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Posts Tagged Islamophobia in America

Nut-Think in America: Cant Hate Blacks or Jews: Muslims Are Fair Game For Racists; Islamophobia Run Amok Among Nutcases in US

Pakistan Think Tank Editor Received This Letter: It is a case of nuts in America run amok to the point of being hilarious. President Obama is bashed day and night by right wing Ku Klux Klan & White Supremacists & Evangelicals.Here is their skewed thinking:             
When you read this you will understand why Obama refuses to say the words “radical Islam.”..

I didn’t originate this, but it checked out with Google and Snopes


Did you know that there are numerous Muslims in the US Government? There More Jews in US Government than Muslims.See Below:
Current Members
Tony Blinken Deputy National Security Advisor
Danielle Borrin Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and Deputy Director of Public Engagement
Gary Gensler Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Jonathan Greenblatt Special Assistant to the President and Director, Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation (Domestic Policy Council)
Jack Lew Secretary of the Treasury
Eric Lynn Middle East Policy Adviser
Matt Nosanchuk Associate Director, Office of Public Engagement for Jewish Outreach
David Plouffe Senior Advisor to the President
Daniel Rubenstein Ambassador to Syria
Dan Shapiro Ambassador to Israel
Gene Sperling Director, National Economic Council
Aviva Sufian Special Envoy, U.S. Holocaust Survivor Services (Inaugural role)
Adam Szubin Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control (Treasury)
Janet Yellen Chairwoman, Federal Reserve
David Cohen Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency
 Former Members
Ben Bernanke (2006-2013) Chairman, Federal Reserve
Mary Schapiro (2009-2012) Chairwoman, Securities and Exchange Commission
Steven Simon (2009-2012) Senior Director, Middle East/North Africa, National Security Council
Rahm Emanuel (2009-2010) Chief of Staff to the President
David Axelrod (2009-2011) Senior Advisor to the President
Elena Kagan (2009-2010) Solicitor General of the United States
Peter Orszag (2009-2010) Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Lawrence Summers (’09-’11) Director National Economic Council
Mona Sutphen (2009-2011) Deputy White House Chief of Staff
James B. Steinberg (’09-’11 ) Deputy Secretary of State
Dennis Ross (2009-2011 ) Special Assistant to the President
Ronald Klain (2009-2011) Chief of Staff to the Vice President
Jared Bernstein (2009-2011) Chief Economist/Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President
Susan Sher (2009-2011) Chief of Staff to the First Lady
Alice Rivlin Member, National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility & Reform
Lee Feinstein (2009) Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor
Mara Rudman (2009) Foreign Policy Advisor


John Brennan, current head of the CIA converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia.That would make CBS,NBC,ABC Headline:Its False


Obama’s top advisor, Valerie Jarrett, is a Muslim who was born in Iran where her parents still live. (No one ever heard of such an Iranian name)


Hillary Clinton’s top advisor, Huma Abedin is a Muslim (True), (whose mother and brother are involved in the now outlawed Muslim Brotherhood inآ  Egypt.False)


Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for Homeland Security, Arif Aikhan, is a Muslim.

Please Read Article Below fromhttp://www.factcheck.org/2010/11/muslims-appointed-to-homeland-security/

Muslims Appointed to Homeland Security



Homeland Security Advisor, Mohammed Elibiary, is a Muslim.


Obama advisor and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Salam al-Marayati, is a Muslim. (Advisor on Muslim Affairs Cant Be a Buddhist)


Obama’s Sharia Czar( Sharia Czar:there is no Sharia Law except,in parts of Saudia,but his nut still believes it.), Imam Mohamed Magid, of the Islamic Society of North America is a Muslim (Nut does not realize, its an Islamic Society)


Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel,آ  is a Muslim. (This is an Interfaith Organization)


And last but not least, our closet Muslim himself, Barack Hussein Obama. (Pure Unadulterated Hogwash.)Obama is a great Muslim, if he is going to Baptist Church every Sunday)


It’s questionable if Obama ever officially took the oath of office when he was sworn in. He didn’t repeat the oath properly to defend our nation and our Constitution. Later the Democrats claimed he was given the oath again in private?False


CIA director John Brennan took his oath on a copy of the Constitution, not a Bible.False


Congressman, Keith Ellison took his oathآ  on a copy of the Qur’an.(He is the only Muslim in US Congress)


Congresswoman Michele Bachman was vilified and almost tarred and feathered by Democrats when she voiced her concern about Muslims taking over our government.She is a Zionist Bigot


Considering all these appointments, it would explain why Obama and his minions are systematically destroying our nation, supporting radical Muslim groups worldwide, opening our southern border, and turning a blind eye to the genocide being perpetrated on Christians all over Africa and the Middle East.( Name a country)


The more damage Obama does, the more arrogant he’s become!Duh!


Our nation and our government has been infiltrated by people who want to destroy us. It can only getآ  worse! (Paranoid Schizoid)


If you fail to pass this one on, there’s something wrong … somewhere!     If you don’t pass this on, you’re probably it.(Its a Chain Letter)



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