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Former Member of Parliament Simranjit Singh Mann reports that more than a million Sikhs have been murdered by the Indian regime since 1982. The Indian government has murdered more than 300,000 Christians since 1948, almost 100,000 Muslims in Kashmir since 1988, 2,000 to 5,000 Muslims in Gujarat, and tens of thousands of Assamese, Bodos, Manipuris, Tamils, Dalits, and others. The Indian Supreme Court called the Indian government’s murders of Sikhs “worse than genocide.”

By Adeela Naureen and Umar Waqar

Winston Churchill once remarked, “India is a geographical term. It is no more a united nation than the Equator”. These remarks seem quite historic and appear to have been delivered with some foresight; India today is one billion plus people divided along the fault lines of regions, languages, culture, ethnicity and above all the predatory cast system. Assam turmoil is just tip of the iceberg, there are hundreds of Assam simmering under the belly of Shining India, almost ripe to explode and expose India’s real face to the whole world. Could you beat it that the reaction to targeting of innocent Assam’s Muslims in form of a tit for tat response by Muslims of South India is being projected as a surprised one. Indian media and the establishment can neither swallow the reality nor hide it, despite that it goes against the Shining India policy. But this is the time of social media, you cannot hide the reality, even in an undemocratic Middle East.

Here are few glimpses of what is happening in the silicon valley of India, as per the Hindu Newspaper, South India — which has never seen non-locals fleeing the region for fear of their lives — continued to witness the unprecedented exodus of citizens from the Northeast on Thursday, with thousands from Chennai too rushing to the railway station to take the train home. In Bangalore, where it all began, their flight continued unabated with 7,500 more people boarding four Guwahati-bound trains — three special trains apart from the regular Bangalore-Guwahati Express. On Thursday evening, nearly 3,000 workers and students, mostly from Assam, were seen waiting at Chennai Central, eager to board the two Guwahati-bound trains that were scheduled for departure at 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. on Friday. A number of them had arrived from Coimbatore and Madurai. “Nothing has happened till now, but we are very sure something really bad is going to happen. Our Bangalore friends have said we have to leave before August 20,” said Bishnu, 21, who hails from Dibrugarh and works as a waiter in a restaurant in Chennai.

What the established establishment of India (RAW+militant wings of Congress+RSS) did not realize that you cannot do social engineering experiments in Assam without a backlash from other communities living on the periphery (Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Occupied Kashmir, Himachal, Kerala, West Bengal).You probably cannot be selective in forcing Muslims out of Assam(and still blame them for it) and get away with it in other states. India is too complicated for these games, and in this age of information explosion, the rumor travels faster than law enforcement agencies of Indian Union.

The latest pictures emerging out of India are not very encouraging, as per Times of India,“thousands of panic-stricken people from the northeast herded together at Bangalore’s central railway station for the second day on Thursday to head home amid reported threats from vigilante groups that they would be attacked if they remained in the city. A senior railway official said about 6,000 people left for the Northeast by two special trains on Thursday and nearly 7,000 left on Wednesday. The exodus is linked to the clashes between Bodo tribals and Muslims in Assam in which at least 77 people have been killed since July 20… The stabbing of a Tibetan college student in Mysore on Tuesday may have added to the fear. Most of those leaving Bangalore — Hindus and Christians — are college students or people from the poor sections of the city’s 3-lakh-strong population of northeasterners.”

Funniest thing in this entire exodus episode is the traditional finger pointing at the ISI of Pakistan, whose name appeared on the naked arms of Veena Malik, reflecting a classical third rate RAW modus operandi. Indian media has started the mantra that this was handiwork of ISI and Bangladeshi Forces Intelligence. One joker remarked in Times of India, “very serious dangerous issues of Pakis ISI conspiracy ..and MM SINGH PM AS ALWAYS INCOMPETENT FOUL MOUTH BLAMING OTHERS AND MEDIA”

As the Indian establishment tried to calm the public, one worried person remarked in Times of India, “What the heck? you people still are still thinking it as rumors. People are beaten up every now and then 
you don’t want to be the 2nd or 3rd person to be killed. One Tibetan was already stabbed in Mysore mistaking him to be NE India. Hundreds have been beaten up now and then in many of the cities, with intention to kill.  And you just write it off as rumors. Ask the police to register FIR first and you would know the gravity. Nobody trusts the security in those cities, that’s why people are leaving”.

I think we need to reflect on this trend, the triggering of exodus of non-locals from peripheral states could snow ball into mass migration of different ethnic communities, a Rwanda at a grand scale. Bharat Verma’s latest book on Indian Fault lines and our previous article “India’s Fault lines and Seven Sister” confirm Churchill’s  theses that INDIA IS NO MORE UNITED NATION THAN THE EQUATER.

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Samjwadi Party (SP) chief Mulayam Singh Yadav on Monday criticized Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) supremo Mayawati for her plan to divide Uttar Pradesh into four smaller states saying breaking the state would mean breaking India itself. http://ibnlive.com/livetv


India is not manageable anymore, and it has to split into thirty different
countries. India, the world’s largest kleptocracy, is at crossroads. James
Roberts points out the traditional power base of the ruling Congress Party is
benefiting from the corruption. This includes 700 million people in rural India
who are involved primarily in farming, many of whom benefit from generous
government subsidies and are therefore tolerant of graft in these programs. But
as more people move from farms to cities in search of middle-class jobs, that
power base shrinks. 

In contrast, the middle class faces daily demands for bribes to process
government-mandated documents ranging from $45 for a driving license, $110 to
be admitted to hospital, $130 for a marriage certificate to $100 to a customs
officer at Mumbai Airport because a wife’s name did not match her husband’s in
their passports. In addition, beyond insult from petty bribery, there is
injury from more sordid corruption.

I declare the self-determination of peoples to pursue any state of their choice.
As we saw after the Cold War, numerous new states were born out of the ruins of
the Soviet Union as the various republics decided that smaller states were
preferable to an enormous and oppressive federation. Small is beautiful!

Greece has proven it cannot function as a single state, but only as a
confederation of city-states, such as the cities of ancient Greece. Each city
must be a different state with its own political system. Athens might adopt
democracy, Rhodes monarchy, Salonica pure capitalism, Piraeus anarchy, and
Patras socialism. Greece now is not a democracy, but a dysfunctional

Northern India has largely returned to normal after the country’s worst power
outage in 10 years. Indokleptocrats do not give a damn, unless it brings
kickbacks! The blackout left more than 300 million people without power.Sixty
percent of the usual power output in the eight northern states affected had been
restored by mid-morning, largely by drawing electricity from the eastern and
western grids.

Derek Scissors points out that tapping into rising middle-class anger, former
Indian soldier-turned-activist Anna Hazare used hunger strikes and other
Gandhian tactics to try to change politics as usual. Citizens are better
educated and better informed (e.g., via Twitter), and they are demanding changes
in business as usual. Hazare is pushing for the creation of an anti-corruption
watchdog to be called Lokpal, from the Sanskrit lok (people) and pal
(protector), which would have jurisdiction over all government officials. Indian
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh initially rejected the proposal on grounds that it
could undermine parliamentary democracy.

Scissors notes versions of the Lokpal legislation have existed for decades but
foundered on special-interest opposition and constitutional questions.
Reflecting the expansion of the middle class, Hazare has had more success with
his version of Lokpal, and some variant is likely to pass the legislature in the
next few months. Indians remain divided on Hazare’s approach, with some viewing
it as an emotive and misguided attempt to promote a utopian one-step solution.
No matter one’s view of Lokpal, it does not get at the most important issue.
Lokpal targets corrupt entities within the state, but the problem is the very
notion of state activity!

The northern power grid had crashed in the middle of the night, on increased
demand due to high summer temperatures. This kind of breakdown shows that the
system needs some big overhaul to increase credibility and increase the
confidence in the system of India.

The black market is also directly connected to recent headlines claiming that
India has lost more than $400 billion due to illegal capital flows. Some of
this is the result of ill-gotten gains from crime, which were illegally earned
and ideally would never have existed. Other funds are lost either because they
fled domestic restrictions or because India restricts capital movement.

Scissors points out that despite progress in the reform era, India retains tight
capital controls even by the standards of emerging markets. What would count
elsewhere merely as citizens and companies investing overseas — and bringing
benefits back home in terms of financial returns, resources, corporate assets,
and so on — is not permitted in India. As in all economies throughout history,
people follow their self-interest and invest abroad anyway, but no benefits flow
back to India, because the investments are deemed illegal by an interventionist

In some incidents of corruption, the Indian government’s guilt is directly
apparent. The Commonwealth Games, for example, were plagued by lack of
competition in contract awards. In other cases, the harm comes to the state, not
the people, which should not be defined as corruption or any sort of problem in
the first place.

Economic growth in India has slowed to its lowest level in almost a decade, and
the government recently scaled back plans to invest around $1 trillion in
infrastructure projects over the next five years, becaue Indokleptocrats can
make more kickbacks from military purchaces!

The largest bribes originate in the military industry. Military procurement is a
corrupt business from top to bottom. The process is dominated by advocacy, with
few checks and balances. Most people in power love this system of doing business
and do not want it changed. War and preparation for war systematically corrupt
all parties to the state-private transactions by which the government obtains
the bulk of its military products. There is a standard 10% bribe to kleptocrats
for military purchases. 

Participants in the military-industrial-kleptocrat complex (MIKC) are routinely
blamed for mismanagement, fraud, abuse, bribes, and waste. All of these unsavory
actions, however, are typically viewed as aberrations, malfeasances to be
covered-up, while retaining the basic system of state-private cooperation in the
trade of military goods and services and the flow of bribes. These offenses are
in reality expressions of a thoroughgoing, intrinsic rottenness in the entire

India is wrestling with how to deal a decisive blow against corruption. Scissors
asserts the answer is plain: Deal a decisive blow against state interference in
the economy. To help, the U.S. should offer a proposal for a bilateral
investment treaty (BIT) that liberalizes Indian investment. This would sharply
reduce the incentives for corruption. It also might serve as political cover for
future Indian governments that want to make the difficult choices needed to
defeat corruption in its many forms.

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Indian call centres selling YOUR credit card details and medical records for just 2p

  • Data belonging to 500,000 Britons on offer to criminals and marketing firms
  • Crooks offering information on customers of major High Street banks

Confidential personal data on hundreds of thousands of Britons is being touted by corrupt Indian call centre workers, an undercover investigation has discovered.

Credit card information, medical and financial records are being offered for sale to criminals and marketing firms for as little as 2p.

Two ‘consultants’, claiming to be IT workers at several call centres, met undercover reporters from The Sunday Times and boasted of having 45 different sets of personal information on nearly 500,000 Britons.

Big business: About 330,000 people are employed in India's call centres, in an industry worth around £3.2 billion a year. (File picture)

Big business: About 330,000 people are employed in India’s call centres, in an industry worth around £3.2 billion a year. (File picture)

Data included names, addresses, and phone numbers of credit card holders, start and expiry dates as well as the three-digit security verification codes.



The information – much of which related to customers at major financial companies, including HSBC and NatWest – would be a goldmine for criminals, allowing fraudsters to syphon thousands of pounds from bank accounts within minutes.

IT consultant Naresh Singh met the undercover reporters in a hotel room in Gurgaon, a town near Delhi, carrying a laptop full of data.

He told them: ‘These [pieces of data] are ones that have been sold to somebody already. This is Barclays, this is Halifax, this is Lloyds TSB. We’ve been dealing so long we can tell the bank by just the card number.’

He said that much of the data would be less than 72 hours old, adding: ‘They would just have got the credit card and not only credit cards, that would be debit card as well.’

Other information being hawked around by unscrupulous workers was sensitive material about mortgages, loans, insurance, mobile phone contracts, Sky Television subscriptions, according to The Sunday Times sting.

The data would enable direct marketing companies to target customers more effectively.

Call centres are a £3.2 billion industry in India, with an estimated 330,000 people employed by them.

Many British companies have outsourced services to the India, but a public backlash over the use of foreign workers has seen some withdrawn.

Action: Richard Bacon MP has warned of the growing problem of data insecurity and called for the Government to investigate

Action: Richard Bacon MP has warned of the growing problem of data insecurity and called for the Government to investigate

Spanish bank Santander, which owns Abbey, announced last year it would no longer use Indian call centres.

Indian authorities say their efforts to combat corruption have been hampered by the unwillingness of companies, keen to avoid negative publicity, reporting data losses.

The Government is now being called on to take action against widespread reports of data insecurity.

Conservative member of the Commons’ public accounts select committee, Richard Bacon MP, said this was not only a matter for the organisations involved but also the authorities.

He called on the British Government to investigate the latest allegations.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2116649/Indian-centres-selling-YOUR-credit-card-details-medical-records-just-2p.html#ixzz262y8DYho


PUBLISHED: 04:19 EST, 18 March 2012 | UPDATED: 03:00 EST, 19 March 2012

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India is corrupt. I’ve dealt with firms from India for almost two decades now. They are a pain to deal with because they rarely pay on time, in the full amount, or ever in some cases.  They also make you ship stuff through their brother’s, or nephews shipping company that you never heard of, and they invent taxes that have be paid that are really just discounts (the taxes won’t be paid)…KEN NELSON



image thumb43 India… burgeoning paper tiger?
India: corruption will limit their success

People go on about India being the next economic engine. I’m dubious.

India is corrupt. I’ve dealt with firms from India for almost two decades now. They are a pain to deal with because they rarely pay on time, in the full amount, or ever in some cases.  They also make you ship stuff through their brother’s, or nephews shipping company that you never heard of, and they invent taxes that have be paid that are really just discounts (the taxes won’t be paid).  I tell them, you pay your taxes, I’ll pay mine, until then pay my full invoice.  An exception to this pattern is American companies operating in India. They’ve paid up as expected.

Two countries make up most of our deeply in arrears receivables – India & France. We have virtually none seriously late anywhere else.  Corruption and a cultural willingness to cheat (by Western standards) explains it in India. In France’s case, a particular corrupt company no longer in business.

I’ve encountered some great minds from India. They were here though. Some entrepreneurs claim India is now a better environment for business than the US – and that could be true. I suspect, however, that it is only true if you have corruption on your side.

I was reminded to write about this by this article about how crappy Indian infrastructure building is:

If they can’t build highly visible homes for athletes during the games or stadiums without roofs that collapse, apartment buildings and homes might also be of similar weak quality.

India has great potential. But tribal/family corruption and their caste system seems a great brake on maxing that potential out.


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Who is Real Tiger India or Pakistan – Wikileaks Exclusive

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