Operation Cleanup









April 21st, 2016


Operation Cleanup


Bravo  Gen. Raheel Sharif for not only dismissing the corrupt generals, brigadiers, colonels and majors but also recovering the ill gotten wealth from them.  Sir, we have a large army and there could be quite a few more such corrupts around, especially among those who have had the opportunity of serving in or with the civil departments.  May I suggest that an Operation Cleanup be launched wherein all serving and retired military officers of the three services be asked to make confessional statements of any corruption done by them. Those who make honest confession and reimburse the ill gotten monies to the exchequer be treated leniently and only dismissed from the service.  But those officers who indulged in corruption and did not make the confessional statement, and are detected later, be court martialled and sentenced to imprisonment along with confiscation of their  moveable and immoveable properties.


May be the Provincial and the Federal governments also follow suite and we have a pure and Pak Pakistan. 


Sir, you will do this hapless nation a great Messianic favour. 


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000
E.mail: [email protected]

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