islamist militancy in Northeast India.’½.Educated, better to say trained, in school at the Rashtriya Indian Military College in Dehra Dun, Saikia recently researched on so-called Islamic Militancy in North East India under the aegis of a Ford Foundation fellowship, which was awarded for the year 2003. The research was conducted at

the Program in .’¸Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security.’¹(ACDIS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It is an astonishing and utter folly how .’¸For Foundation.’¹ could sponsor and allow Saikia to use his fellowship on such an issue, which is not only controversial, but also baseless and false and a part of India.’¹s anti-Bangladesh media campaign.Saikia.’¹s effort cannot be termed as research work, as this type of stories is written almost daily in India. India.’¹s electronic and print media, including websites, are poured with such fabricated anti-Bangladesh items. It is assumed that Indian intelligence outfit RAW(Research & Analysis Wing) managed and possibly financed .’¸Ford Foundation.’¹ to award fellowship to Saikia, which he used not only to defame Bangladesh, but also to prepare a ground for India to invade Bangladesh.Without deep and careful study it can easily be questioned, how Saikia, being a researcher could

write, like his all other fellow-Indians, an essay having minimal statistics and historical facts, which he on the other hand, distorted in every possible ways. He tuning to his mentors in New Delhi chorused that Bangladeshis deliberately infiltrate into Assam to change the demography of the state either to form a new Muslim state out of Assam or merge the Muslim majority areas of the state with Bangladesh. To justify his claim, Saikia says, .’¼The Muslims now constitute more than 70 per cent of the population of Dhubri district of Assam. But Saikia did not mention from which source he collected this religion-based demographic information, as the Indian census of 2001, did not enumerate its citizens on the basis of religion.Secondly, he should know that at least five districts of Assam adjoining Sylhet had Muslim majority in 1947, when the subcontinent was partitioned. These districts were Goalpara, Hilakandi, Cacher, Dhubri and Karimganj subdivision of

Sylhet. For this reason, the Muslims constitute about 30 per cent of the population of Assam. So whatever might be the percentage of the Muslims in any district of Assam it cannot be termed as a threat to Assam or India.Thirdly, Assam or any other state is not richer than Bangladesh, rather many states of India, not to speak of Assam lag far behind Bangladesh to a great extent. So why should the Bangladeshis leave for a poorer region to lead a poorest life.It is to be mentioned that Assam Gano Parishad, (AGP) is the prophet of anti-immigration crusade in Assam. But during its 2-term rules, AGP government under Prafulla Kumar Mahanto could identify few Muslims as illegal infiltrators in Assam. Even the current Congress Chief Minister Tarun Gagoi and Former Chief Minister late Hiteshar Saikia officially acknowledged that there is no illegal infiltration of the Muslims in Assam.Meanwhile, the Ahoms, including the mainstream secessionist outfit ULFA (United Liberation Front of Assam), comprehended the design of RAW to divide the people of Assam into several antagonistic groups and crush them using one against the other mainly to frustrate the freedom struggle of Assam.Realising the duplicity of Indian government, ULFA in July 1992 publicly declared the Bengali speaking migrants, which also include the Muslims, as friends. In a publication addressed to the .’¸East Bengal migrants.’¹ ULFA stated: .’¼East Bengal migrants are considered Assamese. Without these exploited lot, ULFA cannot be successful. These are people who are educationally, economically backward. They cannot be our enemies.These hardworking people are ULFA.’¹s protection shield. Their contribution to the national income is immense. They can produce essential things from a small piece of land, sell without any profit, work hard for the betterment of Assam, sacrificing them for the future of the state. They are our real well wishers, our

friends, better than the Indians. (.’¹The Revolution Comes Full Circle: Bibhu Prasad Routray.)In the same publication, ULFA went on to define the term .’¸Bidekhi.’¹(foreigner). .’¼Those who do not regard this state as their own, accept it as their motherland, are not ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of this country, are aliens, .’¸Bidekhis for us..’½ Saikia should have read this statement of ULFA. He should also know that the Bengali Muslims accepted Assamese as their mother tongue and identify them as Ahoms not as Bengalis. The new generations of the Muslim Ahoms even do not know Bengali. They are not antagonistic to the interest of Assam. All these factors prompted ULFA not to brand the Muslims as foreigners.Being failed to brand the Muslims as infiltrators or outsiders, very recently India floated another allegations that Bangladesh designs to secede the Muslim majority districts of Assam either to merge with her territory or create an

independent Muslim state in Assam. Virtually, the campaign is made to create anti-Muslim sentiment among the Ahoms so that the unity among communities becomes far a cry.Saikia and other Indians not only floated the allegation of infiltration of the Bangladeshi Muslims to Assam, but also allege that Bangladesh in one of the mentors of the decades old secessionist militancy in Northeast. According to the allegation, which Saikia also did not forget to forefront in his book, Bangladesh provides shelter, training and even arms to different militant groups of the region, particularly ULFA, ATTF (All Tripura Tiger Forces), etc.But being an Ahom and above all a researcher, Saikia should know that secessionist insurgency in Northeast when India got its independence from Britain in 1947, well before the birth of Bangladesh. People of this region do not feel them as Indians. They are fighting to end what they call, .’¼Indian occupation..’½ Previously India blamedChina, Burma (Now Myanmar), Pakistan and even America. But they shortened their list over the years and ascribe the allegation on Bangladesh and Pakistan. Some of the Indians now consider Bangladesh more dangerous for northeast than Pakistan. This allegation against Bangladesh was brought to the forefront, because it will be easier to squeeze weaker Bangladesh than any other country that India blamesBut India could never prove any of her allegations against Bangladesh. India officially challenged that there are 195 camps or training centres of the Northeast insurgents in Bangladesh and supplied a list mentioning their whereabouts. According to the list, training centres and camps are situated in hospitals, police stations, residential colonies, government offices, playgrounds, etc. Bangladesh repeatedly requested India to come and show on-spot the existence of these camps and centres. But India never accepted the offer, as Indian policymakers know thatthere is not even single such centre or camp of the northeast militants, not to speak of 195.Still the propagandists in New Delhi deliberately continue their fabricated allegations against Bangladesh, whose brief ulterior reasons I have mentioned earlier. I really feel pity for Saikia as well as Ford Foundation for being used as the tools of RAW. How Ford Foundation could accept such a baseless research work which goes against a country, which is a main target of Indian expansionist design. I would request Ford Foundation to send a .’¸fact finding mission.’¹ to Assam and Bangladesh as well to inspect the ground realities. Such mission will surely find that all the allegations that Saikia mentioned against Bangladesh in his so-called research work are the products of exaggeration and misinformation. Ford Foundation, to uphold its neutrality and worldwide reputation and acceptability, should consider my suggestion.

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