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Archive for June, 2011

Indian Spin: On Pakistan China Commercial Ventures

Pakistan Think Tank Commentary

Indians are becoming really worried about the pace of progress in China-Pakistan relations.  Their cynicism is also echoed by many writers and pundits in the American media. An important factor which needs to be considered that other nations, including US and India have expanded their trade with China.   U.S.- China economic ties have expanded substantially over the past three decades. Total U.S.-China trade rose from $2 billion in 1979 to an estimated $459 billion in 2010. China is currently the second-largest U.S. trading partner, its third-largest export market, and its biggest source of imports. Because U.S. imports from China have risen much more rapidly than U.S. exports to China, the U.S. merchandise trade deficit has surged, rising from $10 billion in 1990 to an estimated $273 billion in 2010.

The article below has a negative spin on Pak-China relations due to the nationalistic bias of Ms.Atal.  Despite her fulminations,  India could also benefit from Pak-China relations by solving the Kashmir, Siachen, Sir Creek disputes. Along with improving the second class citizenship status of its Muslim populations to assuage the anger felt by Pakistanis. Indian Muslims continue to pay a heavy price for the freedom of their kindred in Pakistan. Indian society devours minorities.  A tyrannical tradition kept alive for the last 5000 years by the codicils of Hinduism. The whole of UP is a cesspool of poverty stricken Muslims.  National wealth is inequitabluy distributed.  The “banias,” of Mumbai are getting fatter, at the expense of street dwellers of Juhu and Muslim minority of India. . They are devoid of opportunity, deprived of lands, and facing the bigotry of the the casteism of Hindu psyche. As the glamour of the bogus hocus pocus animism transcendental Hinduism fades,  the Indian society is falling in the morass of moral turpitude.  Drugs, sex, and “daroo,” rule the minds of noveau riche Bangalori IT yppies. The maltreatment of the socalled scheduled castes or outcasts is continue. Gandhian hypocritical and vacous slogans are being proven as such by noveau riche vulgarians of Andhra Pradesh and Maharastra. Mother India is a den of few and billions of have-nots.   BJP bigotry is hidden in a veneer of modernity. India is a dung heap of Gou Mata coated obnoxiously wealthy; exploiting the abject poverty of the the billions of illiterate and starving. And That’s the Reality, the West, including America NEVER talks about. In case of India, the West has evolved backwards.  This is illustrated by the three monkey sages and their monkey scribe the Western media, who wants to propagandize with diatribes tainted by crusades based pro-Zionist philosophy. PTT commentary by Khurram Shaikh


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So THAT’S what’s been holding US back in Afghanistan: the wrong underwear

So THAT’S what’s been holding us back in Afghanistan: the wrong underwear

Passed along without further comment (well, almost), from our pal Al Kamen in the Washington Post. — Ken

Ballistic underwear for troops in Afghanistan

“Based on analysis in theater,” the solicitation notice says, such underwear will drastically improve casualty recovery and reduce secondary infections.”

“An Army marches on its stomach,” said Napoleon , or maybe it was Frederick the Great . But the Marines in Afghanistan will soon, one would hope very soon, be marching more safely — in their new ballistic underwear, designed to better protect them from injuries from improvised explosive devices.

The Pentagon this month put out a rush order solicitation, spotted by our colleague Walter Pincus, for “27,500 ballistic undergarments” for $2 million, noting that “ballistic underwear is currently being used by British forces” in Afghanistan “and they have significantly less injuries” to their privates as a result.

This is especially important in such places as Helmand province, where patrols in agricultural areas must be done on foot on narrow, often mined, paths along irrigation canals and such.

The double -weave silk underwear, which looks pretty much like bicycle shorts, is not bulletproof. But it will block out smaller particles or “blast fragments” and thus lessen damage in the groin area and to the femoral artery.

In addition, the undies have an antibacterial treatment that should reduce the risk of infection. The Marines say no source except the British supplier “provides a battlefield tested undergarment,” though “we expect more sources to enter the marketplace” in the future.

Sounds as if they want immediate delivery, like maybe yesterday.

Well, obviously supporting our troops means . . . er, supporting their privates.


Once we get the underwear right, everything
in Afghanistan should fall into place.

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The writer has served as head of the ISI and MI for Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Fata

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Taliban Say They Won’t Hit Nuclear Arsenal .

Taliban Say They Won’t Hit Nuclear Arsenal

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Osama Episode Reinvigorates China-Pakistan Ties


Osama Episode Reinvigorates China-Pakistan Ties 


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